manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Advantages of Owning a Franchise
Advantages of Owning a Franchise
On the previous feature, we have discussed the advantages of buying a franchise. In this article, we will further discuss why it is a better idea to own a franchise.
  Organized training and support is provided by the franchiser. You can expect that whatever good practices there is in the brand, this will be carried out to your franchise as well.
Franchisees use various measures to ensure your success. It is in the franchiser's best interest to make sure you grow and sell.
Franchisers often have good track record, a sure prerequisite to become a successful franchise as well. You as an owner carry out the same reputation as well.
Franchisers provide you with location assistance, making sure that wherever you decide to put up your franchise will have the maximum possible profitability.
A good franchise can take advantage of the entire economic system, and negotiate the best prices for everything you need at significantly lower rate than you would as an independent business owner.
  To know more about franchise opportunities at Life Maid Easy, click the link: http://www.lifemaideasyfranchise.com/
The post Advantages of Owning a Franchise appeared first on Life Maid Easy - House Cleaning Services for Vancouver.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Magic Moisturizer is Here! + Orange-Tahini Mousse
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Happy 2019, friends! Hope you've been having an inspiring beginning to the year. Today we're excited to announce that a small batch of our Magic Moisturizer is now available for sale, as per your amazing feedback. You can read all about it here (and get the recipe if you want to make it yourself), but basically, it's been our go-to skincare product for the past few years. It's made with all-natural ingredients that we find to be super nourishing and hydrating for all different types of skin, and it has the most luxurious texture and scent. Click here to go to our shop. Since Magic Moisturizer is like skin food, made with all food-grade ingredients, we were inspired to create a dessert recipe, celebrating two of the star ingredients in the formula: cacao butter and citrus. The result is this dreamy Orange-Tahini Mousse that takes minutes to put together.
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The lush ingredients in the Magic Moisturizer are: organic raw cacao butter, organic virgin coconut oil, beeswax, organic olive oil, organic jojoba oil, organic calendula oil, organic vitamin E oil, organic rosehip oil, distilled water, and essential oils of blood orange, Italian lemon, lavender, carrot seed, and clary sage, all of which have balancing, hydrating, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. Our friends love it, and it's been reported to help with cold sores, eczema, and chronically dry skin. We're so excited to share it as a physical offering! Now on to the mousse. To make it, shredded cacao butter, orange juice and zest, tahini, cashews, and maple syrup get whipped into oblivion in a high-speed blender. Distribute that mixture among little cups or ramekins, let it set in the fridge for about an hour, and you'll have the most amazing, cloud-like mousse that tastes like pure heaven. We have people coming over tonight, and I've got a batch cooling in the fridge for a simple but elegant finish to our meal. Seriously can't wait. Hope you enjoy the recipe, and look out for a new meal plan coming next week :)
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   Orange-Tahini Mousse
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Serves: 4
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons orange juice (from about 3 organic oranges)
zest from 1 organic orange, plus more for garnish
½ cup cashews - soaked in purified water for 1-2 hours or in boiling water for 15 minutes
¼ cup maple syrup
5 tablespoons shaved or finely chopped raw cacao butter (leveled, not heaping)
4 tablespoons tahini (leveled, not heaping)
Combine all the ingredients, except the orange zest, in a high-speed blender. Blend on high for about 30 seconds to a minute, until completely smooth. Add the orange zest and pulse on low, until just incorporated.
Distribute the mixture between about 4 ramekins or small cups. Refrigerate for an hour, or until completely set and enjoy, garnished with more zest. After the mousse has been refrigerated for a while, remove from the refrigerator about 5 minutes prior to eating.
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The post Magic Moisturizer is Here! + Orange-Tahini Mousse appeared first on Golubka Kitchen.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Custom Cabinets For Master Bathroom
When it comes to deciding what kind of cabinets you want to put in your kitchen or bathroom, we always tell our customers that the options are endless! 
Where To Find Your Inspiration
You can look around on the internet at Houzz, Pinterest, or any picture from anywhere, and we can make it happen! 
Recently we had a homeowner who found a particular cabinet she loved on Houzz. This particular cabinet had drawers with lots of space on the bottom while still having large enough cabinets to use for plumbing and storage. We were able to build these for her. We made the doors with a soft close option, and the whole thing looks fantastic. 
Custom Cabinets Vs. Prefab
This was a custom build, so we actually built the entire cabinet to fit the exact size of her bathroom wall. You don't get that kind of fit with a prefab cabinet. The problem with a prefab cabinet is that you have to adjust it to the size of the space you have available. You often have to add fitters on the sides and in the middle of the cabinets, to fill in the space. But what we can do is build you cabinets that are a perfect custom fit for your specific bathroom.
If you are interested in getting some custom work done for your bathroom or kitchen, give us a call! We can give you a free estimate, and we will be more than happy to make your dream happen for you!
The post Custom Cabinets For Master Bathroom appeared first on Nielsen's Painting & Remodeling.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Four Tips to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternfly
Lots of homeowners are concerned about the Spotted Lanternfly lately.  There are several ways you can help control the spread of this invasive pest.  Here are four tips to get rid of Spotted Lanternfly.
Removing Ailanthus trees
Spotted Lanternfly requires the ailanthus altissima to reproduce. This tree is the spotted lanternfly's primary target.  Because of this, the first step you should take to get rid of this pest is removing these trees from your property.  This is a must for managing this pest!
