manyfull · 4 months
Lovely Runner Theory
My theory is that Im Sol and Sun Jae started a time loop. 
One thing we know for sure is that the watch Sun Jae wears gains the power to time travel because of his death. So without Sun Jae’s death the power wouldn’t exist meaning Im Sol wouldn’t be able to time travel.
The third time and the last possibility that Im Sol time travels in, Sun Jae ends up dying. The watch gains power while on Sun Jae’s wrist. Im Sol presses the watch and ends up starting a fourth time line. I believe Sun Jae also traveled to the past. But to a moment where Im Sol hadn’t traveled yet.
This time line he travels to is the original time line we meet Im sol in during the first episode. So the one in which she doesn’t know Sun Jae but he saved her from the killer, she gets paralyzed and falls into a depression. 
In this timeline we see that Sun Jae calls Im Sol and thanks her for staying alive. We also see that Im Sol gets the watch from an auction. 
I believe Sun Jae put the watch on auction with the intention of Im Sol getting that watch so she could fix the timeline and be happy. Which marks the beginning of Im Sol time traveling. 
That’s why Sun Jae is also getting memories from other time lines because he is also a time traveler in one of them. 
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manyfull · 4 years
I guess I have to continue watching 
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GOJŌ SATORU, Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 20.
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manyfull · 4 years
Now that we have reached the last chapter of the year. It is time to do a 2020 roll call of what I like to call, “State of the Shippers”:
1. IzuOcha. Status: Placated.
-IzuOcha’s could celebrate several cute tidbits throughout the year. Mini moments as they say.
Anime Highlights: The OVA’s came in clutch with moments for shippers all around and IzuOcha is no exception. We got a cute tidbit where Izuku and Ochako bumped into each other and were flustered.
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Manga Highlights: Christmas kept on giving to this fandom as the AM doll Izuku gave Ochako made many appearances. A cute fist bump between the two was also exchanged and Mina was right there bouncing with y’all.
Heroes Rising: Izuku super man carried Ochako to safety. And was Angy she was injured. Fans could enjoy the small Lois Lane moment.
Troubling Signs?: Ochako said “I would like to be excluded from this narrative” when it comes to her feelings for Deku. She’s a hero damnit! So if they are in for something, probably won’t be while they are still in school.
II. DabiHawks. Status: Yikes.
- Dabi and Hawk’s very public breakup set this fandom in disarray but also kind of disayay?
Anime Highlights: None yet. This fandom was cruelly cock blocked by Bones. Sorry DabiHawks stans.
Manga Highlights: Where to begin, my goodness. With these fans, I guess the good and the bad is a plus in this homoerotic double agent relationship. We have the notion that Dabi may have known Hawks when they were kids, which may be a positive? Hori sure loves his childhood friends. Other than that. The GIRLS WERE FIGHTIN’. Hawks is now permanently scarred by Dabi and I don’t think it was kinky folks. Tokoyami inserted himself in the middle to White Knight Hawks, Dabi broke up with him via YT expose and overall, shippers could anguish in the absolute MESS that this ship endured this year. But I’m sure that’s part of the appeal. So...yay?
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Heroes Rising: They were both in it.
Troubling Signs?: The entire relationship is a troubling sign which again, is part of the appeal. Maybe Hawks will cuddle up with Dabi’s father after the war. That’s troubling! Speaking of...
III. EndHawks. Status: Yearning and Burning.
-If there’s one thing Endeavor couldn’t stop worrying about, it was his hot (in more ways than one) new side piece who probably should have looked at the fine print when signing a contract to be a recurring guest star on “Keeping up with the Todoroki’s”.
Anime Highlights: A fateful meeting finally in high definition for all our eyes to see! Hawks’s unwavering support of his biggest hero was endearing to watch and their shenanigans together spurred the anime onlies to finally jump on the biggest May-December ship in the series.
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Manga Highlights: Endeavor’s admiration and concern for Hawks seeped through the pages as we entered our most exciting arc in the manga yet. Fate split these two up yet entwined their downfall together. And that Fate’s name was Dabi...or should I say ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ or should I just say Touya!
Heroes Rising: “Don’t bite my head off, Endeavor.” Geez, can you flirt a little less loud Hawks?
Troubling Signs?: They say never meet your heroes and Hawks is in for a rude awakening. We shall see just how deep his admiration runs or if Endeavor’s past will split our dynamic duo up for good.
IV: TodoDeku. Status: “Precious”
-Shoto’s “Midoriya is in Danger” radar was highlighted in both manga and anime. 4th User’s quirk, who?
Anime Highlights: “Midoriya hasn’t returned yet.” “Where’s Midoriya?” “Midoriya! Grab my hand!” “Have some of my Soba Midoriya.” Shoto gets it. His emotional support friend is a danger magnet. TodoDeku’s also enjoyed tiny tidbits in the OVA such as a hand grabbing scene. Gotta hold tight to those crumbs.
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Manga Highlights: Two Words. “Precious Friend.” Deku comes in w/o arms or legs fighting for Shoto and Shoto’s honor. These two spent the entire year worried sick about each other, and going against all odds to save each other. Precious Friends indeed. TDDK fans ate.
Heroes Rising: Shoto kicks some dog ass and then faints thinking of Deku (and Bakugo but shh. Let the shippers rejoice.) On the bright side, we have a 3rd movie coming featuring “The Three Musketeers” so shippers of TdDk can HOLD TIGHT to what’s to come.
Troubling Signs?: Shoto still doesn’t know about OFA and he’s gonna have LOTS of questions after this arc. Will Deku finally tell him? If not, it could make or break the ship.
