Marina's breath hitched, she could feel the tension that she's made. She looked up at Austin and stared at his lips for a moment. Is this the right time? Is this rushed? So many thoughts were flowing through her head until she finally let out a sigh.
"Hey Austin..."
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Her head was in the crook in his neck and she took a small sniff. He smelled good, like fresh rain and cherries for some reason. Any ways, Marina found the smell comforting. A small blush was becoming evident in her pale cheeks at their shared body heat, she liked being in his arms...
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"No problem, it was just instinct you know?" Marina realized that she was still on Austin, however she didn't let go afraid he'd get nervous once again, instead she pulled him closer to her.
"Thank you Austin, I've had a nice time with you..."
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Marina's arms instinctively went around Austin's slim form, and she rubbed circles into his back. Pikaboo woke because of the thunder and saw that Patches was squeaking at the sky so he also began to mimic what the older Mimikyu was doing.
"Austin, it's going to be alright, you're not alone and the storm will pass soon..." She said quietly.
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Marina turned her head to the sudden curse Austin had let out, he was looking quite worried and beads of sweat were beginning to form on his head. She placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke softly.
"Hey Austin are you alright? You seem nervous." Just as she finished her sentence the rain poured harder and more sounds of lightning and thunder came over Po Town.
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"Maybe Pikaboo could be like a brother to you Patches.." She softly said while lifting Pikaboo towards Patches, seeing the natural excitement made Marina feel all soft of the inside.
She looked towards the window and saw the rain coming down harder, it really wouldn't be wise to go out now and as she was about to speak, a clap of thunder came down.
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"Thank you!" She then bend her head down and gave a small peck to the now named Pikaboo. "I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time little one." Marina said very softly, careful not to stir Pikaboo from his slumber.
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Marina thought for a moment, "How about Pikaboo?" She suggested. She replayed the name again to the sleeping Mimikyu in her lap so that he may know what his potential name might be.
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Marina took a second to register what Patches was signaling towards, but then it clicked. "A male!" Well, that made her job a lot easier.
"So anything in mind for a name?" She picked up the sleepy little Mimikyu and placed him in her lap and give him a few affectionate strokes and scratches.
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"Aw well that's nice that you fixed her up." Marina smiled at the sight of the tired little baby being picked up by the bigger Mimikyu.
"Hey, since they're both Mimikyu's, Patches should know the gender of the little hatchling, that way we can finally name them!" She perked up and smiled towards Austin.
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"Could I ask why she needed a patch?" There was a story behind the patch, she knew, but why? Curiosity did always kill the cat.
The smaller Mimikyu bounced around happily with the bigger one trailing it, it's excitement got the best of it and so it laid down and closed it's eyes.
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Mimikyu looked up and saw another just like it, it squeaked happily and bounced around the older Mimikyu.
"Aw look at that, fast friends already!" She smiled as she stood up and sat on the couch as her knees where growing tired on the ground. "Her names was Patches right?"
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Marina waited patiently but also reached her hand out to pat the Mimikyu see as all her attention was towards Puffer and not her little hatched bean.
"I'm sure you'll make some great friends here sweetie..." She said with a happy sigh and smiled down towards the ghost type.
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Marina nodded after every squeak wanting to pay as much attention to a new Pokémon.
Mimikyu however squeaked delightfully as it received its own paps.
Marina then turned back to Austin, "Hey, didn't you mention that you had a Mimikyu of your own?"
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Marina took note of the name Austin had just said and continued to pat and scratch the little Oshawatt. "So Puffer, mind telling me why you are so adorable?"
Meanwhile on the couch, the little Mimikyu grew rather jealous that it was not getting any pats so it jumped into Austin arms wanting attention and let out a squeak.
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Marina's eyes glanced over to the sudden noise and her irises increased tenfold. There stood an Oshawatt, she's never been to Unova so seeing one for the first time, one could imagine the excitement.
She quickly rushed over to the small otter and landed softly on her knees, "Hello there little one!" She reached her hand to it's head and began to pat and scratch softly all while squealing the entire time.
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Marina gave a small thank you and a nod of appreciation towards Austin and his mannerisms. She stepped into the home and it seemed quite cozy with a little flair that told her that this was Austin's home, such as the blue wall and the many posters, what caught her eye where the many fossils and fossil figurines.
"What a lovely place Austin!" She saw a couch against the wall and there she settled the Mimikyu down making sure it was comfortable.
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