marcushollogay · 30 days
One of the main reasons why I’m voting for Kamala Harris is because sometime within the next couple of years there will be two open seats in the Supreme Court.
Let’s not forget one of the judges that Trump appointed in his first term OVERTURNED ROE V WADE. And the old fucker BRAGS about it:
If he gets back into office, I’m sure we can all anticipate AILEEN CANNON being one of those Supreme Court justices. And if you all don’t know who she is, she threw out the case where Trump STOLE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE:
In a nutshell, if Trump gets into office, he will appoint two younger Supreme Court justices younger than Clarence Thomas, meaning the Supreme Court will be locked HARD RIGHT for AT LEAST 30 years.
By then, that means our potential children and grandchildren (if you even want to have kids) will have LESS RIGHTS THAN US.
Do you really want that?
That’s why I feel with Kamala Harris being President, we can BALANCE OUT the courts!
Please Vote Blue.
Thank You 🙏
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marcushollogay · 30 days
Because I needed the reminder and maybe you do too: the best way to deal with political frustration is to do something.
A real and immediate impact you can have that will directly help a Palestinian is to buy an eSIM and send it to [email protected]. This allows Gazans to access mobile data so they can get news out and keep in touch with their friends and family.
If you have never done this before, here is a step by step guide, complete with discount codes. It is slightly technical but still fairly easy (imo, ymmv). If you can't/don't want to buy one directly, you can donate to Crips for eSIMs and they will buy one on your behalf.
You don't have to top up the eSIMs when they get low/run out, but I find it comforting to do so. It means somebody is still alive, and that you've made a hellish experience a tiny bit less terrible.
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marcushollogay · 30 days
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Listen! I'm calling you.
Lohse fan art from Divinity: Original Sin II
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marcushollogay · 30 days
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neve, my high-elf bhaalspawn
drawn for my durgetash fic "blood tastes of iron" which begins in 1477 DR when she and gortash are 25 y/o criminals in the guildhall. rival church camp counselors falling in love energy, but evil
i'm having a lot of fun incorporating the vaguer portions of the absolutist timeline into actual dates. i even gave enver a date of birth and figured his faerunian astrology chart, because i'm very normal about this character
chapter six just went up, if you're interested: x
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marcushollogay · 30 days
can’t take a minute more of people who have no understanding of how the government works flapping their gums online all day thinking they’re so smart and special like omg shut up
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marcushollogay · 1 month
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marcushollogay · 2 months
Yesterday I got a message from a friend in Germany who told me she cannot watch John Oliver's new video titled "The West Bank, JD Vance & Kamala Harris" that her boyfriend sent her from Serbia. This struck me as odd but also unsurprising, because John Oliver talks, amongst other things, about how Israeli settlements in Palestine are illegal. So I started investigating, asking my friends all around the world if they can see the video. Austria was a no, USA was a no, UK was a no, UAE was a no, India was a no. Then my friend with access to VPN got involved, and she checked the world for me. She then found a site that lets you tell where a video is blocked. Here is a map of all the countries where the video is blocked:
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Now, some of these countries have YT blocked completely, but I really want you to ask yourselves why this video is blocked. Why is it blocked in countries where, as another friend has said, John Oliver is known and watched and trusted. I want you to think about that for a bit, and then I want you to wonder what it is that he says in this video that warrants it being unavailable for half of the world, and which half of the world that is. Why won't they let a white British man speak to the audience of the "western" world. What is it that he has to say? Then maybe watch it, and come to your own conclusions. Some critical thinking won't go amiss here.
Here is the video, if you can open it:
And here is the link typed out: https://youtu.be/LCXdbtlY9WM?si=tOl_sCdYKqWGKkxX
Here is the link for the video on Instagram, which should be available to watch: LINK.
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marcushollogay · 2 months
ok looks like we're gonna be doing the same thing, different verse, now that it's Kamala Harris on the Dem ticket instead of Joe Biden.
friendly reminder that one of these 2 people is getting elected. there's not a magical 3rd party person who's mystical and perfectly progressive who is gonna come out of the woodwork and save us. not voting or voting 3rd party isn't a "protest," it's capitulation. so let's do a comparison:
On Gaza:
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I forgot to add to this that Trump also stated he will deport any non-citizen who protests the war in Gaza.
On LGBTQ+ rights:
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On criminal justice:
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On reproductive rights:
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On the border:
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In case you don't believe me re: the last Trump point.
On voting rights:
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On climate change:
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On the working class:
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marcushollogay · 2 months
"Kamala Harris raised 50+ million dollars after Biden dropped out!" you fools.... that's the money she got from selling Biden to One Direction :(
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marcushollogay · 2 months
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marcushollogay · 2 months
hoping kamala harris wins specifically so that elon musk finally kills himself
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marcushollogay · 2 months
me: Storytime—I Bought That Mysterious Amulet You Said Was Cursed ‼️‼️
my apprentice: why are you talking like that
my apprentice: is it the curse
me: My Apology Video (I F*cked Up!) 😱 Should Have Listened To My Apprentice 😭
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marcushollogay · 2 months
Help my economic system where critical public infrastructure is dependent on the services of unaccountable private corporations is fucking up again
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marcushollogay · 2 months
y’all ever wanted to dance and feel like a vampire at the club in blade? Of course you do:
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marcushollogay · 2 months
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Think I am satisfied with how my arisen looks finally
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marcushollogay · 3 months
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just got called out of work and I got so excited I put clothes on my dog
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marcushollogay · 3 months
im so tired of john bizarre adventure. i dont want to see those large and colorful men on my dashboard anymore
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