V. TodoBaku. Status: “Shining through the city with a little funk and soul.”
-Who knew the greatest comedy duo we needed was Shoto and his hot headed “friend” or not friend? It still remains unclear to Shoto. Regardless, these two had a fun year.
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Anime Highlights: “I wanna see your cute face”, disco dancing, and more fun in the provisional license training. Plus the OVA added some cute moments between the two such as Bakugo staying behind to save Todoroki during a dangerous excercise and his adorable plan neatly animated for us. I’d say TodoBaku’s really were resurgent and energized this year!
Manga Highlights: Shoto, that is not how you properly Catch a Kacchan, I’m sorry. But at least you did it you mad lad. As with Deku, Shoto spent the year worried sick about Bakugo. While the anime let us have our fun, these two were suffering in the manga.
Heroes Rising: Again, Shoto put a dog down and then fainted with Bakugo on his mind (and Deku but we ignore that. Shush.) TodoBaku’s have the 3rd movie to look forward to which is bound to have some amazing content!
Troubling Signs?: They have a lot of trauma to deal with. And a lot of Deku to worry about. I also imagine Shoto will be hurt about being left out of the OFA secret. We shall see what 2021 has to offer.
VI. KiriMina. Status: Unbreakable.
-Changing your hairstyle to match the gal who inspired you in middle school? Sorry y’all but if Mina were a guy, I’d say that’s gay af.
Anime Highlights: We got that backstory Bois. Red Riot’s origin might as well make him be called Pink Riot. Again with Hori and the childhood friends though I wouldn’t exactly call them friends. They just went to the same middle school but Kirishima was highly influenced by Mina’s Chivalrous spirit! A ship is born!
Manga Highlights: The influence is mutual! Mina creates a move based on Kirishima’s unbreakable and we all let out a collective “awwww”. Also in the war arc, we got Kirishima making sure Mina’s chivalrous spirit shines through right into Gigantomachia’s mouth! KiriMina may just be the unsung MVP’s of this arc.
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Heroes Rising: They were in it.
Troubling Signs?: I can’t think of a single one. KiriMina’s can enjoy a peaceful sailing.
VII: KiriBaku. Status: Crumb Collectors.
-2020 was an uneventful year for KiriBaku but Bones made sure there were crumbs aplenty! Thank God for OVA’s!
Anime Highlights: KiriBaku’s did thrive in one episode! Kirishima reflects on the sludge incident and evolves his quirk based on inspiring words from Bakugo! Hooray! KiriBaku’s can thrive in their blossoming friendship. The OVA also has Kirishima (and Kaminari but shh) once again following Bakugo’s lead when it comes to the training excercise. How can you not? He’s so manly!
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Manga Highlights: Not gonna lie. There is nothing much here this year. I did find a teeny tiny flake in Aizawa’s flashback. Kirishima and Bakugo are sitting next to each other. Oh! And at the hot pot gathering, Bakugo sits next to Kirishima! Eat your crumbs KiriBaku’s! There’s always next year!
Heroes Rising: Kirishima hangs with a lazy Bakugo and delivers the most hilarious line in the whole movie. “Silly Bakugo, there won’t be villains here!” Hahah... Silly Bakugo. Oh you~ KiriBaku’s can inhale the fact that those two sure love to hover around each other!
Troubling Signs?: With great crumbs come little responsiblity. No trouble if there’s no content! 🤔
VIII: KamiJirou. Status: Singing their hearts out 🎶
-If there’s any ship that’s coming close to canonization, I think this is it, folks! “Think of the person most important to you!” Can’t argue with Midnight!
Anime Highlights: Kaminari does non stop encouraging of Jirou and her hobbies! He works super hard to learn guitar for her sake! We love a king who can encourage his queen!
Manga Highlights: Kaminari thinks of the most important person to him and surprise! It’s Jirou! All of the feels can commence.
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Heroes Rising: They were in it!
Troubling Signs?: Kaminari does love his women. And men. Kaminari overall is a huge flirt. But Jirou appears to have his heart strings. ❤️
IX: BakuDeku. Status: Rising. 👑
-Alternative Statuses include Winning, Thriving, Soaring. It’s just been non stop content this year. 2020 is truly the year for BakuDeku. The shippers can rejoice.
Anime Highlights: Three words. Be. My. Cane. The OVA’s helped fan the flames of the BkDk hearts with a surprise! Deku tops! Not only that, we got a lovely shoulder tap of encouragement in the canon material. While in season 4, Deku’s primary focus was Eri. Bakugo and Deku still had their moments to be hella gay.
Manga Highlights: Where do I even begin? I guess we’ll just cut to the chase with Bakugo Katsuki: Rising. We finally saw Bakugo’s true feelings manifest for Deku and if getting stabbed for him isn’t the ultimate showing of love, then idk what is. BakuDeku’s rounded out the year with the Volume 29 cover AND the volume 29 cover drafts to eat at our heart strings. Overall, their relationship got the spotlight in the manga this year. And we’re bound to start 2021 with a dramatic confrontation. Hand holding seems to be the key with these two and it didn’t stop with Heroes Rising...speaking of.
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Heroes Rising: The entire movie. Like....yeah. That’s it. [OP, your bias is showing. You have to be SPECIFIC.] {But random criticizer in my head, if I lay out the entire plot of the movie, my post will be too long} [OP....] UGHHHH Okay okay. The POPSICLE MELTING. THE HAND HOLDING. THE CHARACTER DESIGNS OF WHAT MIGHT AS WELL BE THEIR LOVE CHILDREN. Did I mention? “It’s fine if it’s you?” CAUSE YEAH. Oh and All Might randomly officiating their wedding in their heads like idk. Isn’t it just simpler if I say the whole movie??!
