martyerd · 3 years
i moved y’ale & callisto here
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martyerd · 4 years
send in " you're an idiot. " for your muse to tend to my muse's wounds after a fight/battle, because this trope is too good okay it deserves a MEME!
send in " at least i've got you here to take care of me, right? " for my muse to tend to your muse's wounds after a fight/battle.
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martyerd · 4 years
send me a 🤔 for an introduction to a NPC from my muse’s life.
if multi, please specify.
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martyerd · 4 years
confronting   sentence   prompts .     (   adjust    however    to    your   personal   liking .  )
❛       did   you    just    lie     to     her/him/them?      ❜
❛       you    lied    about    it,      didn’t    you?       ❜
❛       did     you     sleep     with     him/her/them?     ❜
❛       did    you     tell     our     enemy     about    us    working    together?      ❜
❛       why    did    you    save   me?       ❜
❛       why    did    you     really    come    back?      ❜
❛       tell    me    why     you     did    it!      ❜
❛       why     did     you     say    that     about   me?      ❜
❛       did     you    really    say    all    that    stuff    about    me?     ❜
❛       do    you    have     feelings    for   me?      ❜
❛       did    you    miss    me    at    all?       ❜
❛        why    did     you     do     that     to     us  …     to    me?     ❜
❛        why    didn’t     you     tell     me     sooner?      ❜
❛        how     long     have    you     known?       ❜
❛        did    you    do     it?       did     you    kill    him/her/them?      ❜
❛       did    you    go    behind   my    back    and    find     information    out     on    me?    ❜
❛        how     did    you     find    out?      ❜
❛        what    other     secrets    are    you    keeping    from   me?      ❜
❛        you    don’t     trust    me,      do    you?       ❜
❛        why    did    you    leave?       ❜
❛        why     can’t     i     come    with    you?      ❜
❛       did    you    love     her/him/them?      ❜
❛       who    told    you    about     this?       ❜
❛       why    would    you    let    me    find    out    from    someone   else?     ❜
❛       why     won’t     you     make    a     move?       ❜
❛       are    you     telling    people    about    us?      ❜
❛       have    you    ever    told    me    one    truth?       ❜
❛       do    you    plan    to    pretend    like    nothing    happened?      ❜
❛        what    are    we?      ❜
❛       what    are    you?       ❜
❛       who    do    you    think    you    are?      ❜
❛       why    not     just     tell    the    truth?      ❜
❛       do    you    ever    …     think    of    me?        ❜
❛       what    do    you    want    from    me?       ❜
❛       are    we    team   mates    now?      ❜
❛        how    long    do    you    think    that    will     last?      ❜
❛        did    you    do    it?      ❜
❛       did     you     think    i     wouldn’t    find   out?      ❜
❛       was    you    ever    planning    on    telling    me?      ❜
❛       is    that    how    you    really    feel?      ❜
❛       i    overheard    your     conversation   ….       ❜
❛       so,     you     aren’t     coming    back?      ❜
❛       when    did    it     happen?     how?       ❜
❛        was    it    fast?       did    they/she/he     suffer?      ❜
❛       how     come    i     didn’t    know     about    any    of      this?      ❜
❛        i    overheard    my    name    in     your    conversation  …      ❜
❛        how    long    have    you     been    playing    both    sides?      ❜
❛        how     did     this    come    to     be?      ❜
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martyerd · 4 years
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in the spirit of black history month, this particular post felt needed! 🤎
in the last year i’ve witnessed the underrepresentation of black characters in the tumblr roleplaying-community, as well as black MUNS being attacked for voicing their thoughts during black lives matter protests. from anon hate, to heated discussions, we have been made to feel silenced and belittled. my rp friends purposely do not disclose OOC information such as race and ethnicity (for this specific reason) on their blogs have received backlash when they speak up. 
this is not sitting right with me at all. so in hope to counterattack, here is a google doc masterlist. featuring black and black mixed original, canon, canon-divergent, and fandomless characters. the mun does not have to be black to have their black character featured! (means non-black rpers have an abundance of black writers to reach out to) in the tags please specify ━ # url / canon, original, divergent or fandomless / underage or 18+ / character’s race and ethnicity / *optional: mun’s race. *if majority of your multimuse contains black characters, mun can abbreviate with ‘mm’ in the tags. for any questions or concerns, URL changes, message howlkissed. anon is also on if that is necessary/feels more comfortable!
→ want to support? reblog this linked post! ←
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martyerd · 4 years
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 her life flashes right before her eyes, will the pirate king fall when her people turn from her?   this is definitely the moment before she’s dethroned & nearly killed in verse two.
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martyerd · 4 years
BOLD what always applies. ITALICIZE what sometimes applies. STRIKE what never applies.
tagged by: took from other blog. tagging: you !
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alcoholism. binge drinking. amnesia. anxiety. appetite loss. binge eating. codependence. cynicism. defensiveness. denial. depersonalization. depression. derealisation. devaluation. displacement. dissociation. drug abuse. dysphoria. emotional detachment. flashbacks. flat affect. guilt. hallucinations. hypersomnia. hypervigilance. hypochondria. idealization. insomnia. intellectualization. introjection. isolation. low self-esteem. love bombing. narcissism. night terrors. obsessive compulsion. overeating. panic attacks. passive aggression. paranoia. phobias. projection. psychosis. rationalization. regression. repression. restrictive eating. risky sex. self-harm/self-destruction. somatization. splitting. sublimation. suicidal ideation. sleepwalking. suppression. thousand-yard stare. triggers. trust issues. violence. whiplash temper.
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martyerd · 4 years
i just think it’s funny that callisto was in a ‘friends with benefits’ type relationship with a npc male oc & now they’re both gay
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martyerd · 4 years
i really need to redo the verses in my gdoc
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martyerd · 4 years
found family but it was found through crime trope is a more important invention than the wheel
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martyerd · 4 years
here are some of my many headcanon’s & worldbuilding that ya’ll can use in our threads if you want
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» most of the pirates within quadrant sol come from a planet & it’s moon on the far side of the quadrant. » both planet & moon are often left to fend for themselves or forced to provide their resources to the rest of the quadrant. they want to be independent of the government that rules over quadrant sol. » the brethren pirates of the planet & moon are often the only form of defence the two have. » the pirates work as a consortium, a group with several captains, the pirate king & several leaders among both their planet & moon. » the king is often elected by both the captains and leaders among the planet & moon. while the captains make choices, often it’s up to the king to make choices & decisions if there’s a disagreement or they’re left with no other options. » not all pirates within the quadrant are a part of the pirate brethren. » if the pirate king is dethroned but has not been killed they have the opportunity to attempt to reclaim their throne & prove their worth. this proves difficult when they often have a bounty on their head.
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martyerd · 4 years
callisto has a scar across one of her eyes
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martyerd · 4 years
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Are you stronger than a mountain?
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martyerd · 4 years
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martyerd · 4 years
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i'm still a king. the king is dead.
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martyerd · 4 years
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like this post if you want to plot
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martyerd · 4 years
reverse meme call while i work on drafts on my other blog
like this post if you want memes from callisto
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