marie53blr-blog · 6 years
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Filing for Presumptive Social Security Supplemental Income (SSI) Disability Benefits 
For Supplemental Security Supplemental Income applicants only 
Supplemental Security Supplemental Income (SSI) is a monthly cash benefit paid to low income and low-asset individuals who disabled or blind.  If they have a medical condition causing them from working and supporting themselves financially.  The process of applying for SSI Disability can be a long wait time. The Social Security Administration has made it possible to get temporary benefits available for some disabilities.  It’s called the Social Security Supplemental Income presumptive disability benefits.  Presumptive disability will give you cash SSI benefits for six months while Social Security Administration (SSA) processes your disability claim.  You must file for Presumptive Social Security Supplemental Income Disability Benefits.  Unfortunately, Presumptive disability payments are not for SSDI applicants. 
Presumptive Disability 
Presumptive disability payments designed to give a claimant with support while SSA reviews and make a decision on the applicant’s disability claim file. 
Medical Conditions that Qualifies for Presumptive Disability 
Social Security Administration has authority to award SSI payments immediately. Only if the claimant meets the presumptive disability (PD) criteria.  Medical conditions qualify as presumptive disabilities, only if you have a serious impairment presumed to be the disabled applicant.  For example, blindness, down syndrome, cerebral palsy or total deafness. Below is a list of medical conditions are eligible for presumptive disability.
Six months or less to live, in hospice, Terminal illness. Confinement to bed and required use of a wheelchair, walker, or crutches due to a longstanding condition, and.Low birth weight. Amyotrophic  lateral sclerosis (ALS), a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s disease. Symptomatic HIV infection or AIDS. Total blindness. Total deafness. Down syndrome. Amputation of two limbs or of one leg at the hip. Spinal cord injury with the inability to walk without a walker or similar     device. Stroke,more than three months ago, with difficulty walking or using a hand or arm. Walking speaking, using hands or arms, muscular dystrophy, muscular atrophy, or cerebral palsy. Severe mental retardation (seven years old or older). End-stage renal (kidney) disease (ESRD) requiring chronic dialysis.
Non-Medical Conditions Eligibility for Presumptive Disability
Must have limited income and financial resources according to standards set by SSA in order to be eligible for SSI payments due to a presumptive disability.
Social Security Supplemental Income Temporary Payments
Monthly presumptive disability SSI payments can last six months.  As soon as the SSA make a final decision on your disability claim, then the presumptive disability benefits will end.  If SSA do not make a decision on your claim within six months, then presumptive disability payments will stop.  If your SSI disability claim get denied, then you are not responsible for repaying money received from the presumptive disability.
How to apply for Social Security Supplemental Income Presumptive Disability
You can apply for presumptive disability benefits when filing an initial application for SSI at your local SSA office.  Some conditions, SSA field office is able to make a presumptive disability determination.  Sometimes SSA will need to get confirmation from a responsible source of information. Such as a social worker, school personnel or doctor.  In some cases, your file will go to the Disability Determination Services (DDS). Then the agency will make all SSI disability decisions.  The DDS is able to make presumptive disability decision even for impairments not list above.
Other Social Security Disability Expedited Programs 
These are several other programs offer by SSA to speed up decision certain types of claims. 
Compassionate Allowances is available for many cancers. Terminal Illness program.
Finally, the Quick Disability Determination program identifies easily determined disability cases through a software program. 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 6 years
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Reforms Needed To Fix Social Security Disability Insurance Backlog 
December 18, 2017 
The Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI) created 61 years ago with a worthy goal of reinforcement to help workers pay bills and make ends meet.  In case an illness or injury occurs and leaves them unable to work for a year or more.  However, reforms needed to fix Social Security Disability Insurance Backlog. 
Yet, the bureaucracy, mismanagement, and loss of permanent leadership at the Social Security Administration (SSA) have reduced the program’s effectiveness. Therefore, the wait time for hearings and decisions made by an Administrative Law Judge on eligibility for Disability Income (DI) benefits been a small increase. But the average nationwide wait time for a hearing decision was 353 days in 2012.  Now it’s 605 days in 2017. 
However, an average worker applying for Disability Income Benefits has paid into the program for 22 years or more.  Yet 1.1 million Americans trap in this outrageous backlog, with devastating consequences.  Therefore the person’s health gets worse and possible death.  As a result, their financial situation worsens as their savings and 401K are empty and have to turn to family and friends to help pay bills.  Unfortunately, thousands of people die while waiting and over 10,000 people died before getting an SSDI hearing in 2017.  This is unacceptable for people who are waiting for a decision. 
Even though Congress provided SSA with $90 million to correct the backlog. For example, hiring additional Administrative Law Judges and support staff to decrease the backlog.  But with the remedy of funds, SSA estimates the backlog will not return to reasonable levels until 2022. 
Yet money alone won’t fix the backlog problem.  The non-partisan Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) analyst testified at a congressional hearing agrees money cannot fix the backlog.  However, SSA is using the resources that they currently have as efficiently and as effectively as they can.  The GAO found several examples where SSA is not utilizing to speed up the decision process well with the SSA’s authority.  For example, it’s been decades since SSA update many of their processes policies and tools for evaluating eligibility. 
Compassionate Allowance (CAL) Initiative
There are some of the most severe illnesses that SSA consider to be Compassionate Allowance (CAL) initiative.  CAL was created to reach a decision quicker.  But the initiative is not working as well as it should.  As a result, the same hearing the GAO found other problems that people fall through the cracks.  Due to SSA’s internal terminology does not match medical descriptions used externally. 
In addition, plenty of small and large changes needed, but SSA has been without permanent leadership since 2013.  As a result, it’s difficult to nominate and confirm a new SSA Commissioner that can take the DI program off of autopilot and start getting it on the right track. 
Equally, there’s plenty of blame to go around for this backlog crisis.  But also reasonable, affordable, and workable options to help people with legally qualifying disabilities and obtain decision faster and more efficiently. The Ways and Means Committee need to explore practical reforms to the DI program and eventually stop the backlog. 
If you been waiting for a long time for SSDI hearing decision contact Jackie Walorski represents Indiana's, 2nd District, member of the Ways and Means Committee. 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  If you would like for your case to start moving. Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99. Can help you at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/
For a free 1 hour Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Social-Security-Disability-And-You-561403067362136/
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marie53blr-blog · 6 years
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Work Incentive Planning and Assistance Project Program (WIPA)
The Work Incentive Planning and Assistance Project Program (WIPA) that work to allow beneficiaries with disabilities to educate in making choices about work and to support working beneficiaries.  In order to make a successful transition to financial independence.  So that each WIPA project has a Community Work Incentives Coordinator who work with you one on one to give a comprehensive counseling about benefits and working.  As a result, the community work incentives coordinator will do the following: 
The Work Incentive     Planning and Assistance Project Program (WIPA) Coordinator will discuss     how returning to work can impact your Supplemental Security Income (SSI)  or Social Security Disability Income (SSDI).
