marfacely · 2 months
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I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.
People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".
These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.
If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.
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marfacely · 2 months
Artist friends, please don't use StickerMule
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Full tweet
I've been on the "Fuck Stickermule" train for a few years now after they posted COVID conspiracy bullshit, and it was found out their CEO was a Trump / Anti-LGBTQ+ donor.
Take your business elsewhere. Just because they have good deals occasionally shouldn't mean they should be able to use your money to support shitty recipients.
Some businesses I'd recommend checking out:
StickerGuy -Been using Sticker Guy for like 15 years for my bands stickers over the years. They have some of the best vinyl stickers I've ever used and those things are practically indestructible. Ridiculously good prices too.
RockinMonkey - I've only ever used them for one run of holographic stickers but the quality is so good and I'd definitely go to them again if I were to get more printed.
StickerNinja - Never personally used but I've seen so many people recommend them and their quality shows on their socials. And I'm fairly certain they're BIPOC owned, super pro-LGBTQ+ and are very vocally Pro-Palestine which is a plus in my book!
Please feel free to leave any other suggestions!
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marfacely · 2 months
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marfacely · 2 months
Me: You know how when you were a kid and you’d wish that you’d get sick or injured in a way that would justify why you didn’t live up to your potential?
Everybody, apparently: No?
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marfacely · 2 months
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marfacely · 2 months
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marfacely · 2 months
Smart girls are the fucking best
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marfacely · 2 months
so we're just not gonna have a national conversation about how Boeing killed one of their own employees to keep him from talking to the press
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marfacely · 2 months
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marfacely · 2 months
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marfacely · 2 months
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marfacely · 2 months
It is so, so fucking vital to your health and safety to be in cahoots with at least one person at all times.
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marfacely · 2 months
oh my god when terfs push to ban trans women from competitive sport that “don’t make sense” like darts, chess, e-sports etc it’s not because they’re “admitting” they think cis women are worse at hand eye coordination or chess or gaming. it is just because they don’t want trans women to compete in anything at all, because they think we shouldn’t exist in the public eye. i understand the misconception, but we don’t need to invent an internally consistent motivation to claim they have; the “internal consistency” to them is that trans women are not women and thus don’t deserve to play alongside cis women. it’s the exact same idea as banning trans women from women’s bathrooms. they don’t want us to use the men’s, they want us to not have a public place we can go to at all.
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marfacely · 2 months
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marfacely · 2 months
Library kids are going to save the world. 📚
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marfacely · 2 months
when im listening to my own library and playlists i feel like a powerful wizard but when im trying to show my music taste to anyone it feels like i have a shame cone on
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marfacely · 2 months
isnt it cool how the brain is like a wet computer
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