marechausseeduelist · 1 month
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*coughs up a lung* hey y'all, i'm gonna be on hiatus here for an indefinite amount of time! currently running @huntersoath in an affiliated group-- if anyone would like to reach out for RPs outside of this blog, please don't hesitate to send me a message there. mayhaps i will revive this blog in the future, but as of right now, i don't have the time to run both. thanks everyone, and for those of you that reach out, i look forward to speaking with you again!
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marechausseeduelist · 4 months
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(( I AM SO SORRY I'VE BEEN DEAD WORK HAS BEEN AWFUL, I'm writing replies tomorrow!!! ))
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marechausseeduelist · 4 months
Fighting Style
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bold what consistently applies. italicize situational, not always. cross out what definitely never applies
fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoke easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly / apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer a gun / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a spear / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements (flips, twirls) / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defends their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoids fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged by: @predvestnik Tagging: @wcrden, @maitrese, @tidesbeckon, @starwardsword, @justiceservved (( and anyone who wants!!))
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marechausseeduelist · 4 months
(( hey everyone, sorry for the lack of responses! I'll be hopping in to write over the next few days, work's being hectic. thanks for your patience! ))
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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Injuries, Old and New Prompts
(Prompts for scenarios for injured muses. Add "+ 🔄" or "+ reverse" to reverse the scenario!)
😴 My muse wakes up in the middle of the night to find your muse injured in their living room
👊 My muse gets hurt during a fight
🔍 Your muse spots an old injury belonging to my muse that they didn't know about before
🩹 Your muse takes care of my muse after a bad injury
🔓 My muse reveals a hidden injury to your muse
🛡️ My muse gets hurt while trying to protect your muse
😑 My muse accidentally hurts themselves while doing something mundane
🤫 My muse tries to hide an injury from your muse
💔 My muse sees your muse getting hurt but is unable to stop it
🧳 My muse has been away for a while and returns with a mysterious injury
🙈 Your muse helps my muse to hide an injury
🕒 My muse is still affected by an old injury and they need your muse to help them
💭 My muse's opinion on something changes after getting hurt
🎭 My muse pretends to be injured for a specific reason
😖 My muse feels guilty after accidentally hurting your muse
💫 My muse has temporary memory loss after an injury
😤 My muse complains about a small, inconsequential injury to your muse
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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The sound of an unfamiliar voice catches her attention, and she tosses a glance over her shoulder in an attempt to identify the stranger. A slight pause gives her a moment to inspect the other, brow quirking.
The unknown woman's demeanor is that of a gentle disposition, and as Clorinde turns to face her, she extends a gloved hand in the offer of a handshake. "It's nice to meet you, mademoiselle-- I'm Clorinde, one of the Champion Duelists serving the Court of Fontaine. I've come here on account of the Iudex; for both business and... a forced vacation."
☆ ⠀ ⠀ @marechausseeduelist ⠀ ⠀ ╱ ⠀ ⠀❤'d.
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'    You're    a    long    way    from    home    aren't    you?    I    welcome    you    to    Monstadt.    My    name    is    Jean,    I    am    the    current    acting    grandmaster    here.' 
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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She took a moment to clear her throat, brows furrowing as the duelist perused the top page of her current document. The details were quite straightforward, as far as she knew-- tailing a few suspects, gathering evidence, and ultimately making an arrest if it was wholly necessary. Despite this, Clorinde knew the danger that came along with stepping in to affairs like this, and she nearly hesitated on telling Navia the details. The last thing she wanted was to put her in harm's way. But it was her job to protect her and watch over her, right? Just like Callas had asked of her.
"There's been an influx of assault cases involving the Melusines. I have a list of suspects, and I'm responsible for narrowing it down. I'd rather not involve other Gardes, as it might make too much of a stir and scare off our culprit." Making a move to set the papers down, she heaved a sigh. "I can't watch multiple people at once. Your help would be heavily appreciated-- I can compensate you generously, as well. This work won't go unpaid."
Clorinde was more than aware of the financial struggles that the Spina had faced of late. If she could use any excuse to help fund them, she would.
