markwearsdiapers · 7 months
A New World - Chapter One
The store was empty except for the clerk standing behind a long counter focused on a computer screen. Seemingly disinterested in my presence, I walked down the middle isle to the back where my pulse began to rise. It was just a few days ago that my boyfriend Andrew and I were in the store shopping for a baby shower gift for our friends Gary and Lance. They had introduced Andrew to me a few months prior and we were excited for them as they had recently been successful in adopting a baby. I took to Andrew immediately, initially attracted to his chiseled features and toned body but soon discovered we also had a lot in common, not to understate that he was a fantastic top, perfect for a devote bottom like myself. While Andrew discussed ideas with the clerk, I had drifted about the store before coming across a section at the rear that was slightly cut off. I had stared in confusion at the shelves filled with oversized onesies, big diapers, and items that seemed more in line for perhaps Halloween.
This time I would have more opportunity to explore the unusual offerings and my head was spinning as I tried to decipher what I was looking at. The bags of diapers were humongous with some pure white while others had me more curious as they appeared to replicate the baby diapers found at the front of the store. The onesies looked like they would fit a giant let alone a smaller guy like myself. Surprisingly, I felt my crotch twitching as I placed my hand on a few of the items not understanding my response.
“The lower shelf is all clearance, no returns,” came a voice from behind leaving me startled. I had not noticed the clerk walking over and jumped back.
“Oh, pardon. No, I was um. Here, I wanted to exchange this item for a yellow one if I could,” I said trying to play down my initial reaction. I stepped into an adjacent isle while offering him the bag I had brought in.
The clerk took the bag and pulled out the baby outfit Andrew had selected the previous visit.
“Ah yes, I recall now. You were here with your friend the other day. He seemed pleased with the choice.”
As I continued to move away from the back of the store, the clerk spoke again.
“Ok, policy is no refunds but exchanges are fine. These are in the front isle of the store,” he noted as if to imply that I must have known. I headed to the front as the clerk continued talking.
“Just bring what you decide to the counter and I will be happy to exchange it.”
Trying to maintain my composure, I picked up a yellow outfit and returned to the counter. The clerk seemed to not notice my discomfort as he rang up the exchange and handed me the new item.
“Anything else I can help with today, or questions?”, he asked as he looked over to the back isles suggestively.
I had a few but none I was prepared to offer up. I felt silly for coming back in and was now focused on how I was going to explain to Andrew that I had exchanged the gift. I politely declined the offer and thanked the clerk before heading out.
Three months had passed and Andrew and I were in full stride. I never mentioned exchanging the gift and Andrew appeared not to notice when it was opened. As for the store, it had become a distant memory. We had hardly seen Lance and Gary since the arrival of their child but unlike our friends we were both not ready to settle down let alone bring up children. We were content with enjoying each other’s company and of course the great sex.
By now I had discovered that Andrew was pretty set in his ways and being out of face lotion was in his mind a crisis so we were heading to a Pharmacy prior to our way to dinner. I followed him down an isle where he stopped and began looking at the options. In typical fashion he checked each one meticulously while I knew he would of course select the same brand as always. As he did his thing, my focus drifted to the opposite side of the isle that was full of adult incontinent products. I instantly recalled the unusual diaper selection at the back of the baby store and began comparing the inventory. So generic and medicinal I thought compared to the other store offerings. Depends seemed to have the most shelf space but a few brands labeled ‘with tabs’ caught my attention and I tried to look casual as I looked over the packaging for details.
Andrew’s hand came to rest on my shoulder. “We have a few years yet before we will be needing those!” exclaimed Andrew as I felt a rush of blood come over my face. Andrew could not help but notice and laughed.
“You crack me up, are you blushing? – Ah, maybe you are into them.”
I froze before Andrew laughed, “Man, I am teasing you. I hear some people are into them but to each his own.”
Taking Andrew’s hand from my shoulder, I laughed with him but was uncomfortable and decided to turn the focus back to Andrew.
“Ah, and I see you picked the same moisturizer as always. To each his own.”
“Good one,” said Andrew smirking while giving my ass a light pat. He headed to the cash, but as I followed I could not resist one last glance back to the diapers on the shelf and wondered to myself why I was so awkward for having looked them over.
That night, I lay wide awake left thinking about Andrew’s reaction in the pharmacy. Something about how he said, ‘maybe you are into them’ had left me perplexed. What did he mean some people are into them, that seemed ridiculous? I pulled out the tablet that we shared from the night table and went into private mode. Unsure of what I was looking for, I simply typed, ‘into diapers’. My eyes lit up and it was hours before I finally set the tablet down and cuddled up into Andrews back. I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and drifted off but now knew for sure that I would be returning to the baby store.
I was into diapers.
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markwearsdiapers · 9 months
I never thought of myself as a bad person, but I suppose my behaviour was questionable and now this had become my destiny. I looked through the row of thick bars that held me in my confinement barely able to see with the lighting so dim. The eerie shadowing on the walls gave off only a small sense of the outside world that was kept from me, but I could hear evidence of activities that I was no longer privileged to. In denial that this had become my fate, I grabbed onto the bars and brought my face into them recalling life before I was placed into such a solitary space. How cruel a place with not a convenience left to behold.
I looked around hoping that perhaps I would not be forced to face the inevitable, determined that somehow today would be different, and with this naive thought I moved back and sat crossing my legs. The floor was of an unusual nature, not unlike my workout room but more slick and softer. A noise from afar startled me. I knelt up again grabbing onto the bars and looking around for something to thrust across them desperate to gain the attention of someone out there who might respond. But the outer world remained empty as the best I could was bang the bars with my hands in vain.
Jumpsuits are the main attire in these places, not uncomfortable but nothing like what I should be accustomed to, seemingly designed to remove any notion of identity or perhaps reinforce one. The noise of the outside world was becoming louder giving me hope. It seemed forever since I had last seen daylight and the discomfort from my isolation was quite apparent. As the sounds intensified I pressed up closer to the bars that held me captive before feeling a warm sensation taking over my body. I pulled back, confused at first and then distraught that I had come so close and yet had somehow failed. I no longer longed to be discovered but dreaded the noise as it so obviously approached. A door pushed open and my eyes squinted with resistance from the light that bled into my prison. I could see the outline of an image approach and gasped in embarrassment as the gate that held me with such oppression opened. The image slowly came into focus and my head lowered.
“Oh my. You have been a busy little one. Let’s get you out of that mess there.”
I was taken from my cell to a long table where I was laid onto my back. My jumpsuit was unsnapped and my legs released as I looked to the wall in despair. I was so close. Just a few more minutes and perhaps all of this would be so unneeded. But I had failed. With my legs free, the tapes of my soiled diaper were torn open to expose a night of activity.
“Dear dear, we have our work cut out for us,” echoed a comforting voice as a series of warm wipes pressed across my soiled bottom. My legs were raised high and I could feel the warmth of the wipe running across my bottom into sacred spaces that in other situations would have felt violating but now was only welcoming. With my soiled diaper removed, I instinctively raised my bum in anticipation of the fresh diaper that slid under my bottom. My eyes had remained closed, but with the enchanting scent of baby powder filling the air I glanced down to see my diaper being pulled up and wrapped snuggly around my crotch before being securely fastened in place.
My legs were placed back into my sleeper and I was sat up with a big hug welcoming the morning. The nightmare was over. I hopped down from the table only to be stopped as the the snaps of my outfit were still in need of fastening. A swift swat on my diapered bottom was full of affection and a new day was set to begin, leaving the bars behind at least until nap time came around.
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markwearsdiapers · 4 years
A short Story from the past
( apologies for the Tumblr lack of formatting)
 “This is odd.”
 The room was warm with a slight breeze making its way in as the window rested slightly ajar. The curtain fluttered leaving a pattern of blue and yellow blocks to dance in the air.
 “My legs are stuck. Why can’t I see?”
 The sound of crinkling was noticeable with every shift of the bed and other than the curtain rhythmically slapping the window, there was deafening silence. 
 “Am I dreaming? I feel awake, but my hands, they are so hot.”
 The crinkle intensified and the sound of banging was evident as the bed clanked against the wall.
 “Holy shit, surely I am dreaming. My legs, they feel heavy and for fucks sake, my arms. Am I bound? Why can’t I see?”
 The bed continued to bang up against the wall drowning out the crinkle as it swayed side to side.
 “My thumbs, is that tape? Why are my hands taped up? Shit, I can’t see fuck.”
 “OUCH, god damn it, my face! I hit my face with something, something on my wrist. If I am dreaming, I sure felt it. Perhaps it was a watch, but how is that possible? I don’t wear a watch. I need to wake up!”
 The clanking of the bed intensified as the attempts to move became more panic like.
 “Fucking hell, I need to see. Where am I? I can’t talk. My mouth. I can’t open it.  Is it taped as well? Where is Manny?”
 Becoming still,  the bed stopped moving and the crinkling ceased leaving just the warm breeze to run over the bed. With the stillness, breathing had become notably heavier.
 “Shit. Manny! Is he ok? We were together, Yes, we were together at the party last night, but then what. Did he leave? Did I leave? Where the fuck am I?”
The bed crashed against the wall as an attempt to turn was made and a loud grunt interrupted the silence that had momentarily consumed the air.
 “Manny. Is he in trouble? I have to find Manny.”
 The room became a war zone as the bed slammed over and over into the wall. The sound of a falling board brought it to a halt and the room went still.
 “Did something break? Was that  thunder?  Do I hear rain? No, it was too close. It sounded right beside me. A door, a book, something fell. I have to get my eyes open. Where am I?”
 “Who’s that, who’s there? I hear you. What are you doing, where is Manny?”
 The stagnant breeze was replaced by a warm breath as its presence moved in. The bed went still with only the sound of the curtains hitting the wall keeping the room from total silence.
 “This is not good. I know you are there. Say something. Fuck, I am mumbling, you need to hear me. TAKE OFF THIS GAG!”
 “Oh shit! My face! What, I am to lie hear quiet. Fuck that. WHO IS THERE!
 SLAP !!
 “Wait. Perhaps I am being rescued. Maybe he won’t speak because he has to be quiet. Maybe I have to be quiet! That must be it. I am being saved.”
 “Crap, That is bright. I can see but it’s blurred. I have to focus, but it is not possible. What is that noise? Why is everything blurred?”
 “I hear you. I hear your footsteps. Why are you circling me and why am I blinded? The light, it must be on.  Yes, that is the brightness.”
 Sounds of Crinkling and rustling occupied the room even as the bed was now still.
 “I hear that. What do you have there? Shit, let go of my balls. I am going to be raped, not saved. FUCK YOU, LET ME GO!”
 “Oh god, I am in trouble. Where is Manny. Did they hurt Manny? Oh, my face. A hand keeps hitting my face. I need to get free. Crap, he keeps feeling my balls. His hands are wet and yet they are soft. No, my balls are soft or are my balls wet?  Why are my balls wet? Ok, try to calm down. Maybe he will be gentle and then let me go. Maybe. Oh shit!. I am getting hard. How the hell am I getting hard. This is not right. He’ll think I like this, that I want more.”
“Was that the door?  Is he gone? Maybe I should yell. No, the breeze has stopped. He has closed the window! Why, so my screams go unheard? Why close the window? Am I too late to yell?”
 Not a sound was present as despair hung over the room like a dark storm cloud.
 “No, he’ll hit me if I yell. Maybe he is gone, it is quiet.”
 “Oh, fuck  no! What is he doing, He is very strong. He can lift me up. Why are my legs raised. Is this how I am to be raped?”
 “What, why did he stop?  Did I turn him off. What If I turned him off? What if he finds me useless? I am in very deep trouble.”
 “Am I smiling? That feels nice but what is that? How can it feel nice? I am going to be raped and I like the feeling. Am I sick, perverse! What is wrong with me and what did they do with Manny?”
 A suffocating oppression again loomed over the bed yet the sounds of Christmas filled the air.
 “That tearing noise? He’s opening presents? I hear presents opening. This is why I feel pleasant!”
 A temporary calm came over the room but quickly ceased. “He’s removing my underwear. Oh shit, here it comes. He is going to abuse me. Why did I turn him on? “
 The feeling of suffocation eased. “Where did he go. I feel exposed, naked, dry. Is he gone. Did I turn him off? If only I could free my hands, use my thumbs! Why do I feel so dry?”
 “He’s back. Should I just  give in to him. Tell him to have his way and be done with it? There is that feeling again. He’s playing with my ass. What feels cottony, and the smell? I know that smell. My mother, he smells like my mother! That is sick. I am sick. I am to be raped and I have images of my mother! I must be mad but that is what it smells like. Or.”
  “Powder,  baby powder! That’s it, but why baby powder?”
 The crinkling intensified.
 “How did he get my underwear off so easily. And dry, was I not dry before? My feet are bound, my underwear must be at my feet or maybe my legs are free!”
 “No they are still stuck. That feels so thick, so soft. What is he brushing against my crotch? He is lifting my legs again. I am going to be raped! That tickles. I want to laugh. I want to laugh because I am being molested?“
 “What the fuck! My god. What is he doing to me. He is not raping me. Impossible. This is not happening. I am not a child. I am being diapered! That sound, that smell.  I am being diapered. This is insane. Where is Manny. Manny, make this end. Is he in the room? Is he bound as well, forced to watch as I am disgraced! Was he disgraced already as I slept?”
 “Spanked. I am being spanked. Spanked like a child would be. OUCH! FUCK YOU!”
 “Fuck! I am 32. I don’t get spanked. I don’t get diapered.  The tape. The crinkle.  It’s not Christmas. I am 32, why am I being diapered! ”
 The smothering ceased and the warm air began to blow across the room once again.
 “My god, was I just changed. Was I already in a diaper. My balls were wet. How did I get wet, how was I in a diaper? This is not happening? I don’t need to be diapered, I don’t want to be diapered!”
 “Is he done? Will he hurt me now? My ass hurts. Fuck, spankings hurt! I better be careful. What if I am no longer of use to him? I need to be useful! “But wait. Is he done?  Why is it quiet? Maybe I am not diapered but how would I know. It has been 30 years since I was in a diaper. I don’t know the feeling but I can still feel air on my right side. Did he give up. Was I too big for his baby diaper! Maybe he is mad that I am too big for diapers! That is it. Now he will be angry and will spank me again. Where has he gone, what is he getting?”
 “I hear footsteps. They are like my parents when they snuck into my room late at night to see that I was safe. Am I safe now? He is back. I don’t like it. I don’t like him feeling my balls, but his hand is warm. No smooth. Oh god, its lube. His finger is at my bum, against my hole. I should resist. I should tighten.”
 “What was that? What, he fingered my hole? That was so fast. Is he done? Perhaps I am too tight for him. Maybe my hole is not what he expected. I should have shaved. He is disappointed in my hole. Now I am in trouble. I am of no use to him.”
 “Manny, maybe he already used Manny and I am not good enough. His finger, it feels like its still in there but where is he now?  I don’t feel him on me? No he is there, I feel his breathing but what is he doing. It feels snug. My legs feel pushed apart. It is the diaper! It is so thick but it feels cushy. It fit, he made it fit. I am safe, he will be pleased. I made him happy but I am not to be raped? Perhaps Manny was more than enough for his needs. Perhaps Manny was more relaxed. He is like that He always gives in. Not me, I am strong. I hope Manny is ok. Please, if you hurt Manny!”
 “That noise, what is it? Something closed up. It sounds right beside me like the last time. Perhaps a door or gate but I am not outside, am I?”
 The air moved around the room with quiet footsteps again approaching.
 “The window, he opened the window. But that gate sound, that was too close. That was different. It was next to me. Like a cage! Has he got me in his cage! Should I yell? But I am gagged? I can’t be heard. Maybe he is done. Maybe this is my demise.  Why did I not let him rape me. Why did I resist!”
 The movement was obvious but distant.
 “WOW, that hurts. What is that? My stomach. I need to get up. I have to curl. Holy shit, that hurts. Did he punch me? I never got punched! OUCH, Oh man! I must have eaten something, my stomach. Crap, I need to shit. Surely if I have to shit he’ll let me go.”
 “It is so quiet. I don’t hear him. Is anyone there? Damn, it is mumbled. No one can understand me! Please!”
 The curtain bounced up against the window.
 “FUCK YOU, I HAVE TO CRAP! What the hell is wrong with you, I need to shit you ass!”
 “Oh fuck. NO!”
 The bed rocked to the motion of a body heaving up and down.
 “NO, please. No, make it stop. I can’t, I won’t!”
 “My god, this is insane. This can’t be real. I can’t hold it. Squeeze. I have to squeeze! Holy shit that hurts. UGH! No please make it stop. I am, I can’t., for fucks sake! Ohhhhhhhhh, god, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!”
 A final desperate grunt left the room motionless. With the curtain flapping against the window, foot steps neared. The bed lay motionless.
 “Don’t hit me! I had to. I had no choice. I didn’t do it on purpose. I am not a baby. I had no choice. It is so warm. It must be everywhere. He is disgusted with me. He is moving away. Good, yes he is leaving. I have to piss. Seriously, now, why now! What the fuck, I said I give up. I’ll piss!”
 “Wow, it is so warm and going everywhere. My balls this is how my balls got wet. It’s nice. It feels nice.”
 “NO! It is GROSS. What is wrong with me? This doesn’t feel NICE. It is not RIGHT!!”
  Click, Click, Click, Click.
 “My hands, my legs. Am I free? Is it is trick? That odour, is that me?”
 “He has my hands, what now, why won’t he just let me be!”
 “Oh wow, my thumbs, I can feel my thumbs! I can touch my eyes. I want to see. But what if I see something I shouldn’t!”
 “His hands are soft. Is he stroking my cheek? He seems so gentle. Maybe he will leave. I will be ok.  My hands are free. He let go. It’s a mask. I am in a fucking mask. I just need to remove it, then I can see.
 The arms shook as the mask slowly peeled off. The breeze rushed over the bed carrying the sent of powder and the room filled with the smells of a nursery.
 “But what do I tell Manny. He can’t find me like this. Maybe he is also like this. Did he diaper us both? Is this a twisted joke on us both!”
 “He is still here, behind me. I can feel his presence. I can see now. Fuck, seriously. A crib? I am in a baby crib? I can take off the tape. I can yell. Maybe he is armed. I better wait for him to go. What if he doesn’t leave? Shit, I am in a baby crib. I am diapered in a crib!!”
 “You are so cute like this. Are you hungry?”
 The room went quiet. The wind swirled about banging the colourful curtains against the wall. The crib wobbled slightly with the soiled diaper becoming more a reality. The dresser top was stocked with piles of diapers, baby powder and wipes with a rack of childish outfits standing beside it. The sides of the crib were high and it all became clear.
 “One more off your secret bucket list Manny?”
 The room was at ease and Manny stood to the side of the crib beaming! “Fuck yes. This weekend is going to be a blast. The best birthday present I will ever have!”
 So what that he lay trapped in a crib wearing a soiled baby diaper while staring at an entirely new wardrobe about to be experienced. His Manny was happy, and that was all that mattered!
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markwearsdiapers · 4 years
Are you writing more stories?
I stopped writing and I am not sure when or if  “A Crib Too Far”  will finish. I have written many stories in the past but seem to have lost my desire. I have posted my first story, Daniel,  for fun. The formatting does not import very well or maybe it’s just me being  not overly Tumblr savy!   I hope you enjoy it.
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markwearsdiapers · 4 years
Daniel - (my first story)
( I am not currently writing but here is an oldie I wrote several years ago. My appologies for any formatting issues imprting this from my archives!)
Chapter 1 - “What is Going On”
Daniel had met Nathan at a party a few weeks back and they hit it off right away. From that first night, Daniel had spent the majority of his time with Nathan, often staying the night. The sex was amazing and the two seemed to have much in common. They were just naturally comfortable with each other as if they had known each other for years.
It was Saturday and Nathan and his friends were getting together for a party. They got together every few months and Nathan said this party would be a bit different. . Daniel had met a few of them and they seemed nice enough and he thought nothing of the comment. On the day of the party, Daniel was tied up and would arrive late so they decided to head up separately. The party got going just after eight and by the time Daniel arrived around 11:30, Nathan was relaxed and talking to one of his best friends.
“You’ve seem pretty relaxed there,” Daniel noted to Nathan who pulled him in and greeted him with a hard passionate kiss. “I am for sure. Go get yourself a beer and tell me about your day.” Nathan smacked Daniels butt as he ushered him to the kitchen. Daniel had been out in the sun all day and was tired but made no issues of getting caught up. The group was easy going and seemed eager to chat with him, asking about his past and general interests with several quite interested in how he and Nathan where getting along.
The clock on the wall showed 2:05AM and neither Nathan or Daniel were in any shape to drive. Nathan walked up to Daniel who was deep in conversation and took him by the hand, “Are you ready to get going? I checked and we are good to leave the cars here for the night. We can cab back to my place.” Daniel had hoped he would be staying over with Nathan and after they said good night to the remaining guests, he grabbed a bag from his car he had brought in anticipation.
Daniel rested his head on Nathan’s shoulder as the two discussed the party on the way back in the cab.
“Your friends are really cool,” said Daniel.
“They are” Nathan responded, “They were on their best behavior for you. It was not our usual gathering so I hope you had a good time.”
“I suppose,” said Daniel, not sure really what to make of the comment. It wasn’t the first comment that puzzled him that night, but he was tired and decided to let it go closing his eyes as he rested against Nathan.
The cab ride was about 30 minutes and when they arrived, the long day in the sun and the drinking had obviously taken its toll on Daniel and Nathan suggested they get to sleep as they had all morning to catch up. The two stripped down and hopped into bed with Nathan pulling Daniel in tight and giving his butt a light slap. It was only minutes before the two were both sound asleep.
It was a cool night and a breeze coming in from the open window caused Daniel to wake early. He had been sweating which he found odd as it was not exactly hot in the room but as he rolled over he realized there was a wet patch under him. It took a moment but Daniel realized that something was definitely wrong. He was soaked.
He tried to stay calm thinking about how he got to Nathan’s, remembering getting into bed, being a bit drunk but more just being tired from the day in the sun and heat. He rolled over carefully, seeing that Nathan had moved over well away from what was quite a round wet spot. Daniel lied still for several minutes horrified as to what to do – should he wait until Nathan got up and try to hide the wet spot hoping it would dry or perhaps he could just tell Nathan he had an accident? Unsure, he quietly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom and tried to think and came up with a plan. He grabbed the water glass he had left by the sink, filled it up and headed back to the bed.
Being careful not to wake Nathan, he slipped back in and then let out, “OH Shit!”
Nathan leapt up hitting Daniel’s arm and spilling the water all over Daniel. “What the heck are you doing man,” said Nathan still half asleep and trying to get his bearings.
“Oh wow, sorry Nathan, I was thirsty and grabbed a drink. I thought I felt a bug in my water and I well, kind of freaked out.”
“Well” said Nathan, appearing like he was not grasping what was going on, “look at the mess, the bed is soaked.” Daniel apologized but was quite relieved his tactic appeared to have worked as he had never thought he’s have to explain wetting the bed to a boyfriend or anyone else for that matter!