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Troubling Signs?: Well these two’s relationship is extremely delicate and while it has non stop soared this year, Deku might not take too kindly to Bakugo almost dying for him. Will they stop pushing each other away? Time will tell.
That’s all for this year folks! Happy Shipping and good luck to everyone next year!
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manyfull · 4 years
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Students Heroes & Villains Masterlist
Hawks Fics
Hawks Headcanons
Icarus Masterlist
One Word Inspiration Masterlist
Hawks Birth Week Event Masterlist
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manyfull · 4 years
omgggg can you share ur list of things you’ve read ? 😭 i feel like i’ve hit rock bottom thinking i’ve read everything
Alright, here we go, these are a few of my favorite reader-inserts I have saved on my AO3:
Multi Ships (collection of one shots/love triangles)
Dear Diary: Bakugo VS Midoriya VS Todoroki. Reader had her heart broken by Bakugo, moves on and develops feelings for Midoriya that might be mutual?, and now Bakugo likes reader but is a fucking dick about it and Midoriya is an oblivious green bean. Meanwhile Todoroki is just a sweety, acting like a real friend and being there for reader during the drama (that he sometimes causes). Angst alert, just pure angst. I love it as much as i want to pull out all my hair cause of these idiot children. (Wordcount: 77415 Status: Incomplete)
The Void You Left Behind: Past Kirishima/Reader, Bakugo/Reader. Reader was married to Kirishima who sadly died while on the job. Bakugo and reader mourn together and help each other to move on. The grief in this was so realistic and well done, you will feel like you were hit by a truck. I cried and had to take breaks. (Wordcount: 71016 Status: Complete)
Million Reasons: Past Bakugo/reader, Midoriya/Reader. Bakugo and reader were married, but Bakugo (a total dick) cheats on reader and was abusive towards reader who ends up leaving him, changing jobs, and now working for the current number one hero Deku. Warning: Domestic violence, abusive and manipulative behavior. (Wordcount: 55693 Status: Incomplete)
MULT-FANDOM COLLECTION (my-american-hero): Multiple story collection, not just bnha. Author’s tumblr account.
BNHA College Reader Inserts series: 5 works, all in college. Really like the Bakugo/Reader centric fics in this one, reader doesn’t take his shit. (Wordcount total of all works: 62691 Status: Series incomplete,  but only one of the works isn’t complete.)
Baby no Hero Academia: Multiple stories of our favorite characters being parents. (Wordcount: 72822 Status: incomplete)
My Hero Academia Images: multi story collection. If you like these, look at the other works by this author. Some are choose your own route stories with different endings for each ship. (Wordcount: 240426 Status: incomplete)
My hero academia one-shots!: smutty and fluffy one shots with multiple characters. (Wordcount: 155424 Status: complete)
Boku no Hero Academia One-Shots/Imagines~! (lady-Bakuhoe): one-shot collection. Didn’t realize right away that I had been reading lady-bakuhoe’s stuff for months on AO3. (Wordcount: 39963 Status: complete)
Ship Centric:
Bakugou, Katsuki ( Alpha!Bakugou ; Omegaverse )(AO3 Link) (Tumblr Link): Smut one-shot, omegaverse, alpha/omega, daddy kink. (Wordcount: 5087)
Wolves Among Us: I’m pretty sure everyone knows this one, still putting it down. Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU. (Wordcount: 334465 Status: Incomplete)
Bakugou Household: Domestic Bakugo just being the best dad. (Wordcount: 37867 Status: incomplete)
Types of Love: A bunch of one-shots about different types of love with Bakugo as the center subject. (Wordcount: 10243 Status: Complete)
Sex is a learning, even for shitheads.: Porn with Plot. Focuses on the evolution of the relationship between reader and Bakugo and their sex lives together, from first learning how to do the sex and controlling quirks during to exploring kinks, likes and dislikes. (Wordcount: 73453 Status: Complete)
Speak (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader): Soulmate Au- first words tattooed on body. Reader isnt too thrilled about the resident gremlin of 1-A is her soulmate. Smut included. (Wordcount: 153848 Status: Complete)
Knockout: I just started this one today, but I like it so far. Underground kickboxer au, kickboxer!Bakugo meets card girl!reader. (Wordcount: 85297 Status: complete)
His Tyranny: Fantasy au. Barbarian King Bakugo is power hungry, looking for anything to boost his strength, takes reader, a girl with a strong and dangerous magical ability, from the tower she was locked away in. (Wordcount: 76038 Status: complete)
Dakimakura: Bakugo develops a crush. Porn with plot. (Wordcount: 48657 Status: Complete)
Secret Admirer: Reader leaves Bakugo love letters. Things get steamy when reader gets caught. (Wordcount: 2278 Status: complete)
How to get a boyfriend?: Reader is Bakugo’s little sister and wants a boyfriend, she has her eyes set on her brother’s manly best friend. (Wordcount: 22431 Status: complete)
A Helping Hand (author’s tumblr https://thetrashyartwitch.tumblr.com/): No quirk au. Reader wants to better herself by going to the gym and develops a crush on Kirishima who was just being himself and being kind to reader. This gets a gold star from me, I read this over and over and I still love it so much. (Wordcount: 5707 Status: complete, one-shot)
Rising Sun (Btw, don’t bug the author about updating, they already get hounded about this one and other fics. The wait will be worth it.): Fantasy au and arrange marriage between princess!reader and dragon!Kirishima. Reader is in an entirely new environment and culture, getting to know her new kingdom and husband. (Wordcount: 14667 Status: incomplete)
