marekuma · 5 years
I was making a peanut butter sandwich but the bread kept on disappearing, and when I finally finished it, the peanut butter was actually mud??? I still ate it, though.
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marekuma · 5 years
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Today we’ll talk about my religion.
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marekuma · 5 years
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this is just. so fucking funny to me
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marekuma · 5 years
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marekuma · 5 years
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marekuma · 5 years
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🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
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marekuma · 6 years
“WHAT TEAM?!” I shout out the window into the night.
Somewhere, hundreds of miles away, Zac Efron wakes from a restless sleep, sitting bolt upright “WILDCATS”
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marekuma · 6 years
Do you think the monsters from Monsters Inc have had to start using internet memes to make kids laugh
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marekuma · 6 years
Nothing is “TMI” for me. I’m nosy as shit. Tell me everything. Spare no detail.
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marekuma · 6 years
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Image credits: Miles Herbert/Caters News
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marekuma · 6 years
I love the weirdly specific rules that go with answering a riddle. Like, “I Have Two Eyes But I Cannot See: What Am I?” And the answer’s supposed to be the word ‘iridescent’ because ‘two *i*’s’ right, but like. Why can’t the answer be like… A guy with really bad cataracts. Someone wearing a blindfold. My uncle’s dog. Like why does it gotta be deep
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marekuma · 6 years
anxiety: ur gonna be late!!! get there early
me: *is 15 mins early*
anxiety: no ones here ur in the wrong place!!!
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marekuma · 6 years
Man though you know what makes me sorta sad is when nerdy, “quiet” kids latch on to me during camp and they just talk and talk and talk about a thing they’re into (Skyrim, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, dinosaurs, whatever). And I see the kids just light up when they say something and I can chime in with an ‘oh hey, are you talking about [x]? I love that thing! Tell me more about it.’
Like, their parents will warn me ‘so-and-so is pretty quiet and hard to engage’ but no, man, just listen, your kid is so smart and so into This Thing, they’ll engage like fuck and talk your damn ear off it you let them. Frame it in their damn terms. Or! Just! Listen to them about their Thing! And they will engage with the rest of the material! Because they know you care about them! Amazing!!!
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marekuma · 6 years
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marekuma · 6 years
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marekuma · 6 years
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marekuma · 6 years
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