mantispestsol · 2 years
How to Prevent Lyme disease
Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi as well as Borrelia mayonii. These two bacteria species are carried by ticks and, thus, Lyme disease is most common in areas where tick species are most abundant.
How common is Lyme disease in the USA?
Lyme disease is a common illness in the USA with about 30,000 cases confirmed per year. It is thought that there are likely many more cases of the illness that are simply not diagnosed and reported. Lyme disease is most common in the northeastern region of the United States, eastern Canada, and Manitoba.
Symptoms of Lyme disease
The symptoms of Lyme disease can vary from mild to more severe. Mild cases may go unnoticed because many of the symptoms are similar to the flu and arthritis so a person may mistakenly think they have these conditions rather than Lyme disease.
Symptoms of Lyme disease include the following:
Skin rash
Sore joints
Bullseye marking on the skin
Note: The bullseye marking is not found in everyone who has the illness.
How is Lyme disease diagnosed?
Diagnosing Lyme disease relies on the symptoms but also on certain laboratory tests. The illness should be suspected in a person based on the likelihood of their contact with ticks. Individuals who have been in the woods in parts of Canada and the United States and who have been outdoors are most likely to have contracted the disease.
The symptoms can also lead a doctor to suspect the illness but the most diagnostic of these is the skin rash with a bullseye marking. Unfortunately, this mark is not always evident.
Laboratory tests for Lyme disease
Blood tests are done to look for antibodies to the bacteria. This is how a diagnosis can be made and confirmed. The test may need to be repeated after a couple of weeks since it may take time for antibodies to appear in the blood.
How can a person get Lyme disease?
People get Lyme disease when they are bitten by a tick that is carrying the bacteria that causes the illness. The deer tick, Ixodes scapularis is one of the main tick vectors in North America. Another tick that carries the bacterium is Ixodes pacificus (also known as the western black-legged tick).
The most common way that a person is infected is when they are bitten by the young ticks, the nymphs. These nymphs are very tiny, less than 2 mm often, so it is hard for a person to notice them. The tick has to stay attached to your body for at least 36 hours in order to infect you with the bacterium.
Adult ticks do carry the bacteria but are more likely to be noticed since they are much larger. This is why it is most often the nymphal tick stage that is vectoring the bacteria to people.
The ticks feed on the white-footed mouse which carries the bacteria. These mice are found in the forested areas of the northeastern parts of North America. Ticks do also feed on other mammals like deer, which are common throughout the country.
How Lyme disease is treated
Since Lyme disease is caused by bacteria, a course of antibiotics is prescribed to treat the condition. Many people can simply take oral antibiotics such as doxycycline or amoxicillin. However, in more severe illnesses intravenous antibiotics may be needed.
Tips to prevent Lyme disease
There are some things you can do to lessen the chance of becoming infected with the Lyme disease bacteria. Below are some tips for preventing infection.
Try to avoid walking through tall grass in wooded areas.
Wear long sleeve shirts and pants and closed shoes if you are going into a wooded area where ticks are found.
Apply permethrin insecticide of 0.2% to your clothing and shoes if you are walking in the woods.
Carefully check for ticks on clothing and on your body after your return from a walk in the woods.
Showering as soon as you get home is a good idea as this may dislodge ticks that are not properly attached to your body.
Check all parts of your body for ticks. If you do find a tick do not squeeze it as this could inject bacteria into your body. Rather grab the tick gently behind the mouthparts with a pair of tweezers and then pull it out.
Lyme disease is an illness that is more common than many people realize. It is particularly important to be careful and avoid contact with ticks if you are in parts of Canada and the United States where the illness is prevalent. If you do have signs that suggest Lyme disease it is important to consult with a doctor as soon as possible so that treatment can begin.
About the Author: Killem Pest Killem Pest is a pest control company in Singapore that has been active since 1993. Their expertise is in treating all common pests in a year-round hot and humid climate.
The post How to Prevent Lyme disease first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/how-to-prevent-lyme-disease/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
How to Keep Squirrels away from your attic, bird feeder, and more
Squirrels, if you have them, are pesky critters. The problem with squirrels is they can get into about everything from your attic, potted plants, garden, and even some of the most creative bird feeders. Although we at Mantis Pest Solutions don’t cover squirrels in our rodent control package, we have asked an expert squirrel remove to share some tips on how to keep squirrels away from all of the places they like to get into. AAA Affordable Wildlife Control is a squirrel removal company from the Brampton area. 
How to prevent squirrels from visiting your yard. 
The best way to ensure squirrels are not frequent visitors is to ensure no food is easily accessible to them. Squirrels like to eat bark, fruit, corn, and of course, nuts and seeds.  
Removing these food sources can be challenging if you live in forestry areas with mature trees that leave lots of nuts and seeds. Other people who tend to find squirrels are residents with fruit trees, gardens, and one of their favorite calling cards, bird feeders. All of these items are things that attract squirrels and other rodents and wildlife. 
The Three main best things to get rid of Squirrels
Although there are many DIY and natural ways to get rid of squirrels, here are the three most effective ways we recommend getting rid of them.
Predators: If a squirrel does not feel safe, it won’t matter how good the food source is; they won’t go for it. Man’s best friend is not only a great companion but, depending on the breed, can be loud and big enough to keep squirrels away from your yard. 
If you don’t have a dog and aren’t looking for that much responsibility imitating a predator is the next best thing. 
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Repellent: like most animals, there are a variety of smells and sounds like we mentioned above that deter squirrels from areas. There are certain types of repellents that you can add to your garden, potted plants, or around your home to keep them away. It is essential to look at the different repellents as squirrels will eat bark; you will want something for your food sources on the ground, and up in any mature tree you have in your yard.
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Squirrels are afraid of owls, and having an owl statue in your yard can be very effective. The tactic mentioned is the same idea farmers used when they put scarecrows in their fields to keep birds away from their crops. The more lifelike it is, the better. Some even move their heads to imitate movement, so even an adventurous squirrel won’t take a chance. Others can even make ultrasonic sounds that deter squirrels but won’t bother you or your neighbors. 
Traps: Squirrels, like most critters, are very food motivated. There are a variety of traps you can put some food so you can catch them. It is essential to look at getting humane traps, and if you can connect with a local wildlife company like AAA Affordable Wildlife Control to take care of your critter once they are caught. 
Although traps are effective, they attract critters, and your house may become attractive to other rodents that currently aren’t a problem. Lures are best for squirrel removal instead of as a deterrent. 
How to Keep Squirrels away from bird feeders. 
To our friends who love feeding the birds, know you are probably feeding the squirrels too. When using repellent, you could deter the birds you want to attract. If attracting birds is a big hobby for you, we recommend investing in a quality birdfeeder they can’t get into. 
It is also essential to try and keep your bird feeders away from your home so squirrels can’t find a way into your house from a small hold in the patio or roof. You will also want to keep the seeds cleaned up as much as possible as some birds are very messy eaters. 
Here are some Squirrel Proof Birdfeeders we recommend
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How to Keep Squirrels Away from Your Attic and House
Having removed food sources from your yard is a big first step. The problem comes when it starts getting cold, and they aren’t just looking for food but shelter. If you have big trees making sure branches are far enough away so squirrels can not easily get to your roof will be a significant deterrent. You should also inspect the exterior of your home by the roof and the foundation and seal any holes they could enter through. You can be proactive and add repellent around these areas. 
If you have a squirrel in your home and are unsure how it got into your home, it is best to call a squirrel removal expert.  
Get Expert Help
Although we have mentioned various DIY squirrel removal solutions, it is generally best to contact a local wildlife company to remove the squirrels. In fact, some methods for getting rid of squirrels may be illegal. However, the ones we mentioned here should be legal in most areas. 
