marvinnedg · 7 years
Film Analysis and Critique
Task 1:
“Blood is thicker than water”
           “Ded na si Lolo” is a movie directed by Soxy Topacio. It is a drama-comedy that has superstitions when their father suddenly died and the issues with the siblings arises when they meet each other again. The mourning of their father’s death serves as their reunion because they separated ways when their mother died a couple of years ago.
           The movie tells about the superstition beliefs of many Filipino that has been passed generations by generations. Some people don’t believe in any of them but more of them still follow because it is part of our traditions and cultures. We, Filipino, believes in the saying “Wala namang mawawala kung maniniwala” and it means that nothing will ever change even if we follow or not. We believe in lucks that is why Filipino has the urge to try. The different characters played the role not just in the movie, but also in our society. Dick Israel as Syano is the first born among the siblings and he was the only one who knew about the first family of their father and keep it as a secret with her mother. His role somehow related to the attitude of Filipino of being a person who knew issues of their family and hide it from others. Elizabeth Oropresa as Dolores acts as the lady who has a settled life among the siblings. She is a person who you can run if you lack in money or has any problems and she will help you depending on her own conditions. Her role is related to the attitude of Filipino who is being judge even if she do good things for other people and she might look bad, but she is truly a soft-hearted person when it comes to her family. Gina Alajar as Mameng is the person who lived with their father among the siblings. She is the one who take good care of their parents when they was still alive. In Filipino traditions, if you are having a large family, the parents can choose to whom they would give their heritage house and in the movie, Mameng is the chosen one. Her role is related to the attitude of Filipino of being a good daughter that can do anything in taking good care of their parents. Manylin Reynes as Charing is the kindest among the siblings and her role is related to other Filipino attitudes by being in the middle of the misunderstanding issues of her siblings. Roderick Paulate as Junee plays the role of being gay with a good heart and he is the person who can make everything lighter for him. He is living a happy life and balancing his time with his family and friends. He doesn’t even care of what people might think about him and he is the type of person that as long as he is happy, he make sure that everyone around him is happy too. The whole family portrayed different roles and characters that are related to typical attitudes of many Filipino families. Rivalries among the siblings are normal and it could make them stronger than they used to and they resolve their own issues with the love, patience, understandings, and respect they had from themselves.
           As I look back when my grandfather died, everything seems so strange and I know from myself that I can’t bring him back to life. Our smiles turned into tears, our laughs turned into silence, and the way we look things changed since the day he decided to leave. Every day I wake up, I feel the grief inside of me because seeing him lying on the coffin hurts me so bad. I knew that when I go back to our house in Bulacan, everything is not the same anymore. There is this person I will always look for because he is the one who is always there to love me as his princess and spoiled me in everything I wished I could have. I can still feel the sadness I felt when he left us. The memories in the hospital still remain in my heart and if I could go back from the time he hold my hand and said not to leave him, I would hold him tighter and stayed instead. I have learned that having a large family is a genuine gift from God. Families are the persons whom we can run to if we think that we are lost and they will never leave us until we find our way back home. The love we give and get from them will makes us strong and love each other more. Everyone may leave, but the love of the family will always stay. If I were given a chance to rewrite the movie, I would not change anything of it because it has the message that reflects me as a Filipino and it depicted the reality happening in our society. Wars between families, misunderstandings, resolutions and superstition beliefs reflected who we really are and reflected our culture as well. I still believe in the saying that the blood will always be thicker than water after watching the movie.
“A mother’s love is priceless”
           “Inang Yaya” is a movie directed by Pablo Biglang-awa and Veronica Velasco. It is a drama that shows the unconditional love of a mother between her unbiological and own child. Being a mother is a fulfilling job that deserves the highest salary not only in the aspect of money, but in the aspect of giving respect and love like the way they treated us.
