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Hunter’s Guide to Bartending
You know those projects where people give the cast a portfolio of art, poems, pictures etc? 
What if we gave them a book of custom made Supernatural themed drinks?
Jared does own a bar right?
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This idea was born from the brains of @letsgetoutalive​​ @demondean-for-kingofhell​​ and @kazchester-fanfiction​​. We’ll be compiling and moderating the book (of which there will be multiple copies printed and distributed to the cast in NOLA con ‘17).
We’ve got a list of drink names now and we’re compiling an inventory of what will be needed to make these beverages. With six years experience as a bartender I intend to fashion these drinks and take photos of them on display and in action - and I am asking for your help.
We’re looking for drink name suggestions, favorite mixtures, strange ideas for Supernatural garnish - lets hear it! Create them, snap a photo, write down your mixture. 
Do me a flavor and tag your post with “#the hunter’s guide to bartending OR #thehuntersguidetobartending” and also tag me @holywaterbucketchallenge​ so I can keep track of your delicious and intoxicating contributions.
I’ve found a few examples online, one from Buzzfeed and another from a PR blog posted below for inspiration, along with a few of our own creation.
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The Salt ‘N Burn
1 oz. Fireball Whisky
½ oz. Domaine de Canton (ginger liqueur)
1 tsp. agave syrup
Rimming mixture:
1 tsp. chipotle chili powder
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
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Nobody has the right to call me “doll” except for Bucky Barnes
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Cyborg Reader X Zane Part 1
Okay, so this was a little hard to write at the beginning because I totally ship Pixal and Zane!!! But I’m pretty proud of this.
*this is before they meet Lloyd*
Everyone has a secret that they don’t want out. You hated the fact that your secret reminded you of that day. No matter how many times you tried to forget about it, every time you thought, breathed, moved, or even blinked the horrid day was brought back to you.
You lived with your relatives Ed, Edna and your annoying cousin Jay. You didn’t have a choice in who you were staying with because you had no other relatives. The robotic, inventors. The ones who were constantly pulling apart things or tweaking them to fit their criteria of the perfect machine. It disgusted you, but what really got to you was when they melted down large piles of scrap every Saturday.
You were sitting in your room, fixing your foot, which was now broken due to Jay dropping a large pole on it. You switched off your pain sensors, rolled your fake skin up to your knee, and removed your toe that was going to have to be replaced completely. You carefully inspected it, then wrote down the parts that would be needed to remake it. Having to remake the parts yourself was never easy. You were good with fixing things, but your skills were nowhere near the level that they could be.
The only people who were able to help you were your aunt and uncle. Ed was always setting aside the parts that you were always needing, wires, gears, special chips and hard drives, but there were some things that were really hard to come by, such as the coating you needed to cover your parts so they didn’t stick out.
It was definitely harder in the summer when you were outside a lot, your real arm always got noticeably tan compared to the skin colored coating. You were always needing to apply makeup to the areas that had the rubbery fake skin, which was everything minus your right arm.
You hobbled out of your room to find Uncle Ed or Aunt Edna. Jay had been gone for a while so it was easier for you to be yourself, literally. You heard voices coming from out side. Assuming they were Ed and Edna, you pushed open the door.
“Uncle Ed? Aunt Edna? Is that you?”
The door swung all the way open revealing not Uncle Ed or Aunt Edna, but three figures, dressed in black, red, and white. You stood there mouth agape, and eyes wide at these strangers in the junk yard. You screamed, slamming the door, and bolting the door with the lock.
You ran to the cupboard, pulling out a frying pan. Wielding the lethal weapon in front of you, you listened intently to the voices outside.
“Who screamed?”
“The robot in your trailer,”
“I’m getting reads of human life from inside.”
“What if someone’s trapped in there?”
The door handle jiggled and was hit no doubt by one of the strangers outside.
“It’s locked,”
“Stand back, I’m gonna bust down the door,”
“Cole! Wait there’s no-,”
The person was interrupted by the door getting smashed to splinters. You leapt behind the couch, peeking around it so you could just see the door. Your plan was simple, hide until someone came past the couch, then spring out and beat them senseless with your mighty frying pan.
