martynalopez-blog · 7 years
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‘ y i k e s, and i thought i was a diva. looks like i might have some competition with you around. huh? ‘
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          i forgot just how EXHAUSTING stunt training can be. i like to think that i’m pretty physically fit, but when you are forced to perform the same tired repetitions over and over again, it tends to tire you out after the first three hours. that probably makes me sound like such a D I V A, but i’m not afraid to admit that i need a nap.
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martynalopez-blog · 7 years
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currently trying to figure out whether joining a group when there’s an event about to start the same day is a good idea? ya’ll are surely excited about this event and then lil ol me is in the midst of it all like hElLO. anyway, whaddup. i’m rachel, rach, whichever you prefer. i figured i’d do a little intro to martyna and just explain her personality n whatnot so i hopefully can get plotting with some of you lovely folk!!
martyna, or as she prefers to be referred to; marty is basically a little piece of shit. 
basically, she’s the only daughter to a wealthy ass family who are super anal about their public image n whatnot. teenage marty decided she wanted to be an actress and her dad kind of just laughed it off because she spent her entire life prepping for law school to follow in the footsteps of him. smol marty was all like?? i’m not kidding but okay. 
basically, it started ww3 among the family because she insisted on pursuing this dream and her father was really not having any of it. 
when she graduated high-school and was supposed to be going forth to study law, she refused the offers she received from a number of schools and her pops was basically like well okay this is your choice and i ain’t helping you with it. basically tried to convince her she was going to fail at attempting to fulfill her dream. 
as i mentioned before, she’s a little piece of shit. so, with her already somewhat high social status and her charm, marty basically started fucking.. well, pretty much anyone and everyone who seemed like they could be important to her. a lot of the time it was older business men, some married, some not. she’s figuring that if she keeps all these people close to her that they have to come in useful at some point, and they have in the past. she’s managed to earn herself a few appearances on certain television shows thanks to her.. skills, shall we say. 
so yeah, she probably comes off as very flirtatious because hello, she is. 
10/10 loves sex. 
tbh, most things she does has a motive, and can be known to act rather fake with people. yes, she may compliment you on your dress and basically try to become your friend, but half the time it’s only because she wants to get dirt on you or someone else- as i said, almost always has a motive. 
that’s basically my smol piece of shit pls feel free to hmu for plotting okay i’m a plotting whore give me all the drama. 
i lowkey would go as far as saying she probably has a secret sugar daddy or something so there’s a plot that’s available to be filled OopS. 
but yes, pls give me fake friends, fwb, the whole shabang. 
like i could see her having a group of friends that are all lowkey super fake to one another? like they act nice to eachothers faces but they’re backstabbing as fuck yes give me that toxic good shit. 
anyway, peace out hmu pls. 
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