Speaking in a quiet tone that was barely audible, her face morphed into a wistful smile. "Thank you for coming, Navia."
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Navia nodded her head, her curls bouncing ever so slightly in tune of the nod, carefully sitting down; her hands in her lap. It was unlike for the blonde to be so quiet, considering her options. "Well.. If I may be inquired, what is perhaps- this request?" Navia questioned, uncertainty in her voice.
As much as she wanted to accept it, there were consequences to her actions and Silver n Melus wasn't there to help her pick the correct choice- or well, help her correct her thinking and protect her; even if she declined the protection due to the protection being needed for such a silly little thing and that she was a grown woman with her own choices.
The words were on the tip of her tongue, struggling for the right to come out, before Navia decided not to speak. Instead, she listened intently to Clorinde's answer to her question, her right brow raising up quickly in curiosity.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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A moment of silence passed as she closed her eyes-- bracing herself for the incoming conversation was harder than she thought, and she inhaled a deep breath before steadying her hands on the surface of her desk. As many times as she had stared death in the face, it never prepared her for navigating the complicated situation that the two of them found themselves in. "Please, come in."
The duelist rose from her seat the moment Navia would enter the room, indigo eyes settling on the face that could bring her to her knees at a moment's notice. Her brows furrowed ever so slightly, and she made her way around to the front of her desk; Clorinde raised a stack of papers in her hand, a wistful smile crossing her face.
If only they were meeting under different circumstances.
"I apologize for the sudden invitation. I... wasn't sure if you'd come, actually." She spoke in a quiet tone, averting her eyes as she chose to focus on the files in front of her. "I could use your assistance on a matter-- I promise this request won't waste your time. The Spina's resources would be a great help to the case I've been assigned. Please, take a seat, if you find yourself interested."
The duelist paused for a moment, fidgeting with the papers in her hands. To most, it would look like she was simply sifting through them; to anyone else who knew her better, they'd realize the hint of anxiety seeping into her motions.
"I... also understand if you decline."
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Navia's heels echoed in the hallway, a hum leaving her lips as she approached the door of Clorinde's office, raising her hand to knock at the door. The lady had a sneaking suspicion on what this was about, having heard it from some of her connections, though she didn't expect Clorinde to invite her to her office at such a sudden time.
"It's Navia, the president of the spina di rosula." She spoke firmly, making sure to state her name and her title like with her other formal friends that she met up with in the past. "May I come in?" Navia inquired, her blue eyes fixating on the door handle and more-so focusing on the incoming silky voice of the duelist to let her inside.
Navia quickly signaled her bodyguards to stay at the door, smiling lightly at them to calm down and trust her- even if her and Clorinde's relationship was .. not that great, including the tension around them both when they were in the same room together.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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Clorinde | Gameplay
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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home is where the heart is
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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i knew i was going to get obsessed over them hARD
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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As an agent of the courts, Clorinde's duties had directed her towards reconstruction efforts throughout the span of the Court in the wake of the Great Flood. Where the Knave and Spina di Rosula had tackled more distant areas like Poisson, Clorinde helped coordinate efforts towards the surrounding areas of the main city; repair of the aquabus lines had been quite the priority alongside the recovery of residential areas that had seen the most damage. As the primary lead given the task to allocate resources, she found herself instructing various units of the Marechaussee Phantom to assist the locals.
She had taken up post near Hotel Debord, a stack of papers detailing construction proposals in her hands. Her brows remained furrowed as she quickly sifted through the documents, indigo eyes searching for any faults in the plans delegated to her. Neuvillette was certainly more suited for this type of work than she was, but... It was a necessary evil, and the Iudex knew she would complete it with impressive accuracy.