           A mother’s love is unbeatable by anyone and no one could replace the love of a mother to her children. Maricel Soriano played the role of Norma and in the relation in the society; she is the type of Filipino that could do everything for her family and being far away from her own child is one of the sacrifices that a mother could do for the sake of her family’s future. She is Louise’s (Erika Oreta) maid in Manila and left her own child to her mother in their hometown in the province. Norma’s downfall is when she received a call from the province and said that her mother is already dead. She doesn’t even know what to do including in finding someone who could look over her own child while she’s not around and she decided to bring Ruby (Tala Santos) with her going back to her work as maid in Manila. Her unbiological and her own child had a good company of being together and Ruby saved Louise a couple of times when she was bullied by her cousins. Filipino is defined as a fighter and a risk-taker and a mother is a mother to everyone even if they are related or not.
           Raising a child is a little bit hard because a mother must know her responsibilities and teach her child with good manners and right conducts in order for them to be the better person they want their child to be. Mothers will always be the best in terms of everything. They could sacrifice their own life for their children. They give their blood and offer their time to make money as their reward. We grew up and forget that our parents were growing up too. They have given as life and I think we must repay them for all the cost they made way back when we was little. As I’ve said a while ago that being a mother isn’t easy but it’s fulfilling within the heart and soul.
Task 2:
The films were all about love that bonded every family together to make it stronger and the two different stories tackled different situations with the same common denominators. Ded na si Lolo and Inang Yaya is related from each other because it presented the Filipino cultures and traditions that we often see in our society. Both of the film presented how a Filipino life is all about, how we resolve worst things, and how Filipino strengthen their weaknesses despite of having rivalries and wars within the family. Filipino films reflect who we really are and they send us message connected on how we cope up in our everyday life. To love and to be loved is the important key points in the stories and that is why Filipino films are precious and so does us.
 Task 3:
Life as a student contains of varieties of emotions and expressions. I experienced being stressed, lack of sleep, and going to school without eating breakfast in order for me to enter school on time. I love doing things with my friends because they are my source of happiness just like the stars that brighten me up when I am in the dark. Overloaded of school works every week are the poisons that are toxic to me but I still do and submit it anyway no matter how hard it is because what else can I do? I should take all my responsibilities and duties as a student. Some efforts aren’t enough, but I will always be proud of myself no matter how remarks I would get. I might overused my mind and body often, but I know that every pains I gain and sacrifices I give, all these things will come to an end with a smile on my face. My student life is like a sky; the raindrops will pour but a rainbow will come after. The sun will light me up and give me another chance to try again.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
We’re all in this together ❤️
Friendship is another name for love. It’s a bond where different people combined as one.
My first day in Chinese General Hospital Colleges aren’t that easy. I’m afraid of being alone because I used to have many friends in my junior high school years. I entered my new school cluelessly. There’s an awkwardness in each of us and I thought I would be alone through out the end of the school year. But my negative thoughts shattered into pieces because I found the best people that could make my first senior high school year unforgettable. To my closest friends, I would like to thank all of you. I still remember the first day we met each other and I never thought that we could reached this far. We’re like an animals that lives in a forest. We have different characteristics and personalities yet I am able to adapt each of them. We have different ranges of voices yet I am able to lend my ears to hear every single sounds they will make. We have different faces yet I am able to look at their flaws and love them with their own imperfections. Sleepless, coffee, and lazy nights turned unusual to usual. We push ourselves to achieve the best for us while raising our both hands up. I can say that God is good all the time because He gave me friends whom I could share the stress I’m fighting through. It’s a greatest fulfillment and it feeds my soul knowing the fact that my friends turns out to be my family.
It’s been a hell of a ride and look at us now. We scream, laugh, smile, and shout our lungs out but the most important thing is that we hold our hands tight while living in the same moment. We breathe, live, and love. I want to say that I am really proud in each and everyone. We always end our days with laughter and make sure that we have moments to keep so that if we reached the end of this journey, we have this memories made by us to look back and remember all the craziness we shared altogether. I’m a stapler and they are the papers. I’m here to attach, embrace, and hold myself to them so that no one’s gonna left behind. All of you has the special space in my heart even though I know that soon we’ll be distance apart.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
An arrow in my heart 💘
To the guy who unexpectedly came,
Loving is sharing the love you have saved for yourself to someone who really means to you with no aiming of returning it back. Love is a risk without having the idea if you’ll win or lose yet we still ready to gamble every thing we had for someone who’s really worth fighting for.
