marianrachel · 1 month
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~~Pink drops by =Car Flowers Garden Love
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marianrachel · 1 month
That day, I learned that I could be a giver by simply bringing a smile to another person. The ensuing years have taught me that a kind word, a vote of support is a charitable gift. I can move over and make another place for someone. I can turn my music up if it pleases, or down if it is annoying. I may never be known as a philanthropist, but I certainly am a lover of mankind, and I will give freely of my resources.
Maya Angelou, "A Letter to My Daughter"
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marianrachel · 1 month
So many many shows/books I loved but lost intrest in could've been resolved wonderfully with polyamory
Snow white with the red hair?Polyamory
Girl meets world? Polyamory
Miraculous ladybug? Polyamory
Here's to us? Polyamory
any other thing with shittily resolved love shapes? POLYAMORY
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marianrachel · 1 month
Serendipity (3/?)
Fandom: Station 19, Grey’s Anatomy
Characters: Maya Bishop & Carina DeLuca
Summary: A chance meeting at a bar leads to these two idiots falling in love. Follows canon and fills in the gaps of their relationship that we didn’t get to see on screen.
Also @ AO3.
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Ice Ice Baby 
I can talk to hundreds of people in one day, but none of them compare to the smile you can give me in one minute. - Unknown
Carina stands by the window and watches the snow fall. The severity of Seattle winters is something she has grown accustomed to over the last three years, but she has never seen it this thick and it fascinates her
Snow in Italy is rare, except for in the mountains, even on the coldest of winter days. She had been eight years old the first time she had seen snow, an impromptu trip to Milan in December with her aunt and cousins. Her mom had left for America with her brother just a few months earlier and, with Christmas looming, Carina’s aunt had wanted to treat her.
Continuar a ler
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marianrachel · 1 month
Hot Take On Race Changing Characters In Media
I literally don’t give a shit what a character looks like as long as it doesn’t fundamentally change the meaning or context of their character.
If a character was created to deal specifically with racism toward First Nations Americans, don’t cast an African American. If the character was not made with that in mind, it doesn’t matter. It just needs to make sense with the existing character and story. If their race makes no fundamental changes, it doesn’t matter. Ariel being black doesn’t make any changes. Annabeth Chase being black doesn’t make any changes. Lagoona Bloo being Hispanic (while clearly being a fake attempt, could have made her an aboriginal Australian, but okay, change her nationality) while being annoying technically doesn’t change anything.
The only times it’s not okay is when it changes something fundamental or destroys an opportunity to properly discuss racism. In One Of Us Is Lying, Cooper is made the number one suspect of a police report, in the books he’s white and it’s made clear this is an issue of homophobia. In the show he’s black, and it instantly destroys the actual point behind what happened to him by adding racist context. A better fit would have been Nate, since he gets legitimately arrested off limited evidence.
Making Emily Fields a person of colour in Pretty Little Liars also destroys a chance to properly talk about racism. In the books she is a pale redhead, and part of the reason her parents don’t want her dating Maya is because she’s black, not just that she’s a girl. It is not nearly as big an issue when she dates a white girl, and she was also meant to be bi, she dated Toby in the books but bi erasure is for another post.
A characters race does not matter unless it changes the plot, context and meaning behind something or ruins an opportunity to properly discuss other topics or racism. I am sick of people hating on race changes that make no difference but applauding race changes that overshadow the real issue that was meant to be discussed. The Little Mermaid and PJO are okay race changes, because they’ve been done right and don’t impede the plot or the problems discussed. Monster High is okay technically, although poorly researched. One of Us is Lying and PLL are a missed opportunity and completely ruin the actual issues that were meant to be brought up.
Side Note: Snow White in the new movie should have been Eastern Asian instead of Latina, fits the description and beauty standard better.
Also, for the record, I am white, not a person of colour. And I know it’s not my issue to talk about, so I would really appreciate people of colour sharing their opinions on this and if it’s ignorant or possibly racist please call me out on it and I promise to hear you out and make the edits with credit to your blog.
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marianrachel · 1 month
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gentle reminder from a blob on world mental health day
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marianrachel · 1 month
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marianrachel · 1 month
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And another personal OC wip for a piece that's been rattling around in my head for years-
Maya gets mysteriously transported to another world but there's a catch: she looks exactly like the evil queen who sits upon the throne - and everyone wants to kill her! Thankfully, she's rescued by an equally mysterious dragon boy...but he also has a problem: everyone wants to kill him too!
Well not 'everyone', and not only to kill...but they both have a ton of problems xD Now Maya has to figure out a way to return home and also to save the life of the boy who saved hers...what'll happen to our two struggling heroes...? And are they even the heroes of this world they're fleeing?
Back to comms now~ ^^9
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marianrachel · 1 month
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Scaly-breasted Lorikeet (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus), family Psittaculidae, order Psittaciformes, Port Macquarie, Australia
photograph by Roger Fance
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marianrachel · 1 month
Oops! …I Did It Again (Disappeared Under Mysterious Circumstances and Returned Physically Intact but Intrinsically Altered by a Terrible Journey Through the Other-World)
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marianrachel · 1 month
Maya is the sister of Gary Kayes, the Chicken Feed food truck owner, and from time to time, she helps him out. Everything seems to be as usual until a certain android comes along.