Control for ailanthus trees is never simple – they're very hardy plants!  What is generally recognized as the most effective control method is called “hack and squirt,” and involves cutting notches in the bark around the circumference of the tree.  Herbicide should be applied directly into the wound, once these notches have been cut into the tree.
A selective herbicide containing the chemical triclopyr may be used without damage to plants around the ailanthus tree.  However, if you are not a registered pesticide applicator in Pennsylvania and want to DIY this, a product with glyphosate (like Roundup) will work.  Use caution, however – not only are you applying an herbicide, but glyphosate is non-selective, meaning it kills any plant it touches.  If you don't want to damage other plants around the tree, you may want to contract a professional to help.
Removing Spotted Lanternfly egg masses
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During Fall and Winter months, and after a hard freeze, it's a great idea to inspect your property.  Look closely at the siding on your home, your cars, your grill, the trailer or RV, mailbox, trees and shrubs on the property, old piles of debris – give it a thorough inspection!
You should also inspect your cars any time you're leaving the quarantine zone for egg masses.  If you're going to be travelling to York, Dauphin, Cumberland, or Perry Counties, you should be inspecting your vehicle before you travel to ensure you're not transporting SLF outside the quarantine zone.
If you see the eggs masses from Spotted Lanternfly, scrape them into a bottle or sandwich bag containing rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer.  This will kill the eggs so they do not hatch.  If using a sandwich bag, we recommend that you “double bag,” just to be safe.  Scraped egg masses should be thrown away immediately.
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Sticky bands to catch nymphs
When nymphs first hatch in late Spring or early Summer, they tend to migrate to the fresher, greener parts of the tree where the new growth is to begin feeding.  And this makes sense; it could their piercing/sucking mouthparts may not be as developed yet, and unable to penetrate more mature bark.  Whatever the reason, it gives people trying to control their spread another tool in the arsenal – “sticky bands.”
The basic idea is simple: wrap the trunk of the tree in a sticky material that the nymphs will get stuck on.  If they can't get free and feed, they'll certainly never reach adulthood!  The Spotted Lanternfly Management for Homeowners published by Penn State even recommends simply using duct tape, and wrapping in backwards, tightly around the tree as an effective method for controlling nymphs.
Homeowners who are concerned about slowing the spread of this pest should target the trees we've mentioned first.  Then, move on to other trees on their property with this same method.  Sticky bands should be re-applied weekly during nymph stages (late May to September) for best results.
Note: “Sticky band” picture supplied by Heather Leach at Penn State University, and used with permission.
  Chemical control
This should be considered a final “backstop” to the other control methods we've outlined so far in this post.  There isn't a ton of information about what's really effective on this pest right now.  While experts agree that their nervous system is disrupted by available pesticides, none are presently labelled for use on the Spotted Lanternfly.
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What seems to be working for now is a combination of two different pesticide approaches.  These are commonly referred to as systemic and contact pesticides.  Systemic pesticides are products that the plant material absorbs, and it stays inside the plant itself.  This is how products like grub control work for your lawn.  The product is absorbed into the plant.  Then when an insect feeds on the plant, they ingest that product.
By contrast, contact pesticides are just what they sound like – they work on contact with the bug.  Examples of contact products most homeowners are familiar with are Raid and Black Flag for things like spiders and ants.  And, like those over-the-counter products, many contact pesticides also include a residual effect.  This means that they'll continue to kill bugs for a period of time (depending on the product used, rate of application, rainfall, etc.) after the application is completed.
Systemic products seem to be having a really good results with the nymph stage of the Spotted Lanternfly right now.  The adults are better controlled by contact products with regular follow up applications, because they're far more mobile.
  If you have questions about protecting your trees from this pest, please Contact Us.  We'd be happy to discuss your concerns.
The post Four Tips to Get Rid of Spotted Lanternfly appeared first on Tomlinson Bomberger.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
At the paint store coffee pot, Brian's 2019 painting predictions…
Two days ago, I was dropping of flyers at local paint stores about the 2019 Painting Profits Summit.
There was a little bit of a line to talk to the clerk, so I got a cup of coffee and spoke to an owner named Brian for a while about what he thought the new year held for painters in general and his business specifically.
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His predictions were – sadly – spot-on as the conversation continued…
Brian was what I call vaguely optimistic and hopeful about good things happening in his painting business in 2019. He told me he thought his sales would be up and things would be better.
He had been in business for eight years in our local Chattanooga market.
About this time, I found myself doing something that wasn't really my place to do.
You see, I'm a coach and a problem solver by trade. It's how I make my living and I'm really good at getting positive results for painters.
So, before I knew it – almost reflexively – I'm quizzing Brian about the things that matter most for 2019 business improvements. A quick “systems pulse check” if you will:
“So, Brian, what will you do differently in 2019 with your…”
“…Sales + Estimating System?” Brian says, “The SAME…”
“…Online + Offline Marketing?” Brian says, “No plans to change…”
“…Crew + Office Management?” Brian says, “About the SAME…”
“…Education + Time Management?” Brian says, “Too busy…”
“…Hiring + Recruitment of Painters?” Brian says, “You can't find good help…”
Finally, I asked Brian… “If I worked for you as a painter and I had done a terrible job painting a house, would you expect me to do it differently on the next project – or do the exact same thing and blindly hope for a better outcome?”
Brian said, “You'd have to do it different. I'd make you do it different.”
I asked, “What if I didn't? Would it change?”
Brian answered, “No. No, it wouldn't.”
I took a sip of my coffee and said, “Brian, bud, if you do the same thing in 2019 you've done the past eight years, will you get about the same result?”
