Lol right? Let’s trade IDs and see if they even give a fuck.
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They won’t, so let’s.
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No reason.
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Why not? If you think you look good on it, why should that be a problem? 
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Fine, I’ll keep the frozen ones frozen.
Only if it’s still attached to the body please.
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( text ) I see where I rank. Meat > every thing.
( Text ) Wanna go to a BBQ with me? I'll feel like a dick if I'm the only in my family not there but I also don't want to be around CT because he's fucking trash. I'll feed you meat again.
[text]: K but I’m only going for the meat, not for you ;P :*
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But it’ll be baller!
….I don’t think I’d go that far, Manny.
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This face is my ID motherfucker.
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I don’t understand. If we’re so fucking ‘loved’ and ‘famous’, why does PMZ need an ID to grant us entrance to the party? I know it’s ‘not a big deal’, it’s ‘just an ID card’, but why isn’t my face and the invitation enough? Just wondering.
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Do it, you’ll rock that look from the runaway Manuela.
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Let's dye it teal!
Yes, something like that.
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& i present to you the captain of the SS Morcia.
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Thanks, Veep.
Sometimes I’m like, I could really look good with a side shave but then I imagine it and I’m like better not. The last thing I need is any added manliest. 
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Yes, something like that.
Sometimes I’m like, I could really look good with a side shave but then I imagine it and I’m like better not. The last thing I need is any added manliest. 
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Why not? If you think you’d look good with that kind of hair style then go for it.
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Yeah, good point.
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I see my monthly payment for compliments went through again, cuaderno. 
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I think you look great no matter what.
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Sometimes I’m like, I could really look good with a side shave but then I imagine it and I’m like better not. The last thing I need is any added manliest. 
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CT: Alright, well if you change your mind, it'd be real cool if you could come.
Manuela: [ Read ]
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CT: No, I know which one I’m texting. I wanted to see if you were free tomorrow night to come to my bbq. A bunch of people are coming, including like your whole fam.
Manuela: Thank you but no thank you.
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