Suddenly, she sees herself faced with the task to explain emotions to an android who seems to be kinda lost in the world.
Pairing: DBH!Connor x OC!Maya
Words: 1.450
Warnings: small cursing? (It's Hank you know....)
A/N: So, this is my first series for DBH. I hope you enjoy it, guys. Feedback is always appreciated. Have fun :)
It was raining… again… well, as always…
As Maya looked at the gray sky, she asked herself how much water could be held in clouds generally AND if Detroit was the only place on earth where it rained so much. The weather forecast already announced snow coming the next few days. Different weather phenomenon, still wet. Maya was sure she could already smell the upcoming weather change in the air. There was something special before it started to snow.
Gary, Maya's older brother and the proud owner of the Chicken Feed, greeted the next customer Pedro and brought her out of her thoughts back into reality.
As Pedro spotted Maya, he greeted her with a wide, winning smile, showing off his white teeth and curved one brow what should look like flirting she guessed.
"What a beautiful sight for sore eyes. You should show up more often, sweetheart."
"Come on, bro. You already know that: no flirting with my baby sister.", Gary said playfully very serious.
"Yeah.. yeah… yeah... Calm down Gary, you just think no one would ever be good enough for her."
"Because it's the truth.", Gary said convinced but with a smirk on his lips.
"Excuse me, brother, but do I have to say something about it, as well?", Maya asked with crossed arms and one tapping feet. Gary turned his head slowly into her direction and pretended to think.
"No, not really.", Gary admitted grinning and shook his head. Maya rolled with her eyes and caught sight of a familiar, old car that had just arrived: Hank Anderson. He came over for his usual lunch break. It seemed to be a day like everyone else. Hank left the car and crossed the street, almost hit by an independent driving taxi.
"Hey, Hank. The usual?", Gary asked as the older man stood in front of the truck. Hank nodded.
"Hey, Hank! Long time no see."
"Hey, Maya. Good to see you.", Hank greeted her with a smile.
"Plastic with you?", Gary asked as he saw the android sitting in Hank's car. Maya looked curiously into the same direction and tried to catch a glance at it. The android left the car and crossed the street to reconnect with its partner.
"Only temporary.", Hank answered after he gave Pedro a small amount of money for the next bet. Pedro waved goodbye and left. The android stood behind Hank and waited patiently. Hank needed a moment to realize that the android was behind him.
"Oh, god damnit!", Hank cursed as he noticed the android next to him. The android was soaked by the pouring rain but it didn't seem to care at all.
"You don't have to follow me around like a poodle!", Hank grunted but the android didn't seem to be impressed.
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but my instructions are very clear.", the android answered. Maya noticed its smooth voice. She liked the sound of it and was intrigued immediately.
"Your new partner, Hank?", Maya asked very interested and looked at the android with a smile.
"Yeah...Unfortunately.",Hank muttered under his breath and rolled annoyed with his eyes.
"Don't listen to him. Hank's always a bit moody. I'm Maya. What’s your name?", she introduced herself to the android because she knew no one else would do it. It looked at her, inclining its head to the side. In that moment, she noticed the incredible warm shade of his soft brown eyes. As the light incided into them, she even noticed a hint of gold.
"My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife.", he introduced himself politely.
"Nice to meet you, Connor.", Maya said smiling. The android watched her curiously, nodded and showed a soft smile as if he was imitating her behavior.
"Since when are you Hank's partner? I haven't seen you around here before."
"Officially, I became his partner today. But we already worked together yesterday."
“Every second is far too long.”, Hank muttered.
"Ignore him. He doesn't mean it like this.”
“Yes, I do!”, Hank insisted but Maya waved his complaint aside with her hand before she focused back on Connor.
“And how's working with Hank, so far? I hope it's not too challenging.", Maya asked and leant out of the truck while she listened to Connor with interest.
"I'm programmed to adjust to unpredictable human behaviour-"
"Here you go.", Gary said a bit louder than necessary and gave Hank the ordered food and drink to cut off the android. He shoved Maya out of the way to stop her conversation with Connor. Hank took the food and walked to the next table.
"Hey! Don't leave this thing here!", Gary shouted.
"Don't worry. It follows me everywhere.", Hank said. Connor looked after his partner excused himself from Maya politely and followed Hank as promised.
"See.", Hank said, pointing out. Maya turned back to work but now and then, she glanced over to the place where Connor stood, talking with Hank. She wasn't very good at hiding her curiosity because slowly, Gary appeared into her field of view and stood next to her.
"What are you staring at?", Gary asked as he saw that Maya was distracted by something.
"W-what? Nothing!", she hurried to say and turned away.
"Don't lie to me, little sister. Your attention has faded since this plastic thing appeared."
