margoteliise · 3 days
Greece is gorgeous; you simply can't go wrong! What did you two newlyweds get to do and see while you were in Santorini? You're all moved in already? I am impressed; sometimes, I think there's still a box somewhere I haven't unpacked, and I haven't moved in a while. Been doing a lot of journaling, enjoying time with the kids -- tempted to try my hand at sourdough starter but am afraid I'll mess it up royally and the house'll smell absolutely foul. What about you? Getting settled in?
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i just want to say that santorini is the most beautiful places i've ever been. i enjoyed every bit of my honeymoon but i wish i was still there. though it is good to be back and moved into our new home together, i keep saying to myself. i'm a wife now, i have a husband. okay let me stop before i start crying because it's all settling in. how're you doing though? what have you been up to these past few weeks? @hfrpstarters
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margoteliise · 3 days
Thank you, Jess -- it's been overwhelming and also very exciting at the same time. Are they? 'Tis the season, I suppose... and as you should be, because you're the best aunt any kiddo could ask for. A surprise, most definitely -- trying to focus less on due date and more on trusting the process. How have you been?
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Hey, it was for good reason, so you're always forgiven. Congratulations to you and Seb and your little posse. Feels like all my close friends are having babies recently, so I'm getting my auntie Jessie act prepared and getting ready to spoil the fuck out of everybody. When's the little wonder due for? Or is it a surprise?
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margoteliise · 3 days
Shush, I just adore you! How are things? I need updates -- and let's go to dinner soon if we're ever in the same spot at the same time, please.
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Margot I mean come on you deserve this level of friendship let's be real. Im really happy for you right now. I love and appreciate you endlessly
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margoteliise · 3 days
Stuck with me, precisely. Have you figured out how to do that yet -- Tony Stark the shit out of time? When you do, let me know. I want all the intel on that. Ah, gotcha -- those rescheduling hiccups can be annoying, but I'm sure it'll be great when the press tour does get off the ground! Oh, absolutely. It's been a dream having a bit more time with Seb and the kids. I sense several more 'carpet picnics' in my future.
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you mean to tell me that i'm stuck with the margot robbie as one of my mates? think that just made my year because who wouldn't want barbie herself being part of your group of best mates? don't even start on time flying by because i'm still trying to tony stark the shit out of time and slow it down. i was on set for one film but begin filming again for another one this week. then will do press stuff for one film coming shortly and then hopefully can get on the press tour for kraven. just keep holding my breath because it's been moved so many times and wonder if it will be moved again. little break from the amazing career you've been having over the last few years...definitely deserves some time off. can imagine you enjoying every bit of the down time with the kiddos too. i hear you there.
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margoteliise · 10 days
Until you oversleep for a major meeting, which has... unfortunately happened to me once or twice. Do you ever keep a dream journal at all?
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Honestly, I think that'd be a fun ass dream to have! You could be partying it up in dream land and not even realize that was your alarm going off. It's one I have a lot, actually. Dunno why, but I do! It's definitely one that takes me a bit to properly wake up from, you know? @margoteliise
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margoteliise · 10 days
How are you feeling now, after the big day? The wedding was beautiful. Did you two set off on a honeymoon?
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——- Maybe, what kind of friend would i be if i didn't compliment you and bring you to tears ? perfect, i look forward to it, and i offer a dance if you'd like. i'm glad, i'm sure she's looking forward to you and sabastian there as much as i am.
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margoteliise · 10 days
You're the sweetest friend, Sersh. I don't know if I tell you enough just how much I love and appreciate you, lovebug.
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Oh they got even you with this didnt they??? Yeah that I can totally see and respect. Aww the femily going to get a bit bigger isnt it? Yeah if I said your little bump, please you should have slapped me. Like as friends you know to approach it gently.
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margoteliise · 10 days
Stranger of the year? Ouch -- love you to the moon, though, darling. I know I've admittedly been a bit absent, and I suppose headlines have filled in some gaps and left a little less for me to fill you in on. Yes, the rumors are true! I was admittedly a bit apprehensive of breaking any news too early and wanted to just keep things between me and Seb, but we're beyond excited and really looking forward to the new little one.
