maribricklove · 6 months
Hello, everyone. It's been a long time. I lost interest in writing for a while, but I'm back. I'm finishing the story.
Trapped Under Ice Masterlist
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned), Bobby Singer (mentioned)
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), fluff, angst, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
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maribricklove · 6 months
Trapped Under Ice – Part eight
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned),
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Word Count: 949
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), fluff, angst, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Prompt: None
Disclaimers: I do not own anything from CW,  Warner Brother’s, any of the photos in this collage, or you. This is a work of pure fiction -obviously.
Sam’s POV
The second I opened my eyes, I was blinded from the light peering through the window. I half expected to hear Dean's snoring, but it was quiet. I felt something move under my arm, and I realized there was someone else in the bed.
“Wait. No. It wasn’t a dream. She’s really here. Holy shit. Y/n’s really here, and I’m holding her in my arms.”
The way her hair caresses her shoulders is mesmerizing. Her slow breathing  under my embrace, enchanting. The way the sun hits her y/h/c brightens her face. She seems much more peaceful than when she had that nightmare earlier this morning. The scar on her arm stands out to me. “Damn. That must have hurt,” I said to myself. I got lost in thought for a second before I heard a voice say, “It did.”
She startled me. I thought she was still asleep. “It hurt like a bitch for months,” she continued. “What time is it?”
“Uh…” I looked at the bedside clock “Almost 8.”
“Ah, crap.”  She slipped out from under the covers and started walking to the bathroom.
“What’s up?” I asked, thinking she might have forgotten about something.
“Nothing,” she replied, waving a hand as she walked into the bathroom, closing the door.
“O-okay.” I got out of bed, walked to the kitchen sink, and grabbed a glass of water. “That was weird.”
As I walked back to the bed to grab my pants, Y/n walked out of the bathroom with her hair up and her shirt off, wiping her face with it. As she finished and opened her eyes, she saw me and jumped. “Oh, Jesus!” she exclaimed. She held her shirt to her chest, panting. “I’m sorry. I forgot you were here.”
“Are you okay? You seem really jumpy. Was it because I cuddled you in my  sleep?”
“What? No, Sam. I-I mean, that was a little odd to wake up like that, but it wasn’t bad.” She said. “I just have a routine in the mornings, and I have things I need to do, and I usually am up and moving around 6:30, so I had to jump out of bed.”
She looked nervous, like she was hiding something. She did that thing where she rubbed her hands together. “No, no. It’s okay,” I replied. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to spook you like that. I’m uh… I’m not used to girls hopping out of bed like that.” She gave me a quizzical look. “I mean, I don’t sleep around a lot. Dean used to do that. I haven’t been with as many girls as he has. I just- What I’m trying to say is, if you’re worried about something, you don’t have to hide it from me.”
That seemed to calm her down a bit. “You don’t have to explain anything, Sam. I haven’t slept with a guy since,” she paused, “ well, since 2007? I think. And we technically didn’t even sleep together, we just shared a bed, you know, because you were being nice, and”
“Yeah,” I stammered.
“And I do appreciate it. I did sleep well,” said calmly as her hands dropped down from her chest to her stomach. “You don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve slept that well, even for a few hours.”
“Yeah, uh, no problem.” I said. “ I know what it’s like, with nightmares. Trust me, I’ve had a few myself over the years.”
“Yeah, what hunter hasn’t?” she quipped with a chuckle. She’s starting to come out of her shell.
“Look, um,” I started, “if you ever want to talk, I’m here. I know sometimes it helps, if you just get it off your chest.”
“Thanks, Sam,” she said rather quickly, “ but I’m okay. Really.” As she was nodding her head, I couldn’t help but notice that the scar on her arm was right next to her chest, where she was wearing nothing but her sports bra. “Look, Dean’s probably curious about where you’re at. You should probably head on over there, and we can grab some breakfast later.”
“Yeah. Yeah, uh, good idea.”
Sam left my room, and I laid back down on the bed, his scent lingering on the sheets.
“Goddammit. Why did I have to tell him I only slept with one guy in the last 15 years? What the hell was that? Talk about cringey info-dump.” I looked up and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. There was a text from Dean.
“Off to get breakfast. I’ll be back in 30.” Timed 13 minutes ago.
“Okay, Y/L/N. Time to get into gear. Gotta figure out who this Okuri-inu is, gotta put on a brave face, and face down another day.” I told myself. Sam hadn’t come back yet. Probably grabbing a change of clothes. “Probably should change my clothes.”
“Why was Sam asking me if I was okay? It’s not like he still cares about me like that. Does he? No, he couldn’t. You heard him. He’s been with other girls. Probably met some cute girl in college that swept him off his feet and made him feel like he could do anything and everything.”
I could still taste the bathroom tap water on my the back of my tongue. I had to do it fast. If I stepped out of my routine too much, it could really screw with me.
Should I tell Sam what’s going on with me? Should I tell him where I’ve been, what I’ve been doing for the last 20 years? There’s no way he could save me from what I’ve been fighting with since that day. The monster in my head.
Chapter 9
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maribricklove · 5 years
Summary: Being a rare female Alpha, the reader comes across the Winchesters and decides to reveal her sub-gender. Hitting it off with Dean, she decides to get to know him a whole lot better, even if he is an Alpha, too. Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Alpha!Reader, Sam Winchester, other OC’s Word Count: 4687 Warnings: ABO dynamics, SPN canon violence, language, angst, fluff, smut, oral sex (both receiving) a bit of dom!Reader, knotting A/N: This takes care of the Alpha x Alpha square for @spnkinkbingo​ and it was a challenge! This ABO story has some differences between my other ABO stories, but everything is explained. This was beta’d by my lovely @dean-winchesters-bacon. This year’s SPN King Bingo Masterlist can be found here.