The sound of her name being called tore her gaze away from her forms, turning her head to search for the source. Eyes settled on an unfamiliar figure-- the invitation being hastily extended caused her to blink a few times before answering. "Please, just Clorinde. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting, mademoiselle." Where she would normally accept any chance to visit the Cafe, she certainly had her fair share of work cut out for her here... As she opened her mouth to protest, a few of the Melusine nearby came up to usher her away from the construction site. According to them, she was working herself into an early grave, and any chance of relaxation would be beneficial to her (and her work, for that matter). Clorinde's disagreements fell on deaf ears, and ultimately, she found herself shoehorned out of the project for the time being. Clearing her throat, she sheepishly adjusted the hat on her head before heaving a sigh. "I suppose that settles that matter... I'd be glad to join you. I don't believe I'll be allowed back in until I take a break. We can discuss your request...?"
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Closed starter for @marechausseeduelist
In the ensuing chaos that was the Great Flood, the nation of Fontaine has been beleaguered with it's fair share of problems despite the high capabilities of the presiding Iudex.
Though none of it was truly her responsibility, it still did not feel right for the adeptus to sit idly by and watch the nation that had so generously taken her in suffer. Qing'er may be powerless to aid in ways that truly moved the Heavens but there are still matters she could take into her own hands- with a little bit of help, of course.
It is with this resolve in mind that the well-dressed lady made her way down the cobbled stone steps towards the esteemed Champion Duelist.
"Lady Clorinde. I was hoping to seek your assistance in some matters. Would you be so kind as to join me for a spot of tea at Cafe Lutece?"
Or...well what remains of it.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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That voice was awfully familiar from recent memory-- though she couldn't pinpoint the exact owner, her curiosity was sated in the moment her 'audience' made themselves known. A Harbinger... More specifically, the very man who had previously been trapped in the depths of the Fortress of Meropide. Wriothesley and Neuvillette both had imparted quite the extensive file of information to her; she had also been a witness to his combat prowess that nearly forced her to draw her blade. Thankfully, the Iudex had seen fit to put him into his place, and acted swiftly enough to where the duelist didn't have to. "Fortunate for you, I suppose," Clorinde mused, idly tapping her fingers against the pommel of her rapier. His presence alarmed her in more ways than one; the Fatui often functioned in units, and where there was a single agent, many more usually followed. While she was certain that she could hold her own in a fight against this particular man, she would rather have avoided any sort of conflict. Diplomatic dealings between Snezhnaya and Fontaine were already tense... Her eager trigger finger would do nothing but further damage that relationship. "I appreciate your comments. I'm well aware of your own ability." While her tone came off as terse, her body remained completely relaxed. If Tartaglia meant to be a threat, he would've already made the effort. "And what, might I ask, brings you to the outskirts here? I can't say I see anyone trekking through here. It's not safe. Though I suppose that doesn't matter to people like me and you."
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         ❛ Nobody you should worry about. ❜ His voice rises selectively from his chosen place of rest — against a tree, in a patch of soft grass and several meters away from a group of Survey Meks mapping the ore clusters in the region. Any noises produced in their operation were mixed to the onslaughts of the duelist mere moments ago and, somehow, Tartaglia found it fitting, truly entertaining. So he stayed as the silent audience to something private.
Not quite hidden, not quite in view. The shadows otherwise cast over him are replaced by the bright light of a day still in its peak as he makes himself fully seen. And lest his presence be mistaken for foul, the Harbinger anticipates probing, offers clarification. ❛ It was a fortunate coincidence that my little stroll led me to your training. ❜ His pace towards the edge of the clearing is unhurried, experimental. It meets a halt upon establishing a decent, comfortable gap between them.
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         ❛ Outstanding performance, if you allow me the observation. ❜ He completes for a complete reading of the other as eyes remain affixed to the champion's every move. Tartaglia scans the details, from the quality of the swordsmanship to the mere acting of guarding the blade into its sheath. Everything matters, and coming from a notorious figure, the golden name of the Court of Fontaine, he expected nothing less — a validation of interest, the calling of a good challenge should the time ever come.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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Gently pushing the doors open to allow her access, the duelist took no time in striding across the room to stand in front of the Iudex's desk as she normally did-- for the briefest of moments, indigo eyes surveyed his expression that seemingly betrayed... nothing, actually. That seemed to be normal for him, despite Clorinde's ability to pick up on subtle tells from others.
