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A skeleton walks into a bar and asks for a beer and a mop.
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This pretty much sums up my sister and I 😆
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Worship in the midst of Angels
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Beast Tamer Megan, Do you remember Ralph Helfer and his "affection training" approach towards animals? Do you also remember the crazy flood that happened, in which only the animals who had a developed trust with him were saved? With that concept in mind, this is how it is with us and God. The more we spend time with Him, as He approaches us with patient and affectionate love, the more we develop trust towards Him. The more we trust in Him the more we are willing to throw ourselves into His arms when there is chaos surrounding us, because in our past times we already know He cares for our well-being. As opposed to those who don't personally know God and won't take His outreached hand, and get hurt as a result. But you know Him, who loves you. And you bare His image, walking as a reflection of Him to the untamed beasts around you. In this illustration, you are a Beast Tamer and the animals are the lost, broken and wild in the world. Each so unique in personality and unique in brokenness. Choosing to care for them, you take time to patiently learn their individual natures. Being gentle and yet firm, attending to the vast variety of their needs. As they grow to trust you and love you back, there is harmony among the different creatures, despite the wild Jungle. On the other side of this analogy, the Beast Tamer is God and you are all the wild beasts. Each representing a potentially different side of your being. Elephant: agitated, fearful BUT big-hearted and intelligent. Tiger: fierce, violent BUT strong and courageous. Giraffe: skittish, timid BUT unique. Monkey: childish, undisciplined BUT playful. Snake: cunning, deceitful BUT clever. Tarantula: freaky BUT fascinating and intriguing. Parrots: obnoxious, uncontrollable BUT funny and entertaining. Butterfly: delicate, frail BUT beautiful. Even the plants: wild, uncontainable, and all over the place BUT make you feel like home. Etc. All dangerous and beautiful in their own ways. Yet God loves them and brings them close by earning the trust of each one. Knowing all your different sides, He knows just how to approach you; wii the love of 1 Corinthians 13. Through patience and kindness, selflessness, not easily angered and keeping no record of wrong, walks in truth, protects, does not demand or force His way on you, but He preserves you and will never fail you. The more trust you have with God, the more He can lead you into greater things. But to reach that level of trust, you must invest time into it. Spend time with Him and you will learn more about who He is and how He works. Soon you'll be so confident in His character that you won't think twice about obeying Him, even when it doesn't make sense to you, because you know Him so well and that He knows better and is immeasurably trustworthy. But whatever you do, you must remain in God. Without God you are on your own in this world and it is the chaos in this Jungle that brings out the worst in us and forces us to become a wild beast. But with God you are well taken care of. The title of this piece may be called Beast Tamer, but the theme revolves around Trust. Spend time with your Tamer, build up your trust in Him, and all will be well with you.
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Kingdom Kafe
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There's more
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In the arms of safety
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Centaur of Fantasia and a Mermaid of Neverland
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Mending a Broken Spirit
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A vivid dream I once had.
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Mother Nature
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Intruder of a Secret Tea Party
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