It’s been a month and that situation still sits in the back of my mind. There are so many questions lingering in my mind. How did these things worked out? How did it happened? What did I do to have someone like you? Do I really deserve the love you’re giving? Love is composed of happiness and sadness. It is an extraordinary feeling that no one could ever replace. You take me to places I have never been. You treat me the way a woman should be treated. You love me for who I am and who I am not. You accepts every flaws I have and tells me that those imperfections makes me perfect. When I feel like I’m lost, scared, and nervous, you’ll hold my hand to ensure that I shouldn’t be afraid because you were there. Your smile is beautiful as your mom. Your laugh serves as a music to my ears. Your eyes is deeper than the ocean and I am slowly drowning by looking at them. You stopped playing games in love and you set new rules for yourself. You are doing better everyday and I’m so proud of you. We’re not in the game to compete, we’re both in a battle to fight.
Keep in mind that if you‘re feeling less about yourself, in my eyes you will always be enough. A guy like you deserves everything and I thank you for making me feel that I’m special. You give me butterflies to my stomach, skipping the beat of my heart, and making me insane with no reasons at all. You’re cheering me up when I feel like I’m down. You swipes away the tears from my eyes down to my cheeks. You make my existence worth it. Who would have thought that a man like you will fall for a woman like me? I am thankful because I met you and I just can’t put into words on how blessed I am in it’s outermost level to have you. The light in my darkness. The cure in my pain. The happiness in my sorrow. The best in my worst. The YOU in me.
- From the girl who’ll stay.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 15 - ;
Suicide is an act of ending one’s life because of stressed, depression, and other mental illnesses. It is commonly used by the people who couldn’t handle the problems they’re struggling with.
Teenagers experience lot of transitions. The changes could be physically, mentally, and socially. As we grow older, we tend to find ourselves more based on interacting with people around us. Stress could trigger us to be resourceful or way of survival but some stressors could not be solved in just one simple click. Suicides are relevant in times today. Why is it so easy to end their own lives just like that? Why do they need to cut their wrists? Why do they need to hang theirselves in the ceiling with a rope? Why do they need to let theirselves dying? So many questions but so hard to answer.
Life is really unpredictable and so does people. Others could smile and laugh even though they had this deep feeling inside. Knives, blades, cutters, or any other sharp objects are not the things that kills them; it’s depression. A kind of sadness that causes people to downgrade themselves. To the persons who’s dealing with depression, hi I just want to say that I’m so proud of you. You’re brave more than what you think and keep on going. The weather is changing. Rain is temporary but always remember that the sun will shine again and your life will be bright as colorful as the rainbow.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 14 - An Angel sent from Heaven to give love and happiness
I would like to dedicate this blog entry to my ANGELa Reyes who inspires me to live life to the fullest despite of having struggles.
“It’s been months since the first day we met. You’re a special friend of mine and I am so blessed to have you. I knew some things about you that words couldn’t explain the qualities you have as a person. Angela Reyes, a simple girl with a big heart. You always makes me smile and you’re one of my source of happiness. I miss you when you’re not here around me. You are a very brave girl that can conquer every struggles. I believe in your abilities and capabilities. I hope you’re doing good in every thing you do. I remember the day when we both planned our dreams and said to each other that we will pursue our pre-med course here in Chinese General Hospital Colleges. I’m looking forward to achieve one of my stepping stones with you. First day of school was unforgettable and I’m happy because the friends I met since day one are still my friends today. You’re as sweet as chocolates. Your voice is powerful like the roar of a lion. I couldn’t imagine my senior high school year without you. Throwing our corny jokes, reviewing our lectures, making our assignments, eating the foods we have and laughing at each other’s face are the simple things we usually do yet it really means a lot to me. I hope that you didn’t mean what you said yesterday. You really are an angel that belongs to Heaven but It’s not your time yet. You deserves to live here with us as our angel. I can’t stand to lose a friend like you and I hope that if you need a helping hand, we are always here for you no matter what. I love you Angela Reyes but i prefer calling you my bb (you know what I mean lol.)”