Sheepishly he nodded.
I handed Brian a flyer to the 2019 Painting Profits Summit and asked him to look into joining us.
Sadly, Brian's initial outlook and plan of action for 2019 is representative of 95% of our industry. Vague optimism and hope that rarely amounts to much.
However, after being asked a few sensible questions, his prediction of achieving the same results without significant changes in his business became obvious to him. After working with hundreds of painters, I can tell you his last pronouncement was accurate.
I shouldn't write this, but I feel sad for Brian.
Chances are, he'll never make a change… even though opportunity stood next to him at a paint store coffee pot, presented him with a reasonable way to look at his business, then handed him a personal invitation for an amazing opportunity.
Guess what?
You don't have to think like Brian. If you've read this far, chances are you don't.
I'd like to invite you – personally – to join me at the 2019 Painting Profits Summit.
I want 2019 to be your best year ever… and that requires a change!
Email or call with questions! I can't wait to see you there! BL
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Regain Your Pioneering Spirit…
Have you lost the enthusiasm you once had for turning your painting company in to business of your dreams?
Stop Settling Now..
Is It Worth It?…
Owners reveal what they discovered at the Painting Profits Summit without pulling any punches. Yikes! These guys give it to you straight…
Learn More
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Advanced Sales Secrets Pre-Day
Sick and tired of losing jobs to cut-rate painters? Are your net margins razor-thin? We'll be revealing the proven secrets of the PowerPaint Presentation Process for the first time ever at this Pre-Day Event!
Learn More
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The post At the paint store coffee pot, Brian's 2019 painting predictions… appeared first on The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Positives from downsizing our home
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I recently had a friend drop by my house. Prior to his visit, my wife, daughter, and I executed our pre-visitor clean sweep. While we were walking through the house helping my daughter locate all of her toys, I realized for the first time how much simpler our smaller home is to maintain in comparison to our last house.
I mentioned my revelation to my wife after we completed our quick clean up and she mentioned how much she used to hate cleaning our prior home. (Our previous home was roughly one third larger than our current one.)
Since we downsized, we have discovered the following things:
Energy costs: We have saved about 50 percent on home energy costs per month since the move. (Our old home was not well insulated, so the size wasn't the only culprit to the high energy costs.)
Mortgage: While smaller doesn't always mean cheaper, in our case we cut our mortgage payment by 30 percent and we also save 75 percent on our homeowner's insurance. Our prior home was older and larger, while our current home is smaller and recently updated.
Maintenance: As I mentioned above, the cleaning time for our home has been decreased significantly.
While the positives are great, I do have a couple things that I miss about our old home: more room for entertaining and a nice master bathroom. Those two luxuries are worth being sacrificed, however, for all of the other benefits found in our current home. We have less clutter, fewer possessions in general, genuinely like this place more, and we're saving a lot of money.
  This post has been updated since its original publication in 2009.
Post written by Matt
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
3 Things Senior Living Communities Should Consider When Hiring Landscape Maintenance
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  Considering landscape maintenance for your senior living community?
At Schill Grounds Management (SGM) we understand that a safe, clean and well-maintained landscape is attractive to families seeking senior living for their loved ones.
As the landscape maintenance and snow removal provider for one of the top rated independent and assisted living facilities in Ohio (St. Mary of the Woods), amongst other facilities, we have the knowledge and expertise of maintaining and preserving healthy, vibrant landscapes year-round.
To assist in your search, we've created a list of the top 3 things senior living communities should consider when hiring landscape maintenance professionals: Safety, Service and Communication. Let's get started..
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Survey: Gen-Xers & Older Millennials Believe Stocks are a Better Investment than Real Estate
35-44 year olds were hit hardest by the housing bust just as they reached prime first-time homebuying age
Less than half of homebuyers and sellers between the ages of 35 and 44 believe that real estate is a better long-term investment than the stock market, according to a survey Redfin commissioned in December of more than 2,600 people nationwide who bought or sold a home in the last year, attempted to do so, or have plans to buy or sell soon.
Buyers who reached the median first-time homebuyer age of 31 years old between 2008 and 2012 during the Great Recession and housing market collapse are now 38 to 42 years old. Redfin's survey results show that this was the only age group that has less confidence in real estate as an investment than the stock market. Just 48 percent of homebuyers and sellers in this age group believe that real estate is a better long-term investment than the stock market.
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“The oldest Millennials and youngest Gen-Xers entered their late twenties or early thirties during the housing crash, which explains why they are more skeptical about investing in real-estate,” said Redfin chief economist Daryl Fairweather. “This generation experienced a major setback during the housing bust, which hit just as they were most likely to be getting married, starting a family, and becoming a first time homeowner. Looking into the future, we expect to see homeownership increase as Millennials enter prime home-buying age. This is because Millennials have a more favorable opinion of real estate as an investment than Gen-Xers, and Millennials are a larger group than Gen-Xers.”
In every other age group, buyers and sellers who believe that real estate is a better long-term investment outnumbered those who believe the stock market is better.
This finding is surprising given that it comes from a survey of people specifically buying or selling homes, which is a group that presumably would be biased toward real estate to begin with. Younger Baby Boomers, respondents aged 55 to 64, were the most optimistic about real estate as an investment. Previous Redfin surveys of homebuyers and sellers have not asked this specific question, so we do not yet have any data on whether this has changed over time.
Redfin contracted Qualtrics to field a study between November 2 and December 10, 2018 of 2,647 people from the general population who indicated they had bought or sold a home in the past year, tried to buy or sell a home in the past year or plan to do so this year.
