i’m still here !!! 
quick update, i’m on hiatus/semi-hiatus until july 14 because i’m leaving tomorrow to head to D.C. for a workshop at the folger shakespeare library (what up shakespeare) and i’m staying in a dirt cheap hostel that has questionable wifi capabilities but hey you get what you pay for lmao
anyway, i’ll probably miss most of the event next week which is a REAL BUMMER but until then---- 
i have replies i owe in drafts and i’ll get to them today but uh it’s gonna be slow until i get back (i say that as though all my replies aren’t always slow...) i’m also gonna try to reply to open starters for people maggie’s not talked to yet! ok that’s all xx
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Seated at one of the tiny two-person tables at the cafe on campus, Maggie hurriedly printed in her notebook, her typically neat handwriting scrunched and scrawling as she tried to recall the homework readings from memory, trying to get a few things jotted down before heading to class. It was when she took a breath and a moment for a sip of her coffee that she looked up and caught sight of a familiar face - Juniper, in the back of the line, glancing around the cafe as well. Maggie raised a hand and waved tentatively. “Good morning,” she mouthed, knowing that unless she decided to shout, her voice wouldn’t carry over the hustle and bustle of the baristas behind the counter. 
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caffeine was quite an addiction for someone as educationally invested as juniper. if she was seen without a coffee cup on campus it was cause for concern, and you should proceed with caution. especially when she was in the back of the starbucks queue. 
it was early enough that students would start to groggily make their way to the cafe’s and lecture halls, usually in sweatpants and the shirts from the day before. however, anybody with half a brain cell knew that juniper alexander could not be caught dead without a bare minimum of mascara and moisturizer. she stood in the back of the line, absentmindedly playing with the end of her side braided hair and glancing over the others in the cafe, people watching being her favorite thing to do to pass the time in moments like these. 
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—; “yeah, it’s been tough, but i know i’ll eventually start to feel better!” ava spoke, hopeful that her words spoke some truth. “i get it, i mean, i’ve doubted my major here and there, but there’s always something that reminds me that i’m right where i need to be…” the brunette reiterated with a nod. “however, if it’s a constant thing, then you might as well just switch majors. you should be happy with what you’re doing,” ava smiled at maggie. “ugh,” she groaned, “math is total bull, i wish i had been blessed by the math gods!” she exaggerated before laughing. “but  i really wish you the best maggie, you truly deserve it,” the girl nodded at her friend. “by the way, what’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”
It was nice to hear someone so certain that they were doing what they were meant to be doing, while also doubting that choice in the process. Ava’s comments made Maggie feel a bit better about her own indecision. "What do you want to do when you’re finished here at Ashcroft, then?” She laughed at the other girl’s comments about math being ‘bull.’ Truer words had never been spoken. She took a quiet moment to consider Ava’s question about her favorite flavor, before answering, “I think probably... fruit ice cream. The ones that taste like, um, raspberry, or orange. Do you know what I mean? They’re icier than normal ice creams. What about you?” 
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Making her way down the hallway, Maggie softly blew air across the surface of the coffee in her thermos, the lid of said thermos clutched in her other hand so the drink could cool down a bit on her way to class. Her gaze focused on the ground, she pushed open the cracked door of her next classroom-- but as she did, something cold landed on her from above. She shrieked in fright, her thermos clattering on the floor and splashing the coffee all over the floor as well as her clothes while a cool, wet substance dripped down the back of her neck and down her bangs. Reaching up to touch her hair with a shaking hand, she felt-- whipped cream? Her heartbeat began to slow as she realized that it wasn’t a fatal situation. But still-- “Why would someone do this?” she asked aloud in a trembling voice. 
liam wasn’t really affected by the ongoing drama with the police. it was just something he was used to – really being from new york. you always heard about that shit happening. the only thing he really felt bad about it how eliza felt about quentin, but him personally? his life would go on. which is why the boy was currently crowded in the corner of a classroom, away from the door which has a whipped cream pie balanced on top of it – waiting for the next victim to get attacked by the pile of cream.
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– “COME ON,” odette grins slightly, “no one’s as stupid as i am, anyway.” she’s joking about that – odette generally thinks quite highly of her own intelligence, if nothing else. “you can laugh at that, you know. actually, you SHOULD,” she emphasizes, “it’ll be okay. i promise.” she reaches out to give maggie’s hand what she hopes is a reassuring squeeze. she’s not very good at this comforting thing, but she does find herself wanting to look out for maggie. “yeah, it would,” odette nods. it’s probably safer in town. “let’s go downtown, fries are calling my name.” 
