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                                      “ Let’s Get Our 
                                                             Happy END!”
(Is there even a Good ending waiting for us….?)
*A semi-selective multi-muse blog containing various characters from Pixel Adventure/Horror/Puzzle RPG’s. 
Written By: Reine
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                                                   *NEW GAME                                                    *CONTINUE                                                    *EXIT
@pixelatedhcrror is a semi-selective multi-muse rp blog written by Reine. 
The blog contains various characters from RPG Horror/Puzzle/Adventure Games. Muses will be added depending on how the Mun likes the character.
The theme changes monthly depending on the mun’s motivation! Current Theme: Undertale.
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Hello, this is Reine, the mun of this blog, and I’m officially going to close down reinerose-fabrique, @underfriisk, @faux-reine, @fxrce-ofqxarrel, @mansion-of-a-preciousdoll, @sonnet-rose, @invenietis, @swamp-gaea, @rain-memoria, @lutopie-de-leau , @rxugedoux, and @silencialroyalex
I had a lot of fun roleplaying as this sweet cinnamon roll, but due to the lack of interaction and lack of motivation these several months, I can no longer bring this blog back to it’s glory days, I’m still addicted to rpg horror, heck I still play all of the games over and over again, but now all of the contribution I’ll make for this fandom is my art, Ib was the first character I roleplayed here in tumblr, I made some new friends because of this child, and now I’m going to give this child a long rest.
Thank you so much for following and interacting with this child, and now that Ib has her happy ending, she has to go on with her life.
To the people who want to keep in touch @reinerose-mun is my main blog, where i still scream for rpg horror games (you must follow me immediately since I plan to change my main blog’s url since I’m no longer taking care of this blog.)
@simplexrenaissance is my art blog where I still draw rpg horror, I just recently posted a digital painting of ellen, so go check that out.
Thank you so much everyone! And goodbye.
{🌹}: “Hello, everyone, this is Ib, this is the last time you’re going to hear from me, thanks for all of the nice people who interacted with me here, I made so many friends. But now my blog is ending, this is my last goodbye, thank you again, everyone! Farewell!”
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“Yes, isn’t wonderful that you’re able to learn a special recipe? Now you’re able to cook it always...”
Sadness overwhelmed Aya for the tiniest of moments, but she smiles quickly to hide her remorse.
“Well, I must prepare the tables, can you wait here for a moment?”
“Oh, thank you!” Emily gently took the glass, sipping the water. “And I’ll eat anything, really, I’m starving!” She giggled. “I bet it is delicious, indeed. I learned a couple of my own mother’s recipes as well!”
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Illustrations in the Mad Father Novel! More below
Color Spreads | Others
Other Novel Scans Coming Soon: 
Misao | Forest of Drizzling Rain | Shiro No Noroi | LiEat | Alice Mare | Cloe’s Requiem | Boy Ichiro’s modesty | ???
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have a smol aya for your kindness✧
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She simply smiles politely while Emily took her call, as soon as she had finished, she took a step closer and offered the glass of water she held in her tray, she didn’t hear much of the conversation, Aya’s not much of an eavesdropper.
“Here’s your water, I’m just re-heating dinner, I hope you don’t mind with steaks, I learned my mother’s recipe, it’s delicious, I promise! It’s my favorite meal.”
“Oh, okay! Thank you!”
Emily picked up the phone and dialed a number, tapping a finger patiently until someone answered. “Hello? Hey, Dawn! Yeah, I know, I’ve been gone for two days. Is Zero there? Oh really? Jeez, not again…Well, I’m stuck with a little girl in a cottage. Yes? Well, have Doctor track me then. Oh? Well, alright, see you then. Bye.” Emily hung up and sighed. “Well…better than nothing…”
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Okay, announcement, I’m going into another hiatus!!! Exam week again, but don’t fret! After exams we’re going to have semester break so i don’t have any school for a week, and it’s almost my birthday, I can’t wait!! So anyways all my rp blogs are on a week hiatus again. See you guys till then.
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“Alright, water coming up! Feel comfortable to look around the clinic, the locked rooms are off-limits, mostly filled with no longer used medical equipment, just a storage room, actually. All locked until properly disposed, wouldn’t want other people to get sick.”
