Open Communication
During the past few weeks I have been working alongside of the scholarship fund manager, Tatiana, who seemed for SSS’s help with one of the scholarship families. When we had the meeting I was introduced to the situation a 11 year old girl is going through. She needs surgery to align her teeth, and she needs two rods inserted, the cost of the surgery is of $500 dollars which is her mothers full salary, who she maintains a whole family with. Tatiana asked if SSS was interested in helping, we decided this is a situation we desire to help with. We decided to help her pay for half of the first surgery and half of the second one, this will reduce the pricing, and will help the student get the immediate help she needs. The challenge with this situation is that there needs to be communication between a lot of people. I talk to Tatiana, and Miss. Amy, who are in charge of accepting proposals for new projects, as well as talking to the students who form part of the group. For the project itself I need to stay in contact with the family and the doctors who give me prices, receipts and open communicating how the process is going and if there are any additional costs. 
As well SSS decided we wanted to buy computers for upcoming students, yet this sets us back, we need to keep $300 for next year Dia de la Mascardas, as well as each computer ranges from $250- 300. The surgeries as a whole would cost around $500; this leves for meticulous decisions.  
Below the document of costs per surgery, and citas is attached: 
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CAS Night
November 17th, 2018 
This past Saturday we had the annual CAS night; I was one of the presenters this year. I got to share about my journey in CAS, and the difficulties I found; as well as recognizing all the accomplishments I’ve had. I was also able to share about the importance of my project, and the effect it has in my community and in the world. I was able to appeal to the emotions of the audience, and persuade them into understanding why helping others is important, and the effect of these kids lives in our own. 
I was able to integrate the scholarship students story effectively, showing the journey our school and the scholarship programmers has gone through. I talked about the cultural immersion, and the implications they have. I shared personal stories with some of my scholarship student friends, who I cherish really deeply.   As well students sponsoring students and the long term effect of these events; I showed a video from 2009 Halloween party which we organized, in the video we see many of the students now dancing thriller. This video caused an impact in some members of the audience because they participated in this event, and clearly had some fond memories of it. I wanted to reiterate the importance of having groups such as SSS and events they plan, not only for the positive impact in the community and world, but also for the memories they create. 
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Costume Carnival
I planned the Costume Carnival which is an ethical adaptation of the Halloween tradition. in this even I raised money for the scholarship fund through food sales, and game tickets. The event was hard to plan due to the understaff of the SSS group, and the difficulty for me to delegate. I learned a lot through the planning of this event, many of those lessons reflect the ability to work as a team which for me came as a surprise. Planning this event alone was very hard, to a point were I wasn’t able to do everything alone, instead of getting overwhelmed I decided to ask for help from my class, who all supported me, by running the food station, running games, and all of them spending a whole class period hanging decorations. 
I Have been part of SSS since 1st grade, at the beginning I was a runner at events, fetching materials for the older kids, then into chair, and then to Vice President; until 9th grade when I became the President, and have planned all the event so far. I am very proud of my team and results, and I have prepared a recruit to take over my place, as president for upcoming years. This group will continue; I prepared a manual for the upcoming student. 
This year we made 380 thousand colones and 247 dollars, which is a good amount for this event. Moving forward we’re going to be buying the scholarship students computers, materials or paying for extra curricular activities. 
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My first week of school was intense, the jet lag, homework and reflections upon old work all very quickly; yet it was a good week. This trimester I have set goals and ways to reach these goals. I want to do exercise, work on CAS and maintain good school grades. I have found a way to joint CAS and exercise, I will start teaching 2 of the scholarship students how to swim, they’re both very excited, and committed. We will do it 1 or 2 times a week depending on work load and availability. As well I have been going on daily runs, even though I’m not able to do very long distances I am expecting to make progress and be able to complete my 10k goal for this school year. 
I have to focus a lot of my energy in organizing the Dia de las Mascaradas, which is a whole school event, that is a changed version of halloween. This event is very hard, yet I have been delegating more work and have made a clear structure on what to do. I have made a plan, with dates, and requirements, in order to be ready for the event.
 At the moment there aren’t many participants in SSS but tomorrow I have scheduled to go and talk to the lower grades about joining and helping. As well I want to concentrate in IB, how will I do so? I have found and apprentice who will continue my CAS project when I’m gone; she will be working along side with me, learning and understanding how to leader the group, as well as how to organize these events. As well I am not going to make decisions alone, I have already created a survey that will help me shape the event into what the kids want. 