Crimison|Ink (Kirishima x Reader) : I know I posted about this one before, but I will post about this again. I read this so many times, I have it downloaded on my phone to read offline. I don’t even know where to begin to describe this one, I just love it so much and can’t wait for it to come back. I don’t want to say I have a favorite, cause I love all of these… but if I had to choose *cough* this one *cough*. Summary: “Kirishima and his band of heavily tattooed brothers own and run a very well known tattoo shop together. One day a girl wonders into the shop in search of a tattoo to mark the start of her new life. Soon enough she’ll learn that this ‘family’ business is more than just buzzing tattoo guns and ink, and finds herself caught up in the middle of it, all while having to deal with a certain sharp-toothed pain in the ass.” Warning: violence, blood and gore, toxic past relationships. (Wordcount: 119179 Status: incomplete)
Oranges: Omegaverse, alpha!female!Reader/Omega!Kirishima. Mutual pining childhood friends who are oblivious towards each other’s feelings while everyone notices. (Wordcount: 19695 Status: Complete)
Anger Management: smut one-shot, reader is pissed about something at work and uses Kirishima to get rid of the rage by riding him till she’s no longer angry. (Wordcount: 1509 Status: Complete)
The Pizza Delivery Guy: Modern and College Au. Reader’s roommate Mina puts in to send the cutest delivery boy over. Best customer service experience ever. Pure fluff and flirting. Wanna see more. (Wordcount: 1607 Status: Complete)
Better Late Than Never: Dumb dumbs pining over each other both thinking they are just friends. (Wordcount: 2996 Status: complete)
Boyfriend Me: Short and simple, i live for the fluff and awkward kirishima. Accidental confessions and lack of words when around your crush. (Wordcount: 701 Status: complete)
The Heat of a Dragon: Pure smut with fantasy dragon!kirishima… who has two dicks. (Wordcount: 2464 Status: Complete)
All in his head: Reader has a mind reading quirk and Kirishima has a surprisingly dirty mind, sexy times ensues. (Wordcount: 1415 Status: Complete)
Fatgum/Reader (warning: all are smut fics)
First Time: This was my first fatgum fic I ever read and it’s still one of my top faves. Reader and Fatgum finally take steps into becoming intimate. Fluffy porn with plot. Size difference, totally a size queen’s go to fic. (Wordcount: 5394 Status: complete)
Sugar : Another first time fic, this time with a baker!reader in the middle of her kitchen. Size difference. (Wordcount: 6241 Status: Complete)
Dine and Dash: Celebratory public sex. (Wordcount: 2883 Status: complete)
Brick Walls are Great Support: Public sex in an alleyway. (Wordcount: 3006 Status: complete)
Drizzle: Valentine’s day sexy times with food. (Wordcount: 3017 Status:Complete) 
Temporary: Omegaverse, Omega!reader goes to a heat/rut house and meets alpha!Fatgum. (Wordcount: 3367 Status: Complete)
Not a typical Office Romance: office sexy times. (Wordcount: 2006 Status: complete)
Warmth of You: collection of Deku/reader one-shot smuts. I actually love this author a lot, does some of the best bottom Bakugo fics I have ever read. If you like bakudeku, check out their other works.
“Just Friends” : Jealous Midoriya doesn’t like being called just friends and reminds the reader that they are way more. Smut. (Wordcount: 3492 Status: complete)
Hero Santa: Best friends become something more during movie night in a blanket fort. Fluffy smut that makes me smile. (Wordcount: 4936 Status: complete)
Hoodie [SeroxReader]: post-break up, the only thing left behind was one of Sero’s hoodies that Reader still wears. Angst. (Wordcount: 3284 Status: complete)
Sour. Sweet. Gone.: no quirk and college au. Sero and reader are both pining idiots who go from friends to enemies to lovers. (Wordcount: 10448 Status: complete)
Tape residue: fluff smut, friends to lovers. Sero misread some signals but it all ends well. (Wordcount: 3410 Status: Complete)
A Seronade of Misunderstandings: Sero plans the most romantic and cheesy way for the first time but reader thinks his secretive behavior means he’s cheating. (Wordcount: 3420 Status: Complete)
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manyfull · 4 years
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This is my comic for MHA  @recoveryzine It’s about social media, Bakugo and his friends :3 Hope you enjoy them!! 🙏
Leftover sales open in August 14 at 6PM PST for anyone who want to purchase💪 The profits go for charity! https://recoveryzine.bigcartel.com
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manyfull · 4 years
greetings fellow earthling
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— You were an alien skeptic failing your Astrophysics 142 class. Oikawa was an alien believer successfully majoring in astrophysics. When you join his alien conspiracy server thinking it was a place for physics help, an unlikely connection is formed where you least expect it.
pairing: oikawa tooru x reader word count: 13.5k genre: college/university au, fluff
a/n: my first oikawa fic!! this was so so fun to write omg i love him so much and tbh i wrote most of this fic while wearing oikawa’s greys alien sweatshirt dhjsjd,, i rly hope u guys like it ^-^ also i’ve taken exactly one (1) astrophysics class in college so um i’m def qualified to write this LMAO,, pls lmk what u think!! xx sof
「 hq masterlist 」
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“Hey, did you get the DM I sent you?” asked Mao, one of your best friends and housemates for the school year. 
You thought of all the social networking sites she was active on. Twitter, Instagram, LINE, Club Penguin, TikTok… Too many platforms to count. And all of which you were barely active on enough to check the messages you received yourself.
Keep reading
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manyfull · 4 years
bnha masterlist 💫
Too Soon - Shouto Todoroki | part 1 | part 2 | 
After being together for a while Todoroki decides to end things after he starts getting feelings for Momo but after a while, he realizes he made a mistake and is too late to fix things, or is it?
