marvelsxships · 3 years
i like to think that when Sam can’t sleep or when he’s sick, Bucky sings him to sleep while rubbing Sam’s back
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marvelsxships · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Loki (TV 2021) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki/Sylvie (Loki TV) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sylvie (Loki TV) Additional Tags: they’re in love your honor, Dorks in Love, Love Confessions, Sharing a Bed, There’s only one tent, That’s right, im doing it, this is canon in another timeline Summary:
“Yeah, and I just,” he tucked a lock of hair of hers behind her ear, “I want this to be great. It already is, but..” He paused in thought.
“You want this to last,” she finished for him.
“Yes, yes exactly that,” he said.
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marvelsxships · 3 years
my most favourite marvel headcanon is that steve lost his virginity to nat.
i don't even care what anyone says.
it's very unlikely (bless his heart) that steve would've gotten any girls before the super soldier serum. i know that after, there were multiple women flirting with him, but he only had eyes for peggy at that point.
then he's frozen for seventy years. clearly he didn't get any action then.
in the winter soldier, nat's comment about being steve's first kiss since 1945 is definitely believable. you can tell in his face.
his stupid brief romance with sharon was just a kiss. some people may disagree with me idk, but i refuse to believe anything else happened.
and that brings us to nat and steve on the run together, steve still being a virgin. they are both EXTREMELY attractive people with an insane amount of sexual tension. come on. you cannot tell me that nothing happened. if not then, then possibly in the five years after the blip. they practically lived together then.
they had so much wasted chemistry, so i make up scenarios like this to make myself feel better.
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marvelsxships · 3 years
sylkie is so cute omw 🥰😍
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marvelsxships · 3 years
“Love is…” …new to Sylvie.
Here’s a bit of something from https://www.marvel.com/articles/tv-shows/sophia-di-martino-sylvie-loki where Sophia di Martino shares some insight into Sylvie and Loki’s blossoming romance.
Though Sylvie is a person who’s very sure of herself, “very confident”, as Mobius describes her, she’s “this wild cat who’s just on a survival mission”, says di Martino of Sylvie, who hasn’t had time to fall in love or even experience love of any sort, given how her life had gone before Loki had quite literally stumbled into hers.
Somehow, within 12 hours of “formally” meeting each other by way of a scuffle in front of the golden elevators that lead to the Time Keepers, she warms up to Loki. Something about him gives her pause, and she’s not so sure why, nor does she quite know how to respond to this new feeling she’s got.
Within mere minutes of a planet obliterating the moon that Loki and Sylvie find themselves on in Ep4, they both share a small but short-lived moment that was so powerful Mobius and Hunter B-15 stepped in to haul the wayward pair back to the TVA. 
No matter how Loki and Sylvie’s moment may be interpreted, two things were clear: 1) they both knew, in that moment, that there might’ve been something new between the two of them; and 2) whatever they did caused a massive and nearly vertical spike on the timeline that was impossible to ignore. Whether both were related, or that one was a causation, or that both were correlations of each other, it didn’t matter. What had happened, happened, and now, Loki and Sylvie are left to figure out their feelings for each other.
According to Sophia di Martino, Sylvie and Loki are like
“…two teenagers who have never had these feelings before.”
Di Martino adds,
“Obviously, Tom’s a super charming, very easy to fall-in-love-with guy. With Sylvie, I was really aware that she’s never had feelings like this about anybody. This is a hugely vulnerable position for her to be in. I really wanted it to be not too easy for her to just sort of go there. It’s that moment where it’s so awkward. They just don’t know how to put it into words. They don’t know how to behave around each other. It’s all a bit too intense and a bit much.
Sylvie still feels extremely uncomfortable showing that vulnerability and admitting that she likes someone in that way, or that she has feelings for someone in that way. It’s something that she’s just never been able to do. Never have the opportunity, never met anyone that she’s ever liked, let alone cared about. She’s got a wall built up. She’s not going to just let that down for anybody, and even if she wants to, it’s difficult to get rid of.
You know those people that are really awkward at hugging? I imagine it’s almost like that [for Loki and Sylvie]. [The kind of] people that need a hug the most but kind of just don’t know how to do it. It’s a little bit like that. I just want to hug both of them and say, ‘It’s all right, guys. It’s all right. Let’s have a group hug.’”
That entire mini scene where Loki and Sylvie talk about their feelings by not talking about their feelings was one of my favorite in the episode. It’s also hilarious how when we first see them start talking, they’re not even touching each other, but somehow by the end of the conversation, they’re shoulder to shoulder somehow, without even moving or scooting closer.😂
Sylvie: “Mobius isn’t so bad.”
