markmedusa · 5 years
Well, that explains the rotting smell that’s been coming from the dorm common area all week. I think you’re a little too good at hiding eggs, either that or no-one was really that into the idea of tracking them down.
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So since I didn’t see anything about an official one, I went ahead and hid a bunch of eggs around campus! But find them quick! I used real ones, not the plastic ones. The only rule is there are no rules! And the hunt begins…. NOW!
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markmedusa · 5 years
Ingrid: So... pajamas are what you sleep in but I sleep in nothing. Do you think I'd get in trouble if I showed up that way? Like, do I have to find fake pajamas for the occasion?
Mark: Wow, Ingrid you can't just text people shit like that. Half the gross ass motherfuckers on campus would take that as a come-on. But yeah, I think you need to find yourself at least like an over-sized shirt to fake it for the occasion unless you want to give FG a heart attack. Don't get me wrong, it'd be hilarious. But they'd probably send you back to the Isle.
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markmedusa · 5 years
I mean Crownbucks is kind of dangerous anyways. Too many teenagers hang out there and your brain starts to rot from listening to their conversations because their voices are too unnaturally high to block out. I mean killing him is one option, but if you did then you’d never be get him to pay to replace your laptop. And maybe it’s different for you, but I definitely couldn’t afford to buy a new one. And definitely not one that’ll actually run the sims.
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It’s official. I am no longer doing schoolwork at Crownbucks. That place is getting dangerous now. The other day, some idiot nearly spilled his coffee on my laptop. I’m serious - the liquid was about an inch or two away from hitting my laptop on the table. I mean, whatever higher power is out there must have been looking out for said idiot. Because if he had actually spilled coffee on my laptop, I would have killed him.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Dude, you can’t just like… scroll past them and leave them up for grabs, though! Do you actually land on properties and not buy them? Marvin Gardens? What was so special about that one? I like the red ones because red’s my favorite color and people always seem to land on that color, but the yellows I swear it seems like people blast past them to go to jail like, every time.
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Why not? When you start bankrupting people later they’ll give them to you as payment anyways. It doesn’t matter that you’re the first to get them, just the last to keep them. I don’t know, I just always liked the name of it as a kid. Although admittedly I thought it was an actual garden, not just a neighborhood in the worst state in Auradon. Black is my favorite color and they don’t exactly have that as a Monopoly option. Well, they must seem that way because no-one bothers to buy them - if there’s no penalty then they seem easy to breeze past. My other strategy is buying up the railroads and utilities.
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markmedusa · 5 years
It’s cool. I mean yeah it kind of sucks when you get blown off like that but I get it. Sometimes you just got too much going on to really hang out or whatever but if you’re still having board game day I would love to join.
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It’s every Sunday for the time being so come on down whenever you feel like it. And, uh, thanks. I’ll try not to blow you off so much in the future but if I do, feel free to call me out and keep me accountable too.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Wow, that’s a cool idea. I’m kind of a sucker for board games, especially Monopoly. I can get pretty competitive with that game. Plus it seems kind of like a nice way to de-stress from classes a little bit so I would love to come and join in on the fun if that’s cool. 
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I think if you don’t get a little crazy during Monopoly there’s probably something wrong with you. Yeah, I mean it’s a good way to get stressed about something else instead. But hey, at least you’ll have a good latte and a bunch of pastries and you’re allowed to talk.
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markmedusa · 5 years
They aren’t that weird, it was mostly the meaning they were giving me. As if I was some kind hybrid or something. Yeah you’re right and I would be too but I recently talked to my dad before the dreams so he was the one person who came to mind. Don’t give him any ideas, Mark. I like music as much as the next guy but performing on stage is not something I would be thrill on doing. You’re missing out man, not only because she’s my sister but really she’s amazing.
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Like an animal-human hybrid? Because in this Twilight Renaissance going on I’m sure there’s someone out there who would fight you to be a werewolf again. Gotcha, well, if it helps disappointing your parents isn’t the end of the world. As the world’s biggest disappointment to my dad, I speak from experience when I say you get over it pretty fast. Okay, I promise not to push the A-Dale Family A-Band too much. Well, as much as I’m sure as you’re not biased at all, I’m kind of maxed out on socialization right now. I’m trying to work more in slowly but damn people are exhausting.
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markmedusa · 5 years
The Ouija board is pretty useless, but it could be exciting stuff trying to talk to spirits that haunt Crownbucks. Probably the spirits of people whose land was taken from them or death my espresso machine. Either or. 
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Uh, I don’t think they took anybody’s land for this Crownbucks. Pretty sure it was a Honey Dew Donuts before. But I’m definitely down to watch you bring a Ouija board and scare the shit out of some of the weak-stomached princesses that show up.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Which probably lent a hand in your flunking, huh? Kidding, don’t get butthurt, especially since I want to take you up on that offer. Not that I’m running away from my problem, just not think about it for an hour or two.