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“Hey lady, watch out!”
The gruff voice that came from behind you was just distracting enough for the vampire to lunge forward and take a bite out of your bicep, making you yelp in pain and slam the heel of your palm into his nose with a satisfying crunch. Taking advantage of your stunned adversary, you swung your machete right as two sets of footsteps stopped a few feet behind you.
Not bothering to see who was there, you watched as the vampire’s head rolled off his shoulders and landed in the dirt next to your feet. Grabbing the bleeding bite wound on your arm with a grimace, you growled in anger and kicked his head, sending it sailing across the room and into the far wall with a wet thwack.
Spinning on your heel, you glared at the two flannel covered Alphas that were staring at you, their own machetes in their respective hands. “What the fuck?!” you screeched, making both of them flinch.
“Calm down,” the shorter of the two said, sheathing his blade in a thigh holster. “We didn’t know a hunter was on this case already. Thought you were a civilian.”
“Do I fucking look like a civilian?” you growled at him, wiggling your blood soaked machete and gesturing to the belt of dead man’s blood syringes across your chest.
Keep reading
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maribricklove · 6 years
Why? Why do I torture myself?
Because I can't help it.
Reunited Part Twelve
A/N: Please don’t hate me for leaving this for 7 months. And also for the ending. Enjoy!
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Summary: The Padalecki-Cortese Clan head to New York for the weekend of their lives.
Warnings: Fluff, Cliff Hanger, Pain, You’re going to hate me
Pairings: Jared x Stepdaughter!Reader, Genevieve x Goddaughter!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Previous Part Series Masterpost Masterlist
Ever since Jared had suggested the idea of proposing you couldn’t get your mind off it. You couldn’t wait to be a proper family and for your parents to be happy together. Hopefully, you’d get some brothers and sisters too.
You and Jared had decided the best place for him to propose was at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art in front of their favourite painting. Jared had covered it up by taking you all on a small family vacation to New York for the weekend. As much as you couldn’t wait for their engagement you were looking forward to walking through Central Park and wading through the orange autumnal leaves. The shopping places and views were a bonus too.
You literally skipped off the plane as you landed in New York making your parents giggle at you happily.
“Easy cowboy, have to get to the hotel first.” Your Mom laughed as you looked outside every window you walked past.
“I know, it’s just so beautiful! I can’t wait to look around. Can we come back in the winter when it snows?” You pleaded.
“Of course bub sounds like a plan.” Your Dad smiled fondly.
As you rode in the taxi to the hotel you literally had your face pressed up to the window taking in all the skyscrapers and the shops. It was like you’d never been out of Texas before; like you were a little kid.
When your Mom went to get the keys your Dad nudged you a little giving you a bear hug.
“Are you nervous? I’m nervous. Is it hot in here?” He started tugging at his sweater making you laugh.
“Dad, calm down,” You touched his arm lightly. “It’s going to be fine, she’s going to say yes. We’re going to be a family.” You smiled widely.
Keep reading
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maribricklove · 6 years
I got Paranormal A-Spec. Freakishly accurate.
A just-for-fun personality quiz! Find out what kind of a-spec magic you have!
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maribricklove · 6 years
My new series introduction...
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Imagine being a hunter and the daughter of Sam Winchester, but in a freak hunting accident, you’re transported to another universe, a universe where you were never born. Very cautiously, you try to get home while not getting attached to this family, but what kind of trouble will you get into with the man who in all terms is your father but knows nothing about you? How will this Sam respond to a daughter he never thought he could have and how much trouble you've gone through to get where you are now?
Sam x daughter!reader, Dean x niece!reader, (honorable mentions of characters throughout the series)
I promised to introduce a new series, and I have delivered. I’ve been thinking about this one ever since season 12 finale with all the alternate universe stuff, and I’m really excited to start posting chapters. Let me know what you guys think. 
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maribricklove · 6 years
Trapped Under Ice - Part 7
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned),
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Word Count: 1346
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), fluff, angst, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Prompt: None
Disclaimers: I do not own anything from CW,  Warner Brother’s, any of the photos in this collage, or you. This is a work of pure fiction -obviously.
Series Masterlist
 Reader’s POV
               The rays of the bright, yellow sun hurt my eyes as they streamed through the window of the motel. The scratchy sheets were warm, yes, but they were irritating. The only comfort I found laying there was him. Being with Sam, his arm draped over my waist, his slow, steady breath on my neck.  I could faintly hear his heartbeat as I lightly pressed my head against his chest. I couldn’t help but smile as I took in his scent: old books, beer, gun powder, and hints of green apple body wash. It was all déjà vu for me.
               Sweet memories of the past played in my mind. Memories of being in his arms, hearing his heart, feeling his breath. The most vivid memory is us at the dance.
               There I was, in the motel bathroom, getting dressed for an occasion I had only dreamed of going to. The winter formal was the talk of the school for the past two weeks. All the popular girls went out to go buy their dresses together, get their hair and nails done, and get pretty jewelry and shoes to go with their dresses. Me? I had Dean and not even one hundred dollars to buy all of my stuff for their dance, but I didn’t care. I was going to the dance with Sam, and I couldn’t ask for much more.
