martinaisms · 4 years
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“ all power to ya.” she called out, leaning on the bleachers. “ i wouldn’t dare let someone yeet me up in the air, and fail to catch me in the process.” she lets out a laugh, “that’s why i say cheerleaders are the bravest.”
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“it’s not that bad when you have a good base. i don’t know what’s gotten into this guy, but the last few weeks he’s been too fumbly. i talked to him, i tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he’s just not getting better. he was fantastic when he started. i think his heart just isn’t in it. or something’s going on that affecting his performance. and don’t get me wrong, i hope nothing’s going on that’s messing him up emotionally and mentally, and if that’s what it is then that really sucks, but i can’t keep him on my team and risk my girls getting hurt.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
“i always give more in return when it comes to other ways.” mason leaned in a little closer to her and whispered in her ear with a smirk on his face. “i can take away all this stress if you wanna do a little something later.” his hand wrapped around her back with a smile on his face. “water boy it is.”
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“well i just gave you a new way, so put it in action sometime,” she said. martina’s lips turned into a grin for a few seconds. “where we meeting up?” she asked. “he’s not a water boy, he’s kicked off the team as soon as this practice is over.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
““Wow I was just being subtle about it, but hey you said it yourself. So next time ask you can’t say no because you just said you like it,” he smirked again. “Look I would never take advantage of your beautiful self.” Mason couldn’t help but just smiled as he eyed her up once again to let her know that he was definitely ready for her to come over tonight and continue their little thing they had. ““Then he can be water boy. I don’t know how to help.”
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“you could give a little in return, i’m not the only one with a mouth, yanno,” she said. “there’s no water boy in cheer. there’s also no room for failure in cheer. say it’s bitchy, but what it really is, is being a good captain and keeping my girls safe.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
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❛ —— SCOFFING LOUDLY AS SHE RUBBED her temples slowly, athena looked up at the other in pure disdain. “   you would think with your constant barking people would quickly do as told in order to not hear your chihuahua-esque mouth. maybe it would be best to kick yourself off the team & do everyone a favor. you could call it a christmas miracle.   ”
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she sighed, rolling her eyes as she kept her eyes on her cheerleaders. “i don’t recall you being on the cheer team, so you’re at my practice because...?”
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martinaisms · 4 years
“I mean I can give you so many reasons. Well a couple in particular have to do with our clothes off so if that says why then yeah. That’s why,” he chuckled as he leaned against the bleachers. ““Well that’s a bitch move but her you gotta do it I guess.”
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“you didn’t even let me get my clothes off last time, and you just like that i suck your dick. if i didn’t enjoy it, i’d accuse you of taking advantage of me,” she said. “it’s not a bitch move. if you had a teammate that wasn’t good or was the reason you were losing, you’d cut him before he even got off the field. this guy is supposed to throw people ten feet in the air and catch them, and he can’t do it. he has to go, there are no other spots for him but base and he’s not as good as he was when i brought him in. i can’t have my flyers getting dropped.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
‘well i was heading to the track and i thought i would say hello to my favorite cheerleader,’ he smirked once again and got closer to her. ‘well maybe hes having an off day i’m not sure, but you know how to make this better. way better then what it is.’
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“favorite, huh? why would that be?” she asked. “he’s been dropping them since he joined. i’ve given him plenty of chances to shape up, he hasn’t, he’s gone after this practice.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
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a soft yet relieved sigh escaped from bash’s lips, honestly happy for the company. which was pretty rare for him seeing as he was sort of a loner, “cool, what’s your poison?” bash asked with the cock of his brow, “right?! thank you! how the fuck was i supposed to know? i mean he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. i just…i dunno. i don’t think about people be married. i guess i should but yeah. you get it.”
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“spirytus vodka on the rocks, preferably,” she said. “i mean, i don’t think about it. it’s not my job to make sure a man or woman stays faithful to their partner. if i had a boyfriend or girlfriend and they fucked around on me with someone else, i wouldn’t be mad at the side ho, i’d be pissed off at them and beat their ass, burn their shit, and kick ‘em out.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
“Leave that sigh for the bedroom,” he smirked as he leaned in whispered in her ear. “No you just happen to be where I’m walking but I can follow you around numerous places and show you more of a good time when you’re done with all of this. Well move him to another position or whatever it is you guys do.”
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“whatever,” she said. “mhm. so you’re at my practice field because...?” she asked, waiting for an answer. “that’s not how it works, davis. we have enough guys to base and spot. that’s the main reason we have strong men on the team. he can’t do what we need him to do, so we can’t keep him. he’s a danger to the team.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
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“it always seemed to be more of an american game, we never played it back in school.” rory hummed but she’d always seen it played in the movies and tv shows so honestly she was just excited to be partaking, “honestly…he’s sort of pervy and wants to see some girl on girl action. he didn’t think i’d be ballsy enough to do it. his mistake. love it when guys underestimate you, don’t you?” sarcasm was dripping from every word spoken as she threw the other a wink.