Not Enough - Shouto Todoroki | Part 1 | Part 2 |
After Bakugou seeing you getting closer to Todoroki, he decides to take matters into his own hands
Meeting the Family - Shouto Todoroki 
Could I request Todoroki, Momo, and Deku meeting their S/O’s family, who are a very nice and close lower-middle income family who welcome them happily?
Surprise?  - Shouto Todoroki 
Prompt list: #27. “Happy Anniversary.” #40. “Wait…what?”
Make a choice - Shouto Todoroki 
After being with Shouto for a few years now, an unexpected visitor comes back and it won’t make things easy for you both. 
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15 | part 16 | part 17 | part 18 | part 19 | part 20 | part 21 | part 22 | part 23 | part 24 | part 25 | 
Secret to secret - Shouto Todoroki #new
Shoto Todoroki is a company’s son who is urged to get married soon. (y/f/n) (y/l/n) is trying to fix her father’s debt but feels useless for not being able to help. Until they end up crossing paths and the idea of marriage is brought to help fix both their problems.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | 
Longing - Shouto Todorki #new 
After dying such an unrealistic death, you ended up becoming a ghost. Searching for the way to head to the other side you end up running into someone literally.
Part 1  | Part 2 
Mistrust - Shouto Todoroki 
Not being a person with much words or any friends, Todoroki decides to try to get to know you. After a situation comes up he’s the first person you decide to call turning the feelings into something more.
It’s You  - Shouto Todoroki 
A scenario of Shouto in a soulmate au where you and your soulmate share a tattoo and he shares his with his s/o but he doesn’t know and Momo draws on shouto’s tattoo so for the longest time he thought Momo was his soulmate which really hurts his s/o because she knows that he actually is her soulmate but is too kind to say anything about it until bakugou takes matters into his own hands and brings the truth to light? In short, angst-turned-happy sorry if this is really long luv you thanks!!!
Indecisive - Shouto Todoroki 
12. “I never thought it would come down to this”
40. “Wait…what?”
I want to talk to you - Shouto Todoroki 
Not being able to sleep, Todoroki decides to ask you to come over only for it to turn into something different.
Sometimes there’s nothing mutual - Shouto Todoroki 
Shouto Todoroki - s/o with ant-agnostic attitude 
Shouto Todoroki - s/o with negative emotions quirk
Shouto Todoroki -  s/o singing moonlight to them 
Shouto Todoroki -  s/o who’s a traitor
Shouto Todoroki - s/o dies and single dad  
Shouto Todoroki -  abusive parents 
Butterflies - Mashirao Ojiro 
During the provisional license exam, the reader gets trapped and Ojiro comes to her rescue
Oh Happy Day - Mashirao Ojiro 
Request:  Oooh yay I’m happy to see requests open! Love ya and ya writing! I wanted to see way a day at the beach would entail with our boy ojiro 😏 maybe a class trip and he’s flustered seeing his fem!S/O in a bathing suit ahaha thanks for reading this.
Realization - Mashirao Ojiro 
Request:  May I perhaps request a scenario of the reader getting jealous of how close Hagakure is with Ojiro?
Rainy Days - Mashirao Ojiro (age gap) 
 When two strangers meet at a local Japanese garden during a rainy season they begin to get to talk to one another without knowing anything about each other. Just talks and nothing more.
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | 
Mashirao Ojiro - Start Over
After having the chance to move into the dorms. Things turn out a bit unexpected.
crush with the same quirk - Mashirao Ojiro 
Feel the love - Toshinori Yagi
Request: Not sure if you are taking requests but maybe Toshinori Yagi x Reader. Maybe all the teachers and some of the older students ( can make them older if need be) go to a karaoke bar and reader sings ‘Holding out for a Hero’ to a certain hero *cough* Toshi *cough* but it would be to his true form not his All Might form.
 Signals - Toshinori Yagi 
After retiring from being a pro-hero you decide to teach at U.A which is exactly where your old friend Toshinori teaches at. 
s/o tends to disappear - Toshinori Yagi 
s/o saving a child and being a parent  - Toshiori Yagi 
Crazy Love  - Tenya Iida 
During your internship, you never realized how hard it was going to be next to his side. Especially those who were around him all the time. It was harder than you thought it would actually be.
Cute Love  - Tenya Iida 
After acing the test that Iida helped you so study do much you decide to share the news 
Common Thing - Tenya Iida 
After arriving at U.A as a newbie you grab the attention of someone from Class 1-A and it turns into something special
First Time  - Tenya Iida 
Request: Can i request a really cute scenario with Iida where him and his s/o share their first kiss? I’m not particular on where this scenario takes place or anything. I wanna let you have a little fun with it. Thank you so much!! He’s my best boy and i love your writing so far!
Hearts  - Tenya Iida 
Request: Sooo, I uhhh, couldn’t resist myself to send a request… Can i have a Iida scenario with the prompts no. 10 and 16 Thank you so much! <3
Remorse  - Tenya Iida 
No one said being a hero was easy, especially in this line of work. Being in love with another hero brought joy but also worry and now he understood the consequences. 
s/o who gets flustered easily  - Tenya Iida 
s/o coming out as bisexual  - Tenya Iida
s/o with negative emotions quirk - Tenya Iida 
s/o trying to become faster  - Tenya Iida 
s/o singing moonlight to them  - Tenya Iida 
crush with the same quirk  - Tenya Iida 
s/o during her period - Tenya Iida 
s/o who’s afraid of the water   - Tenya Iida 
single parent - Tenya Iida 
s/o who keeps disappearing - Tenya Iida 
Family Jitters  - Momo Yaoyorozu 
Could I request Todoroki, Momo, and Deku meeting their S/O’s family, who are a very nice and close lower-middle income family who welcome them happily?