               My dress was a deep purple ball gown style that went down to right above my knees with rhinestones scattered across the bodice, and the skirt was made of a loose tulle fabric. I put my (h/c) hair up in a loose bun and let down a couple small pieces on both sides of my face. I put on light makeup, just a little grey eyeshadow and some rose pink lip gloss. For jewelry, I wore my mother’s heart pendant necklace that my dad gave to her when they started dating and my diamond earrings that he gave to me for my thirteenth birthday.
               “He would be proud of you, you know,” I heard from behind me. Dean stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. “Your dad.”
“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” I retorted as I started cleaning up my bathroom. “Do I really look that nice?”
“Are you kidding? You’re beautiful. Sam’s going to be speechless when he sees you.”
               And he was. Sam was literally stuttering when I walked out of the bathroom in all my glory. I think he tried to tell me that I looked beautiful as he gave me my corsage with small purple orchids and baby’s breath. I couldn’t hold back my smile as his hazel eyes kept looking into my (e/c) ones.
               “Thanks, Sam. You look very handsome.”
               “Well, he should. He’s a Winchester. It’s in our genes.”
               “Yeah, maybe not yours,” Sam retorted. I chortled as Dean gave Sam a bitch face.
               “Come, on you two. Let’s get you to the dance before I leave you here.”
               Okay, now, there may have been a bit more banter between the brothers before we all got into the Impala, but I didn’t hear any of it because I was too focused on how I was actually going to a school dance with Sam Winchester. After two years of hiding my feelings from him, he finally knew, and we were going on what could technically be called our first date. I was terrified, but at the same time, I was at ease because I knew that Sam would be there with me the whole time, and that was all that mattered.
               When we got to the school gymnasium where the dance was being held, Sam tried really hard to be a perfect gentleman and open doors for me, make sure my arm was wrapped around his as he escorted me to the party, and always made sure that I was having fun, but he didn't really seem to want to dance. Finally, I just took the initiative to ask the important question of the night.
               “Would you like to dance?” The second the last syllable left my mouth, Sam looked at me, stunned that he didn’t ask me that first.
               “Sure-I-I mean… Yes.” He stood from his chair and offered me his hand, and we walked out onto the dance floor. Suddenly, a new song starts playing. Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” What are the chances? Sam placed his left hand on my waist and held my right hand in his left, and we started swaying to the sweet melody. His embrace filling my heart with joy. I was actually dancing with Sam. I mean, we’ve danced together before, just never like this. So intimate, so sweet, so… romantic.
As the song went on, I felt the urge to close a gap between us, so I laid my head on his chest. At first, I was so embarrassed, I wanted to stop, but I was already to far into it, I couldn’t stop now. Suddenly, I felt Sam lay his chin on my head. We were so close that I could hear his heartbeat, I could feel his breath, and all of my troubles melted away. We couldn’t help falling deeper in love that night. As the song ended, I lifted my head off his chest and we just looked at each other. We looked deep into each other’s eyes, and the moment seemed to last forever.
Before we knew it, the dance was over, and Dean was waiting for us outside. Dean kept asking if we kissed or made out, and our answer was the same every time. “No, Dean.” But he wouldn’t drop it. The whole ride back to the motel was excruciating because I wanted to kiss Sam, but I didn’t want to do it while Dean was right there. I never wanted the night to end on a depressing note, but I guess no matter how hard we tried, there was nothing we could have done to change it.
We returned to the motel, and Sam escorted me back to my room and gave me a hug goodnight. “I had fun tonight, Sam.”
“Me too. Thank you for making it fun, Y/N,” Sam replied with a soft smile. “Well, goodnight.
“’Night, Sam.”
Suddenly as I as bout to close the door, Sam launched from where he was standing in the doorway and crashed his lips against mine. My heart seemed to leap out of my chest as Sam caressed my cheek with his soft hands, and I melted into his touch. I reciprocated and placed my hands on the sides of his face, this kiss different from our last. It was gentle, yet still a passion lied underneath it all, screaming our feelings for each other to hear, and we both felt as though a weight had been lifted off our shoulders.
After what seemed like forever but felt like an instant, Sam backed away but still embracing me as if he never wanted to let me go. He whispered, “I’ve been wanting to do that all night. I just didn’t want to make it awkward.”
“Yeah. Me too.” I was still shocked. I never thought Sam could be so bold. He was so sweet tonight, but just now, he was so passionate, so loving, so… romantic.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Sam.”
End of Flashback
I can’t help but wonder how our relationship would have ended up if he hadn’t gone through with the kiss that night, but I will never know.
As I lay here in Sam’s arms once again, I feel for the first time in almost twenty years, love. Our hearts beating for each other, our hands holding onto the physical being that love has possessed, a possession that not even the most powerful talisman can exorcise. I couldn’t help but wish that the moment would never end. I couldn’t help but fall in love with Sam all over again.
It’s the sweet memory of his embrace that keeps me going, not the medication, because as cliché as it sounds, love has healed me. Love has been driving force that keeps me from going into remission. Yes, I still have my nightmares, but their power is nothing compared to my love for Sam Winchester.
Part eight
Here it is. Part 7. It took me a lot longer than I wanted to get it out, but I did it. Thank you all for being so patient. I hope you like it. Feel free to message me, or send me requests. I need more stimulation so I can be inspired to write more. I love you all so much, and I hope you have a fantastic day.
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maribricklove · 6 years
Be prepared...
Chapter seven  of Trapped Under Ice is coming out tonight. 
Also, be prepared for a couple new series in the future. I have plans made to introduce two new series over the course of the next four or five months to transition from my current series.  
