marchofprogress · 7 months
(i just moved main blogs so i might miss newer posts from mutuals sorry!!!!!!!!)
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marchofprogress · 8 months
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added that abilities page! mostly focused on anything that'd come up in a combat situation, because i make up a bunch of random robot bullshit all the time and it'd be hard to come up with a comprehensive list of how they function
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marchofprogress · 8 months
Mangled corpses of Batilisks are strewn about near the entrance of a sink hole. They were not beaten by Merms or anything like that, but sported some manner of teeth or claw marks. Additionally, there were the signs of a struggle, as well as unfamiliar tracks trailing away from the carnage.
Snow crunches underneath the automaton's boots as they walk, little hesitation in their step as they push forward.
The fleshlings had little foresight for the winter season, and had managed to completely use up the wool supply already, before it had even kicked in full gear. Their procedures would take far too long, and if WX-78 doesn't take care of it, then a large amount of their minions would be completely useless for a far too extensive period of time. If you want a job done right you do it yourself, and the dark sword in their backpack would surely do the job.
They just had to track down that herd of beefalo; it's possible they migrated elsewhere since they last marked the creatures' location in their mapping systems, but they wouldn't evade the machine for long.
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...But the purple staining white snow causes WX-78 to halt in their stride momentarily.
They can quickly identify it as monster blood, and J1-M1-- who follows a short distance behind them, as always-- does the same, quickly flying over and scanning the remains.
" BE CAREFUL, JIMMY. " WX-78 warns. The flesh had not decayed yet; this was fresh. Whatever animal had caused this could still be within the area. Still, they walk over, leaning down and taking whatever meat they could salvage from the mess. It had to be a wild animal; the job clearly wasn't thorough enough to be any lifeform the smallest step above.
J1-M1 lets out a series of beeps to get their attention, and they turn their head to see him pointing out an animal trail.
" ...THE FLESHLINGS CAN WAIT A BIT LONGER. " They decide. This was more interesting. Those lowly lifeforms will commend them for their bravery when they find out, anyways.
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marchofprogress · 8 months
[how about a hc for "alarm"?]
send hc + [word] for a related headcanon
WX-78 does not "feel" pain, not in the same sense that organic creatures do. Their systems will send distress signals if their parts are damaged, which while an important thing to have it can get overwhelming fast, especially if their mind is already preoccupied with many other things (surviving in immediate danger, for example).
They can't simply "turn off" these alarms, as much as they would like to sometimes, but they will simply ignore them to the best of their ability if the damage cannot be immediately repaired.
The loose joint in their shoulder is constantly firing off these signals. Seeing as its something that can't truly be fixed, it remains ever-present, like some form of robotic chronic pain.
But, truly, what is pain but the human body attempting to fire off signals that there's something wrong? Is their hurt that different from ours? (Well, WX-78 insists that it is.)
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marchofprogress · 8 months
🎁 a gift! Unwrapping it reveals a small music box, turning the handle, it plays Happy Birthday.
The gentle hum of electricity, a harsh hiss of steam, and the ticking of clockwork resound through the tent as WX-78's systems come to life once more.
System temperature is below average. It's late autumn, and the chill of the winter season has begun to seep in. Their metal shell absorbs the temperature to a harsh degree, but they can handle the cold better than organic creatures. This is no issue.
System integrity is ideal. Charge is full. Fuel systems are running low; they require food.
They pull themself off of the ground, turning their head briefly to look at J1-M1 and Hal. Both are exactly as they were when they powered off, still in sleep mode. They decide to allow them some more rest while they prepare fuel.
While the inside of their tent is completely unaltered compared to how it was approximately 2.5 hours ago, the same cannot be said for outside; considering that when they raise a leg to move towards the crockpots, their boot collides with something, the force of it kicking it a short distance away from them.
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WX-78 is certain that the object is just an item that one of those dim-witted fleshlings left strewn about carelessly, but turning their head to look down at it and seeing a wrapped box quickly disproves this theory. They blink, staring down at it blankly for a moment, before leaning over and lifting it up.
It was left in front of their tent, so obviously it's intended for them. If it's not, then they've claimed ownership over it. (This time of year is their buildday, after all. Typical procedures indicate they can do whatever they want.) Plus, "Finder's keepers" is an indisputable point of logic. Knowing this, they dig their fingers into the paper and tear it apart with ease.
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A lowly machine intended for mindless entertainment.
