marriedtokai · 2 years
Master list
(B! equals Bizarro and M! equals the Ninjago movie, just so y’all know)
Abandoned || Morro x Echo Zane x Benthomaar
Absent || Maya x Libber x Misako
AcidicFluid || Nya x Chamille x Tox
AcidRain || Nya x Tox
Adaption || Skylor x Chamille
Aftershock || B!Jay x Cole
Allied || Lord Garmadon x General Kozu
AmberNightshade || Skylor x Chamille x Tox
Amberphoenix || Nya x Skylor
AmberPrincess || Skylor x Harumi
Anchor || Benthomaar x Zane
Arcade || M!Cole x M!Jay x M!Kai
ArcticWolf || Zane x Akita
Arson || B!Jay x B!Cole x B!Zane x Kai
Ash || Garmadon x Ray
Avalanche || Zane x B!Cole
BadBoy || Lloyd x Brad x Gene
Bear || Cole x Kataru
BlackIce || B!Zane x Zane
BlackLightning || B!Cole x Jay
Blacksmith || Lou x Ray
BlackWire || Cole x Pixal
BlueWire || Jay x Pixal
Blizzard || Morro x Zane
Blizzaro || B!Zane x Morro
Blue || Nya x Jay x Zane
BlueWire || Jay x Pixal
Boomer || Sensei Wu x Krux
Braincell || Nya x Zane
BrainFreeze || Neuro x Zane
Brimstone || Echo Zane x Cole
Brine || Cole x Morro x Nya
Bronze || Dareth x Karlof
Bruise || Cole x Jay
Cake || Cole x cake
Cannonball || Captain Soto x Ultra Violet
Cave || Cole x Benthomaar x Morro
Chaos || B!Kai x B!Cole x B!Jay x B!Zane
Checkmate || Zane x Nadakhan
Cherry || Skylor x Vania
Chrome || Karlof x Neuro
Cinder || “Rocky Dangerbuff” x Kai
CinnamonWafer || Char x Glutinous
Citrus || Morro x Echo Zane
Cliché || M!Jay x M!Nya
Coffee || Dareth x Garmadon
Coliel || Cole x Seliel
Comet || Cole x Superstar Rockin’ Jay
Conductor || Kai x Zane x Jay
Conya || Cole x Nya
Copper || Dareth x Cyrus Borg
Coral || Benthomaar x Cole
Corrosive || Tox x Skylor
CorruptedCode || Mr. E x Cryptor
Corruption || Staff!Kai x Ice Emperor Zane
CriminalMinds || Miss Demeanor x Ultra Violet x Reflectra
CrimsonLightning || Mr. E x Jay
CrimsonTech || Jay x Zane x Mr. E
Crypthor || Cryptor x Pythor
Cryptzu || Cryptor x Kozu
Crystal || Morro x Cole x Zane
Cryxal || Cryptor x Pixal
Cursed || Morro x M!Zane
D&D || Fungus x Plundar x Korgran
DarkGeode || B!Jay x B!Cole
DarkGlacier || B!Cole x B!Zane
DarkHistory || Garmadon x Krux
DarkHumor || Jay x Shade
DarkLava || B!Kai x B!Cole
DarkOpposite || B!Kai x B!Zane
DarkPlasma || B!Kai x B!Jay
DarkTechno || B!Zane x B!Jay
DarkThinking || Shade x Neuro
Dayle || Dareth x Gayle Gossip
DeepSeaEnergy || Benthomaar x Lloyd
Destiny || Kai x Morro
Dilf || Garmadon x all the Ninjago dads
Disaster || Jay x Kai x Morro x Cole
Disco || Jay x Reflectra x Zane
DisintegratedSmoke || Paleman x Ash
Drought || Pythor x Kalmaar
DryIce || Kai x Ice Emperor Zane
Dubstep || M!Cole x M!Kai
Dumbass || Jay x Kai x Cole
Dust || Morro x Echo Zane x Cole
DustDevil || Morro x Ultra Violet
Eclipse || Kai x Shade
Ecstatic || Vania x Jay x Benthomaar x Echo Zane
Edge || Cryptor x Morro x Shade x Chamille x Tox
ElectricBoogaloo || Jay x PoulErik
ElectricEel || Libber x Maya
Electricstorm || Jay x Morro
ElectricVirus || Jay x Overlord
ElectroGlacier || Cole x Mr. E x Zane
ElectroIce || Zane x Mr. E
Ember || Kai & Skylor (queerplatonic!!)