This report focused included data from the 1,784 people who answered the question: “Which do you believe is the better investment for those who do not plan to move their money in the long term, the stock market or real estate?” People who answered either “Real estate is the slightly better investment” or “Real estate is the better investment by far” were grouped together, and those who answered “The stock market is the slightly better investment” or “The stock market is the better investment by far” were grouped together.
The survey had respondents from all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
For more information about the survey and its findings, contact Redfin Journalist Services at [email protected].
The post Survey: Gen-Xers & Older Millennials Believe Stocks are a Better Investment than Real Estate appeared first on Redfin Real-Time.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
The Biggest Textile Fair in The World – London Textile 19
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The Biggest Textile Fair in The World – London Textile 19: Today ends one of the largest fairs in the world of textiles, do you know London Textile? From 9th to 10th they had together a lot of textile companies, that came there to observe new technologies, trends and more about this sector. Stay with us and find out more about what happened in these two days!
    Committed to entering new markets and increasing their volume of exports, textile companies continue to bet on the main world fairs to strengthen their international presence.
Continue reading The Biggest Textile Fair in The World – London Textile 19 at Maison Valentina Blog.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Routines to Keep a Tidy Home With Kids
While children are the ones who make the messes, they can also help clean them up! Here are some basic routines that help keep a tidy home with kids. Post contains affiliate links.
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Tidying a home with small children in it is like trying shovel snow while it's still snowing. 
It feels sorta pointless, but if you don't at least shovel the snow while there's a lull, then soon you'll find yourself snowed in and unable to get out.
It's the same with toys. 
And all the kid stuff. 
And all the normal stuff. 
And everything else that lives in a house. 
Now, I know may people embrace the whole “the house will look like a bomb for a few years thing” and if you are truly able to function better that way, then I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.
However, if you hate the fact that your home looks like a football stadium after a ball game (Go Gators!), then I'm hoping these tips will help you.
Tidy Routines That Even Small Kids Can Do
Remember, if the house is in an overwhelming state of mess for YOU, imagine how it must feel to your child. Keep things simple and easy for both you and the kids.
1. Bed making and morning tidy
I've only recently gotten the kids to straighten their beds because, well, they weren't able to make their beds. You can do a few things to make this easier like getting zip up sheets, a zip up comforter
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, or just teaching them (painstakingly if they're small) how to tidy the bed.
I teach mine how and they don't have the freedom to come to breakfast unless their bed is straight and their room is cleaned. Now, straight is relative, but if I can tell they've tried I never go behind them.
Age: I will get my 2 year old to “help” tidy his crib, my barely 4 year old to help tidy his bed, and my 5, 6, and 7 year olds tidy their beds on their own.
Note: I use this clock to help the older ones know what time they can come out of their rooms to start the day.
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2. Cleanup after playtime
Each morning my kids have an independent play time and I don't restrict how many toys they can play with anymore. When they are small and in the crib, they get a few choices, but when they move to playing in their room they can do what they want.
The rule is that they can't come out of their room, however, until it's picked back up. I've done this from the get-go and now they don't argue or fuss, so their room pretty much stays in good order all day.
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If your children struggle to work hard without complaining, check out these printable chore cards you can use to help teach your kids responsibility, hard work, and contribution. 
3. Get a good laundry system down
It's my goal this year to get a good laundry system down for our family of 7.
I had a great one when we had 4 people then 5 but it unraveled at 6 and at 7… I just go in when we're out of clothes and that's that. However, in order to feel like the laundry is not out of control, I'm working to create a new system that is easier for us all to keep.
Your hamper system is probably the most important thing of all.
I recommend watching this video and seeing how you can apply it to your own home.
Are your home systems and routines just not working?
Get my free 5 email series that will help you make your home ordered again. Lose the chaos today!
4. Timed cleanup
I recently bought this timer to help in our day to day. Here is all the ways you can use a timer during your day, but let's say here that it's a great way to get in a big spurt of cleaning without feeling overwhelmed.
Set your timer for a certain period of time, turn on some music even, and clean until the timer goes off. It's easy enough to keep the kids motivated when they know there's an end in site.
You might even do this for 5 minutes every evening. 
The more you do little by little, the less that builds up.
5. Evening sweep
I wrote a whole post on the evening sweep here. It's a great routine to add into your evening.
If you get your husband involved it may take less time than you think. This is actually the icing on the cake so if you don't add in the other four routines above this will honestly leave you with a tidy home!
Get Your Tidy Routines Printable Checklist
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The post Routines to Keep a Tidy Home With Kids appeared first on A Mother Far from Home.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
What Colour Works Best for Your Kitchen?
Finding the right colours for your kitchen can be the difference from a fantastic design and one that looks disjointed and uncoordinated.
What colour works best for your kitchen? This is a question that we are going to explore in this weeks' blog at the Kitchen Warehouse.
You might have great cabinets, a new floor or modern appliances but if you mess up the wall colour this can all be in vain. Choosing the right colour to suit your design is vital.
There are a few things to think about first and questions that you need to ask yourself.
How much natural light do you have?
The size of your kitchen and how much natural light you have will have a big impact on your colour scheme.
Kitchen's that have a lot of natural light coming in can afford to have a darker colour on the wall. This could be with windows or even skylights and if there is an abundance of sunlight coming into the room you can potentially choose a duller colour. This is because there is light coming in anyway. In smaller kitchens or kitchens that have limited natural light, using darker colours can have a negative effect. It can make the room feel smaller and claustrophobic.