Loki: “Or so good.” (Sylvie glances at him.) “I think that’s why we get along.”
Sylvie: “He cares about you.”
(Loki considers this for a second, then looks up at Sylvie. She looks back at him and smiles. He looks away, and for a brief moment, away from all the chaos that has been happening so far, Loki realizes that the breeze that permeates the air around them is particularly chilly. He wraps his arms around himself.) 
Loki: “It’s cold.”
Sylvie: “Mm-hmm.”
(Loki looks off into the distance, before looking back at Sylvie. A thought comes to mind, and he conjures a blanket out of thin air, and has it wrap around his shoulders. He glances up at Sylvie again, and smiles.)
Loki: “I could conjure one for you if you like.”
(With a small grin, Sylvie scrunches her nose and tugs on her collar.)
Sylvie, jokingly: “Tell you what, you could conjure me a new outfit. You have no idea how uncomfortable something like this is.” (Loki casts his eyes down at the ground before him, shakes his head, and chuckles. Sylvie inhales awkwardly.) “So… Mobius and his, um, “theory”…”
Loki, just as awkwardly: “Oh right, right. About my nexus event.”
(Sylvie strikes down the possibility that whatever’s going on between them has got anything to do with the spike, and looks at Loki.)
Sylvie: “Total rubbish right?”
Loki, agreeing: “Absolutely, of course! I mean…”
(Sylvie, awkward as she is in this conversation, brushes a nonexistent strand of hair from her face, and looks at Loki.)
Sylvie: “I don’t mean it wasn’t, y’know, a nice moment.”
(Loki glances back up at Sylvie.)
Loki: “No, it was great. It was really nice. It was, it was great.”
Sylvie, in denial: “It sounds just like another TVA lie.”
Loki, also in denial: “A hundred percent. Totally. Yeah.”
(He shakes his head awkwardly and looks away, before glancing back at Sylvie. He nudges her arm. She’s nervously still. She glances at Loki and looks away just as quickly.)
Sylvie: “… I don’t know how to do this.”
Loki, quietly: “I don’t even know what we’re doing.”
(Sylvie glances at him and smiles ruefully. She admits her loneliness.)
Sylvie: “I don’t have friends. I don’t have… anyone.” (To be with, she means.)
Loki: “Well, you know, there’s more important things, right?”
Sylvie: (She looks at Loki, half incredulous.) “Right? Yeah. Like, like… bringing down the TVA.”
Loki: “Well, saving the universe, when you think about it.”
Sylvie, agreeing: “Well, no need to be dramatic, but yeah, kind of.”
(The breeze picks up a little, and a faint clap of thunder sounds off in the distance. Sylvie shrugs her shoulders once, not wanting to admit that she’s feeling chilly as well. Seeing this, Loki uses a little magic to drape part of his blanket over Sylvie’s shoulders. She glances at him and tugs it closer gratefully. New as this emotion feels to him, and as awkwardly romantic as it looks, Loki is unable to prevent an embarrassed smile from forming on his face.)
Sylvie: “…It’s not very snuggly.”
(Loki is amused by her odd comment.)
Loki, laughing: “…Okay?”
Sylvie: “Is it a tablecloth?”
Loki: “No, it’s a blanket.”
(Sylvie pauses for a second to gather her thoughts, then…)
Sylvie, softly: “Thank you.”
(Loki bows his head slightly in her direction and looks at her.)
Loki: “My pleasure.”
(He smiles, then, quiet. The comfortable silence the pair find themselves in lasts a few seconds before…)
Sylvie: “How do I know that in the final moments you won’t betray me?”
(Loki knows exactly why she’s asking him this question. She had asked him not too long ago, “What makes a Loki a Loki?”, and he had answered her with qualities he knows himself to have. But that was then, and this is now. Perhaps recalling the ruckus at the bunker earlier and knowing all too well what it is what a Loki would do, he latches on to the word “betrayal”. Perhaps also recalling how he had, when he was first arrested by the TVA, declared how he would not let other people decide how his story ends, he makes Sylvie a promise, reassuring her that though betrayal runs deep in every Loki that has ever existed, not to mention himself, he has made the conscious choice to not let that rule his life like it did before. He turns to face her.)
Loki: “Listen, Sylvie, I…” (He exhales once, acknowledging the weight of Sylvie’s question. His blue eyes, having nothing but true sincerity behind them for what is possibly the first time in a very long while, meet hers.) “I betrayed everyone who’d ever loved me. I betrayed my father, my brother… my home. I know what I did, and I know why I did it. And that’s not who I am anymore. Okay? I won’t let you down.” 
