markstam · 5 years
Armenian Language/Հայերեն
Armenian is spoken mainly in the countries of Armenia and Artsakh as well as a minority language in a few others like Cyprus, . The Armenian language has a few dialects, mainly split between Western and Eastern. Western is spoken more in the diaspora, and Eastern is mainly centered in Armenia itself. Western was spoken by the Armenians living in Turkey before the genocide. Due to the location, Western Armenian is more influenced by Arabic, Turkish, and Greek while Eastern Armenian is more influenced by Russian. The standardized Eastern Armenian language is based on the Yerevan dialect.
The dialects before the Armenian Genocide
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The distribution of the Armenian language
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The diaspora
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Armenian Alphabet:
The alphabet was invented by Mesrop Mashtots in about 405 AD. Prior to Mashtots’ alphabet, Armenian was possibly written using various scripts. However, there doesn’t seem to be any examples that I can find.
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The differences between the pronunciations
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Armenian has no grammatical gender. It has a complex system of noun declensions, however. They use 7 cases, nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, ablative, locative, and instrumental. They use both singular and plural. Armenian uses 5 moods indicative, conditional, optative/Subjunctive, imperative, and necessitative. They use a very complex system of tense and aspect, and I’m not really qualified enough to go into further detail about that, sorry.
Armenian textbooks on the Mega app/website (go to the Indo European tab, then go to other, and there are the pdf textbooks)
Armenian dictionary Wiktionary
Babadada online visual dictionaries
Mango Languages 
(special thanks to @languagesandshootingstars​ for those resources from her post)
Masterpost by @wonderful-language-sounds​
A post by @armenian langblr about recommended music in Armenian
Omniglot is amazing, and it has some links for learning Armenian
Their article on the language itself 
Eastern Armenian phrases 
Western Armenian phrases 
Wikipedia page on Armenian
Eastern Armenian Wikipedia
Western Armenian Wikipedia
Armenian Braille 
Wikipedia in Armenian
YouTube videos:
Peace corps Armenian 
I Love Languages! Armenian language videos
Armenian compared to Greek and Albanian
Another Wikitongues 
Heghineh Cooking Show in Armenian 
Ben DuMonde’s video on Armenian 
17 minute Languages Armenian course 
Armenian Punctuation 
Learn Western Armenian 
SHAKAR Academy Western Armenian 
Tumblrs I really like (I’ll probably add more later)
The governments that recognize the Genocide
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Today we remember the atrocities committed on the Armenian population by the Turkish government. Millions of Armenians were killed, sent on death marches through the Anatolian deserts, and forced into exile. This genocide lasted from 1914-1923, but the scars still last to today. The Turkish government still doesn’t recognize the genocide, and they actively deny that it happened. It is important that we learn about it and recognize it, so no ones experience gets forgotten and so we can prevent it from happening again in the future. I’m privileged that my family (as far as I know) wasn’t affected (I only know that my Great Great Grandfather was Armenian, but I don’t really know about anyone else in his family). However my heart goes out to everyone who was affected. Sorry if I didn’t do the best job explaining the language or the genocide. Please correct me if I said anything wrong, and feel free to add anything! 
Later posting note: I don’t really know how to work the desktop Tumblr, so if I did anything wrong please correct me. The pictures didn’t save, and I don’t want to download them onto my brothers computer so I’ll try and edit them in later. Lastly, even though it’s no longer the remembrance day, please, reblog the posts about it, educate yourself on it, tell your friends about it, and let’s work towards getting the Armenians the justice that they deserve. I love you guys, and sorry for the huge difficulty posting all of this! Again, let me know if I should add, change, or if I was wrong about certain parts of this!!!