Maggie couldn’t quite bring herself to laugh genuinely when Odette encouraged her to, but she managed a smile at any rate. When the other girl squeezed her hand, it did feel a bit reassuring. Not that anyone could promise that everything would be okay, but the gesture itself was comforting. “Yeah, okay. Downtown. Sounds good.” She headed towards the door. “What’s the best place to get fries, then?” 
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“I’ve been staying busy.” It wasn’t exactly an answer to the question, but it was the most honest he could be. He hadn’t given himself a moment to pause and actually process his feelings. “Classes and spending time with friends actually lets me feel halfway normal.”
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Maggie nodded. If she was in his position-- well, she’d want to keep herself busy, too. “What was your major, again? Something-- science-y, isn’t it?” she tried to guess, cringing slightly in the process. She thought she’d overheard his voice in the library talking about science before. “But I could be very, very wrong.” 
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NORMALLY, THEY’D REACT TO ANY INTERACT WITH A BITE - harsh tones and distance offering a shield from those around them. However, it never even trails over their tongue, instead their own features softening as they tilt their chin up and regain a sense of ethereal composure. “I’m not actually, I took that class last semester.” They don’t miss a beat as their mind moves from their thoughts, head tilting slightly at the mention of their name. “Oh, yes I am. You…” There’s a pause. Maple should know her… right? No matter how hard they try to form a connection to the face, nothing comes. “I’m sorry. Have we met before?” 
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Although the tone of the other student’s reply wasn’t harsh by any means, Maggie still flushed a deep pink, embarrassed to have bothered them. “Oh, that’s-- sorry. There’s someone in my class who looks very much like you, then. Sorry, again.” At least Maggie’d been right about Maple’s name, when she’d seem them close up. That would have been unbearable, if she’d gotten their name wrong, too. "Oh, well, not properly,” she explained. “I’m part of the Imperium, though I usually sit in the back, over in the corner opposite the window. It’s understandable that you didn’t recognize me, I don’t have the most memorable face. And I don’t speak at the meetings, really.” Tentatively, she held out her hand, as if to shake and introduce herself properly. “Maggie, or, well, Margaret Vanzin.” 
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anonymous said: how do you feel about the way things hve been unfolding lately?
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“Ha. Sorry, I know it’s not funny, but, well, in the interest of honesty-- I shouldn’t pretend that I’m anything other than extraordinarily anxious. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in days. I try to be an optimistic person but I can’t stop myself from being terrified that even worse news will come any morning. It’s fine, though. It’ll be fine. It’s got to be fine.” 
( honesty hour ? )
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emma could try and reassure maggie all night long about how safe this party will be as long as she stayed by her all night but emma knew there was no convincing maggie if her heart wasn’t in it. she nodded and squeezed the girl’s arm in reassurance before adding, “as long as we find somebody i trust to walk you back that’s good with me.” and if she couldn’t find anybody, emma would call it an early night and walk maggie home herself. “how’re you then? tell me everything! feels like ages since we’ve had a good chat.” 
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"Okay,” Maggie agreed good-naturedly. “Agreed. Um... well, I’ve been a bit stressed lately, what with Florence being attacked. When I got that phone call, from the hospital wing...” she shivered at the memory of the icy horror that had run through her veins that night. “She’s... okay, though, I think. Or she will be. I’d still feel better if whoever had done it was safely caught. Do you... I don’t know that I’ve ever asked, but do you have any siblings?” Maggie bit her lip, thinking about what else she could update her friend about, but nothing else had really come up lately. It’d just been one campus-wide overshadowing event after another. “That’s it, really. Trying to keep an eye out for everyone. What about you?” she asked, in a slightly brighter tone. “What’s it like in Emma’s world this week?”
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anonymous said: how do you feel about adriana?
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“Adriana’s my roommate, so I should hope I feel positively about her! And of course I do. She’s always been sweet, and I think everyone likes her, as they should. Although I worry that she’s beginning to act... not like herself. I haven’t even seen her much recently and I’ve still noticed that. She’s seemed slightly more daring lately-- which is perfectly fine, because people do change sometimes, but-- I want to try to keep an eye out for her and make sure she’s doing alright and that she doesn’t get into anything she might regret. You know?” 