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Well, I think my total and complete ability to ignore the parts of my reality I didn’t like and not showing up to class probably also helped, to be fair. No worries, that’s exactly my kind of humor so bring it on. Yeah, escapism can be a healthy coping mechanism so long as it’s just temporary. You want to smoke or would you rather I whip up some edibles?
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markmedusa · 5 years
Trying to make new friends using board games huh? Gotta say that’s an interesting way to open the lines of communication, especially with Monopoly involved. I’ve heard that game get real competitive. Although now I’m curious to know what Wingspan and Tokaido is? I’ve never heard of those. 
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I figure it gives people something to focus on besides the total awkwardness of talking to someone new. Shared purpose or something. Well, any game can get really competitive. It just depends on the players, really. Wingspan is a game about birds, it’s kind of about their habit and what they eat but it’s also like every bird has a different point value based on how rare it is. And Tokaido is basically a bunch of travelers making their way through Tokyo.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Man, I wish I’d gone most of the semester without any real work. I’m an English major so professors in our neck of the woods love to just spring a five page paper on you just because they’re feeling a discussion.
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Don’t you love it how you’ll go most of the semester without any real work, and then the professors seem to figure out that, they actually need to like do things? So suddenly you have 50 billion assignments due, all in like 3 weeks
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markmedusa · 5 years
Favorite person in the whole world?
I’m trying to be less of a loner but I don’t really have one right now.
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I’m working on it.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
No. I think it’s been made abundantly clear to me that it’s never going to happen. At some point you’ve got to stop living in the past and just look at the future instead.
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markmedusa · 5 years
I don’t blame you Mark some people here are lame. You pull one amazing prank and now you’re the bad guy. Its not my fault some people are flamable. I’ll be there! It doesn’t matter what game you have, I’ll be victorious.
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Prank? What prank? Oh, you’re talking about you and not me. I think most people are flammable. I mean there might be a few people here with freaky water and snow powers but overall. Wow, that sounds like a challenge. I’ll have to find something extra tricky to throw you off.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Oh my gosh!!!! This opens up so many doors!! Okay starting off, I’m totally going to be there next Sunday so get ready. I’ll probably bring some games of my own since board games are…well they aren’t boring really but video games are just so much better! I’d get coffee but coffee always does the total opposite for me! Instead of keeping me up it makes me super super tired and I really don’t get why because that’s not how caffeine is supposed to work. So, I could get coffee but I’ll probably just stick to chocolate milk to save me the sleepies. But just so when I get there it isn’t awkward silences we can start brainstorming some things to talk about now so experiences go! I spend all my time doing mechanics and robotics. I have this little job on the side that I go to on weekends to watch them fix cars it’s really awesome.
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I don’t think Crownbucks is exactly equipped for video gaming, unless they installed some TVs I don’t know about. And either way, do you usually invite yourself to a theme party and attempt to completely swerve it’s direction? Because I’m not big on social etiquette but even I’m pretty sure it’s frowned upon. And I’m not just saying that because I really only enjoy virtual gaming if it’s the Sims. I really don’t know the neuroscience that might be behind that, partially because I’ve never been big on the science side of things and partially because I’ve never been into caffeine since the only options on the Isle were those nasty ass Black as Your Soul lattes. Trust me, those were disgusting enough to turn anyone off coffee forever.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Oh, you know, I just really love the game Candy Land and also The Game Of Life! Do you think there’s any chance anyone would be up to playing those? I don’t think I still have the board games myself, but surly someone still has them. I’ll have to ask around and if not, I’m always good for just grabbing a cup of coffee and spending time with people! You can most definitely count me in.
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Full confession, I don’t think I’ve ever played Candy Land. It was just a little pink for that edgy Isle aesthetic. But someone else was asking about Life too so I’ll have to scrounge that up. Aw man, you don’t have any left? Well, if you threw them out at least some little kid on the Isle is probably having some fun with ‘em. But sounds good, I’ll make sure to save you a seat.
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markmedusa · 5 years
Well that certainly sounds like a nice way to rebuild bridges you seem to have previously burned. It’s always good to expand your social circle. I love Clue, it’s one of my favourite games, but I’ve never heard of Wingspan or Tokaido. Do you have Game of Life, or Payday? If not I’ll see if we still have them next time I go home. 
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Yeah, the ones that aren’t beyond repair at least. Well, Clue seems like a popular pick so we’ll almost definitely have a group playing it. I might have to steal Professor Plum quick before anyone else grabs him. I think I can get my hands on a copy of Life but I don’t know about Payday. I know I used to play it as a kid but is it even in print anymore?
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