Actually, there was more of another important reason why that room was locked. And she didn’t want to repeat history again, she won’t the same mistake like her father did.
She walks to the kitchen, staring at the pan she heated for dinner, she just had enough for two servings, hopefully it was tasteful enough for her guest. She turns off the stove and starts searching at the cupboards for a glass. She soon fills it with the cool liquid, she returns back to the reception area, slightly wondering to who Emily was calling.
Emily looked around. The cottage was lovely, to say at the least. Nice and cozy. Emily walked in after Aya and her eyes fell on the phone. “W-Water, please. Thank you so much.”
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After reading the contents of the flyer, she gave the other a blank stare.
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“Uh...I don’t think I’ll be needing any therapy anytime soon, Me and my maid own a clinic...but I’d be happy to pass this on the next person.”
The flyers said something about, “Had any past traumas? Need psychological help? Come to Hadn’t office for a therapy session. ”
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The young girl’s cold gaze turned into a questionable look as she stared at the flyers the other person was holding.
“Oh sorry. I’m just dropping by to give out the flyers.” said Haldo.
(Is this suppose to be Younger Aya or Older Aya?)
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“Wonderful! Kindly follow me, I’ll lead the way.”
Aya gently clasped her hands around Emily’s as she led her to the humble cottage sitting in front of a wonderful forest paradise. Aya often marveled how well Maria chose this area. Especially that it was far from the old Drevis Residence, so people who snooped around her old home will find nothing but ashes, other than that, no more evidence that will lead them to the young girl and her maid.
Aya stopped to open the door with her free hand, before leading Emily inside.
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“The phone is just at the reception desk over there, I’ll be making food since Maria is away, would you want anything? Water perhaps?”
Emily smiled, slipping her hand into Aya’s. “Y-Yes, I do…I would like to use your phone, if you don’t…I don’t care how old it is…” She giggled.
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“There’s no problem with it at all! Please, be my guest. I’d really like to help as much as I can.”
Aya reaches out a milky white hand to Emily, an invitation to be exact, after all, the young girl only wanted to help, Maria wouldn’t mind that she would take in a stranger, isn’t that in fact what her father had done? She’s in fact following in his footsteps, so far....she’s doing a good job.
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“Do you have any relatives we can contact? We have a telephone....it’s nothing fancy, it’s pretty vintage, but I guess it could suffice if you don’t mind.”
“R-Really?” Emily smiled shyly, tracing patterns in the dirt with her shoe as she swayed. “I-I appreciate it, Miss Aya, really, but….I’d hate to impose.”
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[I’m majorly under the weather today, i was supposed to go to school today but i still feel sick, so im staying home for today, I won’t be online either because i’m going to take the longest nap of my life so this cold goes away, so anyways, i’ll see you guys once i feel better]
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Her eyes swept down to the needle and thread in her left hand, observing it’s sharpness before sewing a magnificent doll dress, Aya sighed blissfully, it was a slow day today at the clinic, not much patients had visited her so she was free to enjoy the day by sewing lovely dresses for her dolls, not minding her surroundings she was alone with only the company of her thoughts and herself.
After hearing the sound of leaves crackling from outside, she halts from her work and stands up cautiously before stepping towards the doorway, ignoring the whine of the wood below her feet from the floorboard, she peeks at the opening in the door before slowly opening it.
Her midnight blues immediately noticed the girl standing there, she smiles gently and steps out to greet the girl.
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“Oh...good day to you miss, Is there something that you need?”
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“Far away?....My...that’s troubling, well...don’t worry! I’ll find a way, but do you have any place to stay for the night? It’s very cold around the village this time of year.”
The girl turned back to the horses, whistling another tune before they ran back to the farm house, and squinted up in the trees in search of the sun, before turning her attention back to Emily.
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“If there isn’t, You’re welcome to stay with me for a while! Maria won’t mind, just as long as I don’t manage the clinic all by myself, I’m still young after all. So what do you say?”
“Wow, they are well-trained!” Emily giggled, placing a gentle hand upon Grace’s nose. Her smile faltered as she looked at Aya. “I’m afraid my home is far away from here…”
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