About the Author: AAA Affordable Wildlife 
Control is your go-to expert for squirrel removal in Brampton. They have several years in business and can help you get rid of other common wildlife pests like raccoons.
Squirrel Removal Products Mentioned in this Article.
SeekBit Squirrel Repellent
I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent
Plastic Owl Scarecrow sculpture with Rotating Head
Heavy-duty Squirrel Trap
Squirrel Proof Baffle Pole
Squirrel Proof Wild Bird Feeder
The post How to Keep Squirrels away from your attic, bird feeder, and more first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/how-to-keep-squirrels-away-from-your-attic-bird-feeder-and-more/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
Spiders of Kansas City 
Of over 45,000 species of spider worldwide, roughly 500 species live in the Kansas City area. It is estimated that over 11,000 spiders live in a typical acre of forestland. If that sounds like a lot, consider that the estimate for spiders in an acre of grassland is over two million.
It’s not all bad news, though. Many spiders will consume at least one insect per day. The overall impact of this predation is enormous. Think of how many pests we encounter regularly and then imagine not having the millions of eight-legged exterminators out there. Also, while almost all spiders are technically venomous, very few pose a threat to humans. In the Kansas City area, there are only two: the black widow and the brown recluse.
Female black widows have a glossy, black body and a large, round abdomen with two red triangles in an hourglass figure on the underside. In the southern widow, the triangles are connected and there are no other markings present. In the northern widow, the triangles are disconnected, there is usually a row of red spots along the top of the abdomen and there may be diagonal white markings on the sides. Males of both species are smaller and have different markings. Only the female has a medically significant bite and as trappers, they rarely move from the web. A black widow bite will often go unnoticed until later when localized pain sets in.
Brown recluses are generally a grayish yellow-brown with gray hairs on their oblong abdomen. The legs are darker brown than the body and are long and slender. They have a violin-shaped marking on the back of the “head” which gives this spider its other nickname: the violin spider. Females are larger than males, which is typical of spiders. As pursuit predators, recluses are usually seen walking or running as opposed to spending time on a web. Like the black widow, the bite may result in delayed pain. 
Medical attention should be sought quickly if a bite is suspected and bite sites should be kept clean. Fortunately, the preferred defense is to run, rather than bite. Steps can be taken to avoid bites from these spiders. Both species are unlikely to remain in areas with regular activity, so use caution in uninhabited areas such as outbuildings, storage areas or seldom-used cabins. Always look carefully before reaching into things like boxes, log piles, clothes or even beds that have been in storage or have gone unused for extended periods of time. Minimizing clutter can reduce harborage and frequent activity such as vacuuming, dusting and sorting can render a space unattractive to spiders.
Though they may induce fear, brown recluses and black widows are relatively uncommon. You’re much more likely to encounter a grass spider, wolf spider, jumping spider, false widow or one of dozens of species of orb weaver spiders. All of these spiders are harmless to humans and are voracious beneficial predators. If an intolerable population of any spider infests the home, however, professionals should be called in to address the situation.
By Alex McCurter 
The post Spiders of Kansas City  first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/spiders-of-kansas-city/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
How to Identify Bugs in Overland Park, Kansas
Bug identification is the first step to eliminating your pest problem. However, knowing what type of critter you’re dealing with is not always straightforward, as some bugs are difficult to detect or find. Fortunately, this post has everything you need to know about how to identify bugs in your Overland Park home.
Take a Picture and Use the Internet to Get Clues
One of the fastest ways to identify a bug in your home is to take its picture and use a bug identifier app or site to get instant results. Simply snap and upload a photo of the insect, and the platform will suggest what pest it is. Alternatively, you can google images of common house insects and compare the results against the pictures you’ve taken.
Send Pictures to a Bug Expert
Sure, technology is excellent, but if you want accuracy, you can’t always rely on apps and the internet to give you correct suggestions. One of the best ways to get an accurate answer is to send the insect’s picture to an experienced pest control specialist in Overland Park.
At Mantis Pest Solutions, our local professionals are familiar with all bugs that are present in the area, so we are better positioned to let you know what kind of insect it is. Whether you’re trying to identify bugs in the garden, in your home, or on plants, we can help.
Note Some Characteristics
If you’ve spotted a particular bug a few times in your home, take note of its characteristics. How does it look? What color is it? How many legs does it have? Another attribute that can help narrow down your search is how it moves—does it hop, crawl, walk, or fly?
On top of that, take note of the hours it’s most active, where you frequently spot it, what its droppings look like, and what type of damage it does. If you weren’t able to take a photo, detailing the characteristics can help the pest identifier figure out the pest problem you have at hand.
Ask a Bug Identifier to Inspect Your Home
Sending pictures and describing the type of bugs you’re seeing on your property isn’t always enough. The surest way to establish what insects are in your home and know the scale of the infestation is to call in a pest identifier.
Our Overland Park pest control specialists have all the skills needed to correctly diagnose any critter, uncover the extent of the invasion, and determine the best treatment solution. Most importantly, we will help you get rid of the creepy crawlers and guide you on how to prevent re-infestation.
Learn About the 5 Common Pests in Overland Park, Kansas
As a homeowner, it’s important you know how to identify some common Overland Park bugs on your own. Quick identification will help you take timely action, saving you money and frustration in the long run. Below are the common insects in Overland Park, plus a few pointers on how to identify them:
Cockroaches are some of the most common household bugs that regularly find their way into our Overland Park homes. They have a shiny reddish-brown coat, their bodies have a flattened oval shape, and they walk on six spiny legs. These scavengers prefer living in groups in warm, moist, and dark spaces and find their way using long threadlike antennae.
Bed Bugs
Measuring about the size of an apple seed, bed bugs are blood-sucking animals that primarily feed on humans and other warm-blooded animals such as dogs, cats, and rodents. They typically range in color from dark red to light brown. They’re hard to spot because they live in dark crevices around the bed or mattress. Some signs of a bedbug infestation include itchy skin spots or reddish stains on sheets.
Getting its name from the silvery scales and three tail-like appendages, the silverfish is another common bug in Overland Park. This creepy crawler is quick-moving, slender, and wingless. It prefers a moist climate with high humidity, like the bathroom, attic, and basement. Although it doesn’t bite, it can destroy books and wallpaper and bring harmful germs into your home.
Spiders have eight legs, two bulbous body segments, six to eight eyes, and they can shoot silk out of their abdomen. They often use silk to build webs and trap prey. These critters aren’t insects but arachnids. They are found in the yard but can move indoors to feed on the insects that are seeking refuge in your house. In Kansas, there are approximately 500 spider species, and the venomous types include the black widow and the brown recluse.
Ants are common uninvited guests that enter our homes in search of food, water, and shelter. They have three slender body parts, a thin waist, two antennae, and a bulbous abdomen. Many are black in color, but some species are red, dark brown, and light brown. They are social insects and live in large colonies, so it’s easy to spot them. Some, like fire ants, can sting, while others, like carpenter ants, damage wood.
Professional Help is Just a Phone Call Away
Some bug problems are more serious than others, so knowing what critter you’re dealing with allows you to tailor a solution to your situation and save time, effort, and money. If you need help identifying any bugs or strange pests in Overland Park, please give us a call, and we will help identify and get rid of your pest problem!
The post How to Identify Bugs in Overland Park, Kansas first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/%ef%bf%bchow-to-identify-bugs-in-overland-park-kansas/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
How to Choose the Right Pest Control Company 7 Factors to Consider
When it comes to pest control, you want to be sure that you are making the best decision for your family and home. There are many pest control companies out there, but not all of them are created equal. How do you know which one is right for you? In this blog post, we will discuss 7 factors to consider when choosing a pest control company. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are making the right choice!
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Pest Control Company
1. Experience
The first factor to consider is the experience of the company. How long have they been in business? What kind of experience do they have? This is important because you want to be sure that the company you choose has the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right. If they don’t have much experience, they may not be able to handle your specific situation or do more harm than good.