You tighten your grip on the frying pan when the sound of feet walking across the floor caused some of the loose floor boards to creak.
“Guys, I don’t think there’s a robot in here. My parents have a really strict ‘No robots in the house’ rule.”
Jay?! The floor boards creaked closer and you couldn’t take any chances. You were hitting who ever was getting too close to you. You took a deep breathe as the foot steps grew ever closer. You wait until you see their foot pass the back of the couch and then WAM! You hit them.
You sprang up, a triumphant smile on your face. The person was laying on the floor holding their face, groaning in pain. They were dressed in blue with a strangely familiar mop of red hair.
You hold out the frying pan out in front of you, towards the victim your frying pan had injured. Their hands slid down their face relieving a eyebrow with a scratch that you knew all too well.
You drop the frying pan, and hurriedly scramble to help them up.
“Oh my god Jay! I’m so so so sorry,”
He winces as he gingerly touches the left side of his face.
“Remind me to not sneak up on you ever again,”
“Hey! It’s the robot!”
Your attention was drawn to the strangers standing in the living room. You swiped up your frying pan and positioned yourself between the strangers and your cousin.
“Don’t you dare come near us! I’m warning you!”
The one in red attempted to grab your only form of protection, but you slap his hand away. He yelps cradling his hand to his chest, glaring up at you. You raise the frying pan above your head to throw it at the intruders. When you brought your hand down, it was…empty.
You turn to see the frying pan in Jay’s hand. You look from your hands to Jay’s before your face twisted in confusion and uncertainty. Jay smiled at you, his gaze traveling to your foot that should have been in fake cast you were given.
His eyes widened at your leg, it’s wires and gears and springs visible to the naked eye. He looked back from you to your leg several times. He started to chuckle nervously.
“This is a joke. You’re not a robot. This is just for a nerd convenient…right?”
“No, I’m not a robot Jay,”
Not completely.
He exhaled, pulling you into a firm embrace.
“Don’t scare me like that.”
He stroked your (h/c) locks, something he only did when he was scared or nervous. The last time you remember him doing this was when he left a month ago. You hugged him tightly, resting your head into his chest.
“I missed you Jay. Welcome back,”
“Of course you missed me kid,”
You pulled away looking up at him. Your gaze narrowing into a glare.
“How many times do I have to remind you that we’re the same age?”
“I don’t know. How many times do I have to remind you how short you are?”
“Apparently every time you see me,”
We smiled at each other. No matter how much you say you hate him, deep down you genuinely loved your cousin. Sometimes he talks too much and gets on your nerves, but you really did care for Jay.
“Oh, (Y/n)! I’d like to introduce you to the friends I met while I was gone. Cole, the leader. Kai, the hot head. And Zane, the nindroid.”
You smile and greet all of them then you turn back to Jay.
“What’s a nindroid?” You whisper to him, not wanting to be rude. He looked down at you grinning. His gaze shifted behind you before quickly snapping to you again.
“It’s a, uh, inside joke.”
The other boys snickered behind their hands in attempt at remaining composed, only to fail miserably. The only one that wasn’t laughing was Zane. His face held no emotion, but his eyes were filled with worry, irritation, and something you couldn’t place.
Tearing my gaze from his captivating eyes, you look back at Jay.
“You’ll have to excuse me. I need to get changed and start dinner. You guys are welcome to stay if you wish. I’m sure Uncle Ed and Aunt Edna wouldn’t have a problem with it.”
With that you bolt down the hall to cover your leg.
You walked out of your room after changing from your tank top and shorts into an overly large sweater and leggings. You had rolled down your skin and put on slippers and makeup so they didn’t rise unwanted attention. You threw your hair into a messy bun as you shuffled down to the kitchen. You stopped at the door way seeing Zane, his back to you, in front of a sizzling skillet.
“You know, it was kinda my job to cook dinner tonight.”
He turned, smiling when he saw your leaning form against the door way. He lowered the level of the burner so he wouldn’t have to keep as close an eye on it.
“Yes, but I assumed you would want to spend sometime with Jay, since he has just returned home.”
