maria-lourdes-blog · 4 years
Different types of students
The "Pakopya nga" Student
This type of student always says "Pakopya nga" in the classroom. She/he using this to copy the answer of his or her classmate, even the Assignment or during exam.
The "Ml player" Student
This type of student always play ml (Mobile Legends) in the classroom even the girls are playing mobile legends. They play during Recess, lunch break, and sometimes during discussion.
The "Supplier" student
This type of student is the supplier of the class because she/he always have a paper, pencil,ballpen or even the art materials.
The "Absingers" student
This type of student is always absent in the class even in the other important occasions she/he always absent. In tagalog "lulubog, lilitaw".
The "tulogers" student
This type of student is the lazy because she/he always sleep in the classroom even during discussion.
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