(Sylvie searches Loki’s eyes for answers.)
Sylvie: “You sure?” (He nods.) “Because if we make it, and the TVA is gone, there might be a timeline for you to rule.”
(Loki recognizes the inside joke for what it is, as he knows ruling is also something that any given Loki would want to do. But for him now, here, ruling anyone or anything is a thing of the past.)
Loki: “Ah. And then, I’d finally be happy.” (They smile at each other, recognizing the statement as a light-hearted jab.) “What about you? What will you do when this is all over?”
(Loki looks down at the ground before him before glancing up at her. Again, Sylvie brushes another nonexistent strand of hair from her face, but lifts her head, her eyes meeting his.)
Sylvie: “I don’t know.”
(Loki looks away, considering his answer.)
Loki: “I don’t know either.” (He takes a breath before meeting her eyes again.) “Maybe… maybe we could figure it out… together.”
(Sylvie, feeling that she might like that idea, thinks about it for a second before answering.)
Sylvie: “Maybe.” 
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marvelsxships · 3 years
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Loki - Episode 5 ४
Directed by Kate Herron
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marvelsxships · 3 years
one thing i love about sylki is how it could be this good girl turns bad boy good cliche, but its not. sylvi isn’t trying to change him or make him better or is there to put up with his bullshit. instead loki took a look at that mirror version of himself, saw how absolutely amazing she was, and decided that yes for her? he’s going to change, he’s going to try and do his best to be there for someone else and put them before his own schemes. because she is also proof that he can be better, that he doesn’t have to be the villain of his own story, that he can change what he’s been destined for. and i think thats beautiful.
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marvelsxships · 3 years
One of the main arguments against Sylki that I've seen is that they're both Loki's, so that's incest/selfcest/whatever-cest, and I just have to say, to all those who say this and also ship Lokius, what happens if the finale reveals that Mobius is also a Loki Variant?
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marvelsxships · 3 years
I like the way Sylvie and Loki doesn’t feel rushed. It’s not quite romantic yet, but it’s heading that way. But at the same time there’s no pressure for it to be that? They’re just 2 people who have acknowledged they care about each other and are vibing with it. It’s kinda refreshing to see honestly. It’s them being like “Hey we don’t really know what this is yet because we’ve both been closed off our entire lives, but let’s stick together and go from there.” I just think it’s really sweet.
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marvelsxships · 3 years
i think if i somehow ended up on a pretty apocalyptic moon with someone and we had to protect each other in order to make it out alive i would definitely fall in love with them in the end
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marvelsxships · 3 years
reasons of why I started shipping sylkie after episode 4 (it’s a long post, and sorry for my bad english)
okay here we go
first, not only the holding hands, but the way Loki looks at her
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the way he is all awkward and fragile when he is at her side, and I’ve never seen his character act like this with anyone else before
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his reaction when Mobius lied to him saying Sylvie was dead
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I agree with Mobius, it’s really funny because, as the God of Mischief, Loki seems to be a terrible liar here, and who else could say he is lying than a Loki specialist who is also an analyst?
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Mobius had done this before right? In my opinion, I really don’t believe he was jealous during the interrogatory, Mobius was just doing his job trying to get some informations, but yes, he seemed to be extremely upset with the fact that Loki betraied him
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“a bad friend” …
now, I know most part of the fandom is a lokius shipper, and it’s okay, they are really cute together, I was actually shipping it too before I watched episode 4, Mobius was the first person who could see something good on Loki, and he really wants to help him to be a better person
yes, I do agree that Loki was completely devastated when Mobius died, and it was a really heart breaking scene to watch
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I do agree that they like each other, and they would make a good couple, I still shipp it a little bit, but I believe (and I know everybody’s gonna be angry with me) that in the TV show, they are just friends
anyone would be devastated to lose a good friend, or to be betrayed by one
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even though it would be awesome to have lokius as a canon shipp, I don’t think it’s gonna happen because they are just friends (sad)
but, it does make sense since Loki wants to help Mobius to find his real life, his real family
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If Loki has romantic feelings for Mobius, why he would want to reunite him with his own family and not just runaway with him? I’m sorry but, at this point, in my opinion, if we are talking about canon, lokius is a shipp that doesn’t make sense anymore (even though I still like it and I support everybody who shipps it)
now, the part that will make everybody hates me
as a good friend, Mobius wants Loki to be happy, so, he wants Loki and Sylvie to be together
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I know Mobius wants to destroy TVA after finding out the true, but still, he was being such a good friend here trying to help Loki to save Sylvie, and maybe (please don’t hate me) (I know you all gonna hate me anyway) he is a sylkie shipper (at least it’s what it seems to me in the episode 4 I’m sorry)
now, talking about where the show is going, the whole point of the series is the destruction of the TVA, and the only thing that can do it is a nexus event strong enough to break the timeline
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okay, now let’s talk about sci-fi a little bit
as we all know, Kate Herron, the director of Loki series is a big fan of sci-fi, and I can see she is getting inspirations of some famous sci-fi works like Doctor Who, so, the collapse of spacetime it’s a big cliche of sci-fi works, and there’s many movies, books and tv shows that explore it, not only Doctor Who, but also Dark, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Back To The Future, Donnie Darko and now, Loki series as well
so, according to most of sci-fi works, even the smallest interact between different events of spacetime, or between different dimensions could ruin the order of the universe, creating another reality completely different like a parallel universe, or something even worse like bring chaos and destroy everything, just like in the Loki series
but as we can see, Loki and Sylvie, two of the same being from different realities were together and interacting all the time in the episode 3 and nothing happened, no nexus event
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apparently they can fight each other, they can help each other, they can drink together and talk about their families and relationships, they can confort each other, they even can sing to each other that everything will be just fine, no chaos
so what caused the nexus event?