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@margoteliise, stranger of the year, where the hell have you been? I'm about to go interrogate your husband and give him another one of my good old-fashioned lines of questioning about why he's keeping my wife from me. Also...don't tell me that I'm hearing the news that I'm hearing from Instagram and not from your own mouth. Give it to me straight, girl, is it true?
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margoteliise · 23 days
Text: Italy sounds perfect, baby. I’ll arrange everything now. How about we leave on Wednesday? I’m sure my mom would babysit Rey and axel in a heartbeat haha
[ text ] : Wednesday sounds perfect -- gives us enough time to get things for the kids squared away and all of our own ducks in a row 🐥 I love you so much; thank you for helping me put together this little getaway. 💗 Let me know what she says about watching the kids, too!
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margoteliise · 24 days
Forever a talent? Was the goal to bring this blonde to tears today, Skarsgard? If so, you succeed -- and don't you worry, we'll be there! I've been in talks with your stunning bride-to-be, and we wouldn't miss the big day for the world.
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——- Well, i'm glad and happy to deliver it. they are and i'll forever love how you brought both to life, as well as any role you do. you're forever a talent, margot. it is and i look forward to seeing you there, hopefully. my wedding wouldn't be the same without you there and sebastian, of course. i believe you — i'll see her and just positively melt inside.
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margoteliise · 24 days
Text: it’s definitely possible when it comes to you and the kids. We should absolutely have a baby moon! Where would you like to go, love? Anywhere you choose, we’ll do.
[ text ] : Hm... Italy, maybe? Could easily eat my weight in pasta and tiramisu... especially while I'm still eating for two 🤪🇮🇹
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margoteliise · 25 days
Every dream that the sound of my alarm slips into ends up being a weird one. Most recently, the alarm sound was part of a rave track that a DJ was spinning in a dream. Freaky Friday is such an iconic movie, and I love that for you -- even if the dream itself sounds a little disorienting.
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What's the wildest dream you've ever had before? Mine's gotta be one I've had more than once where it was like I was in Freaky Friday. I was the one having to pretend how to sing and play guitar and one of my group mates was the one singing for me! I'll never forget that one. @margoteliise
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margoteliise · 25 days
You're sweet to me, lovebug! I was admittedly a bit nervous initially, but we are both very excited. And no -- not sure what we're having yet, so that will be a surprise. No gifts necessary, because your friendship is already one of the greatest gifts.
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i did catch that! congratulations, darling! that is gonna be one lucky kid. are you excited? do you know what you are having yet? i need all the details so i can stock up on baby gifts.
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margoteliise · 25 days
Very mindful, very demure. But, really -- it was just one of those things where you're not sure how it's going to go, so you just want to keep it quiet. But, we are very excited to bring a new little one into the family. You're sweet for mentioning it so carefully, too, so thank you for doing that. It really does mean a lot.
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Well this one was easier time wise, Jack and I worked on it together while engaged and between things for us both. I guess I am a bit of that. Shush that gods you are so sweet. And by the way I love how demure you are when big news drop, dont worry Ill respect whenever you dont or want to tell me, Id be freaking my head off, so you have true grace
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margoteliise · 25 days
Of course, sweets! I wouldn't miss your big day for the world. Anything you need last-minute that I can help with?
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It’s like it’s getting closer and closer, we’ve got 9 days until we say I do and I can tell you that we’re both nervous but that’s very normal. Thank you so much, we hope to see you there.
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margoteliise · 27 days
Text: on set missing you. Missing you too much if we’re being honest.
[ text ] : Too much, baby? I didn't even know that was possible. We're missing you even more, it feels like. 💗 Think we could get away sometime soon? Just the two of us?
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margoteliise · 29 days
You're so sweet; thank you so much for saying that! It is really fun being able to act and produce in the same film. It adds a totally different lens to the experience that you don't get to explore otherwise. What are you working on lately?
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Okay so I was watching Birds of Prey the other day and I seriously forgot just how cool that whole movie was! And I heard you produced it? Do you like having a personal connections to the movies you make? @margoteliise
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