marshand123 · 10 months
Final work (art sound)
final work sound art.mp4
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marshand123 · 10 months
Final work (sound art)
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In this final sound work, in order to better create a psychedelic and dreamy space, I combined drum beats, electronic music, heartbeats, and metronomes, and added reverb, stereo, surround sound, and some special scene sound effects to achieve the goal (dream feeling)In addition, I also used natural sounds such as my snoring, the sound of a piano metronome (a prelude to simulate the sound of clocks brought into the dream space), and the heartbeat sound of a water bottle. Based on the above, I hope to bring people into illusory and confusing dreams in the sound space I created, so that people can experience the inner world in the dream and discover and examine themselves.
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marshand123 · 11 months
final work (dream land)
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marshand123 · 11 months
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Final work (sound)
zihang ma final work.mp3
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marshand123 · 11 months
An exploration of sound artists
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Ryoji Ikeda
A Japanese visual and sound artist focused on sounds in various "raw" states combined with percussion and electronic music
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marshand123 · 11 months
About the production of the final sound
My idea is that dreams contain various elements such as mystery, fantasy, confusion and exploration. This represents what may be a beautiful dream, nightmare, or fantasy scene
These are the sounds I want to create music by using instruments, electronic music software, or synthesizers. Consider using soft tones and chords to reflect the mood of your dream. Experiment and look for sounds that remind you of dreams.
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marshand123 · 11 months
Research on artists
Bas Jan Ader Dutch performer and photographer
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marshand123 · 11 months
Research on artists
Tehching Hsieh
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marshand123 · 11 months
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Research on artists
Marina Abramović
About Rhythm 0 was a six-hour work of performance art by Serbian artist Marina Abramović in Naples in 1974
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marshand123 · 11 months
The collection of various elements makes the dream richer. Quick switching and crazy shooting angles make the dream more casual and show people's inner world and mental state from multiple angles.
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marshand123 · 11 months
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marshand123 · 11 months
I created a dream space. The video shows a collection of various things that have happened and want to happen. Just like everything that happens in daily life, there are happy things and sad things.
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marshand123 · 1 year
Assignment 1: Sound Ecology
fall into dream -zihang ma
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marshand123 · 1 year
Assignment 1 Sound Ecology
The content of the work revolves around the dream space. From the beginning of falling asleep, the squeeze of a mineral water bottle is used to simulate the sound of the heart beating, thereby entering the dream.
The dream space first creates a comfortable and beautiful scene in the dream with the sound of waves and soft wind (the sound made by the bottle filled with water and the mouth)
The sound of rushing water, clock sounds and vibrations are used to show the uneasiness and fear in dreams.
At the end of the dream, the noise of characters and the noise of the environment seem to return to reality, and the consciousness gradually becomes clear.
Finally, I returned to reality. My daily life started from the clear dream, and the sound also ended.
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marshand123 · 1 year
Artist exploration
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Sherre DeLys
I am very fortunate to have discovered her work. When exploring the relationship between sound and art, I clearly found that it is neither visual nor tactile, but more suggestive. Use sound to bring your thoughts into it. This sense of space is not illustrative or descriptive, it requires the viewer to listen rather than just hear.
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marshand123 · 1 year
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how to picture a dream
Describing dreams is more about depicting psychological activities, which are closely related to inner thoughts, such as beautiful dreams will be filled with flowers, laughter, waves or soft wind. I attach natural sounds to dream images to help them materialize in space.
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marshand123 · 1 year
In this work, I want to use dream space to evoke people’s true inner thoughts and feelings and to establish a specific dream narrative.
The main content revolves around the dream story after deep sleep, from snoring to natural environment sounds to dream scene sounds. Returning to the snoring process makes the work from reality to dream and then to reality.
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