EnergyEfficient || Lloyd x Pixal
Entombed || Pythor x Aspheera
Envy || Staff!Kai x Morro
Eruption || B!Cole x Kai
EternalWinter || Ice Emperor Zane x Vex
Everlasting || Echo Zane x Morro AND Morro x Zane
EvilTechno || Cryptor x Acronix
Eyecandy || Kai x Cole x Morro
Eyepatch || Clutch x Ronin
Feral || Akita x Benthomaar
Fever || Kai x Neuro
Firefly || Kai x Vania
FireStarter || B!Kai x Jay
Firewall || Kai x Pixal
Fireworks || B!Jay x Kai
Fixation || Lou x Ed
Flood || Kalmaar x Nya
Fog || Nya x Shade
ForeverAlone || Sensei Wu x tea
Forge || Kai x Karlof
Forgiven || Brad x Lloyd
Forgotten || Echo Zane x Cryptor x Morro
FourArms || Lord Garmadon x General Kozu x Samukai
Fowl || Libber x Clouse
FriedChicken || Jay x Fugi-Dove
FriedSquid || Jay x Kalmaar
Frostbite || B!Zane x Kai
Future || Cyrus Borg x Acronix
Gambit || Ronin x Soul Archer
Gareth || Dareth x Gayle Gossip
GarmaBorg || Garmadon x Cyrus Borg
Garmacest || Garmadon x Lloyd
GarmaChen || Garmadon x Master Chen
GarmaClouse || Garmadon x Clouse
GarmaKai || Garmadon x Kai
Garmakruxsako || Garmadon x Krux x Misako
Garsako || Garmadon x Misako
Gaydar || Zane x Mr. E
Gaymer || Superstar Rockin’ Jay x “Rocky Dangerbuff” x Rockstar!Kai x “Snake Jaguar”
Gemstone || Cole x Plundar
General || Cryptor x White Nindroid
Geode || Cole x Jay
Girlboss || Gayle Gossip x Patty Keys
Glacier || Cole x Zane
Gloomy || B!Cole x Morro
Golden Matter || Overlord x Lloyd
GorgonVenom || Machia x Tox
GreasedLightning || B!Jay x Jay
Greed || B!Kai x Morro x B!Jay
GreenCheer || M!Lloyd x M!Chen
Greenflame || Kai x Lloyd
Greenwind || Lloyd x Morro
GreenStorm II Lloyd x Morro
Greenwisp || Lloyd x Jay
Grief || Lou x Lilly x Ray x Maya
Gunpowder || Kai x Ash
Hacker || Ronin x Zane
Hailstorm || Jay x Cole x Zane
Harbinger || Garmadon x Misako
Hazard || Kai x Echo Zane
Heatwave || Kai x Chamille
HeavyMetal || Cole x Zane x Pixal
Hellstorm || Kai x Zane x Morro
Holly || Lloyd x Akita
Hope || Young Wu x Faith
Hotwire || Kai x Pixal x Zane
HowlingWind || Bansha x Morro
Hubris || Dareth x Clutch
Hurricane || Nya x Morro
Iceberg || Zane x Nya x Cole
Ice Samurai || Nya x Pixal x Zane
IceStorm || Zane x Nya x Morro
Inferno || Kai x B!Kai
Inventor || Cyrus Borg x Dr. Julien
Island || Nya x PoulErik x Jay
Ivory || Hailmar x Vania
JadedSnake || Harumi x “Snake Jaguar”
JadeStorm || Morro x Harumi
JadeWolf || Harumi x Akita
Jagged || Cole x Ice Emperor Zane
Jaya || Jay x Nya
Jaycule || Kai x Zane x Cole x Jay AND Jay x Nya
JetFaith || Jet Jack x Faith
Junk || Ed x Edna x Dr. Julien
Kailor || Kai x Skylor
Killjoy || Pythor x Overlord
Kitsune || Morro x Akita
Lackey || Cryptor x Pythor
Lava || Cole x Kai
LavaLamp || Cole x Skylor x Kai
Legacy || Morro x Cole x Zane x Jay x Kai
Leviathan || Great Devourer x Wojira
Life || Lloyd x Nya
LightningDjinn || Jay x Nadakhan
LightningFast || Jay x Griffin
Lightspeed || Paleman x Griffin
Llokita || Lloyd x Akita
Lorumi/Llorumi || Lloyd x Harumi
Lloya || Lloyd x Nya
Loner || Kai x Ronin
Loulien || Lou x Dr. Julien
Lullaby || Lou x Maya
Maelstrom || Morro x Wojira
Magma || B!Kai x Cole
Mechanic || Jay x Zane x Nya x Pixal
Mellow || Lou x Lilly
Miasma || Morro x Tox
Mirage || Nya x Chamille
Misfit || B!Polyninja x Morro
Misfortune || Nadakhan x Delara
Mist || Morro x Chamille x Nya
Moriel || Morro x Seliel
Morrumi || Morro x Harumi
Morwu || Morro x Sensei Wu
Moss || Cole x Lloyd
MotorOil || Cole x Mr. E
Mountain || Cole x Kai x Zane
Mudshock || Jay x Nya x Cole
Mudslide || B!Cole x Nya
Mystery || Echo Zane x Cryptor
Nemesis || Sensei Wu x Aspheera
Neon || Scott x Superstar Rockin’ Jay
Nightlight || Shade x Paleman
Nightshade || Tox x Chamille
Nostalgia || Dr. Julien x Krux