Daniel looked to Nathan and with a look of relief suggested that Nathan sleep in the guest bed while he cleaned up. He was concerned that the smell of urine might be possible so was eager to get Nathan out of the room and get the sheets in the washer. Nathan, still feeling the effects of the night, took Daniel up on the offer. “We can discuss this in the morning,” said Nathan looking perhaps a bit annoyed. Daniel assumed he was just upset at being woken up and moved quickly to pull the bedding off and clean things up. With the sheets removed, he was relieved to see a vinyl mattress protector. Thinking it was for dust or allergy purposes, he gave it little more thought and quickly wiped the cover and threw the sheets into the washer before heading back into bed with Nathan in the guest room.
Daniel had not slept much and was the first to rise. He had spent most of the night thinking and wondering about what had happened and deciding he was around six or seven the last time he could recall wetting the bed. He had tossed and turned checking himself each time he woke to ensure he had not wet.
Daniel was sitting at the kitchen table with a coffee when Nathan came in. “That was quite a trick last night,” said Nathan as he sat down for his coffee.
Daniel panicked, “ a trick?” He was about to deny everything when Nathan continued.
“Yeah, if you want me out of the bed, just ask. You don’t need to spill water all over me!”
Nathan chuckled and Daniel let down his guard. “Hey, the last thing I want is you out of my bed!” He reached over and the two embraced in a long deep kiss
“Well,” said Nathan, “I know how you can make it up to me.” Before they could finish their coffee, Nathan picked up Daniel. He was a fair bit smaller and he liked to carry him to the bed. He tossed Daniel on his back and dropped down on top of him. “You were a bad boy last night,” Nathan whispered into Daniels ear. He rolled Daniel on to his belly and gave his ass a firm slap.
Daniel was surprised by the force and rolled back onto his back. He looked up at Nathan who was grinning. “So, now we are even?” Daniel said not sure what to expect.
Nathan rested down on top of Daniel and said with a smile, “sure thing.” He rolled Daniel back on his belly but this time Daniel liked where it was heading
Daniel stayed low the next week choosing different reasons to not be able to sleep over. Wetting the bed was hard to accept and he needed to be sure that it was something that would not occur again. By Saturday, Nathan was starting to sense something was wrong. He invited Daniel out for a movie night and his lack of commitment was troubling. Daniel showed up just on time to go out for the show and then when they got back around midnight, he was ready with an excuse to head home.
“What, again,” said Nathan in a concerned but frustrated tone. “It’s been over a week since you stayed the night let alone much else. Are you sure we are ok.”
Daniel was not sure how to respond. “Nothing is wrong. I have just been really busy.” He paused seeing that Nathan looked pissed. “I mean last week was really special, you had never done that to me before!” Daniel hoped some flattery would lighten the mood and continued, “but I really do have to be at my folks early tomorrow and.”
Nathan cut Daniel off. “Well, stay tonight and I will show you part two of that!” Nathan let out a smile that Daniel had learned meant only good things.
Daniel thought it through. He was not a bed wetter and perhaps last week he was just overtired, had too much booze, and on top of that, all that sun and heat, it may have just been too much and had taken its toll. He pulled into Nathan, “I guess I can get up early. How can I say no to part two?”
With that, Nathan picked up Daniel and took him to his room. He place Daniel down onto the bed and wasted no time making up for lost time.
“Man" said Daniel, fully relaxed and totally drained. “I missed you. I should have found a reason to be here all week.”
Nathan smiled, “well I like what I have to work with.” He grabbed Daniel and pulled him in tight. Daniel had let go any thoughts of last week’s wetting incident only thinking about how comfortable and natural it was to be in Nathan’s arms as they drifted off to sleep.
Daniel woke up uncomfortable and looked at the clock. It was four am and he sat up. “Oh no”, was all he could think. He tried not to panic as he sat in a large wet spot. His mind was racing as he had no idea what to do. A stunned feeling crept over him….”now what he thought!”
Chapter 2 - “Consequences”
Daniel lied still. The bed was wet and his boyfriend was fast asleep. There was no need to panic. He thought through his options. He could just tell Nathan. He knew he really liked him so what possible reaction could he have. Surely he must understand accidents happen. He tried to convince himself that was the answer but each time he found it too hard to find the words to say, “I wet your bed.” He could try the glass of water again but worried it would not work and then he’d be busted for last week’s wetting as well. He reached down to feel just how wet he was, thinking perhaps it could dry by morning, but he was soaked. There was no way that was going to happen.
As his options dwindled down, he decided to just lie there until morning. He would wait until Nathan got up and then put the sheets in the laundry. He knew from his last wetting that the mattress had a plastic protector that he found odd but glad for now. He would tell Nathan that after really hot sex it was good to freshen them up! He decided that was his best and maybe only option. He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling wondering how this happened again. The wet spot felt uncomfortable but he tried not to move thinking he would only spread it wider. Eventually he drifted off to sleep surprising himself as he woke a few hours later. He looked over and Nathan was still asleep. The clock read 7:22.
How long could Nathan sleep he wondered. At that moment a horrible feeling overcame him as he realized the other lie he had set in place that he had to be up early to help his folks! He was busted. He could stay and try to hide his bed wetting but have to explain not really having to leave early, or he could leave knowing Nathan would surely discover he had wet his bed. Nathan eventually would figure out last week water spill as well and…….his mind was going a hundred miles an hour and his breathing became heavy. The glass of water was all he could think of and decided to try it one more time. He rolled over to slip out of bed when he felt an arm come around his chest.
“I almost forgot you had to leave early” Nathan said in a low morning voice, “will you be back later in the day.”
Daniel froze. Nathan’s hand was only inches from his wet underwear. He worried knowing how Nathan loved to grab and slap his butt whenever he left. “Yes I do, but why don’t you get up and have a quick breakfast with me.”
Nathan fondled Daniel’s chest, “It’s pretty early for food, why don’t we just spend a bit of time in bed instead.”
Daniel’s stomach crashed as he realized he was running out of options. “Funny guy” said Daniel, “I would think you need some time to recover after last night, I know I do.” Daniel felt Nathan’s arm release him. He waited for Nathan to say yes to his breakfast offer but instead Daniel felt Nathan’s hand move to his crotch. The two stopped moving for a short moment. Daniel’s eyes were as wide as they could be. Nathan’s hand released and Daniel could feel the sheets being explored beneath him. It was only seconds but it felt like minutes as Nathan finally broke the silence.
“You feel all wet and …” Nathan pulled back the covers. Daniel lied still not knowing what to do or say. “The bed is…it’s soaked….Did you piss the bed?”
Daniel rolled away from Nathan, ashamed and upset. He felt a tear start to roll down his cheek. “I think so,” Daniel said in a low humbled voice. “I have no idea what happened!”
The two lied still for a while until Nathan spoke up. “Well, it happens I guess, no need to cry over spilled pee.” Nathan chucked at his own silly joke.
Daniel turned to Nathan, the tears now several and his voice shaking. “I am sorry! I have no idea why this keeps happening.” Nathan looked surprised and asked Daniel to explain what he meant by kept happening. Daniel knew it was too late to back track. He had let the cat out of the bag. “You see,” started Daniel, “last week when you spilled water on me, well it was to cover up my wetting. I set it up to hide my accident. I did not know what to do so I pretended to make the bed wet with water.” Nathan looked at Daniel and started to speak but Daniel kept going. “I really, really like you and I was ashamed. I have never had this happen before and just wanted it to go away. I would do anything to make sure nothing came between us. I guess I was afraid.”
Nathan realized just how upset Daniel was and softly spoke, “Hey, you worry too much, maybe that’s why you are wetting yourself. I have no plans on leaving you, wet bed or not. It’s certainly something that can be managed.”
Daniel let out a small smile, “I mean I would do anything to keep us together.”
“Ok” said Nathan,” let’s get you dry and dressed, you have to get going or you will be late.”
A sense of guilt overcame Daniel. He decided it best to just come clean. “I also made up the folks story. I was concerned I would wet again and was looking for an excuse not to stay over.”
Nathan’s look of disappointment was obvious. Daniel remained silent and if was several minutes before Nathan spoke up. “It looks like we have an issue. Wetting my bed was one thing but lying to me, that is what bad boys do.” Daniel immediately recalled those same words last week when Nathan slapped his bottom and he looked away, not comfortable with what was happening. Nathan sat up and moved to the end of the bed. “Would you not agree?” He waited patiently, looking at Daniel and Daniel trying not to make eye contact back. Finally Daniel got out of bed.
“I guess so. I mean bad boy. That is kind of a childish term for it. I was not intending to lie, I was just afraid of how you would react.”
“But you agree, you were a bad boy”, said Nathan gesturing to his lap.
“I am going to change up,” said Daniel trying to ignore what was being inferred. He took off his wet underwear and looked across the room to his bag. In it was a fresh dry pair of underwear but he had to go past Nathan to get to it.
“Daniel, I think you are really special and I know we can work this out but it is important I know I can trust you.” He again placed his hand on his knee tapping it slightly.
Daniel looked up to Nathan, “Come on, I know what I did was bad but I am not a child.” He moved past Nathan and took out his underwear and put them on.
Nathan began to get up. “I am disappointed in you Daniel, your behavior is unacceptable.” Daniel did not like those words and he wanted to make things right. He felt Nathan had a right to be upset but did he really deserve to be treated like a baby. He decided he had to get whatever was coming over with so they could move on and walked over to Nathan as Nathan sat back down.
“If this is what is needed then fine said Daniel.” He leaned over Nathan’s lap and waited.
“But do you understand why are you over my lap” said Nathan.
“Well, I guess I was a bad boy,” Daniel replied a bit mockingly.
Nathan raised his hand and spanked Daniel once on the rear, which immediately got his attention. The feeling of his hand was much stronger than what he recalled last week. He lay still expecting another. “Yes” said Nathan ignoring the tone in Daniel’s response and moved Daniel back to his feet. Daniel was expecting to be spanked more but was relieved it was over. It was then that he noticed something even more concerning. He looked down to see that he appeared to be somewhat aroused. He turned away quickly hoping to hide his erection from Nathan.
“So we are good,” Daniel asked cautiously. Nathan looked up having noticed Daniel condition, “Of course we are” said Nathan confidently. “Now get dressed, we have some errands to run.”
Chapter 3 - “Born Again”
As Daniel pulled the bed apart, Nathan went out to the kitchen to fix a quick breakfast. Daniel wiped off the protective mattress and gave little thought to the lack of odor on the bedding as he placed it into the washer. He rubbed his bottom thinking that for one swat, it left a lasting impression. Again, he felt a sense of arousal as he recalled how vulnerable he was lying over his boyfriends lap and he quickly changed thoughts as he became uncomfortable that he was getting aroused again.
By the time Daniel got to the kitchen he was thinking only of the day ahead. He loved being out with Nathan doing random things and today was now wide open for them to be together. He sat down where Nathan had already put out a bowl for him. Daniel looked down at the bowl. It was a runny texture, much like the food he remembered his baby brother eating when he was small. “Thanks,” said Daniel, too hungry to say no to any food. He ate quickly hoping to get going as he was exited to start the day.
Nathan took Daniel’s bowl to the sink and turned back to him, “Now, I think we need to talk.” Nathan looked serious and Daniel lowered his eyes. “I have been doing a lot of thinking.” Daniel was sure he knew what was coming. Wet beds and lies, surely he was about to be dumped but Nathan went on. “It is obvious that we have a great thing going and for me you are the best thing that has happened to me.” These were not the words Daniel was expecting and a tear rolled down his cheek. Nathan paused before going on, “however there are a few thing we need to resolve.”
Daniel was nervous and began to blather. “Oh for sure, I mean you know I learned my lesson, no more lies. It is all about trust and knowing we can be sure.”
“Stop,” interjected Nathan, “That‘s only a part of it. First, I want you to move in, I want us to spend more time together.” Daniel was overly relieved as Nathan continued, “but the wet beds!”
Daniel knew he had to make this right as he really wanted to move in and spend as much time with Nathan as he could. “I can stop, it must be nerves and I am sure I can fix that,” said Daniel confidently.
There were a few moments of silence and then Nathan spoke up, “It’s pretty hard for me to wake up with the bed wet.” Daniel waited not wanting to cut Nathan off again. He waited intently, determined to do whatever was needed to make this work. “Daniel I think until you get this under control you need to wear something to bed to protect us.” Daniel had a blank look, not understanding what Nathan was suggesting. “A diaper,” added Nathan seeing he was not being clear.
Daniels eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped before he relaxed “funny guy, I almost thought you were serious!”
Nathan told Daniel to grab his shoes telling him they should get going. “Yes Sir!” Daniel replied playfully enjoying Nathan’s silliness. He picked up his shoes and headed out the door with Nathan.
Daniel was chatting away as Nathan pulled up and stopped in front of a store. Daniel looked out and read the sign. HOME HEALTH OUTFITTERS. “These folks will have something to get you through your bed wetting.” Daniel hated the word bed wetter and while still looking out at the sign Daniel spoke up, “Ok, enough teasing, let’s get going, we have all day to do stuff, no more teasing.” But Nathan was already out of the car and ushering for Daniel to follow. Nathan had his serious look that Daniel was learning not to cross and he knew it was best to just follow.
Daniel entered the store and realized this was a store unlike any he had been in. It was full of special care needs. He quickly scanned around and pointed out an isle to Nathan that appeared to have vitamins and herbs. “Maybe something in this aisle would help.” Nathan continued walking, heading a few isles over. Daniel turned and read the isle marker - INCONTINENCE SUPPLIES. “Nathan, I am not a baby, I do not need diapers, let’s get out of here. This place is weird.” Nathan was already down the aisle leaving Daniel with no choice but to go after him and as he went down the aisle, his eyes grew wide as he read the labels; Attends, dignity, Goodnights, Depends, Molicare, Abena, Secure Plus. The row was full of diapers and he was amazed at how many brands there were for adults. Daniel was still hoping Nathan was just out to ride him and began to laugh. “You do like to mess with me.” Daniel looked to Nathan hoping to see a smile or laugh but there was nothing of the sort.
“Ok sport, I think this will keep my bed from getting ruined.” He started to pick up a bag of diapers called Abena.
“Yeah, well like I said, diapers are for babies and I,” Daniel stopped mid-sentence as someone approached.
“Can I be of some assistance?” said the very good looking store clerk with a big smile.
Daniel was sure this guy’s presence would get Nathan to back down but instead Nathan spoke up. “Hey Johnny, perhaps.” Nathan appeared to know the guy. “Johnny, do you remember Daniel from the party last week. Daniel, this is Johnny.”
Daniel had momentarily stopped thinking about his situation and found himself checking out Johnny. He had exceptionally smooth skin and a firm looking body and he was paying special attention to his very perky bum when Johnny turned to him. Daniel caught himself and looked up in a hurry. “Hi” he said now very aware of his boyfriend was holding a bag of adult diapers. “Sorry, but I don’t recall meeting,” said Daniel certain that would have remembered Johnny if he had.
“My boyfriend had an accident so we kind of had to leave early, “said Johnny.
“I hope he is alright now,” said Daniel, “I was late so I guess we missed each other.”
Johnny laughed, “Oh, he’s fine, accidents happen!”Johnny turned and looked at the bag of diapers in Nathan’s hands. “So what brings you in today,” he asked with a knowing look in his eyes. He took the bag of diapers from Nathan and looked to Nathan who spoke eagerly.
“Daniel has wet a few times at night, nothing serious but you know, the bed got pretty wet.” Johnny put the package down and picked up another. “I’d go with the M4s. The M2s are good for daytime but if it’s night wetting, you might as well go thick to be safe.” Daniel was now beat red. He had just had his boyfriend tell someone that he was a bed wetter and the two were discussing his diaper needs. He heard the two continue to talk but was no longer hearing the words. “I’ll pick up a case in the stock room and meet you at the checkout” said Johnny heading to the back of the store and leaving Daniel furious and in a bit of a daze.
“Why did you have to tell your friend? That was so embarrassing!”
Nathan took Daniel by the hand. “Don’t worry. Do you think you are the only bed wetter he has ever helped here?” Daniel said nothing just wanting to leave.
Johnny walked up with a large box, “Here we go” said Johnny putting the box of Abena diapers on the counter. Daniel’s eyes had followed Johnny up to the counter. He loved the way he walked and how his ass filled out his pants. Johnny smiled at Daniel knowing he was being checked over. “I put a care bag together as well as you don’t want a rash happening.” Daniel could not believe his ears. He was certain that the others in line could hear and would all know the diapers were for him. He stood blushing making it seem like forever as Nathan paid. Johnny handed Nathan back his credit card, “I am hosting a gathering next week, perhaps you both could make it.”
“Sounds great Johnny, email me and thanks for the help again.”
As they got to the car Daniel looked to Nathan. “That was really awkward. I thought I was going to die if I did not get out of there!”
“So what do you think of Johnny” said Nathan not giving much notice to Daniel’s complaining.
“He seems ok,” said Daniel trying not to let on how attractive he found him.
“I saw you look him up and down, he’s a hot guy, why not,” continued Nathan.
Daniel hesitated, “He’s ok. Pretty ok I guess. So how did you meet him anyhow? You seem to get along well.”
Nathan was not sure if Daniel was ready for the entire story but began, “We kind of dated for a bit but it never went anywhere. We had stuff in common but no chemistry so after a few times together we realized it but stayed friends.”
Daniel closed his eyes deciding he did not wish to pursue the conversation. He had not slept much and the motion of the car caused him to drift off. When he woke, he found himself parked in his own driveway. He decided that Nathan must have stopped by to pick up some of his things so he could move it and did not want to wake him. He reached to the door and felt an all too familiar feeling. He was wet. Nathan would freak out, his new car, his leather seats but before he could get his thoughts together, Nathan hopped in the car holding a bag. “Good, you’re awake,” said Nathan as his eyes moved to Daniel’s wet pants. “Oh man, what the fuck! Daniel you wet my car! Get out!” Daniel jumped from the car with his heart racing. “Nathan reached to the back of the car taking a bag out of the box. “Daniel, this is going to end!”
Nathan went up to Daniel’s door with Daniel close behind. “I am so confused,” said Daniel, “it just keeps happening!” They went into the house and Nathan handed Daniel a diaper. “Nathan, we can figure this out but I am not wearing diapers!” Nathan picked up Daniel and headed to the bedroom with him over his shoulder, “My room is the other one,” said Daniel in a panicked tone, gesturing to the room to the left. It was the room they used the first night they met and Daniel had never shown the other room to Nathan.
Nathan had only been to Daniel’s a few times but Daniel now realized that Nathan knew where to find his clothes so had been in the other room without his knowledge. Nathan opened the door exposing a very tidy baby blue bedroom with a single bed and posters of toy story and Finding Nemo on the wall. The blanket on the bed had trucks on it and two stuffed animals rested on the pillow. “It reminds me of home,” said Daniel trying to explain the room to Nathan.
Daniel realized Nathan was not paying him much attention and was shocked as Nathan stood him up, unfastened his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. “You don’t want to be diapered and yet you wet my bed, my car. You have been a bad boy Daniel.” Daniel now understood he was in for it.
Nathan took Daniel’s hand taking him over his lap. Daniel did as he was told and he found himself becoming aroused. “I can handle your wetting, but you seem to think this is fun,” said Nathan. His hand came down hard on Daniels bottom and Daniel yelped. Another five followed as Daniel squirmed to get up but Nathan was too strong. “From now on Danny, I am in control as you appear to have none.” Nathan’s hand landed on the lower side of Daniel’s buttocks leaving a red imprint. Daniel had not been called Danny since his grade school years but was afraid to protest accepting each swat hoping it to be the last. His eyes swelled as Nathan finally stopped. “Do you understand why you were spanked Danny.” Before Daniel could answer, Nathan went on, “You lied to me. This is your room and you tried to hide it from me. “But your car,” said Daniel in a small voice. Nathan stood Daniel up. His ass was a bright red and the heat intense. “If you lie, you will be spanked, as for the car, that is easy to resolve and not your fault.”
Nathan picked up the diaper that had fallen from Daniel’s hands at some point during his spanking. He placed it on the bed and then picked Daniel up placing him down beside it. He removed Daniel’s pants throwing his underwear in the garbage by his bed. “No need for those, now let’s get your diaper put on.” Nathan handed Daniel his teddy bear and raised his legs up. Daniel felt like he was two again as Nathan unfolded the diaper and placed it under him bum. Nathan looked around and then left the room telling Daniel to stay still. There was no way he was going to be bad and waited for Nathan to return.
He heard the front door open and then close again. Nathan had brought in the bag Johnny had put together. He took out a bottle of baby powder lotion and a box of something that he was unsure of. Nathan began to apply the lotion to Daniels sore bottom. It was cool as it dried which felt good on his tender bottom. Daniel was no longer in control of anything and it was as if he was watching it happen to someone else. Nathan then opened the box of baby wipes wiping off his hands. He then pulled the diaper up between Daniels legs pulling first one side and then the other side snuggly as he fastened the tapes securely. “These fit you quite well,” he noted as he patted Daniel’s diapered bottom. Daniel looked about his room. He always had a connection to his toys and knew that he enjoyed childlike things but he was experiencing feeling he had not put together before and it was unnerving him.
Daniel’s took out a fresh pair of pants and moved back to Daniel telling him to put his legs up. As his pants were being pulled on, Daniel struggled to come to terms with what was happening but he naturally raised his bum as Nathan pulled his pants all the way up.
Nathan stood Daniel up and again patted his thickly diapered bottom. “There we go Danny, now we need to address my car and get some food. I am starving.” Nathan put the powder and wipes back in the bag and started to leave. Daniel started towards Nathan, his thick diaper snuggly on making walking somewhat awkward. He wanted to tell Nathan not to call him Danny, that he was too big to be spanked, that he was not going to go about diapered, but he resisted, not sure if it was the fear of the consequences or if it was his confusion that he was somehow, somewhat comforted by his predicament.
Chapter 4 - “Daniel to Danny”
The ride was quiet as Danny was mesmerized by the thickness of his diaper. How did he end up in this state he thought? As his eyes drifted upwards, he caught Nathan humming as he drove. Something about Nathan was different. He made him feel special, secure. Nathan looked over to Danny and smiled, “I bet you are hungry.”
Danny looked out and saw that Nathan had pulled into the Pirates Cove restaurant. “Seriously, you expect me to go in like this!”
Nathan grabbed Danny’s crotch and gave a squeeze, “Sure thing, it’s not like you are wet at least. Now be a good boy, I am hungry as well.”
Nathan left the car and Danny knew by now that it was better to be a good boy than a bad boy. The place was packed and as they got in line for a table Nathan told Danny to hold their spot while he used the restroom. Danny stood alone, feeling himself begin to blush. A young family had walked in and lined up behind him. He was sure his diaper was evident to all and continually pulled at his shirt keeping it as far down over his butt as possible. The young boy began laughing. “Why is that man wearing that” he heard him ask his mother.
