marzley · 6 months
really excited to see q!springduo interact so i can find out if they're best friends or mortal enemies or long lost siblings or a secret fourth thing . bc u can never know with them
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marzley · 8 months
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some old star wars art for may the fourth
[id in alt]
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marzley · 8 months
Here is a reading list of pieces about Palestinian Resistance curated by the Popular University and the Palestinian Youth Committee
In the introductory they say,
"We believe that education must be wielded in service of struggle."
If you're from a Western Country, the US especially. I urge you to look into this document. Pick out a few resources, read them, then SHARE THEM with your circle. There are English texts, and Arabic ones you can translate. It's no secret our education system is flawed, but especially when it comes to the history of the US' involvement in the Middle East it is purposely flawed.
The control of information and the viewpoint we've been taught is the foundation that western media builds it's propaganda on. It relies on us not to seek further that what we've been told, so inorder to combat it we must do just that.
If you're in academia, prompt your teachers to talk about Palestine. You could send them this list. But above all, do not be afraid to correct them if they're wrong, and if what they're teaching is bias. Do not let them get away with calling this anything but what it is is; a genocide. This goes for any social groups, and environments right now.
I know a lot of people who follow me are young, highschool or college age. Know that if you do not have financial means to help Palestine this is how you can, not just by sharing information online but the folks in your community who are disconnected and rely on broadcasted media. As the PYC said, it is a service, and a great start for you to follow other paths of educating, and aiding Palestine.
If you are financially able,
This is a Site Constructed with a growing list of Organizations and Relief Funds for Palestinians
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marzley · 8 months
the . The !!!!!! yeah .
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marzley · 9 months
condolences and death; a sunshipduo fan au
created by @kawabeloved @marzley and @gardentoms
s!guqqie is the eldest daughter of seven to the king and queen of merfolk. she loves all her sisters dearly and often lets herself be pushed into their shadow. on her 18th birthday guqqie, as the royal firstborn, must complete a historic tradition to prove she is worthy to inherit the throne. the oldest sibling must kill the youngest. but she refuses and is banished to a frozen ocean where time moves differently.
s!aimsey is the youngest child of a wealthy and successful family. each of their siblings names are known around the world for a variety of different accomplishments. aimsey isnt like them even if he wants to be. his parents and siblings didn’t think he had what it takes. she wants to sail the world and adventure alongside her best friend and first mate s!michela. so he does. one morning the two pack what he can, buy a boat, and set sail.
guqqie makes a home for herself in the ruins of an abandoned sea temple. she’s completely alone for 4 years.
aimsey and michela travel for 4 years. they make friends, faced enemies, camped on beaches beneath the stars, drank, and even placed bets on who would perish from the adventures first. or at least they did until a sudden storm in the middle of frozen waters crashed their ship.
after michela gained consciousness she searched for her friend day after day after day. it had been a month until michela and the mysteriously undamaged ship return home to ask aimseys family for assistance in finding xem.
guqqie didn’t know if it was curiosity, stupidity, or loneliness that caused her to investigate the crash. but after pulling a mysterious two tailed(?) creature ashore she realized it was a mix of all three.
when aimsey woke she immediately started searching for michela. she was no where to be found and their ship had lodged itself halfway into an iceberg.
guqqie hesitantly introduces themself to aimsey and asks him “what are you?”
“uh,” he stutters out, “a human? what the hell are you?!”
then it clicks for her. “a human. i-i’ve never seen a human before. merfolk prefer the deep ocean anyway but occasionally travelers would return with stories about the ones with nets. because of the whole war with the guardians we decided to just leave them alone, this is amazing!”
“wait, mermaids?“ he steps closer to the water and guqqie splashes her tail. it reflects a multitude of silver, purple, and blue hues.
“holy shit. you’re a mermaid.”
the two continue talking and their conversations flow in such a natural way. aimsey talks about michela and his shipwreck. he needs to rebuild his ship and find her but they don’t mind spending a little time with the pink haired mermaid. the pit stop would give him plenty to write about in their adventure log. guqqie doesn’t really understand why aimsey is so desperate to find their friend but she doesn’t question it at first.
on day two guqqie helps search for supplies to fix aimseys boat with. while at work aimsey takes the opportunity to learn more about merfolk.
“so the other day you mentioned a war.”
“mhm. merfolk and the guardians have been at war since I was a child. it’s been so long I think both sides don’t even remember what their fighting about anymore. the temple-“
“hold on, did you say guardians? man I haven’t heard that name in forever.”
“what do you mean?”
“those things are fucking ancient. went extinct like 30 thousand years ago.”
guqqie went silent. she had been here four years. it wasn’t possible for guardians to be extinct before she even arrived. unless time moved slower here…
she wasn’t a fool. over the next couple of days guqqie began asking aimsey just as many, if not more, questions about his home. specifically the past.
after a full week they share the first kiss. aimsey continues to write in her adventure log and work on the ship.
