marrykozakoza · 10 years
nightmare in apartment 3.017
It was a rocky start - full of frowns and arguments and sadness.  A rocky start that she didn't wish for but somehow it got thrown to her....among everything else that's happened recently. A new family....a fiance....this...... She's just happy (and lucky) things have mostly smoothed over - it seems like Kageyama isn't as much as a butthead as she previously thought. He's at least willing to be Seto's friend!! That's good enough for now....especially after scraping her way to the soft underbelly of the beast. Finding out that Kageyama has a soft side....well sort of....but in any case, that's more than she can ask for.
She considers herself lucky, especially now....because now she's at his place with the setting sun behind her, quickly knocking before the dark catches up with her.  A movie night. They're having a movie night....if that's not a clear sign of friendship, she doesn't know what is.
(They are so c l o s e). 
She fidgets as she waits for him to answer, hoping, hoping the door would open soon. The dark has never been a friend of hers. And it will never be.
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So..... Please Kageyama!!!! Open up!! 
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
TFLN meme part 9.
[ text ] you just sat there, all alone, with a bottle of booze. and the dog. even he looked like he didn’t wanna be there with you. [ text ] You recommended online dating, but not even one day in and someone is asking for me to call them “daddy.” [ text ] Oh my god what did I do. My hands are scraped, there are pickles on the floor, my clothes are wet, and I don’t remember how I get here. Thank you. [ text ] Every time someone would look at you, you started to try and deep throat your beer bottle. [ text ] I just saw my boxers from 2 days ago stuck in a tree 4 miles from my house. [ text ] You can’t just call animal control when you’re drunk because there is a bug in the shower. [ text ] You still owe me a blowjob for knowing more about cats than you. [ text ] i almost had sex in a public restroom last night in case you’re wondering how much of a mess 320 is for me [ text ] Are we at the point yet where I can just say “I want to sit on your face”? If not, want to go out for “coffee”? [ text ] I don’t know if I’m more excited about getting chipotle or about getting laid [ text ] [insert really romantic mush about how much i love you and how beautiful you are so you will leave your gf for me] [ text ] There’s a bed on the roof. The window behind it is too small for it to go through. I’m impressed. [ text ] I ordered a million chicken go wraps and they gave me five. Even when im drunk I can count to a million and know its not five. They fucked me. [ text ] woke up on side of highway to the ppl in orange jumpsuits cleaning to comunity service. Not sure which freaked them out more… Finding a dead body or me not being dead [ text ] Simple revenge plan: break into his house and steal one shoe of every pair. [ text ] Apparently a stranger proposed after he saw me chug vodka out of a traffic cone. [ text ] We had a weird moment. Mid-sex he started talking. It went along the lines of “I. FUCKING. LOVE…..this condom…” [ text ] What if I made a small shrine to him? Would that be ‘creepy’? [ text ] I think the blind guy i flirt with on a regular basis is starting to realize he’s old enough to be my father. I can’t tell if he’s into it or not. [ text ] Making cat noises will not fix the situation. [ text ] IT’S FRIDAY. quit being a pussy, get out of bed, and come drink these 40s. that’s not a request. [ text ] So there’s 10 guys in this picture. I’ve made out with 5 of them. Does this make me a slut? [ text ] he kept insisting he didn’t have my number, so i called his phone and my number came up as “yeaaaaaaaaah!” [ text ] shit i think i heard footsteps on the gravel outside. theres something odd about them.. I should look out the window but my bed is so warm!! [ text ] Sure you wanna look out the window when you’re alone? What if there really is someone there in your garden, looking up at you? [ text ] i can see that its you! in my garden! how are you writing here without touching your phone? look up! i’m by the window can’t you hear me banging on it? [ text ] its in the house. cant talk i have to be quiet. lights off. im in a closet with a knife. hard to type shaking too much [ text ] oh god its calling out to me. it doesnt sound like you. its voice is so deep… filling the house… filling my head [ text ] “i just want to look at you” it keeps repeating that over and over [ text ] it might be… because i think about you so much. i think about you all the time [ text ] its scraping something on the walls getting closer.. please… [ text ] Can you come over in the morning? I really need to see you :)
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
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from mary!! to: rize
[msg] but candy's really good!!.  [msg] seto always gives me candy and i dont think it's a bad thing!!