Breakable  - Momo Yaoyorozu
Request: Hello! This is an idea I’ve had for a while, I’d like to request Momo Yaoyorozu with an S/O who was a more villainous quirk, and is discriminated against by other heroes, until they do eventually become a villain and Momo confronts them.
s/o with depression  - Momo Yaoyorozu 
s/o with negative emotions quirk - Momo Yaoyorozu
s/o who’s a traitor - Momo Yaoyorozu
single parent  - Momo Yaoyorozu
s/o crying over a character’s death  - Momo Yaoyorozu
Not Enough - Katsuki Bakugou 
After Bakugou seeing you getting closer to Todoroki, he decides to take matters into his own hands
 Part 1 | Part 2 | 
Perspective  - Katsuki Bakugou 
Request: Hello! I’ve read that your request box is open so could possibly ask for a scenario where the reader is chubby and is pretty self-conscious about it and then there’s her boyfie Bakugou who comes out of nowhere and hugs her, kisses her, bites her chubby cheeks just because? Thank you so much!
Forgotten  - Katsuki Bakugou 
40. “Wait what?”
27. “Happy Anniversary”
Different Lives - Katsuki Bakugou 
After waking up one day in a different body they try to make it work and make it their mission to fix this.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
Run  - Katsuki Bakugou 
Request: “I can’t pretend that this isn’t happening.” Hybrid Bakugou with his human lover. He is being hunted down. Please and thank yoh
Afraid  - Katsuki Bakugou 
When Bakugou decides to confess his feelings for you, things go south and until you see him with someone else that’s when you realize the harsh cold truth.
Let’s have a real talk - Katsuki Bakugou 
When a new student arrives, you are suddenly forgotten and replaced by them. No one notices what they are doing but one blonde guy does making you realize you weren’t as alone as you thought you were.
Still find you next to me  - Katsuki Bakugou 
Even after time and time again people tell you how selfish and destructive he is you stood beside him. After a fight happens he realizes the only person who has ever actually been there for him.
Let’s have a real talk - Katsuki Bakugou 
When a new student arrives, you are suddenly forgotten and replaced by them. No one notices what they are doing but one blonde guy does making you realize you weren’t as alone as you thought you were.
Happy Ending - Katsuki Bakugou 
The city turned into absolute chaos the only thing that was on both your minds was each others safety.
I was wrong - Katsuki Bakugou
s/o always disappearing - Katsuki Bakugou 
s/o with ant-agnostic attitude  - Katsuki Bakugou
s/o singing moonlight to them - Katsuki Bakugou
Quiet s/o singing - Katsuki Bakugou 
s/o who’s a traitor - Katsuki Bakugou 
single dad  - Katsuki Bakugou 
s/o crying over a character’s death - Katsuki Bakugou 
Lovely Dream - Hitoshi Shinso 
Never did he imagine you’d be with him but now that you’re both together. You start to realize how much he has impacted your life.
s/o with ant-agnostic attitude - Hitoshi Shinso
s/o coming out as bisexual - Hitoshi Shinso
s/o w/ abusive parents  - Hitoshi Shinso
Unexpected - Shota Aizawa 
Request: Can I get Aizawa x female reader is a Teacher’s Assistant and Aizawa has had his eye on her since she first started helping out around UA. Maybe he starts getting a little jealous hearing all the students say how cool she is and that she stops by the dorms to help them cook. Just some cute romance and fluff with kissing and yay!
Taken - Shota Aizawa 
Request: I told myself I wouldn’t request right away, but here I am! Anyway, I would love a scenario where Aizawa’s goddaughter is trapped outside in the woods during the attack on the training camp, and ends up racing after Bakugo, falling through the portal, and is now a captive of the League of Villains? Maybe focusing more on Aizawa’s reactions? (P.S: I am SO in love with your writing!
s/o coming out as bisexual - Shota Aizawa 
Quiet s/o singing - Shota Aizawa 
crush with the same quirk - Shota Aizawa 
s/o during her period - Shota Aizawa
s/o saving a child and being a parent  - Shota Aizawa 
s/o always disappearing - Shota Aizawa 
s/o coming out as bisexual - Hizashi Yamada 
Quiet s/o singing - Hizashi Yamada
crush with the same quirk - Hizashi Yamada
s/o during her period - Hizashi Yamada
s/o saving a child and being a parent - Hizashi Yamada
Keep Swimming - Tsuyu Asui 
After not being able to swim she decides to teach you how to swim. 
s/o with negative emotions quirk - Tsuyu Asui 
Accepted by Family  - Izuku Midoriya 
Could I request Todoroki, Momo, and Deku meeting their S/O’s family, who are a very nice and close lower-middle income family who welcome them happily?
Costumes - Izuku Midoriya 
One day he finds you with a wig wondering what you were up to when one day they find you dressed in their hero costume.
Lips of an angel  - Izuku Midoriya 
When Izuku and you decide to end your guy’s relationship you both end up being with different people but one late night call turns out into a confession. [based on the song “Lips of an angel” by Hinder] 
Comfort  - Izuku Midoriya 
16. “I love you”    
18. “I’m right here.”
Meanings - Izuku Midoriya 
Upon arriving to a flower shop to grab a bouquet for his mom, he never imagined to end up falling for them.
and then I found you  - Izuku Midoriya 
Having to be a single parent for your daughter isn’t easy but then someone comes along and makes you realize you’re not alone in this world.
Heart to Heart - Izuku Midoriya | pt. 1 | * age gap *
Never in a million years did you ever think about falling for someone. Especially, when they were older than you, but it happened.
