maracriox · 4 days
Fun Fact! The US date system (M/D/Y) also goes smallest to largest!
It simply does so by the set size rather than by the unit of time.
12 possible months, 31 possible days, infinite possible years.
This is ultimately no less or more arbitrary than the other way of doing it.
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maracriox · 4 days
Initially planned for release in June, the launch of Recall was delayed to address these security concerns. Microsoft now plans to roll out the feature to Windows Insiders testers in October.
Remember that new Windows 11 privacy-violating feature that freaked everyone out a few months ago? The screen-recording gizmo that watches everything you do, including logins with passwords, then records those screens to a database? Then uses "AI" to interpret what it's recorded, so you somebody can search it?
Everyone thought Microsoft had heard the backlash and cancelled the project. Nope.
It's baaaaaaaack... and coming to a Windows 11 PC near you next month, October 2024.
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maracriox · 4 days
Americans really really need to be less paranoid and more capable of tolerating minor discomfort in public. Not everyone is a pervert/rapist/strangler/fiend. In fact, very few people are. Treating every violation of normal order as though it is a threat is why people are getting shot for turning around in a stranger's driveway. This happens within the frameworks of basically every ideology present in American culture. It is an American illness. If your vision of the world doesn't have room for saying "I'm sure it's nothing" then you really gotta work some shit out.
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maracriox · 4 days
if one more person comments on my "we need to keep payphones/public phones" post with "what we need are free phone charging stations and wifi hotspots, like in new york!" i am going to lose my mind. what do you people not understand about "not everyone has a smartphone" and "phones can break". how are these new concepts.
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maracriox · 4 days
Every time there's a food recall that spreads from one company to the next, even from generic brands that are unique to the store selling them, it makes me realize the illusion of choice under capitalism hyped up by conservatives is a bunch of bullshit.
Oh and uh, don't drink apple juice for a while. Arsenic. And it's more than just Aldi and Walmart
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maracriox · 4 days
queer is a gender, sexuality, romantic orientation, political alignment, and mission statement, babey
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maracriox · 4 days
reblog if you believe fanfics are as valid as books that were published and sold by authors who write as their main careers. I'm trying to prove a point
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maracriox · 4 days
ok but like. there are two different types of privilege. there's type a "everybody should have this, but some people don't" and type b "nobody should have this, but some people do"
there's having parents who can pay for your application to any college, and then there's having parents who can bribe your way into any college. there's owning your own home, and then there's owning 50 houses and getting rich off hoarding a vital resource. there's not fearing for your life whenever cops are around, and then there's being the cop and being allowed to murder anyone at any time.
idk i just feel like that's an important distinction to make.
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maracriox · 4 days
shocked that i haven’t seen a post about this already but the way that “full body deodorant” is being pushed on us is so vile. that woman in the commercials being like “i’m a woman and i know how it feels to be ashamed of your body’s natural odors. that’s why i invented this shit to rub between your thighs so you, too, can feel ashamed of your body’s natural odors. unless you buy my product :)” die die die die kill yourself fuck you fuck you
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maracriox · 4 days
"Oh but parents do have a right to control what their children eat. What if they just want to eat candy for every meal?"
Most parents can't even distinguish between random whims and autism dietary limitations and end up saying shit like this and starving their disabled children.
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maracriox · 4 days
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maracriox · 4 days
collection of useful things tumblr has taught me:
even if you can't fall asleep, laying down with your eyes closed will still rest your body
you don't have to brush your teeth standing up
you don't have to do any chore standing up, from dishes to showering
you don't have to shower with the lights on
if you can't brush your teeth, flossing and a tongue scraper gets rid of plaque and bad breath
if you can't do that, mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria
eating "unhealthy" food is better than eating no food
you can make the same meal everyday for however long you still want it
some pills come in syrups or chewables if you can't swallow them
kids nutritional shakes can be a quick way to get fuel if you can't eat/don't have time
if walking hurts/exhausts you on a regular basis, canes and rollers are for you, no matter how young you are
we have free will—if doing something "out of the ordinary" makes life easier for you, do it
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maracriox · 4 days
Hey has tumblr heard about the Chase “Infinite Money glitch” debacle from tiktok yet because
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maracriox · 4 days
Animorphs audiobooks — how did they choose the Chronicles narrators?
Look. I LOVE how Scott Brick reads The Ellimist Chronicles — he might be my favorite narrator yet. He comes off as super condescending but with a hint of melancholy. Like he really is this infinite cosmic gamerboy wearily explaining the universe to a stupid little human.
But why the hell is MacLeod Andrews (who normally voices Jake) narrating The Andalite Chronicles? Like, I can appreciate not wanting to cast an entirely new voice for Elfangor, but Adam Verner (who voices Ax) is RIGHT THERE! Or you use Michael Crouch (who voices Tobias) if there's a schedule conflict. Why would you recast the guy who does Jake as Elfangor? Why would you then NOT do that for the other Chronicles?
Because I could see an interesting argument for having Jake's voice narrate Elfangor's story, IF we then got Tobias's voice narrating Dak and Aldrea's story, then Rachel's voice narrating Toomin's story, then Marco's voice narrating Edriss's story. This still begs the question of why Jake and not Ax, but at least that way it'd be consistent.
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maracriox · 4 days
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maracriox · 4 days
Could you maybe reblog this post if you think respecting trans peoples' names and identities is a basic right and not a political opinion?
No pressure. Just seeking some validation of my sentiment. Due to some. people
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maracriox · 4 days
If you live in Ohio, today is a good day to check your voter registration, and to consider booting JD Vance into the sun.
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