However, does this mean that dark colours should be avoided altogether?
Should you avoid darker colours?
Not necessarily. Even if you don't have much natural light this doesn't mean that you can't have a darker shade on your wall either.
Some people say that darker colours and dark neutral colours don't promote hunger which is kind of going against the whole point of the room! That being said, the design of every room in your home should be to your taste. If you like darker colours then why not have a dark blue or dark grey on your kitchen walls. If you prefer lighters colours then go for that.
Darker shades shouldn't just be avoided outright. There are a lot of factors that can compliment navy, blacks or grays in the kitchen.
Colours that go well in most kitchens
The debate about what colour works best for your kitchen can last for days without really getting anywhere. We have picked out 5 different colours that are generally universal.
Warm Neutrals
OK, so this isn't 'one' colour per se however warm neutrals cover a range of shades that can work wonders in your kitchen.
Warm neutrals have hints and shades of brown, red, orange, or yellow undertones and work with pretty much any other colour scheme. The reason that warm neutrals tend to work better than what we would call cold neutrals (think colours with undertones of blue or green) is because they are more inviting. These colours fell a lot more homely and provide a friendlier nature to the room overall. You can combine warm neutrals with pretty much anything from striking kitchen cabinets to wood. They are also a good idea to use in a kitchen with an accent wall as we will see below.
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White can often be seen as a bit boring but it is highly effective in creating a clean and minimalist design.
If you want a kitchen that looks uncluttered then white is a great choice. In fact, white painted rooms have an energy about them and as the kitchen is one of the first rooms you go into in the morning in search of some caffeine, white walls can offer a subconscious perk me up. Why not go white on white and combine this with white kitchen cabinets? It is a popular design trend and is becoming a real hallmark of modern kitchen design.
Blue is a colour that is not automatically associated with kitchen design. That doesn't mean that it can be used for great effect in the kitchen and it doesn't even need to be as an accent colour either.
The thing with blue is that it provides a real crisp dimension to your room. It is recommended that you use it quite sparingly so resist the temptation to cover every part of the kitchen in blue. If you are wondering what colour works best for your kitchen and are stumped for ideas that are a little bit different than the norm then consider blue. It isn't that common and will make your kitchen have a unique slant.
We've blogged about having green as one of the primary colours in your kitchen before – Why Green Is The New Must Have Colour. Many people think that green is outdated and is better left as a design trend a few decades ago.
This isn't the case. Green can be a very effective colour to have in your kitchen and it can blend in and work very well with whites, grays and other light colours. Not only is it a very inviting colour it is natural too. Green reminds us of nature and if you want a calm and relaxing vibe to your kitchen, a light shade of green can really help to achieve this effect.
Finally, we have yellow. A nice bright colour that reminds us of sunshine and summer days. Can it work in your kitchen? Yes!
if you are wondering what colour works best for your kitchen then yellow should be a stronger contender because it can go with nearly anything. In fact, if you have a lot of gray in your room then yellow works fabulously with this and helps to bring it to life. Yellow is great too at reflecting light so if you have a dull kitchen or one that doesn't receive a ton of natural light then yellow can help to brighten to the whole room.
Think about an accent wall too
If you are still debating what colour to paint your kitchen or if you think it could do with something to make it appear more modern then consider an accent wall.
Creating an accent in your kitchen is very easy and can have a massive effect on how your room looks. It can bring attention to one particular part of the room or even just break up an monotony of colour. A kitchen accent can take many forms from accent lighting, accent kitchen cupboard doors or even just painting one room different than the rest. The possibilities here are endless.
What colour works best for your kitchen?
So, what colour works best for your kitchen?
Like everything when it comes to kitchen design, it depends on you, your tastes and what you want.
The colours we have shown you in this blog will generally go with anything in your kitchen. This is why they are so popular but don't be afraid to experiment and try something new. Just remember to ensure that you don't make your kitchen feel smaller wither dark colours if you have poor natural light or make it overly bright with light colours in a room that is already well lit.
Whether you play it safe or go for something a bit left field, adding a splash of colour to your kitchen can really transform the room even if you don't do anything else.
The post What Colour Works Best for Your Kitchen? appeared first on Kitchen Blog | Kitchen Design, Style Tips & Ideas | Kitchen Warehouse UK.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
5 Ways to Organize Your Cabinet Doors
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Here at Infarrantly Creative, I've shown you how I utilized the space on the inside of cabinet doors to better organize my own kitchen.  As it turns out, that empty space on the inside of my doors had amazing hidden potential!  When you stop to consider the square footage of level, usable space on the {...Read More...}
The post 5 Ways to Organize Your Cabinet Doors appeared first on Infarrantly Creative.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
How to Put Out an Oven Fire in 5 Life-Saving Steps
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Knowing how to put out an oven fire can save your life.
You react to the burning smell of an oven fire before it triggers the smoke alarm. Flames shooting up through a stove top burner send you scrambling for the extinguisher.
Are you sure you know how to put out an oven fire? How do you handle a flare-up in the microwave or toaster oven?
This guide covers the basics of extinguishing fires in all types of ovens. We also offer tips on common causes of oven fires and the best ways to prevent this kitchen disaster.
5 Emergency Steps for Putting Out Oven Fires
When you suddenly face an oven fire, knowing what to do and how to put it out can save your home and your life. While there are some differences in tactics depending on the type of appliance, these basic steps apply to all ovens.
