marie-smd · 11 years
Everyone has. But there's plenty of bright sides to Camden.
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Yeah, I’ve seen worse too.
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marie-smd · 11 years
It could be worse.
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Just walked past a guy passed out in the middle of the street, Camden at its finest.
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marie-smd · 11 years
It's sour.
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That sounds like a bad time at Taco Bell to me. I could just eat anything from there all the time, I don’t know. Why don’t you eat sour cream? It’s heavenly. 
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marie-smd · 11 years
I work at the diner and I'm currently a waitress. You haven't told me anything about yourself, have you?
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Tell me something else about you then. Something that’s not as hard as what your favourite ice-cream is.
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marie-smd · 11 years
Ugh, yes. I had that big box. It tasted bad. The doritos were soft, I don't eat sour cream, and it just wasn't my favorite.
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Ah, simple pleasures. I’d have to agree with you on that one. Have you tried that stuffed nacho or whatever they call it? It’s delicious.
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marie-smd · 11 years
Other than the taco bell across the street.
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Perverted guys loiter this entire area, don’t they? I don’t think much around here is remotely close to paradise.
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marie-smd · 11 years
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Then I hate to burst your bubble, pet, but they probably don’t think you’re living a life of danger and mystery.
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marie-smd · 11 years
Hot. Perverted guys. Not a paradise at all.
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Well, yeah, you know people. They’re cheap. Really? How is that?
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marie-smd · 11 years
It was about cake.
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It depends what they were saying it in reference to. If it was about ice-cream I can guarantee it was sarcasm.
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marie-smd · 11 years
Is that so? I work at the good old diner.
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So far I’ve only gotten a lecture but I wouldn’t doubt that they take a dollar or two out of my paycheck for every bag I mess up on.
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marie-smd · 11 years
I bet they make you pay for that.
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I bag people’s groceries. It’s much more stressful than you’d think, especially when you accidentally put the bread on the bottom of the bag. 
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marie-smd · 11 years
Or they were telling me the truth. 
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I’m pretty sure everyone who’s said that to you was being sarcastic, sweetheart.
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marie-smd · 11 years
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What's the job?
I never realized how much of a luxury sleep was until I finally got a job to balance on top of school. Rest in peace to my old sleeping schedule, you’ll be dearly missed. 
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marie-smd · 11 years
I've been told many times. Not sure if they were sarcastic or not.
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Wow, you live on the edge.
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marie-smd · 11 years
I get a different flavor every time I get ice cream.
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Easily. What’s the one you get most often? That’s probably your favourite.
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marie-smd · 11 years
How can you have one when there's so many flavors?
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What kinda’ answer is that? How can you not have one?
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marie-smd · 11 years
I don't have one. HA! Thought you were slick.
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But I’m not as interested in my answer as I am yours.
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