if we take the Interstellar movie as a good example of a sci-fi work (actually, this movie is a true masterpiece, and one of the best movies of all time about spacetime), we will be able to see another sci-fi cliche here, which is in my opinion, something that the creators of the show are exploring as well
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basically, it’s saying that love is the most powerful force of the universe
obviously, love can be manifest in many different ways, like between siblings, or self-love, but I don’t think this is what Loki and Sylvie connection is about
in the episode 3, they spent too much time talking about romantic relationships, and that “love is an imaginary dagger” mataphor really got us, I don’t think the creators of the show would made all those lines between Loki and Sylvie just for nothing, I think it’s something about the development of their characters, and the development of their relatioship as well
also, it’s pretty obvious that Loki and Sylvie never found real love, they never had it, and most important, they truly want it
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and then, the nexus event happened, not with just a conversation, empathy or self-love, but because of a real romantic love between two people who just fell in love, yes, two variants of the same being falling in love with each other, and I agree, it’s weird, confusing, twisted, chaotic, a chaotic love so powerful and so strong that it can break the timeline and destroy TVA
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this is why I’m shipping sylkie now, because I love sci-fi and I love what they are doing with the show and the characters
and after all this, if you still don’t agree with me, well, that’s fine
let’s just finish here with the lyrics of the song If You Love me by Brenda Lee, the song that was playing in the end credits of The Nexus Event
“If the sun should tumble from the sky, If the sea should suddenly run dry, If you love me, really love me, Let it happen, I won’t care, If it seems that everything is lost, I will smile and never count the cost, If you love me, really love me, Let it happen, darling I won’t care, Shall I catch a shooting star? Shall I bring it where you are? If you want me to, I will, You can set me any task, I’ll do anything you ask If you’ll only say you love me still, When at last our life on earth is through I will share eternity with you, If you love me, really love me, Let it happen, I won’t care, If you love me, really love me, Let it happen, darling, I won’t care”
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just let it happen guys, or not, I don’t care, and go watch Interstellar, it’s a really good movie
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marvelsxships · 3 years
I just want new timeline Loki to roll up to the Avengers wearing sunglasses, holding a milkshake, and be like "sup everyone, this is my wife, Sylvie"
Thor: What- you MARRIED?!?!
The other Avengers: He's also alive?????
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marvelsxships · 3 years
am i the only one that thinks the sylvie x loki relationship is really beautiful because they’re both narcissists learning to be selfless and know someone who finally understands their hurt or- 
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marvelsxships · 3 years
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❤️ them❣️😍
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marvelsxships · 3 years
Thinking about what if Bucky and Sam adopted Alpine but she's a Flerken. (You know in mcu cat may not be a cat)
They bring she everywhere they go, including mission. And Alpine secretly ate these enemy while they were busy fighting and not paying attention. But other people saw it, they kept telling Sam and Bucky what she did.
Of course Sam and Bucky don’t believe it, they think they’re just joking or hate cats.
Bonus: Torres saw it and just roll with everything as usual
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marvelsxships · 3 years
okay but bucky was definitely going for that move where you stand close behind someone and hold their hand to guide it, sam just moved out of the way before he got a chance
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marvelsxships · 3 years
"and he's passing by, rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky. and he feels like home, if the shoe fit walk in it everywhere you go"
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