mars-bellegarde ¡ 3 months
Mars stood outside, muttering to themselves through a problem that they've encountered. Their sights on a point down the grand street, not really looking at anything in particular as they thought. Bags collected under their eyes from a lack of sleep and the cigarette between their fingers was slowly burning away as they forgot it was even there.
"Hmm?" Mars said, turning to the person who was speaking to them, taking a second to process what he said. "Oh, well," Mars took a final drag of the cigarette that was now near its completion before flicking it away, leaning in to whisper, "I'm saying that my programs are updating so I could have a smoke at least."
They lean away, "But of course, hush hush," giving a smile, "But how has the pre-games been for you?"
where; a place whomst; mars @mars-bellegarde
Beryl would be the first to admit that he didn't exactly get out much. The Games were his busiest time of year as he worked to gauge public interest around the capitol, and which one of the tributes might actually make it out. Seeing engineers also out and about was even more of a rarity. "Mars, aren't you a sight for sore eyes. I didn't think they let you and your team leave the trenches this close to the Games."
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 3 months
Mars ran a finger around the rim of the glass half full, listening to the whine and watched Miller before he presented the offer. They had turned down the offers in the past of a partnership mostly because of the financial comfort that the Capitol offered but there was also a part of them that enjoyed playing hard to get.
They gave a smile, giving a laugh as they lifted their glass for a drink, "Well, a lot of work has went into it, so I would hope it is going to be entertaining," They finish the rest of their drink in one as he server returned with the new order, leaving a moment later as Mars continued, "One thing can be certain: it will be bloody, twenty-three people dead, and one remaining, just like every other year."
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Mars knew this isn't what he wanted to know, he wanted details. They leaned forward, speaking more quietly, "Miller, my friend, I can't give you much because I have a vested interest in keeping my life," they weren't clear if it meant that they would be fired or killed, but it wasn't much difference in Mars's eyes, "so, unless you somehow have something that is more valuable than my life, this will be a hard sell."
Anything in the affirmative was a good starting point with them. Still, it felt important not to seem too desperate, especially given the sensitive nature of this so-called offer. Miller took the seat across from Mars and flagged down a server. "Like I said," he chuckled, "I'm not trying to petition you to move out there this time, so you don't have to worry about any unsolicited tours. For now."
After placing his order and letting Mars place theirs, he waited for the server to disappear from view. They couldn't afford to be overheard. He couldn't. "I'm sponsoring the Games now. Starting with this cycle," Miller opened. "So as you may have guessed, I have a vested interest in how the Quell is going to go down." It was probably best not to mention Smith just yet. If Mars kept the barest tabs on the tributes, they could probably guess where this was going anyway.
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
Mars lingered in the tribute facility throughout the day, sometimes talking to people or just watching. As things started to die down, they called on a coworker to bring their things -- to which the coworker complained about how messy their station was when they arrived at the facility. Time went on, Mars lounged in a booth, sipping on drink number 4 as they stared almost blankly into space while contemplating one of the many problems they'd been facing at work. A journal in front of them was open to a page with random things written all over the page. They were just about done with the drink when a familiar voice pulled them out of thought. A smile pulled at their lips, "Miller, I wouldn't say no to a drink," the two had met before, discussed a potential business opportunity to which Mars reminded Miller that he couldn't payout their Capitol salary, but they admired his continued attempts.
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"A different offer?" Mars closed their journal, looking to him with an eyebrow raised, hands clasped on top of the book, "I know the districts are open to travel, for the most part, but I don't need a tour of District Two."
Even without checking the time, Miller knew he was running late to the Canvilles' party. That was usually something inconsequential. This time, however, he felt a slight unease, if only because there was something he needed from them now. Unlike him, the Canvilles had sponsored for the Games for years. Their support and sway might just be critical in getting Smith out of the arena.
It was on his way for the exit that he noticed Marcene Bellegarde sitting in the lobby with a drink.
The Canvilles certainly weren't the only people he needed to win over.
"Can I get you another?" Miller offered, gesturing to the glass in their hand. "And before you say no, don't worry, I'm not trying to poach you this time. But I do have a different offer."
