mara-darling-blog · 6 years
A DRINK WITH A DEMON ,   now that was rich.   the fay queen wasn’t known for her enjoyment of mortal foods ,    but when in rome  .  ❝    just one wouldn’t hurt ,    so yes .    i should like that  .     ❞
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“Wonderful.” Mara was glad her offer was accepted, she was feeling quite lonely when Lilith was off doing her business, and some company that could appeal to her ego and need for attention was very much welcome. “Whats your poison?’ she asked, waving over the bartender.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
“You’re one hundred percent not my type, Mara, darling, and your calves are both two very different sizes, it’s fucking bothersome.” Though she’d made no move to deny every having spent a moment checking out the demon with her. “Would you shut the fuck up?” The blonde hissed, slightly less irritated than one might have thought she were, “I don’t tell you to hurry up when you’re looking at something to put in your damn mouth, do I?” 
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“Apologies I couldn’t find a perfectly symmetrical meat suit, but I’m not trying I’m impress you, of all people.” She said with a quick eye roll. “And no I won’t shut up.” She said sharply, “but actually I think you have told me to hurry up before so maybe we do each other a favor and we both don’t take as long when deciding on our snacks, sound good?”
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
Evelyn had been bought drinks before, sure, but it never ceased to make her flustered when the offer was there. The girl blushed furiously and held up her left hand. “I’m married, sorry.” she said, a little sheepish. “I could buy YOU one, though.” she offered, gaining some of her usual composure. “What would YOU like?”
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“Married? Oh well isn’t that a pity. Oh no no I’ll still buy you one, I already offered I’ll follow through with my offer.” She said with a little grin, waving the bartender over. “So, where’s your spouse?” She asked curiously.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
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❝GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES, I honestly could not blame you if you felt differently about it.❞ It was not just the town and the boredom that it provided, it was Lilith’s mission too. Attempting to break the seals to free Lucifer would bring attention to them at some point ; and that meant that they would be hunted by all kinds of creatures. Not that the demon would let anything happen to Mara — or herself, for that matter. ❝I will have a pink one. Raspberry is my favorite.❞ She beamed while she stole one of the macarons, but she slowly puckered her lips into a pout that mirrored the one that the female gave her. ❝I am sorry. I had to do this meeting on my own, but it… probably won’t happen again.❞ Lil told her. ❝Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?❞
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“Well even if I did feel differently, I’d stay. It doesn’t matter all the fuss that happens or how bored I get in this silly little town, as long as you’re here to keep my from getting too bored.” Mara was too ennamored with Lilith to ever leave her alone in the town, “yeah? I like these orange ones quite a bit.” She replied, taking a bite out of the small treat. “Yes, take me with you next time, I get so bored when I have to stay here all day.” She said with a smile, “and you can make it up to me by being lazy and laying around the house with me sometime? Watch the silly little human shows with me? They’re funnier than you’d think.”
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
“ straberry daqueri , please. “   the alcohol would have no affect , nor would it provide actual sustenance , but some human food tasted good.  and , death had learned that sometimes it could be used as a more social mechanic.
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“Didn’t think you were one for something so...fruity. Didn’t think you liked flavors that had..yanno..any life to them.” She thought that joke was particularly funny, giggling to herself as she ordered the drink, along with a second one for herself.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
IT WAS NOT THE ATTENTION THAT LILITH DREADED, it was the very presence of the mundanes — and to be frank, it would have bothered her in any other town as well. They were just so exhausting to deal with ; yet another reason why the demon longed to reunite with Lucifer.
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❝Well, I want you to stay here with me. Spoiling you is the least I can do.❞ Lilith told her before she shrugged out of her jacket. She dropped it on the counter and let Mara take the bag while she laughed. ❝I have no idea what that is, but I promise you that they are much better. I can’t seem to get enough of them.❞ Which was precisely why she would enjoy them as long as she could. ❝How was your day? Besides the horrible TV show?❞
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“I’ll always stay with you, but being spoiled will not go in appreciated.” Mar said sweetly, pulling the box of macarons out of the bag and finding one she particularly liked the color of. “Which one would you like? There’s so many colors.” She said with a bit of giddiness that she often didn’t display. Little mundane things like this somehow seemed to get to her in the silliest of ways. “Uneventful to be quite honest. And also quite lonely..” she said with a small pout, hinting at missing Lilith while she’s gone all day, but she had a bit too much pride to say that right out.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
“Why don’t you let me buy you a drink? I’m feeling generous today.” Mara said sweetly, a tone she didn’t often take on. She looked at the other expectantly, silently demanding a quick response.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
“Slim pickings.” It wasn’t all too difficult to pinpoint those in the crowd who’d suffered a bad deed or two. Cassie craved something deeper, something horrific and altogether tasteless to sate the inevitable deterioration. The siren, though almost entirely against what she’d become, knew she’d much rather do whatever necessary to hold onto her youth. “I could have sworn this place was once promising enough for options. The burden of being the only eye candy here is..– fortunate for everyone else, but fucking disappointing.”