[ text ] Sweet summer child. [ text ] Don’t ever let someone be your sugardaddy. [ text ] Especially if he’s so cheap that he’d only give you candy.
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
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from mary!! to: rize
[msg] i guess getting candy is always a good thing.....
[ text ] It isn’t. (」゚ペ)」 [ text ] Good news is, I now have a sugar daddy.
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
[ text ] You recommended online dating, but not even one day in and someone is asking for me to call them “daddy.”
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from mary!!to: rize
[msg] wait……why would they want that?[msg] you’re not their child??????[msg] THAT’S NOT ROMANTIC AT ALL!!
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
❣ !
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Put down that cupcake... you're sweet enough already!!
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
[ text ] Simple revenge plan: break into his house and steal one shoe of every pair.
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from mary!!to: soramaru!
[msg] hehe that is a good plan!![msg] but i don’t think i’d be able to carry all of them……[msg] do you want to help me???
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
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Excuse me!! I think you have something in your eye. Oh wait, it's just a sparkle~
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
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I must be a snowflake, because I've fallen for you!!
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
TFLN meme part 9.
[ text ] you just sat there, all alone, with a bottle of booze. and the dog. even he looked like he didn’t wanna be there with you. [ text ] You recommended online dating, but not even one day in and someone is asking for me to call them “daddy.” [ text ] Oh my god what did I do. My hands are scraped, there are pickles on the floor, my clothes are wet, and I don’t remember how I get here. Thank you. [ text ] Every time someone would look at you, you started to try and deep throat your beer bottle. [ text ] I just saw my boxers from 2 days ago stuck in a tree 4 miles from my house. [ text ] You can’t just call animal control when you’re drunk because there is a bug in the shower. [ text ] You still owe me a blowjob for knowing more about cats than you. [ text ] i almost had sex in a public restroom last night in case you’re wondering how much of a mess 320 is for me [ text ] Are we at the point yet where I can just say “I want to sit on your face”? If not, want to go out for “coffee”? [ text ] I don’t know if I’m more excited about getting chipotle or about getting laid [ text ] [insert really romantic mush about how much i love you and how beautiful you are so you will leave your gf for me] [ text ] There’s a bed on the roof. The window behind it is too small for it to go through. I’m impressed. [ text ] I ordered a million chicken go wraps and they gave me five. Even when im drunk I can count to a million and know its not five. They fucked me. [ text ] woke up on side of highway to the ppl in orange jumpsuits cleaning to comunity service. Not sure which freaked them out more… Finding a dead body or me not being dead [ text ] Simple revenge plan: break into his house and steal one shoe of every pair. [ text ] Apparently a stranger proposed after he saw me chug vodka out of a traffic cone. [ text ] We had a weird moment. Mid-sex he started talking. It went along the lines of “I. FUCKING. LOVE…..this condom…” [ text ] What if I made a small shrine to him? Would that be ‘creepy’? [ text ] I think the blind guy i flirt with on a regular basis is starting to realize he’s old enough to be my father. I can’t tell if he’s into it or not. [ text ] Making cat noises will not fix the situation. [ text ] IT’S FRIDAY. quit being a pussy, get out of bed, and come drink these 40s. that’s not a request. [ text ] So there’s 10 guys in this picture. I’ve made out with 5 of them. Does this make me a slut? [ text ] he kept insisting he didn’t have my number, so i called his phone and my number came up as “yeaaaaaaaaah!” [ text ] shit i think i heard footsteps on the gravel outside. theres something odd about them.. I should look out the window but my bed is so warm!! [ text ] Sure you wanna look out the window when you’re alone? What if there really is someone there in your garden, looking up at you? [ text ] i can see that its you! in my garden! how are you writing here without touching your phone? look up! i’m by the window can’t you hear me banging on it? [ text ] its in the house. cant talk i have to be quiet. lights off. im in a closet with a knife. hard to type shaking too much [ text ] oh god its calling out to me. it doesnt sound like you. its voice is so deep… filling the house… filling my head [ text ] “i just want to look at you” it keeps repeating that over and over [ text ] it might be… because i think about you so much. i think about you all the time [ text ] its scraping something on the walls getting closer.. please… [ text ] Can you come over in the morning? I really need to see you :)
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
send me a ❣ for a pickup line from my character!
