maruzpantenoart · 5 years
This story is TOO wild....
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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How to make easy pixelart with aseprite
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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Animation smears lecture from Chapter 3 or FULL VERSION of my Complete Introduction to 2D Animation which you can find on https://gumroad.com/stringbing
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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animation run cycle notes for my upcoming 2D animation video course package
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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Hey kids!  If you’re a filmmaker, animator, or storyboard artist and you don’t know what screen direction is, you might want to read this.
For the record, there are always exceptions to the rule in filmmaking, which is why I pointed out 3 examples here.
I’ve also found that comic books tend to NOT take screen direction as seriously as film does, but I’m still on the fence if this is wise or not.  My favorite comics pay close attention to screen direction so as to not confuse the reader.
Good luck!
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
some resources for people who want to start animating
free animation programs
the 12 principles of animation
51 animation exercises (from beginner to expert)
glen keane animates a scene
my advice: have fun and play–play is learning | always be watching real life to see how things move | also be watching cool animations to learn from them | it’s hard but so worth it when things turn out well, good luck!
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
For artists who have problems with perspective (furniture etc.) in indoor scenes like me - there’s an online programm called roomsketcher where you can design a house/roon and snap pictures of it using different perspectives.
It’s got an almost endless range of furniture, doors, windows, stairs etc and is easy to use. In addition to that, you don’t have to install anything and if you create an account (which is free) you can save and return to your houses.
Examples (all done by me):
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Here’s an example for how you can use it
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
What is Your Favorite Group?
What is your personal favorite group of monsters? And what is your least favorite group of monsters? And why? 
My own personal favorite groups are mostly: Chimerae, Vermin, Plant, Fae, Demon, Tsukumogami. My ultimate favorite is probably Aberration. I just always liked the freaks of nature, the bizarre, the magical and insane. 
My least favorite group is probably the Gods, never cared much for powerhouses! Don’t really care for the Humanoid group that much either. 
And while most of these creatures (spare for some fake myths) come from mythology, this is from my own project. So some undead aren’t undead in the myth/folklore/cryptid stories, and many plants aren’t plants in the real myth, same with Oozes. But otherwise most monsters end up in the same groups which is boring. 
HUMANOID (Humans, Dwarves and such): Ashinaga-Jin / Berserker / Buckrider / Dactyl / Eloko / Goblin / Selkie / Skinwalker / Tenaga-Jin / Vish Kanya / Alberich / Muramasa / Snow Queen / Svinfylking
BEASTMAN (Half Humanoid, Half Beast): Adaro / Brobinyak / Buggane / Centaur / Chrysaor / Girtablilu / Gorgon / Harpy / Intulo / Kampe / Lunwaba / Minotaur / Nagual / Rougarou / Tesso / Thriae / Vodyanoi / Zitiron / Arachne / Erchitu / Grendel / King Lycos / Yeti
OGRE (Smaller and Weaker Giants): Argus / Asanbosam / Berberoka / Troll / Xing Tian
GIANT (Twice the Size of Ogres): Aigamuxa / Jack-in-Irons / Jotunn / Papinijuwari / Virabhadra / Antaeus / Geryon / Hraesvelgr
TITAN (Ancient Giants): Fomorian / Hekantoncheires / Yehwe Zogbanu / Balor / Echidna / Humbaba / Muldjewangk / Surtr / Typhon / Ymir
BEAST (Mammals): Aniwye / Catoblepas / Chicheface / Drop Bear / Emela Ntouka / Gulon / Ichneumon / Kamaitachi / Kokogiak / Mapinguari / Mngwa / Musimon / Olitiau / Rat King / Salawa / Splinter Cat / Trolual / Veo / Yale / Zamba Zaraa / Ziphius / Behemoth / Camazotz / Cetus / Fenrir / Nemean Lion / Torc Triath
CHIMERAE (Multi-Part Beasts): Afanc / Ahuizotl / Akhlut / Bigorne / Bulgasari / Bunyip / Chimera / ColoColo / Grootslang / Hrosshvalur / Keythong / Leucrotta / Manticore / Mishibizhiw / Muscaliet / Nependis / Nguruvilu / Nue / Peryton / Peuchen / Piasa / Qinyuan / Questing Beast / Xiao / Ammit / Axex / Tarasque
AVIAN (Birds): Alicanto / Boobrie / Golfu / Tera-Tsutsuki / Tuyango / Valravn / Xexeu / Zhenniao / Ziz
