marsroamer23 · 2 months
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marsroamer23 · 3 months
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marsroamer23 · 3 months
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I'm not dead, I was just getting strenght to tell you that
That's right! I'm back, and I'm in a new fresh mood to finally open commissions once again! :D
So, what are ypu waiting for?^^ I don't have specific slots, so go ahead! Send me DM in my Twitter or my Instagram! I'll be happy to do your commisson!♥ Btw, forgot to put it on my Extra Terms, but I'll say it here now: Ofc there's gonna be a refund if I turn down a commission, so don't worry lol
What? You don't have enough for a commission but want to support me? Well you can always BUY ME A KO-FI!! ♥
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marsroamer23 · 4 months
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Do YOU have an email address? If so click this link to sign the petition to show Valve we want this game to be functional again!
If you DONT have and email address... you should make one, they are pretty handy, and its free!
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here is the one without text, I'm not the best at making posters lol.
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marsroamer23 · 4 months
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We're fighting for this game, Valve. It's your turn now. Fix the bot problem. Sign the petition !
Dont forget your daily clicks for arab.org Collab with @mickmundane <- Colors I did lines :3
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marsroamer23 · 4 months
AnneShreudz, creator of the welcome home OC, Dale, is a groomer and a genuinely a terrible person.
Link to the doc :
Other ways to spread awareness
Twitter Thread : https://twitter.com/callingoutannes/status/1785160336716321262
Instagram Post : https://www.instagram.com/p/C6XxUYjgzsl/?igsh=ZzF3dzhzazZweW1m
Tiktok Post : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL9f1JdQ/
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marsroamer23 · 5 months
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[taps watch] you've got 2 months, art fighters...
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marsroamer23 · 5 months
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TFI's most wanted mercs are here on standby for YOU. They're busy as HELL but are under LEGAL CONTRACT to do WHAT EVER needs to be done- from mailing your CRAPPY LOVE LETTERS to answering ALL of your INVASIVE and PRODDING questions! You think it- they'll probably have to do it*! Just send an ask to whichever merc! Here's even a sneak peek into some of their history (presented without their knowledge! Fun surprise for you lovely guys!) (*Couriers are subject to responding to asks but responses are not guaranteed to be factual and in any certain time frame. They do still got jobs to do!)
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marsroamer23 · 5 months
got the sinking city cause it was on sale for 3$ and I'm enthralled by Charles maincharacters' default of immediately trying to kill himself every time something mildly upsetting happens
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marsroamer23 · 5 months
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The Sinking City (2017)
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marsroamer23 · 5 months
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god my cat is so stupid and evil and I love him so much
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marsroamer23 · 6 months
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Tyrael stole silverware from a restaurant last time we played, much to the dismay of our party
i am still super proud of that pose
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marsroamer23 · 6 months
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marsroamer23 · 6 months
So I read the first 3 volumes of She Loves To Cook and She Loves To Eat (Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna) by Sakaomi Yuzaki, and um, Sublime. 11/10. Perfect. Preordered volume 4. Cannot wait.
Expect a lot of content from this one in coming weeks.
The story is about two women who live alone in small apartments.
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Yuki Nomoto is an office worker in a men's world. She loves to cook but tends to cook more than she can eat because she loves the creation aspect more than the eating. Moreover, she loves cooking big portions and desperately wishes she had someone to cook for. But not a man. Nope.
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Totoko Kasuga is an alcohol merchandiser who lives two doors down from her. She's a very big, tall woman who eats a lot, and fascinates Nomoto when she's seen carrying home a family-size KFC order- just for her.
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Nomoto decides to invite her over for dinner, and the two women immediately hit it off, planning future dinners, making weekend trips to farmer's markets, and planning their winter holidays together.
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Eventually, the apartment between theirs is rented by a younger woman who needs to get away from her overbearing family, She befriends her new neighbors and they bond over how traditional Japanese values have hurt them all in some way.
Nomoto connects via Twitter with other women who share her interests and help her discover who she is and who she wants to be.
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The series makes a lot of commentary about how much of what women do is expected to be for men's consumption. Why do I have to cook for men? Why do I have to dress cute for men? Why are men prioritized in family life? Why is the love between women so stigmatized? Why is it seen as lesser? Why is there so little dating advice for sapphic women?
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Things I love about this story:
The love interest is a big girl like me!
It explores the emotional intimacy of cooking and eating together - my primary love language
Romance without all the shuddering, blushing, awkward hand-holding and attempts to kiss that get dragged out for 50 chapters, which can be cute but gets tiresome
Acknowledgement of asexual, aromantic and demisexual identities
Productive discussion of the ways "well-meaning" parents abuse their children without hitting them
Things I don't like about the series:
No step-by-step cooking instructions!
It leaves me with a strong desire to try cooking things I simply can't get all the ingredients for without a trip to an Asian market 30+ minutes away, which feels like such a drag because I work in a grocery store, and I hate going grocery shopping by myself.
The longing for a girl-next-door type meetcute has intensified.
I love cooking and baking. I love food. I love wine and beer and dinner cocktails. I dislike that I don't get to share this love with others.
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This is what love looks like. This series was tailor-made for me.
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