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markstam · 5 years
Harry Potter Vocabulary in Romanian - Chapter 1
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o bufniță [f] - an owl
o coadă [f] - a tail
o pelerină [f] - a cape
o pisică [f] - a cat
un motan [m] - a male cat
o hartă [f] - a map
o știre [f] - a piece of news
o sarcină [f] - a burden, a mission
o motocicletă [f] - a motorcycle
o scrisoare [f] - a letter
o brichetă [f] - a lighter
o legătură [f] - a link
o explicație [f] - an explanation
oboseală [f] - tiredness, fatigue
un secret [n] - a secret
un mister [n] - a mystery
un buzunar [n] - a pocket
un bec [n] - a light bulb
un gard [n] - a fence
ciudat - strange, bizarre
înalt - tall
subțire - thin
neașteptat - unexpected
ușurat - relieved
sălbatic - wild
faimos - famous
groaznic - horrible
întunecat - dark
nemișcat - motionless
nedorit - undesirable
obișnuit - ordinary
… and lastly, just for fun …
șerbet de lămâie - sherbet lemon
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markstam · 6 years
reblog this post with how do you say nurse with a hook in your native language
mine is enfermera con un garfio
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markstam · 6 years
St. Patrick’s Day Vocab🇮🇪
|| NOUNS ||
english 한국어 deutsch
St. Patrick’s Day 성패트릭 기념일 Heilige Patricks Tag
rainbow 무지개 der Regenbogen
gold 금 das Gold
red/ginger hair 빨간 머리 das rotes Haar
leprechaun 레프러컨 das Heinzelmännchen
Ireland 아일랜드 Irland
Irish/Gaelic (language) 아일랜드어 irische
festival 축제 das Fest(ival)
four leaf clover/shamrock 토끼풀 das Kleeblatt
trinity 삼위 일제 die Dreifaltigkeit
music 음악 die Musik
tradition 전통 die Überlieferung
jig 지그 der Jig
harp 하프 die Harfe
fiddle 제금 die Geige
family 가족 die Familie
potato 감자 die Kartoffel
cabbage 양배추 der Kohl
corned beef 콘드 비프 das Corned Beef
irish coffee 아이리시 커피 der Irish Coffee
beer 맥주 das Bier
pub 퍼브 die Kneipe
saint 성인 die Heilige
St. 성 St.
luck 운 das Glück
lucky 운이 glücklich
Irish 아일랜드 irisch
traditional 전통의 herkömmlich
gold/golden 황금빛의 golden
green 녹색 grün
orange 오렌지색 orange
celtic 겔트 keltisch
|| VERBS ||
to dance 춤추다 tanzen
to feast 즐기다 feiern
to celebrate 축하하다 feiern/zelebrieren
to pray 기도한다 beten
to gather 모이다 sich versammeln
pls comment about any mistakes!
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markstam · 6 years
Eurovision 2019 song titles in Welsh
🇦🇱 Albania/Albania - Dychwelwch Y Ddaear
🇦🇲 Armenia/Armenia - Cerdded Mas
🇦🇺 Australia/Awstralia - Sero Disgyrchiant
🇦🇹 Austria/Awstria - Terfynau
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan/Aserbaijan - Gwirionedd
🇧🇾 Belarus/Belarws - Hoffi E
🇧🇪 Belgium/Gwlad Belg - Deffro
🇭🇷 Croatia/Croatia - Y Freuddwyd
🇨🇾 Cyprus/Cyprus - Ailchwarae
🇨🇿 Czech Republic/Y Gweriniaeth Tsiec - Ffrind I Ffrind
🇩🇰 Denmark/Denmarc - Cariad Am Byth
🇪🇪 Estonia/Estonia - Storm
🇫🇷 France/Ffrainc - Brenin
🇫🇮 Finland/Y Ffindir - Edrych I Ffwrdd
🇬🇪 Georgia/Georgia - Ewch Ymlaen
🇩🇪 Germany/Yr Almaen - Chwiorydd
🇬🇷 Greece/Gwlad Groeg - Cariad Well
🇭🇺 Hungary/Hwngari - Fy Nhad
🇮🇸 Iceland/Gwlad Yr Iâ - Bydd Casineb Yn Parhau
🇮🇪 Ireland/Iwerddon - 22
🇮🇱 Israel/Israel - Cartref
🇮🇹 Italy/Yr Eidal - Arian
🇱🇻 Latvia/Latfia - Amser Hyn
🇱🇹 Lithuania/Lithwania - Rhedeg Gyda'r Llewod
🇲🇹 Malta/Malta - Chameleon
🇲🇩 Moldova/Moldofa - Aros
🇲🇪 Montenegro/Montenegro - Nefoedd
🇲🇰 North Macedonia/Gogledd Macedonia - Balch
🇳🇴 Norway/Norwy - Ysbryd Yn Yr Awyr
🇵🇱 Poland/Gwlad Pwyl - Tân Cariad
🇵🇹 Portugal/Portiwgal - Ffonau Symudol
🇷🇴 Romania/Rwmania - Ar Un Ddydd Sul
🇷🇺 Russia/Rwsia - Sgrech
🇸🇲 San Marino/San Marino - Dweud Na Na Na
