mariamlily · 2 years
self care that will change your life
~ journaling:
prompts about how you’re feeling
journaling about your favorite days
~ meditating:
two minutes every day or every other day
clearing your mind and taking a few minutes to be alone with yourself
~ night routines:
nightly skincare
cleaning up before bed
~ cold skincare:
using cold face masks & eye patches
keeping your face rollers in the fridge
sleeping w/ a gel bead eye mask
~ complimenting:
compliment others; spreading kindness will bring you good fortune 🦋
compliment yourself; showing kindness to yourself will bring you true confidence 💕
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mariamlily · 3 years
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I used to get so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information i had to remember for exams in school!!! Endless dates and names in history, formulas in maths, essay points for psychology, the list goes on! Here are the tips i use myself to help you retain all those facts and figures you need to remember - that have all been scientifically proven to help! ❤️
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mariamlily · 5 years
“Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life”
— Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet (via minuty)
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mariamlily · 5 years
how to write that 17-page essay that’s high-key giving you anxiety
so it’s 4am and you’ve had three cups of coffee but you’ve only written two sentences. you look at the prompt and find it has ceased to make sense. “how the fuck am i gonna turn this into a 17-page paper” you ask. 
never fear! your friendly neighborhood college fuckup is here with an answer. buckle down and get another cup of coffee; you’re in this for the long haul. (literally. this post got long because i’m apparently incapable of writing short posts, but i also pulled a 3.9 cGPA using this method so i’d say it’s worth the read.)
first, a cheat: email your professor and ask if you can use subheaders. subheaders eliminate the need for smooth transitions between portions of your argument and also create a ton of white space, which can help you reach page count. 
second, a tip: don’t be afraid to meet with your prof. this essay probably isn’t a take-home exam; it’s likely that your prof set this paper to give you a chance to learn and write about something you enjoy. shoot your prof an email saying “hey, this is what i’m thinking, this is what i’m struggling with, can i meet with you to talk it out?” 9 times out of 10, your prof will say yes. if they say no, talk to another prof in the same discipline. otherwise talk to your uni writing center or a friend of yours. worse come to worst, shoot me a message.
what you’re gonna do now is outline the fuck out of your paper to procrastinate actually writing it. 
step 1: take apart the prompt. it’ll be asking for a few different things; mark these things with different cues: brackets, underlining, different colored pens, whatever. this structures your response.
if you don’t know your thesis yet, that’s fine! let it develop naturally as you conduct your research and plan your argument. you can change it as you go - that’s the point of researching the topic. no one will know what your first draft thesis was.
step 2: look at the dismembered prompt. write bullets with brief explanations for how you’ll attack each part of the prompt. these can be detailed or as vague as “look up that one reading and use it as a counter argument.” then figure out the best way to organize the bullets. if nothing makes sense, that’s fine too. you can write each chunk of your argument and structure it later.
these bullets make good subheaders. js.
step 3: under each bullet from step 2, list out what info and evidence you need for that aspect of your argument. don’t worry about details yet; focus on structure. write these bullets as though you’re talking to a friend about what your argument is and why is works. let it be stupid. let it be simple. say shit like “freud was a bitch and i can prove it.” 
step 4: now that you have a rough draft of your outline, go back and fill in the details. remember, you’re still outlining! you’re basically redoing step 3 with the bullets you made in step 3. this is the part where i take the most time and put in the most effort.
i tend to reach page/word count easily if my outline is half the length the paper needs to be, so i keep outlining until i reach that point. this ratio might be different for you. if you can figure out your ratio, it can tell you if you need to look for more info or if you’re good to go.
make a note of what you’re citing but don’t worry about actual citations. i like using gdocs because you can easily paste a link to your source in a comment. this way, the sources don’t clutter up your doc or artificially inflate your page or word count.
be silly! be stupid! use swear words and memes and internet lingo. you’re just outlining right now; you don’t need to sound smart and professional. you should be focusing on what you want to say, not how to say it.