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
“Tech engineers help develop hardware, software, to modernize the Capitol and the districts and make things easier or more streamline. Or at least that is what they said when I was a kid.” That was the prompt that the teachers had given the students prior to the internship applications. “Now, I mostly work closely with the Capitol and the Games - either developing or helping out with any of the technology aspects. It can be as simple as a software to make sure that funds for sponsors are transferred quickly or just simple adjustments to the drones that transport sponsor gifts. Or it can be as complex as helping develop the arenas.” 
Mars thought for a few moments about District Three - most of their memories were from school. Home life for them was quiet, their parents worked long shifts and then when Mars went to the Capitol and never returned, they never reached back out to their parents. “District Three was my home, but now I live here. I haven’t been back in the district for over ten years. But when I was a kid, it was okay, I guess. Things are more accessible and easy here though.” 
Lifting an eyebrow, they took a drink from their glass while listening to Mason talk about why he was here - that he was almost scripted to be here by family. Mars hummed in thought, “But do you want to volunteer for these games?”
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"Definitely old enough this year." Which was definitely a strange thing to think. Luckily, as far as Mason had noticed, there wasn't a tribute that was too terribly old. Not that he wanted young one's either, but it would be super sad to see some seventy or eighty year old in the arena. "What exactly is a tech engineer?" He asked curiously. "I think District Three is super cool. Is it all as cool as it seems?" Mason felt bad for the question after question, but he really did need this distraction.
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Mason was then curious for a moment as they said they knew one of his family members. It could be anyone out of his parents or oldest brother but when they began listening M names, he couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, Miller! He's my oldest brother. Super cool sponsor dude." He laughed. It definitely sounded better being a sponsor over an escort.. but escort was definitely better than tribute. "Well, um.." Mason cleared his throat, straightening his back slightly. "It definitely wasn't my choice," He started. "It was my father's doing. He wanted me to get a closer look at the Games since he wants me to Volunteer soon." Then he paused, making a face. "It's all kinda, super, complicated.. But I really am happy to be here."
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
Mars had initiated the conversation with Cab, the small talk turned into some quiet which they didn’t mind too much. Over the years of interacting with him, Mars knew that he was a little odd – but then again, they weren’t the most normal either. They knew what to expect, for the most part, that the conversation would continue at some point. They looked to Cab with an amused, questioning look, “Are you trying to get Game secrets out of me? Come on now, Cab. I wouldn’t tell you even if I could – that’d ruin the surprise.” They give him a smile, “But yes, the games this year have kept me busy. It actually made me a little nervous to hear I could get reaped, what would happen if I had? All that work,” they make a motion with their hand, “poof, gone.”
Mars could tell that Cab was nervous, that didn’t stop them from keeping conversations, though they didn’t know if their presence helped or made it worse. There was a part of them that found it somewhat entertaining. “What about you? Has the time between been busy for you at all?”
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@mars-bellegarde location: tribute facility, post-reaping
The Capitol was buzzing and Cab, nervous as ever, felt as out of place as he did all those years ago. The Quarter Quell might have been a cause for celebration in the city, but people in Six had almost rioted at the announcement. The Hunger Games were enough of a spectacle—did Ravensill have to go and make it worse just because 25 years had passed? As if that were something to celebrate. Cab didn't dare say any of this aloud. He found it best to stay under the radar, avoiding unwanted attention from Capitol officials looking for any excuse to label someone a rebel. If he had to smile and play pretend, then so be it. Cab had seen what they did to so-called "traitors" and, as much as he hated it, no one could deny that they wouldn't have ended up on the wrong side of the Peacekeeper's barrel if they had just kept their mouths shut. Really, he wasn't going to risk it. Not after everything he'd been through. That didn't make conversations with them any less awkward, though. Capitolites, district-born or otherwise, made him feel like a bug under a microscope. "So, uh, have you been working on anything exciting for this year? I'm sure you have, I mean, the Games have been impressive these past few years. I must say it's been incredible to watch. But, don't get me wrong, they always have been!" Cab found himself rambling, but he couldn't find the off switch if his life depended on it. "I suppose, uh, you have your work cut out for you."
