Update 16! (Last)
Hey guys Roberts home now! He was just telling me abt the rest of his journey! He said that after Victor passed he saw some strange sightings he thought could be the monster Victor was referring to and after brushing it off he started to hear weird noises! Robert took investigating into his own hands AND FOUND THE CREATURE WEEPING OVER VICTORS BODY! That must've been very creepy to witness 😖... Anyway Robert said that there is even MORE to this story from the Creatures point of view but said he’ll tell me that story another day, so if you aren't already follow me on all my socials:
Tumblr: margaretsavillefrankenstein
Insta: margaretsavillefrankenstein
Snapchat: margaretsavillefrankenstein
for even more updates on crazy and absurd drama! 
Stay safe queens! Will talk to you again soon, xoxo, 
-Margaret Saville 
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Update 15!
So Roberts just lmk that his crew is doing the best they can to break thru the ice out at sea and should be coming back home to England soon! Cant wait to see my brother again 
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Robert just informed me that Frankenstein has passed away ): RIP 
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Representation of how Victor must feel after loosing his family and being taunted by the Creature! He plans on leaving Geneva and go towards the North into the ice and snow. He plans on seeking his revenge on the Creature and will die doing so 
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I cannot believe the creature killed Elizabeth 😧. So many innocent victims! Why doesn't he go after Victor????
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She left me, and I continued some time walking up and down the passages of the house, and inspecting every corner that might afford a retreat to my adversary. But I discovered no trace of him, and was beginning to conjecture that some fortunate chance had intervened to prevent the execution of his menaces; when suddenly I heard a shrill and a dreadful scream. It came from the room into which Elizabeth had retired. As I heard it, the whole truth rushed into my mind, my arms dropped, the motion of every muscle and fibre was suspended; I could feel the blood trickling in my views, and tingling in the extremities of my limbs. This state lasted but for an instant; the scream was repeated, and I rushed into the room." "Great God! why did I not then expire! Why am I here to relate the destruction of the best hope, and the purest creature of earth. She was their lifeless, and inanimate, thrown across the bed, her head hanging down, and her pale distorted features half covered by her hair. Everywhere I turn I see the same figure- her bloodless arms and relaxed form flung by the murderer on its bridal bier. Could I behold this, and live? Alas! life is obstinate and clings closet where it is most hated. For a moment only did I lose recollection; I fainted."
Victor Frankenstein 
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Update 14!
Things seem to be going well after the wedding! Victor is alert and ready for the monster 
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Victor and Elizabeths letters declaring their love and confirming their desire to continue with their wedding... if the Creature doesn't ruin it 💀👀
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Victors new home for a few months since he was accused of murdering Henry 
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Update 13!
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While out to sea disposing of creature #2 Victors boat ended up in some town who experienced a suspicious murder the night before 🤔
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Update 12!
Frankenstein came to his sense and decided NOT to go thru w making the creature a female partner! Luckily he destroyed it before things got too far but unfortunately the creature saw and declared his revenge , telling him he’ll see him at his wedding 😳
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Victor starting to realize that having one monster in this world is bad enough and he’s about to make another one that could possibly cause even more destruction 
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Working for the weekend? More like working to get a creature you created that kills your family off your back 🙊
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Update 11!
Victor is back in the creating game! He is putting off his real life obligations like being a son and fiancé in order to attend to his and the creatures deal to his life will be smooth sailing especially with his wedding coming up!
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“You swear”, I said, “to be harmless; but you have not already strewn degree of malice that should reasonably make me distrust you?May not even this be feint that will increase your triumph by affording a wider scope for your revenge?”- Victor Frankenstein  “How is this? I though I had moved your compassion, and yet you still refuse to bestow on me the only benefit that can soften my heart, and render me harmless.If I have no ties and no affections, hatred and vice myst be my portion; the love of another will destroy the cause of my crimes, and I shall become a thing, of whose existence everyone will be ignorant. My vices are the children of forced solitude that I abhor; and my virtues will necessarily arise when I live in communion with an equal. I shall feel the affections oof a sensitive being, and become linked t the chain of existence and events, from which now excluded”-The Creature
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