🇷🇸 Serbia/Serbia - Coron
🇸🇮 Slovenia/Slofenia - Dy Hun
🇪🇸 Spain/Sbaen - Y Mwgwd
🇸🇪 Sweden/Sweden - Rhy Hwyr I Cariad
🇨🇭 Switzerland/Y Swistir - Mae Hi'n Gwneud I Mi
🇳🇱 The Netherlands/Yr Iseldiroedd - Arcêd
🇬🇧 United Kingdom/Y Deyrnas Unedig - Yn Fwy Na Ni
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markstam · 6 years
Tips for learning a new language!
It doesn’t matter if it is french, italian, spanish or russian, if you like a language, LEARN IT!
• READ OUT LOUD. Reading out loud can really help you improve your pronunciation, and you can definitely have more vocabulary after reading a good book or article you’re interested in. Do not feel insecure about the speed, just focus on the right pronunciation, even if it takes you an hour to read just one sentence, it is definitely worth it.
• STUDY VOCAB! Having a good vocabulary is key, try to have a word of the day, or maybe weekly new words. I recommend flashcards, they are AMAZING for new vocabulary.
• PRACTICE. Practicing is the most important part of learning a new language, no language is easy, but practice definitely makes everything easier! Just try new ways of practicing, get extra help, talk to yourself, join a club or simply put some of your daily effort into it.
• FIND MOTIVATION. Maybe you want to travel to another country, move somewhere else, understand a tv show, or be able to sing a song in another language. Why are you learning this new language?
• SET GOALS. How far do you want to go with the language? Speaking? Listening? Writing? Or all of them?
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markstam · 6 years
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Sternzeichen - zodiac signs
♈ - Widder (ram) means Aries
♉ - Stier (bull) means Taurus
♊ - Zwilling(e) (twins) means Gemini
♋ - Krebs (word for both cancer and crayfish) means Cancer
♌ - Löwe (lion) means Leo
♍ - Jungfrau (virgin, in old times used to refer to young women) means Virgo
♎ - Waage (scales) means Libra
♏ - Skorpion (scorpion) means Scorpio
♐ -Schütze (this nowadays refers mainly to people with guns, but in old times referred to people shooting with bow and arrow) means Sagittarius
♑ - Steinbock (ibex, apparently. it’s an animal) means Capricorn
♒ - Wassermann (literally translated: water man) means Aquarius
♓ - Fische (fish, plural) means Pisces
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markstam · 6 years
Arctic vocabulary [EN-FI-SE]
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arctic (adjective) - arktinen - arktisk
arctic circle - pohjoinen napapiiri - norra polcirkeln 
northern (adjective) - pohjoinen - norra
polar night - kaamos - polarnatt
midnight sun - keskiyön aurinko - midnattssol
aurora borealis - revontulet - polarsken
ice - jää - is
iceberg - jäävuori - ett isberg
fell - tunturi - ett fjäll 
snow - lumi - snö
snowstorm - lumimyrsky - en snöstorm
avalanche - lumivyöry - en lavin
permafrost - ikirouta - permafrost
cold - kylmä - kall
to freeze - jäätyä - frysa
to melt - sulaa - smälta
darkness - pimeys - mörker
forest - metsä - en skog
sea - meri - ett hav
reindeer - poro - en ren
polar fox - naali - en fjällräv
snowy owl - tunturipöllö - en fjällugla 
polar bear - jääkarhu - en isbjörn
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markstam · 6 years
how to order ice cream in swedish
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it may not be ice cream season in big parts of the world right now, so that’s a good reason to hone your skills and perfect your ability to order ice cream in sweden!
