mariaontum · 3 years
Absolutely nothing. And nobody shut me down. I was busy personally for a couple weeks then got out of the groove and stopped checking up on everything. There’s nothing I can post that hasn’t already been posted now but rest assured I’ll be there when the shit hits the fan for him when that flop show is over.
No dentist for Cole. 🤣 He does have a hairstylist and a stylist. Wonder if he has a doctor? He definitely has a law firm. I forget their name, maybe Marty will come by and tell someone again?
Let’s not forget that he also works diligently with the FBI!
@mariaontum did you ever hear from that international law firm? 🤣
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mariaontum · 3 years
Guys catch me up on everything. If that freak still with Ari Lou? Is Lili still with Wallis? What the fuck was that Riverdale finale about? I thought insiders said Bughead was getting back together?
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mariaontum · 3 years
Lili is obviously dating Wallis and has been for months. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to admit. Instead you’d rather believe she’s hooking up with Danny based on nothing.
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mariaontum · 3 years
I want Ari to go to the Met with Cole so they can be clowned on
Imagine the comments on twitter asking who the fuck she is and why is she there
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mariaontum · 3 years
She walks like me when I was 12 and walked past the older girl in school that beat me up the day before
The happy couple waddling after what looks like an all you can eat breakfast this morning. Really…ALL YOU CAN EAT 🐷
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mariaontum · 3 years
I’m surprised Dylan still hasn’t unfollowed Lili after she unfollowed him months ago
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mariaontum · 3 years
Cole’s the type of person to post someone knowing they’d get hate then use it to make himself look like a victim.
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mariaontum · 3 years
Cole became an even bigger embarrassment than I ever thought he would and it’s glorious.
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mariaontum · 3 years
What point is he trying to make by posting all those pics of her eating. Hmmm.
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mariaontum · 3 years
It was both Lili and Cami that arranged the Whistler trip. I’m sure it was Lili’s decision in the end but they both agreed Ari couldn’t come.
So clearly Maria and company were wrong about cami saying NF couldn’t come to Easter. Cami literally liked the post and just followed her. Story just blew up in your faces, lol.
Imagine being so disappointed on this magical day that you’re a) already here and b) reaching this hard
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mariaontum · 3 years
I don’t always believe enty items even if they’re about Cole but the one that is obviously about Ari crying in a restaurant is not outrageous or the typical item you’d expect on there so I 100% think it’s true. I’m pretty sure something similar happened with Lili on a plane before.
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mariaontum · 3 years
Insider lol. This is 100% fact. He asked Lili (through Charles Melton) if Ari could go after he was invited. I wouldn’t post it otherwise.
Insider here. think you've mistaken me for an anon. Cole refused to go to Whistler and not because Ari told him to whatever. He knows no ones wants here near them lol.
That's not what I heard.
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mariaontum · 3 years
He didn’t ask Lili, he got someone to ask for him
Did she make him ask lili or the whole cast?
It was lilis idea and she arranged it
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mariaontum · 3 years
Why would he ask to bring ari if she was in Montreal? Just to see what Lili would say? Or ari wanted to fly back and actually go?
Genuinely no idea, but I know both Lili and Camila said no to Ari going
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mariaontum · 3 years
This is true. Lili arranged it. She invited him and he asked could he bring Ari despite her being in Montreal. Piece of shit.
So that person is saying people are annoyed with Cole basically and he didn’t show up to any cast gatherings? Who exactly is he having issues with do you think? Other than obviously Lili. Not to be a total naive loser here but is it possible he just wanted to hang out with his girlfriend and she was uncomfortable going to those parties? Or am I completely off base? Maybe he was partying in the alley with Mescondi and Maddie P lmao
We've had insiders say for months the cast bet on the wrong horse and things were being reevaluated, the cast pities him but they've distanced themselves publicly, now we had an insider say last week things between Cami and Cole are bad and Mads hates Cole. This is all painting one picture and one narrative.
As far as NF is concerned, she'd chew her 6th toe off to be besties and 'in' with the cast. Please with that uncomfortable bullshit. The girl is running around wine country in Lili's old dresses ffs.
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mariaontum · 3 years
I don’t think she understands that nothing that man does could scare me. He threatened me with lawyers on multiple occasions and I didn’t give a shit. If he ever brought me to court I’d put on my best clothes just so I could call him an abusive piece of shit to his face.
I’ll be back more regularly in about 10 days so message me if you have some of my old posts/info so I can repost on my new account.
I do know, lol. The Sprouse’s took her down like they said they would. Bye.
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Because she’s right here lol
Only thing the sprouses. Are taking down goes up their nose 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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mariaontum · 3 years
If you’re gonna lie about something, at least lie about something big
99dts is arabian and she doesn't "translate from English to Arabic" I talked to her once in Arabic(I studied Arabic for 2 years)and she talked very good while I was sucking in it. She also told me that Maria sliding into her DM "whining and begging" (that was the translation of the words that she said in arabic) her about sending anything about cole and she ignored her completely. I don't think there's need to doubt her nationality
Oh. Thank you for clearing things up!
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