2. Reputation
Another important factor to consider is the reputation of the company. What do other people say about them? Do they have a good reputation? This is important because you want to be sure that the company you choose is reputable and will do a good job.
You check reputation by:
Checking online reviews
Asking family and friends
Checking with the Better Business Bureau
If you do your research, you can be sure that you are making the best decision for your pest control needs.
3. Price
The third factor to consider is the price. How much does the company charge? Is it affordable? This is important because you want to be sure that you are getting a good value for your money.
Tips for getting the best price:
Get quotes from multiple companies
Don’t choose the cheapest option
Choose a company that offers discounts
Look for coupons or specials
4. Quality of The Products
The fourth factor to consider is the quality of the products. What kind of products does the company use? Are they effective? This is important because you want to be sure that the company you choose is using high-quality products that will be effective in controlling pests.
5. Customer Service
The fifth factor to consider is customer service. How responsive is the company? Do they answer your questions in a timely manner? This is important because you want to be sure that you are getting the help you need when you need it.
6. Guarantee
The sixth factor to consider is the guarantee. Does the company offer a money-back guarantee? This is important because you want to be sure that you are getting a service that works.
7. Accreditation
The seventh factor to consider is the company’s accreditation. Is the company accredited by a professional organization? This is important because you want to be sure that the company you choose is reputable and has the proper credentials.
By considering these seven factors, you can be sure that you are making the best decision for your pest control needs. Choose a company that has the experience, a good reputation, and offers a quality product at an affordable price.
Be sure to ask about their customer service and guarantee so that you can be sure you are getting what you expect.
And finally, make sure the company is accredited by a professional organization. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are making the best choice for your pest control needs!
The post How to Choose the Right Pest Control Company 7 Factors to Consider first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/how-to-choose-the-right-pest-control-company-7-factors-to-consider/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
Carpet Beetles Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Concerned about carpet beetles in your home? Mantis pest solutions, your local Overland Park pest control company, will answer frequently asked questions about these invaders.
What are the Tiny Black Bugs in My House?
If you’ve discovered tiny black bugs crawling around your home, and they don’t bite, and their shells are hard and shiny, they are probably carpet beetles. These unwelcome guests have round bodies measuring just 1/16 to 1/8 inches long.
While most appear black, some are mottled, with spots of brown, reddish-orange, yellow, and black on a lighter background. They are also covered in tiny hairs, but you can’t see that with the naked eye. Their larvae resemble small, furry caterpillars.
Should I be Worried About Carpet Beetles?
Adult carpet beetles don’t bite humans. They feed on pollen or nectar but can sometimes invade your favorite foods—cereal, flour, and rice. Generally, adult carpet beetles don’t cause damage to your home. But that doesn’t mean they are innocent bugs. If you discover an infestation, you are right to be worried.
Their larva is the most destructive, and they don’t eat what the adults feed on. They have an enormous appetite and feast on keratinous foods, which is an animal protein found in many household goods.
These pests will gnaw on rugs, curtains, upholstery, clothing, and books. Anything made of feathers, hair, wool, silk, and leather will be food for the bugs. They’ll also munch on dirty synthetic material if it’s coated with food, oil, and sweat from humans or pets.
Apart from destroying items, the carpet beetle larvae can also cause allergies. Some people are allergic to the hairs on the larvae. You may feel itchy or have rashes.
Is it Normal to Have a Few Carpet Beetles?
It’s not okay to coexist with a few carpet beetles. If you happen to notice even a single carpet beetle, be it worm-like larvae or a flying adult, don’t ignore the problem. Left unchecked, these small insects can become pests in the home. It’s only a matter of time before they start to damage your clothes and fabrics.
What are the Signs of Carpet Beetles?
While carpet beetles are shy critters and feed in dark, hidden areas, they leave behind some traces. You’ll notice dead skin since they shed their external skin numerous times in their nine-month lifecycle.
They also leave black or brown fecal pellets the size of a grain of sand. Look for dead skins and droppings on the underside of rugs, at the base of your wardrobe, and below your furniture.
You may also notice tiny black beetles slowly climbing walls or lying dead on windowsills. Another telltale sign of an infestation is that carpet beetles tend to damage a single, large area on items, whether carpet, rug, cloth, or blanket.
How do You Find a Carpet Beetle Nest?
Adults usually enter homes through doors, windows, or fresh-cut plants and flowers. They then lay approximately 40 eggs in places where their larvae will have constant access to food. That means their nests will be on or near wool carpets and rugs and items made of fur, leather, animal horn, bone, or silk. You may also find nests near dried plant products.
How do I Permanently get Rid of Carpet Beetles?
The best solution to tackle a small infestation of carpet beetles is to thoroughly clean the areas where the bugs tend to live. Put infected items in the washing machine and clean everything inside your closets and dressers. Next, thoroughly vacuum the floors, upholstered furniture, carpets, and rugs.
When vacuuming, make sure you move around the furniture to get to all those tough-to-reach spots. Finally, wipe down all food storage areas, discard contaminated food, and start storing cereals in airtight containers.
For larger infestations or a recurring issue, your best option is to call Mantis pest solutions, your local Overland Park pest control company. After our home inspection confirms that it’s definitely carpet beetles gnawing on your valuables, we will use specialist chemicals and professional steaming to exterminate the bugs.
If you could not find the answer you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to one of our caring customer service representatives.
The post Carpet Beetles Frequently Asked Questions and Answers first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/%ef%bf%bccarpet-beetles-frequently-asked-questions-and-answers/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
Repairing a Home from Termite Damage and Associated Costs
Discovering termite-infested wood or termite colonies in the heart of your Missouri home is quite distressing. Unlike other home repair tasks, termite damage cannot be ignored or postponed. That’s because wood-chewing pests are active 24 hours a day, seven days a week, quietly feeding on anything wooden they come across.
Fortunately, it’s rare that termites will cause enough destruction that the house is deemed completely uninhabitable. Once you discover an infestation early, you most likely will have enough time to remedy the situation and conduct repairs. But how much does it cost to repair termite damage? And what are the repair solutions?
Keep reading to discover.
Termite Damage Repair Cost in the US
The cost to repair termite damage depends on the extent of the destruction, the location of the problem, and the solutions you choose. Nationwide, homeowners spend approximately $5 billion to control termites in their homes and fix the damage they leave behind.
If you’re among the 600,000 homeowners who face a termite problem, the mitigation of a termite infestation will cost you an average of $5,000 in structural repairs. Note that termite damage repair is different from the treatment—the process of removing the pests. The national average cost for termite treatment alone is $575.
What are the Types and Symptoms of Termite Damage to Expect
During or after a termite infestation, you are likely to face any of these types and signs of damage:
Mud Tubes – These are protective roadways that termites make on walls and foundations while traveling between a food source and the nest. It’s the most obvious sign of an infestation.
Holes and Tunnels in Wooden Structures – If you notice holes and maze-like paths carved into the wood, the infestation may have been going on for some time.
Destabilization Ceilings and Uneven Floors – You may start to notice your ceiling buckling, floors blistering, walls cracking, and windows and doors beginning to stick.
Hollow and Soft Lumber – When the infestation has taken root for some time, you’ll notice the lumber is soft to the touch, easy to puncture, or sounds hollow inside. This is dangerous, as wooden structures may not offer ample support.
Damage to Cellulose-based Items – Termites don’t just feast on wood, they also damage any material that has cellulose, such as books, wool rugs, carpets, and picture frames.
Termite Droppings – Other signs to look out for are insect wings and droppings that resemble sawdust.
Termite Damage Repair Options
Before you start searching for termite damage repair solutions, you’ll obviously need to have addressed the infestation. Working with a termite treatment expert is the only way you can be 100% sure every single termite has been eradicated, and the threat of future infestation has been eliminated.