Danny froze. He was sure he was busted as the mother responded, “Well it keeps him dry” the mother responded. Danny was beat red. The mother seemed indifferent to his state but he knew others had surely heard. Danny saw Nathan coming down the aisle and at the same time the little boy ran up to the restaurant mascot which was a pirate holding an umbrella. It was something the restaurant did to indicate the weather forecast for the day. Danny realized the boy was not talking about his diaper, but the Pirate but still he had had enough. “Nathan, I know you are trying to help but this is not the way.” Danny stepped away heading towards the restroom intent on removing his diaper.
As he walking into the restroom he noticed the middle stall was open and went in. He pulled his pants down only to realize that every move he made had a rustling noise to it. Nathan had put his diaper on very snuggly and he started to undo a tape. The washroom was quiet and every tear could be heard. It was then that he also realized another problem. How would he dispose of the diaper! The sound of running taps and flushing urinals had made Danny aware that he also had to pee. He reached into his diaper and tried to take out his penis but the diaper was to snug and the noise again was loud. In frustration, he flushed the toilet and pulled his pants up over his diaper to mask any further noise and left.
By the time Danny returned, Nathan had been seated at a table. He sat down saying nothing and looked at the menu. “I see you are still in your diaper,” said Nathan in a low but audible voice.
“Let’s just eat and get out of here,” said Danny. “I have to piss and my, you know, is too tight, I couldn’t get it out to go.”
We can always take you into the family washroom,” said Nathan but Danny did not respond. The service was slow and the longer the bill took, the more Danny had to pee. By the time they got out to the car, he was desperate to go and Nathan could see Danny was struggling. As he headed down the road, he looked at the gas gauge and noted to Danny that he had to stop for gas. “No way, I’ll piss my pants. We got to get back to your place now,” but like so many other times, Nathan ignored the plea and had already pulled up to the pump. Danny tried to press on his penis and cross his legs but his diaper was thick and in the way. It had started to rain and the sound of the drops on the overhang was like a dare to hold it in and finally he broke and leaked a small amount. He looked down, expecting his pants to show something but obviously the diaper held it in. The pain was too much and he decided to just let a bit more go but when he did, he lost control. He felt a warm rush fill his crotch and move down to the seat of his diaper. It was an odd feeling but not as bad as he feared. He tried to stop several times as he was sure nothing could hold so much pee but in the end he had little luck and had soaked his first diaper.
Nathan finished and got in the car. “Ok, let’s get you back quickly, I can tell you are desperate.” Danny pretended he had not wet and agreed, holding himself as if he had to go still. When they pulled up to Nathan’s, the two got out of the car and Danny ran to the door pretending to avoid the rain and needing to piss, but really to hide his wet diaper. His diaper was soaked and the seat of his pants drooped. Nathan grabbed the box of diapers from the car and walked up quickly behind Danny setting the box down to unlock the door while at the same time giving Danny a smack on the butt. “You seem a bit saggy there. It is lucky that we were prepared this time.” Nathan opened the door, “and a good thing we got the case, we are going to need them it appears.”
Danny did not know what to say. For the first time since his childhood he found himself diapered and wet. He felt like a child and Nathan was only making him feel more so with his talk of diapers. Nathan took Danny by the hand and headed to a room Danny had not been in before. Nathan had told him it was kind of a storage room and he had not really questioned it. Nathan unlocked the door and picked Danny up carrying him in.
Danny’s eyes grew wide as he looked about the room. “Holly shit, what is all of this.”
Chapter 5 - “New Horizons”
Danny held on tightly to Nathan as he glanced around at all of the stuff in the room. It was obviously a small bedroom but was packed with baby items. A crib was folded up against the wall and beside it a highchair and what he recalled seeing his younger brother in, a baby bath. Against the other wall was a long table with a pad that was wrapped in a vinyl cover decked out with toy blocks as a pattern. An empty shelf was above it and off to the side was a shelving unit with several sealed up boxes and a play matt next to that. There was total silence as Nathan carried him in and laid him down on the long table. He lied still with the exception of his left hand that he found rubbing the smooth texture of the vinyl mat. Nathan smiled and then stepped out telling Danny to be still while he grabbed the supply of diaper.
When Nathan came back he could see Danny taking inventory of the room. “My sister asked me to store some stuff for her and I had the extra room. I figured we could borrow the change table to keep the bed from being ruined.” Danny wanted to tell Nathan he was fine changing himself and that he hardly needed a baby’s change table but was somehow curious at what was happening.
Nathan put the diapers and other items on the shelf then reached out to unfasten Danny’s pants. “Lift your bum,” he instructed as he pulled his pants down to his ankles and grabbed a fresh diaper to place under the wet one. The noise of the tapes unfastening was quiet compared to what he recalled in the restroom but with each tear, he found himself becoming aroused. By the time Nathan pulled back the diaper, Danny was at half mask. Nathan pulled the wet diaper out from under Danny and reached for some wipes to gently wipe Danny’s bottom and carefully cleaning up his crotch area. “That must feel better…you were quite wet for just a single wetting.” Danny was in a daze, still looking about the room. Nathan continued to change him being careful as he pushed the head of Danny’s penis down and pulled the diaper up snugly between his legs. “Save that for tonight,” said Nathan as he patted Danny’s semi hard penis under his diaper.
Danny smiled. It was the first time he had relaxed since being in the diaper store. Still, he was unnerved at how he was enjoying the sense of security around being diapered and spoke cautiously, “ this feel’s really weird Nathan, do you think we can at least take the table to our room, all this other baby stuff makes me really self conscious about wearing these things.”
Nathan pulled Danny’s pants off, “I am not sure we have the room.” As he spoke, he placed Danny’s pants on the shelving unit. “We should really keep these off in case you leak, you can run about the house like this for now until we know how well your diaper will hold up.”
Danny sat up and hopped off the table. As he did he was presented with a mirror that was up against the door causing his eyes to drop down. Seeing himself in his diaper made him blush and he turned to Nathan, “I really want to stay here with you and all but this. I mean wearing a,” He stopped and looked again, “it just may be too much. Maybe I should just stay home until it passes.” He couldn’t believe he was saying it but his feeling after seeing his image in the mirror had him very confused and he felt he had to do something.
“Listen, give it the weekend and if you manage to stay dry, we can revisit it.” Nathan grabbed Danny’s bottom giving it a squeeze just below his diaper, “and besides, we still have other big boy things to tend to.”
Danny’s body quivered at the thought and agreed, “I guess that makes sense.”
The day continued uneventfully as the rain continued to come down. Danny needed to pee and approached Nathan who was busy preparing dinner. “See, I have to pee and don’t need this on to do so.” Danny stood proud, like a two year old that had just been toilet trained waiting for a response but when he did not get one, he went off to the washroom pulling the tapes on his diaper and letting it fall to the ground. “Much better,” he mumbled as a stream of urine began to flow. When he was done, he looked down and picked up his diaper trying to get it back in position. He had never put a diaper on himself and was not even sure which way it should go. The tapes had stuck to the inside padding and when he tried to fasten them, they simply let go. He stood thinking for a minute and then proceeded to the kitchen.
Nathan turned to see Danny holding his dry diaper. “Not so easy,” noted Nathan as he placed a dish into the oven. Danny began to reply but Nathan cut him off. “Now you see why we just leave it alone, I can’t be watching you all the time.” Nathan slapped Danny on the buttocks and picked him up.
Danny’s body tightened and he squirmed trying to get down, “No, NO spanking!”
Nathan laughed, “Spanking, are you serious, I figure while you are out of your diaper, we should take advantage.”
Danny relaxed as he realized they were heading to the bedroom. Nathan placed Danny down on his stomach being careful of his erect penis. “Dinner is almost done so just a quickie here sport.” Danny felt Nathan’s hand caress his bottom as Nathan positioned himself behind. Nathan dripped some lube onto Danny’s bum and pressed his figure up against his hole causing Danny to arch his back and moan. Danny was versatile but with Nathan he found his desires were always on the passive side. Nathan reached around and put on a condom giving Danny a few light slaps on his bum. Then pressed his penis up against Danny, he slowly entered. With the motion of Nathan sliding in and out, Danny felt all the stress of his day leave his body. He could tell by the intensity of Nathan’s motion that it would not last long and he soon felt Nathan’s body tense and then collapse on top of him. Nathan remained inside as he turned the two onto their sides and reached around stroking Danny. It took only a few strokes and Danny felt his body convulse. Nathan pulled him in close and snuggled him tightly as Danny closed his eyes, his body in a state of total relaxation. Within minutes, Danny had drifted off to sleep.
“Wake up little guy, dinner’s ready,” said Nathan from the door of the bedroom.
Danny opened his eyes, confused and taking a few seconds to get his bearings. “I guess I fell asleep,” he said as Nathan turned and returned to the kitchen. As he sat up he noticed the bed was once again wet. He grabbed a pair of pants from his bag and thought about what to tell Nathan. There was no way he could hide it and he knew he would have to tell Nathan the truth. He headed for the kitchen.
“Thanks for making dinner, I guess I was more tired than I realized” said Danny as he sat down to eat.
“You went out like a light,” noted Nathan. “And that was some shot you had, I had to wipe up quite a bit.”
Danny figured now was as good a time as any, “speaking of wiping up, I think you may have a point with, you know, wearing in the day.”
Nathan looked to Danny for clarification, “Your diaper we are talking?”
Danny fumbled with his fingers, “Yes, I mean I know you are trying to help and maybe I have been giving you too hard a time in doing so.”
Nathan grinned, “My fault I suppose. I should have put a diaper on you after you drifted off. How wet is it.”
Danny blushed, feeling embarrassed that Nathan had assumed he wet. “Well, just a bit, maybe we were sweating a lot as well.”
Nathan’s expression became more serious. “Here’s the deal.” Danny sat still as Nathan looked him square in the eye. “I know it is not your fault and I want you to be here with me but to do so, I can’t have you wetting my things.” Danny felt like he was being talked to as a child but continued to listen. “I can help out but I will need you to wear your diapers all the time until you can show me you don’t need them, and that means not just this weekend but until you stop the wetting. It’s the only way this will work out given the circumstances.” Danny’s eyes began to swell up with tears desperately wanting to say ok but not sure of the situation. As Danny thought, Nathan rubbed his back gently and asked, “Do we have a deal?”
The room was silent as Danny thought about possible options. Nathan was special and being with him he found amazing. He decided that if wearing diapers was the price he had to pay to stay, then he would work it out. “It’s a deal, but I am sure this will not go on much longer.” Danny tried to say it with confidence but his body language suggested otherwise.
“And one more thing, I will be in charge of your diaper changes as I do not want you touching your diaper and wrecking the tapes again. They are far too costly. Do you think you can be a good boy and leave your diaper alone?”
Danny’s shoulders slouched and his eyes lowered to his feet. He knew what he was really being told - if he played with his diaper, he would be spanked. In a small voice Danny replied, “Yes sir.” He was not sure why he chose those exact words but the way Nathan spoke to him made him feel as though it was appropriate.
“Good,” said Nathan as the two finished up their dinner. “Well sport, I guess it’s time to get you ready,” said Nathan picking up Danny. “We don’t want any wet couches tonight.” He carried Danny to the change table and placed him down noting how Danny naturally spread his legs to accept his diaper. Danny looked around the room while Nathan powdered his bottom and he found himself hard again as the feeling of the lotion and baby powder aroused him. “You are a horny little one,” said Nathan tucking his penis down as he snugly pulled the diaper through his legs and fastened the tapes. He gave Danny’s diaper a pat and stepped back. Danny hopped down deciding that if Nathan had wanted him in pants he would have put them on him and the two headed to the living room for the evening.
It rained the better part of the night and Danny woke up Sunday in a wet diaper and waited for Nathan to get up to be changed. He was embarrassed at needing to be changed but at the same time enjoyed the fact that Nathan was taking care of him. He thought of his own special room at home and his stuffed animals and how much he missed sleeping with them, but found he had similar feeling when Nathan was diapering him. He reached down and held onto his wet diaper as these thoughts raced through his mind. He was interrupted by Nathan and quickly moved his hand off of his diaper.
Nathan felt Danny’s diaper and it was soaked from front to back. “Someone had a deep sleep last night. I see we made the right decision, we have a dry bed!” Danny had not realized just how wet he was and wondered if things were getting worse. Nathan got up putting on a pair of shorts and then picked up Danny taking him out to the change table. “I have a few things I need to do today, will you be ok alone for a few hours?” Danny and Nathan both worked for themselves and it was not unusual for Nathan to have things going on during the weekend.
“I will be fine, but what if I need to piss while you are out? You put it on so tight I cannot get my dick out!” Nathan finished changing Danny, putting a pair of shorts over his diaper and standing him up. “It will be fine, you’ll figure it out. Besides, I should only be a short time.” Danny felt his diaper through the shorts and looked over in the mirror. He liked that Nathan had put shorts over his diaper and left it at that.
Several hours passed and Danny had not heard from Nathan. He had consumed several coffees and they were taking their toll as he desperately needed to pee. He took off his shorts and tried to pull his penis over the top of the diaper but heard a small tear and not wanting to be any part of being a bad boy and decided to just try to hold it. Just then his phone buzzed and he looked over seeing he had a text. “Sorry to be so long, I will be back around 2.”
“Three more hours,” he thought aloud. There was no way he could make it. He went into the change room and picked up a diaper thinking he could surely figure out how to change himself if it tore. While he looked over the tapes he noticed his teddy bear and a few of his stuffed toys lying on the play mat by the shelving unit. He decided Nathan must have grabbed them with his bag thinking they were to come and then had tossed them in the room for storage. His animals had always given him a sense of calmness and it was a secret he had not shared with anyone.
He sat down on the mat picking up his teddy and giving it a hug. As he looked up he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Here he was sitting in a diaper on a play mat while hugging a teddy bear. He liked the feeling and found himself totally comforted by his state. As he sat the urge to pee returned and he did not fight it. As the warm pee surrounded him he became nervous and jumped up assuming he had made a mess of the mat with such a big pee but when he looked down at the mat and felt around his diaper, he was impressed that nothing had leaked.
“That is cool”, he thought to himself. He was looking in the mirror at the wide wet patch on his diaper as the doorbell rang. Danny put down his teddy bear and ran for his shorts. The comforted state he was in abruptly ended as hustled to put his shorts on while pulling his shirt down as far as he could. Arriving at the door, he took a deep breath and with his heart racing, he looked through the peephole. To his surprise it was Jimmy. He was excited to see him but quickly became embarrassed and self-conscious as he knew Jimmy was aware that the diapers they bought were for him. He again pulled his shirt down as low as possible and he began to blush as he opened the door.
Jimmy stood at the door with a bag in hand and big smile. “Hey, good to see you Daniel is Nathan around?”
Danny found his eyes drift down as he recalled just how hot Jimmy was. “He’s out till 2, can I help in any way.”
“Well I had picked up a few things I thought might come in handy. You rushed out the other day before I could give them for you.” Jimmy stepped in without being invited. He seemed quite comfortable and headed into the living area. “I’ll leave them here for you guys to look through. They are samples I get so don’t worry about the cost.”
Jimmy turned to place the bag down and Danny found himself looking over Jimmy’s lean body. He obviously took pride in his appearance and dressed accordingly. His shorts defined his round perky bottom and a short tight tee shirt gave notice to his ripped abdomen. As Jimmy turned and leaned over to put the bag down, his shirt slid up exposing his hard tanned waistline - and also one of the reasons his ass was so perky.
Chapter 6 - “Baby Baby don’t get hooked on me”
Jimmy stood up as he casually fixed his shirt. “So have a look. I think you can use most of it but if not just pass it on as I always get more.”
Danny was taken aback, his eyes fixated on Jimmy’s waist. It took a few seconds to grasp what he had just witnessed. Jimmy was well aware that he was being looked over but it did not seem to bother him as he carried on, “there’s a fair bit in the bag but the stuffers for sure might help you out at night. Oh, and I put in a few plastic pants in incase you are into that.” Danny was puzzled as to what he might be “into” but was distracted as his phone began to vibrate on the hall table.
They both looked over at the table and began to move towards the hall. As Jimmy walked, Danny found himself looking to see if he could tell Jimmy had a diaper on. The front of his shorts certainly bulged slightly and his ass definitely stood out but it would never have occurred to him it was from a diaper! He was intrigued at how easy going Jimmy seemed being out in a diaper and wondered if he was aware that his diaper had shown when he leaned over. He stepped towards the table and glanced down at his phone. It was Nathan, “Miss you, let’s go out for dinner when I return!”
Jimmy was standing at the door but was looking around making no motion to leave as Danny picked up his phone and quickly replied. “Not sure given u know - btw Jimmy is here looking for you.” Danny put his phone down. There were a million questions running through his mind but he did not know how to approach it. Jimmy stood confidently by the door appearing to be waiting on Danny to say something. Danny stepped away from the table and looked to the kitchen then turned to Jimmy, “Would you like a coffee or something to drink? You are welcome to wait for Nathan if you want.”
“Well, if you are having a coffee, I’d love one but I don’t think I can wait around that long for Nathan.” As he spoke, he placed a small tote bag he was carrying down by the door. Danny had assumed Jimmy would politely decline and was flattered that he accepted. Jimmy stepped away from the bag. “I always carry a change just in case.”
It seemed obvious to Danny that Jimmy was referring to a diaper change but he was still not positive so said nothing as they moved to the kitchen. He was very aware of his own wet diaper and was self-conscious as Jimmy followed him thinking it must be apparent. The few steps to the kitchen felt like a hundred as Danny looked back several times to see where Jimmy’s eyes were focused. Jimmy sat down at the table while Danny put the coffee on. In the background a faint song could be heard, “baby baby don’t get hooked on me.”
Jimmy laughed, “That’s me. I have a text.”
Danny smiled giving the choice of ring tone no notice. “Don’t mind me. I’ll make the coffee if you want to get it.”
“It can wait, I’m not that important.” Danny found Jimmy very good looking but it was his casual way that was intriguing him. He reached for a couple of cups briefly turning his back to Jimmy. “So how are the new diapers working out?” Danny almost threw the cups as he turned around. He could feel a red warmth building in his cheeks as he was caught off guard sure that his diaper must be obvious to ask such a pointed question.
His hand was shaking as he placed the cups down. “Oh, I guess they are good, yeah, they are fine.”
“Well they are the caddy of diapers. For me they are perfect. They fit better than most that I have tried.” Jimmy had taken note of Danny’s reaction and stood up to help by pouring the coffee.
The heat in Danny’s face subsided. He wished he could be as easy as Jimmy was with his diaper and tried to relax. The two of them had similar issues he thought as he moved the coffee cups to the table. He calmed himself as he sat down and engaged Jimmy, “So how long have you needed them.”
“I guess off and on most of my life but now I wear all the time.” Jimmy took a sip of his coffee. His ability to talk about his diapers so freely made Danny more confident but it seemed apparent to him that Jimmy’s wetting had become worse over time, which unsettled him.
Danny worried that he too was heading the same way, “Do you find it hard to be in them all the time?”
Jimmy spoke eagerly, “Well, I knew from a young age that I wanted this so I am pretty happy at how it has worked out.”
Now Danny looked puzzled, “So you are happy that you need to wear diapers?”
Jimmy laughed, “You are too funny. Hey, that reminds me, I left a box of stuff in the spare room and told Nathan I would come by for it but never got around to it. Mind if I grab it?”
“For sure” said Danny trying to sort out the conversation. “I can get it for you.” Before he could react, Jimmy was already up and heading to the hall. His diaper was quite pronounced now as he had wet again and Danny found it hard not to stare as he found he was turned on by it. He watched as Jimmy moved down the hall and opened the door to his change room.
Danny freaked. He was not ready for anyone to see his change table, even Jimmy, and worse he had left his teddy on the floor. He caught up and Jimmy turned to him. “Ah, that’s a shame, it looked good set up.”
“Set up?”
“Well, it’s all dismantled.” Jimmy’s eyes had fixated on floor where Danny had left his teddy bear. Danny’s stomach dropped as Jimmy reached down to pick it up again revealing his thick white diaper sticking out over the top of his pants. Danny was getting aroused as he stared.
“Ah, the Mat!” Jimmy sat down on the mat and placed the teddy on his lap. His body language had transformed as he called to Danny, “Come on, sit down, sit here!”
Danny was taken aback by Jimmy’s actions as they were quite child like. He looked on as Jimmy bounced the teddy on his lap. His shirt had ridden up resting on the top of his diaper as he continued in his excited manner. Danny watched in amazement thinking about seeing himself in the mirror in a similar state just a few hours earlier. His heart was racing and he realized that he wanted badly to join in. His own bedroom, his toys, his fixation with blocks and trucks and now the feeling he got when Nathan diapered him were all coming together. He couldn’t explain it but he just knew he liked the feeling and wanted to be like Jimmy.
He moved towards the mat and awkwardly sat down. He felt exceptionally vulnerable as he had never shared these feelings and was not even able to articulate them to himself. Yet now, sitting in his diaper with Jimmy, it all seemed so natural. He put his arms out to Jimmy reaching for his teddy. Jimmy handed it to him resting his hand on Danny’s knee. A shiver went down Jimmy’s back and the child like feelings he was having instantly left. All he could feel was Jimmy’s hand and the pressure of his own penis pressing out against his diaper. Jimmy lifted his hand as Danny stood up facing away from Jimmy attempting to hide his obvious arousal thinking that this was not right! He was blushing and embarrassed but was not sure if it was a sense of guilt being turned on by Jimmy or that he had allowed himself to be so vulnerable with someone he hardly new.
Looking up, Jimmy could see that Danny was confused. “Sorry, I thought you were ok to play, being in your diaper and all.” Danny did not respond as he worked through his feelings. He was overwhelmed and breathing quickly. Seeing Jimmy on the mat, how he talked about liking his diaper, the way he picked up and held his teddy, these were all emotions he had felt but until now had not been able to put all together. He expressed his child like urges for the most part with his bed and boyish sheets and his teddy being his only small release. But now he saw that he was not the only one to feel this way, Jimmy was just like him!
A ringtone could be heard in the background and Jimmy jumped up, “Maybe I better get that, someone keeps trying to get me.”
Danny felt his diaper and was glad his erection had passed. He had heard the ring tone but was in his own little world. Jimmy walked to the front door and took his phone out of his bag. “Hey Nathan, what’s up.”
“You didn’t get my text? What are you doing there?”
“Oh, I dropped of some stuff for you two to play with. You know the regular stuff I get”
“Fuck Jimmy, you didn’t show Danny did you?”
“Daniel? No, I left it in the living room for you. What’s up with the play room anyhow, you have it all apart.”
“The room! There was absolute panic is Nathan’s voice. “What are you doing in there? You haven’t opened or brought up anything have you?”
Jimmy shuffled his feet knowing that Nathan was upset, “Well, not really I guess. I mean you guys were in my store buying him diapers, and he was in a diaper and pretty wet when I came over. What’s the big deal? I was just showing him the mat really?”
It was then that Nathan recalled that Jimmy was not there at the party when he told his friends to go easy as Danny was new and not to be flashing their diapers or go on about their stuff as it would make Danny uncomfortable. “I only have a bit left to do here and will be home in an hour or two but I need you to get out of there and leave him alone. He is not aware of any of the diaper stuff other than he wets and needs his diaper.”