Heart to Heart - Izuku Midoriya | pt. 2 | * age gap *
After years of not hearing from him, he comes back, you tried to live your life and then destiny brings him back with a surprise of course.
Heart to Heart  Izuku Midoriya | pt. 3 | * age gap *
The mission began at such a great start, then it happened and things went south. Your feelings began to resurface and it wasn’t making things easier.
it’s hard to speak - Izuku Midoriya 
You were never one to make the first move, being shy was such a nervous wreck. Wanting to be social with your crush was harder then it looked. But when Midoriya sees you talking well with everyone else he starts to doubt.
Let me be your hope - Izuku Midoriya 
I don’t wanna love you anymore - Izuku Midoriya 
A happy day turned into such a horrible event, they say true love is never thought upon twice. I guess you were proved wrong.
s/o singing moonlight to them  - Izuku Midoriya 
s/o who’s a traitor - Izuku Midoriya 
single parent - Izuku Midoriya 
s/o crying over a character’s death  - Izuku Midoriya 
s/o with abusive parents  - Izuku Midoriya 
Exhaustion  - Denki Kaminari 
s/o who, if she overused her quirk (phasing), her body can become really unstable and can result in massive energy surge that can really hurt her if she isn’t careful
Scares and Confessions  - Denki Kaminari 
After a long time of putting his feelings off, he decides to make the move on Halloween night
Father and Daughter Time  - Denki Kaminari 
After getting called in for a late night mission Denki stays home with his daughter.
I want you  - Denki Kaminari 
Having feelings is hard as it is, but when you both have feelings and don’t know how to act around them. That’s when you decide to hold off until you are both ready. But when two people start to cling on, you can’t take it any longer and explode. 
Don’t tell me this now  - Denki Kaminari 
I can’t believe you! - Denki Kaminari 
Everything was going fine till you realized that your movie moment was going to turn into well not so magical after all
Yesterday  - Eijiro Kirishima 
s/o who, if she overused her quirk (phasing), her body can become really unstable and can result in massive energy surge that can really hurt her if she isn’t careful
Injuries  - Eijiro Kirishima 
Request:  I saw you were taking requests (≧∇≦)/ Can i maybe request a Kirishima scenario where after class 1-A are leaving the class where they do their ultimate moves his s/o gets super pale and is limping a little bit, aizawa notices and catches her but asks Kirishima to get her to recovery girl? Fluffy ending please? I need a cuddly kiri im currently sick and I have a bandage on my thigh because I strained my muscle on volleyball^^;
Cuteness  - Eijiro Kirishima 
Request: Can I request a scenario with Kirishima where his fem s/o has been tired all week like bags under her eyes and when class 1-A is watching a movie together she falls asleep on him and everyone is like crying because of how adorable she is when sleeping? (She’s usually really badass and serious and sometimes has a attitude but deep down she’s a softie that wants cuddles?)
Surprise  - Eijiro Kirishima 
Request: Ahhh!! I LUV UR WRITING!(´∀`)♡(´∀`)♡can I Request a Domestic Kirishima scenario where he gets into the top 5 as the n.4 hero and when he comes home his wife and kids have a surprise for him as a congratulation for being the best hero and dad?!?!
Discovery  - Eijiro Kirishima 
Request:  Can I request a Kirishima scenario with the prompts 24. And 38 where he comes home and notices something is wrong with his fem s/o and she’s hyperventilating really bad and calms her down asking her to explain what’s wrong and she tells him she’s pregnant and she’s scared and he’s all happy and supportive?
You Found Me  - Eijiro Kirishima 
Request: Omggg think about this a Fantasy AU scenario with dragon shapeshifter Kirishima and s/o where they reunite after being separated as kids (she’s limping and hurt from being mistreated and her wings were tied together etc) with prompts 26 29 and 23 just a emotional fluffy scenario!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Trust Me  - Eijiro Kirishima 
#5. “Are you crazy?!”
#13. “It’s for the best”
#16. “I love you”
Reassurance  - Eijiro Kirishima 
Request:  Hewo!May I request a Eijiro Kirishima x Fem Reader imagine with the prompt numbers 38,25,24,23,and 16?
Kids are kids  - Eijiro Kirishima 
Request:  Can I pleaseeeee Request a scenario with kiriiii!? His s/o has twins who love kiri and they go to visit maybe sero and Mina on Halloween and the twins and sero’s kid are playing and they are all cute hiding behind their parents etc!?
Unique Eyes - Eijiro Kirishima 
You always thought when people referenced the word soulmates, it’d be cliched since they didnt exist. Yet the curiosity of your eyes got the better of you. Turns out you did have one all along.
s/o dressing up as them - Eijiro Kirishima
Quiet s/o singing - Eijiro Kirishima 
single dad - Eijiro Kirishima 
Lost Time  - Enji Todoroki 
14. “I would do anything for you to live”
29. “I still love you.”
Responsible  - Enji Todoroki 
36. “This isn’t your mess to clean up”
Special Day  - Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu 
You decide to throw a birthday party surprise for your boyfriend 
This is something alright - Hanta Sero 
You never knew that you actually had a soulmate, but when you found out who it was you regretted being a clumsy person.
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manyfull · 4 years
On the Record - Series Guide
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Summary: You begin investigating the Todoroki’s earning the interest of the winged-hero Hawks.
Series Warning: angst, violence, cursing, BNHA spoilers/theories.
