manpreet06 · 11 months
Consider these operational aspects of your start-up.
Of the products that you plan to offer, which are mostly goods, and which are mostly services. Answer- Services and Goods: What will you offer for sale. Are the majority of the items tangible (e.g., devices) or intangible (e.g., advice, software)                                                                               
2. What is going to be your business strategy in terms of price, cost, and quality?
Answer- Corporate Strategy:
Price: What is the amount you plan to charge for your goods or services.
Cost: How are you going to manage your spending to turn a profit.
Quality: What benchmarks will you establish to ensure the caliber of your goods or services
3.What type of production process are you going to use? What is going to be the capacity of your business? Where is your business going to be located, and what is going to be its layout?
Answer- Production Setup and Site:-
Production Process: How are your products going to be made? Are you going to make them continually, in batches, or one at a time.
Capacity: Where will you make it and how much can you make? Where is your company located, and what kind of layout will it have inside.
4. How are you going to decide on your production rate? Will you need to use MRP? Which items will be produced in-house, and which items will be outsourced? How are you going to select your suppliers? How will inventory be managed? What schedules will be needed, and how is quality going to be defined and controlled?
Answer- Production Volume and Contents:
Production Rate: In a day or a month, how many goods will you produce. Will you assist in production planning by utilizing an MRP system.
Internal or External: Will you produce all components in-house or purchase some from other businesses. How are you going to select your suppliers.
Inventory and Scheduling: How will you keep track of the items you carry on hand and ensure that you have enough on hand for consumers' requests.
Quality Control: How will you ensure the quality of the products or services you provide, and how will you address any shortcomings.
These straightforward questions might assist you in beginning to plan how to run your firm efficiently, while the specifics will depend on your particular enterprise.
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manpreet06 · 11 months
Consider these operational aspects of your start-up.
Of the products that you plan to offer, which are mostly goods, and which are mostly services? Answer- Services and Goods: What will you offer for sale? Are the majority of the items tangible (e.g., devices) or intangible (e.g., advice, software)                                                                               
2. What is going to be your business strategy in terms of price, cost, and quality?
Answer- Corporate Strategy:
Price: What is the amount you plan to charge for your goods or services.
Cost: How are you going to manage your spending to turn a profit.
Quality: What benchmarks will you establish to ensure the caliber of your goods or services
3.What type of production process are you going to use? What is going to be the capacity of your business. Where is your business going to be located, and what is going to be its layout.
Answer- Production Setup and Site:-
Production Process: How are your products going to be made. Are you going to make them continually, in batches, or one at a time.
Capacity: Where will you make it and how much can you make. Where is your company located, and what kind of layout will it have inside.
4. How are you going to decide on your production rate. Will you need to use MRP. Which items will be produced in-house, and which items will be outsourced. How are you going to select your suppliers. How will inventory be managed. What schedules will be needed, and how is quality going to be defined and controlled.
Answer- Production Volume and Contents:
Production Rate: In a day or a month, how many goods will you produce. Will you assist in production planning by utilizing an MRP system.
Internal or External: Will you produce all components in-house or purchase some from other businesses. How are you going to select your suppliers.
Inventory and Scheduling: How will you keep track of the items you carry on hand and ensure that you have enough on hand for consumers' requests.
Quality Control: How will you ensure the quality of the products or services you provide, and how will you address any shortcomings.
These straightforward questions might assist you in beginning to plan how to run your firm efficiently, while the specifics will depend on your particular enterprise.
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