The expert will also highlight other damaged areas that you may not be aware of and put measures in place to prevent termite reappearance. If your home is structurally compromised and unsafe to live in, the specialist will alert you, allowing you to move out until comprehensive repairs are made.
Once the treatment process is complete, you can now reverse termite damage with these repair options:
Cosmetic Termite Damage Repair
If the termite infestation was detected early, you’ll most likely be dealing with some aesthetic issues. Cosmetic damage can be in the form of chipped paint, wallpaper damage, furniture destruction, or discoloration of walls or flooring.
After a termite specialist determines that the issues are only cosmetic, then you can go ahead and perform a DIY termite repair. This may include applying a new coat on the damaged painted surface, refinishing the discolored floor, replacing the wallpaper, and retouching damaged furniture.
Cosmetic repairs may be the most affordable, averaging $2000, and are the easiest to deal with as you don’t need special skills.
Small Termite Infestation Damage Repair
For minimal damage to the main structure, the solution is to use wood hardeners to fill in the gaps and strengthen the wood. After your house is treated for termites, clean off any remaining tubes or trails, then examine the wood underneath for damage.
Wood hardeners are special adhesives used to fix small holes, cracks, and damaged spots, while offering protection against further rot. For long, hollowed-out grooves, use a wood filler instead.
Make sure you pick a wood hardener or filler that matches the type of wood. Also, experts recommend applying a wood sealant to cut off the oxygen supply for any remaining termites. It will kill any colony inside and protect the wood from future intrusions.
Structural Termite Damage Repair
If you realize the termite infestation is advanced, it’s best you work with a termite repair expert, since insufficient repairs can put your entire family at risk. After an inspection, the expert may suggest attaching new wood to the damaged wood to provide support. It’s more cost-effective when the damage isn’t extreme.
The second, more expensive solution is to replace damaged sections of wood entirely. These repairs are complicated and time-consuming, especially if the problem affects a load-bearing support structure.
Wiring and plumbing connections that may be inside the infested areas may need to be moved, plus temporary support may be installed to maintain the home’s integrity during repairs. Extreme repairs cost from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.
Remember to Treat for Termites Before Performing Repairs
Keep in mind that failing to properly take care of the infestation before starting repairs can render the fixes pointless. If the colony isn’t entirely destroyed, these wood-boring pests will make a comeback and keep chewing on your Missouri home.
Also, don’t wait for the issues to get out of hand so you can request an inspection. Termites can cause a lot of damage at lightning speed, and some signs are hard to notice without a trained eye. So it is recommended to use a termite control service, as well as have regular termite inspections.
The post Repairing a Home from Termite Damage and Associated Costs first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/%ef%bf%bcrepairing-a-home-from-termite-damage-and-associated-costs/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
Be Aware of Tick Season in Missouri
Ticks are irritating pests that cause discomfort to human beings. Not only do they cause discomfort, but they also can make you and your pets sick. The problem is many residents of Missouri share their yards with these irritating creatures.
This tick season, we got your back with a pest control service designed to prevent fleas and ticks. Reading this article will be helpful, but to reduce any extra stress, give us a call and let us take care of your tick problem. 
Here is a list of ticks you can find in Missouri:
· Wood tick
· Deer tick
· Gulf Coast tick
· Western black-legged tick
· Rocky Mountain Wood tick
· Brown dog tick
Here are some answers to common questions about ticks. 
When do ticks come out in Missouri?
 In Missouri, you will likely have ticks in large numbers from May to August. Why May to August? Ticks survive in warm summer weather. The period between May to August is warm, thus creating a conducive environment for ticks. If temperatures are above freezing point, you will likely see ticks in your environment. When the temperatures are warmer, ticks will come out in large numbers.
What time of the year are ticks most active?
 Although nymphs arrive in May, they are most active in July or August. Ticks are most active during this period because they have recently hatched and are ready to eat. The weather conditions are also very favorable for them.
How long does tick season last in Missouri?
In Missouri, you may see ticks as early as March and as late as November. Nine months with a blood sucking enemy isn’t a joke, as this is when you will want to be in your yard the most. That is why treating your yard is so important. 
When is the best time to spray for ticks?
 It’s advisable to spray ticks while in their nymph stage. If there is an increase in the are with deer ticks, then, an additional spray in May and in June may be necessary.
Why do I keep finding ticks in my house?
It’s rare to find ticks in your house, but it’s good to take precaution. There is a possibility of ticks entering your house from pets, or from your clothes when working or playing in the yard.
The post Be Aware of Tick Season in Missouri first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/be-aware-of-tick-season-in-missouri%ef%bf%bc/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
Why do ants come into the house in the summer?
Ants are social insects that live in large colonies made up of different castes of ants. The queen ant is the head of the colony and she remains inside to lay eggs. The other ant castes forage for food outside and bring it back to the nest to feed their fellow ants. Ants are particularly drawn to sugary foods, which they can smell from afar.
In spring and summer, the queen ant lays eggs prolifically, resulting in a population explosion within the nest that causes some ants to leave their home and forage for food outside. This is why you see more ants in your house during these seasons.
Ants are normally not harmful but they can contaminate food with their feces as they walk on it looking for crumbs or morsels to feed on. They also secrete a pheromone trail when they move around that can cause other ants to follow them, resulting in an invasion of your house.
Why ants invade your home in summer
Most people don’t like ants in their homes. Ants are scavengers and will eat almost anything, including other insects! Ants can get into your home through the most minuscule cracks. Once they find food, they will leave a trail for the rest of their colony to follow. This can make it difficult to get rid of ants. The Ant control Lee’s Summit experts explain some of the reasons ants come into your home during the summer. Here are five reasons why ants invade homes in the summer:
The weather is warmer. Ants thrive in hot weather and reproduce faster in warm temperatures. Ants like sweet foods such as fruit, jelly or syrup and also feed on proteins such as meats and fish. They will scavenge for any crumbs or food residue left behind.
Ant nests have become overcrowded outside. Ant colonies swell during the summer months when queens produce eggs at a rapid rate. Most ant species don’t survive winter so ants that do are looking for a place to survive until spring arrives again.
Food sources. Ants may also be attracted to food sources inside your home, especially sweet or sticky foods like honey or syrup, or even dog food or pet hair on the floor. Once they’ve discovered a food source, ants will return to it over and over again, bringing more of their colony with them each time.
Cracks in the foundation and siding of your home. If there are any cracks or crevices around your home’s foundation, siding, windows or doors, then ants may be able to find their way inside through these cracks and gaps. They can also get into electrical outlets through loose-fitting faceplates and cause damage to wires and other equipment behind your walls.
They’re looking for water. If you have any leaking pipes or faucets, they may attract ants looking for water this summer. If you notice any leaks in your plumbing, be sure to fix them as soon as possible to avoid an ant infestation during summer.
How to get rid of ants
Ants come into your home for food and water. They will travel anywhere from 10m-30m from their nest on the search for food. If they find a food source, they will leave behind a chemical trail for other ants to follow. This is why if you see one ant, you can guarantee there are many more hidden from view.
The best way to get rid of ants in your home is by removing any access to their food supply. Make sure that all food items are stored away in airtight containers and wipe down kitchen worktops and floors regularly. You should also try to locate where they may be coming in from outside and block up any gaps or holes with silicone sealant or caulk.
In the end, you’re going to have to call the experts to take care of your pest problem. At Mantis Pest Solutions, we have more experience than anybody when dealing with these pesky critters. Our unique solutions will make sure your ant infestation is a thing of the past.
The post Why do ants come into the house in the summer? first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/why-do-ants-come-into-the-house-in-the-summer/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
What to Do About Bugs That Live in Insulation in Your Home
When we think about possible bug and pest infestations in our homes, we typically think about dusty corners of unused rooms, on the floor of our attic or basement, or near doors and windows where the pests have made their way into our houses.
