Hey Tumblr, I need some help.
I have a lot of gifs to do, but I can't do them. The website I used to find the transcripts of every episode is gone. I'm French, and I don't think I can so the subtitles of my gifs without the transcript of the episodes. I found another website but most TV shows aren't in it.
Anyone knows a website where I can find scripts? Please. I don't know if I could keep doing this blog without it.
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Endless list of married OTPs
12. Alex & Izzie “Today’s the day my life begins. All my life, I’ve been just me. Just a smart-mouth kid. Today I become a man. Today I become a husband. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you, to our future.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
11. April & Jackson “I want the whole damn thing.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
10. Arizona & Callie “I choose you to be the one with whom I spend my life.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
9. Mike & Rachel “From the first second I met you, I knew I wanted to be here with you someday. Walking down the aisle arm in arm. I know that I fought it at first, but now, Mike, I can’t imagine living alongside anyone else for the rest of my life. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that we never know what the future holds. And that could be a scary thing. But I know that there is nothing that I can’t handle when I have you by my side. You are the strongest man I’ve ever met. And you make me stronger.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
8. Patrick & Teresa “I have forgotten how to act like a normal human being. And I play games and I lie. And I trick people to avoid the truth of how I feel. And the idea of letting anyone close to me is terrifying, for obvious reasons. But the truth, Teresa, is that I can't imagine waking up knowing that I won't see you. The truth is I love you.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
7. Donna & Harvey “I’m saying I love you. And whether I knew it or not, I wanted to marry you from the second I met you.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
6. Jake & Amy “So, Ames, today has been a crazy day. But I shouldn't be surprised, because we've had a lot of crazy days. There was our first date, our first kiss, the first time you told me you loved me, and the day you told me you would marry me. Also, yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, because every single day that I get to be with someone as amazing as you is crazy to me. I love you.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
5. Felicity & Oliver “Felicity before I met you, I had a plan. I had a way that I was gonna be. But then you walked into my life. Or, I showed up at your cubicle and you changed everything. I was in darkness. But with your kindness, your generosity, your compassion, your intelligence, your wit, and your trust you brought me into the light. You let me know that I deserved it. You were that light. And I don’t know if I still deserve that trust if I deserve you. I probably don’t. But whatever has happened, whatever will happen, the way that you make me feel is the best part of my life. You can ask me to say that I don’t love you that I will never lie to you again. You are my always. And I just want the chance to be yours.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
4. Connor & Oliver “ I want us to have kids and a house and a dog and grow old and die within a week of each other. But I want to say yes because we’re in a good place, not because you’re afraid that I’m going to jail or someone’s going to kill us, but because things are normal and good and we’re happy just being boring old us. For once, I want to do something the right way.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
3. Kensi & Deeks  “Not to be a stickler for detail, but I’ve actually proposed three times, if you count the very romantic version I did while you were in a coma.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
2. Alec & Magnus “The love I have for you is a love that knows no bounds. In times of joy as well as sadness, in sickness and in health I will love you as my equal. And protect you above all else. I will share with you my truest feelings. And when you speak, I will listen. I will catch you when you fall. And when you soar, I will help you reach your greatest heights.”
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Endless list of married OTPs
1. Michael & Nikita “If you die, I die”
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