marashima-blog · 11 years
I’ve been having a hard time writing lately, My thoughts have been all over the place, and sometimes I just don’t know the words to say, But one thing is my mind is saying clearly…
There’s a guy in my life that deserves every bit of love that I have and he will know who he is as soon as he...
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marashima-blog · 11 years
No matter where around the world, people will always judge you. Even when you try to be the best that you can be, you can’t live life without being criticized by someone else. Whether it be on the way you look, how you dress, or what you say, there will always be a commentary somewhere along the...
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marashima-blog · 11 years
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"Be YOU"
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marashima-blog · 11 years
I always imagine that you will open your eyes one day and finally see me the way I see you. In there, my heart is brave enough to speak words as if everything I say matters; to dream big dreams as if it has already prepared itself from different possibilities; to love as if it’s strong enough to...
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marashima-blog · 11 years
If relationship is getting boring, what's the best thing to do?
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marashima-blog · 11 years
So this is just me kind of rambling… But are you ever sometimes just so overwhelmed by God’s grace? I like to take a step back sometimes and just really see what God is doing in my life and all of the people and things that He has blessed me with so far. I’ve been blessed enough to have a loving...
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marashima-blog · 11 years
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marashima-blog · 11 years
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marashima-blog · 11 years
In remembrance of the Yolanda and her victims . . . November 7&8, 2013. .
I encourage the citizen of Philippines to pray for those who died and help those who survive as early as possible…this is to keep those who are still struggling to live and surviving every second to loosing their hopes and become additional casualties.
I urge the United Nations’ officials and members to help Philippines especially those areas directly devastated by the typhoon and to act on the climate change issue which until now has not yet solve globally. Let this be a lesson to all, that if we will not protect, rebuild and sustain our mother nature, our air and water, there will be more Yolanda or “Haiyan” will come in the future and maybe more stronger than what we had… I remember viewing this video ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQmz6Rbpnu0 ) about a girl who discussed the reality of climate change. I hope we can remember this and act on it, Now . . Now…and Now…
I would also thank all those countries who responded immediately and extended their wealth to our country. I can say that this is one of those proofs, that despite of our nationality, culture, religions and issues and conflicts, we still cares, can imagine and feel pain of our colleagues and enemies, and understand circumstances and act on it… I can say that these reasons are keeping as Humans despite of our difference.
Moreover, I also extend my greetings to those fellow citizen, local police and Government officials, soldiers, volunteers who also became victims, before, during and after the calamity, that in spite of their fear and risk they extended their hands to assist their family and neighbors. I think this were the unseen heroic events we have to consider.
I believe that we can survive this despite of everything, rebuild what was broken, remember those departed loves ones, and restart out life again.
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marashima-blog · 11 years
Check out @jamine03's Tweet:
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marashima-blog · 11 years
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What I absolutely cannot stand are people who are vibe killers. You might be having one of the best days ever. In your mind, today is the most perfect day you have ever dreamed of. Filled with joy and happiness. Then here comes this one person out of nowhere who starts to KILL YOUR VIBE!...
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marashima-blog · 11 years
"I just wanna stop breathing & be alive again after 24hrs. This day really sucks!"
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marashima-blog · 11 years
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"I always wanna build the confidence within me, but every time I tried so, someone drags me down. Yeah. I just so feel ugly."
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