But did you know that bugs can even live in the insulation of your home in Lee’s Summit?
What kind of bugs live in insulation?
A number of different bugs may be found in the insulation in your attic or elsewhere in your home, including cluster flies, termites, moths and silverfish.
Moreover, if mice and rats have entered your attic fleas and ticks may burrow into the insulation and if the rodents are carrying these little critters in their fur.
Another critter commonly carried up to the attic is bed bugs, which typically travel from another part of your house, such as the bed or clothes in your bedroom or the upholstery from your lounge.
Often boxes of old clothes and bedding will be taken upstairs to the attic when they’re not being used, and these can harbour bed bugs which can burrow into the insulation, since they like comfortable, dark places that provide protection from their environment.
Does insulation attract bugs?
Insulation doesn’t attract most bugs, in the sense that most bugs aren’t drawn to it as a food source, but once the pests come across the material, they find it makes an unexpectedly ideal place for them to hunker down and shelter.
Providing shelter from the elements, such as cold and drafts – after all, attic insulation insulates and provides a warm safe place for bugs and insects to nest and hide from predators – insulation can become the home, and breeding ground, of various insects, making pest control a necessity in your home in Lee’s Summit.
However, there are a few notable pests that do make a meal out of your insulation, making it all the more likely you’ll find them there in your attic, destroying the insulation piece by piece. One of the pests that does this is the cockroach, which will eat pretty much anything making them a high risk bug to find in your home.
Aside from cockroaches, many people ask: do silverfish eat attic insulation?
Like cockroaches, silverfish are able to get nutrition from insulation, and especially from the paper backing sometimes found on attic insulation, making them another high risk bug to find in your attic.
Do bugs like fiberglass insulation?
Though this might be surprising – after all, we wouldn’t want to sleep in a material imbued with tiny pieces of glass – compared to other types of attic insulation, fiberglass insulation is preferable to bugs.
Unlike us, pests such as cockroaches and silverfish are able to eat fiberglass insulation without sustaining damage to their digestive system, meaning that this type of insulation won’t keep your attic pests away.
So, how do you get rid of bugs from insulation?
Obviously, it’s quite difficult to keep bugs and other pests out of your attic, since it’s typically dark, cluttered and has close access to the outside, allowing bugs to more easily enter the space.
However, once they’ve made their way into their home there are a few things you can do to stop them from infesting your insulation, damaging it and forcing you to replace it altogether, in order to keep your home insulated and your monthly heating bills down.
One common way to keep bugs off your insulation is to choose bug-repellent insulation, such as spray foam, cellulose or polyurethane, which also happen to be better insulators than fiberglass insulation so they can help to keep your bills down, too.
If you’ve already sustained an infestation of pests in your attic, however, and you’ve got creepy crawlies using your insulation as a place to camp out or as a source of food, then you should get professional pest control to come over and treat the problem.
The professionals will carry out a pest control treatment depending on the kind of pest problem you have, such as silverfish pest control, bed bug control or flea and tick control.
Certain types of pest control will be applied to more than just your insulation if the pest control professionals see that the problem has spread. This is particularly important as certain pests like termites, which are very common in Lee’s Summit, can begin to destroy the structure of your home if left to their own devices.
So, if you think you might have a bug or insect problem in your attic in Lee’s Summit – and particularly infesting your insulation – then you should call professional pest control to check out the situation and treat the problem, to save your insulation and stop bugs from getting into the rest of your house.
The post What to Do About Bugs That Live in Insulation in Your Home first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/what-to-do-about-bugs-that-live-in-insulation-in-your-home/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
Kansas City is among the top 25 cities for rodent activity
Kansas City is among the top 25 cities for rodent activity and since the pandemic started rodent populations have markedly increased. This is largely due to lowered levels of human activity and a change in food availability. Along with the increase in rodent populations, cases of leptospirosis and salmonella have spiked, being spread directly by rodents. Other illnesses such as Lyme disease, rickettsialpox, and typhus are spread by the fleas, ticks, and mites that live on mice and rats. In fact, rodents are vectors for up to 200 different human pathogens.
Not only do they carry diseases to which humans are susceptible, they can cause damage to homes through urination, defecation, gnawing, and nest-building. They leave urine stains on walls and feces along travel lines. They will chew anything available for nesting materials such as wood, paper, clothes, or insulation. Rodents will also chew to open gaps through which they will enter or travel through the home. Nesting sites often include upholstered furniture, walls, inside vehicles, or even the lining of electrical appliances. Their activity has been known to damage electrical wiring, creating a fire risk.
Mice and rats excel at gaining entry into human dwellings. Rodents are so flexible that if one can fit its head through an opening, it can fit its entire body through. This means that a rat needs a gap no wider than a quarter. For a mouse, the opening only needs to be as wide as a dime. Such gaps are frequently found around utility lines, windows and doors, attic or crawl space vents, and around the foundation. Copper mesh can be used to plug such entry points. (Steel wool may be used, but is more complicated to apply effectively and is prone to rust.) Rodents are excellent climbers and will easily scale a wall with even a slight texture. Wall surfaces such as stucco, brick, and even many sidings are readily climbable. Sealing gaps is important even in the roof among rafters and eaves. They will also climb trees and bushes and use the limbs as a bridge to the home, so it pays to keep vegetation trimmed away from the building.
Rodents will typically enter homes in search of food and shelter. Mice get most of their water from their food. As such, they can survive several months without drinking water, but only a few days without food. Food should be stored in metal, glass, or thick plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Spills should be cleaned immediately and dirty dishes should never be left out. Pet food can be particularly attractive to rodents and shouldn’t be left out overnight. If trash and food waste is stored inside, it should be in rodent-proof containers and should be cleaned regularly with soap and water. 
It’s also important to consider is how we can control mice and rats outside the home. If local populations are low outside, the risk of entry is low as well. Outdoor cooking areas such as barbecues should be kept clean and bird feeders should be kept away from the house and be outfitted with squirrel guards to limit rodent access. It’s not all about food, however. Possible nesting sites can be eliminated as well. Wood piles should be kept away from the house and elevated more than a foot from the ground; grass and shrubberies within 100 feet should be kept well-trimmed.
Once rodents begin breeding within the home, populations can skyrocket alarmingly. Reproductive maturity in mice begins at six to ten weeks and a female can birth up to ten litters per year. After three weeks of gestation, a litter of five or six pups is born. In ideal conditions, a single pregnant mouse can turn into 8,000 mice in one year. Keeping rodents at bay is no small task and if an infestation sets in, professionals should be contacted to bring the situation under control.
The post Kansas City is among the top 25 cities for rodent activity first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/kansas-city-is-among-the-top-25-cities-for-rodent-activity/
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mantispestsol · 2 years
How to Get Rid of Termites in Your Rental Properly
What would you do with 5 billion dollars? We are sure you wouldn’t want to spend it repairing damage from termites. The sad fact is, that is exactly how much US residents pay each year fixing damage termites cause in their homes. The costs can be even more than an average homeowner if you are a landlord. 
Are Landlords responsible for termites?
One of the primary responsibilities of a landlord is to provide livable space for the tenant. If the tenant has reasoned that the dwelling is not habitable, they can break their contract with the landlord without fees. In some cases, the landlord may have to pay to accommodate the tenant’s short-term housing expenses until repairs are done.
So the question is…
Can you live in a house with termites?
No. Although you might tolerate termites or carpenter ants for a few days, termites will eventually eat through foundational beams and other integral parts of the home, making it unlivable. The responsibility of other pests can depend on local laws, and we recommend you read about regular pest control in rentals for more information. In the majority of areas, the laws are usually going to lean on the landlord in terms of fixing damage and performing the required inspections to keep termites out of the home.  