Including discussing how returning to work can impact your SSI or SSDI Benefits.
Specifically, recommend work incentives that can help beneficiaries get the most out of your income and health     care options.
Help you in finding resources for assertive technology, training, and other support services you may need to work.  
Beneficiary Access and Support Services (BASS) -  Social Security’s Help Center, Phone: 1-866-968-7842/1-866-833-2967 (TTY/TDD)
Website: http://www.choosework.net/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/choosework • Twitter:     http://twitter.com/#!/chooseworkssa • Email: [email protected]
Ticket to Work Program/Employment Networks
How It Works
Usually, the Ticket to Work link you with free employment services to help make a decision is working right for you, preparing to return back to work, find and maintain job success while you are working.  It is your choice to participate in the Ticket to Work Program.  After deciding you will receive services; vocational rehabilitation, career counseling, job placement, and job training from authorized Ticket to Work service providers by Employment Network (EN) in your state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency.  When you choose a service provider it is an important part of your “employment team” that will help you through your journey to financial independence.
Who Qualifies?
If you are age 18 through 64 and receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits then you are eligible to participate in the Ticket to Work Program. However, participating in the Ticket to Work program is free and voluntary. 
Therefore, Social Security no longer mail Ticket to Work papers, because you do not need a paper to participate in the program.  Eligibility will get verified by an Employment Network service provider if you choose to work.  Further information about your eligibility status by calling in the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842/1-866-833-2967 (TTY). 
How to Get Started 
However, if you decided to participate in the program, then it is very easy to get started.  The first thing is to call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842/1-866-833-2967 (TTY) to verify your eligibility.  The Customer Service Representative will explain how the program works and answer any questions or concerns you may have. In addition, they will offer to mail you a list of service providers or refer you to someone.  For example, go to https://choosework.ssa.gov/findhelp/ find help to get a customized list of providers that available to help you in your area.
The next step is choosing the right service provider for you.  Your options are working with your state Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency or Employment Network (EN) it depends on your needs.  Click on https://choosework.ssa.gov/library/finding-EN-assigning-your-ticket-worksheet to get EN’s you’re interested in and provides important questions for you to ask.  As a result, you can receive services from your VR agency and then receive ongoing services with an Employment Network.
Many Employment Network Services are part of a state’s public workforce system.  The workforce ENs provide access to additional employment support services such as training programs, special programs, youth in transition and veterans.  You will get assigned a Ticket to a Workforce EN directly or via other providers in the workforce system including America Job Centers at https://www.careeronestop.org/site/american-job-center.aspx
Once you’re assigned to a service provider can work together to develop a plan and help you reach your goals.  Eventually becoming more financially independent in the future.
How would working affect my Social Security Disability Benefits?
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) recipients can have a trial work period during which you’re allowed to make than the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) amount without losing your benefits. However, you can test your ability to work and continue to receive full benefits.  Even if you make more than Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) amount for a nine-month trial period.  For 2017, the Social Security Administration review any month where a person has a monthly income of more than $840.00 before taxes is a trial work month.  If you are self-employed, any month of working more than 80 hours or earn more than $840 before taxes is a trial work month.   
After you completed the nine-month trial work period, you can still receive SSDI for any month where your earnings fall below the SGA level for a period of 36 months.  It’s named extended period of eligibility.  Especially earning more than $1,170 before taxes per month, you will not receive your disability check for that month. 
However, if you SSDI payments have stopped due your income is substantial, then SSA gives five years during which your benefits can get reinstated if you stop working due to your disability.  As a result, during the five-year period, SSA will not require you to file a new disability claim application to receive benefits.  It’s called expedited reinstatement. 
Unfortunately, if you lose your job during the trial work period, then your benefits will not get affected.  If you lose your job in 36 months following the trial work period, and still disabled, you will need to contact the SSA to have your disability benefits restarted. 
For SSDI recipients only!  If you make over $1,170 before taxes, your SSDI check will get reduce. If you make $840 before taxes, your SSDI check will not change. 
Working and receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits 
You can be able to work and still receive SSI benefits as long as your wages do not exceed SSA’s income limit for SSI.  As a result, your monthly can get reduced in the amount of your income. 
For example, SSA reduces your income, if your only income is from your job.  However, SSA does not include the first $85 you earn towards your countable income. After that the $85 adjustment, the SSA will deduct 50 cents for every dollar you earn from you monthly checks. For instance, a person who earns $1,170 a month from working equals; $1,170 - $85 = $1,085 ÷ 2 = $542.50.  Then your SSI benefit amount reduced by $542.50. As a result, your monthly benefit amount affects your Food Stamps, Medicaid, if any.  For additional information go to https://www.disabilitysecrets.com/page4-44.html and read the article on “How much SSI Pays.” 
Your SSI payments can stop due to earning too much money, if you are force to quit work due to your disability.  Then SSA will reinstate your benefits without a new application for a period of five years. 
Reporting Income 
For both SSI and SSDI recipients must report all earning to the SSA. 
·         Inform SSA your start and stop date for any job ·         Your job duties change, pay scale, or work hours and ·         If you have work-related expenses due to your disability.
 It’s required to report your monthly wages to the SSA.  You can report your wages by telephone on the 6th of the next month; otherwise, mail or bring your pay stub to your local SSA by the 10th of the next month. https://www.disabilitysecrets.com/topics/reporting-changes-social-security-disability 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Learn how to secure your disability without using an Attorney
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://shop.socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 6 years
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How to Get a Free Car if You Have a Disability 
How to get a free car if you have a disability. If you’re disabled and unable to work, a vehicle can be hard to get.  But you might still need a car to get to medical appointments, visit family, and run errands.  As a result, there are ways for you to get a free car. Here’s how below. 
In order to a get a car you must live in the United States of America.  Have the following information ready. 
More importantly, create a small packet of proof,     paperwork, and the reason why you need a car.  In other words, write an outline clearly     stating how a car will have a positive     impact in your life.  That way     people might be more likely to give you a car for free.  Also, consider including following     below. 
Proof of your medical records, doctor’s notes, disability, or Social Security Disability Income check stubs, would be relevant information. 
Also, state all proof of your expenses.  By tally up the total amount of housing, utilities, food, and other necessities cost each month, then compare your disability income.  However, it will show you can’t afford a car on your own. 