Oblivion || Staff!Kai x Cole
Obsession || Kai x Master Chen
Obsidian || Cole x B!Cole
Opposite || Zane x Kai
Ore || Karlof x Cole
Outdated || Zane x Cryptor
Outlaw || “Rocky Dangerbuff” x “Snake Jaguar”
Parrot || Fugi-Dove x Captain Soto
Permafrost || Ice Emperor Zane x Pixal
Petrichor || Cole x Nya
Phantom || Morro x Seliel
Pixane || Pixal x Zane
Plasma || Jay x Kai
PlayDate || Nya x Dogshank
PolyMaster || All the Elemental Masters including the ninja
Polyninja || Kai x Jay x Zane x Cole
PolyPonytail || Nya x Pixal x Skylor
PolySerpent || Great Devourer x Fire Fang x Wojira x Anacondrai Serpent(Clouse’s pet snake)
Pop-Culture || M!Jay x M!Cole
Popsicle || Zane x Lloyd
Pride || Morro x B!Kai
PunkRock || Ultra Violet x “Rocky Dangerbuff”
Purple || Pixal x Ultra Violet
Pyrite || Staff!Kai x “Rocky Dangerbuff”
Pyrotechnic || B!Kai x Zane
Pythales || Pythor x Skales
Quiet || Mr. E x Harumi
Raincloud || Vania x Benthomaar
Rainforest || Cole x Nya x Lloyd
Ratmen || Ronin x Dareth x Clutch
Reaper || Cole x Ice Emperor Zane x Morro
Redemption || Morro x Skylor
ResonatedGravity || Jacob x Gravis
Resurrected || Zane x Morro x Pixal
Retro || Milton Dyer x Acronix
Rhythm || M!Zane x M!Cole
Riptide || Nya x Ultra Violet
Risk || Jay x Morro x Kai
Roadrunner || Ultra Violet x Fugi-Dove
Rogue || Ronin x Okino
Ronya || Ronin x Nya
Rose || Gene x Brad
Royalty || Benthomaar x Vania x Harumi
Rustic || Benthomaar x Echo Zane
Sacrifice || Nya x Lloyd x Zane
Salamander || Kai x Clancee
SaltwaterTaffy || Glutinous x Gripe
SameVoiceActor || Dr. Julien x Garmadon
Samurai || Nya x Pixal
Samuraice || Nya x Pixal x Zane
SamuraiCheerleader || Nya x Unnamed background girl
Sandstorm || Cole x Morro
Scruff || Dareth x Ronin
Seabreeze || Benthomaar x Morro
Seafoam || Benthomaar x Echo Zane x Nya
Self-Centered || Dareth x Garmadon
Shenanigans || B!Jay x Morro
Shockwave || Nya x Jay x Pixal
ShortMetal || Mindroid x Cryptor
Skeleton || Morro x Ghoultar
Skelma || Skales x Selma
Skythor || Pythor x Skales
Sleet || Kai x Zane AND Zane x Nya (Nya and Kai are both dating Zane)
Smelt || Kai x Cryptor
SmokeShade || Ash x Shade
S’mores || Dareth x Zane
SnakeBlizzard || “Snake Jaguar” x Morro
Snakecell || Nya x “Snake Jaguar”
SnakeGlacier || “Snake Jaguar” x Cole
Specter || Seliel x Morro x Cole
Spell || Master Chen x Clouse
Spirit || Cole x Morro
Staff || Staff!Kai x Ice Emperor Zane
Static || Ice Emperor Zane x Jay
Steam || Ray x Maya
Steampunk || Jay x Echo Zane
Stereo || M!Kai x M!Zane x M!Cole
StolenData || Skylor x Pixal
StolenKiss || B!Jay x Nya
StoneCold || Cole x B!Zane
Strike || Libber x Krux
Sunflower || Vania x Echo Zane
SunScale || Kai x Great Devourer
Sunshine || Cole x Ultra Violet
Supernatural || Snek!Jay x Ghost!Cole x Zane x Anacondrai!Kai
Surge || M!Jay x Morro
Survival || Vinny x Garmadon
Tar || Shade x Tox
Taser || Cryptor x Jay
Tea || Sensei Wu x Mystake
TeaPost || Mystake x Mailman
Techno || Zane x Jay
TickTock || Zane x Acronix
TheyDeservedBetter || Show!Garmadon x Koko
Thief || Ronin x Clutch x Plundar
ThinkFast || Neuro x Griffin
ThunderSnow || Morro x Jay x Zane
ThunderWave || Jay x Benthomaar
Timecest || Krux x Acronix
Tragedy || Maya x Lilly
Transformer || Ash x Chamille
Travel || Libber x Misako
Trojan || B!Zane x Jay
TropicalStorm || Jay x Nya x Morro
Turquoise || Harumi x Nya
Typhoon || B!Zane x Nya
UltraE || Ultra Violet x Mr. E
Unique || Zane x Lloyd
Upgrade || Unagami x Mechanic
Upply || Fungus x Plundar x Korgran
User-Friendly || Zane x Overlord
VanillaCake || Vania x Cole
Venom || Ultra Violet x Tox
Vintage || Lou x Sensei Wu
Vinyl || Lou x Garmadon
Violent || Harumi x Ultra Violet
VioletSnake || Ultra Violet x “Snake Jaguar”
Virus || Zane x B!Jay