Jimmy stopped pacing and a cross look overcame him. “Geese, Nathan, you didn’t.”
“Never mind what I did or didn’t, just please do as I ask. I need you to say good bye and head out.” Jimmy looked back at the room where Danny was waiting patiently for him to return. “I am serious Jimmy; you are going to make a mess of things.”
In a low voice Jimmy responded. “I think it is you who is making a mess but I hear you. I got to go, I left your wet boy alone in his room.”
“Well, leave him that way. I’ll call you later on tonight.” Nathan hung up and Jimmy leaned up against the wall perplexed. One side of him wanted to say something to Daniel but at the same time Nathan had been good to him and he felt obligated not to screw things up. He returned to the room to say good bye.”
“Hey, are you coming back.” Danny sounded excited and Jimmy went in to see what was up. “Look, I think I got it!”
“That’s ridiculous! How did you do manage to do that?” Danny was standing by the change table in a fresh diaper that he had attempted to put on. It was backwards and he had crossed two of the tapes over each other. One side was taped high the other low and It was loose, falling down at the back. “I can’t say I have seen such a disaster!” He laughed as he moved towards Danny.
“Man, I thought it was ok! Can you help me? Nathan will be pissed since he didn’t want me wasting diapers.”
Jimmy knew where Danny was coming from and there was no way he could leave without getting him fixed up. He pulled on the sides of Danny’s diaper to see if he could straighten it, feeling the back and front for room as he looked to adjust the tapes. “You might as well piss on the floor as keep this on. You even took the blue tabs off so I can’t save this one. Hop up on the table.” Danny was only looking for advice and was caught off guard by the offer. “Nathan can’t see you like this, now hop up.”
That was a definite as Nathan would be pissed seeing Danny had messed up another diaper. Feeling he had no other option, he hopped up and lied down. His stomach was in knots feeling guilty, embarrassed and excited all at the same time. Jimmy took a diaper off the shelf as Danny spread his legs to be changed. “I wish I knew better that I was doing but I guess in time I will be able to do it as well as you do.” He heard the tapes tear away and he closed his eyes trying to think of things that would keep the inevitable from happening but there was no use. His penis stood up as tall at the CN tower as his diaper came off.
“Crap Daniel, you are a hung little fucker.” Jimmy placed a fresh diaper under Danny’s bum and powdered him up raising his legs to be sure to get his bottom. He put his legs down resting his hand on Jimmy’s erect penis.“I am not sure what to do with this guy as there is no way he’s fitting back in like this.” Jimmy moved his hand slowly up and down while Danny laid still, his eyes still closed tightly. He loved the feeling of Jimmy holding him and his conflicting feelings kept him silent as Jimmy slowly stroked his penis. He rubbed him playfully pressing lightly between his legs with his other hand. He could feel the pressure building and his toes tightened and he felt Jimmy’s warm mouth go down on him. The sensation of Jimmy tongue bathing his penis made Danny arch and he could feel himself close to exploding. Jimmy then pulled Danny’s diaper up through his legs and grabbed his buttocks as he took him in deep. The feeling of his diaper under him and Jimmy working his penis was too much and he came hard with his body convulsing and collapsing leaving him drained.
Time seemed to stand still and several minutes passed before Jimmy stepped back. A tear rolled down Danny’s left cheek as his pleasure and excitement turned to reality. His feelings for Jimmy were strong but very different than those for Nathan and he struggled to see how things had gone so far so quickly. Jimmy looked over to Danny who had not moved and without saying anything stepped back to finish diapering him. He lied still as Jimmy wiped his penis, his emotions taking him all over the map. Jimmy pulled the diaper up between Danny’s legs folding the top of the diaper over, then doing up the top tape before pulling the lower tape high to form a high cut look on his diaper. “There, you are all set for the afternoon” he said candidly not seeming to understand how confused Danny was.
Danny sat up and got down from the table unable to make eye contact and went over to put his pants on. He picked up his teddy and gave it a squeeze, then set it down on the table. He was overcome with confusion and guilt trying to figure out both his feelings for Jimmy and what he had jeopardized between himself and Nathan.
Their actions did not seem to have an impact on Jimmy but he now saw the discomfort in Danny’s face. As Danny looked at the floor and fidgeted with his fingers, Jimmy tried to break the ice, “So, I guess we got a little carried away there.” He waited for Danny to speak up but he did not. “I know we got carried away, it happens.” Danny continued to fidget and he continued, “If you are worried don’t be. I will never tell anyone - I think you are a great guy and obviously find you really attractive. I guess I got caught up changing you and was not thinking. You know. But it will be ok, I promise.”
With Danny offering no reaction, Jimmy moved forward looking to give him a hug. The words rang hollow to Danny. Nathan meant so much to him but his experience sitting with Jimmy on the mat had allowed him to come to terms with his feelings and for the first time ever was comfortable to be himself. Guilt however was building up with Danny, thinking that he had confused his gratefulness to Jimmy for showing him his real self with his physical attraction for him. Either way, Danny looked to blame someone, someone other than himself.
All of his emotions became too much and he lost it pushing Jimmy back and rejecting his hug, “Things will be ok? I am with Nathan! All I asked for was for some help with this fucking diaper!” Danny struggled to keep his composure and looked away.
Jimmy was taken aback by how angry Danny had become and knew whatever he said would not fix things but tried. “We all have secrets and this will be ours ok? Maybe it should not have happened but I am not sorry it did and I think, well anyhow, you are a great guy. And besides.” Jimmy stopped himself and stepped back towards the door. “I should get going.”
“Yeah, I think that is a good idea.” The defeated look on Jimmy’s face was apparent and Danny knew he had been unfair. “It’s just that Nathan has been so good to me.” They headed to the front door and Danny continued. “I know we both fucked up so I am sorry for yelling. I guess I just know how hard Nathan has tried to help me and has put up with stuff that I can’t believe he has the patience for and then I go and fuck it all up! It’s been difficult for him with my problem and I just don’t know how he.” Jimmy looked impatient and cut Danny off.
“Listen, what we did may not be right but don’t go getting all gospel on me about Nathan.” Jimmy was caught up in the emotion of everything and wanted desperately to take his words back. “Shit, I really should go.” With his wet diaper drooping and in a dire need of a change, he bent over and picked up his bag.
“Wait, what did you mean by, all gospel? What’s the deal with you two?”
Jimmy looked at Danny. Until now, he was unsure how much Nathan had told Danny about them but obviously it was not very much. He felt badly for Danny but Nathan was a special friend and he was torn between his dedication to Nathan and his feelings for his new friend. “Look, I can tell by how you sat with me on the mat that you discovered a lot today and you still have so much more to discover always keep that in mind.” He wrestled for his words, “And remember, what people do on the surface can seem deceitful, but deep down they are really just trying to help.” Danny did not know how to respond and remained silent. “Listen, I am going to get going.” He picked up his bag, “I won’t say a word about what happened if you don’t. Ok? ”
An odd look had come across Jimmy’s face as Danny nodded trying to process his words. Jimmy opened the door and stepped out. As the door began to close, Danny put his foot in the way stopping it momentarily. He wanted to thank Jimmy but instead just said, “see you around.”
Danny watched as Jimmy drove off. He closed the door and headed back to the change room sitting down on his mat. He could see from Jimmy’s reaction that there was something more than Nathan had let on between him and Nathan and while he tried to put the pieces together he looked over seeing the boxes on the shelving unit. With all that had happened, Jimmy had forgotten the reason he had entered the room to begin with. He stood up taking the largest of the three boxes down only to discover it along with the other two were tightly taped shut. Giving up that he could open them unnoticed, he picked up his teddy and sat back down. The mat seemed to calm him out and he closed his eyes as he went into a deep daydream thinking about what might be in the boxes.
“Hey, that’s pretty cute there big guy.” Danny opened his eyes to see Nathan standing beside him. He had not heard the door open and went beat red not sure how to explain his actions. Speechless he got up pushing his teddy to the wall in the hopes that it was not noticed. It did not seem to faze Nathan and he carried on, “We should get you changed up so we can get something to eat. I want to hear all about your day, especially your time with Jimmy.” While Nathan spoke, Danny noticed his wet diaper sitting on the end of the change table and it occurred to him that he was also dry!”
Looking to buy some time he stood up and felt his diaper, “I am ok for a bit. Jimmy left us some stuff that I really want to check out. Let’s do that first.”
Nathan also wanted to see what was in the bag but on his own before he shared it with Danny, “Sure, maybe he brought something useful. Where is it?”
“Sitting in the living room.” Danny had moved to the door hoping to keep Nathan’s eyes off of the table.
“I’ll go get it, you hop up on the table and wait for me.” As he walked out, he gave Danny’s bottom a light slap, “I see your diaper held up pretty well, I am impressed. ” As soon as he walked out, Danny grabbed the wet diaper and placed it into the wet diaper container. He then did his best to wet but nothing happened. It had been a few minutes and looked down the hall asking Nathan if he was coming. Nathan had opened the bag and knew he was not ready to share it with Danny. In it were two onesies, a solid blue one and one with a toy pattern on it, a few pairs of very plastic pants one being teddy bears the other milky white, some thick cloth diapers, stuffers and a large pacifier. “Yeah, wait on the table, I’ll just be minute. I want get a drink first.”
Nathan took out the baby looking onesie, plastic baby pants as well as the pacifier and hid them under the chair. As he was going through the bag, Danny had no luck wetting and had stepped into the bathroom to run the tap hoping it would promote the urge to go. When nothing happened, he noted the cup by the sink and filled it up then poured it down his diaper. The water was cold and Danny jumped as it ran around his crotch. Pleased with the result, he went back and quickly got on the table waiting to be changed.
“I changed my mind, I don’t need a drink.” Nathan placed the bag down beside the change table unsure if he would try the blue onesie on Danny. He pulled a diaper from the shelf handing it to Danny to hold. He smiled as he undid Danny’s pants and pulled them down exposing his wet diaper. Danny handed the diaper to him and raised his bum. Nathan placed it under his bum and reached for the top tape stopping as he looked at the carefully folded down top of Danny’s diaper. The special care that had gone into Danny’s diaper was not his work but he recognized it for sure. He put his hand on Danny’s crotch and a definite look of disappointment came over him as he noticed that not only was Danny soft but his diaper was quite cool. Danny slouched into the diaper table as he heard Nathan speak. “Someone’s had some help today and been a bad little boy.”
Chapter 7 - “Not a Baby.”
The room was as still as a lake on a bright sunny morning but there were storm clouds close by. The wet diaper remained securely fastened to Danny’s bottom with Nathan’s hand resting on top of it. Neither showed any interest in making the next move. Danny’s mind jumped around from loosing Nathan to being picked up and put over his knee. He hoped for the later but the look of disappointment on Nathan’s face suggested differently. His penis remained soft, a rarity when Nathan had his hands anywhere near him, but the thought of loosing Nathan was consuming him. Pellets of rain began to beat against the window and thunder could be heard in the near distance. With each bang, Danny’s heart pounded as if it was Nathan’s voice yelling.
Slowly, Nathan pulled back his hand and Danny started to sit up but was gently put back down without a word from either. As he lay on his back, Danny watched as Nathan took the smaller of the boxes off the shelf and tore off the tape. There appeared to be several items in the box and Nathan moved them about, looking and moving on to the next until he pulled out a long black looking paddle. Danny couldn’t tell if it was leather or wood, but figured that either way he was about to find out. He knew it was not his diaper or wetting but his lies that had brought it to this. Nathan ran his hand across the paddle and looked over to Danny, staring at him, as he lightly slapped it against his own hand. A bolt of thunder rang through the room and Danny knew it was too late to protest and instinctively rolled onto his belly and waited.
There was only about 3 feet between the paddle and Danny’s bottom and his body tensed in anticipation of the first whack. Nathan moved forward standing tall over Danny. He could see the butt cheeks tensing and relaxing inside Danny’s diaper and raised the paddle high. Danny took a deep breath and cringed as the paddle lowered coming to a rest beside him. He looked out of the corner of his eye to see the paddle next to him. Perhaps Nathan had a change of heart or worse was about to give up on him.
With a pat on his bum, Nathan finally broke the silence, “Roll over.” There was no hostility or anger in the request but at the same time Danny knew it was not a suggestion. He rolled to his back and Nathan reached down and pulled up Danny’s pants. Danny raised his bum in accommodation and Nathan zipped him up fastening the top button. Danny sat up, half expecting to be put back down, but Nathan stepped back allowing him to leave the table. Danny had still yet to say anything and felt unsure of his place. Although calm, Nathan’s tone was strong, “Sit down on the mat. I’ll just be a minute.” Danny did as he was told and sat down, his wet diaper spreading under his cheeks but showing no issues in holding up. Nathan left the room, closing the door and leaving Danny to wonder how he had gotten himself into such a predicament. He knew it was his lying that continued to get Nathan upset and worried as he still had a bigger secret that would certainly destroy what they had. Nathan could never know that Jimmy had done more than just change him.
The door opened and Nathan stood holding three items.” Your buddy Jimmy brought these for you and although my first instinct was you were not a baby and did not need such things, it appears I was wrong.” The pressure against Danny’s diaper began to show and given the events of the day, Danny worried that Nathan might find it inappropriate and decide to use the paddle after all. He raised his knees trying to conceal his forming erection. “Lift your hands up high.” Danny did as he was instructed and liked how Nathan took control. A large tee shirt was put over his head and hung low as it was extra long. The sleeves were quite different and as he looked down at his body, he realized he was in a baby’s top of some sort covered in toys and childish items. The long ends had snaps on them and he immediately recognized that he was being put into baby attire.
“Fuck this Nathan. I don’t think so, I am not a baby!” His protest was out of embarrassment not intrigue and as he said it, he felt the conflict inside of him. As much as he felt he should stand up and protest, he wanted to stay put.
Nathan placed a pacifier down beside Danny along with the babyish plastic pants, “No, you are not a baby, but you act like one and seeing as it was your new buddy who brought these for you, it would be wrong not to put them to good use. Nathan’s hands rested on his shoulders and Danny found himself lying down on the matt. Nathan removed his pants and picked up the plastic pants shaking them open revealing the teddy bear print on them. The pressure of his penis in the tight diaper was intense and was starting to hurt but instead of being angry as Danny had feared, Nathan laughed, “Not a baby!” He gave Danny’s crotch a quick rub and then opened the pants up wide. “Lift your legs.” Danny’s hesitation caused Nathan to glare. He put his legs up in the air feeling the soft plastic sliding down against his skin and over his diaper. The baby pants fit snug and he reached out to touch them. Nathan grabbed his hand. “No, no touching.”
Without questioning, Danny stopped. Nathan had assumed full control and Danny found himself helpless. His body was lightly shaking and he closed his eyes to hide a tear while Nathan adjusted the onesie between his legs. With each snap fastening, the onesie became snugger and snugger wrapping his diapered bottom securely. He had forgotten about the paddle and being a bad boy and went off into a daydream like he had yet to experience. He curled his legs up and rocked. Nathan placed the pacifier into his mouth and he naturally sucked on it going even deeper into his dream like state. He could feel Nathan patting his diaper as he rocked and felt like he did not have a care in the world. He was on his mat diapered like a baby with his boyfriend and found it the most magical moment of his life.
A huge flash of lightning and thunder made Danny jump and his pacifier dropped out of his mouth. Nathan grabbed him, picked him up, and held him tightly for a few minutes before moving to the corner of the room and putting him down. He was facing the wall, a feeling he recalled in grade two when he was put in the corner for chewing gum. He stood motionless as Nathan spoke.
“I am at odds with you. You were asked only to leave your diaper alone and instead, instead you had Jimmy changing you. I know Jimmy well and I am sure he had a big part in this but Danny you are my boyfriend and I expect better, far better of you.” Nathan had stopped talking and Danny slowly turned his head seeing Nathan returning from the table with the paddle. He clenched his butt cheeks and faced the wall. Nathan stood behind him and continued, “and I am sure you were wet and uncomfortable however that is no excuse.” Danny flinched as another bolt of thunder filled the room. “Now, turn around. We are going to put your pants on and do as I asked earlier today.”
Danny was relieved and turned around staring into the paddle. “I am really sorry, I was just so wet and we were on the mat and I was feeling so, so, well, I don’t know how to explain it but before I knew it, Jimmy had me in a dry diaper.” Danny knew he was not telling everything but at least what he told was the truth.
Nathan slapped Danny’s bottom lightly with the paddle and smiled. Danny was relieved to see that the tension had lifted and saw hope that things might be ok. “I really appreciate you telling me the truth but here’s the thing. You lied to me, again, and you obviously put water in your diaper to hide it and above all, you did not do as I asked. It’s good that you have told me now but that is a little late.” Nathan looked hard into Danny’s eyes until Danny gave way and looked down. He again feared Nathan would tell him to pack his things and go and began to shuffle his feet. “So now”, he stopped, looking Danny over, “you are dressed as your buddy seems to think fit and we are going for dinner.”
The look of horror on Danny’s face caused Nathan to continue, “In pants of course silly!” The look of anxiety left and Nathan momentarily laughed then became serious. “However, your plastic pants will only last so long, and if you do leak, you will need to be changed. Grab a diaper on the way out. Oh, and one more thing,” Nathan placed the paddle on the change table, “I wasn’t about to waist a good diaper. Jimmy certainly did a great job there, but when you are ready to be changed, we will finish up.” He picked up and straightened the paddle. Danny’s gut sank as Nathan handed him his pants. “Now, be a big boy and put these on. “
Nathan left the room and Danny stared at the door to be sure he was gone. His hand moved to his diaper and he looked at himself in the mirror. He felt the soft plastic pant under his onesie and slowly rubbed it. The sound of thunder jolted him and understanding that Nathan did not like to be kept waiting, he put on his pants quickly turning to check out his bottom in the mirror. He was surprised at how little his diaper could be noticed however the toys on his onesie were another matter!
“Let’s go, what are you doing in there?” Danny hurried out of the room and met Nathan at the door. “Ah, good, that’s pretty cute as well, the girls will love you.” Nathan looked relaxed as he straightened the shoulder on Danny’s onesie. As uncomfortable as Danny was going out in such a childish outfit, he knew that he was not ready for the paddle so opened the door and stepped out.
“You did well Danny.” Nathan took Danny by the hand bring him back into the hall. “Wait here.” Nathan returned to the change room and Danny prepared for the worse. He felt himself hardening and shrugged in disbelief. He was about to be paddled and he was aroused. That made so little sense to him. Nathan’s returned with a blue onesie in his hand. “Here, we’ll put you in this instead.” Nathan had Danny’s pants and baby pants down and the babyish onesie off in a flash. He liked the feel of Nathan dressing him and as the blue onesie was being snapped up it stuck Danny’s curiosity.
“You are good with these tee shirts.”
“You are wearing a onesie, not a tee shirt but maybe for a boy like you dressing seems difficult.” Nathan laughed as he grabbed Danny by the ass and usher him to the door. “And don’t forget, there is big boy time!” Danny smiled, he like the sound of that. As natural as what he had experienced seemed to be for him, sex with his boyfriend could not be discounted.
“Let’s eat fast then,” said Danny, liking the turn of events.
It was five o’clock and the quaint little restaurant that Nathan frequently visited had only a light crowd. Danny liked his onesie finding that it gave him the confident that he would not be caught as Jimmy was as he moved about. As he sat talking with Nathan he was relaxed and though constantly aware of his diapered state was not overly bothered by it. The food was excellent and the two spent the time laughing and joking over food and a few beers. When they finished up, Nathan paid the bill and stood up. “I need to use the washroom before we head out.”
Danny crossed his legs tightly, “Sure, I’ll wait here for you.”
It was easy to see Danny had to pee but still Nathan pushed the half drank beer of Danny’s back in front of him. “Waste not, want not! We’ll leave after I piss.” Just hearing the word piss caused a small stream of pee to leak out into his diaper. He breathed in deeply to stop it, then looking to his beer, chugged it down hoping to get out of the place as soon as Nathan returned.
Nathan came out but had stopped to chat to one of the servers and seemed in no hurry to get back. The impact of the two beers was too much to hold and Danny began to wet. It was uncontrollable with the piss wrapping around his sides and down through his crotch. Convinced he was making a mess and with his pee still going, he headed to the door and stood outside. He discreetly felt around the edges of his diaper to be sure that he had not leaked. He recalled Nathan’s threat and was not about to be changed in public!
It took almost ten minutes before Nathan showed up and while he waited, several couples had exited smiling at Danny as they walked by. It made him blush and he was uncomfortable convinced his wet diaper was more than obvious. Nathan tried to look Danny over to see that everything was intact but Danny moved him to the side and quickly went to the car.
“You could have left the keys, everyone was staring at me!” They sat down in the car and Nathan put his hand on Danny’s very wet diaper ignoring the small tantrum. “Hmmm, what do you think, we don’t want my seats wet.”
“It’s fine! Let’s just get back.” Danny was agitated but quickly toned himself down. He needed to be changed and figured it was far better to have Nathan in a good mood given what he had coming. He gave Nathan a big smile and pulled on his seat belt, “You know, because we have big boy things to do!”
Nathan gave Danny’s diaper a squeeze, holding it for moment and then started the car. “That was Michael in there, you recall from the party?” Danny had not recognized him but now remembered that they spoke briefly in the kitchen the night of the party and seemed to be a good guy. “He’s having a party Saturday with most of the guys you met the last time so I said we were in.”
Danny liked getting to know Nathan’s friends but was concerned.”Well, hopefully my wetting is under control. I can’t go wearing diapers for sure!”
“Well, let’s see how the week goes.” Nathan was determined to alleviate Danny’s concern and noted that Jimmy would be there. A feeling of guilt built up in Danny as looked out the window. He thought about how enchanting Jimmy was but knew it would be extremely awkward being around him and Nathan at the same time.
The conversation back was light and as the two walked up to the door, Nathan held Danny’s diaper as it sagged low. His onesie was unable to keep it up and Danny grew worried as Nathan spoke. “You are one wet little boy. We better get you out of that wet diaper!”
Danny slowed and stopped. He fidgeted with his hands and he rocked back and forth on his feet, his voice low as he replied. “Nathan, I need to be changed, and I know I was bad earlier and deserve to be punished but that paddle, I don’t want to be spanked with it.” He wanted to ask why he even had such a device but did not as he waited for the response that came abruptly.
Nathan opened the door and picked Danny up. “Seriously Nathan, I do not want to be spanked with that paddle.” Danny squirmed as Nathan held him tightly taking him into the change room.
He put Danny down on the table and moved the paddle to the shelf. “I really enjoyed tonight, you were funny as heck.” Danny lay still unsure of what was transpiring as Nathan pulled down his pants and slid afresh diaper under him. He unsnapped the onesie and lowered the plastic pants that had become quite wet inside. Removing the Diaper, he rolled it up and placed it on Danny’s chest. “Of course you do not want to be spanked. Now, what do we do with JIMMY’S diaper?”
The weight of the diaper on his chest felt twenty times what it should and all Danny could think about was Jimmy taking his penis into his mouth. He was not hard and knew he deserved something for what he had done but could never tell Nathan. His face flushed, but this time in fear as he took the diaper in his hand and rolled onto his stomach.”I don’t know Sir.”