AMPHIBIAN (Salamanders, Toads and Frogs): Alp-Luachra / Bukavac / Horerczy / Salamander / Tiddalik / Water Leaper
FISH: Abaia / Caspilly / Echeneis / Hippocampus / Kagewani / Lukwata / Marool / Namazu / Shachihoko / Utelif / Vatnsandi / Leviathan
VERMIN (Insects, Arachnids and such): Apshait / Atuikakura / Awahondo / Awd Goggie / Brucha / Cagn / Choukeshin / Con Rit / Death Worm / Djieien / Eintykara / Ice Worm / Inulpamahuida / Jba Fofi / Jinshin Mushi / Karkinos / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Myrmecoleon / Sandwalker / Scarab / Shen / Shtriga / Stella / Tlanusi / Xan
REPTILIAN (Dinosaurs, Snakes, and Reptiles): Amphisbaena / Basilisk / Hydra / Kongamato / Mokele-Mbembe / Morgawr / Ngoubou / Nguma-Monene / Odontotyrannos / Seps / Tizheruk / Xhumpedzkin / Zaratan
DRAKE (Lesser Dragons): Aitvaras / Dragon Turtle / Gowrow / Knucker / Minhocao / Peluda / Pyrausta / Scitalis / Taniwha / Wyvern / Zburator
DRAGON: Asdeev / Codrille / Dilong / Gaasyendietha / Muirdris / Tiamat / Zirnitra / Zmey / Balaur / Cuelebre / Jabberwock / Ladon / Nidhogg / Vritra
SEA SERPENT (Aquatic, Snake-Like Dragons): Bakunawa / Cirein Croin / Haietlik / Amhuluk / Jormungandr  
PLANT: Abere / Batibat / Cactus Cat / Cucay / Devalpa / Jidra / Jinmenju / Jubokko / Kayeri / MbieluMbielu / Otso / Rahara / Stray Sod / Trenti / Umdhlebi / Ya-Te-Veo / El Tunche
FAE (Natural, Very Intelligent Beings): Bauk / Bocanach / Bonguru / Carbuncle / Cwn Annwn / Faun / Gancanagh / Hidebehind / Ijiraq / Jorogumo / Kelpie / Kikimora / Kumiho / Nuckelavee / Parandrus / Phooka / Ratatoskr / Shellycoat / Sianach / Spriggan / Svartalfar / Tikbalang / Wendigo / Bandersnatch / Bergkonge / Dalaketnon / Erlking / Far Darrig / Krampus / Lausks / Ly Erg / Springheel / Wild Hunt
NYMPH (Beautiful Elemental Fae Humanoids): Katsura-Otoko / Lampad / Poludnica / Rusalka / Veela / Leanan Sidhe
HAG: Mambabarang / Nocnitsa / Qalupalik / Utlunta / Baba Yaga / Graeae
GNOME (Small Elemental Humanoid Fae): Barbegazi / Curupira / Karzelek / Leshy / Nuberu / Nuno / Pukwudgie / Redcap
UNICORN (Horned, Intelligent, Fae Beasts): Karkadann / Miraj / Shadhavar / Sin-You / Indrik
DEMON: Aerico / Aghash / Ajatar / Apaosha / Apocalypse Locust / Asag / Binaye-Ahani / Delgeth / Druj Nasu / Empusa / Garm / Gremlin / Imp / Incubus / Mahaha / Makhai / Nalusa Falaya / Pishacha / Popobawa / Psoglav / Raktavija / Rawhead / Succubus / Tiyanak / Tsenahale / Ukobach / Yeitso / Abaddon / Andras / Beelzebub / Bloody Mary / Cerberus / Hellequin / Jersey Devil / Legion / Leraje / Pazuzu
ONI (Possessed Spiritual Demons): Daitengu / Likho / Nekomata / Omukade / Rakshasa / Sazae-Oni / Suiko / Tsuchigumo / Arzshenk / Isonade / Kasha
ANGEL (Fallen Angels): Ankou / Anteros / Erinyes / Valkyrie / Grim Reaper / Phobetor
UNDEAD: Acheri / Ahkiyyini / Bakekujira / Barghest / Baykok / Berbalang / Bezkost / ChonChon / Draugr / Dullahan / Fext / Gaki / Gashadokuro / Gloson / Harionago / Heikegani / Hrokkall / Moroi / Mummy / Nelapsi / Oniate / Sigbin / Vrykolakas / Yuki-Onna / Zombie / Davy Jones / Koschei the Deathless / Naglfar / Nosferatu
SPIRIT (Incorporeal Undead): Aatxe / Banshee / Candileja / Deogen / Inugami / Nosoi / Poltergeist / Sluagh / Dybbuk / Fear Dorcha / Limos / Pesta
ELEMENTAL (Made from the Elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Darkness, Light or a combination): Adze / Cherufe / Dorotabo / Ebajalg / Enenra / Gaueko / Hinqumemen / Hongaek / Jembalang / Nargun / Nida / Planctae / Planetnik / Polong / Raiju / Seitaad / Witiko / Ziburinis / Sandman
GENIE (Elemental Lords): Ghul / Ifrit
OOZE (Slimes and Globsters): A Bao A Qu / Butatsch-Cun-Ilgs / Dheeyabery / It / Nurikabe / Orang Minyak / Swamfisk / Umibozu
ABERRATION (Aliens from Earth): Abuhuku / Agropelter / Akaname / Burach Bhadi / Charybdis / Cuero / Fachen / Grindylow / Iku-Turso / Issitoq / Kamikiri / Keukegen / Kraken / Lilyi / Lou Carcolh / Marabbecca / Migas / Osschaart / Sagari / Scylla / Tenome / Tooth Fairy / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Revolving Beast
ALIEN (Aberrations from other Planets): Amikuk / Chupacabra / Colorobetch / Dijiang / Doppelganger / Ewah / Fear Liath / Gray / KawKaw / Kurita / Lavellan / Mothman / Nandi Bear / Roperite / Annunaki / Hundun / Otoroshi / Rake
CONSTRUCT (Hand Made Magical Animated Golems): Gargoyle / Gold-Digging Ant / Invunche / Juggernaut / Khalkotauroi / Pixiu / Pua Tu Tahi / Terra-Cotta Warrior / Wanyudo / Wulgaru / Haetae / Minokawa / Pandora Box / Talos
TSUKUMOGAMI (Hand Made Objects that animated themselves): Agrippa / Biwa-Bokuboku / Bubak / Caleuche / Fulad-Zereh / Hannya / Ittan-Momen / Jenglot / Konakadet / Muramasa Blade / Ungaikyo / Zorigami