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“Hm well I wouldn’t say you’re the only eye candy here, I mean, have you seen me?” Just as egotistical after death as she was in life, and honestly putting herself in such a hot little body wasn’t helping that ego much either. “Just pick one, Cass, I’m getting bored.” The demon was always bored, if she wasn’t doing exactly what she wanted to do, and right now she was playing nice and blending in and making friends, which is exactly what she didn't want to be doing.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
“You lost me about ten minutes ago.” Shaw said as he looked up realizing the person who had begun talking to him a while ago had been talking the whole time he had been zoning out. “Say something interesting or don’t waste my time.”
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“Give me your attitude again and I’ll crack your neck, is that insteresting enough?” Mara shot back, never one to let anyone be rude to her, but she did tolerate Shaw a bit more than others, so she probably wouldn’t actually follow though with her threat. “Maybe if you payed attention you’d know everything I say is interesting, and important.” She quipped, a little less harshly that time, almost teasing.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
The gym had always been Lola’s escape. The young blonde girl felt trapped with no where to go. Being home alone felt like too much but if she couldn’t stomach another conversion about Hayley. “If you even so much as breath her name,” she warned the person walking up behind her as she hit the punching bag. “You will wish you had joined her.” 
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“Blah blah boo hoo, goodness it’s sad, I know, but honestly if you’re going to hit something go hit a real person...it’s much more satisfying.” Mara did enjoy being the devil on the shoulder, and all the anger pent up in this little blonde seemed so easy to manipulate.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
Andrea had decided to take a break from everything. She couldn’t listen to one more person talking about demons and vampires and angels (oh my). In such a short span of time her life had been flipped upside down and she didn’t know what to do anymore. She sat on a park bench enjoying the cold fall air as she wrote in her journal all about what had happened recently when she noticed someone sit next to her. She stopped writing instantaneously out of fear as she gaze drifted to the person next to you. “Can I help you?” She asked cautiously. Though she didn’t want to admit it, she was terrified.  
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Mara didnt spend much time around the little Cambion that the demons were currently ‘protecting’. From what the demon had seen though, she was kind of entertaining in a way, but the entertainment ended when Andrea had decided to slip away from the demon who had previously been told to watch her. So of course she had to go find the little girl, which wasn’t ideal, but luckily she was easy to find. “What would help is if you didn’t run off by yourself again.” Mara said sharply, very much unamused by the situation.
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mara-darling-blog · 6 years
( @mara-darling )
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❝YOU KNOW, when I picked a small town I didn’t think that it would be this exhausting.❞ The demon complained on the phone before she let out a sigh. ❝I will be there in ten.❞ Just because there wasn’t a god damn bus connection at this hour of the day. It was ridiculous. Lilith ended the call with a huff and she wrapped her arms around herself as she continued to walk. Sure, it would have been the easiest thing to teleport herself — but the streets were rather crowded and she could not risk exposing herself to everyone. Not just yet.
It was a relief when she finally reached the apartment and she unlocked the door while her lips curled into a smirk. ❝Honey, I’m home.❞ Lil purred in a playful tone, dangling the bag in her hand as soon as she spotted Mara. ❝And I come bearing gifts. Macarons, to be exact. If we are stuck here for a little while, we might as well enjoy some mundane things, right?❞
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“Well you know things are less likely to go unnoticed in a smaller town, Lil, but I am still quite surprised how attentive this supposedly quiet sleepy town is...” Mara agreed over the phone, as she sat on the couch flipping through mindless crap on the TV. “See you soon” Mar replied before hanging up, feeling fairly lazy today as she laid back on the couch, settling on a game show on the tv.
Mara looks up from where she way laying on the couch when she heard the woman come in. “Ooh you always know how to spoil me, don’t you.” Mara said with a bright smile, getting up to take the bag from Lil. “See you say that, but I’ve been flipping through channels all day and honestly I think I’ve seen every episode of Sienfeld ever aired.” She said with a small flutter of laughter. “But I’m sure these are much better than that idiotic television program.”
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