"what's your greatest wish?" s!guqqie asks one night as s!aimsey works on fixing his boat, s!guqqie keeping him company into the late hours.
s!aimsey laughs. "i'm a sailor, darling. i've told you this already."
"that's not what i meant," s!guqqie frowns, tail fluttering in the low tide. "i didn't ask what you Are, i asked what you wish. what's the one thing you've always wanted?"
s!aimsey's teasing grin falls away as he pauses, his brow furrowed in thought. "i guess what i want most of all-" he finally says. "- is to be remembered. to feel like my time here meant something, yknow?"
s!guqqie frowns. "i remember you. isn't that enough?"
s!aimsey laughs again and presses a kiss to s!guqqie's temple. "of course, darling. what else could i need?" (italics above written by kawa @kawabeloved)
“i bet michela’s lookin’ for me,” s!aimsey remarks, “i should find a way out of here so i can tell her i’m alright.”
it’s been a few weeks since he’d become stranded in s!guqqie’s temple - for the two of them, at least. but time passes differently here, and the siren knows it.
“i- i don’t know if that’s a good idea,” s!guqqie replies, warily.
s!aimsey’s brows furrow. “the ship seems to be in much better state, guq. people are probably wond’rin where i am.”
“i just…” the siren begins, “i don’t know if you’ll like what you find.”
“what?” the sailor asks, a pit growing in her stomach. “what do you mean?”
“time is strange here,” guqqie explains. “a short time in here, in my temple, is much longer out there.”
“what?!” aimsey splutters, “why didn’t you tell me that before?”
“i- i didn’t think it mattered!” guqqie exclaims
“things like that don’t matter to me, to my people. so i- i thought it would be okay, at first. sirens live forever. time isn’t of any concern to us. but you’ve told me so much about humans…” the girl trails off, unable to meet the sailor’s eyes.
silence weighs heavy on them.
aimsey grits his teeth, shaking with sadness and anger and grief and regret. “you thought it would be okay?” he all but snarls accusatorially, “you didn’t care to ask? didn’t care to tell me? did you do it on purpose, because you didn’t want me to leave?!”
“no,” aimsey interrupts, tone dark and biting. “no, no. you did it on purpose. you couldn’t stand bein’ lonely in your little temple anymore with no one to care about you and nowhere to belong. you wanted me to be trapped here with you forever, didn’t you?”
guqqie trembles.
“no,” she breathes, “no, aimsey, i never meant to hurt you i promi—”
“well it’s a little late for that!” aimsey snaps. “what are you going to do now, force me to stay?”
a part of guqqie breaks when they hear those words.
“no,” she croaks. “i would never do that to you.”
all aimsey does is laugh, bitterly. “might as well,” he replies, “you’ve already done enough.”
“aimsey, i-” guqqie calls, but aimsey has already walked away. (italics above written by lua @gardentoms)
the sailor returns home. the first grave he finds is his mothers. next to her in the rest of his family including generations he would never know. he also found michela’s grave. deep down he knew she spent the remainder of her life looking for him.
the mermaid waits on the very iceberg her lover crashed. she was so terrified of aimsey leaving so she erased that option. and now he's left her forever. maybe her real punishment wasn’t being alone but rather being without him.
after learning everyone he loved, expect for guqqie, had died aimsey didn’t know what to do. he couldn’t stay but he couldn’t go back to guqqie. he wouldn’t be able to face her. he writes his final journal entry, grabs a bottle of whiskey, finds a cave, and waits as he withers away.
guqqie i’m still on the iceberg. she’d be there the rest of her immoral life staring west as the horizon. the direction she last saw his boat. west, where day after eternal day she watches their sun settle over the water.
sirens and sailors were a cautionary tale that everyone knew.
their song lures you in, so beautiful that you are unable to turn away. so beautiful it’s deadly. but if you listened close enough you’d realize the melancholy medley wasn’t actually singing…it was sobbing.
it’s not a song that lures you in, it’s the story behind each wail. the sound fills sailors ears with unbearable sadness that they all end up jumping overboard.
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marzley · 9 months
i have been told to watch this so here we go
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marzley · 9 months
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It's all about the memories ♥︎🌷
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marzley · 9 months
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marzley · 10 months
hey gamers! i've seen that this upcoming MCC is unfortunately landing on the same day as the jewish holiday 'rosh hashanah', which beings the start of the jewish new year to the jewish gamers who watch me and have been left feeling like their thoughts arent being heard, trust me, they are! you are completely valid, and i want to make it as easy for you gamers as possible. with that being said, so that youre still able to be apart of this MCC, i was thinking of hosting an MCC watch party the following week so we can relive the fun and festivities and so it's a way you're not missing out on anything! see you then gamers, and a happy early shanah tovah to you all! <3
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marzley · 10 months
aimsey as pinocchio ~ mcyt/streamers as fairytales
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marzley · 10 months
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“…what the fuck is this?”