basics: glassen - ice cream kulglassen - the ice cream you can make cones of, literally “marble (as in a ball) ice cream” gräddglassen - ice cream made from cream mjukglassen - soft serve ice cream  sorbeten - ice cream sorbet isglassen - popsicle (literally ice ice cream) kulan - scoop ekologisk - organic hemmagjord - home-made
because some people are allergic laktosfri (adjective) - free from lactose mjölkfri - free from milk fri från nötter / utan nötter - free from nuts / without nuts kan innehålla spår av nötter - “may contain traces of nuts” sockerfri / utan socker - free from sugar / without sugar glutenfri - without gluten innehåller [ägg, mjölk, laktos, sesamfrön…] - contains [eggs, milk, lactose, sesame seeds…]
now, how to order: “jag skulle vilja ha …” - i would like.. “skulle jag kunna få…?” - could i have…?
en strut - a cone; in scania this means specifically and only waffle cones, in the rest of sweden it may mean waffle cones or these abominations ett rån - a waffle cone (fun fact “rån” also means “robbery”) en våffla - a waffle cone (literally “a waffle”, don’t worry, people will understand you) en bägare - a cup, usually a paper cup strössel (definite form: strösslet) - sprinkles chokladsås / kolasås / jordgubbssås - chocolate sauce / caramel sauce / strawberry sauce 
“jag skulle vilja ha en bägare/en våffla med en kula / två/tre/fyra kulor” - “i would like a cup/a waffle cone with one scoop / two/three/four scoops”
let’s add some flavor… smaken - flavor
(these are all real flavors i’ve seen, some are more common than others) choklad - chocolate jordgubb - strawberry (flavor), a stawberry is called “jordgubbe” vanilj - vanilla nougat - nougat päron - pear  blåbär - blueberry lakrits - licorice saltlakrits - salty licorice citron - lemon fläder - elderberry hallon - raspberry persika - peach romrussin - rum and raisins (usually doesn’t contain alcohol) ägglikör - it’s just gross eggnog (usually doesn’t contain alcohol either) mörk choklad - dark chocolate vit choklad - white chocolate mjölkchoklad - milk chocolate apelsinchoklad - chocolate and oranges mintchoklad - mint and chocolate hallon saltlakrits - raspberry and salty licorice melon - melon kaffe - coffee grönt te - green tea polka(gris) - candy cane flavor, minty dulce de leche - dulce de leche kladdkaka - usually mudcake flavored ice cream with small bits of mudcake in it marängsviss - apparently called eton mess in english; usually vanilla or banana ice cream with bits of meringue, some caramel sauce and with banana flavor passionsfrukt - passion fruit kakdeg - cookie dough ingefära - ginger kaktus - cactus viol - violet saffran - saffron regnbåge - “rainbow”; usually an ice cream mixing several fruit flavors such as strawberry, melon and blueberry körsbär - cherry krossad choklad - “crushed chocolate”; usually vanilla ice cream with small chocolate pieces
now, here’s my to-go order which you can form your own after. “jag skulle vilja ha en strut med två kulor. en kula choklad och en kula mintchoklad” - “i would like a cone with two scoops. one scoop of chocolate and one scoop of mint chocolate.”
