markoplayssims · 4 years
Imaginary Boutique shoes for TF
Hi! :)
I made these stuffs a long time ago, I was just waiting for SFS to be completely back, but I decided to share them before I forget these forever. :’)
So! @imaginaryboutique​ always shares amazing shoes for AF simmies, I couldn’t help but wish to have them for my teens as well (same old story
). So I grabbed a few of those and converted them, thank you so much Alice and Illary! ♄ (I tag the original ts4 creators below)
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Nike Air One for TF - Download
4 color options of shoes, each comes with a black jeans, a blue jeans and a pantless version. (original TS4 creation by: @lazyeyelids​)
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AMQ Oversized Sneakers for TF - Download
5 color options of shoes, each comes with a black jeans, a blue jeans and a pantless version. (this is an original Imaginary Boutique mesh :))
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Vans Old Skool for TF - Download
6 color options of shoes, only the black one comes with black and blue jeans, the other colors are pantless only. (original TS4 creation by: @darte77​)
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Espadrilles for TF - Download
9 color options of shoes, with a nice short, so they are can be used with tops and top only dresses as well. :) (original TS4 creation by: @lazyeyelids​)
That’s it for now. Thank you once more for all the wonderful original creators! ♄♄♄
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Better Bubbles - Headline Texture Replacement
- Replaces the default blurry low-resolution Chat, Thought and Yell Headline Bubbles with brand new high-definition textures! ~  (Note: Doesn’t replace any icons, that will be a separate mod which will be released as soon as it’s finished!)
Download Here!
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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✿ [ts2] stefizzi 4t2 conversions ✿
books - 2 swatches
books 02 - 1 swatch
box - 1 swatch
box 01 - 1 swatch
box of junk - 1 swatch
crate - 3 swatches
fitness plant - 3 swatches
folded chair - 5 swatches
piggybank - 4 swatches
still life plant - 3 swatches
suitcase - 5 swatches
credit: stefizzi
❀download❀ -dropbox (SFS will be added later)
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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i can be your angle or yuor devil
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Where there once were two other kids chowing down on substandard cafeteria mac and cheese, now there was only silence. And Ripp Grunt was also there. Gavin looked over towards his guest and gave a weak smile, trying to make small talk, “So... um... tell me about yourself, Ripp.”
Caught off guard by Gavin’s attempt to get to know him, Ripp seemed to carefully dodge giving answers about himself, opting for a different topic. “I live next door to a professional psychic.”
He gave an exaggerated flourish with his hands and put on a bit of a ‘voice’ as he emphasized the words ‘professional psychic,’ and Gavin watched this display with great interest. “Oh, really? That’s cool!”
“No, it’s not.” Ripp replied somewhat sardonically, “I’m pretty sure she’s a scammer. I came to her for life advice, and she just flashed some funky cards at me and charged me twenty simoleons just to show me her Voidcritter card collection or whatever it was. I never went back there again, obviously.”
Gavin’s smile faltered into a look of disappointment from Ripp’s description of the experience.
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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When the teens return home, they bring another one of the Grunt brothers back with them. This time, it’s Ripp, who was far more animated in comparison to his older brother. He was the ‘cool’ one, the ‘funny’ one. The one who controversially wrote ‘Not Tank’ on his personal list of redeeming qualities, alongside ‘knows how to cook spaghetti’ and ‘knows how to fashionably wear a bedhead hairstyle.’
Naturally, since everyone in this group home has an apparent obsession with Don’t Wake The Llama, that’s the first activity Gavin and Ginger share with Ripp. Unfortunately, he’s a bit of a sore loser. “Wow. This game sucks.”
“Just because you lost once doesn’t mean the game sucks.” Ginger interjected. “Your brother took it a lot better when he lost.”
“Who, Buck?” Ripp asked. The more he thought about it, he could easily imagine Buck taking a liking to this game. Ginger rolled her eyes. “No, the other one.”
There was an incredulous look on his face as he took it in. “You can’t be serious.”
Ginger didn’t answer, and neither did Gavin. Ripp looked around at the siblings, his eyes widening. “...Holy shit, you guys are serious.”
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At that, Ripp suddenly burst into raucous laughter, “First of all, Tank is too competitive to lose at anything. Secondly, he doesn’t even know what a board game is. You expect me to believe that he played this weird llama game for babies, and LOST?! That is rich.”
Gavin and Ginger just stared at him, unsure of how to react. They looked at each other, and back at Ripp, who was wiping a tear from his eye and coughing a little bit. “I haven’t laughed like that in years. I needed that, thanks.”
“Your welcome?” Gavin offered, very visibly bewildered.
Once Ripp’s scene was over, the three of them headed into the cafeteria for dinner.
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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afbottomcaprisneaks replaced with 4t2 Boyfriend Jean by @mdpthatsme | Download
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Tuesday rolls around, and Crystal finds herself in a significantly worse mood than yesterday. She was waken up by the shouts of children and the wailing of toddlers, somehow loud enough to reach her on the bottom floor.