Create a list of reasons why you need a car and reliable transportation.  If public transit is not an option for you, then write the reasons why. 
Figure how you can afford car insurance, gas, maintenance, and registration expenses.  However, getting a car for free is only have of expense because of the daily upkeep of your car.  Not only purchasing gas, you have to get your car service every 4 to 6 months.  But if you cannot afford these expenses, be sure to note that in the letter when you requesting a free car. 
To apply go to free charity cars at http://www.freecharitycars.org/apply  Free Charity Cars accepts people’s old     cars as a charity donation that way they can get a tax write-off.  Then free charity cars will redistribute them to people in need.  To be eligible for the program you must     be a US citizen living in America.     You may qualify for a free charity car for the following reason     below. 
·         Victim of domestic violence ·         Medically Needy ·         A victim of natural disaster, for example, hurricane or tornado ·         Change from public assistance to working ·         Live in a shelter ·         Working and living under the national poverty line, which is $24,600 for a family of four in 2017. ·         Part of the military active-duty family.
Definitely apply online at http://www.freecharitycars.org/apply Visit the Free Charity Cars website and make a profile.  To begin with, telling people your story in a convincing way utilizing the information you gathered in step 1.  After that just wait for the votes to come in!  Also, ask your online friends to make a profile and vote for you.  
Talk to local     churches.  However, most churches     are non-profit organizations that someone donates a car to the church and     person can claim it as a tax write-off.     If church members are aware     of your situation they will consider donating a car to you through the     church.
If you attend church regularly, then start there.  Explain to your pastor utilizing the information you received in step 1.  Ask if a church member can donate a car to help you with transportation.
Do not join a church just to get a free car.  A righteous church will not “trade” a car for your beliefs.  But you want to be a good, honorable person with merits of a church that displays such generosity and helpfulness to you.
Contact the non-profit organization that helps people with your particular     disability.  If the representative you talk to is not aware of and   existing programs for a free car then try to speak to a few different people about free car programs.  Do not be disrespectful toward the first person you spoke to.  You can google  free car programs.  If the car is not free then it may have a low-cost   program, or a payment program with little or no interest.
Talk to auto mechanics.  Since mechanics know how to fix vehicles, they might come across a car they can fixed for a low price that would fit your needs.  Maybe a generous church member can pay for the repairs for you or give a loan with little or no interest.  Or someone  might have an old car they no longer want to go through the trouble of repairing.  But the old car has sentimental value     for them and they would see someone else driving the car.  Another way is to convince a mechanic to fix it for free or give you a discounted price. 
Networking.  Inform people you need a car, the better chance of getting help to   buy or get a car for free.  If you are not a social person and it feels awkward for you.  But is important to step out of your comfort zone to get the help you need.  Do not allow your feeling of shame or pride get in the way of asking for help because you must overcome them Yet everyone needs help sometimes, and remember there is no shame in asking for it when you truly need it. 
But look for ways to help other people.  You can tutor, babysit, fix something, or rake a yard.  Yet you never know when someone you helped might end up helping you back is call acts of kindness. 
Use social media networking to your advantage.  You will be able to reach out to more people for help through the Internet.  By creating accounts on Myspace, Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter.  Just share your struggles and efforts to get a free car. 
Think about whether you really need a car. Can you live without a car? Can you rent a car once or twice a month?  Google Discount Car Rental     Rate, or use Zipcar. 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today. After you purchased the eBook you will received a download link in your email. But you have to print out the 24 page book.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 6 years
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2018 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums, Deductibles, and coinsurance amounts Announced November 17, 2017 
The 2018 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums, Deductibles, coinsurance amounts for the Medicare Part A and Part B programs announced November 17, 2017. 
Medicare Part B Premiums/Deductibles 
For example, Medicare Part B only covers outpatient hospital services, some home health services, doctor services, durable medical equipment, and other items as well.   
However, the standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B enrollees will cost $134.00 for 2018, it is the same amount as in 2017.  Therefore, Medicare Part B will not have an increase for 2018.  But some beneficiaries who were not affected Part B premium increases in prior years may have a Part B premium increase in 2018. As a result, the 2018 Medicare premium increase will be offset by the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)   increase in the Social Security benefits next year. 
More importantly, Medicare’s first concern is to ensure that beneficiaries have the option for affordable, high-quality care. That fit their needs, said CMS Administrator Seema Verma.  Therefore, next year no beneficiary protected by provisions will see their Part B premium increase.  More than the increase in their Social Security benefits.  On the other hand, Medicare beneficiaries should look for options to make a choice between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. Before Open Enrollment ends on December 7, 2107. 
Content Management System (CMS) 
For the purpose of, Content Management System (CMS) recently released the benefit premium and Star Rating information for drug plans and Medicare health. This Star Ratings will give more health coverage choices and improved access to high-quality health choices.  Also, will decreased premiums in 2018.  As a result, CMS estimates Medicare Advantage average monthly premium will decrease by $ 1.91 about 6 percent in 2018.  Therefore, the average basic premium for a Medicare prescription drug plan in 2018 calculated to decline to an estimated $33.50 per month.  It represents a decrease nearly $1.20 below average basic premium of $34.70 in 2017.  On the other hand, Medicare prescription drug plan average basic premium will decline for the first time since 2012. 
CMS also, released annual deductible for all Medicare Part B beneficiaries is $183.00 in 2018.  It is the same annual deductible for Medicare Part B in 2017. However, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug plan premiums and deductibles already finalized and unaffected by this announcement. 
Medicare Part A Premiums/Deductibles 
Medicare Part A covers skilled nursing facility, some home health care services, and inpatient hospital.  As a matter of fact, 99 percent of Medicare beneficiaries do not have Part A premium due to having at least 40 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.  For inpatient hospital Medicare Part A annual deductible is $1,340 for 2018.  It is an increase of $24 from $1,316 compared to 2017. 
For additional 2018 Medicare Part A & B premiums and deductibles information, please visit: https://www.cms.gov/ 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Five Reasons Judges Approve Social Security Disability Claims 
There are five reasons Judges approve Social Security Disability Claims.  However, this article will explain all five reasons. 
Reason #1: The Judge finds you have a solid work record 
Specifically, credibility is the important part of your Social Security Disability (SSD) case. 
Yet Judge's base credibility determination of medical records, physicians’ opinions concerning your work ability and to a smaller degree.  For example, what attempts you made to return to work, if any. 
But work history is important for SSD cases.  As a result, the first thing Judges review is work history.  However, a judge not interested in how much you made, but have you worked and paid Social Security taxes. 