Main Characters: You/Reader - Keigo “Hawks” Takami
Side Characters: Dabi, Enji “Endeavor” Todoroki, Shouto Todoroki, Natsuo Todoroki, Rei Todoroki, Toshinori “All Might” Yagi, Yui Tanaka (OC)
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Chp 1: “Vultures”
Chp 2: Idiot 
Chp 3: Panic 
Chp 4: Agony
Chp 5: Agreement 
Chp 6: Brothers
Chp 7: Justice 
Chp 8: Like Father, Like Son
Chp 9: Compilation
Chp 10: Corruption 
Chp 11: Promise
Ending 1: Villainous Healer
Ending 2: Promise of Reunion 
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Taglist: @muzans2thwife​ @memekingofwwiii​ @thatwriterzen​ If you wish to be added, please message me
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manyfull · 4 years
jane austen and redbull  |★|  keiji akaashi x reader smau
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synopsis: You’re desperately trying to juggle classes, teaching, and your dumb friends as you navigate grad school. When the opportunity of a lifetime pops up - a contract professorship that could change your career in academia - you and a co-teaching assistant go head to head for the position. He’s cold and calculated and definitely doesn’t respect your intelligence, but he’s also undeniably smart and, well frankly, hot.
pairing: keiji akaashi x reader
genre: crack, academic! akaashi, a lil angst/competition for fun, dash of romance.
note: always read chapter narration for some fun extra, and any context. I have two working brain cells, so come along on a journey. The chapter titles are references to the themes of the chapters, or personal queries - or just for fun. ALSO, some extra chapters may appear, because that’s how life is. Some ref to timeskip but really only that hinata went to brazil lmao. Just msg me to be added to the taglist bbies.
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manyfull · 4 years
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manyfull · 4 years
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a sfw, choose-your-own collaboration created by the bnharem server !!
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after a long six months, summer is finally here! from pool parties to traveling the world, everyone is taking advantage of the bright skies and warm weather in a variety of ways. the possibilities are endless, so who will you be spending your summer with this year?
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⤷ aizawa shouta / eraserhead — @league-of-thots​
⤷ amajiki tamaki — @shotosmainhoe​
⤷ ashido mina — @simpingh0e​
⤷ bakugou katsuki — @bratwritings​
⤷ dabi — @tamasoft​ 
⤷ hadou nejire — @candychronicles​
⤷ iida tenya — @sugacookiies​
⤷ jirou kyouka — @bnhabadass​
⤷ kaibara sen — @burnedbyshoto​
⤷ kirishima eijirou — @pixxiesdust​
⤷ midoriya inko — @lesbian-peanut-writer​
⤷ midoriya izuku — @antigenius​
⤷ monoma neito — @jojosmilktea​
⤷ sakamata kugo / gang orca — @kittycatkrissa​ 
⤷ sero hanta — @secondhand-trash​
⤷ shigaraki tomura — @tomurasprincess​
⤷ shindou yo — @heyybrittannia​ 
⤷ shinsou hitoshi — @kingexpl0sionmurder​
⤷ takami keigo / hawks — @lordexplosionsextra​
⤷ tetsutetsu tetsutetsu — @justabstractthings​
⤷ todoroki natsuo — @saetyrn9
⤷ todoroki shouto — @mrs-takami-keigo​ 
⤷ torino sorahiko / gran torino — @bakugotrashpanda​
⤷ toyomitsu taishiro / fat gum — @cellotonin​
⤷ yoarashi inasa — @plusultrawritings​
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manyfull · 4 years
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— You’re at a theme park when Kaminari dares you to AirDrop memes to the first device that pops up and reluctantly, you give in. But never would you have thought they’d send you memes back… Nor could you have guessed the person you were feeling a meme-connection with was your first love and first heartbreak, Shinsou Hitoshi.
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pairing: shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader
genre: crack, fluff, a wee bit of angst 
status: ongoing
updates: mon, wed, fri @ 8pm pst
asks: 😈 | memes: 🍆
a/n: AHHHH I’M SO HYPED FOR THIS,, it’s inspired by the time i went to disneyland and got memes airdropped to me on mickey’s fun wheel ahdjjd there was no love story irl but there def will be in this smau ;) rated 17+ for VERY suggestive content and alc/weed !! i really hope y’all enjoy as much as i do :D xx sof
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💌 part 1 - now we wait
Keep reading
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manyfull · 4 years
Your Biggest Fan Masterlist
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fan-site noun
a website about a particular performer, group, film, etc., that has been created by a fan(s).
↝ During the day you work under number one hero Ground Zero’s agency as a receptionist, but at night you run the biggest hero fansite wholly dedicated to the number one hero, Ground Zero himself. When Bakugou stumbles upon your fansite, he goes undercover as a fan using a fake account. Eventually, you both slowly fall for the other’s online alias, completely unaware of who’s behind the accounts.
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PAIRING: prohero!bakugou x fansite!reader (fem)
TAGS/WARNINGS: fluff, the tiniest bit of angst, crack, swearing
STATUS: ongoing
UPDATES: tuesdays/thursdays @ 4-5 PM EST
A/N: this is my first smau (other than my shitposts but those never had a real storyline lol) so bare with me a little on this lmao. A special thank you to @bnhatrashh for putting up with my rambling about this because I was nervous (I love you Izzy, I wouldn’t have been able to start this smau without your help). I hope you guys enjoy this! :)
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introductions pt. i (bakusquad)
introductions pt. ii (readersquad)
📷PART I ↠ back on your bullshit
📷PART V ↠ 
📷PART X ↠ 
📷PART XVIII (written) ↠
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manyfull · 4 years
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Hawks with dimples?
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manyfull · 4 years
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Boku no Hero Academia || CH. 275 » Encounter 2
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manyfull · 4 years
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                           bnha medieval AU + RPG cards.
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