In the rest of the article, we are going to discuss how renters and landlords can protect themselves from the damages of termites.
How to protector yourself from termites as a Renter
Before signing your lease
In most cases, the landlord is going to have to worry about termites; however, when signing your lease, make sure you check for anything that talks about pest control. If there is no mention of termites and other pest control, speak to your landlord and add something to the contract. Having something in written form before a termite infestation could not only save you money but get you out of your contract without fees
When you move in
When you move in, do a thorough walkthrough and look for any signs of termite damage. Don’t forget to ask the landlord about when the last time a termite inspection and regular pest control service was done.
If you get termites during your lease
While living in the apartment or home, try to clean and maintain the dwelling as much as possible. This not only helps you stay on the good side of the landlord but eliminates chances that you were the cause. If the landlord proves you brought the termites, you could be liable. One of the biggest things that attract termites is putting firewood piles next to the house.
So what if you didn’t do that and you run into termites while living there? The first thing you should do is notify your landlord immediately. Once termites are spotted, they can turn into an infestation quickly. Just as you could call out the landlord for neglecting his responsibilities, they can do the same to you if you don’t notify them. Most landlords will take care of it quickly to avoid further damage, and if they don’t, it is good to have a written notice if the landlord tries having you split the costs of damages with them. Here is an article on how you can identify termites so you know what to look for.
How to protect yourself from termites as a Landlord
Call a Termite Exterminator
If you are reading this article because your renter has called you to tell you they have termites, call a professional termite exterminator immediately. Professional is the keyword here. Many pest control companies can’t handle termites, and a misdiagnosis could cause you thousands in damages. Many landlords like to handle other pests with DIY remedies or solutions, but termites are not something you should do yourself as a small swarm can quickly turn into an infestation.
Check your insurance
Many homeowners assume it is part of their homeowner’s insurance when, in reality, termite damage is generally not included unless you have added it to the basic plan. It is important to note that homeowners’ and renters’ insurance vary depending on your area.
Conduct a termite inspection
In some areas, this is a requirement when purchasing a home. If you have had the property for a while, it may be worth having one done every so often. Having this as due diligence can give you and even renters peace of mind before signing a lease. You may consider adding termite barriers or termite baits when this is done. Termite barriers will highly depend on how relevant termites are in your area. Some pest control companies even offer guarantees or warranties on these services, which can save you money if your property does get an infestation.
Review your lease agreement
One of the highest costs is paying tenants to relocate to a temporary location if you have to conduct repairs while the home is deemed uninhabitable. However, local laws have limitations. It is best to have a clause about termites in your contract and have clear expectations before an incident occurs to protect both parties. Especially if you add something about how soon they have to report damages. Termites move quickly, and a matter of a few days could be a difference between hundred or thousands in repairs.
Along with what happens in the case of a termite infestation, you should consider things in the agreement that could attract termites, like not storing firewood right next to the house.
Inspect the property regularly
Although renters should tell you if they see anything, it is not their property, and they may not know the signs of termites as well as you do. Regular inspections give you or a pest control expert opportunities to inspect the home and catch anything they might miss.
This article was co-written by Mantis Pest Solutions, a local pest control company in Missouri, and Pest-Ex, an exterminator in Australia.
The post How to Get Rid of Termites in Your Rental Properly first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/how-to-get-rid-of-termites-in-your-rental-properly/
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mantispestsol · 3 years
How to Get Rid of 6 Common Pests that Live in Your Christmas Tree
Christmas is a season of joy, lights, candy, and of course, Christmas trees. The problem is that although bringing a fresh Christmas tree can bring the holiday cheer, it can also bring unwanted pests. 
Don’t let pests take over your Christmas here; we will discuss the common pests that live in your Christmas tree and five ways to get rid of them.
Common pests that can live in Christmas Trees
tree mites
bark beetles
bark lice
Pine Needle Scale
Let dive into a little more detail about each of these critters.
Although usually active in the spring, Aphids love to eat the sap from Christmas trees. Although not harmful to you, they may make your Christmas tree not last as long, and this is very short-lived as they tend to die when brought into your home quickly.
Tree Mites:
It probably isn’t a poisonous baby spider on your tree, and it is most likely a tree mite, and they’re harmless to humans. Although harmless to you, they cause the needles of your Christmas tree to fall off early, and your tree won’t last as long. 
Bark Beetles: 
Although bark beetles can bite, they are more of a harm to your tree than you. Unfortunately, not just your Christmas tree; if they can get to other wooded indoor plants or your yard, they can kill those trees as well. You will know if you have them if you notice holes in the bark or you start seeing more brown needles. The key is if you see a dead branch, prune it and dispose of it in a plastic container so they can not get to more wooded areas. 
Bark Lice:
Unlike the bark beetle, the bark lice aren’t necessarily bad; in fact, they generally prevent fungus and are a sign of a very healthy tree. According to Harris County Horticulture, they are great for digesting dead bark, algae, and other organic materials. That said, your home isn’t nature, and who wants to see a winged bug on Christmas. We will discuss getting rid of them more in detail later in the article, but luckily, washing your tree off with water will get rid of bark lice and their webs off your Christmas tree.  
Pine Needle Scale:
According to Michigan State University, Pine needle scale is a serious pest to Christmas trees. They can be tough to identify if picking a tree in the snow as they are white-scaled insects that cover the needles. 
Yes, it sounds like aphids, and they are closely related, but if you were to talk to a bug expert, they are not the same. Chances are you might have adelgids on your Christmas tree, but still call them aphids. The most significant difference between them during the season and other aphids is that they are easily mistaken as patches of snow due to their white waxy feel. 
The good news is most of the typical Christmas tree pests are not harmful to you and only to your tree. Regardless of whether they are harmless, you probably don’t want them in your home, especially when guests are over. 
How to prevent and get rid of Christmas Pests
Inspect your tree before you buy it
Shake your tree before bringing it in
Let your tree sit in the garage
Spray with insecticidal soap.
Maintain your Christmas tree
Inspect your tree before you buy it
When you buy your Christmas tree, make sure that there are no dead branches or bugs on the tree when you buy it; if it is snowy, try brushing off the snow to make sure that the snow-like look isn’t pine needle scale or adelgids.
Shake your tree before bringing it in
Shaking your tree is one of the biggest things you can do to prevent bugs from entering your home. Removing any dead branches or shaking off loose bugs is the best preventative medicine. It would be best if you shook your tree multiple times. The best time and place to shake your tree is where you buy it. It is crucial to shake the tree before placing it on your car, so bugs that fly off on the drive don’t become hitchhikers and enter your home. 
Let your tree sit in the garage (Optional)
Waiting to bring in your Christmas tree is easier said than done because once you buy it, who wouldn’t want to bring it right away. Giving your tree a day in the garage will allow any bugs to die off naturally in your garage instead of your living room. It is also easier to treat your tree if required in a garage before it is decorated or in your living quarters.
Spray with insecticidal soap (Optional)
The idea of applying insecticide to your new Christmas tree isn’t a great idea, as an aerosol can make the tree more flammable. Also, the idea of placing potentially harmful chemicals on your most enormous centerpiece is not the go-to idea for many people. That said, some feel comfortable applying insecticidal soap as a happy medium.
This action is generally only taken if you see bugs on your tree and the previous steps did not work. It is important to note that seeing more bugs in your home doesn’t mean they came from the tree. In fact, bugs you already have in your home will be drawn to your Christmas tree as a source of food and shelter. If you haven’t, you can prevent those pests by having a routine pest control visit before or soon after placing your tree. 
Maintain your Christmas Tree
Having a real Christmas tree is a lot of work, even without the bugs. The tree needs to be watered regularly, and fallen needles should also be vacuumed. When conducting these activities, you should examine your tree for pests and prune any branches that may be starting to die. 