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
it's goin down .... // luca!!!
Her mouth turns down, lips pressed tight together, hands bunched up in little fists at her sides. Her eyes narrow, staring up at the box that's just out of reach.... She'd tried multiple times too and each time her fingers barely missed the cardboard sides of cereal.
But she tries again anyway. Standing on her tipiest tiptoes, Mary's hand stretches out as she leans toward one side, hoping, hoping that maybe this time she might be able to reach it this time. Eyes close tight and she holds her breath. Please. Please. Please!!
No luck. She fall back defeated. A pout sets in. What is she going to do now? The thought of asking a worker to help her makes her dizzy and in the end, she decides against it -- at least until all other facets are exhausted.
With her face set, she grabs a hold of a shelf with both hands and places a foot on another. With a prayer on her lips, she pulls herself up (just barely), her arms and legs shaking. A breath and she reaches out a trembling hand and grabs the box....but at the same time her trembles send a bunch of boxes tumbling off the shelf on both sides.
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"Ahh!!!" She glances down at the mess she's just created and with that one glance she realizes just how far up she is.....Her hand drops the box and clings onto the shelf, shaking.
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
send a "hug" and i'll generate a number!
Friendly Hug - Simply wrapping your arms around the other, squeezing just enough. A hug that can bring a tear to your eye!
Hug and Spin - Hugging them tightly, then twirling around in circles, lifting them right off their feet!
Get Away From Me Hug - An unreciprocated hug, where one’s doing all the hugging while the other hangs limp. 
Thug Hug - The classic one armed hug for all your bros and homies. 
Octopus Hug - In which your arms and legs are wrapped around the other for a tight squeezing hug. 
New Born Baby Hug - Ready the person in your arms, throw them in the air and catch them! Or don’t! 
Don’t Leave Hug - Holding on to the others legs or feet tightly as they try to escape you. 
Awkward Hug - A simple, unfortunately long hug with awkward pats. Neither of you really want to be here. 
Attack Hug - Whether you’re jumping into their arms or on their back, the receiver of this hug is definitely a risk of a heart attack. 
Hug and Fall - It was a nice hug while it lasted, but one (or both) of you have lost your balance and topple to the ground! 
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
Chess Drabble Prompts
Send me one of these and: 
♔ My character will praise yours
♕ My character will proclaim their love for yours
♖ My character will protect yours
♗ My character will give yours advise 
♘ My character will fight alongside yours
♙ My character will encourage yours
♚ My character will insult yours
♛ My character will seduce yours
♜ My character will betray yours
♝ My character will threaten yours
♞ My character will attack yours
♟ My character will use yours
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
[ text ] you wrote me a haiku titled, “let me touch your butt”
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from mary!!to: kido (❀◦‿◦)
[msg] oh……….[msg] i did??? [msg] well i hope you liked it………..[msg] wait can i see it? i wanna see it please please pl easee
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
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yeah!!! i'd like that a lot!! what should we do??
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marrykozakoza · 10 years
[ text ] Someone in the elevator just told me I looked like a struggle but I smell very pretty…
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from mary!!to: seto (๑′ᴗ‵๑)
[msg] well that someone is right[msg] you smell very pretty!! always do!
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