Nathan gave his ass a hard slap with his hand and the wet diaper dropped to the floor as Danny grabbed onto the sides of the table and braced for what was coming. It was swift and the paddle landed with a solid WHACK. His first thought was that he was fine, but within a second the sting ran through his skin and he arched in anticipation as the second swat landed hard on his smooth exposed buttocks. “Fucking ouch!” He wanted to cry and for it to end but his guilt over came him and he accepted the third, fourth, fifth and sixth swat leaving his ass burning red and sore with his body totally weakened.
While he waited for the next whack he felt a cool cream on his buttocks. Nathan had put the paddle down and was rubbing it gently into Danny’s very sore bottom. “Let’s hope we never need this again.” The cream felt good on his skin and Danny twitched as Nathan every once in a while ran his finger up between his cheeks. Danny shifted as he was becoming erect and Nathan hands soon discovered just how hard Danny was.
The fresh diaper had fallen to the floor and Nathan picked it up and placed in on the shelf. Nathan then picked up Danny, suggested his diaper would have to wait. He was excited at the thought of makeup sex but his bum was on fire still. He held on tightly with his red ass hanging over Nathan’s shoulder as they left. Nathan stopped before the bedroom however and put Danny down on the small bench inside the washroom and turned the tap on in the bath. Danny had softened and looked up to Nathan. “You need to shower?”
The plug was in the tub and it was filling with warm water. Nathan poured what looked to Danny like shampoo into the flow and stepped back. “Not me, you. We need to bath you up!” Danny looked at the tub filling. The flow of the water was mesmerizing and the two watched as the tub filled with bubbles. Nathan removed the onesie from Danny and placed him in the tub. The bubbles tingled and he felt his hair getting wet as Nathan began to bath him. He sat up tall as the soap slid over his smooth skin and leaned his bum out as Nathan cleaned up the results of his day in diapers. He felt fresh and the baby scent of the water was overwhelming. He lied down in the tub as Nathan’s hand slowly went up and down his torso. He could still feel his spanking but being bathed and with Nathan made it all seem ok. He would have loved to have his teddy bear with him but was still far too shy about his feeling to ask for it. He slid around the tub playing with the bubbles and every once in a while splashing and getting Nathan wet.
It had been 40 minutes but it felt like five. Nathan had prepared two towels and looked to Danny, “You are going to look like a prune if we don’t get you out of there.” Danny stepped out and onto the bath mat and was carefully dried off with Nathan paying extra care to his red bottom. He sat Danny on the bench and left returning with a bottle of baby powder that he distributed over his chest and buttocks. The smell was amazing and Danny was once again erect. Nathan stood him up and knelt down putting his hands carefully on Danny’s bum while taking him into his mouth. Danny let out a soft moan as Nathan, who had just spanked him so hard, was now so gentle with him as he ran his lips up and down. It had been a long and incredible day for Danny and now it was ending right.
Nathan took Danny into the bedroom placing him face down across the pillows on the bed and caressed his red cheeks spreading them and moving his finger over his hole. Danny spasmed as Nathan’s tongue moved in to replace his finger and the warm wet feeling of it tickling and pushing in and out made him squirm trying to keep himself from cumming. The heat from his spanking was no longer an issue as this was a new pleasure he had yet to experience with Nathan and it took over his body. Nathan slipped back and moved Danny to his back. He pushed his legs back and entered him slowly. The two kissed passionately and Danny’s eyes closed as Nathan thrust deeply inside of him. The strong slow thrusts caused Danny’s body to tense tightly and he found himself shooting across his chest as Nathan collapsed on top of him.
It was only 7pm but it felt like midnight. The two cuddled closely and Nathan could feel the heat in Danny’s bottom as he drew him in to snuggle. Danny had been through so much and his exhaustion caused him to drift off into a deep sleep. Nathan carefully got up and went to get the remaining items Jimmy had brought. He took the large cloth diaper, milky plastic pants, and pacifier and noticing the teddy on the floor, grabbed it as well and returned to the room. Danny was out cold and hardly stirred as Nathan put him into the fresh cloth diaper and pulled on the plastic pants. He placed the teddy under Danny’s arm and put the pacifier in his mouth.
Danny looked like an angel lying in his diapers and Nathan reached down giving him a kiss on the forehead. He stepped away and quietly closed the door behind him. His mission was almost accomplished. He headed back to the change room and looking at the crib, moved the mattress to the side and began assembling the frame.
Chapter 8 - ”In the beginning”
The crib was a bright white with a solid headboard and typical rail sidings. The mattress was far larger than any regular crib would accommodate and it was apparent that as well as the crib was made, it was definitely not from the factory. It went together quickly and Nathan put the mattress in. The plastic mattress cover that surrounded it crinkled as it fell into place. Outside of that it could accommodate a rather large baby, the crib itself looked just like any other. The side was down and Nathan sat on the mattress with a look of pride. His fingers caressed the plastic cover as he looked about the room finally resting his eyes on the three boxes on the shelving unit.
Standing up, he went over and took the large box off the shelf and eagerly brought it back to the crib tearing off the tape that held it securely shut. The box was full of attire and Nathan began to make up the crib. The sheet design was boxes and assorted toys and the bumper pad was a solid blue. Reaching to the bottom, he pulled out a quilt. It was light and puffy with a pattern of letters, trucks and cars on it. At the center was a large heart with the letter N in the center. Nathan placed it on the mattress and ran his hand across it to ensure it was flat but then folded it up and placed it back choosing another. This one had a large teddy as the main feature, which he thought, was certainly more appropriate as he smoothed it out.
The crib looked almost complete and Nathan sat down to admire his efforts. It had been a long day for him and he took a second to lie back. He was relaxed and pulled his feet up onto the mattress. His hands ran over the sides of the crib and as they met the mattress, his fingers found the cotton bedding and began to lightly stroke it. His legs curled to his chest and he relaxed, pondering the day’s events and thinking how lucky he was to have found Danny.
It had been around a month since they had first met at a charity fair. Daniel was running one of the games and Nathan had come up to his booth determined to win. As a child, he always envied the person that had won the big prize, usually an over sized stuffed animal of some kind, and carried it around like a prized possession. The game was a simple ring toss and Daniel knew the chances of winning were slim but was having fun with Nathan as he racked up the dollars.
“I am going to be able to close up early. At your rate, I am almost at my goal.” Nathan was over fifty dollar in and had a collection of 11 small stuffed animals as he continued to miss winning the big prize.
“I think I am close, did you see that last one. It almost rang the bottle. Besides, if I get to 20, I can trade in for a large.”
Daniel looked at his own sign, unaware of such a rule. “I don’t think so. You have to put it over the entire bottle for that. Daniel had actually done just that for a few guys earlier in the day but he liked Nathan around so was not about to make it easy for him to win and head off.
“Hmmm, then I guess I better start focusing then. By the way, I’m Nathan.”
“Hey Nathan, I’m Daniel, some call me Dan. It’s good to meet you and certainly thanks for the big donation! Are you planning on playing until you win the big one?”
Nathan had come over to the games for just that but in the end was staying because he was enjoying the company. “Well, perhaps but maybe I should be smashing plates or throwing for baskets. This looked like my best bet at the time.” Reality was that Nathan had picked the ring toss only when he noticed it was manned by a very hot guy.
“Tell you what, if you win fifteen small prizes before winning a big one, I’ll let you pay with your prizes, one small stuffed animal per toss.” Daniel worried Nathan may not want to pay out a whole lot more and hoped this would keep him around a bit longer.
“That’s a deal.” Nathan smiled and looked to see if it was returned.
“Are you from here?” said Daniel as he smiled back.
“Yeah, I grew up in Toronto. How about yourself?”
“I moved here a few months ago from Summerside.” Nathan was stumped but did not want to look ignorant, as he had no idea where that was. It was apparent to Daniel by his look and he clarified. “You may not know it. It’s a small city in Prince Edward Island.”
“Ah, ok. I have never been out that way but I hear it’s really nice.” Nathan had won fifteen small animals and was now starting to return them as he continued to miss over and over.
“For sure, it’s a great place to grow up but it’s been good to get away and explore.” As Daniel turned to retrieve the rings, Nathan was looking over his lean tight body and cute ass. Daniel was not a big guy but he was very good looking and it was obvious he kept himself in shape. His eyes moved up as Daniel turned back and handed him the rings. “Some things are just more difficult in smaller towns.” Daniel and Nathan’s eyes caught each other and Daniel looked away. “Try throwing them on a slight angle as you toss.”
Nathan was down to four prizes and tossed into the center of the pit. It made a ringing sound as it landed running itself down to the base of the bottle. “Yes! Finally.” Daniel tried not to show his disappointment as he looked at the ring sitting over the pop bottle. Nathan looked smug, “I guess I get the big prize.”
“You sure do. Make sure you tell everyone where you won if you don’t mind. So, which one do you want to take home.”
Nathan looked at Daniel and grinned and then pointed to the large St Bernard. As Daniel reached for it, Nathan pointed back at Daniel, “Unless this one is available.” Daniel smiled. He had never been hit on by a guy before and was awkward. He took down the St Bernard and handed it to Nathan. He was blushing and his eyes wouldn’t make contact with Nathan’s. His feet rocked back and forth as he struggled to reply. Nathan sensed he had misread the situation and became embarrassed as well. “Oh, Sorry, I thought maybe.” Nathan was not usually lost for words but was caught off guard. “Shit, sometimes I say the dumbest things, just ignore me. Thanks, it was a lot of fun winning.” Nathan took his prize and turned away.
Daniel was a quiet guy and not out to his family and friends back home. He had moved to Toronto determined to find his way but time after time he found his shy nature kept him much to himself. He had volunteered for the fair to try to meet people and was annoyed with himself for how he had responded. While Nathan was still within earshot, he gathered all of his courage, “I am done at eight.”
Nathan stopped, trying to act casual, “sounds good, then I will be back here at eight!”
Nathan sat up, thinking he heard movement and figured it was Danny and got up to look. Danny had rolled to his tummy, his ass in the air and his teddy still clutched under his arm. He loved how calm Danny looked sleeping in his diaper and placed his hand on his bottom verifying he was dry. He left the room and went into the bathroom taking out a water bottle from the cabinet. It was an old fashion water bottle that had been adapted with a long thin hose. He turned the water on to warm, filled it up, and returned to Danny.
“Are you awake?” Nathan wanted to be sure before he continued. Convinced it was safe, he gently pulled the top of Daniel’s diaper out and placed the tube into his diaper. He then watched as the diaper soaked up the water and then gracefully pulled out the tube and headed back to the living room. He sat down and turned on the TV but found himself thinking of Danny and their first date.
As promised, Nathan returned at eight. Daniel mentioned he had not eaten since two and Nathan offered to take him to a small restaurant that he often visited. The conversation seemed effortless and Daniel found Nathan very ease to be with. The place was not crowded and they sat off to the corner with plenty of privacy. Daniel was pleased with himself for getting up the nerve to call Nathan back and Nathan as well was pretty pleased with himself having just recently split with his boyfriend and being unsure about getting back into the dating scene so quickly.
While they chatted, one of the waiters came by and started to speak to Nathan, “Hey Nathan, good to see you back.”
“Hey, yeah it’s been a few weeks.” Nathan seemed reserved as the two exchanged pleasantries. Danny fidgeted with his hands wondering if Nathan would introduce him. Nathan knew he was being unfair but the waiter was good friend of his ex’s and he didn’t want to get into it.
“Well, I am off for the night; we’ll see you next week I hope.” Nathan nodded and with the waiter gone, carried on as if they had never been interrupted.
“So, Summerside, how big is it.”
Daniel laughed, he figured whatever the deal was it was not his concern, “well, it’s a city but it’s not big at all, maybe 15,000 people or so. We had more than that at the fair alone today.”
“That would be pretty cool. You must know the whole town!”
“Well, perhaps. It’s kind of like that, but that can have its draw backs as well.”
“Hard to be yourself I guess.” Nathan was fishing. He had assumed this was a date of sorts but was not sure Daniel considered it as such and he was trying to get some confirmation of Daniel’s motivation. “
“That’s for sure, it’s one of the reasons I left, being gay and all.” Daniel stopped having never referred to himself as gay to anyone. “I mean, my buddy’s certainly may have suspected it but we never discussed it. How about you, are you out?”
Surprised by Daniel’s frankness, Nathan took a second to reply. “I don’t think I was ever in! I had my first boyfriend at thirteen. Not that we did much but still, enough to get me teased hard throughout high school.“ Nathan liked how Daniel seemed shy but still fairly sure of himself. “And you, when did you have your first boyfriend?”
“Hmmm, I guess never! I have never even been on a date.” Daniel looked carefully at Nathan’s body language thinking twenty-three was pretty old to have never dated.
“Well, let’s consider this your first date then!” Nathan’s face lit up and Daniel laughed. Something about Nathan allowed him to be himself and the rest of the evening flew by with the waiter bringing them the bill to settle as they were closing. Nathan pulled out his card telling Daniel it was on him.
“I am not too far from here if you want to come back for a coffee or something” said Daniel blushing slightly.
“That sounds good. I have to be up early but maybe a quick one.” The two headed back to Daniel’s and while Daniel put on some coffee, Nathan looked around the apartment.
“Really nice place you have here, I have a similar unit but it’s a bit large with 3 bedrooms. My ex and I shared it for a while but I may move as it’s really too large.”
“Well, this has one more bedroom than I need but I use it for my bike and extra crap.” Daniel handed Nathan his coffee and sat beside him. He was extremely attracted to him and still in a bit of shock having asked him back. “So you work early?” Danny looked Nathan in the eyes and they locked momentarily. There was a comfort he felt with Nathan that he had not experienced before and with his eyes locked on Nathan’s he felt a hand rest on his knee.
“I do, but I am good on light sleep so I guess I am not that worried about it” said Nathan rubbing Daniel’s knee softly.
Daniel found himself hardening and worried about appearing naïve. “I had a really great night.” He placed his hand on Nathan’s and waited for a response. Nathan moved in closer and brought his lips to Daniel’s. It was his first real kiss with a guy and the first thing he noticed was the stubble. It was course and tickled but Nathan’s soft lips made up for it as the two embraced. Daniel felt Nathan’s hand move over his body and he tried to do the same. He was not sure where to touch but as Nathan’s hand moved to his crotch he jumped back, mostly embarrassed that he was hard.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to jump.”
“My fault, I got carried away.” Nathan smiled and moved his hand to his own knee.
Daniel put his hand on the back of Nathan’s head and kissed him hard. “I am just a bit nervous, I think what we are doing is fine.” Daniel placed his hand on Nathan’s crotch and Nathan again took the lead, removing his shirt and then Daniels. They kissed and rubbed exploring each other as the coffee they poured went cold. Daniel was turned on beyond his imagination and reached into Nathan’s pants. Nathan decided it was time and picking up Daniel asked, “Which room?”
Daniel was shaking, this was his first real time with a guy, but he definitely knew he wanted to continue and pointed to the bedroom on the left. The two kissed as Nathan carried him to the bed and removed Daniel’s pants and then his own before lying down beside him. “I really had a wonderful night and don’t want to do anything to ruin it, are you sure.”
“Yeah, it’s good.” Daniel was rock hard and Nathan began stroking him gently up and down. Danny then reached over and did the same for Nathan. They flipped around and while holding onto Daniel’s buttocks, took Daniel deep into his mouth. A soft moaning could be heard with Danny experiencing sensations that were far more intense than he ever imagined. His eyes closed and his tight body contracted as Nathan’s drew him in deeper. Nathan felt a soft hand surround his penis and he was guided into Daniel’s waiting mouth. They had been playing for over an hour and Nathan knew he would not last long but before he could worry, Daniel was shooting hard which in turn caused Nathan to spasm and explode leaving them both in a sticky mess.
The two laid back holding onto each other, “So that’s how a first date works huh.” Daniel laughed at himself while Nathan pulled him is close resting his hands on Daniel’s muscular chest.
“Hopefully the first of many!” said Nathan. The room went quiet with the two of them taking in the moment but it was close to one in the morning and finally Nathan spoke up. “Don’t take this wrong, but I should get going, I really do have to be up early!”
Daniel sat up, “Oh, for sure, you told me before. I have stuff to do as well.” It got awkward with Daniel feeling insecure that perhaps this was how a one-night stand would go. He picked up Nathan’s things and handed them to him, “your shirt is in on the floor in the living room.”
“I wish I could stay, but I need a change of clothes for the morning” It was obvious Daniel was not right. “Maybe we could get together after work tomorrow, see a movie or something?”
Daniel was thrilled, “that would be fantastic!”
He leaned over and gave Daniel a kiss. “I’ll let myself out. See you tomorrow right?” Daniel nodded, collapsing back on the bed. Nathan put on his pants on and as he got to the doorway, he turned around, “I hit the washroom first. I need to clean up a bit before I head out.” He was not paying much attention and mistakenly opened the door to the second bedroom. His eyes grew wide as he looked around. There was no bike or junk, but a single bed with trucks on the bedspread, stuffed animals across the pillow and posters of Finding Nemo and Toy Story on the walls. His heart raced with excitement and he carefully closed the door and opened the one beside it going into the washroom.
“I’ll call you mid day if that’s ok, I can’t wait to see you again!” Daniel was wide awake, excited at how well the evening had gone. He was sure Nathan was the one for him and now more than ever, Nathan was convinced that Daniel was the one for him.”
Danny woke with his teddy was still under his arm but his pacifier had long since fallen out. The TV could be heard in the background and he looked at the clock seeing it was 10:15PM. The heat on his bottom reminded him of his of his spanking but more so, he felt unusually wet and at first thought he was lying on wet sheets. He looked down, relieved he had not wet the mattress, discovering he had been put in cloth diapers. His fingers ran over the soft plastic pant that covered his very wet diaper and he began to harden. They plastic pants felt babyish and he took his teddy and rolled over noticing the pacifier that was resting under his shoulder. He felt like he was back in his own room and smiled, taking the pacifier and putting it into his mouth. His teddy got big squeeze and he curled his legs up to his chest. His eyes were fixated on the door to ensure Nathan did not come in and see that he was enjoying his “punishment.” He loved this feeling but it was where he felt comfortable telling Nathan almost anything, his infantile ways he was not. Unlike his regular diapers, these ones seemed to feel much wetter and he became nervous that he might leak. The heat in his bottom was still very much a reminder and he decided he had better get up to be changed. With his teddy and pacifier in hand, he walked into the living room.
There he stood, his cloth diaper drooping badly, his teddy dragging in one hand and his pacifier in the other. He was upset as he looked down at his soaked diaper. “Look at this, if you hadn’t diapered me the bed would be soaked! I can’t even nap without wetting. I just don’t get it!” Danny was feeling his thick cloth diaper and pointing his pacifier in Nathan’s face, “And I guess this is more of Jimmy’s stuff. I think we should stick to my regular diapers. These make me look like a frickin baby.”
Danny took a deep breath and sat down with Nathan. He was under the impression that Nathan was still punishing him by treating him like a baby with the cloth diapers, pacifier and teddy. “I know I was bad and disappointed you, but I have plenty of better things to suck on. Perhaps we can give Jimmy back some of his stuff.” Danny hoped his posturing was not too obvious as he tried to deflect his true feeling.
Nathan’s stomach dropped. He thought Danny was ready for the next step but decided he still had a lot of work still to do. He felt Danny’s wet diaper and then stood up, “I’m heading to bed myself. Go hop back in bed and I’ll change you up there.”
Danny did as he was told and Nathan went to get a diaper. He opened the door and looked at the crib disappointingly, knowing he would have to take it down, at least for now.
Chapter 9 - “…The Pipes, The Pipes Are Calling.”
Nathan waited patiently for Danny to fall asleep before slipping out to disassemble the crib. He quietly went into the change room and closed the door behind him. He looked at the crib imagining how fun it would have been to have Danny in it but he figured that he had made a big mistake in trying to get there. He got up onto the mattress and began to untie the bumper pads, every so often looking to the door and listening for any signs that Danny had woken. As he removed the pads, his fingers ran up and down the poles on the sides of the crib. With the pads untied, he turned onto his back and pulled his legs up to his chest. It had been a long day and his disappointment was evident. He thought back to the days that he and Jimmy were together and how much fun they had with the nursery. It wasn’t meant to be a secret, but he had avoided telling Danny a lot about Jimmy and besides, Danny seemed disinterested the few times he had. The reality was that he and Jimmy had dated off and on for over two years, finally living together for the latter part but discovering they just had different goals. It was a hard break up but they remained good friends.
The sound of Nathan’s cell phone caused Nathan to leap from the crib. He didn’t want Danny waking up and he fled to the front door and read the waiting text. “Don’t forget the party –and your wallet! - this weekend – Michael.”
Nathan stood thinking that perhaps Jimmy was right and he had made a mess of things all on his own. Danny seemed all confused and he had risked their relationship over a silly bet. He knew he had to make it right before the party Saturday but had no idea how. He looked in on Danny who as usual was sleeping on his belly with his bum up and his legs curled in. The white of his diaper took on a glow as the moon shone through the window catching it at just the right angle. Confident that he was asleep, he returned to finish taking the crib apart. It was late and Nathan struggled to stay awake, slipping back into bed the minute he was done.
The glow of the moon was replaced by the bright morning that shining in through the window causing Danny to wake early. The light was blinding but it was something else that was bothering him and it took a few seconds for him to figure it out. He placed his hand on the front of his diaper and the around the back discovering that he was dry. He was excited! It was the first morning in while that he had not woken up in a wet diaper and he was thinking that perhaps his wetting had passed. He immediately thought to wake up Nathan to tell him the good news but as he turned towards him, he got a pit in his stomach. As much as he couldn’t find it in himself to let Nathan know his true feelings, he had grown to like his diaper changes and Nathan’s take charge ways. Without his bed wetting, what possible reason would there be for Nathan to diaper him.
The shifting of the bed caused Nathan to stir and he notice Danny sitting on the end of the bed. Barley awake, he asked in a very soft voice what he was doing up so early. Danny got up and closed the blind on the bedroom window. “The sun was in my eyes, go back to sleep.” Nathan rolled over and Danny lied back down beside him staring at the ceiling as he contemplated his predicament. Feeling his dry diaper again, he knew what had to happen.
It was close to nine am and as a result of the closed blinds, Nathan found that he had overslept. He looked at the clock and then to Danny who was still fast asleep. “Crap!” he thought to himself, realizing that after taking down the crib he had not managed Danny’s wetting. He tried to get out of bed unnoticed but as he did, Danny opened his eyes. “Hey, good morning. I had a great sleep after I closed those blinds.”
Nathan knew there was nothing he could about it now. “Yeah, I slept in it was so dark in here. I am pretty hungry, do you want some eggs.” Nathan headed out to the kitchen and Danny followed him out in his diaper that was swaying around at the rear.
“Sure, eggs sound great but can we fix my diaper up first?” Nathan turned and looked at Danny. His diaper was soaked and sagging badly. Confused, Nathan tried to recall if perhaps he had remembered to wet Danny’s diaper but decided that he definitely had gone to bed forgetting.
