mapleieaf-blog ¡ 5 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 1
(Link to the idea) that made me want to write it instead of working on my OTHER FICS.
“Soulmate Searcher?” Marinette questioned with intrigue and confusion.
“Its an app that just got a global release!” Alya answered. “At first it was only released in America, but it became a huge hit and now it has international servers.”
The designer looked at her friend with confusion even more confusion.
“So why is it so popular? And why did you want me to install it on my phone?” Marinette inquired.
“Its an app that lets you find the special someone who is your significant other. Alya explained. “Its a tried and true compatibility tester.”
Marinette’s intrigue dissipated, in her mind it was just like those cheesy magazine quizzes they put in magazines to see which celebrity  you would marry. Marinette had long outgrown that phase, especially when last time she took one it did not say she would be paired with Adrien but XY! Gross. 
“Oh. Well count me out. Those quizzes are just a load of…”
“No way lady dude.” Nino chimed in. “This thing is legit. It has the highest matchmaking app back in the States and it is like down to a science and stuff.”
Marinette looked at the DJ skeptically.
Alya placed her hand on her shoulder.
“ It is more then just a personality quiz. You put in your name, your age, dating age range, preference, and so on, and then you answer a bunch of questions that allows the app to gage your personality, mentality and emotional impulse. Then after thats done, it will match you with the top 10 people who have the highest compatibility with you in a 50 mile radius. You can see percentage rates and everything. Then you can decide if you want to message any of the people on the list or block them. They can only see your name, photo and the percentage.” Alya detailed.
“So then all a person needs to do is know what your answers are and copy them.”
“An interesting Hypothesis but sadly incorrect.” Max answered from behind the group.
“Sorry to intrude, but I too had my doubts about the app until I learned about how the app’s algorithm worked. All questions given are randomized and answering the questions the exact same way even if someone did get the same questions does not guarantee 100% compatibility. I made several dummy accounts and rigged them in order to make them both have identical questions and answers, but they did not achieve 100% compatibility.” The class egghead began to explain. 
“Having run the test numerous times with numerous accounts, the algorithm matches people with similar beliefs but not identical,  as having too much in common does not mean soul mate, it can be seen as suffocating. I have not yet cracked the theorem of how to get 100%. The highest I have been able to get is 93%.  It is as if it is a perfect formula for compatibility.” Max concluded.
Marinette had to admit her interest was peeked.
“So its a one time questionnaire and then done?” Marinette pressed with more interest.
“Well the first questionnaire takes an hour or two so it has enough data for a base compatibility profile. Then you answer 10 questions every day for 2 weeks to reaffirm any errors it might have made. Thats how the App is so successful. After about 2 weeks, your profile will be established. It was able to cut the margin of error down to 1.9%” Max exclaimed. “Its the pinnacle of mathematical perfection.”
“Thanks dude, couldn’t have explained it better… really.” Nino thanked the robot enthusiast.
“Anytime, now I must head off. Markov and I have more tests to run.” Max head out and left the three teens to their own devices.
Marinette thought about it, she really didn’t have much to lose trying it out.
“I even got Adrien to install it. He said he will fill it out after fencing.” Alya Whispered.
Marinette realized she had to do it. What if Adrien was on the app and some other girl had a high compatibility with him before she had a chance to try it. What if he fell in love with that mystery girl, got married and then bought a hamster!?
“Okay, I will take the quiz.” Marinette exclaimed with Confidence.
“Atta girl!”
Marinette had gone with Alya back to the Dupain Bakery in order to answer the questions in peace.
In Marinette’s room, Alya was relaxing as she watched the Designer answer the questions as honestly as possible.
“Now Girl, odds are the percentage maybe around the 70% mark, But Knowing you and Adrien, I bet you two will make it into the 80′s.” Alya answered.
Marinette nodded, half listening as she focused on answering.
“Nino and I got an 85%, which was pretty high. Ivan and Myléne only got a 79%. So no worries even if its in the 70′s”
“DONE!” Marinette exclaimed as she fell back. She was mentally exhausted. The questions were surprisingly more in depth then she expected.