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Giving Back
Summer 2018- Italy trip/ Costa Rica 
This Summer I did different things for the community, when I was in Costa Rica I was working along side ADI Tamarindo to help get the Bandera Azul, I went and participated in the events. As well I have been working with the Clean Wave and have been to 3 of their beach and had clean ups. We decided all the trash in order to show exactly what are the biggest threats to the ocean, such as cigarette bud, and plastic bags. We lined up all the trash and made multiple public announcements. 
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This is the certificate that we obtained as SalveMonos for bandera All, which defiantly made me feel proud, but the most satisfying moment was seeing the beach more clean, and seeing it so beautiful, and looking untouched by humans. 
In Italy I didn't stop trying to do service, even though it was small things, I think they still have their own little impacts. I thought the teenagers I met that the world doesn't owe them anything, yet we are the ones owing it. So I thought them that even though some trash isn't yours you have to clean. I told them that they should think of it as, leaving a place cleaner than they found it. I got some feed back after I was gone from some closer friends, that the whole group was starting to do it, and regularly, making a little impact in their lives. 
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Italian Soccer
Summer Break 2018- Italy Trip 
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This vacation has been one of the most active for me yet. I spent most of my afternoons in Italy playing soccer, either in the mountains by Lake Como, or by the beach in San Remo. I have been playing soccer for a long time, yet this vacation it felt like I finally understood the thrill of it, I was able to feel proud and competitive, in a sport I don’t have a passion for. As well when I wasn’t playing soccer it was beach foley, and I found myself in beautiful mountains hiking. 
I explored many different sports, and different players, which made me feel active as physically, and socially. I have explored the ways in which I prefer to reactive, as well as experiencing ways in which push my body. Even though I felt sore a lot, it also felt comforting and proud, because I was putting the effort, as well as I was having fun doing it. 
One of the best feeling was hiking for a few hours to find yourself on the other Sid of a lake, in another town, and sitting when you finally get there, and you see how small we are. Even though it makes you feel like a tiny drop of water in an ocean, it gives a comforting wave of inspiration and happiness. I don’t typically explore Rocky Mountains and lakes, because of where I live geographically, which made me realize how beautiful the rest of the world is, without blinding myself to solely my own countrys beauty. 
Hike from Lake Como to Lake Lecco:
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I think what makes humans such beautiful creatures is our drive to discover, to do so we find ways and make way work. This couples of months I have found myself having to find different ways to combine and empower my different CAS projects. I found a way to creatively help each project out with the other. I have been working with SSS for a while, and instead of only working to give money to the school I have found a way to fun different extracurricular activities for some of the older scholarship students. As well SSS decided to donate money to help pay for one of the scholarship students trip, which is part of her CAS project. 
Creativity in my life means to use what you have to do more, thinking differently. This vacation I explored my dyslexia in a more profound way. I was able to access pathways in which my brain works by using things around me creatively, I was in a room with other 3 dilixic people. We decided to try to explore how our brain compiles information. What we did was watch standard exams for dislexia patients, and try to recreate the dynamics with other tools. One of the exercises were to recreate images using squares, what we did was cute 1 piece of paper in 8, and the color it in half, as a triangle. Then one of us would make figure out of them, without the others looking and they had to reproduce it with their squares (we all had our own sets). We found different ways our brain works, mine mirrors the image, my friend flips the horizontal quadrants, and only one was able to complete it, even though it took her 3 times as long. 
One of the most outstanding movies and books for creativity is The Little Prince, in which he explores loss, love, and imaginations. Imagination is essential fro creativity, it helps pull ideas together to create one functioning entity. This book opened my eyes to all the things around us we take for granted therefore, it helped me realized we must use what we have and change it, for the better, or just as a different function. I have been exploring new ideas, and ways to use ordinary daily materials in creative ways. 
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Failure and Success
3D Prosthetics 
I received very sad news on June 26th, 2018; the 3D printing prosthetics has to be annulled for while because of the international barriers with the doctors. Our case is still up for review but they said it takes about a year for all support forms to go in. I talked to the parents and they’re understanding. I made sure to call all the parents, even the ones from the kids that weren’t selected but applied to be part of this enunciative to thank them for their support, the families all thanked me for trying and we decided to wait and see if I’m lucky and it passes early, or if not, the Universidad de Costa Rica will take over with their med department. 