“You’re soaked,” said Nathan in disbelief as he gave Danny’s bottom a light smack. Sure enough, Danny needed changing! A sense of guilt overcame him and then concern, as he had no idea why Danny would be wetting his diaper except that he had forced him to wear them for so many days. While he was trying to figure things out, Danny had hopped up on the change table and was waiting for Nathan. He loved the feeling of Nathan taking his diaper off and always went hard as he was changed. Nathan moved to the table and removed his soaked diaper, gently wiping him down and powdering him up before tightly securing his diaper for the morning. “You must have really gone into a deep sleep, that’s the wettest I can recall you being.”
“I guess so. I think I may end up just like Jimmy.”
Nathan cringed, “I doubt that but maybe we should get you checked out at the doctors.” Danny had no intention of seeing any doctor and let Nathan know that it was too soon to worry and was still confident it was a passing phase. He got off the table and headed for the kitchen with Nathan a few steps behind, still concerned for his boyfriend but definitely enjoying the view.
During breakfast, Nathan told Danny he had a few errands to run for work and would be out a few hours but the reality was, he was worried about Danny and was heading out to seek some advice. Right after they ate he took off driving to the quaint little restaurant that he and Danny frequented a few times. He took a deep breath and went in. Michael was tied up serving a customer so he took a booth and waited patiently for him to finish.
“Hi Nathan. Where’s your little buddy?”
“Hey Michael, He’s back at home. Do you have a minute to talk?”
The place was pretty quiet and Michael sat down. “Sure thing, it’s quiet right now. By the way, Jimmy was filling me in, sounds like you are cutting it pretty close.” Nathan did not respond. “Oh, and sorry as well if that text was a bit late last night.” Michael laughed, somewhat mockingly.
“Well, forget all that shit, I have a problem.” Nathan looked around to ensure that no one was too close by. “Danny’s started wetting his bed, but for real.”
Jimmy continued to laugh, “Give it up. The bet was you’d have him in a crib in three weeks. I don’t care where he’s pissing.” Michael started to get up. “Was that it?”
“Come on. Wait. I am serious, I need your advice.”
Michael stopped and sat back down. He could tell Nathan was concerned and not just posturing as he first suspected.“So what are you asking?”
“Ok, you’ve been in diapers for a long time but always say it’s your call if you wet or not. Have you ever just wet, not knowing?”
Michael sat back, “I am not sure why I am any more an expert than you but not really, I mean certainly in my fantasies.” Michael was thinking back, he had worn diapers off and on for as long as he could recall but it was only the last few months that he had decided to wear full time.
Nathan continued to probe. “So you don’t think you have just wet the bed?”
Michael smiled, “Hmmm, maybe a few times over the years I’d wake up wet, but I never really analyzed it. And lately, I don’t know. I am so used to them. If it happened, I’d just figure that I had woke up but forgotten is all, but I certainly have not lost control.” Michael seemed to becoming impatient with the conversation. “Jimmy tells me you were helping Daniel, or Danny as you now seem to call him, along. That’s pretty messed up you know, bet or no bet.”
Nathan put his hands to his face and slouched. Jimmy had his own hand in helping out but Nathan kept that to himself knowing it would only make things difficult for Michael. “When we made the silly bet I had just met him. I had no idea we’d get on so well. I mean you have to admit, when I told you about the bedroom and all, it was kind of unreal.”
“Well, you were pretty cocky that’s for sure and even ruined a good diaper party with your no diapers showing rule until he was ‘ready’. We all suspected you were way over your head but wow, you kind of went extreme.”
Nathan chose to let Michael’s rant go unanswered, instead focusing on Danny. “So, what do I do? Do you think I broke him?”
The bizarreness of the question caused Michael to laugh out loudly catching the few tables in the place by surprise as they looked over to see what was up. He lowered his voice and leaned into Nathan, “Listen, I hear the crib is not even set up and that was the deal so the only thing broken will be your bank account. He probably just slept deeply. I mean Jimmy tells me you’ve kept Daniel, Danny, in diapers full time making him wet them, so why the fuck are you surprised when he’s wet? Maybe he just had an accident, but for sure he is not ‘broken’.”
Nathan knew that Michael was being sarcastic but still found his words relieving. Michael was one of the biggest baby’s he knew and he respected his perspective that he was over reacting.
“Ok, thanks, I appreciate the advice. I guess I panicked.”
Michael got up, “I have to get back to work. But Saturday, it’s a diaper party this time, so ready or not, you have to decide if your boy is ready. Are you going to eat or was that all?”
Nathan had little appetite. “No, I am good. I hope we see you both Saturday.” Michael moved on to his customers leaving Nathan deep in thought.
Danny himself was concerned. He didn’t like that he was deceiving Nathan and was trying to find a way to tell him what only Jimmy knew. He admired Jimmy and wanted to be comfortable in his ways just like he was. Danny put on some music and went into his change room sitting down on the mat with his teddy. As he listened, he could see himself in the bottom of the mirror. Jimmy had shown him something about himself that he now understood and he knew he could never go back. He picked up the dummy that was resting on the shelving unit and lied down thinking to himself that if his relationship with Nathan was going to work out, he would have to tell him how he felt. He brought his feet up to his chest holding his teddy in his arms and pacifier in his mouth. A warm stream flowed down through his diaper and wrapped around his bottom filling his diaper. The sensation of being on his mat in only his wet diaper made him feel like he had no care in the world. His hand moved to feel his soaked crotch and he drifted off into a daydream.
The drive back for Nathan seemed fast and he was sitting in his parked car thinking about Danny. He had fallen in love with him but diapers were a huge part of his world and he needed Danny to understand it, not through misconceptions but by the truth. He got out of the car determined but gut ridden as he realized he had to come clean.
The place was quiet and Nathan put his keys and phone on the table in the hall. He heard the music and walked down the hall looking for Danny. As he got close, he noticed the door to the change room was open and he turned to look in. Danny looked up. He was relaxed and seemed unfazed at Nathan seeing him so vulnerable. “Hey Nathan.”
“Hey Danny,” Nathan looked around the room, half expecting to see Jimmy around, “what are you doing?” Danny removed his pacifier and sat up on his mat. His teddy was between his legs and his diaper obviously wet. Nathan moved closer thinking that perhaps he was not so far off.
“I guess I was just sitting here.” Danny looked at Nathan and pulled his teddy in tight. “I don’t really know how to explain it.” Danny’s eyes were wetting up and Nathan sat down beside him. The two sat quietly and Nathan placed his arm around Danny’s shoulder.
“I think you like to be small, young.” Nathan watched Danny closely as he chose his words carefully, ”you like to regress.” Nathan moved his hand and rubbed Danny’s back. “I didn’t know for sure but I kind of suspected it.” Danny’s eye had lowered and he did not make eye contact. “I mean, your bedroom and all? It was a bit of a statement.”
Danny looked up and wiped his eyes, “So you know about this? I don’t get it.”
Nathan wanted to come out and tell Danny everything but he was still afraid of losing him. “I do. I have a lot of friends who do this, some are like you and regress and some just wear diapers. Jimmy for instance, and Michael. In fact the group you met at the party.”
“And you never told me? I have been wetting my diaper and you liked it?” Nathan was getting red and embarrassed that he had been so deceitful but was taken aback when Danny continued, “I am so relieved, I mean I was worried that my wetting problem would ruin our relationship but now, it’s ok.”
Nathan was shocked at how Danny saw things but extremely relieved. “Well, you certainly don’t have to worry there! I think you are really cute, even hot in diapers.” Nathan smiled awkwardly while Danny reached over and gave him a big hug.
“You have no idea how much I worried. I thought you and Jimmy had broken up over him needing diapers. And then with me needing, I was.” Danny was lost for words with his emotions over taking him. He squeezed Nathan tighter and put his head down on his shoulder.
Nathan decided he had certainly lucked out and that Danny was the best thing that ever happened to him. “You think you are relieved! I have wanted to tell you for weeks but was afraid you’d find my friends too odd and leave me! “
“I think this is cool.” Danny was getting brave and got up. “I saw some of the stuff in the box, it’s pretty neat.” A concerned look came over Nathan as Danny went on, “I think it’s Jimmy’s but maybe he’d be ok with us borrowing it.” Nathan let down his guard as Danny grabbed the larger of the two boxes from the shelf and opened it.
“Oh, the bedding.” Looked at the box that remained sealed on the shelf, Nathan breathed a sigh of relief.
Danny looked to the crib, “I have been thinking about that crib since I first saw it and now with this stuff. Your sister would never know if we sort of used the crib would she.”
Nathan wanted to check his pulse. Only an hour ago he thought he���d probably lose Danny and now, he was about to put him in his crib! “It’s been here a long time. I think we’d be fine to use it.” Nathan could see that Danny was poking out in front and he was doing the same. They both looked at each other and smiled.
Danny moved in and rubbed Nathan. Things had gone far better that he could have ever imagined and he was about to experience his most inner dreams. Nathan pulled Danny in holding on to his diapered bottom as he looked over Danny’s shoulder at the last box on the shelf. He had sorted out some of his mess but he knew he was far from being in the clear.
Danny could feel that Danny had wet a fair bit and picked him up putting him on his change table. Danny opened his legs and lifted his bum as Nathan placed a fresh diaper under him. He took the onesie with the teddy on the front out of the bag Jimmy had brought and placed it on the side of the table. Danny’s heart raced as Nathan cleaned him up and powered his bum. He was standing tall and Nathan took out the baby lotion, pouring it across his penis. A slow rub had Danny moaning and he gently pushed Danny’s legs back, massaging the lotion between his legs as he stroked him up and down. Danny was going crazy and right on the edge when Nathan stopped, wiped his hand of the cream and pulled the diaper up between Danny’s legs, tightly putting the tapes in position. Danny sat up as Nathan placed his onesie over his head and pulled it down to snap it in place. “Now that’s cute,” said Nathan patting Danny on the crotch.
Danny was still rock hard and started to rub himself but Nathan moved his hand. “That is for me to take care of, be a good boy and keep your hands away.” Danny smiled and did as he was told as Nathan took him off the table and sat him down on his mat. “Now, I have some work to do.” He picked up the sides of the crib and left the room returning several times to get the remaining parts. Danny watched, thinking it was not his place to question but on the last trip, Nathan reached down and took Danny over his shoulder putting him down on their bed. “I’ll set your crib up beside the bed, that way you can still sleep beside me.”
Danny got more and more excited as the crib went up and with the final placement of the mattress he put his arms in the air. Nathan looked at Danny and smiled but told him to be patient as he went back to the change room.
Returning with Danny’s teddy and pacifier, he picked him up and lowered him down into the crib on his back. Danny looked up to Nathan and let out a huge grin. Nathan was busy back and forth and Danny knelt up holding the side of the crib as he tried to figure out what he was up to. Nathan took Danny’s bag of clothes and placed them to the back of the closet. “I think we may have to do some shopping for more appropriate attire for you.” Danny’s eyes lit up as he listened to Nathan intently. “We have a big party Saturday and I want you at your best.
Danny gripped the posts of his crib tightly and crouched down thinking hard before he finally spoke. “I don’t think I am ready for that just yet. Maybe we can skip this one and just keep this to us for now.”
Nathan had almost finished what he was doing and had placed a bunch of stuff on the bed to be sorted. He pushed the items around and pulled out the paddle he had used on Danny for his antics with Jimmy and placed it on the dresser beside the bed. He looked to Danny saying nothing, and then moving back to the bed he opened a medium size duffle bag. Nathan filled it with several diapers, some powder and the plastic pants and extra onesie that Jimmy had donated. “So, I need you to be a good boy.” He lowered the side of the crib and placed Danny on his back to put his shorts on over his diaper and a tee shirt over his onesie. “And if you are a good boy, the tee shirt can stay on.”
Danny was enjoying his baby time and he had no intention of being bad but the idea of being in diapers with his friends troubled him. The paddle was also fresh in his mind and with it sitting next to his crib he decided it was best that he not bring it up again. Nathan sat him up and Danny followed him out to the front door. “Where are we going?”
“We need to find you some more appropriate attire. I have some ideas!” Nathan had Danny’s diaper bag in the one hand and took Danny’s hand with his other. Danny was apprehensive but excited as he and Nathan took off for a day on the town.
Chapter 10 - “Oh Danny Boy”
The drive into the city took less than 30 minutes with Danny excited about his adventure and talking the entire time. As good as their relationship was, he felt a new level of commitment between them developing. The clock over the parking lot showed 3 o’clock as Nathan pulled in and looked to Danny. “We can walk from here. It’s only a block or so.” He locked up the car and as they walked towards the street he asked Danny, out of the blue, if he was wet. Danny looked around to ensure that no one had heard and confirmed that he was fine. The comment had made him self-conscious however, causing him to fuss with his tee-shirt and continually pulling it down low as he walked along the busy street before Nathan stopped. “Ok, this is where we start.” Danny looked up at the sign, ‘Dave’s Workers’.
Danny was puzzled, “I thought we were looking for kind of alternative clothes?” Nathan assured Danny that it was what they wanted and held open the large wooden door while Danny walked in seeing only rows of tee shirts, jeans and work boots. “Are you sure?” Danny whispered not understanding why they’d be in such a place.
“Absolutely. Come this way.” Nathan walked confidently to the back of the store and approached one of the clerks that was busy sorting through clothes. “He Carson, is Dave around?”
“Hey, long time Nathan! How have you been keeping?” The two chatted for a short time and then the clerk headed off.
Danny waited until he was gone before he spoke up, “So is there anyone you don’t know?”
Nathan laughed, “Carson and I met at a party a few years ago and he introduced me to Dave who owns this place as well as others. He’s just gone to find him for us.”
Danny was about to ask more but was interrupted. “Nathan!” Dave seemed genuinely glad to see Nathan and put out his hand to shake. “It’s been a while since you and Jimmy have been in. How are you keeping?”
“Oh, fine thanks.” Danny was uncomfortable hearing Jimmy and Nathan in the same sentence and looked down as he rocked on his feet. “But Jimmy and I aren’t together any longer. We split up a while back.” Nathan reached out and put his arm around Danny, “I’d like you to meet my partner Danny. Danny, this is Dave.”
Danny raised his head with his face was glowing like he had just won a lottery. “Hi Dave, it’s nice to meet you. Great store you have.”
Dave shook Danny’s hand, “Well thank you, but knowing Nathan, I suspect this isn’t the store we are here for.” Dave turned to Nathan, “So are we heading downstairs?”
Nathan nodded, “you got it, I have a few things in mind.” Nathan took Danny’s hand and they followed Dave to a staircase in the back corner. A large bold sign at the top read “By Appointment Only Please.” Dave hollered over to Carson to mind the place for a while and the three proceeded down the staircase. It was an old brick building and the stairwell was damp which made Danny realize he needed to pee. He tried to think of other things as they entered into a room with several racks of clothing items.
“So, what are you thinking today, I have some pretty good new items just in. Some really good cloth diapers as well as some cute plastic pants. I know you don’t go for the frilly stuff but you might like some of the new sleepers.” Nathan had gone over to a rack that had cut off overalls. Dave followed and Danny stood by himself in awe of the store but was less keen that Dave was so involved. Dave picked up a pair of the shortalls and placed them in front of Nathan sizing them up. “Maybe a bit small, but we can customize them as always for you.”
Nathan laughed uncomfortably and took the item from Dave putting it up to Danny, “I think this would be a good fit, can he try them on?” Danny went a bright shade of red as Dave pointed to the change room off to the side. Nathan handed Danny the shortalls telling him to give them a try but Danny was flustered and hesitated. Nathan carefully turned him towards the room and gave him a light push and Danny too the direction afraid of causing a scene. Once in the change room, Nathan moved closer to Dave and began to talk in a very low voice.
“He’s new to this is all, plus he’s pretty shy.”
“Shy or not, he seems like a good catch, and a really good looking catch at that! I assumed they were for you but they will look even better on him.” Dave winked at Nathan and then stopped the conversation as Danny was heading back having put the shortalls over his regular shorts and looking pretty silly. His eyes were down and he fussed with the positioning of the straps as the crotch was far too high. Dave shrugged and looked to Nathan who looked to Danny.
Nathan was not pleased thinking Danny was being difficult. “I can’t really tell with them over your shorts.” He undid the straps and lowered the shortalls to the floor handing them to Dave to hold. “They may need to be lengthened a bit but let’s try one more time.” Before Danny could react, Nathan had his pants down and was lifting his leg to remove them. Danny froze in embarrassment. He was slightly wet and his onesie was evident as he stood motionless while Nathan took the shortalls back from Dave and put him into them.
Dave stepped over and adjusted the crotch checking for room. He let out the shoulder straps and Danny could feel his diaper gain the needed room. “So, what about the crotch, standard snaps?” asked Dave.
Nathan walked around checking out the fit and admiring Danny’s bottom in them. “They are a good fit.” He put his hand between Danny’s legs feeling for extra room, “I don’t want to mess up the fit and he’s only in a M3 so we need room to grow.” While the two talked, Danny flushed and rocked back and forth on his feet as the two spoke almost as if he was not there.
“I think they will be fine and you’ll be glad for the snaps come change time. I can have them ready for you on Tuesday.” Nathan had moved over to the rack and had taken a pair of pajamas off the rack. “I was hoping for today if at all possible.”
“Nathan, Nathan, Nathan.” Dave sighed. “Always a rush when you come in. Tell you what, get what else you need and I’ll take them up to see if Barry has time today. You should have come in earlier!” Nathan took the shortalls off of Danny and handed them to Dave.
Danny quickly put on his shorts and waited for Dave to leave before speaking, “That was ridiculous, why would you do that! I must be redder than a tomato!” Danny huffed and walked a few steps away.
Nathan moved to the rack and removed a sleeper that was yellow with trains on it. He put it on a table with the pajamas and continued looking through the items. “I asked you to try them. Would you try on a swim suit over your shorts?” Nathan pulled out a romper that was pink with a frilly ass and bows on he sides. He put it up to Danny and placed it on the table. “I expect you to try the remaining items without your shorts.” Danny’s eyes lit up as Nathan pulled out another romper. It was longer in the arms and was more of a short style bottom but it was done up as Yankee’s baseball uniform.
“It just felt weird is all plus I didn’t want him seeing my diaper.” Danny took the romper from Nathan placing it on the table with the other items. “I wasn’t trying to be difficult.”
Nathan moved on from the issue and picked up the pile of items.“OK, try these on, I’ll stand by the door and watch for Dave. How’s that?” Danny was pleased and skipped over to the room. With each item, he stepped out for Nathan to see how it fit. Nathan was particularly fond of the sleeper and gave Danny’s bottom a swat as he turned to show it off.
“I don’t think so, I am not a little girl!” Danny was not impressed with the frilly pink romper Nathan had sent in. It was tight with his round bottom showing of the frills and the decorative bows very girlish. “We can put this back for sure!” Nathan just smiled and sent Danny back to try on the remaining items.
“I think we are done here for today” said Nathan as Danny had finished up. He took all of the items and headed to the stairs.”Now, let’s hope the shorts work out.”
“What exactly is he doing with them?” asked Danny. He had been too embarrassed to ask with Dave around but Nathan simply told him to be patient and he will see.
Dave met them just as they reached the main floor. “Ok, Barry can do them today but it will be around seven before they are done.”
“Perfect, it’s really appreciated,” said Nathan handing the other items to Dave. “We’ll take these as well when we pick up the shorts.” Danny was horrified seeing the pink outfit still in the pile but was in no position to say anything.
Dave took the items from Nathan and looked to Danny. “My favourite team, that’s a good choice.” Danny was squeezing his thighs as the dampness of the stairwell had reinforced his need to pee. He smiled at Dave not knowing what else to say and he and Nathan left the store noting they’d be back for seven.
A stream of warm piss was filling Danny’s diaper within seconds of leaving the store. It was an odd feeling he thought with people walking by him oblivious that he was wetting. His hand moved to the front and then the back of his diaper and he casually checked that he had not leaked. With everything in check, he took Nathan’s hand. “You forgot to take out the pink one but the rest I really like! So what now?”
They had a few hours to kill so headed into a restaurant and ordered dinner and a few drinks. Danny was becoming quite comfortable being out in his diapers and appreciated how his onesie was keeping his diaper from sagging, however the large drink and beer had filled his bladder again and he worried that his diaper would over flow if he wet again. He decided it was best to not chance it. “Nathan, I need to use the washroom, just this time. I think I will leak if I don’t.” Danny looked around seeing the washroom sign at the rear of the restaurant. “I’ll be careful with the diaper tapes.”
Nathan and had no time for such an idea.“You are fine. Your diaper will manage.” The two guys in the booth beside had gone silent and realizing they were listening in, Danny changed the subject. There was no use fighting it he decided and he began to wet, trying to control the flow as he felt the pee pooling in his diaper as it struggled to absorb as it. He sat very still convinced things would not be ok but sure enough as he casually felt his bottom, his diaper had done its job. In the meantime, Nathan had been busy settling up the bill and they got up to leave.
“Good luck their dude.” It was one of the guys in the booth beside them. He was only about 19 and the two were giggling like teenagers at a pop concert.”Holy fuck, look at his ass, I think he real does have a diaper on.” Danny tried to ignore them and hurried out feeling like his diaper was about to explode out of his shorts with Nathan close behind.
As the y hit the sidewalk Nathan looked down the street. “Ok, so we have an hour to kill so we can make a quick stop at the Bath and Baby around the corner.” Nathan was on a roll and did not notice that Danny had stopped following. He turned back to see Danny leaning up against a wall. As he returned, Danny was close to tears. “Don’t let jerks like that get to you. They were just being idiots.”
“Danny looked down to his diaper.” I told you it would be too full. It’s so obvious the way I am sagging.”
Nathan took a quick at Danny’s bum, “Ok, I can see your point. You definitely need a change.”
Danny stepped from the wall, “I guess we can come back tomorrow for the stuff. Sorry to ruin things.” Nathan just smiled assuring Danny things would be fine. They headed back to the car and instead of opening the door, Nathan went into the truck and took out the diaper bag. Danny looked on in horror understanding what Nathan had in mind.
“No fucking way. I am not getting changed here. Forget that.” Danny stood firm as Nathan put the bag over his shoulder.
“Sure, your call big guy. Let’s hit the Bath & Baby then you can try on your shortalls.” Danny went to the car door and waited. “Let’s go,” said Nathan in a firm voice. Danny stayed put determined to head home while Nathan walked over and put his arm on Danny shoulder. “Come on, you can do this. All babies need changing and besides your crib is waiting for you and that sleeper will be so much fun.” Danny felt himself getting excited. He wanted more than anything to try on his new things but being changed there had him totally unnerved.
Danny looked about at his surrounding, “So where would I get changed? I mean the change tables would be pretty tiny around here.”
Nathan unlocked the car and opened the back door. “Get in and lie down, the windows are pretty tinted.” Danny laughed, sure that Nathan was joking but felt himself pushed towards the back of the car. Nathan gave him a hard slap on his ass. “Let’s go, get in.” The slap was well buffered by his wet diaper but was hard enough that Danny knew not to challenge anymore. He crawled into the back and lied down with his head on the door armrest. Nathan squeezed in and closed the door. “This is going to be tight.” He placed the diaper bag on the front seat and opened it handing Danny the powder and a fresh diaper to hold while he reach down and lowered Danny’s pants. It was hard to maneuver and Nathan’s head bumped the car ceiling several times as he placed the new diaper under Danny.