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marzley · 10 months
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glowduo :>
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marzley · 10 months
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au!aimsey despite only knowing u for 2 streams ur my everything (<- cried when aimsey ooc said he was genderqueer bc im genderqueer too)
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marzley · 10 months
there’s a lot more outfits in this thread but i’ll put my favorites
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reblog with outfit inspiration for au aimsey season two
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marzley · 10 months
the stories being told on area unknown are so important, man. stories of identity and of grief and of learning to love and be loved and learning to be vulnerable and learning to trust and making mistakes and trying to fix them and of family trauma and hating the skin you’re stuck in and of learning to make friends and learning that it’s okay to let other people in and rely on them and of creating a family and being okay with putting down roots and of promises and of friendship and of the hubris that comes with discovery and of the love still being there despite the tragedy and of healing and just. queer love and celebration. queer joy. trans allegories. trying to be better. trying. trying and trying and not giving up and letting other people be there beside you as you keep on trying.
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marzley · 10 months
area unknown scott aimsey lore recap 
for a bit of backstory, aimsey was always seen as “too human” to fit into the demon realm social hierachy, always being told they are “not demon enough” by everyone in the family, due to the fact scott created impossible standards that aimsey could never achieve because well, aimsey didnt want to be anything like scott. aimsey never wanted to be this “demon”, this title that was bestowed upon him. it never fitted him, as all aimsey wanted, and still wants, is to live life and grow old and fall in love. scott was everything that a demon should be, but aimsey wanted nothing to do with it. scott enters the town on search for his little brother (aimsey), and the pair are both demons from the demon realm (nether.) there is an obvious upset as aimsey reacts negatively to seeing scott join the server. aimsey meets up with scott, questions his intentions of being here, and scott explains he was just “worried” and wants to see what aimsey was up to considering aimsey left. aimsey, wanting to impress their older brother, takes scott around the town and in means to impress aimsey lies to scott about everyone in the town “being his minions” and how he is the “ruler” of said town. they walk around, scott making obvious digs and having aimsey do things they do not want to do (ex. killing someones pet, setting stuff on fire.. etc..), until they reach guqqies house. at this point, it was obvious aimsey had a crush on guqqie but it wasnt outspoken. scott, being the older brother, knew this by the way aimsey defended guqqie immediately and begged scott not to go near the house or do anything to it
next time they met up, scott was with guqqie. going against everything aimsey asked, aimsey confronts scott and explains that he just wants something that is finally his. after a very sad monologue, aimsey just asks scott to leave and scott explains he cant do that, and he laughs in aimseys face about how his crush on guqqie is hilarious as well as how aimsey cant keep running away from their own problems and has to stand up for once. aimsey cries, begging scott to just leave, but alas scott doesnt because what fun would that bring if scott didnt make his younger brothers life a living hell? we find out through a conversation between eloise and aimsey that the reason aimsey is afraid of water isnt because of aimsey being a demon and thus preferring lava, but instead its due to when aimsey and scott were younger, scott took aimseys first life through drowning her until he passed out. aimsey didnt know he had multiple lives, but when he awoke the next morning, scott was praised because that sort of behaviour was applauded in the family, whereas aimsey not wanting to feed into it was the sole reason she left in the first place. scott always hated this about aimsey, seeing aimsey as “too weak” to be apart of the family, and even too weak to be his own brother.  scott starts messing with the town, getting under aimseys skin completely, until aimsey decides to speak with eloise and the two create an entire plan to “take down scott”. the plan hasnt been sort through yet, however the pair being the “detective duo” have managed to source an end portal and some more information about immortality, and the way in which you can fiddle with that and erase it.  since then, aimsey has been preoccupied with her relationship with guqqie, going on dates and exploring that relationship further, until one day guqqie was possessed by “who knows what”, which resulted in an argument between the pair, and even finished with aimsey losing his horn due to being brutally beat up until passing out. now, aimsey has been through the wars, fighting with michela over how closed off aimsey has been, not speaking with guqqie, and aimsey doesnt really know what to do from here. they wish they were angry, they wish they could scream and hold onto this anger that they should be feeling, but they are just defeated.  we currently dont know what scott has been up to, having making friends with the towns poltergeist named owen, he has been busy behind the scenes. 
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marzley · 10 months
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Quick rachel amber painting!!
Please check out my other life is strange art and follow to see more!
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