Provided you have a solid work history, the judge finds your story credible.  If you do not have a solid work history, your claim is not automatically denied.  But a Judge is likely to examine your story closely.   
Reason #2: The Judge finds your case is well documented 
Sometimes there been countless hearings, even though it was clear the judge decided to approve the claim before the hearing. The appeal hearing was a mere formality. 
Actually, most SSDI claims lost or won prior to the hearing. Why?  Due to proving you are disabled and many months of years of medical and vocational documentation that cannot completed the day of the hearing?  Now if you are trying to win the case the day of the hearing, you probably in trouble. 
Yet before the prior hearing, Judges believe your claim to have well documented with relevant disability letters/work limitations from your physicians, statements from people who know your disability, and medical records.  All documentation should be submitted for review to the Judge before your hearing.  As a result, the evidence will tell the Judge what they want to know about your SSD case before they ever see you.  Establishing your case is a strategy to win simply because of years prior to the day of the hearing is critical.   
However, hiring and retaining an attorney who specializes in disability law before or soon after filing your appeal claim.  It costs nothing to hire an attorney you only pay a fee for your back benefits if you win.  The attorney only allowed 25% or $6,000 maximum of your back pay benefits.  I recommending finding an SSDI attorney with a nursing degree or a degree in the healthcare field. 
Reason #3: The Judge finds your medical records matches your testimony at the hearing 
When your medical documentation matches your testimony at the hearing, you should win your SSD case.  Why?  With documented medical records are the number one reason Judges approved SSD claims. Yet disability claims based on any documented medical diagnosis that has a notable impact on your ability to function. As a result, Judges listen to your testimony at the hearing but want to see if the story reflect.  For example, have you complied with medical treatments recommendations?  Have you seen and treated consistently with physicians and by a medical specialist or specialists?  Do you have a proper diagnosis?    
On the other hand, does your medical records confirm your testimony concerning repetitive, severity, and duration of your symptoms and why they limit your ability to function? 
The Judge wanted to know are you taking medications, receiving treatment for your medical condition is serious and incapacitate?  Do you have meaningful side effects from medications that would affect you in a work environment?  However, the Judge will review your medical records on these issues before approving the claim.  The findings of the answer to most these questions are “yes.” 
Reason #4: The Judge finds your treating physicians support your claim and have concluded credible written opinions concerning your inability to work 
In a Social Security Disability claim, medical records are the “meat” and treating physicians’’ opinions are the “potatoes.” 
Yet, Judges want to see your doctors support your disability claim in a written opinions in the form of letters and medical source treatments prior to the hearing.  A lot of doctors do not want to write a statement of your disability. But it is possible to win without a doctor’s support, yet more difficult. 
The Federal Law requires the Judge to carefully review your physician’s opinion and may require to actually accept their opinion. For example, if your doctor believes you’re disabled and specifically states why the Judge should accept the opinion.  Now you may be in the home stretch to SSD claim approval. 
As a result, treating doctor’s opinions must be specific psychological limitations you have in a work environment.  The doctor restating your diagnosis is usually not enough.  However, the doctor needs to explain in detail why your medical conditions prevent you from working.   
Medical records are critical at the appeal step because your physician’s opinion accepted and make sense if his or her medical records support and the document states why the physician believes you’re disabled. 
Treating physician’s opinions are critical to success like medical records cannot be completed the day of the hearing, due to taking months and years to earn the trust and support of a doctor in a disability claim? 
Reason #5: The Judge influenced by other evidence that supports your SSD claim 
Judges commonly find other “evidence” in cases such as affidavits from family, co-workers, and friends.  Also, personnel records documenting poor or excellent work performance and absences prior to the date you became disabled.  This evidence confirms and provides witness support for your testimony, your physicians’ opinions and your medical records. 
I wish you the best of luck in your Social Security Disability claim.  Remember winning your case is a matter of hard work, preparation of medical records and other documentation should be created months before your hearing and Social Security Administrative Law Judge. 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Social Security Disability’s Rumor vs. Reality 
Q: In other words If I’m injured at work, can I collect disability and Worker’s Compensation benefits and make more money than working?(Social Security Disability’s Rumor vs. Reality) 
A: No.  As a result, if you are drawing the two Social Security Disability (SSD) and Workers’ Compensation, you should not receive more than 80 percent of what you earn while working.  However, The Social Security Administration (SSA) may decrease the amount of the disability check to anyone receiving Worker’s Compensation benefits.  On the other hand, if you settle your Workers’ Compensation claim for a lump sum of money then you must inform both Medicare and Social Security.  Due to the fact that the Federal Government will not pay for treatment or lost wages that should fund by another system.   
Q: Why does it take so long to get approved for Social Security Benefits? 
A: Actually the Social Security Disability process is now moving along much faster than it used to.  Consequently, people who suffer from conditions on the “Compassionate Allowance” list https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0423022080 will get special treatment.  Therefore, it still may take more than a year for many SSD claimants to get through the disability process.  As a result, it may take as long as a year for an SSD a case reviewed by adjudicators and physicians at the initial and reconsideration levels.  At the SSD appeal level, and Administrative Law Judge with the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review will hear your case.  Either in person or by video conference often through one of the National Hearing Centers.  Thanks to the Social Security Administration added more judges and new hearing offices to tremendously reduce the backlogs and dramatically reduce shorter delays. You can only get your SSD claim expedited if you are dying or are losing your home to eviction or foreclosure. Once approved for benefits you may receive back pay for the time you waited.   
Q: Is there an easier way to get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) than Social Security Disability (SSD)? 
A: No.  The laws governing indicates whomever medically qualify for disability receives the same disability process.  Whether you apply for SSD based on your work record or for SSI. SSI is a program for those who never worked or did not pay enough into the Social Security system to qualify for benefits.  Perhaps they were too disabled to work or were raising children. 
Q: Can children receive SSI Benefits? 
A: The law changed in 1996 making it harder for disabled children to receive SSI.  Children who have a severe impairment are eligible.  Parents with limited resources may qualify for up to $735.00 per month in 2017 to help raise their children.  Unfortunately, there is no SSI benefit for the disabled children of working parents due to their income or resources exceed the SSI program income limits  In order for a disabled child must have two marked impairments or extreme impairment that parents must prove. Such as areas of learning/talking, finishing the task, getting along, moving around, taking care of personal needs and staying healthy.  For instance, and child with only one arm who has adapted satisfactorily at home and school may not consider disabled.  However, a child who suffers from severe behavior problems probably caused by lead paint exposure or other conditions may qualify for SSI.  Doctors and school personnel view the problems as unusually severe, the judge may agree. 