0 notes
maribricklove · 6 years
Working on adding chapter seven here really soon. Catch up here.
Trapped Under Ice Masterlist
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned), Bobby Singer (mentioned)
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), fluff, angst, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
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maribricklove · 6 years
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Reblog if you would be devastated if you found out one of your followers committed suicide.
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maribricklove · 6 years
I just want to say thank you
To all my followers and all the people that like and reblog my posts, it means the world to me. In fact, the very first message anyone sent me regarding my writing was sent to me a couple hours before my grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago. After I left the hospital that night, I went through my phone and I was drawn back to the message this person sent me, and it just lifted my spirits so much. You don't know how much that meant to me. I'm going to leave this person anonymous in this post just for reasons, but if that person happens to read this, -yeah, you know who you are- you are an amazing person, and I can't thank you enough.
I wish you all a good day, or night, whichever time you're reading this at, and I'll see you all at my next post.
0 notes
maribricklove · 6 years
Trapped Under Ice - Part 6
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned),
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Word Count: 1935
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), extra fluffy (basically Sam being a huge sweetheart), angst, terror, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Prompt: None
Disclaimers: I do not own anything from CW,  Warner Brother’s, any of the photos in this collage, or you. Pictures were found on google.  This is a work of pure fiction -obviously.
Series Masterlist 
Reader’s POV
I walked into the cabin, gun in hand, and Sam behind me. The dark hallway from the front door to the back of the house was very small, cobwebs covering the entire length of the corridor. There were three doorways in the hallway. One to a bedroom, one to what looks like a living room, and the other to a dining room. All three of them were empty. No sign of life anywhere, just a thick layer of dust covering everything.
We walked down the rest of the dim hallway, the lights in the ceiling were flickering. We entered the kitchen, and there were all these bottles and books that seemed to be brand new. The witch had made herself very comfortable in that small kitchen, because there was a small pile of blankets in the corner. The books on the table were filled bookmarks, the bottles of potions were varied in size. Some were tall and labeled with paper, some were round and wrapped with metal décor.
Sam called me over to the other side of the table, where he found an empty bottle and maybe a few drops of purple potion outside it. I noticed some scratch marks on it, and on the label, it read ‘Lupus,’ which I immediately recognized as ‘wolf.’ We gave each other a look of terror. Out of the corner of my eye, I could have sworn that the pile of blankets moved. I told Sam, but he brushed it off as me being nervous.
Suddenly, there were gunshots outside, which we knew were from Dean, John, and my Dad. We ran outside directly into the woods. I ran for a what seemed a few seconds, but I knew it wasn’t because I turned, and I couldn’t see the cabin anymore. I was completely surrounded by trees, and I was all alone. Sam was nowhere to be seen.
“Sam!” I called out, but there was no answer. I yelled again, “Sam!” Complete silence followed the echo of my voice. Suddenly, a low, rumbling growl came from behind me; I turned but saw nothing. I heard it again, but it sounded more like an evil laugh this time. I continued scanning the brush for what made such a spine chilling noise, but to no avail.
I heard the noise one more time, but it sounded like it was coming from above me.
I look up, and I see two bright red eyes surrounded by a wolf’s head, and the fangs, they were crimson covered in blood and red drool dripping from them. Blood clumping the fur around its snout, some old, some freshly spilled.
It roared in my face, and I let out a scream that could have deafened it. I turned on my heels and ran, and I ran. I ran as fast as I could, but every time I looked back it was closer and closer. I could feel its hot breath on the nape of my neck; I knew it was close. I find a clearing, but suddenly, I’m cut off by a short and very steep cliff leading to the half frozen river below. I look behind me once more, and I see the wolf creature right on my heels, so I decide to run along the edge in hopes to find Sam, or my Dad.
I kept screaming for Sam, but he never heard me. The creature’s roars and fiery breath still behind me, I kept on running. Suddenly, I look back, and it’s not there. No growling, no dog smell, just empty. I didn’t want to wait for it to come back, so I kept running.
I ran up to a somewhat taller part of the cliff and stopped to catch my breath. Suddenly, Sam and my Dad came out into the clearing, and in relief, I flew towards them and gave them a tight hug and never wanted to let go.
“It’s okay, baby girl,” my dad reassured me as he laid a hand on my back. “It’s gone. Dean and John killed it.”
“I was so scared, Sam. It was right on top of me,” I said.
“It’s alright. The witch is dead, so is the monster. We’re okay,” Sam whispered in my ear softly.
Our reunion was abruptly interrupted by a twig snapping behind us. Thinking it was Dean and John, we started walking towards the woods again to go head back to the motel, when suddenly, the wolf jumped right out at us, bloodied teeth bared, claws reaching forward, in a hungry attempt to grab us. It reached me and my dad and pushed us back off of our feet to where we fell of the cliff. For what seemed like an eternity, the thirty, maybe forty feet we fell into the frozen river was excruciating.
I landed back first onto a plate of ice which cracked instantaneously underneath me, sending me to the depths of the icy water. I tried to reach up to get my head above water, but I kept grabbing ice and kept slipping back under the water. The water seemed to soak into my skin making my bones freeze. My skin was so tight that my arms and legs couldn’t move, almost not at all.
Finally, I reached the side of the cliff, and in an attempt to get a hold on it to catch my breath, a huge piece of ice rammed into my face and arm, knocking me back in the water.
Now, with my head above water, I could see Sam backing away from the wolf as it walked towards him. It towered over him as it crept closer. Sam started shooting it, but it kept walking. My dad was nowhere to be found, maybe further downstream or on the opposite bank of the river.