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
Mars gave themselves a smile, nodding and saying aloud, “Ah, Brick, that’s why you looked familiar.” Mars had met Miller before and they assumed they were related somewhat closely by looks alone. Mars gave a quick glance around the room for the familiar face but hadn’t seen it. Part of their mind wanted to equate this younger kid as a lost sheep without its shepherd with how cheerful he seemed.
Moving their glass of alcohol to the other hand, they shook the younger kid’s hand, “Oh no, not a tribute, thankfully. I guess I am still old enough this year to be one, right? Mars Bellegarde, tech engineer, from Three but it’s complicated.” Mars had been in the Capitol for almost half of their life at this point but had not really assimilated into the ‘Capitol Look’ that most of the higher classed citizens decorated themselves in at this point. Though, they had been to some interesting parties in those several years. 
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Mars took a swig and cleared their throat, “I know your… family member? What was his name? Mitchell? No, Michael’s not right either–” they snap their fingers, “Miller. But–I am more curious about you,” Mars squinted their eyes at Mason, “What made you want to come to the Capitol and be an escort? Or is that something that is sort of selected for you?” To themselves they whispered, “I probably should know that… Hmm…”
Before the Reaping, Mason had been excited to become an Escort. To visit the Capitol for the first time. To get to help the tributes and hopefully be something positive in their adventure as one. But, that had all come crashing down. His excitement had now turned to dread. His mind was cloudy at what had happened at the Reaping while he announced names on stage. This was meant to be a fun summer job, but it had turned into something much more than that.
The entire ride to the Capitol Mason stayed quiet. He was trying to figure things out, come up plans, and figure out if this was all real or some horrible nightmare. He prayed for the nightmare part.
But before Mason even knew it, the train had arrived at the Capitol and Two's team were brought to the Tribute Facility. It was smaller than he had expected, but still very nice. He picked up his binder labeled 'Mason Brick, District Two', which had all of his tributes' information and everything he needed for schedules. Quickly skimming through it, he tried his best to flip over the pages of one of the tributes.
Flipping the page once more, Mason was brought out of his thoughts as he heard someone speak to him. A small smile was quickly placed on his face. "Me?" He asked before looking around him and then back at the person speaking. "Oh, you're correct. I'm not a uh- tribute. But I kinda look like one, right?" He asked with a small laugh. Mason was young and definitely fit in with them. Though this year there were some older ones. "I'm Mason Brick! District Two's escort. It's my first year." He whispered the last part before putting his hand out for a handshake. "What about you? Are you also not a tribute?" Mason threw the same question at them.
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
@mason-brick location: tribute facility
The Reaping came and went, hours passed and Mars was left alone in their office to work. When they pulled their attention away from their screen to look outside, the day had vanished and was replaced with the lit up skyline of the Capitol outside their window. Mars rubbed their eyes, leaning back to stretch in their chair. The last of the trains would be arriving into the Capitol with the tributes soon, so Mars decided to leave their office and head to the Tribute Facility. The walk there was not long, the streets were filled with Capitol citizens either going about their day or, like the majority of them, trying to get a good view of the many screens with the beginning coverage of the Games. A few people were watching the train line to get a glimpse through the trains that had been entering into the station through the late afternoon. People stood at the entrance of the Tribute Facility, some waiting to get in to start their early betting or to grace the victors and tributes with their grand appearance. Mars, seeing the crowd, walked the long way around to get in through a more isolated entrance. 
When they entered a room where individuals were mingling, Mars took a quick stop at the bar for a drink before walking around and observing. Not having watched the Reaping, they realized how difficult it was now to place who and who wasn’t here as a tribute – that was unless they either looked ridiculous or Mars had seen them before. 
A new face belonged to a younger man, he looked familiar in some way, but Mars was sure they had never met before. They gave an analyzing look over him before walking over, “You–are not a tribute, am I correct?”
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
task one: self para | reaping
With the announcement of the rules for the first Quarter Quell, Mars was required to put in their votes to elect the two tributes for the Games. Despite not having stepped foot in District Three for almost thirteen years, they hadn’t been isolated from people from their home district. Though they wouldn’t vote for any of the people that they worked with, or the students that they had taught briefly when they came for internships. Instead, Mars opted to vote for an old teacher that they thought had been a bitch to them along with a boy–now an adult man--that had played a prank to embarrass Mars in front of their class. Mars hoped that they were still alive, at least.