"Of course. What do you need?" She shifted her stance slightly to cross her arms over her chest, her brow quirking subtly enough to give off the hint of her curiosity. The urgency of the request would deem it to be of utmost important, and she would gladly carry out her duty without hesitation. It wasn't even a question; she'd answer 'yes' to any mission sent in her direction.
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The Iudex looked up from his paperwork, discarding it for another time. The traveler had brought up a concerning note earlier against the melusines. They were apart of his family, which meant he had to take it in his own hands to protect them dearly.
"Come on in, Clorinde." He spoke, gathering some of the paperwork into a pile inorder to organize ahead of schedule. Neuvillette didn't want Sedene to tell him to start sleeping again, due to incidents in the past.
"I have a.. special request, if you mind completing the task." Neuvillette hummed, the rain starting to pitter and patter against the windowsill. The worriedness of the melusine's protection was seeping through, though his facial expressions didn't show it.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
Lynettes ears moved in a slightly agitated manner as she fitgits in place. She had asked for this tea time more to get to know the sword's woman but she will admit, she was intimidated. Very much so.
It wasn't because she was mean or cruel it was just how she presented herself and Lynette couldn't help but feel a little.... Scard ? Maybe.
" thank you for agreeing to have tea with me "
Still, she wasn't going to let that keep her from getting to know the fencer.
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The invitation extended her had been a surprise, to say the least-- Clorinde was well aware of the Fatui influence in Fontaine, and that knowledge extended to the House of the Hearth. While the organization headed by the Knave had never given her a reason to be wary, the mystery surrounding them was enough to give her a bit of skepticism. Despite this, the renowned magician and his assistant had proven themselves to be valuable assets in their investigation and confrontation with Lady Furina. She couldn't ignore that, and as a result, the two of them had gained quite a bit of her respect. "Of course, I have no reason to decline," The duelist spoke in a polite tone, busying herself with taking a sip from her cup. "I appreciate the invitation. Was there something you wished to discuss...?"
Straight to the point, as she always was.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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The sound of fingers tapping on the surface of a table broke the otherwise silent reverie in Clorinde's mostly unused office. It was rare that she found herself stuck behind her desk, and as indigo eyes narrowed at the file strewn haphazardly across it, she made an expression of slight annoyance.
Independent investigations were quite rare on her end; a majority were taken care of by others, as her duties were on the heavier end and involved being stationed by the Palais Mermonia in case her assistance was required by the courts. Or Furina, for that matter. This particular instance, however, was a personal missive delivered to her by Neuvillette himself.
Clorinde had been informed of various attacked centered around Melusine operatives that littered the Court of Fontaine. There was little to no evidence at the scene, but the latest one gave them just enough information to narrow it down to a small list of suspects-- each of which certainly had enough motive to orchestrate such an operation. This was a bit more than she could handle on her own, however, and she had opted to enlist the help of a certain investigative organization: the Spina di Rosula. Their network of information could provide valuable insight, and their President had quite the knack for being diligent and persistent in her analytical skill.
The duelist had sent an invitation for Navia to meet her here in order to explain the situation. It had been quite a long time since either of them had worked together, and their relationship still maintained a tension that seemed to never fade. It wasn't out of the question for Navia to decline being involved in this case; she had prepared herself for the possibility, though she knew it would hurt. With the pretense of business only, surely they could set their differences aside for the brief time they spent together.
Something was better than nothing, she supposed.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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✧⋆ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴇꜱɪᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴘɪɴᴀ ᴅɪ ʀᴏꜱᴜʟᴀ! ✧⋆
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✧⋆ ɪ ᴅᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ꜱᴘɪɴᴀ ᴅɪ ʀᴏꜱᴜʟᴀ'ꜱ ʟᴏɢᴏ. ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴅᴇꜱɪɢɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴍʏ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ. ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇᴅ ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ꜱʜᴀᴘᴇᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ? ✧⋆
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✧⋆ relationships ~ tags ~ rules ~ texting symbols ~ verses ✧⋆
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