by the end of this process, my outline is basically my paper in bulletpoint format, without any fancy jargon or quotes or cited evidence, and usually not in complete sentences. i’ve essentially tricked myself into writing my paper by saying “i’m just outlining, it doesn’t really matter.” it’s also less daunting to write the rest of the paper when you know you already have 9 pages done instead of 0.
step 5: write the damn thing! open a fresh doc for your paper and view it side-by-side with your outline. now you get to make your bullets sound pretentious and academic. insert quotes and other evidence. turn “freud was a bitch” into “freud knowingly perpetuated several falsehoods for the sake of his personal gain, thereby undoing decades of progress in the field of psychology.” 
don’t worry about citations right now, though! do what you did in your outline and insert the citations as comments at the points where they need to be. creating citations will interrupt your flow.
step 6: once your paper is done, go back and add citations! this can take up to an hour depending on how many sources you have, so budget your time appropriately. 
holy shit! you just wrote a whole damn paper! i’m proud of you, buddy. go buy yourself a milkshake and take a nap. 
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mariamlily · 5 years
Hello! Can you pls rec me some tsundere yoongi fics? The longer the better, honestly. Any ship is alright!
ahhhh, my first ask 🤣 Thank Youu💜
Try these:
The Songbird and the Sea by MissterMaia (255.8k, yoonmin)
aye, love (you led me to a miracle) by vppa (6.9k, yoonjin)
all the light we cannot see by notyoongs (109k, yoonkook)
Seven Of Aces by kyrifics (148.9k, yoonmin, ongoing)
The Perfect Japchae by suga_wa (19.2k, yoonjin)
fairy brat by skswriting (3.4k, yoonmin)
Finding Sunshine by Trash_4_Yoongi (61.7k, yoonseok)
Don’t Dream It’s Over by marchdahlia (8.5k, yoonkook)
unfortunately, i coudn’t get much with tae and joon. hope you like these!
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mariamlily · 5 years
قال لي .. لماذا نمتدُّ في السراب .؟
قلت له .. لأن القرآن في عالمنا لا زال في طَورِ “ التَّرتيل ” .. ولم نعلو به إلى دور { التشكيل } !
نحن يـا ولدي .. نُتقنُ في القرآن الأداء الصوتيّ .. ونعجزُ كأُمّة عن الأداء السلوكي !
لا زال القرآن ؛ يتردد في { الحناجر } .. ولم نبلغ به أن يغيّر { المصائر } !
كان القرآن يا ولدي .. مع كلِّ تَنزُّل يخيط للصحابة أثوابهم الجديدة .. و ينسج لهم أرواحاً من نوره !
كان ينزعُ عنهم لباسَ الجاهلية الأولى ؛ مع كل سورة تُتلى !
لقد أُشرب الصحابة القرآن في قلوبهم … لقد أُشربوه حتى تنفسوه سلوكاً .. وتنفسوه حضارة شَهِدَ لها الغرب قائلاً :
“ إنَّ حضارة الإسلام بُنيت في أقل من 150 عاماً ومثلها يحتاج أكثر من 3000 عام حتى يبلغ ما بلغت ”!
اليوم نحن ننتكس إذ نَعُد الختمات عدّاً عدّاً .. ونفرح إذ سبقنا الأقران و الأنداد !
و لو بُعِثَ فينا عمر الذي مكث في سورة البقرة 10 سنوات ؛ لأنكرَنا .. و لنالنا من دُرَّتِه نصيباً كبيراً !
يا ولدي ..
ارفق بالقرآن .. و توقف عن الهجر !
فبعض معاني هَجرِه .. أن تكون له تالياً ؛ و حياتك منه فارغة !
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mariamlily · 5 years
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Pinterest • https://www.pinterest.com
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mariamlily · 6 years
Do you ever realize how beautiful the process of learning a language really is?
