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Philippians 2:13 KJV For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. AS A CHRISTIAN, have you ever wondered why a situation turned out disappointingly different from what you expected? Especially when you know in your heart that you were walking the right path and following all the rules? Well I have. In fact, this has occurred countless times in my own life. Comfort your thoughts in knowing, as the good book tells us above, that it is God himself who works and allows things in our lives, for HIS WILL & HIS PLEASURE. Isn't that what we aspire to do, please God? So continue on the righteous path, because everything is according to His Will and done BY HIM. @marciabrownmartin #morningmanner #mirninginspiration #greatriverjamaica (at Great River (Jamaica)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGRbuzgh63/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1joc2p21ej95a
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Some years ago there was a hilarious dance song, in which the cheating singer tried to persuade his woman that she really did not catch him in a sexually compromising position with another woman. All through the hit song he repeatedly denies the truth by simply saying, "It wasn't me," which was the catch phrase of the song that also propelled it to worldwide popularity. One particular stanza in the song says, " To be a true player you gotta know how to flex; If she says it's night, CONVINCE her that it's day!" Can you imagine someone trying to persuade or convince you to doubt what you have seen or doubt what is the truth? CONVINCING: that is the very same tactic the enemy uses on everyone. Persuading us that our lives can't get any better and that mustering any hope is futile. If our mindset is cemented in this position, we eventually become like old dogs whose minds are impenetrable to anything new. But here's something amazing captured in Romans chapter 12 where we are encouraged to become transformed by the renewing of our mindset. How do we renew our minds? By submitting it to God. CONVINCING and PERSUASION takes place in our thoughts and that's why the bible makes reference to our minds, as the place where change and transformation begins. So, there is hope today for anyone feeling stuck in any dead end habit or situation. I've had several 'old dog's habits that seemed like I would never break. But once I understood the benefits of submitting my mind to God, then my views and perspectives began to change, and this old dog started to learn new things. I became A NEW WOMAN! A new man in Christ is indeed a new creature and its never too late to learn, as long as you have life. Have a blessed day @marciabrownmartin #morningmanner #morninginspirations https://www.instagram.com/p/BalzP52AJFG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rb84hcqeffww
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Psalm 116:1-2 KJV I love the Lord , because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. [2] Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. https://www.instagram.com/p/BtBLECjA9VN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sv53vad25c7s
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELLE OBAMA!!!!!! When a one-in-a-million type of person encounters your lifetime, you should never miss the chance to celebrate their very essence and what they bring to the table. #lovemesomemichelleobama #bestfirstlady #likefinewine #powergirl #rolemodel #blackgirlsrock #standardofexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/BsvaP9jBr6l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k3b08lmiw7a6
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Ephesians 3:16 KJV That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; I KNOW how difficult it is to cough up a smile or muster the courage to move forward when our insides feel low and discouraged. So many daily issues on the outside tries to suppress us, and truth be told, sometimes suppression overcomes. But like the apostle paul, we too can pray, asking God to strengthen our inner man, according to the richness of His Glory. I know I NEED it. How about you? COULD YOUR INNER PERSON USE SOME STRENGTH TODAY? Have a great day!! God bless you @marciabrownmartin #morningmanner #morninginspirations #innerstrength #feedingyourspirit https://www.instagram.com/p/BssevXTAFhQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mfwqn0pqi77m
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Every day around 3pm, the recurring afternoon slouch on the job beckons desperate coworkers from all departments to the break room, for the much needed Cuban coffee kicker. I must confess that sometimes when I can barely stay awake at my desk with another 2 hours to go before the 5pm toll, the aroma of freshly made coffee is too irresistible. It's here where I come across another coworker, whose name I don't even know, but whenever we make eye contact from across the room, she smiles and mouths a gentle hello, while stirring a freshly made brew. There is always something so infectious and lingering about her face. Something indescribable oozes out of the corners of her smile. Something that peers out of her squinted eyes and a pure joy all balled up in her cheeks. I see it each time whether we cross paths in the hallways or restroom too. My aha moment was realizing that this woman's pleasant and authentic spirit was that 'Special Something' that kept on oozing out of her face. You see, who we really