Q: Can I qualify for partial disability under Social Security Disability? 
A: No.  Unlike the Worker’s Compensation or Veterans, systems may allow for temporary or partial disability.  You can receive Social Security Disability benefits only if considered totally and permanently disabled.  It means you are unable to earn $1,170 per month gross (substantial gainful activity) for at least one year. 
Q: I’ve been on SSD for a year, but I’m feeling better and would like to try to work again.  Do I automatically lose my disability and Medicare benefits? 
A: If your medical condition has improved enough to return back to work (earning more than $840.00 per month gross), you have nine months for a “trial work period.”  During the trial work period, you will not lose your disability check or Medicare health insurance.  On the other hand, if you are receiving SSI will disregard the first $65.00 you earn, and then reduce your check by one dollar for every two dollars you earn after that.  However, if you are able to earn more than $1,170 per month gross, the checks may get cut off. That’s if the Government can prove your medical condition improved significantly. If you are still medically disabled you may keep your Medicare benefits for up to eight and one-half years.  If you become disabled again after returning back work for several years will get special treatment, if it’s necessary for that person has to reapply for disability benefits. 
Q: Can I go to a website to find out more about the Social Security Disability process? 
A: To find out additional information about Social Security Disability call 1800-772-121.  Or visit your local Social Security Office, or go to https://www.ssa.gov/ 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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How Veterans Can Receive Both SSDI and VA Benefits 
The US veterans with disabilities are often stunned to learn they can qualify for Veteran’s Administration (VA) disability and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at the same time. Yet many Veterans believe they can only receive VA Disability and not eligible for SSDI.  However, the Veteran’s Administration and Social Security Administration (SSA) are separate but together supportive Organizations.  The Government Accountability Office and SSA provide veterans with access to SSDI.  A special legislation provides help for disabled service personnel to get disability benefits they need.  This is one of the ways how veterans can receive both SSDI and VA Benefits. 
Applying for Veteran’s Administration Benefits 
However, US military veterans can qualify for VA benefits if they have a mental or physical disability.  That happens from their active military service.  As a result, if their application approved by the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA) give a disability rating of 10% to 100%.  That can be a higher rating to receive a higher monthly payment.  Those who receive a 10% rating receive an extra $133.57 per month.  While someone rated at 100% receive $2,915.55 as of December 2016.  However, a rating of 30% with dependents receive more.
Veteran’s application can fast-tracked if the applicant meets one of the following criteria below:
Status as a former POW Post-traumatic stress disorder Sexual trauma while on active duty Evidence of homelessness or serious financial need 
As a result, veterans are getting VA benefits when applying for SSDI, their chances of a successful claim increase.  The SSA definition of disability has a strong likeness to the VA standard of “employability”.  However, a higher VA rating means another federal agency has found the applicant disabled to work and have a positive impact on the SSA final decision. 
Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance 
SSDI pays monthly benefits to applicants for both civilian and military who become disabled before reaching retirement age.  In order to qualify for a disabled veterans must have a physical or mental disability that will last at least one year or death.  Also, an employment history that includes at least five years of full-time employment over previous 10 years.
The SSA provides US veterans with special credits that increase the value of earnings for benefit calculation purposes.  Those who served in the military between 1978 and 2001, receive a credit of $100 for every $4,300 earned.  If served in the military between 1957 and 1977, credits are approximately $300 per quarter of active duty income.  For veterans who served on the military dates prior to 1957 credited $160 per month in earnings.
Another SSA allowance to former military personnel veteran meets a least one of the criteria below.  Therefore their disability application will be fast-tracked.
Veteran’s Administrative disability rating of 100% Disability get during active due after October 1, 2001 
SSA is not required to automatically follow suit if an applicant has granted benefits by another organization.  Each agency has its own rules and criteria for disability determination such as the VA.  A successful VA application can play a major role in winning and getting approved for SSDI benefits.  Especially if a veterans disability rating is 70% or higher.  However, a lower rating could have an opposite effect that SSA requires applicants to be completely disabled while the VA allows for partial disability.
For additional information about VA and SSDI benefits and how to apply for as disabled veterans.  Visit the Veterans Administration website at http://www.va.gov/ and the SSA website at https://www.ssa.gov/  Or contact the VA at 1800-827-1000 and the SSA at 180-772-1213. 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” 
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Social Security Disability Expedites Compassionate Allowances Conditions
Released on Tuesday, September 5, 2017  
Social Security Disability expedites Compassionate Allowances with a claims. But you must have one of the Compassionate Allowances Conditions below. Also, I have medical documents and test results to prove you one of the Compassionate Allowances Conditions.   
However, if you have an attorney, inform him or her about the Compassionate Allowances Conditions. Yet, show you attorney or representative the article and list of Compassionate Allowances.