1. Leave the Door Closed
Throwing open the oven door feeds oxygen to flames inside. It also exposes you to a dangerous blast that can cause serious injury. Leave the door closed until the fire goes out.
2. Turn Everything Off
Turn off the oven, and make sure top burners are off. As a precaution, unplug nearby appliances, and move everything away from the stove. Keep a very close eye on the flames.
3. Stay Away From Water
Water is not effective against oven and stove top fires. Throwing it on a grease fire spreads the flames, and water is very dangerous around electric appliances.
4. Reach for the Extinguisher
The fire should go out on its on with the oven door closed, but be prepared. Get ready to use your kitchen fire extinguisher if flames spread up through the stove top.
5. Know When to Call for Help
If the flames don't die down or you have any doubts about your safety, evacuate the house immediately. Call the fire department, and don't go back inside until you get the all-clear from first responders.
Not every kitchen fire starts in a conventional oven. In addition to the above five steps, take these precautions when dealing with other types of oven fires.
• Electric Oven Fires – If you can't unplug the stove, shut off the kitchen's electric circuit breaker. • Convection Oven Fires – Follow the same instructions for handling electric oven fires. • Oven Broiler Fires – Smother small fires with salt or baking soda. Never use flour or baking powder. • Toaster Oven Fires – Unplug the appliance, or flip the circuit breaker to the kitchen. • Microwave Oven Fires – Unplug the microwave, or turn off the kitchen's circuit breaker.
Why Oven Fires Happen
An average of more than 170,000 home fires start in the kitchen every year. It's important to note the leading hazards that can cause a dangerous flare-up in your oven.
• Unattended cooking equipment or appliances • Combustibles too close to heating elements • Grease splatters from fatty foods • Batter overflowing pans during baking • Self-cleaning oven fires due to equipment malfunction
How to Prevent Them
The most important safety tip for preventing an oven fire is also one of the easiest to practice: Keep an eye on things. Don't ever leave the room while you're cooking. Follow these precautions too.
• Keep oven and broiler areas clean. • Place a drip tray under items baking in the oven. • An oven can catch fire if left on indefinitely, so never use it to heat the kitchen. • Never try to dry any type of combustible materials in the oven. • Treat equipment to annual maintenance by an appliance technician.
What to Do After an Oven Fire
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It's not easy to deal with the aftermath of an oven fire. Soot and smoke cleanup takes time and hard work. It's especially important to thoroughly clean the oven after a grease fire because leftover residue can start another flare-up.
If the job seems like more than you can handle, call a fire damage restoration company. Certified technicians address soot removal and smoke odor elimination with high-tech equipment. They also get the work done quickly so that you can get back to enjoying your kitchen.
Never assume an oven that caught fire is safe to use. The risk is too great. Have the equipment inspected by an appliance professional. He or she can also confirm the safety of your stove's connections.
When You Need Expert Help
If you ever face a kitchen damaged by any type of fire and you're in the Chicagoland area, we're here for you. Our teams are always standing by with industry-certified kitchen fire and smoke cleanup services. When you need expert help in a fire-damaged kitchen, you can depend on ServiceMaster by Zaba.
The post How to Put Out an Oven Fire in 5 Life-Saving Steps appeared first on ServiceMaster Restoration by Zaba.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Next Avenue Picks the 6 Best New Personal Finance Books
There are two problems with many personal finance books. One, they're dull. Two, they often tell you what you already know or suspect. So it's refreshing when new ones come along that are actually interesting reading and helpful. Here are my six favorites from the past year: This Is the Year I Put My Financial…
The post Next Avenue Picks the 6 Best New Personal Finance Books appeared first on Next Avenue.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Meet Sweeten General Contractor Nick
His key to success? Scheduling, scheduling, scheduling!
At Sweeten, the experts in our network are experienced contractors and design pros we'd be thrilled to have working in our own homes. We check their licenses, insurance, quality of work, and customer service skills. Trust and open communication are the lifeblood of our free renovation service, and our personal connection to our experts enables us to match you to the best choices for your project. Here, get to know their personality and click to view their portfolio, including photos from past work and client reviews, so that you can hire the right team and renovate with confidence.
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Check out Nick's portfolio here 
What do you love most about construction and working in the renovation space?
I think it's great to capture someone's ideas and bring them to life. Also, the joy customers have after the project is completed-when they are satisfied, it's really rewarding.
What do you want all of your clients to know when they start a project?
They have nothing to worry about. We'll take care of everything from A-to-Z.
What is your favorite project that you've done?
Actually, our first Sweeten project. Our client was very easygoing. He shared his vision and then let us work.
Describe your ideal client?
Trusting! They trust us, our expertise, our craftsmanship-pretty much everything about us.
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If you couldn't be a contractor what would you be doing and why?
I am actually a chemical engineer. I'd be working back in pharma because I left that to work with my dad and to take over the company. This is really my dad's company, but we're partners.
What is your secret to make sure a project is wrapped up successfully?
Scheduling is the number one thing. Making sure subcontractors all align properly, they're on time and trustworthy. My subcontractors are very reliable.
What is your favorite New York City borough
I'm from Queens, so let's go with Queens.
What is your favorite New York restaurant?
There is a really good brick oven pizza in Brooklyn. It's called Campañas, it is right by the Verrazano bridge in Bay Ridge.
Take a look at some of Nick's renovations below and check out his portfolio for more photos of past work.