“Try to spread your legs a bit, and when I undo the tapes, lift up but just a bit. I don’t want to bang my head again. Danny’s heart raced as he did as he was told but the sound of a nearby car door closing caused him to jump. “Stay down, they can’t see you. And besides, no one is going to go looking in to see if someone is having his bum changed! “Nathan laughed while pushing Danny back down. He was careful with the powder to not get it all over and then pulled Danny’s diaper up through his legs and taped him up extra snuggly. Danny was consumed by fear and had remained soft for his change. He lied deadly still and Nathan snapped the onesie back into place telling him that he would have to get his pants up on his own as it was too crowded for him to do so.
Nathan stepped out of the car and saw the noise had come from the two same guys from the restaurant. They were goofing around, leaning up against their car with their thumbs in their mouths. Danny got out of the car and seeing Nathan staring, looked over as the two began to giggle. “Holy fuck you big baby, where’s your rattle! “ Nathan began to walk over but they jumped in their car and began to pull out. Danny had gone eight shades of red and was visibly shaking. He pulled on his tee-shirt and had ducked down behind the car. The passenger had lowered his window and Danny could hear them laughing and making fun. His stomach dropped as the one guy yelled out, “See you around poopy boys! Next time get a crib! They honked their horn and drove off leaving and Danny stunned.
“Well, good thing we’ll never see them again.” Nathan cold see Danny was visibly shaken and tried to comfort him. “Come on, this is a great day for us, let’s not let a couple of asshole ruin it.” Danny couldn’t move. He was holding onto his tee-shirt and breathing heavy. Nathan crouched down and put his arm around him. ”Ok, that was a bit much, but who cares really. They were just being jerks.”
Danny grabbed Nathan and put his head on his chest. He was still shaking and several tears rolled down his cheek. The two sat for several minutes while Nathan tried to settle him down. Danny looked down at his diaper and breathed easier. “Ok, so next time let’s just use the Starbucks! I don’t think I want to do that again.” He stood up and took Nathan’s hand and as red as he was let out a smile.”I liked the stuff you picked out, especially my baseball outfit.”
Nathan could see Danny was trying to work it out and gave him a hug and then took him by the hand and they headed off to Bath & Baby. When they entered the store, they were greeted by an attractive young lady who handed Danny a shopping basket. “Good day gentlemen, welcome to Bath & Baby. If there is anything I can do to help, just ask.” Nathan thanked her and they headed in. The store was busy and seemed to carry just about everything you would need for a baby. Danny’s eyes were wide as he looked around seeing so many items of interest to him.
“Ok, we can’t be too long so keep close.” Nathan seemed to know the place fairly well and headed to a section where he hand Danny a cute baby bottle as he selected a nipple that was on the upper top shelf. The label read Nuk5 and Danny was in awe of how large it appeared. Moving at a fast pace, Nathan picked up a rattle, a few large bibs, a teething ring and a tube of teething gel. Each item was examined closely by Danny as he put them into the basket. “Ok, two more things and we are done,” said Nathan as he picked up a case of formula and mixed baby foods and headed to the checkout.
It seemed too good to be true. Danny was beside himself with excitement, trying to contain himself as he couldn’t wait to get home to try out his baby items. They placed their stuff on the counter with the cashier asking if they had found everything. “I think we did,” said Nathan. “Oh, the case of formula, any age restrictions?”
The cashier smiled, “No sir, it’s good for all babies.” She continued to cash through the items and then laughed, “Unless of course if they are for your friend, then you’d want to be careful of the iron.”
Nathan knew it was just polite gesturing but reality was she had a point.“I think the doctor said we should avoid iron, what should I get instead?”
“Grab the one right over there then Sir, it’s a bit more money but better safe than sorry.” Danny had stepped out of the store knowing he was being paranoid but at the same time, had heard enough of Nathan’s small talk. Nathan paid and the two headed back to Dave. The store was empty and Dave was at the front as they walked in.
“They turned out great.” He handed the shortalls to Nathan and suggested Danny try them on as Nathan checked out. Danny took the shortalls and headed to the change room trying to make up for the last time. When he returned, Nathan had paid and was waiting to go.”Wow they turned out great. I think you’ll appreciate them once you see how convenient they are. Grab your shorts, there’s no need to change back.” Danny did as he was told and they thanked Dave and headed for home.
The drive back should have been short but as Danny sat with his new clothes on his lap and his baby items, Nathan explained he had to make a quick stop at Jimmy’s. He made no point of explaining why leaving Danny full of disappointment. “No, let’s get back. You can see Jimmy tomorrow.” Danny was anxious to try out his new stuff and looked down sulking.
“It won’t take long. I just have one thing to get.” Nathan headed off the highway and Danny turned to the window putting his face to the glass. “Pout all you want, I said I’d be fast.” Danny sat with his face pasted to the window as they pulled into Jimmy’s house. Nathan opened his door and stepped out but Danny remained inside. He wanted to get home and was pissed at the thought of any delay but more so was not ready to face Jimmy. “Fine, stay there and sulk,” said Nathan as left the car.
Jimmy answered the door and when Danny saw his lean body he quivered recalling how hot he was and the feeling of his moist lips on his penis. He was getting hard and felt guilty about how Jimmy made him feel. The garage door open and Jimmy went in taking out a bag of what Danny had become familiar with, diapers. As he looked over Jimmy, it struck him odd that this was the reason they had to detour given they had more than enough on the shelf back home. Jimmy handed the bag to Nathan and approached Danny’s window as Nathan placed the diapers in to the trunk.
Jimmy tapped the glass and Danny lowered the window. “Hey Daniel, it’s good to see you.” Jimmy dropped his eyes to Danny’s crotch. “Being a big boy I hope.”
“Hey Jimmy.”
Danny had butterflies as Jimmy continued to flirt. “I hope we are going to be seeing you at the party Saturday.” Jimmy licked his lips and Danny could feel the pressure building in his diaper.
“Yea, I think so.” Danny moved the bag of clothes onto his lap to cover up his obvious arousal as Nathan got in the car.
“Ok, Jimmy, we’ll see you Saturday, now leave my boyfriend alone.”
Jimmy stepped back and winked at Danny, “good to see you guys, Saturday should be a blast!”
“Sure thing”, said Nathan as he put the window up and shook his head. “He’s such a flirt. He’d have his cock up your ass before you knew what was happening.” Nathan laughed as Danny sunk down in his seat and with his erection subsided he turned his thoughts back to his new clothes. Nathan looked over to Danny,“Shy is one thing, but I think staying in the car was rude. Jimmy was asking why you hadn’t come up to the door to say hello.”
“Sorry, I guess I just wanted to get home.” Danny looked out the window hoping the conversation was done.
“Well, we’ll work on this when we get back, I didn’t appreciate you treating my friend that way.” Danny had a feeling what that meant but hoped he was wrong.
It was dark and Nathan turned on the lights as they carried the stuff in. Danny was curious about the bag of diapers Nathan had taken from Jimmy’s and asked Nathan why they needed to stop for something they had plenty of already. Nathan put them off to the side. “They were a treat for you but with your behavior, I am not sure.”
Danny looked at the bag and was dying to see in it. “Please, please! Jimmy seemed fine. Let me see what’s in it.” Nathan took Danny by the hand and brought him to the couch.
“Yes, Jimmy will be fine but I was embarrassed. It was disrespectful not coming up with me.” Danny realized he had missed the point and tried to apologize but Nathan continued, unsnapping his shorts.
“I said I was sorry, I mean it was a long day, I was tired.” Nathan was hearing none of it and as took him over his knee, Danny struggled to get up, “If you fight it, we can always do this in the bedroom.” An instant flash of the paddle came over Danny and he stopped resisting. Nathan undid the onesie and pulled Danny’s diaper down exposing his firm round cheeks. He took a deep breath as Nathan’s hand landed with a solid whack on the middle of his buttocks.”Shit! I said sorry!”
“A bit late for that. I spent all day catering to you and I was very disappointed,” There was a dramatic pause and he could tell the next one was going to hurt.
WHACK, WHACK, WHACK. Three fast spankings across his cheeks had Danny squirming for relief and covering him bum with his hand. Nathan grabbed his hand and held him still as he lowered another set of three. Danny’s bottom was glowing red. “I am sorry, I’ll be good. I really will be!”
Nathan was not that upset with Danny but took advantage of the situation to ensure that Danny knew his place when he was a baby. “I am not convinced you’ve learned your lesson.” Nathan rubbed Danny’s bottom then brought his hand down one more time leaving an imprint of his hand on his buttocks.
“Holy fuck! I have, I won’t happen again. I promise, please no more spanking!”
“I sure hope not.” Nathan gave Danny three final swats, each increasingly harder. “And you can stop with the language. No baby of mine uses language like that!”
Danny was close to tears with his bum stinging and beaming red.”Yes Sir. I understand.” Nathan pulled Danny’s pants off and fixed up his diaper and onesie. Danny was sore but had liked when Nathan had called him a baby and his penis had risen to the occasion. Nathan could see that the night was going to be fun and picked up Danny and the bag of diapers and headed to the bedroom.
Danny was anxious to see the new diapers and lied still as Nathan opened the bag. His penis was pressing hard against his diaper as he saw the most babyish of diapers come out of the bag. They had teddies, his favourite, all over the front and looked extremely thick. Nathan smiled as he handed one to Danny to hold. “If you act like a baby, you get treated as one.” Danny smiled back. His bottom was still stinging like heck but he knew Nathan would put lots of cream on it to sooth him.
Nathan went back for the remaining items and Danny lied patiently with his legs in the air. Besides his spanking, he was extremely pleased with the day and had become more comfortable with himself as a result. Nathan placed the new items on the bed and looked at Danny waiting for his change.
“It hardly seems right to waste a diaper.” Nathan sat Danny up on the bed. He then undid his pants and pulled out his penis to which Danny naturally opened his mouth, but instead of what he expected, he felt Nathan tug at his diaper, opening up the front and placing his penis inside. Danny felt the warm flow of Nathan’s piss flow over his penis and fill up inside his diaper and he froze taking in the experience. Nathan pulled out as he finished and placed his hands on Danny’s shoulder, “We never waste a diaper, right. “
Danny was stunned. The feeling of Nathan’s piss in his diaper made him feel exceptionally vulnerable and submissive. “No Sir, we don’t waste.” Nathan put Danny on his back and rubbed his crotch. Danny was rock hard with his penis pushed over to the side. Nathan outlined it with his fingers and Danny raised his legs. He wanted Nathan in him almost as much as he wanted to be babied and Nathan could see that.
“You are a horny little fuck but the only thing this baby is getting is his fresh diaper.” Danny smiled knowing there would be lots of opportunities for sex but he was about to be babied for real and it more than made up for it. Nathan untapped Danny’s wet diaper and he sprung out. “Holy crap, that is as big as I have seen you!” Nathan played with Danny teasing him as he wiped him up and then pushed his legs back to apply lotion to his well spanked buttocks. The teddy bear patterned diaper was placed under him and Nathan covered Danny in powder and taped him up pushing Danny’s large penis to one side to get it inside. He did up his onesie and took off the tee-shirt that was hiding the cute front.
“Don’t even think of wetting until that goes down.” Nathan gave his bottom a fun smack and pulled out the sleeper. It was soft cotton and Danny loved how it had feet build in, He lifted his legs for Nathan and watched with excitement as it was put over his feet and pulled up. He rolled from side to side to allow his arms to go in and then he felt his sleeper begin to hug him as Nathan did up the snaps that ran from the feet up to his collar. Danny moved his hands all over his body, loving the soft cottony feel of his new baby garment. He had curled up his legs and Nathan placed his hand on his cute babied butt as he placed a pacifier into Danny’s waiting mouth.
“I’ll be back. And you keep those hands away from your peepee!” Danny put his hands to the side and sucked on his pacifier while Nathan headed off returning with the baby bottle. Danny smiled and put his arms out. Nathan picked him up and then sat up against the headboard cuddling Danny into his chest. He removed the pacifier placing the bottle up to Danny’s lips and he naturally drew it in and began sucking. It was a new taste, sweeter than milk and he took his time taking in all the emotions of his first baby feeding. His legs curled up and Nathan held him tight with one hand on the bottle and the other on his diapered bottom. Danny closed his eyes drifting off in to baby land, with each suck on his bottle he regressed deeper and deeper.
It was close to Ten and as he finished his bottle he drifted off to sleep in Nathan’s arms. The side of the crib was down and Nathan carefully moved Danny into it and raised the side. It was a long fought process but Nathan had accomplished his goal. The sleeper fit snugly and Danny’s cute bottom was in the air as he slept peacefully on his stomach. Nathan stood over the crib looking at his accomplishment and then turning off the light, left the room. Tomorrow was a big day for both of them and now all he had to do was figure one more thing out!
Chapter 11 - ” They all fall down”
Jimmy was up early as he had a lot to do to get ready for the party that night. He moved around quietly, trying not to be too loud and had sat down to write up a list: Wipes, disposable change pads, diaper bags, decorative diaper tape, water balloons………. He was just about done when he heard a voice from the back room, “I’m up!” Jimmy got up and opened the door to the room that would get a lot of use come party time.
“And I see you tossed out all of your animals again.” Jimmy picked them up and put them back in the crib. “You should know better than that.” Jimmy took a diaper from the pile and lowered the side on the crib. “Soaked as always, let’s get this little boy cleaned up.” Jimmy was very good at changing diapers and in no time at all, a fresh diaper had replaced the soiled one. “Ok little Mikey, we have a lot to do today and I will need your help.”
Michael got out of his crib dressed in a pair of boy’s pajamas and a thick baby diaper. “I guess it’s a big boy day then until party time. How many have we got coming tonight?”
Jimmy looked at Michael and patted his bottom, “Looks to be about twenty or so and if it’s anything like the last time we hosted, this room is going to have the majority of them in it!” Michael laughed. He had been living with Jimmy for the past few months, sleeping mostly in the crib but on occasion with Jimmy in his bed. “I have almost finished the list so we can split it,” said Jimmy as he looked in the closet and seemed frustrated. “Shit, I was at Nathan’s to pick up my extra stuff and got side tracked. Remind me to call him to bring it over tonight.”
Michael was changing out of his pajamas and looked curious. “What did you leave there? Perhaps that great change table! I’d love us to have that.”
“Oh no, nothing that elaborate. Just some outfits I had when we were together. ” Jimmy closed the door and saw Michael’s look. “Ok, you can’t get all pouty every time Nathan comes up in a topic. I mean you guys are good friends and it’s all worked out in the end.”
Michael thought about it. “I guess, but if he hadn’t caught us, you’d probably still be with him I sometimes think.”
Michael had put on some loose fitting pants to cover his diaper as Jimmy came over and gave him a big hug and kiss. “Listen, you know we were already struggling and besides, he was never going to be a good boy like you. Now let’s forget all this talk and go through the list. Give me a minute to change myself and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Jimmy took a diaper from the pile to take to his room.
“Sure thing diaper daddy, you look like you’re more than ready.” Michael gave Jimmy’s bum a squeeze and headed out to the kitchen.
Danny had woken many times in the night from the excitement of being in his crib. He would open his eyes looking out through the bars at Nathan sleeping and get turned on by his environment before falling off to sleep only to wake in an hour and do it again. Each time he woke, he made sure to wet so he would need changing by morning.
Eventually Danny fell into a deep sleep but a loud noise from the kitchen had caused him to wake up and he called out to Nathan. Danny’s pacifier had fallen to the floor and he was kneeling up at the end of the crib looking down. His sleeper was snug showing off his extremely sagging diaper and when Nathan walked in, Danny smiled and put out his arms. A big hug followed and Nathan took Danny to the change table to begin his day. As was now the norm, Danny spread his legs wide and Nathan undid his sleeper and onesie to change him up. A regular diaper was placed under his bum and taped up snugly leaving Danny a little disappointed not having his teddy prints.
Danny rocked on his table while Nathan opened a tube of teething gel and spread a layer onto the pacifier. It was cherry flavour and Nathan put it into Danny’s mouth watching him suck and enjoying the flavor until it eventually fell out of his mouth as he had become quite numb. A large bib was placed around Danny’s neck just in time to capture the light drool had formed in the corner of his mouth. “I made you a special breakfast,” said Nathan as he carried Danny to the kitchen.
Three bowls of mostly unattractive mush were waiting for Danny as he was placed in a chair at the table. Nathan took a scoop of the baby food and put it up to Danny’s mouth which shut tightly with displeasure. Nathan insisted pushing the spoon tight to his lips, “Now, open wide.” Danny was hungry and that along with the idea of being fed like a baby outweighed the repulsive look of his breakfast. He opened his mouth and tried to swallow but found himself drooling half of the food out. “Now now, let’s try again.” Nathan wiped Danny’s mouth and fed him another spoonful. Again Danny tried to eat it but while half went to his stomach, the other half dribbled out and over his bib. By the time the bowls were empty, Danny’s face was covered in food and his bib a mess.
“I need an hour or so this morning to run some errands but when I get back we’ll start getting you ready for the party tonight.” While he spoke, he was wiping up Danny’s face and removing his very messy bib.
How it could take that long to get ready had perplexed Danny.“Sure thing, but I think that will be a bit early to get ready for a party that is not until tonight.” Danny had got up from the chair and was clearing the table. As much as he liked being a baby, he wanted to pull his weight.
Nathan moved in behind Danny and pressed into his bum. “Hopefully we are ready early.” Danny could feel Nathan hardening and turned to face his as they kissed. Nathan picked up Danny and straddled him around his waist. It was a position Danny loved and his diaper bulged as Nathan’s penis pressed into his diaper. Nathan bounced Danny up and down several times before setting him back on his feet. “Ok, I have things to get done but we’ll pick up when I get back!”
Michael and Jimmy had split up there list and were about to head out when Michael remembered that Jimmy was going to give Nathan a call. Not liking it when the two interacted, he reluctantly handed the phone to Jimmy. “You wanted Nathan first to bring some shit tonight.”
Jimmy took note of Michael’s childish behavior and slapped his bottom as he took the phone. “Yes, good thing one of us remembered!” Michael rubbed his bum and took his list to head out but Jimmy stopped him and gave him a kiss. “Let’s have a good day ok.” Michael smiled and headed out.
“Come on Nathan, why do you never pick up!” Jimmy had always accused Nathan of call screening and hung up deciding to try his home line. To his pleasure, Danny picked up. “Hey Daniel, its Jimmy. Is Nathan around for a quick second?”
The sound of Jimmy’s voice always made Danny happy.”Nope, he’s out for an hour or so but he has his cell with him.”
“Right, that he never answers!” said Jimmy in a frustrated tone. “If I can leave a message then? If you recall when I was over, helping you out and all.” Jimmy paused letting Danny digest his innuendo, “Well, I was going to grab some of my stuff and forgot. Tell Nathan to bring it for me tonight if you could please.”
“I can do that,” said Danny trying to think of something else to say but his mind went blank.
“Maybe it’s easier if I just drop by and get it. It’s right by the change table.” Jimmy waited as Danny took his time to rely. It was true. Jimmy was the ultimate flirt. Having experience this first hand, Danny knew that it was best that he not come by and left it that he’d let Nathan know to bring it to the party. Jimmy accepted the offer and hung up leaving Danny disappointed that he couldn’t trust himself to be alone with Jimmy but feared that Nathan was right; Jimmy would be fucking him before he even knew his diaper was off!
All alone, curiosity got the better of Danny and he went in and sat on his mat staring at the box on the shelf. He knew one box was the bedding for the crib and the other had paddles that he knew all too well, but what was in the box of Jimmy’s. His imagination went wild wondering if it was Jimmy’s most intimate baby clothing or something even kinkier that Nathan had used on him. Whatever it was, the top was sealed tightly in tape. He got up and gave the box a shake and then placed it on the floor by the mat. He pulled on the tape but was certain it would be noticed if he removed it. He turned the box upside down and his heart raced.
Like most little boys, Danny was an expert with boxes and immediately recognized the construction. The bottom could easily be opened and tucked back into place. He just had to take his time! His hands sweated as he carefully pulled the tabs apart and the bottom sprung open. Several clothing items were evident and he was disappointed as they seemed similar to the items he already had. He reached in and pulled out a yellow onesie. It was cute with the standard snaps and had a ducky pattern to it. He placed it to the side and took out a pair of boys pajamas. They were covered in cowboys and he immediately tried them on over his diaper. The legs were far too long but they fit snug with his diaper. He dug around and pulled out the matching top and pulled it over his head. He always loved his own childish pajamas and although large for him, thought that they were exceptionally cute. He imagined Jimmy with his lean hard body sitting in the crib dressed up in them and he moved over to the mirror admiring the way they hugged his bum. He turned to face the mirror and recognized a familiar letter on the top and the side of the left leg. He stepped back and scrambled, taking down the box that held the crib bedding and took out the baby blanket that Nathan had left unused. He placed it down on the floor seeing that it was the same lettering.
Danny began to pull out the other items in the box. They were different types of baby clothing but all had one thing in common with an embroidered letter “N” placed usually on the front somewhere. The one exception was a white tee-shirt that had a picture of a baby diaper on the front and the wording “Natie Loves His Nappy” underneath. Danny sat down stunned. “N, Nathan!”
The sound of the door startled him and he threw off the pjs and stuffed the items back into the box. With little time, he folded the bottom of the box under and placed it on the shelf just in time as Nathan entered the room. Danny looked at Nathan but with different eyes as Nathan spoke. “Hey, I was fast as promised. What are you up to in here?” Nathan smiled and pointed to the mat.”Playing on your mat?”
Danny looked at the mat and tried to act normal but he knew it was actually most likely Nathan’s mat and visions of Nathan in baby diapers began popping into his head. Nathan walked over and pressed into Danny. “So, lots of time still to get ready. We said we’d pick up where we left off!” Danny found himself picked up and taken to the bedroom where Nathan lied down on top of him. It was like he was in a dream and time was not making sense. He was aware Nathan was naked and hard and making out with him but it as if he was watching it happening to someone else. Danny had no idea how much time had gone by when he felt his diaper untapped and his legs pressed back. He felt removed with his world confused as he unable to make sense of it. It was not until Nathan thrust inside of him that he came around, realizing that Nathan was now fucking him aggressively. Danny pulled him in tight. He wanted his world to be all better and closed his eyes trying to deny the reality that had just struck him. Danny kept his eyes shut desperately trying to control the images in his head and as Nathan shot inside of him, he felt relieved that it was over.
Nathan fell over to the side and put his hand on Danny’s soft penis. He stroked it and played with his balls but Danny remained limp. Determined, Nathan knelt up and started to bring his lips down on Danny but Danny stopped him.
“That’s ok. It was good just having you in me.” Nathan lied back down and held Danny.
“Next time we’ll start with you,” said Nathan closing his eyes. Danny stared up to the ceiling thinking he was not sure he really knew the person he had fallen in love with and it scared him.