Compassionate Allowances Conditions
CAL Conditions (A – B)
Acute Leukemia 
Adrenal Cancer - with distant metastases or inoperable, unresectable or recurrent 
Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma  Adult Onset Huntington Disease Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome Alexander Disease (ALX) - Neonatal and Infantile Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome  Alobar Holoprosencephaly Alpers Disease  Alpha Mannosidosis - Type II and III 
ALS/Parkinsonism Dementia Complex  Alstrom Syndrome  Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma  Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)  Anaplastic Adrenal Cancer - Adult with distant metastases or inoperable, unresectable or recurrent Angelman Syndrome
Angiosarcoma  Aortic Atresia  Aplastic Anemia  Astrocytoma - Grade III and IV  Ataxia Telangiectasia
Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor  Batten Disease  Beta Thalassemia Major Bilateral Optic Atrophy- Infantile  Bilateral Retinoblastoma  Bladder Cancer - with distant metastases or inoperable or unresectable Breast Cancer - with distant metastases or inoperable or unresectable
CAL Conditions (C – D)
Canavan Disease (CD)
CACH--Vanishing White Matter Disease-Infantile and Childhood Onset Forms (Effective 9/16/2017) Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Site
Cardiac Amyloidosis- AL Type  Caudal Regression Syndrome - Types III and IV  Cerebro Oculo Facio Skeletal (COFS) Syndrome  Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis
Child Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
Child Lymphoma  Child Neuroblastoma - with distant metastases or recurrent Chondrosarcoma - with multimodal therapy 
Chronic Idiopathic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction  Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) - Blast Phase
Coffin-Lowry Syndrome Congenital Lymphedema
Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy (Effective 9/16/2017)
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome - Classic Form
Corticobasal Degeneration 
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) – Adult  Cri du Chat Syndrome  Degos Disease - Systemic DeSanctis Cacchione Syndrome
Dravet Syndrome  
CAL Conditions (E – H)
Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18) Eisenmenger Syndrome  Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma  Endomyocardial Fibrosis  Ependymoblastoma (Child Brain Cancer) Erdheim Chester Disease  Esophageal Cancer
Esthesioneuroblastoma  Ewing Sarcoma Farber Disease (FD) – Infantile  Fatal Familial Insomnia  Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva  Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma - metastatic or recurrent Friedreichs Ataxia (FRDA) Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), Picks Disease -Type A – Adult  Fryns Syndrome  Fucosidosis - Type 1  Fukuyama Congenital Muscular Dystrophy 
Fulminant Giant Cell Myocarditis  Galactosialidosis - Early and Late Infantile Types  Gallbladder Cancer  Gaucher Disease (GD) - Type 2
Giant Axonal Neuropathy  Glioblastoma Multiforme (Brain Cancer)  Glioma Grade III and IV  Glutaric Acidemia - Type II  Head and Neck Cancers - with distant metastasis or inoperable or unresectable Heart Transplant Graft Failure  Heart Transplant Wait List - 1A/1B  Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) - Familial Type  Hepatoblastoma Hepatopulmonary Syndrome  Hepatorenal Syndrome  Histiocytosis Syndromes
Hoyeaal-Hreidarsson Syndrome  Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome  Hydranencephaly Hypocomplementemic Urticarial Vasculitis Syndrome  Hypophosphatasia Perinatal (Lethal) and Infantile Onset Types Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 
CAL Conditions (I – M)
I Cell Disease  Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Infantile Free Sialic Acid Storage Disease  Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD) Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) 
Intracranial Hemangiopericytoma  Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome
Joubert Syndrome  Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa - Lethal Type  Juvenile Onset Huntington Disease  Kidney Cancer - inoperable or unresectable Kleefstra Syndrome (Effective 9/16/2017)
Krabbe Disease (KD) – Infantile  Kufs Disease - Type A and B  Large Intestine Cancer - with distant metastasis or inoperable, unresectable or recurrent> Late Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses  Leigh’s Disease Leiomyosarcoma
Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis  Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (LNS)  Lewy Body Dementia
Liposarcoma - metastatic or recurrent  Lissencephaly  Liver Cancer  Lowe Syndrome  Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis - Grade III  Malignant Brain Stem Gliomas – Childhood
Malignant Ectomesenchymoma  Malignant Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor  Malignant Germ Cell Tumor  Malignant Multiple Sclerosis
Malignant Renal Rhabdoid Tumor  Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL)  Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Marshall-Smith Syndrome  Mastocytosis - Type IV  MECP2 Duplication Syndrome  Medulloblastoma - with metastases Menkes Disease - Classic or Infantile Onset Form  Merkel Cell Carcinoma - with metastases  Merosin Deficient Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) - Late Infantile Mitral Valve Atresia  Mixed Dementias  MPS I, formerly known as Hurler Syndrome  MPS II, formerly known as Hunter Syndrome  MPS III, formerly known as Sanfilippo Syndrome  Mucosal Malignant Melanoma  Multicentric Castleman Disease  Multiple System Atrophy  Myoclonic Epilepsy with Ragged Red Fibers Syndrome  
CAL Conditions (N – R
Neonatal Adrenoleukodystrophy  Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis  Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation - Types 1 and 2  NFU-1 Mitochondrial Disease  Niemann-Pick Disease (NPD) - Type A  Niemann-Pick Disease-Type C  Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia  Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Obliterative Bronchiolitis  Ohtahara Syndrome
Oligodendroglioma Brain Cancer- Grade III  Ornithine Transcarbamylase (OTC) Deficiency  Orthochromatic Leukodystrophy with Pigmented Glia  Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) - Type II  Osteosarcoma, formerly known as Bone Cancer - with distant metastases or inoperable or unresectable Ovarian Cancer – with distant metastases or inoperable or unresectable Pallister-Killian Syndrome  Pancreatic Cancer  Paraneoplastic Pemphigus 
Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)  Pearson Syndrome  Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease-Classic Form  Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease-Connatal Form  Peripheral Nerve Cancer - metastatic or recurrent  Peritoneal Mesothelioma  Peritoneal Mucinous Carcinomatosis  Perry Syndrome  Phelan-McDermid Syndrome  Pleural Mesothelioma  Pompe Disease – Infantile Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma  Primary Effusion Lymphoma 
Primary Progressive Aphasia
Progressive Bulbar Palsy  Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy  Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Prostate Cancer - Hormone Refractory Disease – or with visceral metastases  Pulmonary Atresia  Pulmonary Kaposi Sarcoma  Retinopathy of Prematurity - Stage V  Rett (RTT) Syndrome
Revesz Syndrome Rhabdomyosarcoma  Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata  Roberts Syndrome  
CAL Conditions (S – Z)
Salivary Cancers  Sandhoff Disease Schindler Disease - Type 1
Seckel Syndrome  Severe Combined Immunodeficiency - Childhood  Single Ventricle
Sinonasal Cancer 
Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome  Skin Malignant Melanoma with Metastases Small Cell Cancer (Large Intestine, Prostate or Thymus)
Small Cell Cancer of the Female Genital Tract Small Cell Lung Cancer  Small Intestine Cancer - with distant metastases or inoperable, unresectable or recurrent Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome
Soft Tissue Sarcoma - with distant metastases or recurrent Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) - Types 0 and 1 Spinal Nerve Root Cancer-metastatic or recurrent  Spinocerebellar Ataxia Stiff Person Syndrome Stomach Cancer - with distant metastases or inoperable, unresectable or recurrent Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis  Tabes Dorsalis  Tay Sachs Disease - Infantile Type  Thanatophoric Dysplasia - Type 1  Thyroid Cancer Transplant Coronary Artery Vasculopathy  Tricuspid Atresia  Ullrich Congenital Muscular Dystrophy  Ureter Cancer - with distant metastases or inoperable, unresectable or recurrent Usher Syndrome - Type I
Ventricular Assist Device Recipient - Left, Right, or Biventricular  Walker Warburg Syndrome  Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome  Wolman Disease X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Disease
X-Linked Myotubular Myopathy
Xerodema Pigmentosum
Zellweger Syndrome 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Social Security Expedites Decisions to Those with Serious Disabilities
Released on Tuesday, September 5, 2017  
Nancy A. Berryhill, Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA), announced three new Compassionate Allowances Conditions (CACH).  As result, the conditions are Vanishing White Matter Disease-Infantile and Childhood-Onset Forms, Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy, and Kleefstra Syndrome.  But Compassionate Allowances are a quick way to identify serious diseases.  Since the medical conditions meet Social Security’s standards for disability benefits. Now Social Security Expedites Decisions to Those with Serious Disabilities. 