Enjoy Your Bug Free Holiday and Tree
Yes, trees can bring in pests, but you shouldn’t have to worry as long as you take primary measures. Many bugs that do enter with the tree will die after entering your dry indoor air, as well as having a lack of access to other necessary sources. Although a Christmas tree is the biggest culprit of having a pest problem during the holidays, there are many other pests to watch out for, like bed bugs. Please read our other holiday tips to keep your home pest-free.
We wish you a happy and bug-free holiday season, and if you want a pest inspection before or after you place your tree, please let us know. We serve many Overland Park and Lee’s Summit residents with regular pest control services that have their winter service scheduled around when they put up their Christmas tree.
The post How to Get Rid of 6 Common Pests that Live in Your Christmas Tree first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/how-to-get-rid-of-6-common-pests-that-live-in-your-christmas-tree/
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mantispestsol · 3 years
3 DIY Steps to making your own beekeeper suit
Whether you take beekeeping as a profession or a hobby, every beekeeper knows that getting stung is not fun! A beekeeper suit is the single most crucial accessory protecting a beekeeper from those painful stings. So, you can put all the thoughts of getting stung away and work fearlessly and more productively with your hives and around your bees.
When dealing with bees, the first thought that crosses your mind is how to make your own beekeeper suit? The beekeeper suit, also known as a bee suit, is readily available online across many well-known beekeeping stores like Buzzing Bee. But here we will talk about how to make a beekeeping suit yourself.
A beekeeper suit is a simple full-body protective suit that keeps you protected from bee stings and is easy to make at home.
How to make a DIY beekeeper suit – A step-by-step guide.
You can find several different styles and colors of beekeeper suits. They are usually of lighter colors because lighter colors usually discourage bees from stinging.
Start with the upper part or shirt of the beekeeping suit. When it comes to beekeeping suits, the shirt is the trickiest part. First of all, we need a shirt made of thick material such as cotton or denim so that bee stings may not pass through the fabric. We need to take care of all openings where bees may crawl through and get to your skin. For that, follow the steps given below:
Take a shirt made of thick material and light color, preferably white.
Cut off all the buttons, and stitch the buttonholes, including the collar and the sleeves.
Stitch Velcro to the front opening, the collar, and the sleeves, so that you can adjust it accordingly and fasten it tightly to keep the bees and wasps out.
The second step is to make a face veil to protect your face from bee stings. The headgear is usually made of a hat with a wide brim to keep as much safe space around your face and head as possible. Attached to the hat is a veil made usually of nylon mesh or wire mesh that can also provide a clear vision and keep the bees away from your face. For the headgear, follow the steps below:
Take a hat with a wide brim, such as a cowboy hat or a field hat.
Measure the mesh around the hat’s brim and then cut the fabric at least an inch wider.
Carefully sew the nylon or fine wire mesh veil to the edge of the brim of the hat. The veil should sit as far away from your face as possible.
The mesh should be long enough to be tucked under the collar of your shirt. It should fall at least four to five inches below your shoulder.
Use a pair of pants made of thick material such as denim or sweatpants, preferably of a lighter color. Use pants that are baggy so that the stings may not easily directly reach the skin. When making the pants, please keep these points in mind:
Use baggy pants made of thick material such as denim or sweatpants.
The pants should have a tight elastic around the waist and ankles to prevent bees from passing through the gaps.
Alternatively, you can stitch Velcro to the waist and the ankles of the pants so that you can adjust them to be as tight as possible.
Putting it All Together
The key to putting together a beekeeping suit is to keep everything as tight as possible and make sure there are no gaps where bees or wasps can enter your suit. Put on the bee suit headgear and then put on the shirt. Make sure that you securely tuck the mesh under the neck of your shirt. Now put on the pants and make sure the shirt is securely tucked in the pants. Make sure are the collar, the sleeves, and the ankles of the pants are tight and secure. Now finish it up by adding a pair of thick work gloves, socks, and boots. Tuck the shirt sleeves in the gloves and the ankles in the shoes.
Making your own DIY beekeeper suit can be straightforward, but you can also buy quality beekeeper suits if you don’t have the time. Although more expensive than making your own suit, you can also feel confident about the protection you will have when working with your bees.
The post 3 DIY Steps to making your own beekeeper suit first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/3-diy-steps-to-making-your-own-beekeeper-suit/
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mantispestsol · 3 years
8 Tips to Keep the Holiday Season Bug Free
The holiday season is one of the most special times of the year – the whole family come together to enjoy great food, warmth by the fire and holiday cheer.
However, one of the lesser loved parts of the holiday season is its tendency to draw bugs into your home.
With this in mind, we’ve compiled 8 ways you can make sure that your home stays bug free during the festivities.
Check your decorations.
When your decorations aren’t up around the house, or decorating your Christmas tree, they’re usually kept in cardboard boxes – out of the way, in your attic, cellar or basement, where they spend the majority of their lives.
Unfortunately, bugs love these spaces – and your decoration storage boxes provide the perfect shelter for critters such as spiders, lice and mites to hide.
So, before you take out your decorations, you should check each box to ensure that you aren’t bringing any unwanted guests into your home – you’ll probably want to wear gloves, as some bugs may bite.
Use sealable plastic containers to store your decorations.
Most people use old cardboard boxes to store their decorations each year – however, many bugs are drawn to cardboard boxes as a source of shelter or even food.
Instead, to ensure your decorations stay bug-free, consider storing them in plastic sealable boxes each year so that you don’t need to check your decorations for pests next time.
Seal up any cracks in the walls of your home.
At any time of the year, sealing cracks in the walls of your home is a sure way to reduce the entry of pests into your home.
Particularly in the holiday season, however, when it’s freezing outside and nice and toasty in your heated home, bugs will be even more desperate to gain access to your house, and sealing any cracks in your walls or foundation is a great way to prevent them from doing so.
Inspect your Christmas tree before you buy.
One of the biggest bug mistakes you can make during the holiday season is to buy a Christmas tree without thoroughly checking it for bug infestations.
Christmas trees – such as firs and spruces – are a huge attractant to bugs including adelgids, aphids, beetles, spiders and mites, and by bringing them into your home without checking, you’re effectively inviting a whole host of creeping crawling guests to join in the festivities.
So, you should check for bugs on the branches and spines – but also for eggs, and white, cottony coatings, which suggest the presence of certain Christmas-tree loving bugs.
To find out more about how to ensure your Christmas tree stays bug-free, read our article here.
Shake your tree outside before bringing it in.
As a final precaution, you should shake your Christmas tree outside before bringing it into the home, to throw off any critters you might have missed when inspecting your tree.
Check your firewood.
Another common vehicle of bugs into your home during the holidays – and throughout all the cold fall and winter months – is firewood.
While there’s nothing quite as comforting as a fire during the holidays, certain bugs are drawn to firewood as a food source, while others use it as shelter to protect themselves from the elements.
So, you should always check any wood before you bring it into the house, and swiftly remove any bugs you might find manually, or with diatomaceous earth.
Moreover, if you keep your firewood too close to the house then bugs are also more likely to travel from your firewood stores and through the door to your home, in search of warmth and shelter, so make sure to keep your stores as far away as possible from your home.
Ward against bed bugs on your holiday travels.
Lots of people like to travel during the holidays – whether that’s to visit with friends or family, or even on vacation – but so do bed bugs.
Whenever you’re staying at a new place – though particularly in hotels and hostels – you should always check for bed bugs, especially around the seams of the bed.
Moreover, to ensure you don’t bring any back to your home, you can take a few steps to bed-bug proof your suitcase and luggage. Read more about how in our article here.
Consider having a perimeter pest control treatment.
As a chemical line of defense around your home, perimeter treatments can help to stop all types of creepy crawlies from crawling over your lawn or around the perimeter of your home to inside the house.