I think sometimes we get so caught up in wanting to become fluent, and we start to forget how amazing the struggle really is. Nothing truly comes close the the euphoria of realizing that you can finally understand what someone is saying, or being able to construct a sentence on your own for the first time.
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mariamlily · 6 years
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14 mars 2019 {semaine 9/10} | second to last week of my french writing ! 
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mariamlily · 6 years
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mariamlily · 6 years
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My name is Karolina
I’m 22 years old
I’m from Poland
INTJ and feel like that
Currently studying East European Studies at uni, self-studying international public law and some basic economy
My main object of interest is Russia and Ukraine, their history, politics, economy, law and foreign policy
I’m a prefect of my year (kind of like Ron and Hermione :D), member of the Student Board and faculty council
I speak Polish, English (C1), French (B2), Russian (B1/B2) and Ukrainian (B1)
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Doing MA degree of the current field of study (5 years overally), post-graduate studies of international public law (a year) and maybe a seperate 2-year-MA degree of international relations if it happens to be profitable to do.
I’m thinking over some valuable internship but this semester is too loaded with classes, assignments and other things so I’ll try to find something next term.
I’m going to do a diplomatic-consular application and work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or, if it doesn’t work, in some non-governmental organisation (e.g. as a political analyst).
Going to reach at least C1 level in all the current languages. I’m also considering learning Mandarin Chinese (and maybe some Turkish?).
Finally catch up somehow on reading. I tend to pick many non-fiction books (reportages, biographies/memories, historical ones etc.), some classics (especially Russian), sometimes I come back to the books I read as a child and have fondness for. I keep finding a very odd enjoyment in reading research papers, assigned or needed for essays, related to my field of study (I’m weird, I know)…
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@emmastudies, @thomastudies, @eintsein, @hristinasview, @studydiaryofamedstudent, @studyblr, @studyfulltime, @katsdesk, @thehistorygrad, @lawyerd, @studylustre, @study-well, @acataemic, @stillstudies, @warmhealer, @elkstudies, @academiix, @studypetals, @stvdybuddies
Reblog/like this post and/or let me know if you study/post about social studies (law, politics, economy, international relations…), French / Russian / Ukrainian / Chinese / Turkish language!
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mariamlily · 6 years
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1. Wally (iPhone, iPad) I personally love this app cause it’s easy to use, beautiful to look at, keeps my receipts and isn’t cluttered with useless features. You can divide them into various categories/subcategories, add in your income, see your balance as well as see your spending habits graphed into beautiful pie charts. 2. 30/30 (iPhone, iPad) This app is mostly intended for study sessions but I use it to keep track of routines, particularly for housework. I tend to procrastinate and dilly-dally when doing laundry/dishes/etc and sometimes I just need to GET IT DONE. You can allot how much time you want to spend, and save these lists/routines for future use.  3. IFTTT (iPhone, iPad) IFTTT stands for If This, Then That and you can use it for ANYTHING. Statements are called “recipes” and allow for a more productive use of your time by eliminating routine actions. I currently use “If raining tomorrow, then remind me today to bring an umbrella” and “If tagged in Facebook photo, then save in iOS Photos”. Alternatively, you can use it to automatically transfer tagged screenshots/notes/etc to dropbox/google drive/etc.  4. Evernote (iPhone, iPad, Macbook) I think everyone knows what Evernote is. It has a ton of features including journals, notes, lists, whatever you want. I use it to keep my 2015 goals and lists (books to read, movies to watch, music to get, gift ideas, recipes to try and my bucket list). How