( honesty hour ? )
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anonymous said: how do you feel about odette?
“Oh, I really admire her! I think Odette is brilliant, and she’s always been so nice to me. Honestly, I was a bit intimidated by her when I first joined the Imperium, because she seemed so perfect-- but I’ve been really pleased to have a chance to talk to her a bit more lately. I like her a lot.” 
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( honesty hour ? )
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anonymous said: how do you feel about yourself as a member of the society?
"About myself? Oh-- well, I-- do you mean if I think I deserve to belong there? I assumed I would be asked to join, because all of my older siblings were members. I’m certain it’s my ballet qualifications that earned me enough status to be granted an invitation. Sometimes I think I’m out of my depth-- intellectually, I mean. But I’ve met so many lovely people through the society that I can’t regret being part of it.”
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( honesty hour ? )
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anonymous said: how do you feel about the missing girl, lydia?
"I had only seen her around campus a few times. She seemed friendly, one day when I was behind her in line for coffee. I did overhear her talking about the Imperium, once, too... I remember her voice sounding so angry. She must have had a good reason to be, so I felt guilty at the time. But with her disappearance-- I hope they find her soon, and that she’s alright. Maybe she only decided to go off on her own without telling anyone. There’s always hope that’s the case, right?” 
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( honesty hour ? )
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anonymous said: how do you feel about your siblings?
"I adore them, more than anything. I know I didn’t have a chance to spend much time with them when we were younger, so I’m glad we’re in a physical place where I can just walk over to their dorms and chat, if I want to. I do worry sometimes that I’m an annoyance, or that I like them more than they like me. I’m not as outgoing as most of them, or as adventurous, but that’s part of what makes me look up to them. I would be lost without my siblings, entirely.” 
@florencevanzin @shiavanzin @thirstprone
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( honesty hour ? )
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( honesty hour ?? )
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—; ava tried making out what maggie said and tilted her head to the side. passing it off as something unimportant, she decided not to ask and shrugged as she followed maggie to the dining hall. noticing how kind and pure maggie seemed, the brunette wanted to get closer to her as she felt she needed more positivity and kind people in her life – considering all the hardships the imperium society was going through. not only that, but she wanted to be there for her friend since her sister really got the worst of it. “oh, they’re going alright. except it’s been really hard to concentrate nowadays… but it’s not horrible,” she nodded once. “how are your classes?”
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"I understand completely.” With so much going on, it was difficult to buckle down and either read or study without thinking of a million other things at once. “My classes are alright, though I’’m... not doing as well as I should be. Do you ever doubt your major? Sometimes I think I should have gone into dance instead of English.” It would have made her classes a breeze. Not that she didn’t enjoy being challenged, but there was challenge and then there was challenge. “Oh, and I have this general credit maths class I have to take as well, and it’s an absolute disaster,” she admitted. “Even with tutors, it’s a disaster. I’ll almost certainly have to retake it.” Which was certain to be embarrassing all around. 
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❝ i like how vague that is, yet i completely get it. so if i had to guess, are you into of monsters and men? just given your description. ❞ pierce teased with a shrug, he always found it was interesting to find out people’s musical taste, especially considering he could never pinpoint it before asking them. ❝ he does a lot of nature documentaries. you ever hear of planet earth? – that oddly enough sounds fascinating. i watched a lot of coverage lately on all the dogs in chernobyl, there’s hundreds, mostly homeless unless the shelter near by takes them in for adoption. i mean, i really wanted to adopt some by the time i finished it. ❞
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Maggie’s ears turned slightly pink at how predictable her music taste seemed to be. “You’ve got it in one,” she said with a little laugh. “Among others. What do you listen to? I don’t believe I’d be able to guess.” She never would have guessed he was a fan of nature documentaries before this conversation, so she doubted her guess about his preferred music would be even near the correct ballpark. “I’ve heard of Planet Earth,” she confirmed, then added, “Poor dogs. Were they affected by the radiation too terribly? It would be awful, if they had to suffer for something they had nothing to do with.” A troubled frown crossed her face, and she spoke slowly as she worked out what she wanted to say. “I know there are enough appalling conditions to worry about with people, but... I do pity the animals, too.” 
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