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(1 & 3) Kate and Daniel's bathroom in Jackson Heights (2) Gloria's kitchen in Queens
Nick has been a Sweeten general contractor since March 2017.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project's location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you're ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
The post Meet Sweeten General Contractor Nick appeared first on Sweeten Blog.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
The Worst Decluttering Strategy Ever
Today, I'm sharing what is (in my personal-turned-professional opinion) the absolute worst decluttering strategy ever. For me. Don't separate those two things. The thing about it being the absolute worst, and the part about it being the worst for me. I finally started making real, lasting, bigtime decluttering progress when I stopped crying about how […]
The post The Worst Decluttering Strategy Ever appeared first on A Slob Comes Clean.
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manuelmahar12-blog · 6 years
Don't Let Your Goals Fizzle Out! – 5 Reasons Goals Fail, and What You Can Do To Make Yours Succeed
It's become a yearly ritual for many: Set ambitious goals for the New Year, tackle them enthusiastically for a few weeks, and then give up on them completely by March.
This is a vicious cycle that encourages you to feel bad about yourself, and feel as though you'll never get out of your rut.
Whether you are setting goals for your finances, or whether you are attempting to substantially improve your life, the yearly attempt (and subsequent failure) associated with resolutions can be frustrating.
If you're ready to break the cycle, it helps to understand why you fail, and what you can do to create success in your life.
Here are 5 Reasons Goals Fail - and What You Can Do to Overcome the Pitfalls of Resolution-Setting and Succeed This Year:
1. Your Goal Ignores Reality
Too often, we have high-flown ideas of what we can become with just the right goal.
Unfortunately, this often leads to setting unrealistic goals.
While it would be great to pay off $35,000 in debt this year, the reality is that you aren't likely to accomplish that goal if you make $40,000 a year.  You're going to need to make major sacrifices in terms of what you spend on, and you're going to have to come up with ways to make more money.
The same is true of losing weight, going back to school, or any number of goals that you might set.
Your goals need to be grounded in the reality of where you are right now and what you can reasonably hope to accomplish by the end of the year.  Honestly evaluate the situation, and figure out what you can actually do.  You can still set stretch goals that require you to push yourself a little bit, but you still need to be realistic.
Your resolutions need to be achievable.
Without achievable goals, you eventually give up when you realize the futility of your efforts.  You don't want that to happen, so create realistic goals, and set realistic benchmarks that you can use to measure progress throughout the year.  You'll be more likely to stay motivated to reach your goal.
2. Your Goal Focuses on a Process, Rather than a Result
In the past, my fitness goals have included things like, “swim for 30 minutes three times a week” or “kickbox for 20 minutes a day.”  While those are specific goals that are, in fact, achievable, they focus on a process instead of a result.
What if I don't feel like kickboxing today?  What if my son is sick and I have to stay home instead of driving to the pool?
It's easy to be defeated by the process, whether I stop swimming after 15 minutes, I only go twice a week, or I don't go at all.  The same is true of money goals or any other goals.
If you focus too much on some sort of process that you have to complete to be successful, you are less likely to follow through with your resolution for a sustained period of time.
Instead of focusing on the process, focus on the end result.
What result are you trying to achieve?  Maybe I want to reduce my waist size by three inches or lose 10 pounds.  That result doesn't rely on a specific process.  Maybe I change my eating habits so that I have less junk food in my diet.  Or, instead of getting hung up on whether or not I made it to the pool, I ride the stationary bike if I can't get out of the house.
When you focus on a result, and what it takes to achieved that desired objective, you are more likely to stick with your resolutions.  You can substitute different actions and behaviors that can offer the same result over time.
This works with money, as well.
Instead of saying that you want to put $458.33 each month into your retirement account, you can say that you want to be in a position to max out your IRA by the end of the year.  This doesn't require that you put $458.33 each month without fail from the beginning; it means that you build up to that over the course of the year.  At the end of the year, you'll have a result: You'll be set up to max out your IRA.  However, you do this by making gradual changes, either spending less or earning more (or doing both) and gradually increasing what you set aside.
Focus on the end result, and break it down so that you are looking at the big picture, rather fretting about the process.
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3. Your Goals are Too Vague
One of the main pieces of advice that goal-setting gurus offer is that you should be specific.
If your goal is to “get healthy” or “save money,” chances are that you are going to fail at some point.
What, specifically, would make you healthier?  Do you want to bring your cholesterol down to a certain (realistic) level?  Would you like to increase your lean muscle mass by a specific amount?  What are you saving money for?  Do you want to save up $5,000 for a family vacation?  Are you planning to save up $15,000 for a down payment on a house?
Really think about what you want to accomplish with your goals.  Be specific.
Without some sort of specific goal, you have no way of knowing how much progress you have made, or how to tell when you've accomplished your objective.  Don't forget, though, that you do want to keep the overall result in mind.  If you haven't quite reached the exact and specific goal you have set, but you are still in line with the general result you want by the end of the year, that's still a win.  You can keep working on it moving forward.
Set realistically specific goals, and make sure to break your goals down into smaller, bite-sized chunks that can be digested by you as you move forward.  That way, you can measure your progress along the way and stay excited about what you've achieved.  Being able to see your progress can create good feelings that encourage you to do even more to reach your goals in the future.
4. You Get Hung Up on Time Limits for Your Goals
One of the big reasons that your New Year's resolutions are likely to fail is that you get too hung up on time limits.
While a brand new year is a great time for reflection, and a good time to set goals, the reality is that you don't have to limit yourself to a year to reach your goals.  The idea behind setting goals is to make a true improvement in your life, not create some mad dash to a finish line.