Twenty minutes had passed and Nathan opened his eyes. Seeing Nathan had fallen asleep, Danny had left the room. He found him on his mat, naked from the waist down, and began to discuss the day. “So I was thinking, we’d eat and then get you in the tub. He had brought with him an electric shearer and held it out. “I think this should work wonders! I want to see how you look all smooth.” Danny smiled and tried look interested. Nathan picked Danny up and put him on the change table to put his diaper on.
“That’s cool,” said Danny.” I didn’t think I was that hairy but I guess you know best.” He looked to the box as Nathan pulled the diaper through his legs.
“Well, it’s something new for you. I’ll shave you and then give you your bath. It can be our pre-party afternoon!” It was not something that Danny had ever considered and he tried to respond enthusiastically as he got up and looked in the mirror searching out the small amounts of hair that he had. It was mostly his underarms and some fuzz on his legs he figured as his chest and arms were hairless but Nathan had plans to make him baby smooth.
“Cool, I like that.”Danny was playing with his fingers and rocking back and forth on his feet. “I’m going to make some lunch if you want.” He was anything but hungry but wanted to get away from the box.
Nathan followed Danny out to the kitchen looking a bit perplexed. “Is the party tonight worrying you? You seem preoccupied.”
“Yes.” Danny paused, “ I think that’s it. I guess I ‘m just not sure what to expect.” Danny started to make lunch and Nathan sat down.
“Well, I know you’ll fit in just fine! You were great at the last one.” Danny set out two plates and sat down.”Listen, if it’s too much, we’ll leave early, how’s that?” Danny was not listening but was visualizing Nathan is the ducky outfit. “I think it will be eye opening for you, stuff you may not have imagined.
Danny caught the end of Nathan’s word finding it hard to imagine what else could surprise him at this point. It remained a quiet lunch with Nathan convinced the party was the issue. They cleared up the dished and Nathan put his arm on Danny. “I think you are really going to like this. It’s time to make you a real baby.” He took Danny’s hand and they headed to the bath.
Chapter 12 - “Deja Vu!”
A towel was placed on the bathroom floor and Danny was told to lie down. Electric shears and a razor sat on the countertop and Danny looked down at the small amount of body hair he had and knew it was not long before it was gone.
As the shear was plugged in, Danny began to get hard at the thought of being made so smooth. Nathan put Danny’s arms over his head and ran the shears over his underarms. As the hair fell to the floor Nathan grabbed Danny’s penis and shaved around it leaving just a bit of stubble. His balls were pulled tight and he winced as the shears glazed over, tickling him as they ran up and between his legs. Danny figured he was done as the rest of his body was only light peach fuzz but Nathan continued by running the shears up and down his arms and legs before picking him up and placing him in the bathtub. A cool coating of shaving lotion was applied from his feet to his neck and he tensed as he felt the razor slowly run up his leg removing any signs of his manhood. His balls were stripped of the little hair they had left and his pubic area showed no signs of maturity. Nathan next ran the razor up his chest removing hair that Danny never realized existed. Just when Danny thought he was done, Nathan put him his on his fours and Danny felt the cool lotion run over his hole and around his buttocks. Nathan took great care in shaving Danny’s bum and knew it would also help as he had plans to take Danny to the next stage in his diapers.
The spray of the shower rinsed what remained of Danny’s manhood down the drain and the sensation of Nathan’s hand running over his smooth torso was unlike anything he had felt before. Danny was impressed at just how smooth he was as he had always thought of himself as mostly hairless, but it was only now that he was truly as smooth as a baby should be.
Bath time had become special for Danny but he was anxious to be done as he knew something special was in store for him. An assortment of baby clothes lay on the crib and Danny was dried off and brought to his change table. He raised his legs but this time felt extra naked as the cool air seemed to penetrate his skin more than usual. Nathan applied lotion to Danny’s entire body and took advantage by spending extra time around his bottom, running his hand between Danny’s legs to make sure that the lotion made it everywhere that was shaved. Danny shook as he felt Nathan’s finger press up against his hole. He had been hard since the ritual began and was desperate for relief, moaning softly as Nathan ran the cream over his penis and began to stroke him. Danny closed his eyes and just as he was about to climax, Nathan stopped thinking it was best to leave Danny horny for the party that night.
With his legs up in the air already, Nathan placed a bambino diaper under his bum but as it was pulled up between his legs Danny noted it felt different. Danny put his hand on his crotch only to have Nathan immediately removed it.
“That’s extra padding you are feeling. I decided to make it thicker for tonight,” said Nathan as he finished taping up the diaper. Danny had never felt his diaper so thick and noticed as he put his legs down that it was difficult to put them together making him feel even more babyish as his legs were forced apart by his diaper. The cute plastic pants that Jimmy brought were put over his diaper and he was sat up to allow his onesie to be put on. The onesie was snapped in place and his short-alls were put on with the final touch being the teddy bear tee-shirt they bought earlier in the week. Danny looked at the ceiling feeling as babyish as he had ever had and his stomach was full of butterflies as he realized this was how he was heading out for the evening. Happy with the look, Nathan gave Danny’s diapered crotch a grab.
“Excellent. We are going to have a lot of fun tonight” said Nathan as he took Danny off the table watching as Danny stopped to stare at himself in the mirror. He immediately stepped back and took his teddy bear from his crib and returned to admire his look. Nathan gave him a firm smack on the bum, “Ok, you can admire yourself later, we should eat and head out.” Danny was pleased and couldn’t wait to get going placing his Teddy in the crib and following Nathan out.
The drive to the party felt forever and Danny was nervous being his first time out fully babied. He shuffled in his seat looking down at his short-alls and very noticeable diaper. He wondered how he would explain it should they ever get stopped and was relieved as the finally arrived. They knocked and Michael opened the door to greet them.
”Hey, I am so glad you made it,” said Michael. I take it this is the box that Jimmy was looking for. Nathan was happy to have it out of the house and gladly handed it to Michael who placed it to the side of the hall. “There are still a few more we are expecting but head into the living room, most of us are in there.” Nathan took Danny by the hand but as they walked in, Danny was confused and embarrassed as the other guys were all dressed in jeans and tee-shirts for the most.
“What the fuck,” Danny whispered to Nathan. “I thought these guys were like me.” Before Nathan could answer, another boy entered the room. He was diapered in only in a onesie and had caught the attention of most of the room. Jimmy walked in behind and stopped behind him.
“Hey guys, I want you to meet Neil. He’s just moved here recently from Vancouver.” Danny glanced over Neil’s body enjoying his round diapered butt and stocky legs. He was toned more than muscular and had a smile that radiated. Neil was almost as hot as Jimmy was Danny’s first thought buy Nathan was not impressed as it was now obvious to him why Jimmy was so anxious to get his clothes back. Neil seemed comfortable in a crowd and began to chat with the others enjoying the attention he was getting. With Neil engaged, Jimmy left to finish up some things in the kitchen. Nathan followed close behind.
“Hey Jimmy. Glad you could host.”
“No problem Nathan. Michael said you brought my stuff. Thanks.”
Nathan looked around to be sure they were alone before he began in a low voice, “Come on Jimmy, what are you thinking, don’t fuck up another relationship.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about Nathan.”
Nathan blocked Jimmy as he tried to leave.“Come on, those baby clothes have been at my place for months and now suddenly you need them. Did you intentionally go looking for another baby that had N in his name!”
Danny pushed by, “Mind your own business Nathan.” Jimmy stopped and stared Nathan in the eyes, “Who is it who makes his boyfriend believe he’s incontinent by pouring water into his diaper as he sleeps. I know you feel I went too far babying you, but you were a partner in it, not a victim. I think you have a lot of nerve judging here.”
A flush of red came over Nathan’s face. “That’s not the same and I never said you went too far, I just said I was not a full time toddler, that I needed more adult time. And besides, you know it had nothing to do with us splitting up. It was that dick fucking every ass it met that did that.” Nathan paused to get his composure.
“You knew we weren’t exclusive when we met,” said Jimmy in a defensive tone.
”But you promised Michael you’d change, and he’s a good friend of mine even after all that went on. I don’t want you hurting him like you did me. I know you Jimmy, you struggle with boundaries.”
Jimmy looked frustrated, “Listen Nathan, you seem to think what you are doing to Danny is fine and I don’t judge you, so back off. Michael and I have an understanding and he is aware of where Neil fits in. I mean really Nathan; you have no right to even comment after betting Michael that you’d have Danny a baby within a month. So who are you saying has boundary issues?” Jimmy turned to leave but added “And I know we said we wouldn’t, but I’ve changed my mind. We will play ‘pass the diaper’. What do you think?”
Before Nathan could respond, Jimmy was gone running into Danny as he turned the corner. He was oblivious to the tears in Danny’s eyes as he casually acknowledged him. “Cute outfit Danny, perhaps I’ll get a chance to change you before the night is out.” Jimmy gave Danny a quick grab and continued on leaving Danny looking stunned. He had followed Nathan to the kitchen but had stopped outside as he realized they were speaking in confidence.
His mind was going wild as he recalled his wetting starting shortly after their first date and how Nathan had been so understanding. He thought about his many spankings, often quite hard, under the pretense that he had lied but never for wetting. Yet now it appeared Nathan had lied and worse, had played him. He wiped his eyes on the shoulder of his onesie and turned back from the kitchen returning to the group in the living room where Jimmy had begun to organize a game.
“Ok Guys,” began Jimmy. “It’s time to get this party going. We all know it’s a diaper party so the first thing we are going to do is get rid of all this bulk. To help, we are going to play a game we call ‘pass the diaper’.” Jimmy removed his pants and picked up a diaper. So for the new guys, here is how it works. I am obviously ready, being in my diaper and all.” Jimmy gave a little spin and slapped his ass showing off his diaper and hot body. “Now, I pick a guy and tap him on the shoulder. He must remove his pants and if he has a diaper on, he takes the diaper from me and taps another guy. However, if he is not in a diaper, he must lie down with his legs in the air and ask to be diapered. It can be done by me, or if you want, you can ask someone less proficient.” Jimmy smiled. He knew he had a reputation for diapering the guys and often was the person of choice to do the deed. “Ok, so we all know how we should have dressed for the party’s so let’s begin!”
With that said Jimmy tapped Carson on the shoulder. Danny looked on as Carson dropped his pants and was in a short white tee-shirt and a large cloth diaper with a ducky pattern plastic pant over it. It took five more guys to drop their pants before Rick was tapped on his shoulder.
“Ok, give me that, I’ll go put it on,” said Rick as he tried to take the diaper.”
Brad who had tapped him pulled the diaper back. “Not likely, lie down and pick someone to diaper you!”
Rick knew the ritual and that it was of no use arguing. He lied down and pointed to Jimmy. “If I have to go down, I want the best.” Jimmy strutted over and pushed Rick to his back. He removed his underwear placing them in Rick’s mouth and diapered him up snuggly. Some of the group watched while others carried on their conversations.
Carson turned to Danny, “Rick never comes diapered and loves the attention!” Danny laughed which caught Rick’s attention.
“Diapered or not, I want to see this cutie,“ said Rick as he took another diaper and tapped Danny. Danny began to blush and looked around for Nathan who was over in the dining room talking. He was upset with Nathan and had wished he were not diapered so he could have Jimmy diaper him but he knew that was not going to happen. He dropped his short-alls leaving his round diapered ass in full view.
He looked over to Nathan who seemed to be ignoring the game. Jimmy was standing off to the side and was paying special attention to the developments. He could see by Danny’s reaction that he was upset and watched as Danny took the diaper from Rick and went over to tap Nathan on the shoulder. “Hey Nathan.” Nathan looked at Danny with surprise and noted the diaper in his hand. Several guests moved towards him and they began a slow chant, “Drop them, Drop them, Drop them!”
Nathan looked to Danny “What are you doing?”
“Come on Nathan, be a sport,” yelled Jimmy from the other side of the room.
“I’ll do it for you Nathan,” called out Carson with a big grin. Nathan dropped his pants knowing he would not get out of it and looked around the room pointing to Neil, the new boy. Jimmy had not lived up to his promise and he figured it might bother him to have Neil diapering him. Danny had assumed he would be picked but stepped back handing the diaper off to Neil who had stepped forward. Nathan lifted his legs and asked Neil to please diaper him. Jimmy stepped in and swapped the plain diaper with a very babyish pattern one leaving Neil giggling as he removed Nathan’s underwear. Jimmy smirked and gave Nathan a wink as he sat down watching Neil pull the diaper up through Nathan’s legs and taping him up. Danny stared in wonder. The images he had of Nathan in diapers were now real and to his amusement, he found it quite erotic.
“Looks good on you,” said Jimmy as he handed Nathan a diaper. Now you get to pick. Nathan was avoiding eye contact with Danny so Danny took it on his own to try to break the ice. |He gave Nathan a smack on his bottom, “Well now big bro, try to keep yourself dry!” Danny smiled and backed up stepping into Jimmy.
“Anytime you are ready,” whispered Jimmy into Danny’s ear while he took advantage of the situation and pressed up against Danny’s diaper. Danny turned around gently pushing Jimmy away and smiled as he continued over towards a group that was playing with some toys. All the talk about Jimmy and being and a player had not changed Danny’s attraction to Jimmy but he was now very aware that with Jimmy it was all about conquest. Jimmy eyed Danny’s ass as he moved away and smiled thinking it was only a matter of time.
The rest of the group had stripped down to their diapers and the party was moving well. With the others all diapered like himself, Danny was now quite comfortable and was busy playing and socializing. A group had gathered in the kitchen and Nathan had joined them trying to avoid Danny. He was not sure how to react now that he was also in diapers. The kitchen began to empty as Jimmy was calling everyone back to the living room to announce that is was time to play trivia. As people gathered around he explained the diaper party trivia house rules.
“We spin the arrow and the person selected is asked a question. If he gets it wrong, he tosses the discipline die. A roll of a one or two and the person on his left pours a glass of ice water down the rollers diaper. A three or four and the roller is bend over the coffee table and gets three swats of the paddle and a five or six means you are taken to the baby room to be changed or dressed up in some of my attire. If you get it right however, you become a Daddy. A Daddy has the option to bid on delivering the discipline himself when someone gets it wrong, but remember you can only be a Daddy once.
The guys sat in a circle and the first arrow landed on Jimmy who prided himself on trivia and correctly answered his question thus becoming the first Daddy of the night. He spun the arrow, which landed on Michael, who intentionally answered his question wrong and ended up bent over the coffee table and paddled by Carson. The room was in hysterics as Michael played up his sore bottom and as they settled down, the spin landed on Nathan who failed to know the capital of Italy. He picked up the die and threw a two. Danny had moved in beside him and was quite pleased to pour a cool glass of ice water into Nathan’s diaper. It seemed to break the tension Nathan was feeling around Danny and being in diapers and as the cold water hit his balls, he frantically began to rub himself. As he danced around, the group howled at his antics.
“I think little Nathan needs a change” Said Jimmy trying to get Nathan to blush. Nathan returned to his spot. The arrow continued to be spun, landing on Danny a few turns later.
Danny looked nervous as heard the question.“What is the world’s largest dessert? “He was having fun at the other guys’ expense but was not so thrilled at being the center of attention. Danny figured he knew the answer and confidently replied the Sahara. Carson sitting to his left smiled. “Wrong. It’s the Antarctic.” He handed Danny the die and was thrilled to see a five turn up. “Let’s go little buddy. This will be fun.” Danny was unsure as Carson took his hand to take him to the baby room but before they got far, Jimmy stepped in.
“Daddy’s choice, I’ll bid twenty dollars to take him myself.” Neil was the only other Daddy at the time but was not about to cross Jimmy by bidding. “No more bids? Then twenty wins, we’ll be back in a bit. Someone needs to properly diaper this poor lad.” Jimmy fiddled with Danny’s diaper and looked over to Nathan who was less than impressed, watching Jimmy take Danny’s hand and leading him into the baby room.
“It’s been a fun night,” said Jimmy as he told Danny to lie on the change pad laid out on the bed. Nathan had followed in to watch but Danny was having none of it.
“Come on Nathan, its bad enough I lost. Let Jimmy just do this and we’ll be out.” Nathan looked at Jimmy with contempt but left as Danny had requested.
Danny watched Jimmy from one of the several mirrors in the room as he closed the door and slid the lock.”It will keep the lurkers out. It’s hard to change a boy in privacy here.” Danny’s heart was racing as he recalled Jimmy’s soft lips. His diaper was removed and a fresh diaper placed under his bum. “Nathan actually diapered you up well. I was just getting his goat out there. He’s come a long way you know.” Danny was trying not to get hard but Jimmy had intentionally rubbed against his penis several times when taking his wet diaper off and Danny was hardening.
“I have this new lotion that pretty cool,” said Jimmy as he pushed Danny’s legs apart and rubbed the lotion between his legs. Danny suspected he was being lubed but said nothing, moaning as Jimmy began to massage around his hole. He was pissed at Nathan and confused and had become highly aroused. He looked into Jimmy’s eyes and whispered for Jimmy to put it in him.
Jimmy smiled and lifted Danny’s legs up pressing his diaper up to his bum. He was not sure if Danny was serious and joked, “I’ll fuck you boy!” He started to dry hump, slamming his diaper up against Danny’s ass as his erection grew in his own diaper. “How was that, all happy now?”
“Seriously, I want you to do me,” said Danny pulling his bum cheeks open.
“Come on Danny, stop teasing. I’m not going to fuck you.” Jimmy surprised even himself with his reaction as he had wanted to fuck Danny from the first time he saw him. He stepped back as he could see how vulnerable Danny was and Nathan’s words about boundaries were ringing in his ears.
“I want you in me” said Danny in a hushed voice as he lied lubed with his legs in the air.
“You know I am attracted to you and your ass drives me crazy but I can’t. It wouldn’t be fair to Nathan.”
“Fine,” said Danny pouting. “Just finish diapering me then.” Jimmy was rock hard and moved toward Danny but as he reached down to tape him up, he found himself pulled in and Danny’s lips against his. The two kissed and Danny fumbled to get Jimmy’s penis free.
“We shouldn’t do this, it’s not right,” said Jimmy as he reached into the drawer and took out a condom. His lust for Danny had taken control over his better judgment and he put the condom over his penis. Danny put his legs back waiting for Jimmy. They both knew it had to be quick and Nathan dropped down on top of Danny. Their lips met and as Jimmy pressed his tongue into Danny’s mouth, his penis slipped gently into his ass. He began fucking hard and Danny moaned as he was not used to being taken so quickly. They grabbed each other with Danny pulling Jimmy’s hot ass in tight ensuring he was fully penetrated. Jimmy was well hung and Danny began to stroke himself as Jimmy’s cock rode in and out. As Jimmy raised his head, he caught the image of them fucking in the mirror and immediately stopped, pulling out and collapsing next to Danny. Danny stared at the ceiling saying nothing but it was apparent they both knew they had again gone too far.
A knock on the door caused Jimmy to jump up.“Unlock the door Jimmy, “came an upset voice from the other side of the door. It was Nathan and he was not pleased. “I said unlock the fucking door!”
Jimmy pulled up his diaper and quickly put the diaper back under Danny and applied two tapes before opening the door. “Man Nathan, you are a pain. It’s just a game. You can finish him if you are so untrusting.” Jimmy stepped out trying not to face Nathan, still somewhat erect. While Jimmy was talking, Danny had placed the condom and wrapper under the bed and tried to gain his composure before Nathan walked in.
Nathan looked at Danny and began to fix up the tapes on his diaper. He paid no notice to Danny’s semi hardon as he was usually that way when he was changed. “I trust you, it’s Jimmy I can’t trust,” said Nathan while he adjusted the diaper and sat him up. Jimmy had taken off and the two were left alone.
“I am so lucky to have you. I can’t imagine what I’d do without you.” A pit formed in Danny’s gut as he decided that his anger towards Nathan had gone a way to far. As Nathan reached out to hug him, Danny pulled him in tightly. For all of Nathan’s faults, he was in love and knew that whatever Nathan’s motivations were towards him, it was not out of spite, unlike what he had just done!
Danny was devastated by his actions and could feel himself shaking as they held onto each other. “I think I have had enough here, do you mind if we get going?” The words were music to Nathans ears. He went and grabbed their pants, removing his own diaper before putting on his pants and Danny’s short-alls. The two headed out of the baby room to say their goodbyes.
Jimmy and Michael came to the door to wish them well and Neil followed dressed in a sleeper with Baby N written down the one sleeve. Nathan recognized the outfit and gave Jimmy a harsh look to which Jimmy simply smirked.
“Hey guys. Sorry you have to go,” said Neil. “I had fun diapering you Nat. You were my first baby!” Nathan tried to be pleasant and thanked Neil for playing along. “And Danny, hopefully we’ll get a chance to play more next time. “
Sure thing, “said Danny trying not to pay attention to the writing on Neil’s outfit. Nathan had turned his attention to Michael who seemed very uncomfortable at Neil’s presence. He felt badly for his friend but there was little he could do and he knew all too well how the story would unfold. As Danny and Nathan walked away, Jimmy put his arm around Neil, closing the door to return to his guests.
The drive home was quiet and Danny told Nathan that he was going to shower up before bedtime. He realized he had to allow Danny to be an adult at times and said nothing. He sat in the kitchen and with the sound of the shower running in the background thinking about Danny and how he had misled him. He decided that in the morning, after a good sleep, he would come clean and tell Danny about the bet and the wet beds. It was his hope that Danny would understand that his intentions were good but that he recognized it was wrong and he was sorry. The water stopped and a few minutes later Danny appeared in the doorway naked and holding onto a diaper. “You know, I still need help here!”
Nathan had a relaxed look as he took Danny to the bedroom. It had been a long night and Danny and Nathan were exhausted. He placed Danny down on the bed and lifted his legs to place his diaper under him bum. Danny closed his eyes as Nathan powdered him up and snugly tape up his diaper. Danny rolled over and Nathan spooned him cuddling him tightly from behind. Danny knew they had both messed up and had a lot to fix but for now, they let it all go. Danny was still not sure what had motivated Nathan to lie to him but he suspected that Nathan had read him well the first night they met and was simply misguided in trying to make him understand his true feelings. It may have been deceiving, but Danny was grateful for finally being able to be himself and hoped he would find a way to repay Nathan.
They lay quiet for twenty minutes just holding one another until Danny reached over to turn out the light. “But I want to sleep with you tonight, not my crib if that’s ok with you.”
“I like that idea,” said Nathan as he cuddled back up behind. Danny loved being spooned but as tired as he was, he was not ready to fall asleep. His mind was full of thoughts and as Nathan drifted off to sleep, Danny grinned as he looked out the bedroom door at the bathroom cabinet across the hallway.
It was a cool night and Nathan woke up early as he was chilled. Danny had rolled over to the other side of the bed and was sleeping with his diapered ass in the air. As Nathan sat up to pull his cover back on, he looked down noticing a large wet circle under his bum. “Holy shit,” was all he could think as he felt the wetness of the sheet under him. His mind was racing not knowing what the hell to do. He sat there as a stunned feeling crept over him….
”Now what!”
The End……………….
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