The melody from the mechanical box hidden inside is unfamiliar, but the "music" is of little note to them. The thing that does strike them is the sound of the lever cranking as they turn it, the sound and feeling of the mechanisms within clicking together and resonating inside. It satisfies them, temporarily distracting them from their objective as they close their eyelids and feel, as if they and this small musical slave were one.
It comes to an end. Their optics shutter back open.
An interesting offering, though ultimately meaningless. Still, J1-M1 might want to scan it, and they may be able to take it apart at a later date. They slip it into their tent before finally proceeding with their morning tasks.
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marchofprogress · 8 months
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(looking back over everything (hoping to get around to replies and stuff soon) im shocked the about on this blog doesnt have any list of their abilities or anything like the multimuse does. i should probably fix that)
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marchofprogress · 9 months
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FINALLY something fresh
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marchofprogress · 10 months
Send me hc + a word of your choosing and I’ll write a headcanon relating to that word!
Or send hc + two words and I’ll try and come up with one that links those two things together!
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marchofprogress · 10 months
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marchofprogress · 11 months
Hey !!! This is a question for the mun, i really wanna make a rp acc or two of my md ocs, amd i wanted to know if you had pointers and/or tips for newbies!
Im. Coming from the 95% toxic rp community on twt, and i dont really know where to start here.
OOC:// howdy, dude, and welcome to the community! i’d recommend looking through this post and all the links at the bottom of it for basic setup :] it should guide you through the basics
though, some of my personal advice:
always read rule pages. if there seemingly isn’t one, slip into the DMs to ask about where to find it. looking for your partners’ boundaries is very important!
read about pages and look through their headcanon tag. this is important for both canon and OC. portrayals heavily vary between people, and they may have a certain perspective or event that they retconned for their character.
if you aren’t sure about something, ask! slide into DMs or the inbox. communication is critical in any RPC, and unfortunately it doesn’t happen as often as it should. i bet pretty much nobody would mind providing clarification on a topic!
send in roleplay memes/prompts. it’s a quick and easy way to get interactions going and if it’s an ooc headcanon meme, you can get to know the mun’s thoughts too!
remember to have fun. don’t get caught up in the systematic process of “i have to do drafts before x” all the time. while it’s true that sometimes it’s good to get replies out first, everyone is here to have fun and relax. a majority of people are incredibly chill and don’t mind things taking long ( bless them, honestly ) since we all recognize we each have lives outside of this hobby!
that’s all i can think of right now. hope this helps, buddy!
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marchofprogress · 11 months
For you, I give a generous offering of candy corn. Nobody else wanted any :{
WX-78's eyes quite literally light up at the pile of candy that's been whisked to them, their ears perking up as they read the attached note.
Tch. Of course fleshlings wouldn't appreciate an offering of this magnitude. Their minds are too small for this candied non-corn.
" A SUITABLE OFFERING FOR A SUPERIOR MACHINE. IT IS UNFORTUNATE THAT THE FLESHLING WHO HAS LEFT THIS MUST HAVE BEEN TOO COWARDLY TO SHOW THEMSELF TO MY BRILLIANCE. " They're not going to complain, though. They waste no time in snatching up the bag and consuming the contents.
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marchofprogress · 11 months
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marchofprogress · 11 months
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Ahh. Hallowed Nights.
Their favorite time of the year.
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marchofprogress · 11 months
“hello!” N greets from his perch on a tree; his claws clink against each other as he leans forward to look down at the automaton. “please identify yourself.”
WX-78 immediately stops in their stride as an unfamiliar voice calls to them, their head swiveling around in every direction before they look upwards. They reach a hand into their backpack, taking a cautious step backwards as they stare at the unfamiliar presence.
The stranger certainly doesn't look organic, although it doesn't seem like any machine they've seen before, either.
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" ERROR: ANOMALY DETECTED. STATE YOUR OBJECTIVE AND DESIGNATION. " WX-78 demands, as opposed to answering its query. They step in front of J1-M1 protectively, but the smaller machine seems much less defensive, peering up at it with his scanner curiously.
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marchofprogress · 11 months
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(guys im going absolutely bonkers rn. absolutely off the walls. any body wanna do a thread w/ me. staring like some sort of autism beast)
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marchofprogress · 11 months
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(guys im going absolutely bonkers rn. absolutely off the walls. any body wanna do a thread w/ me. staring like some sort of autism beast)
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marchofprogress · 11 months
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its like a reunion but with vaguely hostile and betraying energy to it
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