It was hard to let go of this project because it took a lot of planning, and driving to San Jose to meet the kids, and find doctors that were willing to work for free, and find the school to donate all the materials, and all this effort going to waist, yet it taught me that sometimes no matter how much you want something you can't get it. I talked to the people who had partnered up with me, and we are all happy for the process, and we agreed that if the project restarts because we get the review back, we will continue to try to print the first 2 prosthetics. 
For my Students Sponsoring Students we have announced our decision to the whole school, and we are sponsoring a scholarship student to go to Boston Massachusetts. On June 23rd we transferred the money to the trip organizer to purchase the ticket. We talked with the students to see any additional costs that may need to be added. We decided they would keep the extra $200 until they’re sure that there are no more expenses, yet we expect to get 80% of that back at least. 
I talked to they gym, and the students, who are fully compromised into this workout plan we made. We had multiple transportation obstacles but we were able to overcome them. Now we await the new school yer to start the initiative. 
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During the past few months, SSS, has worked to find an outstanding and fulfilling way to use the money we raised. On Wednesday 30th of May we got our proposal approved. As a team we decided to donate part of the money to one of the CAS projects that one of the scholarship fun students is part of. We are paying for Mile’s airplane ticket to Boston, where her and another student are taking some local girls to learn about the American lifestyle and the English language. As well all the funds that are not used for her trip will go to sponsoring two students of the scholarship fund to go to a local gym, where they will be able to train for our senior trip to the mountain Chirripo. 
Some of our main challenges were to get different projects approved due to the lack of funds to support all students, and the ethical implications of choosing certain students brought. We aren’t able to sponsor all the scholarship fund students, neither in high school or middle school due to the high quantities. This caused concerns in the administrations of premises we will be using to choose the kids that get this opportunity, since we realized the school brought a a good point we decide to go for the kids in most immediate need, like to climb the mountain. 
Communication these past months has been very hard due to the absence of my person in the board meetings, as well, the communication between me and the head of the scholarship fund, with who I had a miscommunication delaying the process. We were able to over come this by communicating through email, to have visual confirmation, and not only verbal, in order to keep track to changes, and advancements. 
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Ruta La Paz 2018
This year for ruta la paz I couldn't attend the day of the race, so I made sure to collaborate in other ways. The whole previous week I spent making all the posters for the entrance and exit etc...
 I also raised money with my advisory by selling kisses, which spread the message to give love, and be in peace; while serving a higher purpose. As well we sold lollipops, and different traditional sales, in which we were able to raise money, and donate to the scholarship fund. 
I also am the runner of SSS, which indirectly raises money for the scholarship fund, we both share the same goal, just serve different purposes. 
I was able to effectively balance my life throughout this week, I evenly spread the work out, I was able to paint all the posters, and spent snacks selling the kisses and lollipops. Having many things to do helps me make a schedule for myself, and it helps me spread and balance my work loads. 
I relate the balance needed in SSS to make money without it being the central focus. We try to balance the fundraisers, and the support to the kids, we want to make the students integrate the community, as well we serve the purpose of creating a safe alternative for these kids basic needs. At moments what the students need if economical help, which dictates us to bring attention to the fundraisers and increase events, yet when the students need more moral, and intelectual help than we focus on interpersonal connections. And recently my life has followed this format of fulfillment, which has helped me maintain priority with school, and family. 
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Perseverance and Commitment
So tell me about perseverance and commitment to your project and creating balance in your life through exercise and creativity.
My projects requires me to be able to manage others, and prioritize certain issues to others. My project with SSS helps me maintain a order in what I do. I have weekly meetings, even though its only 5 people at the moment we are able to continue organizing events. As well I work in conjunction with Tatiana trying to figure out a new section of the scholarship fun where we assist students outside of school, such as helping them engage in fiscal activities, new sports and distresses they want to achieve. Having a constant in my life such as the meetings and the group help me maintain priorities, and help me maintain a humble yet high goal. 
Does the fact that you are closer to being done with your project then you are to the start give you pause? How does that make you feel? 
In the case of my SSS project I’m not close to an end, this project will be carried on by other students within the La Paz Community. As time passes with this project I have made myself familiar to the situations, and necessities of the scholarship students. The idea that I am making a positive impact in many kids lives makes me feel proud and happy to be conducting this project. It gives me confidence and happiness to see how much one person can change your life, and as long as I can help and make one persons life easier and better it is a rewarding feeling. 