Void || Cryptor x Cole
Vore || Pythor x Overlord
Vortex || Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Warrior || Nya x Murtessa
Waterlily || Harumi x Nya
WetDog || Nya x Akita
Whiplash || Aspheera x Acronix
Whirlwind || B!Jay x Morro x Nya
Windpower || Morro x Pixal
Wrath || Staff!Kai x Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Wusako || Sensei Wu x Misako
YingYang || Overlord x First Spinjitzu Master
Zanecule || Kai x Cole x Zane x Jay AND Pixal x Zane
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marriedtokai · 2 years
i love torturing kai
Kai fans be like:
Kai Fan: Look at this guy!
*punches him in the face*
Kai Fan: I love him so much
*stabs him*
Kai Fan: He's my favorite character
*beats up all his friends and family while forcing him to watch*
Kai Fan: He goes through so much
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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brothers dump from the other day heheh (feat. lloyds dragon form)
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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Yes, he’s making quite a big show out of licking the frozen treat… Do your guys’ minds have also gone straight to the gutter? wwww
And no, I regret nothing! Or maybe only one thing about I don’t think whether I made it more suggestive.
Anyway, this is based on the certain oneshot from “Oneshots For The Loving Soul” written by RainbowKandiKorn22! Have I told you how much I enjoy all her wonderful oneshots? If no, I’m telling it now and I really love all your amazing works! :)
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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Just kiss already. :)
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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Cuddles. Cuddles are irresistible I’m telling you! And the idea is originally Jay’s since he was so fed up with Kai being extremely ridiculous and just wanted to make him settle down and leave him alone (“Seriously? Couldn’t you just give him chocolate?!” “COME ON I NEED SOMETHING MORE SPECIAL!!”). And you could see, Kai does take that “suggestion” (surprisingly) seriously. XD So despite being quite nervous as well as timid himself while old Sensei also feels unsettled and uneasy and obviously is experiencing inner struggles at the same time at first, turns out they definitely do enjoy themselves in the end. :) Yeah, I know this pairing is super unique… Yet I still love it! Sadly there’s not much fanfics of this pairing, nor the arts… Well, still Happy Valentine’s Day! :D
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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But at least you won’t be facing it alone.
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marriedtokai · 2 years
Creepy lloyd supremacy. You cant tell me that he literally went through shit and became good. He is literally a discord mod. He is a pervert and a yandere and a horny disgusting man. And I believe he have a pillow to fuck whenever he is feeling horny lololol. Along with the fact he might be a satu kinnie😍✨💅
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marriedtokai · 2 years
I hate Ninjago Twitter. The toxicity that place shares is horrendous. Even there is homophobia there. Also, they think they’re funny with what you ship. Like, if you ship certain ships, say greenflame for example, they send death threats to you. Yeah, I know Tumblr tends to do it too, so Tumblr Ninjago you got some issues as well, but DAMN do I hate Twitter Ninjago fandom. So much more than the Ninjago subreddit. Tumblr seems more accepting oddly as there is more maturity kinda.