does it make me a better student? I no longer waste free time thinking about what to watch, where to eat, or things to do. I get more things done that I’ve always wanted to do and can therefore appreciate when it’s time to get back to work. 5. Grades 3 (iPhone) Also self-explanatory! It helps you keep track of how each of your evaluations are affecting your final mark. Sometimes it’s hard to see how a 5% quiz improves/ruins your grade. I found myself 10X more motivated after using this app cause you can see just how much better you can do. 6. Inkflow Visual Notebook (iPad) I just recently discovered this and it is THE BEST. As a human bio major in my undergrad, I drew out flowcharts ALL THE TIME. The problem was that I’d run out of space or need to add a new molecule in between, and my OCD would hit the fan. This app allows you to take a photo of your work, but only scans the pencil/pen part, and therefore seamlessly fits in with the rest of your document. You can then erase, select, add and move around different components of the flowchart/note/picture/etc. 7. Flashcards+ (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Windows) This is pretty self-explanatory! What I liked about this is that I was able to test myself while walking to places in the freezing -30 degrees Celsius weather in Toronto (which I wouldn’t be able to do with physical flashcards). Not to mention it saves so much time and paper, and you can easily share them with others. 8. Duolingo (iPhone, iPad) Learning a new language keeps your head sharp and resume competitive for this increasingly globalized world. I’m currently learning German and this app makes it super easy and fun! I started last week doing 15 minutes every day and I have already had a full (simple) conversation with my German friend - it’s that good! 9. Circle of 6 (iPhone) As newly independent adults, we need to organize our SAFETY. This app allows you to choose 6 people to send an emergency text to with your details and location at the click of a button (as well as an “I’m okay but thanks” message once the crisis is averted). 10. SAM (iPhone, iPad) If you’ve ever had anxiety attacks, you’ll understand how much time an attack eats up when you’re trying to be your most productive self. It has a toolbox of methods to calm you down and provides explanations for what you’re feeling. You can even rate each method so you know what works for you.
11. Dashlane (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Windows) With all the different social media accounts, email accounts (going on my 4th one now that I’m a Masters student at a new university!), online shopping accounts, bank accounts, etc - it starts to get hard to keep track of all your usernames/passwords AND have strong, individual passwords for all of them. This helps keep track and allows the ability to change ALL your passwords at once if something were to happen to your various accounts.
12. Google Drive (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Android, Windows) I can spend a whole blog post talking about this one. I have 100% of my documents saved on google drive on my desktop. This means I have 100% of my documents on my phone, ipad and .. anywhere with an internet connection. You won’t have to lug around a big laptop all the time, AND you can have the peace of mind knowing you have access to important information from literally anywhere in the world. And a bonus - it doesn’t take up any space (except in the cloud!). 13. Zotero (Macbook, Windows) I love doing research papers but I absolutely hate having to keep track of everything I’ve read. This app allows you to create folders to keep citations for each of your individual reports. Once you’re done, just choose your referencing method and it creates all your bibliography for you at the click of a button!
14. Self Control (Macbook, Windows) Need to study online but keep feeling tempted to go on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Youtube, etc? Put them all on a “Blacklist” on this Self Control app and prevent yourself from being able to access them for a certain amount of time. Even if you delete the app, you still can’t get on those sites until your time is up. LIFE SAVER.
Hopefully these tips have helped you in some way. I’d love to hear about other useful apps! The trick is to have apps that satisfy more than one function, so that you don’t clutter up your devices.