So she reluctantly dragged herself out of bed, headed upstairs to potty train the littlest ones, and stared blankly at a wall for twenty minutes as she contemplated her life choices.
That project of hers can’t be finished soon enough.
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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The first day at the orphanage is topped off with the kids having fun.
Erwin and Ginger are among the very small few who have seen Tank Grunt - yes, Tank ‘I Have A Temper Shorter Than My Buzzcut’ Grunt - let loose and share a smile and a few laughs with his peers, as if the moment he stepped into the orphanage, he no longer felt the need to perform his ‘intimidating tough guy’ act.
They used to think he was weird and scary, but now he’s just weird. And they are more than okay with that.
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Behind her bedroom door, Crystal has been working on a secret project at her robotics station. She hasn’t spoken much about this to anyone, not even Lazlo, who keeps offering to help in whatever way he can.
He’s a nice man, and she appreciates the offer, but this particular project is something she needs to do on her own...
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markoplayssims · 4 years
Breakfast Machine
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Once Gallagher won their game - like he always does - the kids head upstairs to do their homework. Since Gavin can’t be in two places at once to help them both, he decides to help his brother with his homework this time.
“This is fine.” Gabriella says to herself, her eyes glazing over as she viewed the amount of increasingly ridiculous ‘Train A and Train B’-esque math problems printed on page one of twenty in her notebook.
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Taking care of one toddler can be difficult, but having to take care of two toddlers while dealing with school and the whirlwind of teenage emotions is very tough. Before they came to the orphanage, Ginger and Gavin split their responsibilities between the toddlers and the kids.
Thankfully, ever since Crystal came into their lives, Ginger hasn’t had to raise her youngest siblings on her own. But just because she’s a Family sim, that doesn’t mean she has to like every second of child-rearing.
She doesn’t always have the energy to cheer when she’s teaching Georgia and Garrett how to use the potty, or when they say a new word. Even Family sims have moments where they don’t like kids... who would’ve guessed?
Crystal is usually taking charge when it comes to teaching the twins their skills, and when she isn’t, she’s always around to help.
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She’s nice, but something about her just feels... fake. Erwin put it best - once saying that she has ‘over-enthusiastic camp counselor’ vibes. She always has a smile on her face and boundless energy. But the bags under her eyes don’t lie. It’s clear, at least to Ginger, that Crystal has bitten off more than she can chew.
Of course, the teens make things easier for her by taking care of the younger ones from time to time. But Ginger took issue with that too. Just because the teens can get jobs doesn’t make them mini-adults. She had half a mind to tell Crystal to hire extra help.
But she didn’t want to be disrespectful, and couldn’t think of a way to say it nicely, so she kept her mouth shut.
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Gabriella and Gallagher were intensely focused on their game of Don’t Wake The Llama, while Jessie seemed less than enthused about having to play this game for the twelfth time this week.
“Can’t we play anything else?” She asked. The other kids looked up from the plastic llama, looking a little hurt by her question.
Gabriella was the first to speak up, “There’s nothing else to play.”
“We have a playground.” Jessie snapped back. “And a chess table!”
“Gallagher doesn’t like to play outside.” Gabriella looked over to her brother, who was fiddling with the strings of his hat and eagerly waiting for his turn to put another stick on the llama’s back. He was intent on winning. “And chess is for two players only, remember?”
Deciding not to press the issue further, Jessie resigned her fate to this plastic llama. “Whatever.”
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Ginger was cleaning up the cafeteria when she turned around to find Tank standing right behind her, with the same neutral expression he always wears. She jumped a few inches out of her skin before she recognized him as her brother’s friend.
Meeting her eyes, Tank smiled. His voice was oddly monotonous as he paid her a compliment. “Hey Ginger, I just wanted you to know that I think you’re really pretty.”
“Uh... thanks. I guess.” Ginger replied. Tank was a notoriously unreadable person, so she didn’t know what to think. “Don’t sneak up on me like that. Please.”
“...Oh.” Tank seemed genuinely apologetic, though his voice was still in that eerie monotone. “Sorry.”
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Erwin Pries teaches local military brat Tank Grunt what fun is.
“It’s the first time I’ve smiled in a month,” Tank admitted both to himself and the person pushing him on the swing, before returning to his default ‘vaguely mean neutral-face’ expression. “Wait, don’t tell anyone I said that.”
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markoplayssims · 4 years
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Gavin brings a familiar face back from school - Tank Grunt, of all people. Perhaps Tank wanted to prove that he was a charitable person and give something nice to the kids at the orphanage.
Or maybe he just wanted to play on their playground, because he spent a lot of time there. Strangetown doesn’t have a park, so I can’t blame him. In fact, all of the teens love to play out there. The kids, weirdly enough, rarely ever do.
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