Yet Social Security committed now and in the future to identify and fast-track diseases that can get approved for disability benefits said Acting Commissioner Berryhill. 
Compassionate Allowances List Grows 
According to the Compassionate Allowance Program, they identify claims for applicant’s disease or condition.  The claims must meet Social Security statutory standard for disability.  Several claims allowed based on medical confirmation of the diagnosis alone.  For example, pancreatic cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and acute leukemia.  However, there are almost 500,000 people with severe disabilities that were approved.  Through the fast-track policy-complaint disability process now grown to a total 228 conditions. 
Since the Compassionate Allowance incorporated that way the agency can easily identify and make quick decisions.  Consequently, other disability cases not covered by the Compassionate Allowances program.  The Social Security’s Health IT program speed up the process by electronic medical records to the disability determination process.  When a person applies for disability benefits then Social Security must get medical records in order to make an accurate determination.  But it may take weeks for healthcare organization to provide medical records for an applicant’s case.  By having electronic records transmission, Social Security can quickly get claimant’s medical information to review and make a determination faster than ever before. 
The Compassionate Allowances and Health IT Programs are making stride to ensure Americans with disabilities quickly receive benefits. 
For more information about the Compassionate Allowance conditions list, please visit https://www.ssa.gov/compassionateallowances/conditions.htm 
Also, go to www.socialsecurity.gov/hit to learn more about the Social Security’s Health IT Program.
You can apply online for disability benefits by visiting www.socialsecurity.gov
To create my Social Security account, please visit www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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The Federal Judge Will Rule On One of These Social Security Disability Verdicts
Remand the Case
The Federal Judge will rule of one these Social Security Disability (SSD) verdicts.  More importantly, the first is Remand the Social Security Disability case back to the Administrative Law Judge.  This occurs when the Federal Judge decides to send your Social Security Disability claim back for another hearing.  For additional review by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).  Yet the Federal Judge will request the ALJ to review specific issues that were not given full consideration by the previous ALJ.
Uphold the Decision
It means when the Federal Judge decides to uphold the original decision made by the ALJ and the Appeals Council (AC).  It’s a likely attempt to appeal again with Federal Circuit Court.  But this time around have a lower chance for approval outcome and fees become more expensive.
Change the Decision
A Federal Judge decided to overturn the decision made by ALJ and AC.  The applicant get approved for disability benefits is very rare decision and should not expected.
Over 70% of the time, Federal Judges uphold the original decision made by the ALJ and AC.  Most of the remaining 30% of the claims will get sent back for review by an ALJ.  Very few Social Security Disability benefits get approved.  
Will I Need an Attorney for Federal District Court?
The appeals process for Federal District courts can get complicated and frustrating. However, the Federal Judges look for legal mistakes made by ALJ’s and included in the briefs.  But if you do not have representation, you will have to write your briefs yourself pointing out how the ALJ made a legal error while making a decision.  Having a disability attorney is necessary for Federal District Court.  If you would like a fighting chance of a positive outcome, I highly recommend finding a disability attorney.  Before you send in a request for federal review.    
How Long Will It Take to Receive a Decision?
It can take up to two years to get a scheduled appeal court hearing before you can get a decision. Due to the ALJ’S have heavy work schedules and constantly busy.  If approved for SSD benefits, you will receive a large one lump sum check for the time you waited to get approved. Then you will begin to receive your monthly benefit checks.  If denied SSD benefits then your last option is to file an appeal with the Federal Circuit Courts. It can be very expensive.
The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://shop.socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Ten States Skip the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Step 
Ten states skip the Social Security Disability Reconsideration step.  However, reconsideration step is between the Social Security Disability (SSD) initial denial and the appeal hearing.  Yet, each state agency reviews the disability case again to see if an approval granted.  But it is often called the first appeal.  In addition, these 10 states only offer the first appeal becomes the Request for Hearing.
Ten States Skip the Social Security Disability Reconsideration Step
1.    Alabama 2.    Alaska 3.    California (Los Angeles North and Los Angeles West Branches only) 4.    Colorado 5.    Louisiana 6.    Michigan 7.    Missouri 8.    New Hampshire 9.    New York 10. Pennsylvania
But keep in mind these 10 steps does not allow you to file a reconsideration.  Yet, I came across this information and shocked to see you cannot file reconsideration in ten states.  So decided to share this important information on my website.  However, print this information for your records.  In conclusion, always get the updated Social Security Disability information from my website.
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Ten tips for winning your Social Security Disability case in federal court
The National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representative Conference (NOSSCR) in San Francisco. During the conference, each presenter gave excellent advice how to be successful in Federal District Court. Below are the ten tips winning your Social Security Disability in Federal District Court. 
Develop a concept of the case at your earliest opportunity.  Yet, every Judge is looking at a case from the first time applied for SSD benefits.  The Judge wants to know why the claimant cannot work.     When filling out Federal District Court forms be specific answering questions about daily activities.     However, your answers should pertain to the theory of the case.    
Get all the medical and test records.  It will make the Administrative Law Judge’s (ALJ) job easier.  If the case goes to Federal District     Court, you want the medical records to specify your impairment.
Submit a written brief to the Administrative Law Judge highlight the important evidence,     clarify the issues, and present your theory of the case.  You may win your SSD claim in front of the ALJ whether than going to Federal District Court.
Deal with unfavorable facts early.  If there are few medical treatment records due to the claimant not having medical insurance and unable go to the doctor?     Make sure you inform the ALJ in the record. That way the Federal     Judge does not have to guess you have no medical treatment records.  The     ALJ’s cannot say a claimant is not severely disabled due to the lack of medical treatment records. 
Get third-party testimony. Claimants can have friends, relatives, as a witness to attend the hearing.  Or submit a     letter describing the claimant’s disability impairments. Third party testimony is helpful in cases dealing with mental impairments or claimants pain level.
Enter into a     voluntary dismissal with government counsel for remand.  If your case can benefit from remand then send a brief letter to the Office of General Counsel.  Also, state why you think they should agree to a remand.  (This advice was given at the NOSSCR, it is not clear how often  it works)
Know the law clerk and court.  Try to find out as much information you can about the federal judge who assigned to your case in district court.  If the same judge decided your Social Security Disability case before then you can give a detailed explanation of the consecutive evaluation in your brief.  
Write a detail comprehensive brief.  Use plain language for the record define-terms.     Even though the judges and law clerks can retrieve legal resources and medical dictionaries.  It is helpful for you to define the medical term in a sentence.  