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“well, did they dare you or did they double dog dare you? cause you can’t back out of a double dog --- but let me tell you, people will get downright ridiculous with their dares, so stick to truth. there’s no rule in the game saying to have to pick both. truth is easier,” she said. martina’s eyes rolled. of course, a perverted male. what was new? “of course he does. but, he’s not gonna win this, cause he’s a menace. we can give him a show, kiss me.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
“damn don’t threaten me with a good time,” he smirked as he watched her. he knew how to get under her skin and he did it on purpose for many reasons and one being it made the sex even better when she was pissed off. he found so much enjoyment in it and honestly it was just fun to watch someone her size get so angry. “you won’t do shit.”
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martina rolled her eyes, not even hiding the heavy sigh-turned-groan and she leaned back on the bleachers. “god, do you follow me everywhere? don’t you have anything better to do?” she asked. “uh, i have to, dumb ass. he’s dropping people. he’s a hazard. can’t keep him.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
nik turned his head to watch the whole scene unfold next to him. he had to get out of the study area and head outside for a bit or he was going to go insane, and that had led him to the bleachers. he had his eyes on the girl as she sat back down and he chuckled, “i’d offer to replace him, but i don’t think i can pull off that outfit. not really my color,” he smiled, placing his binder to the side and resting a bent leg on the bleacher in order to turn his body towards hers. “i think i could lift you though…is that what it’s called? how about you let me try?” he raised a brow, half teasing and part of him was curious as to if she would trust him.
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“picking me up and throwing me ten feet in the air are two completely different things,” she said. “you also need a second base to project me into the air that high. but if you wanna try out for the team to replace him...” she trailed off with the suggestion.
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martinaisms · 4 years
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“for fuck’s sake... hey! if you keep dropping the flyers, we won’t even have a team! when it’s my turn for airtime, if you drop me so help me god i don’t dig your grave myself,” she called out to a base before sitting down on the bleachers. “i’m gonna have to kick him off the team,” she said to the other person nearby.
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martinaisms · 4 years
“this is going to sound…absolutely RIDICULOUS…” the south african began as she approached the other, chuckling softly as she tucked strands of blonde hair behind her ear, “but i’m playing my very first game of truth or dare and i was just dared to kiss you. care to help me win?”
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“you’ve never played truth or dare? your middle school parties must have been boring as fuck,” she said. “who dared you? was it one of those little bitches that think they always have the best ideas? cause it’s my life goal to intervene and piss them off.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
“okay. i NEED a drink. Care to join me?” the dean’s son huffed out as he collapsed into a nearby chair, “i was hooking up with this guy and his WIFE walked in. the fucker failed to mention that he was married…i’m just grateful I still have my balls.
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“i will never say no to a drink. i’m in,” she said. martina’s eyes widened and she let out a short laugh. “damn, see it’s guys like that, that give all guys a bad name. and the wife... well, she shouldn’t have been mad at you, he’s the one that cheated on her.”
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martinaisms · 4 years
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(ARIANA GRANDE, FEMALE, SHE/HER). MARTINA SANTONI is a(n) TWENTY-ONE year old JUNIOR. they are currently studying FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY while also being involved in CHEER/OMEGA CHI DELTA. they have made quite the reputation of being OUTGOING & HELPFUL but also coming across NAIVE & SQUIRRELLY to some. it would be a miracle to catch them without their LAPTOP & LOCKET. 
you can read more about here HERE!
martina will go by any nickname you give her providing it’s respectful
she’s the cheer captain
she’s a partier. she’s had many times where she doesn’t even remember the part (those are the good ones, she says)
loves animals. she also respects all animals. even the ones she’s afraid of (looking at YOU, snakes and spiders)
she’s very easy to get along with 
typically, she won’t argue with you but if she knows she’s right, she will argue until she’s dead
she loves all things cute. if something is cute, she automatically loves it
always eating something. she has a high metabolism so she takes advantage of it now while she can because she knows that’ll probably change once she hits her thirties (ew, old age)
martina is the one to probably correct the teacher in class. she’ll most likely call a teacher over so she can explain it quietly instead of in front of everyone, but she’ll definitely let them know they were wrong
if she could just sit around all day and watch the hgtv channel, she would. she loves home makeover shows
she also likes to watch food network as well and wants to be ree drummond’s best friend for life
christmas is her favorite holiday and goes all out. she decorates everything, even her bedroom
she isn’t your stereotypical cheerleader. she’s not snobby, she’s not full of herself, and she’s not super bitchy. she has her days where she can be a little bit of all of those, but for the most part she’s pretty down to earth
she’s probably one of the easiest people to get along with
if she can turn something completely innocent into something extremely perverted... she’s got a “that’s what she said” joke laying around somewhere
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