marinetti-dinner-party · 29 minutes
He wasn’t STRICTLY a fascist (although most people I’ve spoken to ‘round down to’ fascism for him) but I contend that Julius Evola would have fucking loved college sports
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very amusing how Minimalist Sanitized HR Logo design philosophy is just slowly reinventing the aesthetics of fascism
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you don't want a husband-who-is-your-boss, you want to sleep, you want a family who loves you, you want all your needs taken care of, you want to wear dishy little outfits and to pursue your passions. men want these things too btw so, lads, don't think i'm leaving you out
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Tradwife influencers devalue what's historically been women's labor when they paint their lives as easy. If they're selling housewifery and motherhood as easier or more innately rewarding than other kinds of labor, they are lying.
The more honest ones incorporate toil, abstemiousness, and abnegation into the aesthetic. It's the same morbid allure as glamorizing EDs.
The fucking urge to just give up and become a trad wife is SO STRONG
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whenever some liberal professor publishes an “””””analysis”””””” of fascism its always like
Chapter 1: What is Fascism?
fascism is a deviation from progressive and radical liberal democracy. it is the embodiment of Hierarchy (unnatural) and has no class basis. fascism is caused by a charismatic leader. fascism is a cult of personality. often it targets socialists (no clue why) but more importantly it is often racist (not a superstructural evolution from the social relations of imperialism). the ussr was fascist. dont ask me why
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leftists on the internet learned the word ecofascism and immediately started applying it to any form of enviromentalism that might slightly inconvenience them
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Guy who only dates people with a sufficient amount of western steppe admixture; claims to have "kurgan fever"
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Imo media tastes don’t confer political rectitude and lots of Germans back in the day loved Disney cartoons. But it’s still funny. Disney Adolph
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Your comment reminded me the rest of Hitler's personality also revolved around banal mass culture and kid's cartoons
hitler himself was a disney adult. i cant find the photo itself that i used for this collage but look at the highlighted quote
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For the love of god stop
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i know Hindenburg appointed Hitler, a FASCIST, and I know they just took a picture showing they support each other but PLEASE UNDERSTAND that was just for UNITY. We need to KEEP VOTING HINDENBURG to keep the fascists out of TOTAL POWER
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nothing has changed
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Always shocking when I stumble across the conservative/Nazi side of tumblr. This site is dead so they’re posting to an audience of max 200 people. That being said is there a dead end group of leftists on truth social just posting amongst themselves?
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Getting into bonkers pan-Turanism because their music EATS
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