mars-xxviii-xxii 2 years
On our last week, we haven't done much already since I'm leaving the office on thursday and the office employees just got back from their regional meeting. Same old-same old routine in which we get to photocopy and edit few documents for the office's attendance since the Regional Director announced that their attendance is renewed in a sense that its format was different from the previous ones. Hence, at some point our supervisor had some difficulties in filling it all up because it was confusing (daw) and that some papers where also required to have signatures from the office's employees from their respective divisions. We tend to catch some people up as well since they work in a skeletal schedule because some of them works from home from time to time and some them are just literally absent in the office.
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mars-xxviii-xxii 2 years
Fourth :))
As for this week, we haven't done much in the office since it was really the office's preparation week for the next coming week (which is their send off schedule to Pagadian). A lot of them were already discussing which of the office employees will come along to the company vehicles and etc.
There was also an afternoon within the week that our supervisor's officemate asked us to come along with them and buy snacks for their visitors whom are technically the Office's clients who seek help from the CHR most specifically intended for their child's education that is most likely a seminar. We went outside the office to buy them their snacks and as well for our work room. After that, another co-employee of our supervisor tasked us to make a copy of the Children's documents (like the program's memo/target agendas, the parent's/guardian's consent form, and also their plane tickets., etc.). It was quite a funny experience photocopying the files when I have let our supervisor's co-employee use the photocopy machine when it worked perfectly fine when I was using it but then when it was her turn, it ends up not working good that it kept beeping for error for unknown reason. after a while, I continued using it and then surprisingly, it worked well again.
Our supervisor also gave us a "pahabol" photocopy task with the office's vehicles' OR/CRs (like literally different vehicles) that quite gave me a hard time at some point because some of the original documents should be in a long bond paper and that meaning to say I had to keep on changing the machine's settings so that the copy will visibly look exactly like the original's. Fortunately I was able to understand the machine's use for quite a while now so I didn't really got stuck up with the task given to me for a long duration of hours.
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mars-xxviii-xxii 2 years
Third week!!!
This week has been so far the busiest because our supervisor is actually giving us encoding, printing and sorting tasks that will be used on their coming event by next week.
These documents are actually needed for their Mid-Year Assessment of Operations and Reprogramming of 2022 Annual Work and Financial Plans to be held at Pagadian City. So, we had to print a lot of documents which includes the Memorandum of the event, the Programme, their Resolution, the Regional Assessment, the Regional Office Indicative MOOE Ceiling, the Budget Ceiling for the year 2022, the Case Investigation and Documentation Expenses, the Regional Office's Approved Quality Plans and Risk Registries, their Stakeholders Map, the Composition of Regional PMT, the office employees' OPCR and DPCR (which is somehow similar to an attendance), their Gender and Development Plan for 2023 (and our supervisor actually told me that some of their plans should be planned a year earlier before the planned event so it can be processed through another assessment in order for them to finally decide on what should they do for the upcoming event in the following year), their Annual Work and Financial Plan during this year (2022) --which means the Regional Office's Achievements as for the moment that also indicates their expenses, and lastly, the office's Budget Ceiling which differs depending on what division is the folder for like in the Legal Division, the Administrative, the Investigation, etc. I was also personally assigned to make a Table of Contents for these because it will be compiled to a folder as well so it can be more presentable.
We actually worked on this approximately about 3-4 days and it was really exhausting because was a hell lot of papers to be printed for. Luckily, they have a photocopier in which we were allowed to operate to and that it made our work much more efficient and faster. The only downside to that is that sometimes, as to what a common printer problem, we sometimes needed to troubleshoot our printing. It can be a technical error.
Another inconvenience that also gives me a hard time is whenever I place back a paper that is already organized into its folder, I sometimes get out of focus in which it sometimes confuses me where I stopped while photocopying a certain file. Luckily I'm able to overcome that by asking to my co-interns. If anyhow they also end up being confused with the paper works, we just had to ask our supervisor politely just so to be sure so that we can avoid any mistakes.
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mars-xxviii-xxii 2 years
2nd Week
On our second week, we were assigned to print necessary files for the employees like their Individual Performance Commitment and Review. We have also segregated it right away since there are actually a lot of employees in the office, depending on their division.
There was also a day in which our supervisor had worked from home since their office attendance is in skeletal setup. There are some days that the employees are working from home, and there are also days that they just come to the office for half of the day and then work the other half of the day at home.
Since our supervisor was not in the office, we asked the other employees if there were any tasks we could do for them in order for us to have a log in the day. Fortunately, the Administrative Officer I gave us something to do, which is sorting files by year. Those files contain the cases being filed in the Commission on Human Rights R.O. IX. Some of it was interesting to read so while annually sorting it, we were able to read about some of the cases that we came to realize it was too devastating to happen. Most cases were regarding child custody, rape, and drug raids. Truly, the world is a scary place to live in.
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mars-xxviii-xxii 2 years
First Week
We were assigned to do an inventory report, in which we counted different materials that are commonly used in the office. We were also assigned to encode our counting results into a given Microsoft Excel sheet -in which we were less likely familiar of. Luckily our supervisor was really considerate at times when we are having some difficulties like not being able to balance the newly bought and issued materials. We were able to catch up and have easily adapted into using the application.
We were mostly tasked to encode such paper works like Disbursement Voucher, Itinerary Of Travel, Budget Utilization request and Status, Certification of Travel, Liquidation Reports, Policy Advisory, Legal Assistance Process flow, since the employees are leaving sometime within this year for an official purpose.
Since some files were often used with the excel app, we honestly had some difficulties when encoding the things that need to be encoded. I actually got to the point of telling our supervisor that it's kind of embarrassing for them to see us having a hard time with the app. Luckily, our supervisor was very considerate that she told us:
"Okay lang se, poreso gane ta lyama sila, "on job training", keredisir, trials lang oste ta ase, and it's actually a time for improvement."
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mars-xxviii-xxii 2 years
WAZAP?! Welcome to my page
Test post~
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