If you get hung up on time limits for the accomplishment of your goals, you are more likely to make sweeping changes that last for only a short time before you revert.
In order for goals to truly improve your life, you have to be able to assimilate them into your lifestyle.  Even if your goal is to run a half-marathon in a certain period of time, the reality is that, as you work toward achieving that goal, you make changes in your life that are likely to “stick,” as long as you approach it as a long-term journey, rather than something you have to accomplish by a certain date.
Once you achieve a goal like that, you can tweak it for the next goal.
Your goal-setting should be more about improving your life so that you create long-term habits, rather than encouraging you to do something and then stop once the goal is reached.  Don't get hung up on having something done by the end of the year.  Instead, focus on the result, and work toward it consistently.  It might take you two years to save up your desired down payment for a home, but that's ok.
And, once you do reach your specific goal, make sure you have another goal to replace it with and take advantage of the good habits you have been building up.
Once you have enough for a down payment, you can set a new goal to build up your emergency fund, contribute to a retirement account, or set up a college fund for your children.
The idea is to keep improving, so you want to build on your successes for the next big goal.
5. You Set Too Many Goals
One of the biggest reasons that you fail at your goals is that you set too many.
Just as you aren't likely to see solid results from multi-tasking, you are unlikely to see the results you want if you set too many goals at once.
This ties into number four.  Instead of setting a whole bunch of goals, pick one or two major goals to be working toward at a time.  Once you have achieved one of your goals, have something else to be working toward.  You should be focusing on bigger goals that can be broken down into manageable and measurable steps.  That way, you are actually improving your life and creating habits that result in long-term life success and satisfaction.
Don't overwhelm yourself with all of the things you should be doing.
Instead, think of the most important one or two things you want to accomplish first, and then create plans to tackle those items.  Then, move on to a new goal.  Don't limit yourself by time, either.  If you finish a goal in August, start working on a new goal - even though it isn't a new year.  View it as a journey, and you'll be more likely to make steady progress.
Here's what Leo Babauta, author of the popular blog zenhabits.net says about forming one habit at a time:
Habit change is difficult, even with just one habit. If you do more than one habit at a time, you're setting yourself up for failure. Keep it simple, allow yourself to focus, and give yourself the best chance for success. Btw, this is why New Year's resolutions often fail - people try to tackle more than one change at a time.
Other Tips for Succeeding with Your Goals
As you work on overcoming the stumbling blocks often associated with goal setting, there are a few other tips to keep in mind.  Staying motivated can be difficult, even if you can see the positive changes and progress that you are making in your life.
Here are some other strategies you can employ to help you succeed at your goals:
Make it public: Sharing your goal with others can create an incentive to succeed.  It adds a layer of accountability to your efforts.  Even if you just share it with two or three people who can be your “accountability buddies” and check up on you from time to time, the fact that you know that others are watching to see your progress can keep you motivated.
Join a group: It can help to join a community with similar goals.  You can receive support and encouragement from those who are taking the journey with you.  It can also be a good way to get insight into tricks and tips that can help you with your specific goal.  Having that support system can keep you motivated, even during the toughest of times.
Put your money where your mouth is: Make a bet.  Studies conducted by the founders of the goal-setting web site Stickk.com found that when money is on the line, people were more likely to stick with their goals.  If you have a financial consequence associated with your failure, you are more likely to succeed, if just to avoid the financial hit you'll take.  Of course, this is counterproductive if you can't afford the consequence.  It should be something that's painful, but not devastating to you.
Work with someone: This is similar to making it public and joining a group.  Find a buddy who has the same goal as you.  This works especially well if you have a significant other or a family.  You can all work together, encouraging each other.  And when you reach your joint goal, you can all celebrate together.  Any journey is more fun and fulfilling when you have others to come with you, and celebrate with you.
Glen's note on Goals: One thing I find critical in setting successful goals is to make doing the goal as easy as possible.  Back in 2007 I set a goal to run the NYC Marathon.  As part of my training I had to do one long run every week.  This meant waking up early on the weekends to get my run in.  There was no way I was going to wake up early and start bumbling around getting ready to run.  I had to have a plan before-hand or I'd be lazy and not go.  So by Friday afternoon every week I made sure to map out my miles for my long run.  I'd chart a course to make sure I'd get the required distance in.  This gave me a specific direction for my runs and it eliminated the decision of where to run when I woke up.  To further help me in my groggy morning state I also made sure to have my running clothes set aside as well as my water bottle(s) for the run.  This way I could wake up, get ready, and get out of the house.  If I left myself with too much thinking and preparation in the morning I KNOW I would have gotten too lazy to head out.
We can make financial goals easier too.
Tools like Quicken can help you plan out goals and track them.  Setting up automatic savings and investing takes the thought out of putting money away for your goals.
Know your tendencies and build plans into your goals to make sure you stay on top of your intentions.
Final Word On Making Your Goals Succeed
There's no reason to let goal-setting get you down.   Change the way you approach your resolutions, and there is a good chance that you will see more success this year - and in the years to come.
Where have you failed at goals?  Where have you succeeded?  Share your stories in the comments!
Bonus to help you with your goals and habits: Here's Google's Matt Cutts talking about trying new things for 30 days.
And here's Jerry Seinfeld's “Don't break the chain” motivation and productivity technique (via Lifehacker): Jerry Seinfeld's Productivity Secret
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Don't Let Your Goals Fizzle Out! – 5 Reasons Goals Fail, and What You Can Do To Make Yours Succeed
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