“That’s awfully thoughtful of you Zane,”
You glanced over his shoulder at the source of the delicious smell that was now filling the small kitchen.
“So, what are you making?”
He turns away with a smile on his face.
“It’s a surprise,”
You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously.
“You’re not trying to poison me are you?”
“No. Why would I do that?”
“It was sarcasm, tin can,”
We turned to see Kai standing in the door. You confusingly look between the two boys. Their eyes locked in an intense stare down. You back away slowly towards the door.
“Well, uh, I’m going to uh, go find Jay,”
You slipped past Kai, heading outside to look for Jay. Walking into the living room, you spotted him on the couch with someone else. You weren’t able to tell by looking at the back of your head. You silently crept up behind Jay to scare him. You were so close that you could see your soft breathing moving his hair just the tiniest bit, but not strong enough for him to feel it. You looked and saw the person sitting next to him was a girl with a short bob cut and a scarlet red blouse on. Completely forgetting that you were hiding behind Jay, you asked her a question.
“Hey, What’s your name?”
Jay jumped shrieking, bolts of lightning shooting from his hands at you. You yelped as large amounts of electricity coursed through your main power core. You could feel your systems trying not to crash, knowing if they did, you could likely die. You heard a dull thud and lots of voices trying to talk to you.
You couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t feel anything. You tried to open your eyes, lift an arm, say something, do anything. But nothing was working. You could only hear everything that was happening.
Third person P.O.V.
Everyone crowded around (Y/n), Jay was in tears, Nya trying to clam him down. (Y/n) lied on the floor motionless.
“(Y/n)! We’re back! We were able to get that part for your-,”
Ed and Edna walked in the door to (Y/n) surrounded by the ninja.
“Oh jeez boys. Give the girl some space.”
The ninja backed up, Ed at her side in a flash. He brought his head to her chest, hearing a faint whirring, meaning that her backup generator had to kick in. They needed to get her on a stable power source and fast. Ed pulls away giving Edna a look.
“She’ll be fine boys. She just needs to rest.”
Edna rushed to his side and together her and Ed lifted up (Y/n) and carried her to her room. Closing the door behind them, they placed her on her bed. They quickly lifted the skin connecting her hand and her wrist, revealing a small hole where they plugged in a charging cord. Edna grabbed (Y/n)’s toolbox from her closet.
Ed rolled up the skin past her elbow, starting to fiddle with the wiring in her forearm. After a few minutes of replacing some cords and reconnecting some wires, (Y/n)’s finger twitched. It was faint but it was there.
Edna moved to (Y/n)’s head.
“(Y/n)? Dear, can you hear us?”
No response.
“If you can, try to move your finger.”
The air grew thick with tension. Finally after what seemed like hours, she was able to tap her finger onto the comforter of her bed. Ed and Edna sighed in relief. Her being responsive helps them a lot.
“Okay, so we’re going to ask you what isn’t working. One tap is yes, two taps is no.”
She tapped the bed again, telling them that she understood. They asked her different areas; eyes, mouth, limbs etc. They needed to do was get her vision up and running before they fixed anything else.
(Y/n) was up in a sitting position, thanks to the help of Edna. They had carefully pulled off the skin so they had access to everything and didn’t want to risk tearing the delicate material. Ed removed the lenses entirely, cleaned them, unplugged the cords then reconnected them. They lit up, whirring to life. (Y/n) blinked a few time her optics readjusting.
“I can see again!”
She laid back, exhaling heavily. She laughed at how her voice sounded, she sounded like an actual robot. The door of her bedroom opened, all three pairs of eyes on who walked in.
(Y/n) P.O.V.
Jay stood in the door way. Time stopped as his emotions showed a mixture of sadness, confusion, and anger. You told Jay everything when you were kids, so he wasn’t going to be happy about this and he definitely wasn’t going to get over this anytime soon.
“Jay, I-”
You get up to walk to him, but your legs gave out, dragging you to the floor.
“Jay, please.”
Your altered voice barely above a whisper, Jay backed away from you, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He bolts out the door, Ed and Edna running after him. You were left laying on the floor, devastated at the realization that you possibly just lost your best friend.