I can see the bravery you have and keep in mind that I am always here if you want someone to hold on to. Again, I love you and God Bless always.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 13 - Research
Research papers are essays that contains your own interpretations of an argument or thesis statement. Research papers are coming on our ways. We have it in our different subjects and somehow, it’s hard to make one. In creating a research paper, one must get informations about the topic. You should not just copy paste it then submit it to your professor. Search informations and try to give your own thoughts about it. In my opinion, it is beneficial if we start to learn how to construct a research paper so that we already know what to do in future courses we are planning to pursue and to gain knowledge about some thing we don’t know. Research papers continually grows if students explores more about the topic. There are outlines to follow for us to make it easier. I learned that we should be responsible in doing certain things. Learn to exert efforts like waking up early in the morning to search for informations in order to finish tasks quickly. Be a good leader, a follower and must have determination and cooperation with your group mates. Be straight forward and introduction must contain all the informations about the thesis statement for the persons who may possibly read the paper. “Search, think, evaluate, type it in MS Word, print, and submit.”
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 12 - Grades
We usually define grades as the measurement of our knowledge we learned from our teachers. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, it is a level of study that is completed by a student during one year. Our grades were distributed today. I didn't expect anything and I'm happy on the grades I achieved. First quarter was like a roller coaster. It consists of ups and downs and I remember myself when the first week of school started. I was afraid and I found it hard to adapt the new surrounding I chose. I admit I'm lazy sometimes yet I managed everything nicely in my own ways. I spent several hours doing my school works in each subject every night and I'm really grateful that my hard works paid off. "The struggles is always at first, then success will follow." This quotation explains everything I've been through in the first quarter. I'm giving my best in every things I do and I thank God for giving me strengths when I feel so weak. I also thank my friends for being with me when times get rough. I love spending my time in school, not only because I have the ability to learn, but to make unforgettable memories with awesome people I met since the first day. Always remember that Grades are just numbers. Its basis were some pieces of paper that will never define the knowledge you have in our brain. To myself, you passed the first quarter and I'm so proud of you.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 11 - Live, Laugh, and Love.
“Youth is a gift of nature, but age is a work of art.” Birthdays are celebrated once a year and I celebrated mine yesterday. We must celebrate it to thank God in giving us the most precious gift which is our lives. Some people thought that it is just a normal day and for others it is important.
I turned seventeen years old yet I still look like a seven years old girl. I've been missing my friends for so long and I couldn't make a plan to see them because of overloaded school works. I thought they're not available on my special day but despite of having a busy schedule, they cleared it all for me. I'm still shocked on the surprise birthday party they did. It was a blast and I spent my day with the special persons in my life. We missed each other so much and I can't contain the joy whenever I'm with them. To my family, thank you for letting me experience these unforgettable moments. To my friends that I also considered as my family, thanks for all the efforts you exerted. They play an important role in my life and they're the reasons why I want to discover and explore my world more. I am a plant, they are the sun and weathers are the struggles. They give me sunlight in order for me to grow and to live. I might experience different weathers but I know in my heart that that they will light me to overcome those darkest days. The Marvinne I am today would be nothing without them. I just want to thank all of you for making my world bright as the sun shines in the morning.