are, uncontrollably comes out. It doesn't matter how aesthetically fabulous we look on the outside, or how flawless our make up is, whatever spirit we house inside will eventually come gushing out like the ocean, when we open the doors of our souls. Have you ever greeted someone who gave you an insincere smile that opened and shut like an automatic door? Tells a lot about the inside of their house! For the believer and DOER of the Word of God, in St. John, Christ speaks of His Words ABIDING(living, NOT visiting) in us. Remember also, St John 1 says that the Word was God, so, if the Word of God abides in us, and the Word is God, then the Spirit of God will pour out of us when we simply greet others or wherever we go. His presence lingers (because He lives there), and that is how others are drawn to the God in you. Christ himself was an embodiment of the Holy Spirit. He lived a very humble yet powerful life on earth, and including His enemies, crowds were always drawn to what came out of Him, even when He was silent. Today, the question is, "What is it that oozes out of you, uncontrollably?" WHAT'S IN YOUR SPIRIT? Marcia Martin https://www.instagram.com/p/Babxb8BgiWX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zh2lky0xwj0a
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It was our mutual love affair with fine china, elegant dinner settings and good food that jetted me off to Atlanta this weekend for a quick visit to my friend Joan. Armed with glue gun, ribbons and pins we got to decorating her table for her upcoming thanksgiving dinner. I'm not at liberty to reveal her beautiful finish but I assure you, it is captivating and quite decadent. Like good old friends, we chatted into the midnight hours as we arranged and rearranged the decor to perfection. She laughed as she reminded me how I loathed the part time job where I learned about fine china and formal dining in depth. I had taken this afternoon p/t job to earn extra income to help with my son's college tuition. I worked in the fine china department so I was given courses on almost every aspect of fine china and formal dining and etiquette. I enjoyed the duties at first talking with brides and helping them select dish patterns, but I disliked the job after, especially when it was inventory time or when I was told to gather shopping carts outside. That was the killer for me. Even though I hated it, I kept the job for 4 years. While we sat laughing down memory lane I thought about how God uses different scenarios in our lives to cross train us for the future plans that He has for us. This job that I so disliked served a double purpose; providing income to help pay for college tuition while giving me training and skills for my future benefits. The combination of my love for elegant dining and the skills and training developed on the same job, has opened up budding business doors for me almost 10 years later. I thought about King David in the Bible, and how God used smelly sheep to cross train his character in humility while simultaneously prepare him for the grandeur of being King of Israel. David had no idea what he was being prepared for, and I had no idea that I was being prepared for business. Today, you may not like the place where you are nor the position where you sit, but there is a lesson and a cross training that God is executing to prep you for His future plans in your life. I'm truly thankful to The Lord for the giving me that job that I hated so. Marcia Martin https://www.instagram.com/p/Bbb8WXCgx_L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n10g4s1kz57c
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Do you remember how excited you were as a kid when you received a new pack of crayons or markers? I loved arts and craft and still do to this very day. I used to get so flushed with the rush of adrenaline that comes with pulling out those magical colors and making those strokes, up and down and side to side on any clean sheet of paper! Most times in my childish eagerness, I would select a color and then after coloring for about 15 seconds, I changed my mind about that color, then choose another and in haste, make the unintended mistake of going outside the lines. Usually, I want to erase my colors after my errors, but as I learned even then, you can't erase wax crayons or worst, markers. Most times I'd throw away the whole sheet. Life however, can be like kids with colorful crayons. Excited about this new attractive package and in rushing, we start selecting random colors without thought, then coloring outside the lines and before you know it, it looks like a mess. Well, we can't erase some of the hurried choices we've made and we certainly cannot throw away the canvas of our lives as we are still living. This is what I do. I take that mess of a collage and frame it and hang it with memories. Every now and then when some current situations take me back to a time when I chose the wrong color, or went outside the lines, I stare at that particular color stroke I made then, and remember the life lesson that I learned back then. I smile and try my best to keep it moving, and keep on coloring. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL! Marcia Martin https://www.instagram.com/p/BaoYDMMAjWI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jzzy9s0mm1b
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Purpose placed words on my tongue, and a pen in my palm. #uncoveringme #inspiringtheworld #feedingyourspirit
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