He’ll never forgive me for this.
With those six words, your barriers crumbed to dusk. If you had tear ducts, you would have been balling your eyes out, but you just sat there starring blankly into space.
He’s never going talk to me again because of what I am. He probably already hates me. Why couldn’t I have died in that accident? Instead I’m left like this, hardly even human anymore. If I’m not human, and I’m not a robot, but there’s not enough human to call me a cyborg, what am I? I’m nothing than a freak, and freaks never last long.
Jay P.O.V.
I can’t believe I hurt her.
I felt so guilty, she always scared me when we were little, but I didn’t have lightning shooting out of my hands back then. When I saw her laying on the floor I thought that I had killed her. When dad said she was fine and that scared me.
They never people who liked the negative sides of things, so they tried to make it seem like the situation isn’t as bad as it seems, which was always reassuring when we were kids, but now I’ve been able to pinpoint certain things, like the look dad gave mom and I knew something was up.
I opened the door, to check on (Y/n), but when I walked in her room, my mom and dad were sitting on her bed with (Y/n). Only it was her, but yet it wasn’t at the same time. It was wearing the sweater I got (Y/n) for her sixteenth birthday, the leggings that had the familiar hole in the knee where she snagged it when I was chasing her around the junk yard and her worn out (color) slippers.
There was a mask laying on the bed, the face of the figure next to my parents had wires, cables and gears everywhere. Its optics whirring and clicking with worry and surprise. (Y/n) and I were always so close, but she didn’t trust me enough to tell me about this. My parents even hid this from me. If she had just told me, it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal, I mean I’m around Zane nearly 24/7 and he’s full robot.
I just felt so betrayed, so I ran. I wanted to just run and run. Away from all of this, but my brothers wouldn’t let me get past the living room. I eventually gave in, sinking into a ball of emotions on the couch. My dad crouched in front of me, a hand on my shoulder. I could see his mouth moving, but I wasn’t listening.
Why wouldn’t she tell me about this this? Is it because I left? Was it my fault?
Third Person P.O.V.
No one saw Zane sneek off down to (Y/n)’s room. He stopped just outside her door, expecting her to be in tears. He was quite shocked to see her on the floor with no face. Well it was a face, it just wasn’t skin like it was supposed to.
He couldn’t help but stare at the way the light glinted off her polished metal face plates. He had to admit she was the most beautiful model he had ever seen. A strange feeling sparked along nicely his circuits . Screwing up his courage he lightly knocks on the door.
“(Y/n)? Are you alright?”
She mumbles something under her breathe. Zane moves closer, kneeling on the floor next to her.
“I’m sorry, but could you please repeat that?”
“He hates me doesn’t he?”
She looks up at him with her bright (eye color) optics. He opened his mouth to answer, but then closed it. He didn’t know how to answer her without giving an answer that he didn’t have fact on. She hangs her head in defeat.
“I knew it. He thinks I’m a freak,”
Zane felt anger boiling up in him, no one should talk about themselves that way. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. (Y/n)’s optics widen, her frame stiff. Zane had to squeeze his eyes shut to keep in the tears.
“(Y/n), you’re anything but a freak. The way you are just makes you special.”
He pulls away, gazing into her face. A soft smile on his lips. He gently picks her up, setting her on her bed.
“Can I fix your legs for you?”
She hesitated for a second before nodding and rolling up her leggings and fake skin exposing her mechanical thighs. Not wanting to make the situation worst Zane didn’t pop his emergency tool out of his arm, but resorted to grabbing (Y/n)’s out of her tool box that still sat next to her bed. He fiddled with the wires for a few really quiet minutes before standing up, holding his hand out to her.
“Try it now,”
She took his hand, wobbling getting to her feet. She stood for a few seconds before lifting her right leg and wiggling her digits, doing the same with her other leg. With Zane’s help she took a tentative step forward. She teetered a bit, Zane supporting her by resting a hand on the small of her back, her hand tightly gripping his fearing she would fall.
She walked to the door without error. She felt better, but there was still the matter with Jay.
“Thanks Zane,”
“Any time”
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