I tried again to grab onto something to stay above water, but that last piece of ice that crashed into me probably broke my arm, making it almost impossible. Suddenly, a huge hand grabbed my ankle and dragged me down into the depths of the cold river. As the water surrounded me, I felt the grip on my ankle get painfully tighter. I look gown to see what was holding me, and two bright red eyes start quickly moving towards mine. I try to get away, but to no avail. It started growling my name, “Y/N… Y/N…” It start’s getting louder and louder. “Y/N! Y/N!!” I suddenly start swallowing water, and my voice can’t reach out to Sam, no matter how hard I scream. Then, my vision fades, but I still hear my name being called from somewhere.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Y/N!” the voice calls out clearer. I feel two big hands, shaking my body. “Y/N wake up,” it says. It sounds like Sam.
I open my eyes to see Sam standing over me. My heart still racing, and my mind still on the creature, I startle and try to break free of his grasp, but he still tries to hold me. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s me, Sam,” he reassured me. It took me a moment to process his words, but when I do finally calm down, I can now see that it was all a nightmare.
“Sam,” I say breathless.
“Yeah, it’s me, Sam,” he said calmly. “You were having a bad dream.”
I swallowed hard and let out a breathy “Yeah.” Still trying to catch my breath. “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” I asked.
“Don’t worry about it. I was just worried that I wouldn’t be able to wake you. You were dug in like a tick.”
“Yeah, it was uhh… pretty deep.”
“Are you okay? Do you a glass of water?”
My throat was a little parched. That usually happened. “Yeah, thanks.”
“Okay.” He stood up and walked into the kitchen. As I sat there, I could still feel my broken arm, my frozen bones, the pain in my throat as the water filled my lungs, and the huge hand was still on my ankle. The claws still digging deep into my skin and tendons, the blood as it rushed out of the wounds all over my body. The pain seems all too familiar for my taste.
Sam came back with my water and placed it into my hands. “Here you go,” he said softly. He then wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and sat next to me. “Are you okay? Do you need anything else?” he asked as he rubbed circles on my back with his big, strong hand.
I quickly pulled away and answered, “I’m okay. I just need to shake it off.”
“Oh… o-okay. Whatever you need,” he replied, and he just sat there next to me. It wasn’t until then, that I noticed he was just in his boxers. The shirt and slacks he was wearing earlier were neatly placed on the foot of the bed. Sam Winchester was sitting next to me on the couch, in nothing but his boxers. Boy, does this feel a little awkward. Well, better awkwardness that fear at the moment.
“Do you- if you want to- want to share the bed with me? You know, to make you feel more comfortable?”
I slowly turned my head towards him with a cocked eyebrow. “Sam, are you hitting on me, right after I had a nightmare?” I teased.
“Uhh… N-no. No. I would never do that,” he stuttered in defense. “I just thought that maybe it would help you calm down and fall back asleep faster.”
“Uh-huh. Sure,” I quipped back at him
“I’m serious. I promise, I’m not trying to get you into bed.”
I started to chuckle now at his boyish attempts to defend himself. “It’s okay, Sam. I know you’re not.” He let out a small sigh of relief. “I think that it might be a good idea,” I responded. “I just want to fall back asleep.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“I’m sure, Sam. It’ll be like old times when we would share a bed together. Just as friends now, though. Right?”
“Yeah.” He let his head down, but then looked back at me. “As friends,” he repeated.
After a few more minutes of awkward silence, I got up of the couch and put my now empty glass in the sink, and then walked straight to the bed on the opposite side of where Sam had laid down earlier in the night. I lifted the covers and just laid down there on the bed as Sam turned all the lights off again, and then returned to bed himself.
I tried to forget the horrible dream I just had, but how could I when it’s the same dream I’ve had almost every night for the past twenty years. So, I laid on my back and tried to focus on something else. The sound of the clock on the wall, the faucet dripping in the bathtub, but then I tried to focus on Sam’s breathing. It was so slow, and he took long breaths, but it was so steady. I mirrored his breathing, in and out. In… and out.
I found myself relaxing, and eventually I fell asleep again, but the next time, I woke up, it was to the sun in my eyes, and one strong arm wrapped around me. It was so peaceful, I didn’t even realize at that time that I actually slept without any nightmares. Maybe this is the twist of fate where I finally find some kind of freedom and healing from the monsters that are outside that motel door.
Wassup, guys? Did you like this chapter? I wanted to finally bring in some more back story for our main character, but I wanted it to be first-person experience, so I wrote it out like this. If you guys want to see more, follow my blog, leave a like, and if you guys want to see some other cool, maybe personalized stuff just for you, send me a drabble or one-shot request. I try to post every week, so keep a look out for new postings. Stay cool, my friends.
Chapter seven
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maribricklove · 6 years
Trapped Under Ice - Part 5
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned),
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Word Count: 1659
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), fluff, angst, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Prompt: None
Disclaimers: I do not own anything from CW,  Warner Brother’s, any of the photos in this collage, or you. This is a work of pure fiction -obviously.
Series Masterlist 
Reader’s POV
I’ve never been one to get a lot of sleep when working on a case. There’s too much pressure in getting everything right, and I usually loose track of time when I listen to my music while I work. Tonight was on of those nights.