The Organized Minimalist
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mariamlily · 6 years
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1. Wally (iPhone, iPad) I personally love this app cause it’s easy to use, beautiful to look at, keeps my receipts and isn’t cluttered with useless features. You can divide them into various categories/subcategories, add in your income, see your balance as well as see your spending habits graphed into beautiful pie charts. 2. 30/30 (iPhone, iPad) This app is mostly intended for study sessions but I use it to keep track of routines, particularly for housework. I tend to procrastinate and dilly-dally when doing laundry/dishes/etc and sometimes I just need to GET IT DONE. You can allot how much time you want to spend, and save these lists/routines for future use.  3. IFTTT (iPhone, iPad) IFTTT stands for If This, Then That and you can use it for ANYTHING. Statements are called “recipes” and allow for a more productive use of your time by eliminating routine actions. I currently use “If raining tomorrow, then remind me today to bring an umbrella” and “If tagged in Facebook photo, then save in iOS Photos”. Alternatively, you can use it to automatically transfer tagged screenshots/notes/etc to dropbox/google drive/etc.  4. Evernote (iPhone, iPad, Macbook) I think everyone knows what Evernote is. It has a ton of features including journals, notes, lists, whatever you want. I use it to keep my 2015 goals and lists (books to read, movies to watch, music to get, gift ideas, recipes to try and my bucket list). How does it make me a better student? I no longer waste free time thinking about what to watch, where to eat, or things to do. I get more things done that I’ve always wanted to do and can therefore appreciate when it’s time to get back to work. 5. Grades 3 (iPhone) Also self-explanatory! It helps you keep track of how each of your evaluations are affecting your final mark. Sometimes it’s hard to see how a 5% quiz improves/ruins your grade. I found myself 10X more motivated after using this app cause you can see just how much better you can do. 6. Inkflow Visual Notebook (iPad) I just recently discovered this and it is THE BEST. As a human bio major in my undergrad, I drew out flowcharts ALL THE TIME. The problem was that I’d run out of space or need to add a new molecule in between, and my OCD would hit the fan. This app allows you to take a photo of your work, but only scans the pencil/pen part, and therefore seamlessly fits in with the rest of your document. You can then erase, select, add and move around different components of the flowchart/note/picture/etc. 7. Flashcards+ (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Windows) This is pretty self-explanatory! What I liked about this is that I was able to test myself while walking to places in the freezing -30 degrees Celsius weather in Toronto (which I wouldn’t be able to do with physical flashcards). Not to mention it saves so much time and paper, and you can easily share them with others. 8. Duolingo (iPhone, iPad) Learning a new language keeps your head sharp and resume competitive for this increasingly globalized world. I’m currently learning German and this app makes it super easy and fun! I started last week doing 15 minutes every day and I have already had a full (simple) conversation with my German friend - it’s that good! 9. Circle of 6 (iPhone) As newly independent adults, we need to organize our SAFETY. This app allows you to choose 6 people to send an emergency text to with your details and location at the click of a button (as well as an “I’m okay but thanks” message once the crisis is averted). 10. SAM (iPhone, iPad) If you’ve ever had anxiety attacks, you’ll understand how much time an attack eats up when you’re trying to be your most productive self. It has a toolbox of methods to calm you down and provides explanations for what you’re feeling. You can even rate each method so you know what works for you.
11. Dashlane (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Windows) With all the different social media accounts, email accounts (going on my 4th one now that I’m a Masters student at a new university!), online shopping accounts, bank accounts, etc - it starts to get hard to keep track of all your usernames/passwords AND have strong, individual passwords for all of them. This helps keep track and allows the ability to change ALL your passwords at once if something were to happen to your various accounts.
12. Google Drive (iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Android, Windows) I can spend a whole blog post talking about this one. I have 100% of my documents saved on google drive on my desktop. This means I have 100% of my documents on my phone, ipad and .. anywhere with an internet connection. You won’t have to lug around a big laptop all the time, AND you can have the peace of mind knowing you have access to important information from literally anywhere in the world. And a bonus - it doesn’t take up any space (except in the cloud!). 13. Zotero (Macbook, Windows) I love doing research papers but I absolutely hate having to keep track of everything I’ve read. This app allows you to create folders to keep citations for each of your individual reports. Once you’re done, just choose your referencing method and it creates all your bibliography for you at the click of a button!
14. Self Control (Macbook, Windows) Need to study online but keep feeling tempted to go on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Youtube, etc? Put them all on a “Blacklist” on this Self Control app and prevent yourself from being able to access them for a certain amount of time. Even if you delete the app, you still can’t get on those sites until your time is up. LIFE SAVER.