She pressed submit and waited. Staring at her phone as it ‘processed her answers’
Alya stood up walking over to the bluish-black haired designer.
The list popped up.
Marinette scrolled through from 10 to 1. No Adrien. She felt herself sigh deeply.
“He isn’t on it…” Marinette spoke defeated.
Alya took a look.
“Sorry girl, It might be he hasn’t uploaded his profile yet.” Alya tried to encourage her friend who was burying her head in her pillow. 
“You think?”
“He is a busy guy, but also, you need to see who is number one on the list. A certain guitarist you happen to be fond off.” Alya said with a smile.
Marinette pulled her head up and took her phone. Sure enough, it was Luka who was number one on the list. He had an 80% compatibility rating with her, which was at least 20% higher then the guy in second place. Maybe this was a sign that she should move on from Adrien and ask Luka out.
“Maybe I should message Luka, If he believes in this sort of thing.” Marinette spoke with a blush on her face.
Alya nodded.
“Do what you think is right girl, Adrien or not, you deserve a guy that will make you happy.” 
“Thanks Alya, you are the best.” Marinette smiled sweetly at her best friend.
She clicked on the profile. The pop up asked if she would like to message the user Luka Couffaine.
Marinette paused, she was nervous about doing this. It was as if this was her crossroads. Would she go for it?
“DONE!” Adrien exclaimed as he fell back on his bed. He was mentally exhausted as well as physically. He told Alya he would try out the app as soon as he was free from fencing.
“I don’t get why you even bothered with those dumb questions.” A grouchy floating cat creature commented.
“Its an in depth Compatibility test Plagg. This could be the best way of finding My lady.”
Plagg looked at the model with skepticism.
“What makes you think that you would be matched up with Ladybug? You don’t even know who she is.” 
“We are soulmates, so obviously we will have the highest compatibility.” Adrien answered with confidence as he sat up.
Plagg rolled his eyes.
“You do know just because you were picked to be the cat miraculous wielder doesn’t mean your soulmate is ladybug. There have been Ladybug’s and Chat noir’s that haven’t gotten together.”
“It isn’t because we were chosen together. I can just feel it Plagg. I know we are meant to be. And if for some reason the girl with the highest compatibility with me isn’t Ladybug, I will still likely find someone that I can find myself liking. But knowing my Lady, she and I will have a compatibility of 85 maybe even 90%” Adrien answered with a loving sigh. “Oh, its ready.”
Adrien smiles at his phone before looking at the list.
“Oh Kagami is on here. 79% Thats pretty good. But she is only number two? Huh, so then who is number one?” Adrien spoke aloud as he scrolled. As he saw the name that was number one his face turned beet red and and he fell back on the bed.
“Adrien!?” Plagg exclaimed as he flew to the frozen blond. “What happen…. oh no Fucking way.”
Marinette was about to press the button when another pop up appeared.
“List updated?”
Marinette clicked out of Luka’s profile and noticed he was now at second place.
“Luka got moved to second.” Marinette spoke with surprise.
“What? Then whose first?”
Marinette scrolled up. Her eyes went Wide.
“ADRIEN!?!?” Marinette shouted.
Alya smiled.
“I knew it! I told you he would be on your list! And Number one to boot. So what  is the percentage. 82? 85% Like Nino and I?”
“100…” Marinette spoke hardly audible.
Alya couldn’t hear.
“How much?”
Marinette turned her phone to Alya.
Alya’s jaw dropped.
“1…. 100%!!!!!!!!!!”
Plagg could not contain his laugher. The blond was still frozen staring at his screen. Adrien had no idea how right he was. His Lady and him were perfect for each other. Plagg was absolutely loving every second of this. 
The black cat managed to calm down.
“Ye Ha HA! Yea Adrien?” Plagg responded between laughing fits.
“Marinette is Ladybug.”
Plagg sobered up quick.
“What… What makes you say that?” Plagg spoke, trying his best and failing at hiding the fact that Adrien was right. Thankfully Adrien was too out of it to notice.
Plagg pauses.