After dinner, Sam, Dean and I were preparing to finish this case before the next person was eaten by this mysterious hound. I got into my comfortable work clothes, a.k.a. a tank top and my jean shorts, and  I hacked into the security cameras outside of the urgent care clinic and started watching for our five missing people and any sign of this Okuri-inu. With music blasting in my ears, I sat at my computer on my bed and started to go through the footage. That was four hours ago. During that time, Sam sat down next to me with one of his books, both of us exchanging a smile to the other before returning to our work. Maybe two or three hours after that, Dean had caught my attention.
“What are you listening to?” he asked.
“Judas Priest, ‘British Steel,’” I replied. “Best album ever.”
“Ah. I prefer ‘Sin after Sin,’” he stated with a mischievous smirk.
“Yeah, but ‘Sin after Sin’ doesn’t have ‘Livin’ after Midnight,’” I retorted with a lifted eyebrow.
“True,” he surrendered. “I’m heading back to my motel room. Is Sam okay over here?”
Confused, I looked over to Sam, only to see him sleeping right next to me with his book in his lap. His head is leaning towards my shoulder, his chestnut hair draping over his face, and the slightest bit of drool dripping from his mouth. I couldn’t help but smile at the somewhat adorable puppy dog laying right next to me. “Yeah, he’ll be fine,” I quietly replied to Dean.
“Okay then. I’ll see you in the morning,” He said with a smile. “Goodnight.”
Dean exited my motel room, and I returned to my work. Maybe another two hours passed until I felt Sam stir in his sleep. I looked over, and he was turning more towards me, the book that was in his lap, now on the bed between us. I took notice of how much he’s changed. His arms are much bigger, his hair definitely longer, his facial features more defined. In his dress shirt and slacks, he definitely looks like he could have been a lawyer. As I smile a second time at his sleeping figure, I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Once again, I return to my work, and suddenly, I hear “Hey.”
Sam’s POV
I must have fallen asleep while working, because I woke up curled next to a small figure, smaller than Dean’s. I look up, and I see it’s Y/N still working at her computer. She’s so focused, it reminds me of when we would work together when we were kids. Her e/c eyes brightened by the computer screen, and her h/c hair framing her face as she looked down at her laptop.
She turned her head in surprise and paused for a second. “Hey,” she said quietly.
“What time is it?”
She paused to look at the clock on her nightstand. “A little after three in the morning.”
“And you’re still working?” I asked as I propped myself up on my elbow. “You should get some sleep.”
“I know. I’m just not tired” she said blankly, not even looking at me.
“You should at least try. We’ve been working hard all day.” I tried to look into her eyes, but she still wouldn’t look at me. Curious, I looked around the room for any sign of Dean in this conversation, but to no avail. “Where’s Dean?” I asked.
“He went back to your guy’s motel room. He didn’t want to disturb you, so he left you here. Probably thinks we’ll get it on,” She joked, not even smiling.
“He probably does,” I joked back, and she cracked a small smile. “Did you find anything?”
“Yeah. I found our five missing people, but nothing else.”
“You’ve been at this since nine-thirty last night. You should get some sleep.”
She stopped for a moment, and finally looked at me, and said with a mischievous smile, “You’re not going to let me have any peace until I turn this thing off, are you?”
I shook my head. “Nope,” I said.
“Okay. Fine. I’ll turn it off and go to bed,” she said with her hands surrendering above her head. I smiled at her exaggerated movements. She turned off her computer and got off the bed to put it away. As she walked towards the kitchen to put her laptop with her bag, I noticed something on the back of her right arm. It looked like a huge scratch that had scarred over.
“What happened to your arm?”
She looked over her shoulder to see me and then to her arm. “Oh, that? That’s just a scratch.” She said.
I sat up on the bed and got up and walked towards her. “I can see that. What gave you a scratch like that?”
She turned towards me with her hands on her hips. “It was nothing, Sam. It was just a rock that I scraped my arm against. No big deal.”
“Sorry. I’m just concerned is all.”
“You don’t need to be concerned, Sam. I’m fine”
“I know, Y/N. I can’t help it.”
After a quick pause, “Sam, would you like to sleep here tonight?” she asked.
She caught me by surprise. “W-w-what?”
“I asked if you would like to sleep here tonight. Dean’s already gone to bed over in your room, and he knows you’re over here. Why not just stay over here?”
I thought about what she was asking. Was she asking me to sleep with her, or was she just being considerate, or could she see that I wanted to stay here? I don’t know, but I didn’t want to wake Dean, and I couldn’t help but think that if I went back to my motel room that Y/N would just leave in the middle of the night and I would never see her again.
So, I said, “Yeah.”
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll go get ready for bed, and you can get comfortable.”
“Okay,” I replied. She went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
What are you thinking, Sam? I asked myself. I can’t sleep in the same bed as her. That would be too awkward. We’re just friends. I’ll just sleep on the couch.
Reader’s POV
What are you thinking, Y/N? I asked myself. I feel so awkward. We’re just friends. I’ll just sleep on the couch. Oh, man. He doesn’t even have any other clothes with him. They’re all back in his motel room. What was I thinking?
I couldn’t help but wonder if he still had feelings for me since he accepted my request, but I had to put my thoughts aside. After I brushed my teeth and put my hair up, I exited the bathroom. I saw Sam taking a blanket over to the couch.
“Sam,” I started, “you can take the bed. The couch is too small for you. I’ll sleep there.”
“No. It’s okay. This is your room. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Sam, you are my guest. You get the bed. I get the couch,” I finished.