some useful sentences “har ni laktosfri glass?” - do you have ice cream without lactose? “är er glass ekologisk/närproducerad?” - is your ice cream organic/locally produced? “kan jag få smaka på [valfri smak]?” - can i have a taste of [insert any flavor]? “gör/säljer ni delade kulor?” - do you make/sell split scoops? (some ice cream places count two smaller scoops as one normal sized scoops which means you can try more flavors but you’ll get less of them. not all places do this!) “jag älskar glass” - i love ice cream “glass är livet” - ice cream is life
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markstam · 6 years
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Finnish. it will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! if you have any issues or things to add, please reply to this post!
about world languages
fun facts
introduction by @ayearinlanguage
language breakdown by @linguisticsbunker
learning profile
playlist of samples
the finnish language [video]
“this user is learning finnish” userbox
world atlas of language structures
Keep reading
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markstam · 6 years
ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi - the basics
The Hawaiian language is as interesting as it is complicated, and it’s impossible to travel to the Hawaiian islands without encountering it in some form or another. Whether it’s on street signs, landmarks, or simply trying to explain which island you’ll be visiting, you will be using the language in some way during a visit.
Let’s start with the basics:
The Hawaiian language consists of 13 letters, including five vowels, seven consonants, and a glottal stop known as an `okina.
Vowels are usually pronounced in much the same way one would expect to pronounce them in Spanish:
a ——> “ah”
e ——> “eh”
i ——-> “ee”
o ——> “oh”
u ——> “ooh”
Consonants in the Hawaiian language are:
And lastly, there’s the `okina. The `okina represents a glottal stop. Say the phrase “uh-oh” out loud. Do you hear the little break between “uh” and “oh”? That’s a glottal stop. The `okina is represented with a ` , similar to a backwards apostrophe. Not all fonts allow for this, though, so a regular apostrophe is often used in its place.
All consonants in the Hawaiian language are followed by a vowel. That is to say, a word cannot end in a consonant, and two consonants cannot be written or spoken together.
It is possible, though, to have two vowels next to each other. Similar vowels, like two a’s, will have an `okina between them, like in the word “ʻaʻā” (pronounced “ah-ah”), which means “stony, rough lava.” Dissimilar vowels, on the other hand, lead a speaker to form different vowel sounds that are not possible using the standard vowels on their own. “Pau,” for example, is often used today to mean “done” or “finished,” and is pronounced like the English word “pow.” Similarly, “Lanikai” on the island of O`ahu, is pronounced “lah-nee-kye.”
The individual vowels are still pronounced, but because of the way they are spoken together, they form a different sound. Take “pau” again, for instance. Technically, it’s pronounced “pah-ooh,” but when spoken, it forms a “pow” sound like we use in English.
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(Photo via Wikipedia)
Captain Cook discovered the Hawaiian islands in 1778, marking the first time the language had ever been heard by Europeans. Prior to discovery, and for a period of time immediately afterwards, the Hawaiian language had no written representation other than picture symbols in the form of petroglyphs.
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(Photo via maiabegiashvili.blogspot.com)
It wasn’t until the arrival of other Europeans and protestant missionaries in the early 1800s that the Hawaiian language took a written form. The missionaries used written language as a means of spreading their religion, and interestingly, it led to a nearly 100% literacy rate, a feat which many countries today have trouble emulating.
These missionaries weren’t all good for the language, though. Many of the missionaries discouraged the use of the Hawaiian language, and many parents saw the language as a barrier to success for their children. As a result, the number of Hawaiian speaking individuals dropped from 37,000 to just 1,000 around the turn of the 20th century.
This loss of culture led to a revival for the language, though, and in 1949, the first Hawaiian-language dictionary was printed. Also around this time, Hawaiian-immersion preschools began to form, which took English-speaking children and put them into a formal schooling environment in which the Hawaiian language was used.
Still, in 1997, there were only 2,000 native speakers of Hawaiian left in the islands. The late 90s and early 2000s brought a new push towards reviving the language, and its numbers are now above 24,000.
The island of Ni`ihau, is currently the only location in the world where the Hawaiian language is predominant. On Ni`ihau, children are raised speaking Hawaiian, and around the age of 8, they begin to learn English. The preservation of the language on this island is only possible because of its status as a privately owned property and the fact that outsiders are prevented from communicating with residents.