Creditability.  Follow all the court rules and be honest.  Do not overstate.  
File a reply brief.  Several law clerks will read the reply briefs to find the real issues in a case.     At the hearing you want to persuade the judge to decide in your favor; the reply brief gives you an opportunity to restate your position. 
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Work Hard, Be Humble, And Respectful When Fighting For Your Social Security Benefits
The first thing you should to do is work hard, be humble, and respectful when fighting for your Social Security Disability Benefits.  Having a bad attitude, smart mouth, not getting medical documents, research your medical condition.  No name calling to offend the Social Security Disability Representative because it is not going to get you anywhere.  But your case in a pile.  When someone who is willing to help you with your Social Security Disability (SSD) case.  Do have a million things to do whether than working hard on your case. 
I personally know what attorneys go through with their Social Security Disability clients.  For example, the clients assume the attorney does all the work for them.  Meanwhile, the client does nothing to help their own SSD case.  Instead of sitting around it is your job to collect medical evidence to prove your case too.  It is your responsibility to keep all surgery discharge documents, doctor office visits, hospital documents, and test results etc. for your SSD case.  Also, any letters your attorney ask to write on your behalf for your case.
However, having a bad attitude when you speaking or writing to Social Security or The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR).  When speaking to anyone about your SSD case be nice, polite, and do not express your real bad feelings.  Expressing your real feelings can come out mean and disrespectful.  I know you are stress, mad, having a mental breakdown, and want to get approved right now.  My mother used to tell me “you can catch more flies with honey.”  What that means is being nice for things you want.  So if you do not have any more honey in your body, go to the Dollar Tree and buy some for a $1.00.  Having a bad attitude is not going to get you anywhere.  But having a good positive attitude is going to get you the information you need to get approved.
I would like to tell you a short story about a person who fought their case for 8 years.  So out of the 8 years, this person got denied 2 times, but it he had a good attitude.  He kept fighting until approved for SSD Benefits. It might have taken him 8 years but it paid off for working hard, being humble, and respectful to people,  Now he has learned the SSD process throughout the 8 years of trying to get approved. But it finally paid off of getting approved.
But good behavior will give you an opportunity to increase your chances of getting approved the first time around.  If you like the person above in the story fighting for his SSD Case.  It is so time-consuming when fighting your case, but you must make take time to work on your own case.  For instance, set aside some time each day to work on your case.  You can research your disability in google, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic to print out and give to your attorney or to Social Security Disability for evidence.  Also, go to the Social Security Disability Blue Listing for your impairment or impairments at https://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/AdultListings.htm
On more thing is to write a statement letter describing your disability.  In the statement, the letter includes from the time you get up in the morning from the time you go to bed.  Informed SSD who does your grocery shopping, wash clothes, housekeeping, prepare your meals, take you to doctor visits, bath and dress you etc.  Let Social Security Disability aware of all of your struggles.
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Learn how to secure your disability without an Attorney 
I wish this book was available when I was fighting my Social Security Disability case. Because I would have purchased “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits/Learn how to secure your disability without using an Attorney in a heartbeat.  The price of the eBook is a bargain price of $6.99.  In the Book, it mentioned a test you can take to help increase your chances of getting approved for your disability benefits.  I call it my secret weapon.  Also, the book has other helpful things to do to increase your chances for approval.
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you at http://shop.socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/
For a free 1 hour Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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marie53blr-blog · 7 years
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Why Social Security Disability Sends You to See Their Doctor? 
Why Social Security Disability (SSD) sends you to see their doctor. It depends on your disabling medical condition or conditions.  The (SSD) examiners normally send you to a consultative examination (CE).  If your medical records are inadequate to determine their disability under the Social Security Disability guidelines.
The disability examiner may try to get additional information from your medical sources.  The examiner will contact your medical sources again for clarification information given. Or schedule a consultative examination to see one of their doctors.  However, SSD like to use your personal doctor medical treatment sources for the CE.  If he or she qualified. Equipped and will to perform a CE for an authorized fee.
But Social Security rules given the disability examiner the option to use an independent medical source for the CE or diagnostic test if:
Your doctor does not want to perform the Consultative Examination;
If doctor does not have the equipment to perform Consultative Examination to provide the information disability determination needed;
You decide to go to a different doctor and have a good reason for doing so;
Your doctor is not qualified source for medical  information;
Yet very few consultative medical exams were ever performed by a claimant's own doctor.  Usually, claimants will go to exams conducted by Social Security Disability contracted doctors.  Whom they’ve never met. 
However, if the disability examiner decides that they need more medical information. You make have to go to a consultative examination with a neurologist, physician, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.
The doctor who performs the CE may not specialize in a medical field. That deals with your medical condition. For example, you may have to allege back pain, but the consultative examination doctor may specialize in allergist.  It occurs when the SSD Examiner needs additional information about the limitation of a physical problem. The Social Security sends you to whoever is available in your area to conduct the exam.
Many individuals who have mental illness see someone who specializes in mental conditions. Yet, it means a psychiatrist should be able to do a full psychiatric exam to perform. But it usually means seeing a psychologist that administered a memory test, IQ test or mental status exam is to give.
Make sure the disability examiners have plenty of general medical information with clarification of the medical records.  
Also, if the disability examiners have plenty of general medical information.  But need some clarification of the medical records. Or an additional expert evaluation of an individual’s medical condition. Limitations that’s when an examiner will send you to a specialist for clarification.  Therefore, many disability claimants receive thorough medical evaluations by doctors who specialize in their medical condition.  This only happens when the Disability Examiner is unable to determine your limitations through regular medical treatment records.
Yet, the disability examiner will send you to general consultative examinations performed the CE with a specialist.  These consultative examinations give the disability examiner a general status of your disabling medical condition.  However, many consultative examinations do not lead to approval for SSD benefits.  Unless something like intelligence quotient (IQ) testing.  Or memory testing to evaluate mental functioning because it is not subjective by nature.
After completing the testing and their scores determine the severity of their medical conditions.  Other evaluation of physical conditions, such as back pain, can be far more subjective.
Make sure you have all medical records, test results, a thorough statement about disability limitations from your doctor. Letters from family and friends explaining your disability limitations to avoid going to a consultative examination.
“The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits”
Is your Social Security Disability case at standstill?  Do you want your Social Security Disability case to start moving again? Then my self-help digital eBook “The Practical Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits” for $6.99 can help you.  Go to http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/ and buy the book today.
After you purchase the book, you will get 1 free hour of Social Security Disability Consultation. Please contact me at http://socialsecuritydisabilityandyou.com/contact/
Or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SSDandYou/
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