He let out a quick sigh in defeat. “Okay. Fine. Here you go,” he said as he handed me the blanket. He quickly turned and went to the restroom, and I prepared my couch for the night. He came out of the restroom as I grabbed a pillow from the bed, and he walked toward the bed. As he lifted the covers to get under, he stopped. “Y/N,”
“Yeah?” I asked as I laid out my pillow on the couch.
“Is this what I think it is?”
I turned around to se him holding the knife that I keep under my covers every night. It was a small pocket knife with a mother-of-pearl mount handle, the same knife he gave me for my fifteenth birthday.
“You still have it.”
“It’s not as pretty as it used to be, but it still gets the job done. It’s the only thing I couldn’t leave behind. No matter where I went, I always had it with me.”
He let out a small chuckle. “Man, I remember when I found this in that pawn shop. I saw the mother of pearl on the handle, and I thought ‘Y/N would really love this,’” he said. “I scrounged up as much money as I could, so I could buy it. I even borrowed some money from Dean. My dad kept questioning why I had to buy this knife. I just told him that it would be a really good addition to my weaponry, but I still kept thinking, ‘Y/N is going to love this.’”
I walked up to him, and gently took the knife from his hands. “And I still do to this day.” My small hands lingered there with his enormous ones for a few seconds, and suddenly, I looked up, and our eyes were locked together. His hazel and green eyes now staring into mine. I couldn’t help the butterflies in my stomach. I quickly pulled my hands away and gave him a soft smile, which he returned.
“I’m glad,” he said. I quickly turned and walked over to my couch and laid down. Sam went to turn the lights off, and I placed my knife in my pocket.
After Sam turned out the light, he got into the bed. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Sam,” I said back.
Maybe it will be a good night, I hoped, but to no avail. Like every night for the last twenty years, the demons came out of the shadows to terrorize the one time where I could retreat from reality’s own tortures.
I had fun writing this one, but I’m even more excited to make part six. Definitely going to be some fluff, maybe a bit more angst, but It will be sweet. Message me good vibes, and maybe some one-shot requests if you want. I’m open to ‘em. 
Part six
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maribricklove · 6 years
Coming soon...
Finishing up Trapped Under Ice- Part 5. Will be ready very soon.
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0 notes
maribricklove · 6 years
Hello! I just wanted to compliment you on Trapped Under Ice! It's very well written and i think the plot is very interesting so far. Keep up the good work!
Oh, thank you so much, Doll. That means so much to me. I'm working on part five, and I'll be posting it soon. Much love to you.
0 notes
maribricklove · 6 years
Trapped Under Ice - Part Four
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Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader, John Winchester (mentioned), Bobby Singer (mentioned)
Summary: Imagine being an old hunting friend of Sam’s (and something more) from before he went to college that he thought was dead, and while coincidentally working on the same case you were, you run into each other again. Astonished to see you after almost twenty years, Sam tries to figure out how you survived, but you don’t want to relive the pain and terror of how you were separated.
Word Count: 1293
Warnings: Implied PTSD (No disrespect to people with PTSD. Just something for the character), fluff, angst, eventual blood, gore, death, mild swearing.
Prompt: None
Disclaimers: I do not own anything from CW,  Warner Brother’s, any of the photos in this collage, or you. This is a work of pure fiction -obviously.
Series Masterlist 
Reader’s POV
After school, we all went back to the motel, and as usual, Dean went down to the bar to hustle pool, maybe get it on with a girl. Sam and I were fine by ourselves. There was enough food to last a couple days, and the room included free t.v. which was pretty awesome.
We spent a couple of hours on our homework - not that it meant anything; we would be leaving in a few weeks – and while I was trying to find something on the t.v. that wasn’t porn or soap operas, Sam was in the kitchen making us some dinner. There wasn’t much on, so just kept searching. Suddenly, Sam walked up to me with a plate of food and a can of soda. I put down the t.v. remote and took the food. I looked, and I noticed it was my favorite sandwich, a turkey on white with extra cheese, mustard, and potato chips in it. I didn’t think he paid any attention. He’s so sweet.
“Thank you,” I said.
“No problem,” he replied sweetly. “Anything on the t.v.?”
“Nada. Looks like it’s just a bad night for good t.v.”
“Dang. Well, it looks like we’ll have to play some games or something.”
“Games, what kind of games, Sam?” I asked.
“I have a deck of cards. We could play ‘go-fish’ or ‘gin rummy’” he suggested.
“I haven’t played ‘go-fish’ in forever. I don’t know if I remember how to play,” I joked.
Sam let out a small, breathy chuckle. “I think I could teach you.”
“Alright. Let’s play.”
I sat myself on the floor with my food right next to me, and Sam came back with his food and a deck of cards. While took a couple bites of my sandwich, Sam shuffled the deck. “So,” he said, “we each get seven cards, and we take turns asking each other if we have a certain card, like a three or a jack.”
“If either one of us has the card that the other asks for, we have to give it to the other. If not, we say…”
“‘Go fish!’” I said, rather too childishly. We both just laughed.
“Yeah. That’s right. I think you got it.” He dealt out the cards, and we each help up our hand of cards, starting the game. “You want to go first?” he asked.
“No. It’s fine you can go first.”
“Umm… Okay. Do you have any two’s?”
“Hmm…” I stared at my cards pensively. “Go fish,” I said with a mischievous smirk.
Sam, mocking defeat, let out a sigh, dropped his head, and reached out for the middle deck and grabbed a card.
“Okay. My turn. Do you have any… nine’s?” I asked.
Sam blankly looked at me and reached into his hand and grabbed tone of his cards. “Did you see what I drew?” He handed me the card.