Do you have new ideas or goals that come to mind?
I want to be able to get additional $500 at least to construct a higher base for the after school program, in order to do this SSS will be hosting different events throughout the remaining school time. As well a more recent goal is to start teaching and inspiring new kids in the community to join the cause and help carry the group when I leave. I have been looking for someone to take my place, yet I haven’t found anyone who fits the necessities of the role. My goal is to find and prepare a student to leader the group for next year. I will still be president of SSS until December of 2018, so in the start of 2019 the next leader will asume position. 
How have you demonstrated perseverance and commitment? Give me specific examples of your thoughts and actions. 
I have been woking with finance, and scholarship fund to make different activities and packages for the individual students, corresponding to what necessities and interests they have. As well I have been working with the scholarship students to understand what they want, what they need and what it takes to get it. I have shown my commitment to this group since I've been the president for over 7 years, and have been part of SSS since 2nd grade. 
I also have been working with the group of SSS to redefine our objectives, go over income, and figure out a plan of action, which we have been working on for a while. 
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Motivation comes in waves, sometimes a simple comment can move mountains. Sometimes motivation comes by recognition, when someone acknowledges the effort you put, for example when you’re working hard to complete a challenging project and someone appreciates you it motivates you to continue. 
As well I have noticed a way I motivate myself to do tinny, but essential tasks is by having extrinsic motivation. I tell myself if you finish your homework by 8:30 you get to watch an episode of a TV show. Or if I follow my diet, and workout the whole week, Saturday is my cheat day. 
I like to be part of a tall organizational, because having a specific job, and being able to count on the support of others either above me or under me. Having a job description and a organized structure motivates me to accomplish different things, and overcome challenges. My life consists on finding extrinsic or intrinsic motivation, wither if it’s for personal matters, or motivation to continue school. 
In my personal life I try to use Maslow’s theory of motivation, because creating reassurance to all my parts, and satisfying me as a whole will help me accomplish my goals, and find ways in which I can grow. 
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Plans for Vacation
March 22, 2018 
We go out for vacation on March 22, during this vacation I will be spending half the time in Costa Rica and the other half in Italy. For the time period I will spend in Costa I will talk to the school who is donating the 3D printing materials about what materials are better, as well I will conduct my own reassert about the use of thee materials corresponding to each child, to find the prosthetic that fits the child best. 
In Italy I will continue emailing, with the Guatemala Prosthetics Corporation about advancing in the project. As well I will be bringing the outline of the prosthetics for the kids to an orthopedic doctor, who will give me intel in necessities and things to d in order to make the prosthetic the best fit for the child. 
For SSS I have a meeting programed on March 28th to talk to the KOA Gym owner, we will be discussing different ideas in order to implement physical activity in student lives. We will talk about packages such as 2 days a week workout. Or 2 classes done any day the student wants. Then I will develop a calendar, and create a rule handout to give to the scholarship students who asked for this advantage. In this rule booklet it states students can’t miss more than 2 classes a month (due to the fact that the classes don't get reimbursed). As well we ask for the students to be respectful and try in the classes, the trainer is responsible to contact the school about students who don’t actively participate in the classes so we can talk and increase enthusiasm. As well I must write a letter and calendar for the students, parents and administrators to show what is going on and how the classes work. I will also have to find another way to fun students activities because of the limited money. We have $850 and this is enough for 3 months of gym for 9 students, we either decrease students or we find another way to supply financing. 
While I am in Italy I will make the calendar, and the letters and will communicate with the scholarship fund president to organize and effective mechanism and to compare ideas and find the best possible solution to give these kids the opportunity to be healthy and active in their lives. 
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Tennis Marathon- After Event
March 14th, 2018. This past weekend we had the tennis Marathon, we were able to make around $3,500 and had an awesome time. This event is a very challenging because it lasts 24 hours, and there is no stop. This requires to have a lot of participants as well as chaperones. We were able to have chaperones there at all times, yet it could have been more organized. We were effective when it came to the logistics, yet we failed at the food due to over ordering, and buying non edible pizza, which limited the amount of money we could make of of the food. In the future I recommend classes to try the food before ordering and make sure to have enough but to try to not over buy the food because it means a high monetary lose. As well communicating with the real estates in the community to send announcements for the event all integrate members of the community that might not be directly connected to La Paz. As well there should be an email sent only to the parents in multiple languages about the biding, and including names, times and ways to online donate for the event. These emails can be shared with grandparents and foreign people who could be interested in helping. As well we could have made it more interactive for donors by making part of the event live, where they could watch the matches and bid through the event corresponding to their favorite players.