Hopefully these tips have helped you in some way. I’d love to hear about other useful apps! The trick is to have apps that satisfy more than one function, so that you don’t clutter up your devices.
The Organized Minimalist
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mariamlily · 6 years
My Top 20 Anime-Influenced TV Series
This is a list of my most favorite TV series from my PreTeen to my Adult Hood years. Hope you guys like it.
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1. Steven Universe
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2. Kappa Mikey
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3. Cybersix
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4. Totally Spies
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5. Martin Mystery
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6. W.I.T.C.H.
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7. Wakfu
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8. Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
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9. Code Lyoko
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10. Avatar: The Last Airbender
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11. RWBY
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12. The Legend Of Korra
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13. Teen Titans
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14. Ben 10: Alien Force
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15. Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go
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16. Samurai Jack
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17. Jackie Chan Adventures
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18. Xiaolin Showdown
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19. Magi-Nation
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20. Boondocks
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mariamlily · 6 years
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#optomstudies talking about using textbooks 📚📚📚! @slowtownstudies​ Unlike high school, teachers won’t usually assign specific pages or problem sets to do, and you’ll be using it as a supplement to your studies. There’s no one way of using textbooks because there are multiple types. 
Quick reference type
Characteristics: Usually pocket or A5 sized, bit hard to understand without having background knowledge first, basic dot point summaries. E.g. Wills Eye Manual and Kanski Clinical Ophthalmology Synopsis. 
Benefits of this type of txtbk: good for things you can forget easily, great to revise with before exams, doesn’t break your back to carry around. 
How to make notes: you don’t. Just read straight off them - they are quick reference and require you to understand concepts first. 
Explanatory type
Characteristics: thick, typically 2-3 inches in thickness, written in easy to understand language, as wordy and comprehensive as a print text can be whilst still being able to be carried home out of a bookshop, updated but usually not much difference between versions E.g. Campbell’s Biology. 
Benefits of this type of txtbk: can be studied from without attending lectures, easily readable even when university has sucked the life energy out of you, so comprehensive your lecture usually uses it as the basis of their lecture notes. 
How to make notes: 
Make your lecture summaries first
Get a good grasp of topic
Read textbook and jot down notes or write down on a post-it anything you didn’t already know/needed clarified/anything the textbook explained better. 
Use active reading and make sure you try and word it in your own way!
Add these post-its into your lecture summary notes
Springboard/Basics type
Characteristics: typically 1-2 inches thick, author will specifically say in their Preface that the book is intended to cover the basics, is updated regularly every few years often with overhauls of content. E.g. Kanski’s Clinical Ophthalmology. 
How to make notes: Similar to Explanatory type, but since it’s written more in a dot-point fashion, you’ll find it to be similar in format to your lecture notes. Judge on a case-by-case basis whether or not you want to make notes. 
It’s too long to list everything so please see all original posts here, stationery here, bullet journal spreads here, and my study tips directory (web) :)
0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10-1 , 10-2 Saving Money
11 Adapting to Uni Study new!!
12 How to Study From Textbooks in Uni coming 27.02.17!
SEE ALSO Selected Tips/From This Month
Time Management and Organisation
Overcoming the Planning Fallacy new!!
Study Spaces Masterpost , Great Laptop Options for Students , Catching Up with Your Studies
Printables: Weekly Planner with Extra Space for Sat/Sun
Self-Care/Other: Dealing with Bad Teachers , Bujo Maintenance , Sleeping and Waking Up Early
Subject Specific Tips: HSC English, Biology
My langblr vocab lists: 봄날 - BTS + Rookie - RV + more!
2K notes · View notes
mariamlily · 6 years
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17.05.24 – the lighting this morning was so nice
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mariamlily · 6 years
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Giovedì, 11 gennaio Studying in the kitchen ‘cause it’s nice and bright. ✨
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