“No,” I said defensively. I started giggling as he gave me a curious look when I took the card. “I swear I didn’t, Sam.” I placed the pair of nines in front of me.
“Okay,” he said sarcastically, “I’m going to have to watch you, cheater.”
“I’m not cheating!” I said giggling.
“Okay. Do you have… a date to that dance next week?”
I shot my eyes up in surprise. At a complete loss for better words, I muttered out the only thing I could say: “What?”
“I saw you talking to that ‘Brock’ guy the other day in class, and I just thought, maybe, he asked you to the dance.”
Still kind of shocked, now maybe a little disappointed, I answered, “No. He didn’t ask me to the dance.”
“Oh,” Sam said interestedly.
“Yeah, and he didn’t get a chance to either. He was being kind of a creep, so I just shut him down before he could make any more crude comments,” I replied confidently.
“Really?” he asked.
“Yeah. Is that what you wanted to hear?” I returned to Sam with a furrowed brow.
“That was your way of asking me to the dance, right?” I inquired.
“Uh… yeah. I mean if, you want to. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I can understand if you think it’s weird.”
“Sam,” I interrupted. “Does this have anything to do with what you and Dean were talking about before school, on Monday?”
He paused for a moment. “Yeah. It does. How did you know?”
“Because Dean had the same talk with me and mentioned if I ever hurt you, that he would hunt me down and kill me.”
“What?” he asked with a very surprised look.
I immediately grabbed my stomach and let out a braying laugh. I laughed for a good minute or two at Sam’s curious face. After I finally stifled my laughter and caught my breath, “Yeah, but not that last part. That was just some good comedy there,” I answered.
He let out a small sigh of relief. “So, you like me too?”
I quickly leaned forward and gave him a small kiss on his lips, and as cliché as it sounds, sparks flew. That was my first kiss. It was a declaration, a declaration of my feelings for him. I could sense his surprise, and I was actually shocked at myself for being so bold. I slowly moved away from him, and I opened my eyes to see Sam opening his eyes wide with surprise, and I just couldn’t help but smile at his goofiness. “I would love to go to the dance with you, Sam Winchester.”
“Great,” he replied with an enormous smile on his face. I could tell he was overjoyed. His eyes always had this sparkle when he was excited about something, and somehow it always gave me butterflies when I saw him happy.
Later that night, after Dean got back from his trip to the bar, we started to get ready for bed, I was in the bathroom changing into my pajamas, and I heard Sam and Dean talking in the other room. At first, I could only make out a few words, like ‘school’ and their names, but suddenly, they started talking about the dance and what Sam should do to make the night special. Dean mentioned a few of the typical things, like getting me a corsage, opening the door for me, and all that crap. Suddenly, I heard Sam say something that I never thought I’d hear him say. “I want to do more for her, Dean. I want to make Y/N feel special.”
“What do you mean, Sam?” Dean asked.
“Look at our life, Dean. It seems a lot of times that life isn’t going to get any better, and if I can just make her forget it for one night, then it’ll be worth it.”
“Okay, that’s really deep, Sam. You’re only fourteen.”
“I’m just thinking of Y/N. This is a big thing for both of us, and I don’t want to mess it up.”
“You’re not going to mess it up, Sammy. I’ll help you. I’ll have to help Y/N a little too with the money thing, but if you need anything, I’m here for you, man.”
“Thanks, Dean.”  
I had no doubt that Sam would exceed his expectations in plans for night of the dance. He was my best friend, who knew me better than anyone.
End of Flashback
He was my best friend, who knew me better than anyone. He knew me. The me that didn’t have the same nightmare every night for the last twenty years since that fateful night. Remembering that happy  night brings little comfort to the trembling hands that longed to hold her best friend who might not want to know the new me.
I’m so sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up, but every time I set some time aside to work on it, life got in the way. I am going to work hard on getting part five up by next week, and then try to post new parts every week after that. Love the likes and reposts. Would love to read your thoughts on the series. Message me with asks, because the ask box is being an a$$.Thank you for your support. Love and blessings to all.
Part five
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maribricklove · 6 years
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Oh... my... god. I love it! So good! I love how loveable Laia is.
Blast From The Past
SPN FanFic
~While working a case, Dean gets a surprise visit from an old flame that works out in more ways than one.~
Dean x OFC, Sam x OFC
2,985 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Porn, it’s porn. Fluffy porn. No Wincest. Just porn. ;)
A/N: This piece was commissioned by the wonderful @iona-laia, who inspired our OFC. I do hope you enjoy it! And as always, Please Smut Responsibly ™
Feedback is GOLD ~ My Masterlist ~ Commission Info
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Dean threw the Impala into park and shifted in his seat so he could get a better view of the abandoned factory. What a coven of witches was doing hanging out in an old, decrepit pencil factory was a mystery, but then again, Dean never claimed to be an expert in the ways of witches. He knew they were nasty and how to kill them, that was about it.
“This should be fun,” he mumbled, peering out of Sam’s window at the massive brick building. Most of the windows had been boarded up, and a long while ago by the looks of the wooden planks, but a few were simply open holes in the walls. Soft yellow lights flickered out of the second story window holes; candlelight playing on brick.
Sam sighed. “Well, shall we?”
Dean groaned and sat back in his seat. “Yeah.” A tired hand scratched at his jaw. “Hey, after this, you wanna hit that Hooters back off 47? I’m in the mood for wings.”
Sam turned in time to catch Dean’s mischievous grin and he rolled his eyes. “Wings?”
“What? I love wings.”
Keep reading
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