markrmullan-blog · 8 years
One of the more interesting bugs I encountered today was my first time using the ComponentDidUpdate lifecycle method. Within that, I had called a fetch that caused some weird things on the screen. After some digging, I decided to console log the fetch action, which revealed itself to be caught in a loop, or calling itself recursively, or some other weird behavior. Some additional logic in the lifecycle method helped fix the issue.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Although I ended up falling behind today, I feel like I have a much, much deeper understanding of React Routes, how to structure a website by components, and CSS. Feeling really good about what I learned.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Flexbox is great!
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Good progress today! Almost have functioning channels with associated messages.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Message form completed over the weekend -- things are working!
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Landing page is starting to look good! Don't forget that you can't call asynchronous functions within synchronous loops, as an example. Justify-content: space-between was useful for setting up the top navbar as I had envisioned. The disabled/enabled buttons are awesome.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Front end auth complete. Starting to look and feel like a real app that does nothing!
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-Don't be afraid to use debugger in CDT. Really useful at figuring out where in the flux cycle a bug lives.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today: -start drinking coffee earlier in the day.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-Who am I kidding. No time to talk. Must study and write capstone proposal.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Friday already?
Big takeaways from today:
-addEventListener needs to take a callback. Don't invoke the second argument inside of that!
-const ReactRouter = require('react-router')
-use as many getters as you'd like on the store, from the component within the flux cycle. Stay away from setters.
-When a component first mounts, it doesn't "receive props", so it will not trigger that lifecycle method. Instead, it's just kind of born with props. Plan accordingly.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-store.addListener(this._method) adds a listener on the store such that the view can change/re-render when the store changes. More specifically, it would add this.method to the list of callbacks that are executed when a store emits a change.
-Study more on the controlled component cycle! Want to understand that in more detail.
-Google Images search for React component lifecycle methods to see in which order they are executed.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-React is still super cool.
-Going back and forth between Ruby and Javascript is super confusing!!!
-splice can add or remove elements from an array, depending on what arguments it's passed.
-delete obj.key to delete properties from an object.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-React is a good time.
-Parent state is often passed down to children as a prop.
-.gitignore files are good for ignoring node_modules directories.
-onClick is passed within jsx. Looks like, onClick={this.tabsPressed.bind(this, idx)}
-setInternal takes a callback at first, then an interval, so either pass the former as an anonymous function, or as an object that is not invoked immediately.
-look up new XMLHttpRequest("method", uri) for more details. You can then call onreadystatechange, open, and send on this instance.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-jQuery is cool! Implementing it ourselves gave us a much better understanding of how it actually works. It's basically just POJO.
-window has to have the event listener on it for a hashchange, not the document. This is because the hash is outside of the document itself.
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-$.prop(propertyName, value) to use as a setter.
-event.preventDefault() is used primarily on form submission only.
-.on("keydown") worked well for snake, but .on("input") is way better for any sort of text field or textarea! re: dynamic searches.
-think of .data() as syntactic sugar for .attr().
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markrmullan-blog · 8 years
Big takeaways from today:
-Giving something a display: flex makes it a flex parent, and all of its children flex children. The parent can then have access to flex methods, like justify-content: center, for exampe.
-:not is a pretty neat pseudo class selector.
-case/when statements in Ruby are equivalent to switch/case expressions in JS.
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