The reaping itself had usually become background noise for Mars while they worked on whatever project preoccupied them. They’d listen in when it was time for District Three before returning the majority of their focus back to work. This year it was a little different, when they were reminded that the Reaping was about to air, Mars simply told the woman, a coworker who grew up in the Capitol, that they were too busy and they’d find out who was reaped when they arrived at the Capitol anyway.  “You do realize that you are also a potential candidate for these games right?” she said, a look of disbelief on her face as Mars shrugged and turned their music back up. The woman yelled over the music, “You can be reaped, Mars, wouldn’t you want to know that you were or not?”
Mars sighed, looking back at their coworker with a smile, “Let it be a surprise!” They turned back to their work and didn’t know how long their coworker remained there; if they were reaped, they knew that the Capitol would send people to let them know and to remove them from their work. Besides, who would really vote for them – are there a lot of people in Three that actually remember them at this point?
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
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Emma D’Arcy photographed by HBO to promote House of the Dragon
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mars-bellegarde ¡ 5 months
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✗ CONFIDENTIAL CAPITOL FACILITY SIGN UP SHEET records the attendance of MARCENE ‘MARS’ BELLEGARDE, a TECHNICAL ADVANCEMENTS ENGINEER from DISTRICT THREE. The applicable authorities may note, that the 30 year old NONBINARY / THEY/THEM/THEIRS is LOGICAL, ECCENTRIC, AND HARDWORKING, but has also been known to be SELF-SERVING, MATERIALISTIC, AND BLUNT. Similarities in appearance can be seen with EMMA D’ARCY. According to previous reports, they’re often associated with the hum of electricity from a fluorescent light and the sound of low notes piano in a large, empty room.
In this section, please answer the questions below as they apply to your character. This can be done in bullet points, or in paragraph form.
Important: We require the Bio, as well as replies, to be written in third person. Please write at least 5 bullet points, or if you choose to do it in paragraph form, a minimum of 300 words. 
  Marcene ‘Mars’ Bellegarde was only a few years old when the Dark Days came to an end but they were a witness to the changes that came with the victory of the Capitol. District Three’s intellects would be pressured to work under the close eye of the Capitol to develop tech for them and their rebuilding city. Throughout their school years, Mars excelled in their education and it was anticipated for them to always work closely with the Capitol due to their ingenuity. 
In their late teens, Panem changed with the games having transformed from simply a punishment to a broadcasted, sporting event. They, along with three other students from their school, were given the opportunity to intern and help develop certain software and hardware to make the games more interesting. Before they had left, parties who held grudges against the Capitol approached the group of students to try to get them to find flaws, implement viruses, anything to either stop the games or to make it difficult for the Capitol to proceed with them. Mars kept their mouth shut when the other three agreed to help.
Their time in the Capitol in the few months prior to that year’s games was held in comfort. They worked closely with individuals from both the Capitol, District Three, and other districts that helped with some form of redevelopment. They enjoyed their time and honestly, they did not want to return back to District Three if they could help it. As the games grew ever closer, Mars became close with one of the students, Camille. The students got together to discuss what had been asked of them and were going to initiate their plan the night before the games. Mars, in private, tried to convince Camille to not go through with it because it would only get her killed. 
The night before the games, Mars went to their instructors and informed them of what the group had planned and insisted that Camille had not been a part of the group. The other two students were arrested and dealt with. Camille remained in the Capitol for the games but avoided Mars at all costs. After the games, the two were extended opportunities to stay in the Capitol and continue their work. Camille declined and was sent home. Mars would agree and remained in the Capitol but kept an eye on Camille from afar with their place in the Capitol.
Since, they lived in the Capitol and enjoyed their life of comfort and were well off through their efforts and work. Mars would be recruited to help with development of tech for the games in the few months prior but otherwise spent their time working on other projects. They’d become an instructor for students that came on internships and would encourage the brightest to stay in the Capitol as they had though not many did - but continued to work from District Three or other districts.
With the first Quarter Quell coming up, Mars has kept busy preparing for these highly anticipated games.
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