At Mantis Pest Solutions in Overland Park, we can provide perimeter and lawn pest control treatments to ensure that the bugs on your porch or in your garden never make their way into your home.
The post 8 Tips to Keep the Holiday Season Bug Free first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/8-tips-to-keep-the-holiday-season-bug-free/
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mantispestsol · 3 years
3 Ways to Get Rid of Rodents That are Immune to Poison
 Rodents are evolving and becoming immune to poison. That means the way you control rats needs to evolve as well.  
Having a rat problem is never fun, especially when it seems like you have tried everything and it hasn’t worked. The problem may not be what you are doing but the bait itself. No, I am not talking about if your rat bait is expired, but a very different and scarier one.
 The question you should be asking is, can rodents become immune to rat poison? 
 The answer is yes. According to data in the UK, they found that of the tested rats in their area, 74% of them carried a gene that made them resistant to popular rodenticides. The worst part is this isn’t just a problem in the UK. 
We wish the problem was as easy as buying a new rodent bait, but it isn’t. Here are three ways to get rid of rats.
Use poison-free rat traps
Recruit Predators to hunt rodents
Prevent rats from entering your home
Poison Free Rat Traps
Many people are looking for humane ways to trap rats. In fact, there are a lot of different kinds of rat traps.
We recommend looking at all of them and seeing what you feel would work best for your situation as all are effective. It generally comes down to a matter of preference. That said, if one method doesn’t work, you can always try another.
 Some of the most popular rat bait stations ones are: 
Glue Traps are generally one-time use and can catch a variety of critters. They are straightforward to use and allow placement in tiny places where other traps can’t fit.
After finding a trap, you like the next question is probably going to be 
Where to place rat traps? 
 Generally, you should look for signs of where the rat is at. These signs can include where you have seen them, as well as droppings, chew marks, and stains. 
 You will want to place these near walls or along baseboards. You should avoid putting them near noisy areas or items that repel rats like peppermint plants. Which we will take about more towards the end of the article.
Recruiting Rodent Predators
There are a lot of household pets that can eat rodents like snakes, Ferrets, but you may not want them roaming around your home. 
 Cats are the typical go-to, but not all cats are created equal. Certain breeds are better rodent hunters than others. According to Chewy, Some of these breeds include the American Shorthair, Maine Coon, and the Chartreux.
Along with getting rid of your rats, cats have other significant advantages.
Cats are the most common pet owners turn to get rid of rats, but it is important to note that some dogs can also help with your rodent issue.  
Rodent Prevention
If you already have a rodent problem, you should try to get rid of them first; however, if you see one, chances are others are close by, and they will enter your home the same way the first one did. Keeping a tidy home is one of the most significant ways to prevent rodents and other pests.
Along with keeping the home clean, sealing your home so they can’t enter is also essential. Here are three ways you can deter pests from your home.
Fill Cracks in Your Wall
Keep your grass short and lawn clear
Repair leaks and water damage in your roof and basement
For more tips on home maintenance to prevent rodents, you can read the full article here.
Along with sealing cracks and taking care of your home, there are products that, although they don’t kill rats they repel them. One of the most popular rat repellent solutions is Peppermint.
 If you are not a fan of essential oils, there are also devices that use ultrasonic sounds to keep rodents away from your home.
Yes, rats are evolving and becoming immune to certain positions, but they still are not more intelligent than us, at least not yet. If you try the above methods and still have an issue, we recommend contacting a local rodent exterminator. Local exterminators will be up to date about the rodent species in your area and, if needed, will know what poisons to use to control your rodent problem.
Author Bio:  The Pied Piper is a rodent exterminator company based in London. Although they have expertise in rodent control, they have also helped the residents of London get rid of a variety of different pests since 1992.
The post 3 Ways to Get Rid of Rodents That are Immune to Poison first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/3-ways-to-get-rid-of-rodents-that-are-immune-to-poison/
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mantispestsol · 3 years
How to Make Sure Your Christmas Tree is Bug-Free
Christmas is one of the most magical times of the year – a time for appreciating friends and family, giving and receiving gifts, eating great food and making priceless memories.
And, of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without a Christmas tree.
Coming in all types and sizes, each year we put up our Christmas tree and decorate it with tinsel, baubles, lights and all sorts of other festive decorations. However, sometimes we end up with more decoration on our Christmas trees than we’d hoped for, in the form of wriggling, crawling critters that seek to spoil the holiday spirit.
No one likes bugs in their homes at the best of times, so it’s no wonder that – at one of the most special times of the year – you want these critters gone from your Christmas tree.
Why are there bugs on my Christmas tree?
If you choose a real Christmas tree – usually a fir or spruce tree – then, naturally, they’re likely to be carrying a bug or two, as they provide shelter for bugs in the wild.
More than this, particular types of bugs – aphids – feed on the leaves of plants, so trees provide an excellent source of food, not only to aphids, but to other bugs who target the herbivorous insects, or their eggs, as their prey.
So, it’s fairly likely that your Christmas tree will bring a few unwanted guests into your home.
What kind of bugs can you find on your tree?
There are a number of different types of bugs that you can find on your Christmas tree.
Some of the most common include aphids – as already mentioned, who feed on the leaves of trees – and adelgids, which leave a cottony-looking wax in their wake, coating the pines of Christmas trees with their white secretions.
Another common inhabitant of Christmas trees include Christmas tree mites, which are tiny spider-like creatures with a fat body and spindly legs. Though they’re harmless, they can cause the pines of your Christmas tree to drop prematurely – and, let’s face it, they’re a little gross.
Bark beetles and bark lice are also commonly drawn to the bark of Christmas trees, whose wood is their source of food.
How do you get rid of bugs on your Christmas tree?
Before taking a Christmas tree into your home, you should give it a good shake outdoors to dislodge as many insects as possible from the plant, so that you don’t bring them into the house.
If, however, you’ve already put up your tree in your living room before you notice any bugs, then there are a number of ways you can make sure that your Christmas stays bug free.
If you’re intent on getting rid of aphids from your Christmas tree, in addition to mites, beetles, lice and adelgids, all of whom can be found wandering the plant, then there are a few solutions.
For aphids and adelgids, spraying water on the affected parts of the plant can help to tease them off the surface of the leaves, allowing you to more easily remove them.
You might then be able to remove all the bugs from your tree with a vacuum, which will suck the critters – and hopefully any eggs – off your Christmas tree so you can enjoy the festive period without the intrusion of any creepy crawlies.
If, however, you want to take a more comprehensive approach to eliminate the bugs on your Christmas tree, then diatomaceous earth is a good option to use inside your home. In contrast to insecticide, diatomaceous earth doesn’t leave a chemical smell and is safe to use around pets and children, yet is deadly to bugs such as mites, lice, bed bugs, fleas, and more.
How do I keep bugs off my Christmas tree?
As long as you thoroughly de-bug your Christmas tree from the outset, your Christmas tree is unlikely to become infested with bugs a second time, unless you have a separate bug problem in your home – in which case, the bugs may be drawn to the tree by the prospect of shelter and as a possible source of food. Yes it is winter but pests can still abound. Learn more about the importance of winter pest control here.
Moreover, the dry indoor air coupled with the scarcity of food sources indoors will be a further deterrent to bugs, so if you miss a few bugs on your first bug-busting attempt, then rest assured that they’ll be fairly likely to die off by themselves.
So, if you want to embellish your home with an authentic Christmas staple, by opting to put up a real Christmas tree in your home, then make sure to follow the above steps to keep your holiday season – and your Christmas tree – bug free.
The post How to Make Sure Your Christmas Tree is Bug-Free first appeared on Mantis Pest Solutions. source https://mantispestsolutions.com/how-to-make-sure-your-christmas-tree-is-bug-free/
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