I am blessed since the day I was born and words aren't enough to tell God my gratitude in giving me the best things in life. The greatest gift I have ever received was my life and the people's unconditional love. I am surrounded by amazing people who’s always there to make me happy. I will always be grateful on God's given blessings. For the past several years, I'm still on a progress to aim the best version of myself.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 10 - Tests and Midterms
One individual is different from the other. We have similar characteristics but we showcase it in our own ways. Some of us are good doing certain things but others do not. Our differences isn't a negative thing because it makes us unique of who we really are. We did our Speaking Test last Monday and I'm not confident on how i did it. I'm not good in speaking and I messed up answering the basic questions of my professor. I did not deliver my words well. It has errors with the grammars and pronunciations. We also took our Oral Communication midterm exam and I felt the same way too. Being pessimistic isn't good but I think I'm going to fail and it's not right. It was a bit hard for me while answering the listening test because I cannot hear the words clearly. I have answers in my exam but I do not know if it is correct. We have been stress for this week but we made it! Exams were done and all of us deserves to unwind. I know we did our best and exerts all of our efforts to pass the midterm. If it's not enough, then we'll try harder next time. Some of us will pass, and some of us will fail but the important thing is that we tried. We should always remember that a piece of paper is not a dictator of our future. It's just an evaluation of what are the knowledge we learned based on the lessons that our professors taught us.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 9 - Heroes
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, "hero defines a person who is admired for great or braveacts or fine qualities." We celebrated National Heroes Day every 28th day of August, honoring our heroes who bravely fought for the freedom of our country. When we were kids, we usually believes in super heroes like Batman, Superman, Joker and etc. They have different powers and abilities that makes them unique to each other. It's correlated to our own National Heroes like Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Juan Luna, and many more because they both have bravery, doing good deeds, and patriotism. You can be a hero in many simple ways. Examples of these are be a good leader to your group mates in school activities, be a responsible elder sister/brother to your younger siblings, correct the person If he does things incorrectly, help a person If he's having a problem, be generous If someone's in need, and there's a lot more. Have you ever imagined If our country is still civilized by other countries? Do you think we can do what we want in our own lives? Not all heroes are strong all the time. They also have their own weaknesses. Each of them played an important role for our country and we must thanked them in giving us the freedom that we're experiencing until today. Heroism doesn't mean that you need to die and risk your life for others. Be a hero in what you think is right and just.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 8 - No Classes
We don't have classes last Monday because it's Ninoy Aquino's Day and the next morning, suspension happened due to weather. We, students, shouted with excitement knowing that there will be no 'Oral Communication' subject in two consecutive days. It's not that we don't like the subject, we're just happy because it means that our schoolworks will be lessen and we will have more time to do whatever we want to do.
Pilipinos celebrated Ninoy Aquino's day annually because he was one of the heroes of democracy here in our country. When I was a child, I watched a documentary about his death. I was with my grandfather and he guided me while watching the whole video. Based on what I have remembered, Ninoy was about to go home in his family but then an unexpected thing happened when he was about to come out on the plane. Everyone's shocked, particularly the medias, took a step back. It's the reason why we have 'Ninoy Aquino International Airport' because that's the specific place where he died. I don't have any idea on how he rule our country and I think he leads the Philippines well despite of having controversial issues about his family. All of the people present on his homecoming witnessed everything on that day. The case of Ninoy Aquino's death and its questionable thoughts still remain unanswered.
It was a long weekend for all of us and I think that each of us was happy about that right? I used these days to rest and did my schoolworks. I also tolerated my 'sleepy' personality and I am able to get enough sleep I've been always craving of. I spent my days at home with my family and being with them will always be okay with me.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 7 - Broadway Play
We played different broadway plays and act every characters on it. I would like to make a gratitude speech for my blog entry no. 7, so here it goes.
"Hi! I'm Marvinne de Guzman of grade 11 Graham Bell. It's been 2 weeks ago when our professor told us that we're gonna do a broadway play. I met my group mates and I want to thank all of you. Thank you for your creativity, cooperation and determination to have a successful play that we did. I know that we had encountered lots of struggles while practicing the play, but we faced them all together and I'm happy about that. I'm in the edge of giving up because we never had a chance to be complete in our practices but thank you for all the motivations you have given me and that pushed me to be strong and do better. Thank you for all the laughter and happiness that we shared together. We reached far places for our practice, and for that, thank you for having an amazing memories with all of you. To Rose Ann Ariola, Spencer Alvarez, Janine Aggasid, Shaira Satur, Am Oclay, Jodi de Guzman, and Ashley Wu, thank you for the patience with each of us. Shout out to Trisha Abad, I just want to thank you for insisting to help our group when we're having such problems. Despite of being a leader on your own group, you still manage to volunteered yourself for us. I really appreciated all the efforts and hard works we put in this activity play. I can finally say that "we made it!" Lastly, I would like to thank God for His love that guides us before, during, and after the play."