"Don't call him that! That's rude."
"And you shouldn't refer to it as him. That's rude to real living beings."
"I can't believe that you say things like this!"
"Maya, I don’t want to have this kind of conversation again with you!"
"Yeah...right...because you won't ever change your opinion.", she muttered annoyed.
"That's right.", Gary said seriously and turned back to the next customer.
Once again, Maya was distracted by the android. He spoke with Hank about something even if Hank didn't seem to be delighted about it. There were snippets she heard about calories in the food and a question about a highway earlier this day. Maya heard how Connor asked if Hank might want to know something about the android. Immediately, Maya had several questions in her mind she would like to ask. Hank shook his head but stopped and asked something about the androids goofy appearance and weird voice. Maya couldn't understand this point of view. Both were things she already liked about the android.
Maya was indeed fascinated by Connor. He was tall with a slim figure. His brown hair was looking soft with one hair flip falling into his face. Maya imagined how smoothly it would be if she would slide her fingers through it. Maybe it was as soft as feathers. She had never seen an android like him before with his fancy suit and friendly, polite appearance. Maybe humans would trust him more easily because he looked so...cute? CyberLife really outdone themself with this model.
"Come on! Stop that shit!", Gary muttered under his breath more angry as he saw Maya's glance at the android as it crossed the street to go back into Hank's car. Maya made a face and stuck out her tongue to her older brother.
Then, she had an idea. She took a cardboard cup and filled it with Hank's favorite lemonade: pineapple passion. She took the cup, put a straw in it and left the food truck under Gary’s observing glance.
"Here you go.", Maya said and placed the drink in front of Hank.
"Thanks but I.. I didn't order this."
"I know.. I-It's on the house.", Maya said and looked over to the car where Connor sat with closed eyes.
"Y-yeah?", she responded...a bit too late. Hank noticed that and watched the young woman with a raised brow. He looked from her to his car and back at her.
"What's so interesting over there?", he asked even if he already knew the answer.
"Uhm, oh...nothing."
"Bullshit. You're watching the android, aren't you?", Hank stated and watched how Maya's cheeks turned slightly pink.
"Uhm.. w-what? No! No, of course not!", Maya chuckled nervously but Hank saw that it was a white lie.
"Maya?", Hank asked more serious to build a bit of pressure on the young woman.
"Connor seems to be nice.", she admitted low.
"This piece of plastic?", Hank asked confused with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Maya noticed it and frowned why everyone seemed to despise the android.
"I like him.", she admitted with a shrug and was about to leave but looked one last time to the car. Hank watched her closely. Two more times, the young woman looked over at his car before she bumped into the corner of the truck and finally, she disappeared inside.
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marianrachel · 1 month
Well,i got one dm saying they want more of Maya Johnson so..HERE ARE SOME HEADCANONS OF HER:
-They met in Poetry class,she was reading her poem out loud and Vance looked at her,and he was immediately inlove
-her and Vance have movie nights every Friday,and on Saturdays,they watch Snow White with Griffin.
-Sometimes when Robin gets in trouble and Vance and Maya scold him,Robin goes like: jeez I'm sorry mom and dad
-Vance is like the dad of the group,while Maya is a mom friend of every group
-Even if she's bisexual,she still feels weird when girls ask her out,she fears it's because she reminds them of a boy and see her as a boy,since she dealt with situatios like that.But either way she'll reject them cause she's not single.
-cannot cook for shit.The best thing she can make is a sandwich or microwave food.
-a big fan of The Smiths,Queen,Black Sabbath and Brenda Lee.
-dislikes sports,but is good at basketball
-shes also really into art,she likes drawing.
-her favourite food are any type of sweets.Loves donuts,cupcakes,cakes..
-Vance is kinda scared of her,and Maya deeply enjoys knowing she can drag his ass and he won't say a thing
-Vance playfully bullies Griffin.But Maya would go "you bully him one more time,you and me are gonna have some serious fucking issues"
-Vance and Maya are like the "Sunshine & Sunshine Protector" dynamic.
-one time a guy was talking shit about Maya and Vance was not having it.He almost knocked the guy out if Maya didn't pull him away.
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marianrachel · 1 month
Asha Doll Pattern is Live!
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Find the pattern here -
Find the YouTube video to go along side here -
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marianrachel · 1 month
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marianrachel · 1 month
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marianrachel · 1 month
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Disney Dad Day 9: George Darling from Peter Pan
George Darling is Wendy, John and Michael’s father. A tall, dark and handsome man he is. Mr.Darling is a bank and office worker, and can be quite loud and boisterous, as well as pompous and self-important. However, deep inside, he is actually a kind-hearted person that just wants what’s best for his family, especially his children. He seeks attention from them and deep down, longs to be loved by them. Mr.Darling believes that Wendy’s stories are childish and “poppycock”. At the end of Peter Pan though, he changes his mind about them and even says that he too has seen Captain Hook’s ship long ago. 
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marianrachel · 1 month
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Dr. Doug Ross and Nurse Carol Hathaway
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