Another aspect we could have taken more advantage from is Edgars classes in the morning, we can use it to attract younger kids, and a different crowed, if we sold 1 hour class in the morning for $15 per kid, and accepted up 20 kids the profit for the court would increase. As well Edgars and Olivers match could be more publicized because of their expertise and the interest the community has in them.
Overall the event went smoothly, we made mistakes of marketing and food yet it was a very positive and energetic vibe throughout the whole night. It’s important to remind members of the community that this event goes right back to the school, and it helps and supports students from the community as well as outside.
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Persistency- Tennis Marathon
March 5th, 2018.
I am, along side my classmate, Ananda, uncharge of the event; we supervise, market and run the event. I have worked tirelessly to promote, encourage and make this event successful; I have spent a lot of time and effort talking to people to obtain donations, and to involve the community. These past few days I have been printing, and passing out permission slips; as well I have been finding food, and costs; to see how much we are willing to invest in order to make sure we get enough profit. I have worked in collaboration with other students to obtain gifts, and prizes for the raffle, and have been communicating with the school and classmates about the progress of the event. 
I think the event will have a lot of participation, and it will have a vast variety of students; we need to make sure we organize and have activities people can do when they aren’t playing as well we need to always have a supervisor, and an adult making sure that everything runs smoothly. I think it will be a very happy and energetic event, it will be challenging to be awake all nigh and day for over 24 hours, but it will be fun to play and dress up throughout the event and enjoy with all the kids from our school. 
I learned that it is hard to depend on others and that you need to be on track with what your duty id and you have to constantly demand for others to do their work. As well I have learned that I have to be nicer and more clear about what I want, and need, due to some communication issues. As well I learned that and event like this is hard to plan due to the social context of “I’m not good at tennis” and all these excuses kids say to why they aren’t playing, even though being good or bad isn’t the point, but string a moment to help other students in the community. 
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Tennis Marathon Prep
February 26th, 2018
This week I’ve been having issues with other participants in the organization of the event as well as some school staff due to miscommunications, I need to work on explaining and writing with many details exactly what I have, want and need, and what time. I have asked multiple times the office to print some papers for me, but the only time I can go and personally ask them too it’s lunch break and we aren’t supposed to print during that time. 
My challenge is staying patient and understanding when I need stuff to be done, and set backs are very challenging. What I'm planning on doing is writing a list for myself of things I need to do personally, and things I need others to do, after I will email, and talk to all the participants of the event, and of my requests so we are on the same page. I will then await for others to do their part, but without leaving them to do it alone, by still implementing that pressure,  yet doing it in a respectful way. 
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Measurement of Success
February 19th, 2018.
This past Friday, I hosted a Valentine’s Day Dance, to support students sponsoring students. This event was very challenging because it required a lot of communication, and being able to convince people to come. I realized that in many events I measure success with money. This event reminded me why I started to work with SSS, these events we’re to help, and bring happiness to our school, and while growing up I started prioritizing the money. This event took me back years, when these events unified our school, and were so much fun. 
This event didn't make the profit I wanted, yet it was so entertaining and fun. It showed me the value of these memories, and the real reasons why SSS has strived for this long. this Friday I made so many memories, with many people I will remember for a long time, and the money was an important factor yet I realized I don’t have to let it monopolize our life, and the opportunities to make memories. 
This event made 80 thousand colones, and a couple of dollars, yet this isn’t great profit we gained the respect, and the name of SSS back, because we were able to shift the focus from profit, to entertainment. By doing this it not only gave everyone the chance to have fun but it also encouraged people to help, we were still able to make profit, and make an all round good event. 
This event was able to bring bak old cultures/ traditions to the annual Valentine’s Dance, as well it brought back the unification of the school. This was a helpful event because we were able to integrate in a comfortable and fun environment people from all grades, and places. We had many different countries represented on the dance floors. Due to the amount of different cultures, and the fact that we cannot cover everyone musical taste (cultural) we made two rooms, one where we played more local, and central/ South American music, the other room had more European, and North American music, students had the opportunity to shift around and explore what music type they would like to dance, and discover. 
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