While there are many more nuances to the Hawaiian language, these are simply the basics. After reading this, you should be able to pronounce street names like Waiānuenue Avenue, Kawaihae Road, and Haleakalā Highway, right?
Maybe not yet, but with a little practice you could do so without any trouble at all.
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markstam · 6 years
ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi Nā Painu 1 (Hawaiian Verbs 1)
ua + verb - perfective mood
(ex: ua hana au - i worked/i have worked)
(extra note: ʻuaʻ is often omitted in speech)
 e + verb + ana - imperfective mood 
(ex: e hana ana au - i was working/i will be working)
ke + verb + nei - present progressive tense 
(ex: ke hana nei au - i am working)
e + verb - imperative mood or future tense 
(ex: e hana au - i will work / e hana ʻoe - work!)
mai + verb - negative imperative mood
(ex: mai hana ʻoe - donʻt work!)
i + verb - past tense or perfect participle
(ex: i hana au - i worked / i hana - having worked/who have worked)
ke + verb - infinitive
(ex: ke hana - to work/to do)
verb + ʻia - passive mood
(ex: ua hana ʻia ka honua e ka Haku - The world was created by the Creator.)
Post-Verbal Markers:
verb + mai - ʻtowards the speakerʻ
verb + aku - ʻaway from the speakerʻ
verb + iho - ʻdownʻ
verb + aʻe - ʻupʻ or ʻadjacentʻ
stative verb + iā + agent - ʻagent markerʻ
Causative Verbs are formed by adding the prefix ʻhoʻoʻ to nouns and adjectives.
nani (pretty) + hoʻo = hoʻonani (to beautify)
nui (large) + hoʻo = hoʻonui (to enlarge)
hui (club) + hoʻo = hoʻohui (to form a club)
Reduplication is used to add emphasis or slightly modify a word.
ʻau (to swim) becomes ʻauʻau (to bathe)
haʻi (to say) becomes haʻihaʻi (to speak back and forth)
maʻi (sick) becomes maʻimaʻi (chronically ill)
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markstam · 6 years
Word Of The Day  - PILLOW
oreiller (m)
poduszka (f)
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almohada (f)
polštář (m)
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vankúš (m)
cuscino (m)
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markstam · 6 years
Hawaiian Language Resources
I’ve found a pretty good amount of ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi resources and here’s the list of what I’ve found (so far)!
English-Hawaiian Dictionaries: https://glosbe.com/en/haw/ http://www.majstro.com/Web/Majstro/bdict.php?gebrTaal=eng&bronTaal=eng&doelTaal=haw&teVertalen= http://wehewehe.org/
Information About Hawaiian Culture and the Language: http://www.alternative-hawaii.com/menu.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_language
Hawaiian Alphabet, Numbers and Colors: http://www.alternative-hawaii.com/alpha.htm https://www.omniglot.com/language/numbers/hawaiian.htm https://www.quia.com/jg/1705313list.html
Also This Great YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5L-lrxrnB611EHqFWA6xHg/featured
I hope this post helps anyone who wants to study or has already begun studying ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi I’ll be updating as I find new resources!
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markstam · 6 years
disney’s moana in hawaiian
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ocean // moana
pig // puaʻa
chicken // moa
spirit // akua
island; boat // moku
toward the sea // makai
ancestor // kupuna
spiritual power // mana
star // hōkū
coconut // niu
necklace // lei
voyage // huakaʻi
reef // papa
warrior // koa
heart // puʻuwai
life // ola
flower // pua
chief // aliʻi
village // kūlanakauhale
wave // nalu
waterfall // wailele
shell // pūpū
rock // pōhaku
fisherman // lawaiʻa
stingray //  hīhīmanu; lupe
crab // pāpaʻi
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markstam · 6 years
i’ve just started hawaiian in duolingo, i guess that’s what we’re doing in 2019
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markstam · 6 years
English: I’ve had enough of you!
Swedish: you have planted your last potato!
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