“Ladybug is my soulmate, Marinette scored perfect compatibility with me  on the soulmate app. Even with error included, the chances of that happening are…”
“It’s a silly quiz.” Plagg shouted. Tikki would kill him if Adrien found out at the wrong time. He had to play dumb.
Adrien thought about it, maybe he was overthinking it, plus Alya and Nino scored around 85%. Maybe the system was glitching out? 100% was unheard off according to what he found about the app, even with people who tried it and have been married for decades.
“I guess you are right… Besides, you answer questions each day, the percentages will shift. Maybe the system will correct itself, though I should ask Marinette what her thoughts are about the match up tomorrow. Though… even if it isn’t Ladybug… Marinette is a pretty nice person to have good compatibility with.”
Adrien felt himself entertaining the thought of him and Marinette together. It seemed really, really nice. He found himself blushing at the thought. He quickly shook the thought off. He was getting ahead of himself. What if Marinette didn’t feel the same way he did? What if Luka saw the compatibility score that Marinette got with him and decided not to date Marinette because of it. Marinette does really like that musician, what if Marinette hates him for ruining her chance at happiness!?
Adrien took a calming breath. He won’t say anything, the app still needs to fine tune his profile. he is sure it will correct itself if it needs to within the two weeks, after that, he will look into it.
“I am sure that things will fix themselves.” Adrien said as he turned away from the cat Kwami, though part of him really hoped that the 100% would stay.
If you want part two, please let me know. I love hearing feedback and it feeds my impulsive need to write.
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 5 years
wait can someone explain what the lipstick lesbian flag is? i'm not quite educated on the history of the pride flags besides the bisexual one cuz i'm bi heheh happy pride
also a reminder to my non lesbian followers to use this flag instead of the pink one if ure planning to make icons !
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 5 years
this is wonderful
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 5 years
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I……… have nothing to say.
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
when plagg felt guilty for leaving adrien and when back
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
Marinette: *is smart*
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
playing super pengino in the closet was a euphemism for doing the hanky panky
don't change my mind
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
Whoever came up with this idea is a genius and has my eternal love.
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
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*:・゚✧ Shiny Pokémon + Colors ✧・゚:*
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
i love him
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
my commissions are open hell yeah
lf aj items!
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
animal jam commissions open!
lf aj items!
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
maybe now i'll get my shit together
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Hace unos dias vi una serie de gifs de Marie Kondo explicando que a la hora de ordenar nuestra ropa debemos elegir la que nos produce felicidad, y para no sentirnos mal por la ropa que queremos botar, agradecer el tiempo que estuvo esa prenda estuvo con nosotros y dejarla ir..
Esto me llamo la atención y luego en Netflix descubri que habia una serie de ella, donde va a casas de personas y las ayuda a organizar. Me gusto su método y quise compartir algunos de sus consejos con ustedes. Quien sabe. Siempre se aprende algo 😉
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
i think i've reblogged this before but oh well it's my favorite cat video
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
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mapleieaf-blog ¡ 6 years
In high school one of the common fund raisers was carnation flowers for a dollar during prom season and valentines and a couple other times of year. And you could “order” flowers to be delivered to kids during their homeroom times so it was always a big deal to get flowers and it was super fun
But one of these fundraisers I had a guy friend who commented he never got any because he was always single or his girlfriend always expected flowers but never gave him any
So my senior year valentines I decided I was going to buy all the guys in my homeroom (which he was in) a carnation and said they were from “Anonymous Girl in your homeroom”
So the day came and all the guys started getting flowers and they all realized they were from the same one girl and all got super excited and giddy and protective of their flowers and all day long I saw the guys in my homeroom wear flowers behind their ears or stuffed in their notebooks and they flaunted them around to other guys that didn’t get flowers. One guy tried to see if it would make his girlfriend jealous. A couple of them tried to play detective to figure it out who it was.
Then the next day apparently they all (or at least most of them) got together and bought all the girls in homeroom a carnation as a thank you to whoever it was so every girl in my homeroom got a bouquet of one from every guy (so it was a bouquet of about a dozen) and every single girl was smiling and happy and bouncy as the guys were the day before
And no one ever knew it was me but I was always super proud of that
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