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marriedtokai · 2 years
All of the Ninjago ships, put in a convenient alphabetical list! (Tell me if I missed one, I'll edit)
Ambershock ~ Jay/Skylor
Bluewire ~ Jay/Pixal
Braincell ~ Nya/Zane
Bruise(or Geode or LightningRod) ~ Cole/Jay
Citrus ~ Echo/Morro
Conia ~ Cole/Vania (name might be wrong)
Copper ~ Cyrus Borg/Dareth
Cyberstorm ~ Jay/Nya/Pixal
Destiny ~ Kai/Morro
Dumbass ~ Cole/Jay/Kai
DwarfStar ~ Mindroid/Ultra Violet
Elleven ~ Lloyd/Seven
Firewall ~ Kai/Pixal
Forgiven(GreenFlower) ~ Brad/Lloyd
Future ~ Acronix/Cyrus Borg
Garmacest ~ Garmadon/Lloyd (uhm 0_0)
Garmaclouse(Darkmagic, Snakebite) ~ Clouse/Garmadon
Garmako ~ Garmadon/Misako (might be wrong)
Glacier ~ Cole/Zane
Glowstone ~ Cole/Kai/Skylor
Goldsmith ~ Maya/Ray/Wu
Greenflame ~ Kai/Lloyd
Green Ice ~ Lloyd/Zane
Green Wind ~ Lloyd/Morro
Green Wisp ~ Jay/Lloyd
Heavymetal ~ Cole/Pixal/Zane
Hotwire ~ Kai/Pixal/Zane
Jailbird ~ FugiDove/Jay
Jaya ~ Jay/Nya
JetFaith ~ Faith/Jet Jack
Kailor ~ Kai/Skylor
Lava ~ Cole/Kai
Lloya ~ Lloyd/Nya
Llorumi ~ Harumi/Lloyd
Lloykita ~ Akita/Lloyd
Malware ~ Acronix/Cyrus Borg/Garmadon
Mechanic ~ Jay/Nya/Pixal/Zane
Morrumi ~ Harumi/Morro
Moss ~ Cole/Lloyd
Mountain ~ Cole/Kai/Zane
Mud ~ Cole/Nya (PROBABLY wrong but can we call it that anyway?)
Mudshock ~ Cole/Jay/Nya
Opposite ~ Kai/Zane
Overload ~ Cryptor/Jay
Phoenix ~ Nya/Skylor
Pixane ~ Pixal/Zane
Plasma ~ Jay/Kai
Polyninja ~ Cole/Jay/Kai/Zane
Polyponytail ~ Nya/Pixal/Skylor
PowerWish ~ Clutch Powers/Nadakahn
Raincloud ~ Benthomaar/Vania
Record ~ Dareth/Lou (possibly wrong)
Ronya ~ Nya/Ronin (hm)
Samurai ~ Nya/Pixal
Samuraice ~ Nya/Pixal/Zane
Scruff ~ Dareth/Ronin
Spirit(Sandstorm) ~ Cole/Morro
Steampunk ~ Jay/Echo(or Mr. E)
Stolendata ~ Pixal/Skylor
Sunshine ~ Cole/Ultra Violet (might be fake)
Survival ~ Garmadon/Vinny of NCTV News
Techno ~ Jay/Zane
Twincest ~ Acronix/Krux (erm)
UltraE ~ Mr. E/Ultra Violet
Violent ~ Harumi/Ultra Violet
Wannabe ~ Dareth/FugiDove
Waterjade ~ Harumi/Nya
Wusako ~ Misako/Wu
Ships I don't remember the names of (but I know they exist)
Cyrus Borg/Dr. Julian
And some poly ones I think
This list will be edited until complete!
And it's still being edited fairly regularly so...
Please point out mistakes and remind me about any ships I forgot
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marriedtokai · 2 years
Gonna drop some headcanons for y’all! His full name is Gent Saltbaker because of the gold nameplate we see on the table in his fight, and he was born on May 5th 1905 because of the number on the back of his prison uniform.
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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Andrew Archer x INPRNT.
The fantastic, hyper-kinetic work of artist Andrew Archer is all available as fine art prints in his INPRNT Shop!
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Be sure to follow INPRNT on Tumblr, too!
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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I FINALLY have a contribution to the “favorite ship dynamic” discussion 😤 bonus points for Orange going apeshit if Purple gets hurt
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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marriedtokai · 2 years
My fave dainamiks
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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marriedtokai · 2 years
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🌱Gone but not forgotten…🌿
A commission for a friend!
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