SINLORD (The Seven Deadly Sins Incarnated): Alastor / Bushyasta / Cipactli / Fafnir / Lilith / Narcissus / Zelus
HORSEMAN (The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse): Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Lord of the Apocalypse
GOD: Ah-Muzen-Cab / Chernobog / Hel / Heqet / Itzpapalotl / Loki / Proteus / Punga / Quetzalcoatl / Serket / Set / Tezcatlipocao 
SHIFTER (Shapeshifters): A Bao A Qu / Aitvaras / Akhlut / Asdeev / Cirein Croin / Daitengu / Dilong / Doppelganger / Ghul / Hidebehind / Ifrit / Imp / It / Jorogumo / Karzelek / Kayeri / Kelpie / Kikimora / Kumiho / Leshy / Mambabarang / Nekomata / Nelapsi / Nocnitsa / Nue / Nurikabe / Otso / Papinijuwari / Phooka / Piasa / Popobawa / Pukwudgie / Raiju / Rusalka / Salamander / Selkie / Skinwalker / Spriggan / Succubus / Tikbalang / Valravn / Veela / Zamba Zaraa / Ah-Muzen-Cab / Baba Yaga / Beelzebub / Bergkonge / Chernobog / El Tunche / Hraesvelgr / Hundun / Lilith / Loki / King Lycos / Nosferatu / Proteus / Revolving Beast / Sandman / Set / Tezcatlipocao
PARASITE (Creatures that use other beings to survive): Abuhuku / Aerico / Alp-Luachra / Awahondo / Bezkost / Biwa-Bokuboku / Burach Bhadi / Choukeshin / ColoColo / Devalpa / Ewah / Hannya / Inugami / Konakadet / Lilyi / MbieluMbielu / Nandi Bear / Nuckelavee / Orang Minyak / Polong / Poltergeist / Ratatoskr / Tlanusi / Trenti / Wendigo / Xan / Ziburinis / Dybbuk
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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I discovered something useful today, taking breaks or exercising never helps me but THIS does, sharing to save a life
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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I made some voltron sticker design because this new season was wild! I also included beezer because he’s one of my favorite side characters 😆 Keef came out looking like he’s straight out of a studio ghibli movie lol but if any of you are interested in buying some let me know and I’ll add the designs to Redbubble ☺️ be on the look out for shiros coming soon lol
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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I made a monster prom oc!! I really liked the game so me and a couple of friends made some monster personas and I had to be next to my best boi Oz lol
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
FIREALPACA (the lightweight version of the above and really good for a slow computer)
GIMP (I use this primarily for editing purposes not drawing).
JETPENS Check it out!!! 
Jerry’s Artarama
Dick Blick
Palette Generator
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Color Blender
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Comparing Heights
Body Visualizer
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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forehead kiss c:
hey if any of u guys have ever drawn any of my characters but never shown me…. can u please show me. pls
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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Some quick animation smear guides I put together for a friend! not sure if it works as a tutorial without my in person commentary, also more intended as a guide to show examples of basic/common smear types :O
…might make a tutorial on how to use smears another time…
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
Reblog the Frog.
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maruzpantenoart · 6 years
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Tuesday Tips - Cape It Simple!
I don’t need to add too much explanation today. A cape, cloak or long coat simplifies the silhouette of most character, gives them a unique look or presence and conceals a lot of the overall anatomy. Keep track of the character underneath to know where to fold, drop or stretch the fabric. The fabric itself should play a role too. Different behave differently. Movement and gravity are key to “ground” your character in the environment and make it look believable. -Norm @grizandnorm #capeitsimple #100tuesdaytipsbook #100tuesdaytips #arttutorial #arttips
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maruzpantenoart · 7 years
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I’ve been wanting to get back into art but i’ve realize that my motivation has been at an all time low recently since my mental health has been a an all time low so here are some t-shirt ideas that i’ve been wanting to make a thing just to get back into my groove 
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