I learned that when you're tired and you just want to give up, look for a motivation that will encourage you to strive harder. In life, we have many trials that we need to face everyday and you must be tough and brave enough to overcome it.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 6 - Speech
We started and ended our discussions with a smile on our faces last Monday. The flow of our discussion went well and it's all about Speeches. Our professor shares his experiences in life which is related to our topic and it's a good thing because if it happens to him, it could also happen to us. He taught us some strategies and advantages of being a good speaker.
Most of us are having a hard time to speak in public and I honestly admit that I'm one of them. I don't really know what to do when I need to speak in front of people. To be a good speaker is not achieved when you wake up in the morning or when you wish to God. You must undergo a long process in order to be one of them. Speeches are used everywhere and it's part of our daily basis.
I want to express my thoughts and ideas in english easily but I don't know where to start. I am not a good speaker and I always get stuttered when I speak. To be a good speaker is a long due process and I hope I can surpass every step of the way to achieve my optimum goal.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 5 - Syllogisms Fallacies
Syllogism is a logic argument consists of two premises with one conclusion. Logic aren't just having tricky questions or sentences, it could be used in arguments and it has 5 rules. Each rules has different explanations and it's used to prevent fallacies in every propositions. In every propositions, we should've only three terms. Minor premise should support the major premise to have a valid conclusion. I learned that the words or sentences we're using can fall under arguments of fallacies without noticing it. "Why would I trust you if you're a liar?" This sentence is one of an example of logical fallacies specifically the Argumentum ad Hominem and we usually say this line to someone we hated or betrayed us. We should learn to analyze each of it in order to understand the different terms in syllogisms facilely.
We had our first quiz last Monday and our professor taught us to practice our listening skills. It's a little bit too hard for me because I can't understand some of the words due to the pronunciation of the speaker. We should focus and listen very carefully to answer the things that we needed to answer. I don't really know if my answers were correct, but I'm happy because It's my first time to experienced that kind of listening skills activity.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 4
A debate is a kind of discussion or defending on what you believe in. For me, it can also called as an argument. Defending a particular topic has its method, structure, and patterns. As a defender, you must have proofs, evidences, and supporting details to your topic. It must be true, valid ,and acceptable. Debate isn't only for lawyers. It also occurs in schools, meetings, and inside of your house. Liars are not allowed inside the court, but some defenders are breaking that rule in order to win the case. An english speaker must have a confidence to explain what he wants to say and express. It can benefits us in expressing our opinions toward others. Enhancing our own ideas, thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs. You must be true to yourself and keep doing on what is right.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 3
Grade 11 Graham bell had a group presentation with different topics last Monday. We showcased our talents through acting and throwing some of our dialogues. Speech isn't just about long paragraphs or essays; it can also be a simple conversation with others. Of course, we're not yet familiarized in speaking our second language fluently but we can improve ourselves by practicing it more often. We should learn to speak in English when we're talking to our family or friends because it's one of the step in enhancing our way of speaking. The activity helps us to boost our confidence. It's always been a nerve-cracking when you're speaking in front of many people. We must believe in ourselves that we can do a specific task because if we do not, who else will? Every move you make will always start within yourself. So stay focus and keep moving.
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marvinnedg · 7 years
Blog entry no. 2
Have you experienced expressing your thoughts or ideas with incorrect grammars? Yes, i experienced it a lot of times too. Well last week, I've learned the basic sentence techniques to improve myself in oral communicating. I was able to tackled it when I was in my 7th grade but I did not pay attention to my teacher before. My professor explained the topic clearly. I admit I wasn't good in making my own sentences but I'll do my best to be better. I can easily make my own by using sentence patterns, phrases, clauses and the different types of sentences. I will apply it to myself one step at a time and I hope that it will help me to amend my skills in writing literatures.
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